Rick sanchez quotes. Who is Rick Sanchez from the cartoon “Rick and Morty”? Quotes by Rick Sanchez

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Rick Sanchez- a brilliant scientist, an eternal alcoholic, the father of Beth Smith, the grandfather of Morty and Summers. And also the main character of the series "Rick and Morty".


An old man of about 50 years old with the hair of a mad scientist, constantly drinking from his flask, which he always wears in a white robe. The whole style is complemented by his brown pants, which are clearly too big for Rick.

A distinctive feature of the scientist is his constant strange phrases, constant burping, which manifests itself as a result of drinking alcohol, and strange actions that no one understands except Rick himself.

Scientist, cynic, musician, inventor, alien killer, caring (well, almost) grandfather, Rick stands out among the rest of the “normal people.” He realizes that he is part of some kind of show, and this realization makes him the most unhappy person in the world, because realizing this, he still cannot escape, even using his portal gun.

Art Rick Sanchez

Sanchez's catchphrase


translated as “I am in extreme pain, help”. Many viewers believe that in fact this is not Rick’s first Mortimer, so he keeps him at a distance, perhaps so that if this one dies, he will not be tormented by severe pain.


The series begins with Rick's return to the family he left behind for 20 years. Nobody knows where the hero was all this time.

The only family member with whom Rick communicates and spends a lot of time is his grandson Morty. In their relationship, you can see that the grandfather uses his grandson as a shield, as a laborer. Morty often finds himself drawn into deadly adventures, which often occur due to the fault of his grandfather. At first glance, it may seem that Rick does not have any warm feelings for his grandson, but this is not so, even realizing that Morty is stupid, he wants him to become a worthy person, and not a copy of the boy’s father.

Relations with other family members are much less close. Almost all their free time, grandfather and grandson travel to other Universes together. But despite his coldness and secrecy, Rick still takes his granddaughter, Summer, with him on trips.

As you can understand, traveling with him means getting into his circle of trust.

Sanchez expresses strong hatred towards the father of the Smith family, constantly making it clear to him that he does not like him through jokes and careless words towards him. He seems to hold Jerry responsible for his daughter's failure to achieve her dream of becoming a surgeon. After all, he slept with Beth, who was seventeen years old, after which Summers appeared, whose care put an end to the career of Rick’s daughter.

Rick communicates very little with Beth herself, even though she is his daughter, but despite this, she loves her father and does not want him to leave his family, like 20 years ago.

As you know, Rick had a mistress - the collective mind Unity.


Since there are many blank spots left in the series, fans of the series are constantly making theories about it. For example, in the opening sequence, which can be considered part of the series, you can see that Morty remains on the side with strange toad-like creatures while Rick escapes through the portal. Many assume that the scientist left his grandson not by chance, and the Morty we see in the intro is different, but the one we see in the series Morty ver 2.0. It is possible that the old grandson was disliked by his grandfather because he was too smart and ceased to act as a shield for the scientist. Therefore, getting rid of him was the only right decision.

The version that this is not the first Morty can be confirmed by the fact that in one of the episodes you can see Rick holding Morty in his arms. But it is known that the scientist was absent from the family for 20 years. Therefore, the thought comes to mind that this is a parallel version of the Smiths, where the grandfather participated in raising the children.

Rick entered the empty living room and said a little loudly: “Honey, I’m home.” By the way, Rick felt his wife’s love for him slowly fading away, and the saddest thing was that the feelings were fading away mutually. Everyone knows that over time any feelings dull, but they had been together for so long: they knew each other since university. And now their daughter is already fourteen. “My little Beth is smart. She will make an excellent doctor,” Rick sometimes thought, noticing Beth reading a biology textbook at dinner. But now... the silence has gone on for too long. Rick looked at his wife. It was clear from her appearance that she found Rick's remark extremely impudent, and now she had no words to express her feelings. - I think. This is useful, you can try it too,” Sanchez joked too harshly. “Okay,” Rick shrugged. I'm sorry, Beth.* - statement by Albert Einstein.


A cynical scientist, a sociopath, suffering from alcoholism, skeptical, and has an extraordinary sense of humor (mostly black). His behavior is causing great concern for his daughter's family, particularly for the safety of his grandson Morty.
Rick's date of birth is approximately 50's - 60's. He has gray hair and black eyes (it is believed that Rick's hair color was red in his youth). The surname Sanchez (Sanchez) is Spanish, so it is likely that the scientist has Latin American roots. Rick is a tall, thin, lanky old man. He is distinguished by a pale ash complexion and gray-blue hair with a bald spot at the back of his head, as well as a fused eyebrow. When it comes to clothing, Rick prefers a white robe with a blue shirt underneath. He also wears brown pants, a dark brown belt with a yellow buckle, and black boots. Rick's speech is most often incoherent, and there is belching due to the large amount of alcohol he drinks daily.
For a long period of time (twenty years) nothing was known about Rick. Little is known about Rick's past life. In the pilot episode, Rick told Beth that he loved the pancakes she made for him. The scientist considers family values ​​to be nonsense, from which one can conclude about his past divorce or some kind of personal tragedy in his relationship with Mrs. Sanchez. In one episode, he informs Morty that love is "just a chemical reaction that causes animals to reproduce." There is a theory that the reality in which Rick appeared is a second reality. The first ended with the death of his grandson Morty. In one episode, we are shown Rick's memories of the newborn Morty, which contradicts the fact that Rick has been absent for twenty years. That is, either the grandfather visited the family earlier, or there is a possibility that the old man remembers the first Morty who died because of him. For this reason, perhaps Rick drowns his sorrows in alcohol and constantly repeats the phrase “Labu-dub-dub-dub!”, which means “I am in extreme pain, help.” Also, many people think that the first Morty survived and became Evil Morty and is now trying to take revenge on Rick. One way or another, Rick Sanchez now lives in the Smiths’ garage, which they converted into their own laboratory. Here he works on his inventions and formulas, builds robots and other devices. One of Rick's designed devices is a homemade blaster, using which the scientist moves between time dimensions.
Thanks to his brilliant mind, Rick is able to create complex scientific inventions. He regularly travels to other dimensions to collect the resources he needs and willingly kills aliens to get them. He can be extremely cruel, such as when he is betrayed or his life is in danger.
Rick tends to dominate Morty, making his grandson his personal assistant. However, this does not stop him from caring for the boy in his own way. From time to time, he uses his inventions to improve Morty's life. For example, he goes into the dreams of a math teacher to influence him and force him to give Morty an "A" on a test, or comes up with a love serum for his grandson's youthful hopeless love. Rick and Morty have a strong spiritual connection, but their relationship is strained by Rick's cynicism, alcoholism, unethical behavior, and the scientist's difficult relationships with other family members. Morty has a direct influence on his grandfather, despite Rick's obvious leadership role. Often when the old man messes up, Morty convinces him to fix it. Even though Morty is important to Rick in his travels as a brain shield for his intellect, there are many scenes that confirm that Rick is attached to his grandson for more than just that reason, such as scenes where they watch TV together. Rick thinks Morty is stupid, but still insists that Morty do science, hoping that someday Morty will become just like him.
Unlike his grandson, Rick initially does not show any attention to his granddaughter Summer, which upsets her. They even begin to find out with Morty who Grandpa loves more, until Grandpa says that they are both like a piece of sh... to him. However, the further they go, the more attached they become to each other, and Rick even begins to take Summer on his adventures. Rick also has seemingly genuine feelings for his daughter Beth, but can't stand his son-in-law. Rick has the most tense relationship with the latter. The scientist considers Jerry a complete idiot, treats him with contemptuous disrespect and takes advantage of any opportunity to insult and humiliate him. Perhaps Rick is angry that Jerry slept with Beth at the age of seventeen, resulting in the unplanned birth of Summer, putting an end to Beth's full-time career as a surgeon. Jerry, in turn, believes that his grandfather has a negative influence on his grandchildren and seeks to send him to a nursing home.

You know, this is how we die. Alone.

Rick and Morty

To live means to risk everything. Otherwise, you're just a limp pile of randomly assembled molecules floating with the flow of the Universe.

Rick and Morty

Rick, why did you lie to your daughter?
- So as not to go here.
- Why don't you want to be here?
- Because I don't respect therapy, because I'm a scientist. Because I live by inventing, creating and destroying. I change the world if something in it doesn’t suit me. Visiting a mall office to talk to a typical ambassador who explains the meaning of words never helps anyone. It may help people forget and stop panicking, but that's the *burp* mentality of the animals we eat. But I don’t need that. I'm not a cow. I'm a cucumber! When I want to be...

Rick and Morty

Do you know how many provisions of the code you have now violated?
- Oh, no, damn it! What can I know about what I know?

Rick and Morty

I am bad?
- Worse. You are smart. When you realize the meaninglessness of existence, the universe falls at your feet. But the universe likes it. At its core, the universe is animals. They feed on mediocrity, creating endless idiots to feed the likes of your friend Timmy...
- Tommy.
- It doesn’t matter now, honey. People with brains have every chance to conquer reality. But the trick is that she will always kick and eventually throw you off. That's the only way it works...