How to cook marinated woven for the winter is simple. Marinated Walnings for the Winter - The most delicious cooking recipes

Autumn is a generous time, she generously gifts us with the gifts of the forest. One of the most valuable and loved by many - mushrooms. Sin does not take advantage of the opportunity to prepare mushrooms for the winter. Today we will prepare myself. The simplest thing you can cook from them is to pickle.

Hunting for some fun of one pleasure. They are immediately many, they grow on old birch or close to birch. Beauty!

Marinated Walkers without sterilization

Ingredients :

  • Love - 1 kg


  • water - 1 l
  • acetic Essence - 1 tbsp
  • sugar - 2 tbsp
  • salt - 1 tbsp
  • bay leaf - 4 pcs
  • pepper Polka Dot - 6 pcs
  • carnation - 2 pcs
  • currant sheet - 2 pcs
  • umbrella dill - 1-2 pieces
  • garlic -3 -4 teeth


Fresh whale soak up for 30 minutes in cold water, then they will be easier to go through and clean from forest garbage, leaves and soda.

We rinse with waters in running water, throwing out on the colander so that the water is excessive water.

We are preparing a saucepan for mushrooms.

Pour water in a pan, we put mushrooms into it, and put to boil for 20 to 30 minutes.

When water with mushrooms boils, the foam appeared during cooking must be removed.

Add a little bit of vinegar so that the mushrooms do not blacken.

When all mushrooms are devastated to the bottom of the pan, then they welded.

As soon as mushrooms fall on the bottom, they can be removed. Boiled mushrooms we fold on the colander.

Cooking the marinade, in a clean pan, we pour one liter of water into a clean pan, add all the ingredients for the marinade Sugar - 2 tbsp, salt - 1 tbsp, pepper peas, carnation, curraned sheet, dill. At the end of the marinade, add acetic essence -1 st.

In the finished marinade lay the mushrooms and cook them in the marinade 10 - 15 minutes.

Preparing sterilized banks. Put garlic and ...

When our mushrooms fade into the marinade decide on them with hot 2/3 on sterilized jars and pour marinade in which they were cooked. The way should be fully covered with marinade. We close the lids, and let them cool. You can store mushrooms in the cellar or refrigerator.

Cook with pleasure!

The most delicious pick-up recipe for garlic


  • love - 1 kg
  • garlic - 6 teeth


  • water - 1 l
  • salt large - 2.5 tbsp.
  • sugar - 2 tbsp.
  • vinegar White Wine - 65 ml
  • bay leaf - 4 pcs.
  • carnation - 5 pcs.
  • black peas pepper - 10 pcs.
  • fascinated pepper - 6 pcs.
  • fresh thyme - 4 twigs


Mushrooms need to go through, rinse. Put a saucepan on fire, pour 1 liter of cold water, put mushrooms and cook them 10 minutes.

After cooking, drain the water, rinse mushrooms in cold water.

Preparing marinade. Put in the pan all the ingredients for marinada: salt, bay leaf, black peas pepper, carnation, sugar, thyme and fragrant pepper. Add mushrooms there, pour cold water and put to boil for 10 minutes.

As soon as the mushrooms are welded, we prepare sterilized clean banks and on the bottom of the cans cut peeled and chopped into large slices garlic.

Hot marinade with mushrooms pour into banks. Tighten with covers, they, like banks, must be sterilized. Preparations allow you to completely cool in an inverted state. You can store mushrooms in a dark cool place.

After a day, you can remove the trial of our pickled science.

Bon Appetit!

Simple pickled recipe for winter in jars with cinnamon

Delicious spicy recipe - mushrooms with cinnamon will not leave anyone indifferent at the festive table.


  • walked - 2 kg


  • water - 1 liter
  • black pepper - 6 peasors
  • carnation - 4 pcs
  • cinnamon - 3 pcs (sticks)
  • bay leaf - 3 pcs
  • sugar - 2 tbsp
  • salt - 4 ppm
  • acetic essence - 3 tsp.


  1. Mushrooms, it is necessary to rinse well and clean from saidels and leaves.
  2. Preparing marinade. To do this, in a saucepan boil the water, add seasonings (except vinegar) and still let go of 5 minutes, add vinegar, prevent.
  3. Purified and washed fresh wow we fold into the saucepan, fill with cold water and put on fire after boiling cooking 10 minutes. When the mushrooms fail water to merge.
  4. The second time add water, salt and cooking 45-50 minutes by removing the foam. After grabbing the mushroom decoction to merge, put the mushrooms from the pan in sterilized banks, pour ready-made marinade and roll. We put banks cool. Banks can be closed by dropproke lids, then keep the wing needed in the refrigerator.
  5. The main thing is to remember if the marinade in the bank lounted, mushrooms are dangerous to health and eat them in no case.

Delicious billets!

Marinated Walkers at home with vinegar


love - 1 kg

For marinada:

  • water - 1 liter
  • garlic - 5 teeth
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. Spoons
  • salt - 1.5 tbsp. Spoons
  • vinegar 70% - 1 teaspoon
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs
  • black peas pepper - 10 pcs
  • carnation - 6 pcs


  1. My wield to the size of the smaller will marinate, and the major can be fed. We rinse with running water, we learn on the colander and give water to the drain.
  2. We pour mushrooms with cold water and leave for 1.5 hours. Then we drag the water and rinse again again.
  3. Washing sheds lay out in a deep pan, fill with water and put cooking. Cooking from the moment of boiling 1.5 hours, the foam formed necessarily remove.
  4. Finished sides, we learn on the colander and give water to drain.
  5. We will engage in marinade, in the pan pour one liter water, add all the ingredients for marinada
  6. sugar, salt, vinegar 70%, bay leaf, black peas pepper, carnation.
  7. We put a saucepan on fire and bring marinade to boil.
  8. Wallpaper Warm 20 minutes in a boiling marinade.
  9. At the end of the cooking, add garlic sliced \u200b\u200bwith small cubes.
  10. Mushrooms lay out over sterilized banks.
  11. Cover covers and put sterilize for 20 minutes.
  12. We ride banks, turn over and leave so much cool. Keeping myself in a dark cooler place.

Delicious billets!

Simple and delicious pick-up recipe for winter

Bon Appetit!

Opels are one of the favorite mushrooms of every fan of "quiet hunting." It grows in the forests in large quantities, and therefore collecting his pleasure. In addition, it is very useful and tasty. That is why it is harvested in various ways - from frozen mushrooms can later prepare delicious dishes, and pickled ones for the winter, made at home, will decorate any lunch or dinner, and will also enable one of the most favorite, fragrant and delicious types of home billets.

Before starting the marinization process, the recipes of which you will find further in the article, they are important to prepare correctly. First of all, fruit bodies come through, throw off spoiled and suspicious.

We like there are several types of poisonous twins, so it is important to collect them carefully and carefully. If there are doubts about edible, it is better to leave them alone.

Fruit bodies sorted in size: for marinations, the smallest fit is excellent. Large fruit bodies are deposited and used to prepare other dishes. Small mushrooms are moved into a large tank and poured cool water. After that, fruit bodies are simply washed - there is no need to clean them from the skin, but it is desirable to remove the film under the hat. Some mushroom skins are also separated and legs from the hats - the first are used for frying, and the second and marinate just.

After the raw material was prepared, you can get acquainted with recipes and learn how to marine myself to get delicious workpieces at home. The most important ingredient in all cooking methods is a marinade that is prepared on the basis of vinegar and other conservative substances.

Recipe 1: Pickled Figure Mushrooms Mushrooms

Not always, especially in autumn, there is a time to mess around for a long time with mushrooms, so many mistresses are looking for a way to spend on the blanks as little time as possible. Marinated Naughty Walkers - This is an excellent opportunity not only to make a marinade, but very soon try a cooked snack.


  • hats mushrooms or small whales - 2 kg;
  • salt salty - 3 h.
  • total liter of water for marinade;
  • a little sunflower oil;
  • vinegar (Essence) - 2.5 h., It is no longer worth;
  • sugar - enough 2 h.;
  • carnation flowers - 3 pcs.;
  • black pepper pepper - 3 pcs.

Prepared mushrooms are placed in a saucepan, which is filled with water. After boiling, fruit bodies are boosted about 10 minutes, removing the foam surface. Throw down on a colander so that the glass is liquid from them. This procedure is necessary to remove the remains of the sera and the sands, which during cooking fell to the bottom of the pan.

They pour water into a clean pan and, waiting for her boiling, put mushrooms there and also cook for another 20 minutes. Waiting for all fruit bodies will be devastated down - it is possible to determine the readiness - after that they are again folded on the colander.

Marinade for oh is prepared as: in 1 liter of water, sugar is stirred together with salt, spices are added, and the liquid is boiled. After boiling, vinegar is added and, mixing, the boiled mushrooms are immersed in it. In this mixture, they boil about 5 minutes, and then together with marinade is transferred to boiled banks. The workpiece is watered with an oil from above and closed. After cooling, the jars are stored in the refrigerator. Remove the sample from such pickle will turn out after a couple of days.

Recipe 2: Marinated Walls with Vinegar For Winter in Banks

The recipe for marination described below is one of the traditional and usual. Thus, at home, the mushrooms are preparing almost all the mistress. It is light and, perhaps, the most simple recipe for marinization is based on the winter.

You will need:

  • loose - 2 kg;
  • lavrushka - 1 sheet;
  • salt is enough 2 tbsp. l.;
  • carnation flowers - 5 pcs.;
  • water that is used for marinade (one liter is enough);
  • vinegar ordinary table 9% - 6 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar sand -2 st. l. (then marinade will be optimal in sweets);
  • pair of globes of garlic;
  • pepper (Makers) - 6 pcs.;
  • popper fragrant - 5 pcs.

Optionally, it is possible to enable nutmeg, as well as adjusting the amount of sugar and vinegar, to make marinade sweeter or acid.

Before making one's pick-up, they are drunk in a slightly brassing water: waiting for boiling, they lower them into it and boil about 12 minutes, and after the decoction is drained.

Next, begged for the preparation of marinada: poured with a liter of water and, waiting for boiling, put chuckled garlic in a pan, seasonings, salt and sugar are added, all stirred, vinegar is poured. Boil for another 15 minutes, after which they spill on sterilized banks. The decoction should be slightly covering the layer of mushrooms, and then they are rocked by boiled covers. Turning the banks, wrap them with an old blanket or coat. The cooled marinated mushrooms are removed to store where it is cool and there is no light.

Recipe 3: Marinity is scored for winter without sterilization

It is possible to pickle my way in banks without sterilization. This recipe will relieve you from unnecessary trouble in the kitchen and speed up cooking.

Products required for cooking:

  • mine, or hats - 1 kg;
  • vinegar 9% - 140 ml;
  • water used for marinade - 1 liter;
  • lovers leaves - 1 pc.;
  • black pepper - 6 peas;
  • salt - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar sand - Enough 2 tbsp. l.

The fruit bodies prepared by the traditional way are placed in a saucepan, filling it with water, and boil about 30 minutes before sediment. Drain of decoction, washed with mushroom hats under running water.

Start making marinade. To do this, in a liter of water boiling in a saucepan, all ingredients are placed except vinegar. Then the mushrooms are added to the resulting liquid, they cope with 15 minutes. Add vinegar to the decoction, after which the fruit bodies and marinade are bottled on pure banks and close them with tight kapron lids. Such a workpiece after cooling is necessarily stored in the refrigerator.

Recipe 4: Marinated Walkers in Korean

The described pick-up recipe will like those who love and respect Asian cuisine. Such mushrooms possess special piquancy. You will need:

  • war - 1 kg;
  • onions - enough 1-2 pcs. (quantity depends on the size);
  • sunflower oil for marinade - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • garlic cloves - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar sand - 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • boiled water for marinade - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • vinegar (the usual table of 9% is taken) - 7 tbsp. l.;
  • red sharp pen - to taste, but not much;
  • salt - 1 tsp.

In a slightly salted water, mushrooms are placed and after boiling began, they boil 10 minutes, then the decoction is drained.

The onions are cut by rings and decompose by layers in the jar on the following principle: onions, fruit bodies are screamed, onions and once again mushrooms.

After they are preparing a marinade: a pre-crusted or finely chopped garlic is mixed with spices, add vegetable oil and boiled water, well mixed, pour the required amount of vinegar. The fruit bodies received the resulting marinade. Covering gauze, they set the press on them and leave in the refrigerator at least 7 hours.

Rules for the storage of the finished product

Walkers marinated in production can be kept all 3 years. And here are harvested at home edible for 1 year, provided that banks are in the refrigerator or cellar. If they are stored at a temperature not higher than room, then the term is shortened to 3-4 months. The billets, canned in a bank with a kapron lid, should not be stored for more than 6 months.

Banks best put stored there, where dark - sun rays are harmful to billets. Also, before placing products in the container, it is important to launder well and sterilize - it is necessary so that the mold does not appear inside the cans.

If the technology of fruit marination was broken, the risk is great that by using them, you can choose. Therefore, it is important to carefully consider the entire process of creating blanks. But properly cooked mushrooms are safe and very tasty, while they are perfect for creating various culinary masterpieces and as an independent snack.

Walkers are considered very tasty mushrooms, especially in pickled form. There are so many different recipes for the preparation of these mushrooms. They can be prepared both for fast feeding to the table and can be preserved for the winter. Marinization is almost no different from marinating other types of mushrooms.

Any hostess using a basic recipe may make something to add another amount of vinegar or salt, change seasonings and spices. We find out all the subtleties of their conservation, as well as consider the most popular and simple recipes.

Properties Will and prepare for marinency

According to many mistresses, they do not contain any valuable, except for their wonderful taste. But this is an erroneous opinion. They are rich in vitamins and valuable trace elements.

By purchasing myself, both in the store and in mushroomniki, you need to know that they are false containing poison. True wow should have muffled color (poisonous very bright), scales on a hat, white flesh (in false, she is yellow). The legs of the fungi contain a colecule.

There are several nuances of making pick-ups:

  1. Mushrooms must be preloaded in salted water, adding citric acid. Salt is able to drive out of them all worms that can remain in the legs, and due to citric acid, their natural color is preserved.
  2. Mushroom caps are best separated from the legs and separately canned (a very tasty mushroom caviar is obtained from the legs).
  3. In order not to disorder the digestion from mushrooms, they need to boil them to the moment until they sow on the bottom of the tank.
  4. Foam formed during cooking should be removed. It is also desirable to merge the first water 10 minutes after its boiling. It contains all harmful substances in mushrooms.
  5. Banks with mushrooms are best not to rolled with metal covers, as the risk of botulism is possible. It is enough to use the boiled headproof covers.

Simple preservation recipe

For such a simple recipe, you will need: mushrooms, 30 ml of 9% vinegar, a glass of water, 1.5 tablespoons of salt, three carnations and pepper peas. To make simple marinated whales, they are washed, poured glass boiling waterWaiting until the water boils and boil 20 minutes on slow fire.

As soon as they settled on the bottom of the pan, they are laid out in a sterilized jar and covered with a lid. The remaining decoction is filtering, add salt, carnation, pepper And if desired - sugar. Waiting until the water boils, pouring vinegar and boiling marinade poured mushrooms, shapport the lid.

Recipe marinated science "fragrant"

Such a recipe for fungi for the winter provides the following ingredients:

The washed mushrooms are laid out into a large saucepan, pour cold water, salt and boiled after boiling 20 minutes. It is necessary to leave two glasses of beam, and the rest will not need. Boiled whale poured left decoction, oil, pea peas, chopped garlic, all leaflets, dill and stirred.

As soon as the water boils, it is necessary cook mushrooms 20 minutes, poured at the end of vinegar. Mushrooms are laid out in banks that put in a larger capacity with water and boil 20 minutes, after which they are closed with boiled covers.

Recipe for frozen marinated mushrooms

Who picks frozen woven? Those who do not like to go to the forest, and in the market with hands is afraid to buy. Frozen mushrooms sold in stores. Their advantage is that they are not needed to soak and clean. From oh, frozen in summer, you can cook a delicious dish in winter.

For such a recipe, you will need frozen myself - 1 kg, a glass of conventional or wine vinegar, a spoon of sugar, carnation - 5 pieces, garlic - 3 teeth, fragrant pepper - 10 peas, bay leaf - 3 pieces, salt - 2 tablespoons.

Frozen mushrooms are necessary throw in boiling water And bring to a boil. In another tank prepare marinade. To do this, in one liter of water there are vinegar and all spices, thinly chopped garlic and allow boiling. Mushrooms are shifted there and boiled 10 more minutes, cool, decompose on clean banks and put it in the refrigerator. A day later, they can already be consumed.

Recipe for quick marination

Not always the hosters have time to preserve mushrooms, so thanks to such a recipe, pickled woven them are preparing very quickly.

They will be needed, a tablespoon of sugar and acetic essence, vegetable oil, a stone salt - 1.5 tablespoons, pepper and carnation with peas - 3 pieces.

To prepare such a recipe, the washed mushrooms are poured with water, wait until it boils, and boil them for 30 minutes. When they are downtown, they are caught by noise. Marinade is prepared from liter of water, sugar, salt and spices. After it boils, vinegar is poured and laying mushrooms. You must boil another 5 minutes.

In the prepared banks shift mushrooms, top marital tops And add vegetable oil. Banks are closed with covers, cool and put in the refrigerator. You can easily eat in two days.

Marinated recipe for Korean

Acute Korean cuisine in the soul, so you can marinate according to its rules. For this recipe take one kilogram, 2 cloves of garlic, 1 tsp. Salts, 2 bulbs, 3 tbsp. l. boiled water, 2 tbsp. l. Sugar, sharp red pepper, 2.5 tbsp. l. vinegar.

The mushrooms of 10 minutes are boiled in salted water, after which the water is drained and left. Mix all the ingredients for marinade, crossed garlic, put pepper to taste. The bulbs cut a thin straw, lay them out and pushed into several layers, poured marinadom. Put the load and leave for 6 hours.

Thus, exists a large number of recipes Marinated Ways that can be both simple and complex. It is such mushrooms that can be false, so acquiring them from the hands, you need to be confident that they are true.

First decoction be sure to mergeSince there are many harmful substances. Marinated properly, wonderful delicacy in the winter.

Hello! I think you will not argue with me that autumn is the best time for the harvesting of mushrooms for the winter. In my opinion, the most delicious of all kinds of mushrooms, of course, if they are properly prepared.

They can be used both in salads and serve on the table separately. They clean it easily, it remains only to rinse and properly pick up. After all, it is the marinade that is the key to the success of your dish!

This wonderful snack is not only delicious, but also useful. Also, this type of fungi is an excellent preventive tool from many inflammatory processes in the body.

And for us, your favorite girls and women, I will say that these representatives of the forest kingdom are also low-calorie.

The methods of cooking such a beautiful snack is a great set, because it is an original Russian dish. Today I want to please you with the most popular and delicious recipes. The collected options are completely simple and fairly fast, so you can easily pick up a couple of jars at home without any help.

As you know, every taste of dishes are reinforcing a variety of additives, namely spices. The following ingredients may appear for mushrooms as spices: black peas, ginger, estragon, cardamom, cinnamon and badyan, paprika and mustard, barberries and cranberries, garlic and sunflower oil. You can safely add all these spices to any recipe and eventually get a unique taste.

However, do not overpay with additives! Otherwise, you will not feel natural taste and smell themselves. And if you are not sure about the need to add one or other spices, then it is better to refuse them at all. Otherwise risk spoiling all the dish.


  • Walked - 1 kg;
  • Water - 1 l;
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Vinegar 9% - 6 tbsp. spoons;
  • Salt - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Dill - a couple of inflorescences;
  • Black peas - 8 pcs.;
  • Bay sheet - 2 pcs.;
  • Carnation - 5 buds;
  • Sunflower oil - 1 tbsp. Spoon (on the jar).

Cooking method:

1. First of all, you need to properly prepare mushrooms. Clean them from branches and dirt, cut off the lower part of the leg, and then rinse thoroughly in a large amount of cold water.

2. Now the raw material put into a large saucepan with water. Put on moderate fire and bring the content to boil. When a foam appears, then definitely remove it. Cook mushrooms until they fall to the bottom. Then turn off the fire and drain the water using the colander.

3. Let them be haired a little cool, and you at this time prepare marinade. Pour clean water into a small pan and add salt, sugar, all spices except vinegar. When the water boils, and the bulk spices dissolves, pour the vinegar and carefully shift the boiled mushrooms to the boiling marinade. Continue to cook our mixture for 7-10 minutes.

By the way, the string will be stronger, the better the mushrooms will be stored, but you should not regain them.

4. After expiry to spread mushrooms in the prepared sterilized jars and add one tablespoon of sunflower oil. And then fill their hot marinade to the top.

Do not forget about the fact that the jar should not be air!

5. After sunk jars, cover them with a blanket and cool down. Keep in a cool and dark place.

How to quickly and deliciously pick up without sterilization

Well, this recipe for those who recognize marinations without sterilization, as well as for those who want to quickly prepare mushrooms. But it will not make them the least delicious! And you can make sure that if you use the next photo instruction.


  • Walked - 1 kg;
  • Salt - 1/2 Art. spoons;
  • Soy sauce - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • Vinegar - 50 ml;
  • Water - 2 tbsp.;
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. the spoon;
  • Bay sheet - 3 pcs.;
  • Black ground pepper - 1/2 h. Spoons.

Cooking method:

1. Prepare mushrooms in advance: clean and rinse, cut off the bottom of the leg. Then boil them in boiling water within 25 minutes. Then leak the raw material on the colander.

2. Put the boiled wovers into the pure saucepan, fill with water (2 tbsp.) And add salt, sugar, bay leaf and ground black pepper.

3. Heat the contents within 30 minutes. Do not forget to remove the appearing foam. At the very end, add vinegar and soy sauce. All mix all and negotiate for another 15 minutes.

4. Now you can only decompose mushrooms in jars, roll and cool the blanks.

Remember that such a snack is stored for 3 months at a constant temperature in the refrigerator.

Walked marinated - quick preparation recipe at home

But for the next option, young and just collected mushrooms are suitable. The snack will be very tasty and nutritious, and the fruits will retain all its elasticity.


  • Walked - 1 kg;
  • Bay sheet - 2 pcs.;
  • Table vinegar - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Garlic - 3 teeth;
  • Black peas - 5 pcs.;
  • Salt - 1 tbsp. the spoon;
  • Water is 1 liter.

Cooking method:

1. As usual, the mushrooms are branched from twigs and dirt, rinse thoroughly. Fold them into the pan, pour 1 glass of water and boil on medium heat after boiling 25-30 minutes, respectively, removing the appearing foam.

2. Drain the first water, and rinse.

3. Put mushroom mushrooms again, pour with clean water, add all the ingredients on the list (garlic cut into thin plates) and prepare on fire 15 minutes after boiling.

4. Now spread the raw materials from sterilized banks and fill them with the remaining marinade. Slide the jars with covers and leave for 12 hours at room temperature.

5. After this time, you can proceed to the meal or remove jars for storage.

Video recipe on how to cook marinade for wifth for winter

Now I present to your attention the plot in which the author tells the entire details of the preparation of our snacks. I advise everyone to view! So, for example, you will find out that big mushrooms need to grind, but the little one should not touch, they are so good.

Step-by-step recipe for marinations of mushrooms in 15 minutes

But the next version of Marination is suitable for everyone without exception. This is a classic genre. The method used by all the hosts, and I am including. Because it is proven and successful.

Do not forget that you can add any spices and spices to taste, making a snack even more rich and tasty.


  • Mushrooms - 1 kg;
  • Water - 1 l;
  • Salt - 1.5 tbsp. spoons;
  • Vinegar 9% - 50 ml;
  • Pepper peas, carnation - to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Be sure to clean and thoroughly rinse the harvest. Next, lower the mushrooms in boiling water and boil on fire, until the way is omitted to the bottom.

Beware of poisonous mushrooms! If you can't say exactly how you are my own way, then it is better to throw these mushrooms. Health is more important!

2. Put the welded mushrooms into the container (in clean sterile jars).

In jars you can add some lemon juice or citric acid, then your mushrooms will not change the color.

3. Now prepare marinade based on a mushroom beam. Just add salt and spices. And then boil the consistency on a moderate heat for 15 minutes.

5. Close the covers tight enough so that the air does not get inside.

6. Welcome and store in the cellar or refrigerator.

Marinated Night Light Valley Near Winter (Simple Recipe)

I want to offer another way of cooking, but not for the winter, but for eating right away, that is, without a quot. You can eat mushrooms the next day. The advantage of this recipe is its simplicity and speed of preparation without additional cooking themselves.

The result of a delicious dish will fully depend on the preparation of our fungi. To do this, thoroughly sort them, clean, cut the lower part of the leg and rinse. And the raw materials must be left in a slightly salted water for 20 minutes. So all the larvae and insects will fall on the surface, which were not visible to our eye.

Do not stand the mushrooms in the water! Otherwise, they will watch an excessive moisture.


  • Loom - 3 kg;
  • Vinegar 9% - 200 ml;
  • Water - 3 tbsp.;
  • Salt - 2.5 tbsp. spoons;
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. the spoon;
  • Black peas - 10 pcs.;
  • Carnation - 4 pcs.;
  • Bay sheet - 4 leafs.

Cooking method:

1. Our already trained mushrooms put in the pan and fill with water. Weganize them within 20 minutes after boiling.

2. Enter supplements in the form of sugar, salts and spices. All tapping for another 15 minutes.

3. Now pour vinegar and wait until our billet boils, and then remove the saucepan from the fire.

4. When the mass cools, spread the mushrooms along with the marinade of banks.

5. Close the jars with conventional plastic covers and put in a cool place. The next day, enjoy crispy snack.

Today's release came to an end. And I am sure that the recipes proposed by me will help not only novice housewives, but also experienced mothers, and dad. 😉 And your pickled wovers will delight not only you, but also your guests, and will also decorate any festive table. Prepare and experiment on health!