Mexican paella with chicken and seafood. Paella with chicken and seafood - a classic Spanish recipe with photos of preparation. How to cook paella with smoked meat and seafood

Today we will get acquainted with the national Spanish dish - Paella. This is a rice dish with olive oil, in which the rice is lightly colored with saffron. Various ingredients are added to rice: vegetables, chicken or seafood. The name of this delicious dish comes from the Latin word - patella, which means frying pan. In total there are more than 300 variations of recipes for this dish. Paella even comes with beans. Well, today we will prepare a version close to the classic recipe - Paella with chicken and seafood.

Paella recipe with chicken and seafood

Required Products:

1 small domestic chicken

1 red pepper

400 g of various seafood (shrimp, mussels, crabs, squid)

one onion

200 g rice

4 cloves garlic

95 g green peas

410 ml broth, preferably chicken broth

145 g ham

3 g saffron

curly parsley

vegetable oil

one lemon

black pepper, salt

Cooking delicious Paella

1. Cut the chicken into small pieces. Chop the onion into even slices, pepper into small squares, and chop the garlic using a knife or garlic press.

2.Rinse the rice well.

3.Cut the ham into thin slices.

4. Heat 25 ml of vegetable oil in a frying pan with a thick bottom and fry the chicken in it over low heat for 4 or 5 minutes. If on strong, then 3 minutes, until it turns pink on all sides.

5.Remove the chicken pieces from the frying pan and let the fat drain off.

6.In the fat remaining in the pan, simmer the pepper and parsley for 1 minute.

7. In another bowl, heat another 22 ml of vegetable oil and fry the garlic and onion over medium heat for 2, maximum 2.5 minutes, stirring it with a wooden spatula.

8.Then add rice, saffron and broth to the onion, preferably chicken broth. Let's boil. After the broth has boiled, add the fried and drained chicken pieces, reduce the heat, cover the pan with a lid and leave to simmer over low heat for about 11 minutes.

9.Afterwards, add green peas, seafood, ham, a mixture of pepper and parsley and a little salt. Stir and leave the dish to simmer over low heat for another ten minutes.

10. Just before serving the dish, decorate it with lemon slices. Paella with chicken and seafood is ready! Bon appetit!

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I tried paella for the first time last year while on vacation in Spain. I don’t know why I never cooked it before, I probably thought that rice was best cooked in the form of pilaf (since I was born and raised in Central Asia).

I used to think that paella was a rather difficult dish to prepare. When I returned home, I found several paella recipes on the Internet and decided that I needed to learn how to cook this dish.

I simplified the recipe a little, but the taste did not suffer at all - this is exactly how I tasted this dish in sunny Spain.

The only difference is that as seafood I used those that were currently in my refrigerator (unlike the Spaniards, who always cook paella with king prawns).

I had frozen peeled mussels and cuttlefish - I used them in cooking.

To prepare the dish you need (for 3-4 servings):

Short grain rice - 2 tea mugs ~200 g
1 chicken breast or fillet - approximately 200 g
seafood - 400 g (this can be individually or in a mixture of shrimp, mussels, squid, cuttlefish, i.e., a seafood cocktail)
onion - 2 large heads
bell pepper - 1 piece
tomatoes - 2 pcs.
white wine – 100 g
garlic - 3-4 cloves
olive oil (you can also use sunflower oil, but paella turns out much tastier with olive oil).
salt, saffron

Cooking time - about 1 hour
Difficulty - medium

To cook paella, you need a wide frying pan with sides of 7-8 cm - I have a frying pan with a diameter of 28 cm.

Cut the chicken meat into small pieces and fry in olive oil in a wide frying pan.

After frying, put it in a separate bowl.

In the same frying pan, adding more oil if necessary, add finely chopped onion and garlic to fry.

I had frozen seafood, so I first defrosted it in the microwave.

Tip: if you use peeled mussels, look through each one, as some may have hairs with small pieces of shells sticking out - they need to be removed, otherwise they will squeak on your teeth like sand.

I cut the cuttlefish into small pieces.

I then placed the seafood in a separate pan and heated it until there was still more water left, which I drained. After which I added white wine to the seafood and simmered it for several minutes until almost all of the wine had evaporated (when the wine had evaporated, I turned off the gas and left the pan with seafood aside for now).

I cut the bell peppers and tomatoes into small cubes and added the stew to the onion for 7-10 minutes, stirring constantly.

I washed the rice in several waters until the water became clear, added it to the fried vegetables, fried it with the vegetables for a couple of minutes, then added chicken and stirred.

I sprinkled saffron on top, poured in water (preferably boiling water right away) at the rate of 1.3 - 1.5 parts of water to 1 part of rice (i.e., in my case it was about 2.7 - 3 cups of water).

Add salt to taste. Placed seafood on top.

I let it boil, lowered the heat, covered it with a lid and left it to simmer for about 15-20 minutes until the rice was completely cooked.

The dish turned out very tasty - the fluffy rice was saturated with the taste of chicken and seafood and turned golden from the saffron!

Bon appetit!

I tried paella for the first time last year while on vacation in Spain. Why I never cooked it before - I don’t know, I probably thought that rice was best cooked in the form of pilaf (since I was born and raised in Central Asia).

To prepare the dish you need (for 3-4 servings):

1 chicken breast or fillet - approximately 200 g

seafood - 400 g (this can be individually or in a mixture of shrimp, mussels, squid, cuttlefish, i.e., a seafood cocktail)

onion – 2 large heads

bell pepper - 1 piece

white wine - 100 gr

garlic – 3-4 cloves

olive oil (you can also use sunflower oil, but paella turns out much tastier with olive oil).

After frying, put it in a separate bowl.

I had frozen seafood, so I first defrosted it in the microwave.

I then placed the seafood in a separate pan and heated it until there was still more water left, which I drained. After which I added white wine to the seafood and simmered it for several minutes until almost all of the wine had evaporated (when the wine had evaporated, I turned off the gas and left the pan with seafood aside for now).

I cut the bell peppers and tomatoes into small cubes and added the stew to the onion for 7-10 minutes, stirring constantly.

I washed the rice in several waters until the water became clear, added it to the fried vegetables, fried it with the vegetables for a couple of minutes, then added chicken and stirred.

I sprinkled saffron on top, poured in water (preferably boiling water right away) at the rate of 1.3 - 1.5 parts of water to 1 part of rice (i.e., in my case it was about 2.7 - 3 cups of water).

I let it boil, lowered the heat, covered it with a lid and left it to simmer for about 15-20 minutes until the rice was completely cooked.

The dish turned out very tasty - the fluffy rice was saturated with the taste of chicken and seafood and turned golden from the saffron!

A wonderful dish called paella belongs to traditional Spanish cuisine. You can prepare it in different ways. We will look at a recipe for Spanish paella with chicken and seafood with photos.

Cooking Spanish paella with chicken and seafood

To prepare Spanish paella, we need a large frying pan or saucepan. Shellfish are not a necessary ingredient in paella. However, it is still better to use them, as they help improve the taste of the dish.

  • ¼ cup olive oil
  • 3 chicken breasts
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • ¼ teaspoon ground black pepper
  • 1 large onion
  • 1 green bell pepper
  • 4 cloves garlic
  • 2 teaspoons paprika
  • 1 teaspoon dried thyme
  • 450 grams of shrimp
  • 2 cups rice
  • 1 cup crushed tomatoes
  • 5 cups chicken broth
  • ½ teaspoon saffron
  • 1 cup beans
  • ½ red bell pepper
  • ¼ cup chopped parsley
  • 12 clams in shell
  • Lemon
  • Green onions.

To prepare the Spanish dish paella, take a large frying pan. Heat 3 tablespoons of olive oil in it over medium heat. Add chicken, cut into fairly small pieces. Fry for 3 – 4 minutes on each side until golden brown.

Remove the chicken from the pan and season with salt and pepper.

Add chopped onions and green bell peppers to the same frying pan. Fry for 2 minutes. Next add finely chopped garlic. Season with paprika and thyme. Fry for 1 minute. Now it's time to add the shrimp. Fry the shrimp until they turn pink. The main thing here is not to overdo it. Otherwise, our Spanish paella with chicken and seafood will turn out quite tough.

Following the shrimp, add rice to the pan. Fry the paella, stirring, for 2 - 3 minutes. Then add the tomatoes. Mix well. Season with saffron. Fill the paella with chicken broth. Bring to a boil. Cook for 2 minutes, reducing heat.

After the specified time has passed, return the chicken to the pan. Chicken paella is prepared in 15 minutes. Then add beans, red pepper and shellfish. Cook the paella for another 10 minutes.

Spanish paella should be served hot, first sprinkled with chopped parsley and green onions, and garnished with lemon slices.

Paella is quite capable of serving as a hearty lunch. If you are preparing, for example, a festive table, then try adding other dishes to the menu, for example, dolma in grape leaves or potato gratin. In this case, all your guests will highly appreciate your unusual table and excellent culinary skills.

Paella with chicken and seafood

Spanish national cuisine has many very tasty and colorful dishes, but paella with chicken and seafood, in my opinion, is the most interesting dish, so let's cook it today.


  • Short grain rice 400 grams
  • Chicken fillet 250 grams
  • Seafood 400 grams
  • Onions 2 pieces
  • Bell pepper 1 piece
  • Tomato 2 pieces
  • Dry white wine 100 grams
  • Garlic 3-4 cloves
  • Water 500-550 Milliliters
  • Saffron 0.5 teaspoons
  • Ground black pepper To taste
  • Salt To taste

Pour olive oil into a frying pan and heat thoroughly. Cut the fillet into small pieces and fry until golden brown, then transfer to a bowl.

Now cut the onion into small cubes and chop the garlic, then fry everything in a frying pan until golden brown.

Thaw the seafood and, if necessary, cut into smaller pieces.

Place the seafood in a separate frying pan and fry until the excess liquid has evaporated. Then add wine and simmer the seafood until the wine has completely evaporated.

Now cut the tomatoes and bell peppers into cubes and place them in a frying pan with the onions and garlic. Fry everything together for about 7-10 minutes over medium heat.

Add the rice, washed several times, continue to fry for two minutes, and then add the chicken.

Pour in water (preferably boiling water), salt, sprinkle with ground pepper and saffron, and place seafood on the rice.

When the liquid boils, cover the pan with a lid, reduce the heat and simmer for 15-20 minutes until the rice is completely cooked.

Place the finished paella on plates and serve. Bon appetit!

Classic paella recipe with seafood

Sunny Spain is famous all over the world not only for bullfighting, conquistadors and flamenco, but also for its unique cuisine, the dishes of which once you taste them, you will no longer be able to refuse moments of true pleasure.

Paella is rightly called the pinnacle of Spanish culinary art - such a simple and delicious rice dish with various additions.

In Spain, there are more than 300 types of this dish, which have one common part - rice with saffron, sea salt and olive oil.

The most common types of paella are:

  • mixed paella is the traditional option most often offered to tourists in Spain; such a dish leaves room for the cook’s imagination; everyone can create their own paella based on classic recipes;
  • Paella Valenciana is made from white rice, green vegetables, rabbit meat, snails and beans;
  • seafood paella does not contain vegetables and beans, but is replete with various seafood delicacies.

    Choosing products for a healthy meal

    The basis of classic paella is rice with spices with the addition of chicken and seafood.

    All of the following can easily be classified as healthy and nutritious food:

    • rice is a recognized leader in the amount of carbohydrates and minerals, and is also considered a natural absorbent;
  • chicken meat has an ideal combination of nutrients (23% protein and 4.1% fat), suitable for an active person, and the B vitamins it contains are necessary for any body;
  • seafood is rich in polyunsaturated acids, but at the same time has a low calorie content - from 60 to 120 kcal.

    The total calorie content of 100 grams of the finished dish is 78 kcal, so it can be considered a healthy and at the same time quite light dish that is also suitable for those on a diet.

    When choosing products for this dish, you need to pay attention to freshness, for chicken and seafood in particular.

    The best rice for a proper paella is rice from the Valencian varieties of bahia, bomba or calasparra: such rice will not boil over, will not stick together, but will remain crumbly and juicy. But any non-parboiled round rice can be used.

    ADVICE! Remember, paella rice does not need to be rinsed!

    Any chicken can be used for this dish.

    Since in addition to the meat itself, you will also need chicken broth for cooking, many housewives prefer to take a whole chicken, cutting it up as it cooks.

    Seafood must be fresh - frozen ones lose some of their taste.

    Cooking paella: detailed recipe

    We bring to your attention a detailed video recipe on how to prepare paella with chicken and seafood. Enjoy watching!

    The classic recipe for paella with chicken and seafood “Valenciana” will require the housewife to use a heavy, deep frying pan with a thick bottom - this is the kind of utensil that will help create the right temperature for cooking the dish.

    1. Garlic should be fried in olive oil until golden brown, then chicken pieces are fried in the same oil (chopped with bones are allowed);
  • Vegetables are added to the meat: green and white beans, finely chopped tomato;
  • After adding snails to the paellera, add spices - saffron, rosemary and sea salt, pour in 1 liter of broth and simmer for 15 minutes;
  • After half the liquid has evaporated, add rice: cook it for 10 minutes on high heat and 7 on low. After this, let the dish sit for about five minutes and serve with lemon slices.

    A dish adapted for our latitudes will differ from the original, but will not lose its uniqueness and amazing taste.

    1. Fry chicken meat (fillet or other pieces without bones and skin) over low heat in oil;
  • Finely chopped onions and garlic are fried until golden brown, after which small cubes of sweet pepper and tomatoes are added;
  • Cleaned and chopped seafood is lightly stewed with white wine until the liquid evaporates;
  • Rice is added to the vegetables in the main frying pan with high sides, the resulting mixture is fried for several minutes, then the meat is added;
  • Before rice with vegetables and chicken is poured with boiling water (in a ratio of 1.5 to 1), spices should be added: saffron and sea salt. Seafood is laid out on top;
  • The dish simmers under the lid, after boiling, for at least half an hour. Readiness should be checked by the rice - it should remain crumbly, but not “al dente” (raw).

    What do you need to know to cook the right paella?

    Advice from chefs and experienced housewives will help you prepare real delicious paella:

    • The optimal utensil for preparing paella will be a low, wide frying pan - assuming that the permissible layer of rice in the utensil is 2 cm;
  • A frying pan that is slightly burnt at the bottom indicates that the paella has been cooked correctly: to do this, before the end of cooking, turn on the heat under the frying pan for a minute;
  • The highlight of paella should be saffron, but since this spice is quite expensive and rare, you can replace it with curry;
  • If you use frozen seafood, then before starting cooking, defrost them gently and dry;
  • Paella should not be disturbed: neither at the cooking stage, nor before serving - the whole point of the dish is that the products independently choose their place;
  • Shrimp, like mussels, are cooked in their original form: they should be cleaned immediately before use.

    In this article. A healthy nutrition menu for the week has been posted. Eat right!

    Lose 30 kg in 2 weeks! Diet for the laziest.

    Sunny Spain is famous all over the world not only for bullfighting, conquistadors and flamenco, but also for its unique cuisine, the dishes of which once you taste them, you will no longer be able to refuse moments of true pleasure.

    Paella is rightly called the pinnacle of Spanish culinary art - such a simple and delicious rice dish with various additions.

    In Spain, there are more than 300 types of this dish, which have one common part - rice with saffron, sea salt and olive oil.

    The most common types of paella are:

    • mixed paella- this is a traditional option, most often offered to tourists in Spain; such a dish leaves room for the cook’s imagination; everyone can create their own paella based on classic recipes;
  • paella valenciana prepared from white rice, green vegetables, rabbit meat, snails and beans;
  • paella with seafood does not contain vegetables and beans, but is replete with various seafood delicacies.
  • Choosing products for a healthy meal

    The basis of classic paella is rice with spices with the addition of chicken and seafood.

    All of the following can easily be classified as healthy and nutritious food:

    • rice is a recognized leader in the amount of carbohydrates and minerals, and is also considered a natural absorbent;
  • chicken meat has an ideal combination of nutrients (23% protein and 4.1% fat), suitable for an active person, and the B vitamins it contains are necessary for any body;

    The total calorie content of 100 grams of the finished dish is 78 kcal, so it can be considered a healthy and at the same time quite light dish that is also suitable for those on a diet.

    The best rice for a proper paella is rice from the Valencian varieties of bahia, bomba or calasparra: such rice will not boil over, will not stick together, but will remain crumbly and juicy. But any non-parboiled round rice can be used.

    ADVICE! Remember, paella rice does not need to be rinsed!

    Any chicken can be used for this dish.

    Since in addition to the meat itself, you will also need chicken broth for cooking, many housewives prefer to take a whole chicken, cutting it up as it cooks.

    Seafood must be fresh - frozen ones lose some of their taste.

    Cooking paella: detailed recipe

    We bring to your attention a detailed video recipe on how to prepare paella with chicken and seafood. Enjoy watching!

    Classic recipe paella with chicken and seafood “Valenciana” will require the housewife to have a heavy, deep frying pan with a thick bottom - this is the kind of utensil that will help create the right temperature for cooking the dish.

    1. Garlic should be fried in olive oil until golden brown, then chicken pieces are fried in the same oil (chopped with bones are allowed);
  • After adding snails to the paellera, add spices - saffron, rosemary and sea salt, pour in 1 liter of broth and simmer for 15 minutes;
  • After half the liquid has evaporated, add rice: cook it for 10 minutes on high heat and 7 on low. After this, let the dish sit for about five minutes and serve with lemon slices.
    1. Fry chicken meat (fillet or other pieces without bones and skin) over low heat in oil;
  • Finely chopped onions and garlic are fried until golden brown, after which small cubes of sweet pepper and tomatoes are added;
  • Cleaned and chopped seafood is lightly stewed with white wine until the liquid evaporates;
  • Rice is added to the vegetables in the main frying pan with high sides, the resulting mixture is fried for several minutes, then the meat is added;
  • Before rice with vegetables and chicken is poured with boiling water (in a ratio of 1.5 to 1), spices should be added: saffron and sea salt. Seafood is laid out on top;
  • The dish simmers under the lid, after boiling, for at least half an hour. Readiness should be checked by the rice - it should remain crumbly, but not “al dente” (raw).
  • What do you need to know to cook the right paella?

    Advice from chefs and experienced housewives will help you prepare real delicious paella:

    • The optimal utensil for preparing paella will be a low, wide frying pan - assuming that the permissible layer of rice in the utensil is 2 cm;
  • A frying pan that is slightly burnt at the bottom indicates that the paella has been cooked correctly: to do this, before the end of cooking, turn on the heat under the frying pan for a minute;
  • The highlight of paella should be saffron, but since this spice is quite expensive and rare, you can replace it with curry;
  • If you use frozen seafood, then before starting cooking, defrost them gently and dry;
  • Paella should not be disturbed: neither at the cooking stage, nor before serving - the whole point of the dish is that the products independently choose their place;
  • Shrimp, like mussels, are cooked in their original form: they should be cleaned immediately before use.
  • This article contains a version of the healthy nutrition menu for the week. Eat right!

    Delicious recipes

    Cooking with eda offline

    Spanish paella with seafood and chicken

    Paella is a traditional Spanish dish that is prepared in a variety of variations. I suggest trying the Valencian version - with seafood and chicken. The Spaniards love to make this dish of rice with mussels, shrimp and squid right in nature, using the open fire of a fire. The coals give it a unique taste and aroma. In this recipe, I will be happy to share my experience and tell you how to prepare paella with seafood and chicken at home. Step-by-step photos will demonstrate the main stages of preparing a classic dish of Spanish cuisine.

    • rice – 1 glass;
    • water - three times more than rice;
    • seafood – 150 gr;
    • dry wine – 100 g;
    • chicken fillet – 100 g;
    • tomato – 1 pc.;
    • bell pepper – 1/2 pcs.;
    • onion – 1 pc.;
    • green peas – 50 g;
    • garlic;
    • saffron – 5 g;
    • paprika – 5 g;
    • bay leaf;
    • black pepper

    How to prepare paella with seafood and chicken

    We put a deep frying pan on the fire with vegetable oil, of which you need to pour a lot. Crush the garlic with the back of a knife and chop finely.

    Finely chop the onion. Shallots, which have a more delicate taste, are considered ideal for paella. Although spring onions are also good.

    Add garlic and onion to the pan. It is important to add the remaining vegetables quickly so that the garlic does not start to burn.

    Chop the pepper and add to the oil. Red or yellow peppers will add a sweetish taste to the dish, while green ones will make it more piquant.

    Add four tablespoons of fresh or frozen green peas. Finely chop the chicken fillet into cubes and add to the vegetables.

    Season with saffron, sweet paprika, bay leaf, salt and pepper to taste. Spices need to be added to the oil so that they open up, so the taste of the rice will be more intense.

    Finely chop the tomato and add it to the vegetables. If you don’t have fresh ones, you can replace them with canned tomatoes in their own juice.


    When the tomatoes have softened, add the wine.

    Once the sauce comes to a boil, it's time to add the rice. It is advisable to use varieties with a low starch content so that the paella is crumbly.

    Thoroughly stir the contents of the pan so that the rice is completely combined with the sauce and add exactly 3 times more water than rice. The heat should be as high as possible so that the rice turns out fluffy.

    As soon as the water has boiled by half, you need to add seafood and bring the dish to taste with salt. If the wine and tomatoes are too sour, you can add a little sugar.

    The average cooking time for rice is 20 minutes, so the dish cooks very quickly.

    When serving, you need to make sure that the portion includes chicken, mussels, and shrimp.

    In this case, everyone will be able to appreciate the richness of the taste of Spanish paella with seafood.

    As you can see, paella is a traditional Spanish dish that can be prepared at home easily and simply. The ingredients included in the dish can be changed depending on the taste preferences of the eaters and the availability of them in your refrigerator.

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    Paella with chicken and seafood

    Author of the recipe Alexandra Sedova

    Paella- a national Spanish dish, originally from the city of Valencia. Paella made from rice colored with saffron, cooked in a frying pan over an open fire. Actually the word itself Paella means a frying pan in which the dish is not only cooked, but also served to the table. There are a huge number of recipes for preparing this dish: with seafood, chicken, vegetables, even with sausage, as well as mixed paella, which is what we will be preparing. Our paella, of course, is slightly adapted, because... We will cook on a regular stove, serve it in a plate, not in a frying pan, and I use frozen seafood, and not freshly caught in the sea. However, even despite these changes, the dish turns out very tasty.

    To prepare paella, Valencia rice (may also be called Paella) is used - medium-grain rice, its grains are short and thick, it absorbs liquid well, absorbs aromas and does not overcook, remaining crumbly. If you can't find Valencia, use medium grain Risotto or Alborio rice (we used Risotto rice in our recipe). It is not recommended to use long-grain and short-grain varieties of rice in the preparation of this dish.


    1. seafood 800 gr
    2. chicken fillet 400 gr
    3. rice Valencia 400 gr
    4. saffron 1/2 tsp.
    5. tomatoes 1 piece
    6. sweet green pepper 1 piece
    7. green peas 150 gr
    8. onion 1 piece
    9. lemon 1/2 pcs.
    10. turmeric 1/2 tsp.
    11. olive oil


    If you are using frozen seafood, you should defrost it and drain off all the liquid.

    Pour 200 ml of boiling water over the saffron and leave for 15-20 minutes.

    Cut the chicken fillet into small pieces. In a large wide frying pan (in which the paella will be cooked), heat the oil well and fry the chicken over high heat. Place in a separate bowl.

    We also fry seafood here. We post it.

    Finely chop the onion and lightly fry in the same pan until it becomes soft.

    Do not wash the rice for paella. Pour it into the onion and mix well. Cook, stirring, for several minutes.

    Pour water with saffron into the rice, and then add boiling water so that the water is a finger higher than the rice (1.5-2 cm). Reduce heat, add salt, add turmeric and leave to cook for 10 minutes. After you have added water, do not stir the rice.

    While the rice is cooking, wash and cut the tomatoes into small cubes.

    Fry the tomatoes until they become soft. Place tomatoes in rice.

    Wash the pepper, peel and finely cut into cubes.

    Add the peppers and green peas and cook until the water is completely absorbed and the rice is ready.

    When the rice is ready, place the chicken and seafood on top, garnish with lemon slices and let sit for a few more minutes before serving.

    Ready. Bon appetit!

    Paella with chicken and seafood - a classic Spanish recipe with cooking photos

    Paella with chicken and seafood is a surprisingly rich rice dish belonging to Spanish cuisine. Paella is prepared in huge special frying pans with the addition of various ingredients; the color of the dish subtly resembles the Spanish flag and literally evokes a hot summer mood. In addition to rice, the traditional version of this dish includes at least seven different varieties of fish or seafood. Paella also includes chicken and wine.

    A step-by-step recipe for paella with chicken and seafood is presented below with a photo. This recipe will teach you how to make traditional paella with shrimp, squid, mussels and scallops. If you wish, you can easily diversify the list of these products with your favorite ingredients. These spices are a must; it is thanks to them that your paella will be truly Spanish. At home, you can easily prepare this dish in smaller quantities, but be sure to serve it hot and with slices of young lemon. Let's start preparing classic paella with chicken and seafood for dinner.


    Sweet bell pepper

  • Dry white wine

    (2 pcs. 600 g each)

  • Cooking steps

    Peel the onions and cut them into fairly large cubes.

    Take two colors of bell pepper, cut each pepper in half, peel off the insides, then cut into large cubes as shown in the photo.

    Pour the dried fruits into a deep bowl, wash them in warm water, then set them aside to dry.

    We thoroughly wash all seafood. We do the same with chickens. We clean the shrimp and mussels from their shells, we simply clean the squid.

    Chop the chicken carcasses into small pieces, rinse again, dry and salt to taste.

    Heat a small amount of olive oil in a saucepan, place pieces of meat on the bottom, fry on all sides until matte brown. After this, pour the specified amount of water into the saucepan, bring it to a boil and cook the chicken meat until tender for 10 minutes. Level the broth with salt.

    To prepare paella, you need a special frying pan, but if you don’t have one, the one with the largest diameter and very deep will do.

    Heat the olive oil in a frying pan, place chopped onion, bell pepper and peeled cloves of two heads of garlic on its bottom. Fry the ingredients until golden brown.

    Add all the seafood to the pan, chop some of them if necessary so that all ingredients are approximately the same size. Pour the specified amount of white wine into the frying pan, mix the ingredients, and evaporate the liquid.

    We add all the dried fruits to the seafood and vegetables, lightly fry them, and then add the previously boiled chicken. We continue to fry the ingredients. Add turmeric and saffron, check for salt.

    Wash the rice thoroughly in cold water, dry it and then pour it into the pan.

    Mix all the ingredients, pour the chicken broth into the frying pan, and if necessary, add a little more water so that the liquid covers the rice completely and rises a centimeter higher. Simmer the dish over medium heat until all the liquid is absorbed.

    Take a large piece of parchment paper and cover the pan with it, and place a sheet of foil on top. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees in advance and bake rice and seafood in it for 20 minutes.

    Serve the finished dish with lemon slices and fresh herbs. Classic paella with chicken and seafood is ready.

    A wonderful dish called paella belongs to traditional Spanish cuisine. You can prepare it in different ways. We will look at a recipe for Spanish paella with chicken and seafood with photos.

    Cooking Spanish paella with chicken and seafood

    To prepare Spanish paella, we need a large frying pan or saucepan. Shellfish are not a necessary ingredient in paella. However, it is still better to use them, as they help improve the taste of the dish.


    • ¼ cup olive oil
    • 3 chicken breasts
    • ½ teaspoon salt
    • ¼ teaspoon ground black pepper
    • 1 large onion
    • 1 green bell pepper
    • 4 cloves garlic
    • 2 teaspoons paprika
    • 1 teaspoon dried thyme
    • 450 grams of shrimp
    • 2 cups rice
    • 1 cup crushed tomatoes
    • 5 cups chicken broth
    • ½ teaspoon saffron
    • 1 cup beans
    • ½ red bell pepper
    • ¼ cup chopped parsley
    • 12 clams in shell
    • Lemon
    • Green onions.

    Cooking method:

    To prepare the Spanish dish paella, take a large frying pan. Heat 3 tablespoons of olive oil in it over medium heat. Add chicken, cut into fairly small pieces. Fry for 3 – 4 minutes on each side until golden brown.

    Remove the chicken from the pan and season with salt and pepper.

    Add chopped onions and green bell peppers to the same frying pan. Fry for 2 minutes. Next add finely chopped garlic. Season with paprika and thyme. Fry for 1 minute. Now it's time to add the shrimp. Fry the shrimp until they turn pink. The main thing here is not to overdo it. Otherwise, our Spanish paella with chicken and seafood will turn out quite tough.

    Following the shrimp, add rice to the pan. Fry the paella, stirring, for 2 - 3 minutes. Then add the tomatoes. Mix well. Season with saffron. Fill the paella with chicken broth. Bring to a boil. Cook for 2 minutes, reducing heat.

    After the specified time has passed, return the chicken to the pan. Chicken paella is prepared in 15 minutes. Then add beans, red pepper and shellfish. Cook the paella for another 10 minutes.

    Spanish paella should be served hot, first sprinkled with chopped parsley and green onions, and garnished with lemon slices.

    Paella is quite capable of serving as a hearty lunch. If you are preparing, for example, a festive table, then try adding other dishes to the menu, for example, or