The fifth column in the Russian government. What is the "Fifth Column"? Examples of using the expression "Fifth Column"

The main force of the country, which organizes and controls vital changes in society, is state power. In an effort to increase the well-being of the state, the president and government are developing the economy, raising social standards of living of the population, increasing the country's defense capability and raising the image of the state in the world. But there are also political and public organizations that in society are usually called simply “5th column”. What is it, how are such associations born, and who is behind them? We'll tell you in this article.

Where did the term “5th Column” come from?

The fifth column is an organization or individual that seeks, through its actions or statements, to change the existing political system of the country in one way or another.

Exist three variants of the appearance of this term:

  • General Mola. In 1936, civil war breaks out on the Iberian Peninsula. The reasons for the enmity are the dissatisfaction of part of the Spanish population with the king's reforms and the growth of the idea of ​​nationalism. The Republicans, led by a general, are laying siege to Madrid. In a radio message to the citizens of the capital, Emilio Mola threatens that in addition to a well-armed army consisting of four columns, he has his own “ fifth column, which at the most opportune moment will destabilize the situation and strike the king’s troops from the rear.”
  • Table. By the power of imagination, the state system is presented in the form of a table that confidently stands on four massive legs - columns. The country is developing successfully and feels comfortable, but at a certain moment the situation is shaken with the help of radical associations: parties, organizations, etc. associations. In the design of the “table,” a fifth leg appears, that is, a column, which becomes redundant.
  • Play. In 1938, Ernest Hemingway completes his play The Fifth Column, which describes the events of the Spanish Civil War.

5th column in Russia

The Russian Constitution states: none of the political ideologies existing in the world has the status of mandatory or national. Of the many currents of the political system, in our country there are de facto two directions:

  • National patriotism. Right now this ideology dominates in the State Duma. The principles are simple: a large percentage of budget money is invested in domestic production and the development of science. Entrepreneurial activity is encouraged, but key economic sectors remain under state control.
  • Liberalism. In this model, the state withdraws as much as possible from influencing the country’s economy and controls the protection of human rights and guarantees free enterprise.

It is behind some political parties or famous personalities who position themselves as liberals that hide the threat in the form of a fifth column:

  • Parties and social movements. Traditionally, these are “Yabloko”, “Union of Right Forces”, “People’s Democratic Union”, “Other Russia”.
  • Public figures. Irina Khakamada, Gennady Gudkov, Ilya Ponamarev, Mikhail Kasyanov, Alexey Navalny. You can also add famous cultural figures and former athletes to this list.

Fifth Column Goals

In any country that has real geopolitical significance in the world community, the so-called “fifth column” has been introduced. The goals of such associations:

  • Change of power. We observed something similar in the countries of South America and Asia. People come to power who hand over the national interests of the state to a third party, and the promised economic transformations do not happen.
  • Weakening economy. The weakening of situations occurs in order to weaken the economy of a particular state. While the government is engaged in protests and riots, the country that has caused a collapse in the competitor’s camp occupies a vacated economic niche in other countries.

The list may also include other goals: interethnic or religious hatred, degradation of society, attempts to dismember the country.

Financing and organization: who is behind the 5th column?

Who is behind the group of people who are playing a propaganda game on the territory of the state and shaking the situation in the country? Without going to extremes, there are two main sources:

  • Intelligence services of another country. Everything is simple here. A separate state introduces its agents of influence into a certain country who engage in subversive activities: they organize television channels and newspapers, political parties that discriminate against the existing government.
  • Former government. The situation is very confusing and dangerous: the political elite, which seeks to change the flow of cash flows in its favor, is engaged in sabotage in the corridors of power. Hence the failures in the country's development reforms. It is difficult to identify such werewolves, so time-tested patriots must be appointed to the most important government posts.

5th column and constructive opposition: main differences

Of course, not all liberal and national democratic movements can be called a fifth column. There are many forces in the country that strive to be useful to the country:

  • Criticism. Representatives of the fifth column only criticize; the constructive opposition offers its own options for the country's development.
  • Power. While agents representing the interests of another state strive for power, true patriots work together with the government.
  • National interests. The opposition, even if its views on solving the problem differ from the options proposed by the authorities, always defend the national interests of the country.

Behind the destabilization of the situation in the state and the attempt to change power is the 5th column. What it is, you have now found out for yourself.

In any civilized country, which undoubtedly includes our country, the alternative to creating unrest on city streets is the procedure of democratic elections. This must always be remembered, and in order to maintain a healthy situation in society, one should not succumb to the provocative calls of representatives of the 5th column.

Video about the fifth column

In this video, Nikolai Starikov will tell you what the fifth column is and how it appeared in Spain:

Each state has its own geopolitical and economic interests - a truth that has long been known to everyone.

But not everyone understands that an economically and politically strong Russia is an undesirable moment for many countries. Why?

Yes, because the colossus of Russia, an unpredictable and strong state, frightens developed countries; they see it as a competitor who must be weakened at any cost.

Therefore, advanced powers started wars with the hands of others.

1. Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachov.
Gorbachev’s betrayal led to bloody ethnic strife, conflicts flared up on all the outskirts of the USSR: Transnistria, New Uzen in Kazakhstan, the Fergana Valley, the Georgian-Abkhaz conflict, Nagorno-Karabakh and so on.

Strikes began, empty counters and huge queues, the destruction of strategic weapons and the collapse of the Warsaw Pact. The list could take a very long time. Of course, in the USA Gorbachev was praised - he took and weakened, destroyed, broke into pieces a great great power. We have become smaller, we have become less dangerous. We began to quarrel with each other and learned to hate each other. We got busy with internal squabbles and turned our attention away from the outside. The great power collapsed. And of course, ordinary citizens of the USSR paid for Gorbachev’s betrayal with their lives and crippled destinies.

2. Boris Nemtsov.
Nemtsov is one of the founders of the Union of Right Forces party and the Solidarity movement, which are openly supported by the US State Department, receiving millions of dollars for their activities aimed at destroying the Russian Federation.

3. Dmitrieva Oksana.
Oksana Dmitrieva was included in the fifth column list after she met with US Ambassador Michael McFaul on January 17, 2012. It became clear that Dmitrieva went to receive instructions from the US Embassy. But her activities as a State Department agent began long before that.

4. Irina Khakamada.
Irina Khakamada was the co-chair of the Union of Right Forces party. The founder of the party was the not unknown Anatoly Chubais, who was and remains a CIA agent.

In 1993, Khakamada was elected to the State Duma of the Russian Federation, where she voted and initiated laws regarding the desovereignization of our country. Also, while a deputy, she participated in thieves' loans-for-shares auctions and thieves' privatization. Member of the Russian People's Democratic Union is a Russian socio-political movement of centrist democratic orientation. The leader is one of the brightest representatives of the fifth column, M. M. Kasyanov.

5. Gennady Gudkov.
Gennady Gudkov became a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation in 2001. Voted for all occupation laws adopted by the State Duma. On March 14, 2013, he announced the creation of his own party. On December 15 of the same year, the social democratic political party “Social Democrats of Russia” (SDR) was established, of which he was elected chairman. The leadership of the party also included deputies expelled from the A Just Russia party: his son Dmitry Gudkov and Ilya Ponomarev.

At the congress, the allies of the new party, prominent representatives of the fifth column, were identified; it was decided to create a coalition with the Yabloko parties - from which he ran for governor, Navalny's People's Alliance party and the environmental party Green Alliance. He ordered and participated in the rallies on Sakharov and Bolotnaya, sponsored by the US State Department.

6. Dmitry Gudkov.
Dmitry Gudkov became a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation in 2011. Just like his father, he voted for all the occupation laws adopted by the State Duma. Dmitry Gudkov, together with deputy Ilya Ponomarev, established the Independent Media Support Fund. Funds for financing the fund are allocated by the US State Department through NPOs in Russia.

On March 1, 2013, Dmitry Gudkov went to the USA. Report on your work and receive new instructions.
On March 4, Gudkov took part in the conference “New approach or status quo? Relations between the USA, the EU and Russia against the backdrop of Putin’s repressions.” It took place in the US Senate building, and its organizers were the human rights organization Freedom House, the foundation and the Institute of Modern Russia.

7. Mikhail Kasyanov.
During his premiership, he was known for large-scale corruption schemes, for which he received the nickname “Misha 2%”. Receives funding from the US National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI). As part of its mission, “NDI provides practical assistance to public and political leaders who promote democratic values, practices and institutions. NDI works with democrats in every region of the world to help build political and civic organizations, ensure fair elections, and promote civic participation, openness and accountability in government." The US State Department officially regulates the political life of Russia through its organization. Participated in and organized major fifth column actions in Russia. Regularly visits the US Embassy in Moscow and the US government.

8. Ilya Ponomarev.
In 2007 he became a deputy of the State Duma. Voted for all occupation laws adopted by the State Duma. In 2010, he was appointed advisor to the president of the Skolkovo Foundation, from where he stole $750,000, allegedly received for his lectures. In fact, the money was transferred to him to support the fifth column in his protest actions in 2011-2012.

In 2012, he founded the Open Projects Foundation, which supports civic activism, projects aimed at changes in social and political life, in order to promote the development of civil society in Russia. Through this foundation, Ponomarev receives funding from the US State Department absolutely legally.

9. Garry Kasparov.
Participated in the creation of the Democratic Party of Russia (DPR). Kasparov was elected one of the deputy chairmen. Already in 1991, Kasparov received the “Keeper of the Flame” award from the US Center for Security Policy, which is awarded to citizens for public activities aimed at spreading democratic values ​​and respect for human rights.

In 2004, Kasparov founded the “2008: Free Choice” Committee and became its chairman, and also became a co-chairman of the organizing committee of the All-Russian Civil Congress “Russia for Democracy, Against Dictatorship” (VGK) together with a participant in the human rights movement Lyudmila Alekseeva.

He is also the founder of the opposition public association “The Other Russia”. In this movement, a coalition was to be formed that would unite opposition representatives of various political persuasions, converging on the need to counter Vladimir Putin’s policies to restore the country’s sovereignty. Kasparov, as a US citizen, spoke and financed fifth column rallies in Moscow in December 2011 and 2012.

10. Lyudmila Alekseeva.
Lyudmila Alekseeva began to conduct subversive activities back in the 1960s, in the USSR. In the 1960s, Alekseeva’s apartment became a meeting place for dissidents, storage and reproduction of samizdat, and interviews with Western correspondents.

At the beginning of 1976, she accepted Yuri Orlov’s offer to join the human rights organization that was being created - the Moscow Helsinki Group (MHG). She became the editor and custodian of MHG documents, and her apartment became a kind of office for the group. She signed the first 19 documents of the group, participated in the drafting of document No. 3 “On the conditions of detention of prisoners of conscience.” MHG was created by the CIA, with the support of the US State Department. Let us note that the Moscow Helsinki Group always wins all competitions that are held to issue grants, and ranks first in terms of the largest amounts received as a grant.

In February 1977, under threat of arrest, Lyudmila Alekseeva was forced to emigrate from the USSR and settled in the USA. America happily accepted its agent. She received American citizenship in 1982. A mandatory procedure before the issuance of such a document is the public taking of an oath, the essence of which is to faithfully and completely serve the United States of America.

Also, Lyudmila Alekseeva hosted programs about human rights on radio stations “Liberty” and “Voice of America”, which are engaged in subversive activities in Russia. In 2013, Alekseeva admitted that the Moscow Helsinki Group “works almost entirely on grants from American foundations.”

11. Alexey Navalny.
12. Nikita Belykh.
13. Ilya Yashin.
14. Anatoly Chubais.
15. Leonid Gozman.
16 . Vladimir Ryzhkov.
17. Vladimir Nilov.
18. Alexey Venediktov.
19. Andrey Makarevich.

List of famous personalities in Russia who supported Bandera's Maidan.

1) Alexey Navalny
2) Andrey Makarevich
3) the team of the radio station “Echo of Moscow”
4) the team of the Dozhd TV channel
5) the team of the Lenta Ru portal
6) Boris Nemtsov
7) Arnold Schwarzenegger. (His father was a Nazi during WWII).
8) Singer Ruslana.
9) Yuri Shevchuk (DDT)
10) Dzhigurda
11) groups of the group “Okean Elzy”
12) collective of the group “Lyapis Trubetskoy”
13) Sergey Zverev
14) Valeria Novodvorskaya
15) George Clooney
16) Ksenia Sobchak
17) Viktor Shenderovich
18) Liya Akhedzhakova
19) Boris Grebenshchikov
20) Garik (Bulldog) Kharlamov
21) Anna Sedokova (former member of the VIA GRA group)
22) Irina Khakamada
23) Marat Gelman
24) Jared Leto
25) Milla Jovovich
26) Martin Gore (Depeche Mode musician)
27) Zemfira
28) Vera Brezhneva
29) Vladimir Zelensky
30) Natasha Koroleva
31) team of the group “Silver”
32) Mikhail Khodorkovsky
33) Bozena Rynska
34) Radio Liberty team
35) staff of the magazine “Snob”
36) Boris Akunin
37) rapper Seryoga
38) Alexander Nevzorov
39) Nikas Safronov
40) Eldar Ryazanov
41) team of the portal elephant ru
42) Garry Kasparov

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Fifth column

Fifth column
From Spanish: Quinta columna.
It is generally accepted that this expression is from a radio speech (autumn, 1936) by the Spanish general Emilio Mola (1887-1937), who during the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) led the offensive of the Franco rebels against Republican Madrid. In it, he said, making threats against the residents of Republican Madrid, that, in addition to the four army columns at his disposal heading towards Madrid, there was also a fifth - in the city itself. These are Franco's secret supporters who will stab the Republicans in the back when a decisive attack on the city begins.
Another version is that E. Mola said these words at his headquarters during a meeting with foreign journalists.
There is a third version of the origin of this phrase: the English journalist Lord St. Oswald claimed that the expression “fifth column” first appeared in his telegram from Madrid sent to the editorial office of the British newspaper The Daily Telegraph in September 1936.
But be that as it may, even during the years of the Spanish Civil War, the concept of “fifth column” began to be associated with the name of General Mola. Thus, Dolores Ibarruri in the article “Defense of Madrid - Defense of Spain” (gaz. “Mundo Obrero” dated October 3, 1936) wrote: “The traitor Mola said that he would throw “four columns” at Madrid, but only the “fifth” would begin offensive (...) The “fifth column” is located inside Madrid, and first of all it is necessary to defeat it.”
The popularity of the expression was promoted by Ernest Hemingway's play The Fifth Column (1938).
Used: as a collective name for spies, saboteurs - * everyone who acts secretly, treacherously, waiting for an opportune moment to openly speak out.

Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions. - M.: “Locked-Press”. Vadim Serov. 2003.

Fifth column

Initially, this was the name given to spies, saboteurs and saboteurs who supported the counter-revolutionary Franks during the years of the Spanish Republic’s struggle against them (1936-1939). This expression belongs to the Spanish general Emilius Mola, who commanded the counter-revolutionary army. Advancing on Madrid, he radioed in the fall of 1936 an appeal to the population of the capital, in which he stated that, in addition to the four army columns at his disposal, he had a fifth column in Madrid itself. According to the fifth column, which carried out subversive espionage work in Madrid, this began to be called the general secret agents of the enemy who help him with espionage, sabotage and sabotage (A. Marjoric Taylor. The Languare of World War II. - New York, 1944, p. 28).

Dictionary of catch words. Plutex. 2004.

See what the “Fifth Column” is in other dictionaries:

    In the Spanish Republic during the war of 1936 39 the name of General Franco's agents operated in the rear, while 4 columns of fascist rebels were advancing on Madrid. During the 2nd World War, the fifth column was the conventional name for the fascist... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    - “FIFTH COLUMN”, in the Spanish Republic during the war of 1936 39 the name of the agents of General Franco, acted in the rear, while 4 columns of fascist rebels advanced on Madrid. During the 2nd World War, the “fifth column” was the code name... encyclopedic Dictionary

    In the Spanish Republic during the war of 1936 39 the name of General Franco's agents operated in the rear, while 4 columns of fascist rebels were advancing on Madrid. During the 2nd World War, the “fifth column” was the conventional name for the fascist... ... Political science. Dictionary.

    - ... Wikipedia

    The name of Franco's agency operating in Spain. republic during the national revolutionary war 1936 39. The term P. k. arose in the beginning. Oct. 1936, when the Francoist gen. Mola announced on the radio that the rebels were attacking Madrid in four columns... ... Soviet historical encyclopedia

    fifth column- The name of Nazi agents in various countries, which carried out sabotage and espionage activities, sowed panic, engaged in sabotage and helped the capture of these countries by German troops. The term fifth column first came into use in... Encyclopedia of the Third Reich

    In the Spanish Republic during the war of 1936 39 the name of General Franco's agents operated in the rear, while 4 columns of fascist rebels were advancing on Madrid. During World War II, the “Fifth Column” was the conventional name for the fascist... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Fifth column- About traitors, traitors who are maintained by hostile states and used for espionage, sabotage and corruption of the spirit of the population of one or another warring country. In every country where Hitlerism had access, a spy service was created... ... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

    - (“Fifth Column”) the name of General Franco’s agents operating in the Spanish Republic during the National Revolutionary War of 1936 39. The term “P. To." arose in early October 1936, when Francoist General E. Mola declared... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Publ. Disapproved Secret agents of the enemy are spies, saboteurs, saboteurs, traitors. /i> Expression of the Francoist army general Emilio Mola, who announced during the attack on Madrid (1938) that in addition to four army columns he had in the city... ... Large dictionary of Russian sayings


  • "Fifth Column" and the Russian Church. A century of persecution and schisms, Shambarov Valery Evgenievich. When the USSR collapsed, one of the main organizers of this operation, Zbigniew Brzezinski, said: “We now have one enemy - the Russian Orthodox Church.” Although it is from the communist authorities...

“Fifth Column” is a political term that refers to citizens who, in the interests of third states, act against the authorities of their own country.

Where did the term “fifth column” come from?

"Attention! The fifth column lies in wait! (Republican propaganda poster, circa 1936) Photo:

The term "fifth column" originated during the Spanish Civil War. On October 15, 1936, the nationalists were preparing to storm Madrid, which was then controlled by the Republicans hostile to them. To intimidate the population of the capital,General Emilio Mola, commander of the Francoist army, made an appeal on the radio. In it, he announced that in addition to the four army columns at his disposal outside the city, he also had a hidden fifth, located in the very heart of the capital:

“On the seventh of November I will have coffee in Gran Via... Four columns are with me, and the fifth is in Madrid,” Mola announced.

Following this, Mola's army launched an offensive and came very close to Madrid, occupying one of the airfields 10 km from the Spanish capital. But since the nationalists had much less people, as well as ammunition, fuel and weapons, than the Republicans, Franco and Mola decided not to storm the city of a million people. Therefore, whether there really was a “fifth column” in Madrid is unknown.

Recently, the phrase “fifth column” has begun to be used more and more often at all levels in Russia, Ukraine, and other countries of the post-Soviet space. What does it mean and what threat does it pose to society?

History of the term

The emergence of the expression in question is associated with the then republican regime opposed to the fascist General Franco. In 1936, the Francoist offensive began on the capital of Spain. To intimidate the enemy, a speech by one of the generals, dictator E. Mola, was broadcast on the radio. He said that in addition to four military columns marching on the city under the leadership of various generals, in Madrid itself there were adherents of the new regime who would speak out at the right time. He called these spies the “fifth column.” In Russia, both in the past and today, this image of an internal enemy is actively used. Let's take a historical excursion and find out what the fifth column in Russia is and does it really pose a real threat to the state?

Interference of foreign powers in the internal affairs of Russia

The fact that each state has its own geopolitical and economic interests is a long-known truth. But not everyone understands that a strong economically and politically Russia is an undesirable moment for many countries. Why? Yes, because the colossus of Russia, an unpredictable and strong state, frightens developed countries; they see it as a competitor who must be weakened at any cost. Therefore, advanced powers started wars by proxy (for example, the Russian-Turkish war of 1806-1812), and took an active part in domestic politics. For example, the coup d'état carried out by a handful of nobles in 1801 was directly paid for by England, and this is already a recognized fact. At that time there was no term “fifth column”, but its methods were used quite widely. Why did England need to get rid of Paul? But because he, in alliance with Napoleon, planned to organize a campaign in India and generally oppose England’s hegemony in the world. Skillfully taking advantage of the dissatisfaction of the nobles with the rule of Paul the First, Great Britain solved its problems with their hands.

Twentieth century

Let's move on to the twentieth century. Was there a fifth column in Russia in the last century? The First World War undermined its economy and provoked a new crisis. After the February Revolution, Nicholas turned to his relatives from the royal house of England with a request to accept his family, but was refused. Why? The weak Provisional Government could not cope with the situation in the country, and the allies demanded more and more offensives at the front. caused a civil war, foreigners immediately began to “help” the white movement. But did they really want to help? The words of the Russian white general are known that no one except the Russians needs a great Russia. The power of the Bolsheviks was supposed to destroy the country, but it didn’t quite work out that way. The created Union of Soviet Socialist Republics became a new giant, which, again, they were afraid of and dreamed of destroying and dividing. Its collapse had both internal and external reasons. It was not for nothing that the US President congratulated his people on winning the Cold War after the collapse of the USSR.

The other side of the coin

Despite the fact that the existing giant, the Soviet Union, frightened the developed countries, and, probably, they had their agents on its territory, the scale of the fight against “pests” exceeded all imaginable limits. “Enemies of the people” - this Soviet-era terminology may well replace the expression “fifth column”. These are the same agents of influence, working against their country for the benefit of another. Most of them have not only ideological motives, but also more mercantile ones - personal gain. However, during the Soviet era, many innocent people suffered as enemies of the people. In addition, the presence of an internal enemy can always be a good justification for any failure of government policies, an explanation for the existence of economic problems and a reason for the unity of citizens. Thus, the “fifth column” can be a good justification for tough policies for those in power.

Russia in the 90s

Keeping all of the above in mind, we will try to see the current political situation and determine whether it is possible to consider such a phenomenon as the “fifth column of Russia” in the current situation. One of the basic principles of dialectics requires studying a phenomenon in its development and historical context. Therefore, let's start with Russia's position in the world cannot be called anything other than weak. The foreign ministers who replaced “Mr. No” A. Gromyko made concessions on all the demands of the United States and the West, following the country’s leaders. In return, Russia received global recognition and, as Putin put it, the right to sit alongside the major powers at meetings of the G8 and the like.

Current political situation

There is an opinion about the sole control of world processes by the United States. There is enough evidence for this. But as soon as the Russian Federation began to declare its strategic interests and contradict the “world dictator,” they immediately started talking about a terrible, aggressive Russia. The situation today is such that the world community condemns the Russian Federation on all counts. At the same time, fear of the country and Putin personally is formed. What should the Russian government do in this situation? The choice can be this: come to terms with your position as a second-rate power and surrender to the mercy of the “winners” or defend your interests to the end. What is the fifth column in this situation? This is not just opposition, but forces that are weakening the state from within and rocking the political situation at a very dangerous time for the country. The situation is similar to the ideas of the “defeatists” during the First World War, who advocated the loss of their own state in the war.

Crimean crisis

Even before the spring of 2014, there was an opposition in Russia that opposed the existing political regime. Some of these forces legally participated in the political struggle through elections. The other, like the world-famous “Pussy Wright,” acts with the help of PR campaigns, running into trouble and presenting the actions of the authorities as an attack against freedom of speech. The protest in Moscow, organized by A. Navalny’s allies, was a more serious attempt to raise discontent in society. But it was only in connection with the Crimean issue that the term “fifth column” came to life again. By and large, it included everyone who opposed it. This rather large group included a completely motley public that had ambivalent assessments of the annexation of the Crimean Peninsula.

Attempts to compile a list of fifth columns

So, most of the Russian population and political leaders welcomed the annexation of part of Ukraine in the form of Crimea to Russia. That is why the attitude towards people who expressed their protest against the actions of the Russian authorities was so clearly negative. There are not so many of them, but nevertheless, many of them are quite influential people. There are four deputies in the lower house of parliament: Valery Zubov, Ilya Ponomarev, Sergei Petrov and Dmitry Gudkov. They were joined by Nemtsov, Yavlinsky, Novodvorskaya. A big surprise was the position of everyone’s favorite artists, such as Yu. Shevchuk, who immediately spoke out against the invasion of Russian troops in Crimea, considering everything that happened an annexation. Many of the representatives of our creative elite were afraid that in this way a war would break out between Ukraine and Russia. Apparently, BG also wrote about this on his Facebook page, calling on peoples not to quarrel. In the meantime, the war is going on in the Ukrainian east. The issue with Crimea hangs in the air.

The Reality of the Enemy Within

The presence of opposition in society is a normal phenomenon. Any democracy stands for pluralism, including opinions. The use of state coercive measures against dissidents is a sign of totalitarianism. Can we say that the authorities are persecuting, for example, the Okean Elzy group or other groups and individuals who oppose the prevailing policy? The artists themselves deny this fact. But something else is happening. Various social forces, sometimes even of a very extremist nature, are trying to unleash persecution of the so-called fifth column. At the same time, public opinion can criticize any position, including the opposition. But the very widespread use of the term “fifth column” in the media and political debates - what is this if not an escalation of social tension and a call to fight pests, enemies of the people, cosmopolitans, and so on?