History of the origin of hookah. Hookah - what is it? Where to smoke hookah? In what century did hookah appear?

Hookah(also called Shisha, Huka, Nargila) is a device for smoking special tobacco mixtures with filtration and cooling of vapor through liquid. The homeland of hookah is India; it is widespread in the countries of the Middle East. In Russia, hookah is extremely popular due to the Russians’ love for everything interesting and new.

Many people wonder about the dangers of hookah. Let's say right away that medical research does not deny the harm of a hookah, but claims that its harm is not comparable to a pack of cigarettes, as various narrow-minded authors write about it. The main thing is to observe moderation and not smoke hookah too often.

There is also an opinion that hookah is always used for drug use. No, that's not true. Rest assured, most hookah establishments use special hookah tobacco that is absolutely legal and legal. Those who use hookah drugs are deeply despised by true hookah lovers around the world. Also, hookah is not addictive, with very rare exceptions.

If you do not have sufficient knowledge about preparing hookah, then it’s better to first go to a good hookah establishment, talk to the hookah man, he will tell you in detail what and how to do correctly. Some popular establishments hold special master classes on a regular basis. You can also use a lot of materials on the Internet, but in addition to useful advice, there are also bad ones.

If you are going buy a hookah for home, then immediately decide for what purpose you need it. Don’t be fooled by external beauty if a hookah becomes more than an element of your interior for you. The main thing is smoking properties, practicality and tightness. Also pay attention to the material used to make the hookah; the most popular and suitable is stainless steel.

In recent years, hookah has become an element of modern culture. This is the reason for the appearance of a large number of beautiful and expensive designer hookahs. They not only smoke pleasantly, but also have an unusual appearance.

In connection with the advent of anti-tobacco laws, more and more alternatives to the classic hookah began to appear - electronic hookahs, hookahs with steam stones or nicotine-free mixtures. They imitate the effect of a classic hookah, but are still far from what is desired.

Despite the fact that the first hookahs appeared a long time ago, they are still very popular all over the world. Smoking it is harmless, and the experience of the process is unique. But where did the history of hookahs begin?

History of hookah

Hookah is a unique smoking device. It consists of a flask of water through which the smoke of burning tobacco passes. But few people know that the history of hookah has a huge number of names. So, today this smoking device, like hundreds of years ago, is very popular in eastern countries, from where it spread throughout the world.

It is not known exactly who started smoking hookah and under what circumstances. But, in most opinions of researchers, Indians are the inventors. Then they taught the Persians to smoke hookah, who later spread the tradition throughout the Middle East.

Naturally, there are still many versions of the history of the hookah and its appearance. So, there are Ethiopian, Persian, African and even American theories. But neither they nor the Indian version have been confirmed yet. Despite this, hookah in eastern countries has great cultural significance.

Traditions of hookah smoking

In eastern countries, and especially in Turkey, hookah smoking is considered an almost sacred process. Here, special attention is paid to this device, and it plays a large cultural role. For example, if a guest comes to a person’s house, then he must smoke a hookah. If the offer is refused, this will mean disrespect for the owner of the house, which can lead to a big conflict. Exactly the same and vice versa. So, if the owner of the house disrespects the guest, he does not invite him to smoke a hookah together.

Another feature in the history of hookah is the requirement for smokers to wet the pipe as much as possible. This demonstrated the respect and trust of all those present for each other. But, for obvious reasons, this tradition did not last long.

In Europe, the first hookahs appeared in the 18th century. As was to be expected, they were then used by Europeans for other purposes, as souvenirs. The reason for this was the spread of smoking pipes. But, a century later, the hookah began to be used specifically for smoking tobacco and at the same time very quickly became popular in Europe.

Over the entire existence of the hookah, one can count a huge number of its names. So, the Hindus called it Narcil, the Egyptians - Narghile, or Goza, the Arabs - shisha, etc. The Iranians called the smoking device the word closest to us, “galyan,” which translated meant “boiling.” It was from here that the name hookah spread, which, by the way, is used only in the territory of the former USSR.

Design features of ancient hookahs and their differences from modern versions

The shape and design of the first hookahs is very different from modern devices. So, depending on the countries in which this device was made, the materials changed. For example, we can cite the first hookahs in India. So, the Hindus used coconuts for its base, which were completely cleaned of their entrails, and water was poured into them. Tobacco was used in ancient times, but very rarely. Therefore, mixtures of various aromatic herbs, hashish and spices were used as smoking materials.

With the spread of the first hookahs, the materials also changed. In Egypt, they were made from a special variety of pumpkin that had a very strong, thick skin. It was cleaned from the inside and served as a flask. With the help of various modernizations, the hookah changed its appearance. In particular, the more familiar form of this smoking device appeared among the Persians. They came up with the idea of ​​inserting a porcelain tube into the flask, and drawing smoke through a snake skin connected to the holes made.

The history of the hookah does not end there, because the porcelain tube and pumpkin flask were gradually replaced by elements made of Turkish glass, crystal and silver. At the same time, mouthpieces appeared. They were made of wood or amber. The first hookahs of this type initially had no decorations, but later they were inlaid with precious stones and gold, the mouthpieces had artistic carvings and were also made from expensive materials. But such devices were available only to the nobility, and ordinary people were content with the simplest options.

Modern hookahs have the maximum number of improvements. As a rule, they have several components that can be separated from each other. Thus, the history of hookahs leads us to versatility and compactness. So, the following components are used:

  • flask;
  • the upper part, which consists of a saucer, a shaft and a bowl;
  • hoses with mouthpiece.

The flask brings all these elements together. This solution makes the smoke travel a long way. In this case, one part of the resins settles on the walls of the tubes and transitions, and the second is absorbed by the liquid. And, as the hookah story has shown, this decision is the most correct.

Despite the relative complexity of the design, like the first hookahs, they have not lost their relevance and have a huge number of fans.

What did you use to fill the hookahs?

Naturally, initially the first hookahs used mixtures of medicinal herbs with hashish, opium and a variety of spices. Thanks to this solution, the smoker received an intoxicating effect, and at the same time the aroma was simply amazing. Additionally, pieces of dried fruit could be added, which further enriched the smoke with flavors and removed bitterness.

Over time, tobacco began to be used more and more often. It was soaked in fruit molasses for better flavor. But such mixtures were smoked only by the rich strata of society. Ordinary people were content with simple black tobacco.

Tobacco was ignited using a piece of charcoal, which smoldered, although not for long, but very effectively. Modern smoking options, just like the first hookahs, involve the use of this heat source. Only coal is sold in pressed form.

What did you put in the hookah?

As already mentioned, the history of hookah began with the use of a vessel into which liquid was poured. She filtered the smoke, ridding it of tars and other unwanted impurities. Naturally, humanity has already tried pouring everything possible into the flask. In this case, the effect is very different. So, if you pour a strong alcoholic drink for smoking, you can get very drunk.

As the long history of hookahs has shown, the most effective are milk and ordinary drinking water. In eastern countries, from time immemorial, tea rose infusion (hibiscus), pomegranate juice and various flavored infusions have also been used. Such liquids easily clean and soften tobacco smoke. At the same time, they further ennoble it with subtle notes of their aromas and flavors.

To smoke or not to smoke?

Despite such popularity of hookah, a logical question arises: is it worth smoking? Naturally, each person chooses this for himself. As the history of hookah has shown, only the first versions had heavy narcotic substances in their mixtures. Today it is affordable tobacco. If you look at it from a medical point of view, hookah smoking has virtually no effect on human health. For this reason, he himself must understand what this process means for him. If this is some kind of ritual, as in eastern countries, then that’s one thing. Well, smoking every day out of boredom is different.

With filter. It is known that smoking a hookah is the most harmless way, because the special tobacco has no tar, and a small amount of nicotine makes it very light. It is believed that hookah can be smoked up to 4 times a week without causing harm to health. In some countries, even young children are allowed to smoke different mixtures.

Where did he come to us from? And in general, what is a hookah? There are many versions of the origin of this smoking device. Let's look at the main ones.

European version of origin

Researchers claim that the origins of this smoking device originate in Europe.

Hookah - what is it? When did it start being used? Hookah was an obligatory part of dinner or business conversations. The offer to smoke it expressed trust and respect for the guest. The hookah consisted of several separate parts. Craftsmen made them from crystal, porcelain or silver. Some samples were hand-painted. Designer hookahs consisting of glass have been manufactured since the beginning of the 21st century. Hoses were most often made of leather or silicone.

Indian version of origin

According to one version, hookah originated in India and spread to many countries in Africa and the Middle East. There are different names, there are about 50 pieces.

Initially, the Indians used it for pain relief, so instead of smoking mixtures, hashish was added to it. In those days, the hookah looked a little different; it was round in shape and made from coconuts.

Hookah device

Nowadays, hookahs differ from those that were popular at the beginning of their creation, but the principle of smoking remains the same. Hookah - what is it? What does it look like today? The components of this device are a flask for liquid, a tube with a mouthpiece, a shaft and a bowl for tobacco. It is made of glass, stainless steel and silicone.

Types of hookahs

Traditional hookahs - Egyptian and Indian - are very popular today. The appearance of this device is very attractive and complements any interior well. They are made using modern high-quality materials. Modern hookahs have more functions and are more convenient to use. Possible original works that are made by hand with a special design.

Liquid for hookah

Water is the most common type of liquid. You can also smoke a hookah using juice, which should be chosen taking into account the taste of the tobacco. Another way is green tea, it is very relaxing and gives a special taste. You can use the addition of alcohol, but this principle contradicts the so-called hookah philosophy and can have a detrimental effect on your health. However, the choice is very diverse, everyone can choose something to suit their taste.

Types of tobacco

Three types of tobacco mixtures are often used:

  • Tombak is pure tobacco without impurities.
  • Zhurak - tobacco with the addition of aromatic oils and fruits.
  • Muassil is a mixture of tobacco with honey or glycerin. Tobacco is like jam with different flavors.

When choosing tobacco, you need to pay attention to the packaging features. It should not be damaged, because the taste and quality of smoking depends on this. It is better to store opened packaging in the refrigerator, sealed, to preserve its taste characteristics longer. The aroma of tobacco depends only on you; the choice in this case is very large.

Hookah smoking etiquette

In the East, hookah smoking is a real philosophy. Relaxed mind and body, calmness, tranquility and leisurelyness - these are the main conditions for the fact that this process will give you true pleasure. Depending on whether you smoke at home or in a bar, alone or in a pleasant company, you need to take a position that is most comfortable for the procedure and your condition.

Smoking etiquette:

  • The hookah should be on the floor or low table.
  • Do not pass the mouthpiece from hand to hand to other people.
  • It is necessary to use only special tobacco.
  • Do not impose or criticize smoking on others. Everyone smokes the way they like.
  • It is recommended to smoke a hookah on a full stomach, in a comfortable position.
  • After smoking, the hose is wrapped around the hookah.

Hookah care

After smoking, you must immediately throw away the dressing from the bowl and throw away the used water. When rinsing the hookah, wipe the flask well. Using a brush, you should clean the tube that runs through the entire hookah. After washing, you need to wipe the hookah dry to increase its service life. It is better to store it disassembled or simply remove the hose from it.

Hookah smoke

First you need to understand the principle of how to make a hookah. This will explain what factors determine the density and amount of smoke.

In order for the hookah smoke to be thick and rich, you must adhere to several rules:

  • The tobacco in the bowl should be well heated, but not burnt. The larger the shaft, the better the smoke.
  • The shaft should be immersed into the flask no more than 3 cm.
  • Much depends on the diameter of the hose. It should be easily passable, making traction easier. If done correctly, thick smoke is guaranteed.
  • When choosing, pay attention to coal and tobacco. It is better to buy round coals. They light well and burn for a long time. Tobacco must be killed correctly. To begin, loosen it completely and unfold each leaf separately.
  • To make the clouds of smoke thicker, you need to wrap the bowl tightly with foil and secure it.

You can also add ice or cold water to the flask, while covering the tobacco with a thick layer of foil. Remember that the tobacco should not be dry, the ideal look is like thick jam.

Hookah smoking areas

Where can you smoke hookah? Bar, club - almost every establishment of this type can offer such services. Smoking a hookah is less harmful to health than regular cigarettes. The room where you smoke hookah has a pleasant smell and a relaxing atmosphere. The selection of smoking blends is impressive with its huge range. There are a variety of cocktails available, which a specialist hookah man will be happy to provide you with. The advantage of smoking in a bar or club is that, when relaxing with a large group, you can enjoy a high-quality hookah at an affordable price.

Hookah bowl

The bowl is an important element of the hookah. It can affect the quality of smoking. A good bowl should properly distribute temperature and be resistant to sudden changes in degrees.

There are four main types: ceramic, silicone, clay and metal.

To create a ceramic hookah bowl, natural materials are used that conduct heat well. But their quality is slightly worse than other types.

Clay bowls conduct heat well from the coals and absorb dressing odors. Therefore, they must be washed thoroughly after use. They have good contact with the hookah, so the aroma is more intense and the smoke is thick.

Metal bowls are rarely used for smoking because at high temperatures they quickly become hot and can brown the tobacco. There is an advantage among others - strength and stability.

Another type is silicone bowls. They are easy to clean, easy to use and fit tightly to the hookah. When smoking, you can often notice the taste of silicone, which is their disadvantage.

It is also possible to make your own bowl from a specific fruit. But this method is very expensive and impractical.

Buying a hookah

The variety of assortment allows you to choose the right device for every taste and budget. Usually inexpensive hookahs are low and have one tube. There are several ways to choose a smoking device: shopping and searching on the Internet. By browsing online, you can find the right shape and design. The products presented are high quality and affordable.

Also, the hookah, the photo of which you see in the article, and many other options, is well suited for a gift. Such a thing will complement your home interior with its originality and will be useful in use.

Hookah Khalil

He is the most famous manufacturing representative in the world. It is distinguished by its high quality of all components. Having an unusual design, it is very durable and will last for many years. Cast shaft ensures durability. These types of hookahs are bought by true smoking connoisseurs all over the world.

Although very popular, this brand has a large number of fakes.

How to distinguish the authenticity of a hookah:

  • Image of a flower on a stand.
  • Inscription Khalil Mamoon.
  • Availability of ice container.
  • The shaft should weigh two to three kilograms.
  • Everything except the tube is cast.

Preparing a hookah for smoking

If you decide to smoke a hookah, then before that you need to properly prepare it. This is the basis of the whole process. This determines whether you enjoy smoking or not.

Start by preparing the tobacco. If it is a little damp, you need to squeeze it out and wrap it tightly in a dry cloth. After this, you can pour the tobacco into the bowl. It is recommended to put 2/3 of the bowl size. To prevent the tobacco from burning, you need to use more foil, rolling it into 4 layers. After securing the foil, you need to make holes for air.

After filling the bowl, heat the coal, then place it in the middle of the bowl. To make the hookah smoke longer, you can place small coals in a circle. Now you can put the cup of coal on the hookah.

Place the mouthpiece on the pipe before lighting to avoid any metallic taste. The first puff should be small, after 5-7 breaths you can puff completely, and vice versa. Under no circumstances should you criticize others and impose your smoking methods on them. Everyone has their own tastes and rules for smoking.

Cooking at home does not take much time and does not require special skills. If you learn all the above rules, you can prepare a fragrant and relaxing hookah yourself.

When pouring water into the flask, you can add a little lemon juice; it removes harmful smoke impurities well. To make the hookah softer, you can add milk to it in a 1:1 ratio. The taste will be rich and it will smoke much easier.

For a relaxing hookah, you can add a little wine to the liquid in a ratio of 1:3. This taste will be more aromatic and pleasant; in the absence of wine, you can use grape or apple juice.

for good health

Many argue that the harm from hookah is equal to smoking cigarettes. Others argue that all harmful substances are purified by water or other liquid, which means that smoking is absolutely harmless. To find out who is right, you should consider these options individually:

  • The hookah smoke passes through the liquid, thereby purifying and cooling.
  • When smoking cigarettes, paper smolders, which contains harmful substances. This does not happen when smoking a hookah.
  • Hookah smoke does not contain harmful metals.
  • There is much less carbon monoxide in a hookah than in cigarettes.

But, as you know, an hour of hookah smoking is equal to one cigarette. This means that it is undoubtedly harmful to health. If you smoke hookah rarely and in a well-ventilated area, then the harm is relatively small, but it still exists. To smoke or not is up to you!

Hookah (depending on the country it is called differently: Shisha, Nargila, Argila, "Lula" or "Lulava", hookah) - a device for smoking tobacco and tobacco mixtures with smoke filtration. Water acts as a filter, passing through which the smoke is purified from harmful substances. The hookah was invented in India and quickly gained popularity in the Muslim world. In Europe, hookah became popular in the 20th century.

Is hookah harmful?

Every person who has ever tried and wanted to try hookah has thought about the dangers of hookah. The answer of many experts and doctors: “Hookah is harmful, but not like a pack of cigarettes.”

Using drugs in a hookah

Many people think that they only use narcotic mixtures through a hookah. This is a myth and you should not believe the people who say it. For hookah, only specialized tobacco is used, which is absolutely legal.

Preparation of hookah

You are unlikely to be able to make a proper and tasty hookah the first time. To get minimal knowledge and understanding of “what and where”, it’s better to start by going to a hookah bar in your city and chatting with a hookah man there. Particularly popular establishments even host master classes. Don't forget that we live in the 21st century, and there are a lot of tips and videos on the Internet, but there is also bad advice.

Buy a hookah for home

When you decide to have a hookah at home, first of all think about what you need it for? What role will he perform? If a hookah is not a piece of furniture for you, then don’t look at it in appearance. The most important thing is the smoking properties of the hookah and the quality of production. Before buying a hookah, do not forget to pay attention to the material the hookah is made of; stainless steel is most often used.

Recently, hookah has become an element of modern culture. This caused the production of a large number of expensive and unique designer hookahs.

Due to the advent of anti-tobacco laws, people began to look for alternatives to the classic hookah - electronic hookahs, hookah steam stones and nicotine-free mixtures. This is just a semblance of a hookah and the sensations from them are far from a classic hookah.

Everyone in the world has heard of hookah and can describe it visually, even if approximately. However, only true admirers of this thing know the design in detail, as well as the principle of operation. Even among hookah lovers, few people know about its true origin and what it was like in its original form, since hookah originates in the distant past in the East of Eurasia.

The main misconception among admirers of the hookah is ignorance of its true purpose, the idea of ​​​​the creation and purpose of this artifact of Eastern culture. The founders did not use it just for the sake of it, and it was not customary to use it in any circle of people.

What is a hookah

Hookah is a smoking device that filters inhaled smoke through a liquid in a flask before entering the lungs. Usually the liquid is water, but you can find hookahs made with milk, juice, water with aromatic oils, wine and other alcoholic drinks. By the way, hookah has other names: shisha, nargil, hukka- but all this means the same device. The Turkish sultans claimed that they do not smoke a hookah, but “drink the smoke” from it. In this case, a special mixture of opium and flavorings was often used for smoking.

In the Eastern world, hookah smoking is a purely individual event. An invitation to smoke a hookah together could only be received by the owner’s closest people. The smoking process had the purpose of relaxation, uniting the gathered people and sharing a pleasant atmosphere. You shouldn’t treat hookah the same way as smoking cigarettes: it’s more of an aromatherapy than smoking in the usual sense.

To “fill” a hookah, not ordinary cigarette tobacco is used, but special hookah tobacco, which is similar in appearance to jam. Hookah tobacco can be divided into two types:

  • tombak or zhurak is literally pure tobacco that does not have a pleasant smell;
  • maasel- familiar tobacco that has different aromas.

Tombak is a classic option. Among true connoisseurs, there is an opinion that maasel lovers are simply “tourists” who play with a hookah and do not enjoy it to the fullest. This type of hookah tobacco is revered for its strength, as it contains a huge amount of nicotine. Before use, tombak is soaked in water, squeezed and only then smoked. According to known data, it first appeared in Turkey and Iran.

Maasel came to the West from Egypt and was loved by most hookah lovers. Unlike tombak, on the contrary, it has a pleasant, aromatic smell. It contains no tar and consists of only 30% black refined tobacco. 50% of the maasel contains honey or molasses and the remaining 20% ​​is fruit shavings. The classic version contains 0.05 mg of nicotine, but there are completely nicotine-free options on the market. In nicotine-free maasel, tobacco is replaced with another mixture, which during smoking smells like a bath broom.

The history of hookah

It is quite difficult to associate the appearance of hookah with any one country or people. Among various sources, the most common mention is that the first hookahs began to appear in India in the 15th century. The fact that it originates from the East is clear, since this was favored by the great abundance of tobacco, as well as the corresponding lifestyle of the inhabitants. With their first appearance, hookahs quickly gained wide popularity among all segments of Asian society.

The world's first hookahs did not look the way we imagine them today. In the form of a flask, coconut or pumpkin was often used, and in the form of a tube, reed was ideal. The entire structure was connected by a shaft, which was made from a tree trunk.

Over time, the hookah business gained momentum and constantly brought improvements in design to get more and more pleasure from smoking. In this regard, craftsmen began to appear who produced hookahs from wood and stone, since at that time metal processing technology was poorly developed. For rich people, shisha was decorated with precious stones and made of pure gold or silver. Thus, the hookah also became a decoration for the house, which indicated the success and prosperity of the family.

Various types of tobacco were used for smoking, but, as a rule, tombak was smoked, often adding various aromatic oils or juices to the flask. Rich people often used not only tobacco, but also fruit molasses and hashish for “clogging.” The mixture was set on fire using charcoal and placed on the bowl, directly on the tobacco itself.

Among the Eastern people, it is not customary to refuse the owner of the house an offer to smoke a hookah together. A negative answer was equated with disrespect and even insult. Only special people were offered to share the “peace pipe”, since this ritual was considered a symbol of friendship and trust.

It is noteworthy that in the West, hookah is called “hukka”, and tobacco is “shisha”, while in the Middle East, hookah, on the contrary, is called “shisha”, and tobacco is “tombak”. In Turkey, tobacco is called “narjil”, and in Syria “narguile”, when, as in India, you will already smoke “galian”. Actually, the name of hookah and tobacco directly depends on the place of its origin, since each nation calls it differently.

Despite its rather deep roots, it appeared in Europe relatively recently - at the beginning of the 19th century. If we talk about Russia, then even later – in the early 1990s. Today, one can observe a rapid growth in the popularity of this echo of Eastern culture, thanks to the large number of specialized establishments throughout the country. Many of the best hookah bars are opened by Easterners who revere this ancient tradition and share their culture with us.