Ortner healing code, tapping method, read. Tapping healing code. About the book “The Tapping Healing Code” by Nicholas Otner

Nicholas Otner

Tapping Healing Code

That's what brought Nick Polizzi and I to Jody McDonald's house in Austin, Texas, in the fall of 2007. Jodie suffered from fibromyalgia, a painful and misdiagnosed condition. Here we wanted to collect material in advance of important filming scheduled in a few weeks. For them, we found 10 people with various problems - chronic back pain, fibromyalgia, insomnia, who had recently experienced grief. We were to take a course with them to see how Emotional Freedom Technique could help them.

We were going to write down a story about Jodie's condition, the difficulties she had to struggle with, before starting the process of working through it. I couldn't wait to meet Jodi, find out exactly what was going on with her and how EFT could help her.

At first glance at Jodie - bright smile, lively eyes - you would never have guessed what a serious illness was tormenting her. How often she wakes up at night in pain, and during the day she almost climbs the walls. Because of this pain, she had to give up long walks, almost stop using stairs - even at rest she often experienced this pain. Eight years ago, Jodie was diagnosed with fibromyalgia, which was now slowly destroying her life.

Teacher, aspiring writer, wife, mother of four, Jodie was determined to continue living life to the fullest. No matter how persistent the pain, Jodie could not accept the fact that her disease, according to the doctor, was incurable. She was a firm believer in positive psychology, the Law of Attraction and kept smiling. She refused to give up.

After a few minutes of conversation, it became clear that as a child she had experienced several psychologically traumatic situations - in particular, she saw her father beat her mother. Despite this, she decided to remain a positive, active person who spends most of her time helping others. She tried her best to be happy, went to doctors, tried alternative treatments. She did everything she could to overcome the pain and heal, but nothing helped. What's the matter here? And can this strange-looking tapping technique help?

I really felt for Jodi and wanted to start working with her using EFT right then and there. But we had to wait, we decided that I would not introduce the method to her until the four-day event planned in a few weeks, which I mentioned above.

After Jodi told us her story and treated us to a wonderful lunch (definitely the best meal of our trip), we hit the road again to visit the rest of the wonderful people who would be attending our event. These people desperately wanted to be cured.

Donna had breast cancer. She suffered from her illness emotionally and physically. She suffered from debilitating insomnia.

John is a Vietnam War veteran. For thirty years he suffered from chronic back pain. Neither doctors, nor surgeons, nor medications cured them.

Rene could not cope with his grief. Three months ago he lost his wife in a car accident.

Jackie was afraid of speaking in public and was too shy to achieve what she wanted.

A lot of people wanted to take part in the filming. To say that I felt for these people with all my heart is an understatement. If these ten people suffered so much, looked for solutions to their problems and did not find them, how many more millions or even billions of people are in a similar situation? The main question is: will my method help them?

In this book I will tell you about everything that happened. For now, just let me finish the story with Jodie. Doctors once diagnosed her with an “incurable” disease and could do nothing to help. She became pain free on the second day of our four day course. Years later, the pain had not returned and her life had changed in many other ways. (I'll tell you more about her inspiring story in Chapter 6.)

If Jodie achieved this extraordinary result with such a serious illness, what can you achieve?

Now you. Are you ready for change? Are there problems or circumstances in your life that you would like to change? Maybe it's childhood trauma, an anxiety disorder, health problems, excess weight, financial difficulties, relationship difficulties. Whatever your situation, Emotional Freedom Technique has proven to be effective in a wide variety of situations. In this book, we'll take a closer look at each of these situations and explore how to use techniques to deal with them. How to change psychological attitudes that often lie at the root of our problems.

I don't need to be psychic to tell you that you make the same mistakes, sometimes with slight variations, throughout your life. I don't even have to meet you to know that what really bothers you is that you do the same things over and over again and, predictably, end up with the same results.

You've probably told yourself countless times:

“Oh, I can’t believe I did it again.”

"Why did I tell him that...again?"

“Why did I eat that...again?”

“Why didn’t I go to the gym... again?”

“Why don’t I have money... again?”

“Why am I upset (or angry, confused, overworked, anxious, tired)... again?

I think this is an edited version of what you are telling yourself. Most likely, you don’t stand on ceremony with yourself at all. Most of us add a couple more unprintable words to these phrases.

What irritates you most is that you are trying to improve. But still... nothing comes of it. It's also terribly offensive. It would be one thing if you didn’t know that you were behaving the same way and repeating mistakes. But you know! And everything repeats itself in a circle. As you read the book, you will understand that most of the way you behave are programs embedded in your subconscious as a child. You learned this from your parents, teachers, friends.

By remembering the past, we can determine which psychological attitude leads to this or that behavior, but the problem is that it is very difficult to find a way to get rid of it.

You can visit a psychologist or psychiatrist and discuss your problem with them for months, but you still won’t see results. And if we wait, it won’t be as soon as we would like. Temporary relief, of course, can come quite quickly, however, when you notice that everything is back to normal, the long and painful process of therapy will undermine your faith that change will ever come. One way or another, long-known methods can shake the confidence that you will be able to control your own life.

This has continued until now.

The effect of EFT is unlike anything I had encountered before learning about this method. In Chapter 13, I describe how this small but extraordinary revolution took place, and how people in different parts of the world were freed from their psychological traumas. But before we learn how this method changes the world, let's find out how it can change just one life - yours.

Remember we talked about psychological attitudes? Finally, the path to liberation from them, the final victory over them, has been found. The method I am writing about gets to the root of the problem, brings the mind and body into harmony, and changes the feeling of the world. This method can be used for any situation. I will tell you why this happens in the next chapter. But first we will focus on how to use EFT in life situations that are pressing and negatively affecting you. Later you will learn to teach the method to others.

The first two chapters are very important for understanding all subsequent parts. The first chapter describes the discovery and history of tapping, the latest scientific data that were obtained while studying the process.

In Chapter 2, I explain how the Emotional Freedom Technique works so you can try it on yourself. The most amazing thing about this method is that you will be able to immediately feel the impact it has on your body and mind. You don't need hours of study to master the technique, and you don't have to wait long to feel the results.

Once you understand the basics of the process and how it can help you, I will tell you why many are not ready to change. Often the desire for change is hampered by attitudes and complexes driven into the subconscious. In Chapter Three, we will apply EFT to these settings so that you will benefit from the rest of the book to the fullest extent possible.

In Chapter 4, you will learn how to use EFT to relieve the stress, anxiety, fatigue, and overexertion that most of us experience.

The fifth chapter is perhaps the most useful. Here we look at the connection between negative events in childhood and the circumstances in which we find ourselves now. The most striking results that I have seen from EFT are in this area.

In the next two chapters we will look at how to use EFT for physical problems. In chapter six, I will talk about how stress affects our physical condition and how to use EFT in this case. Chapter seven gives practical tips for relieving physical pain. The eighth chapter teaches the use of EFT in the fight against addictions to improve your figure and lose weight. I know this is a concern for many readers and you would like to skip straight to this chapter - but I advise you not to do so. You need the information from the previous chapters so that you can use EFT for weight loss more effectively.

In Chapters 9 and 10, I will share some of the most amazing stories from my personal experiences with EFT. In particular, I will talk about attracting love into my life, changing my beliefs and subsequent experiences related to the financial sector. I'll explain how you can achieve the same thing with amazing speed.

Chapter Eleven begins with a funny story that will make you laugh. However, in it you will find a description of how to cope with serious problems - your deepest fears and phobias. The twelfth chapter is devoted to a wide range of difficulties (each of them, however, deserves a separate chapter) that EFT will help to cope with. It describes how to work with insomnia, improve sleep, improve relationships with children, improve sports performance, get rid of addictions and much more.

In Chapter 13, perhaps the most inspiring, we learn about the pioneering EFT work being done by individuals and organizations around the world.

In the final chapter 14, I will present a new perspective on lifestyle from an EFT perspective. These are opportunities and new ideas that will help you get closer to the life you've always dreamed of.

In the book you will find a description of the points on the body that are involved in the tapping method. This will help you put the method into practice. I will also talk about the experience of doctors, psychologists and psychiatrists who use EFT in their practice. You will learn how tapping is used in medicine.

I am glad to have the honor of being your guide on this journey. I really want that after reading my book, you will find hope and new opportunities - what I found when I became acquainted with the Emotional Freedom Technique. This method changed my life and continues to change it every day. The same thing can happen to you and your loved ones.

It's time to change...

It's time to find a healthy, athletic, vibrant body...

A time of happiness, prosperity and prosperity...

A time of relationships filled with joy and harmony...

Time for the Emotional Freedom Technique!

© 2013 by Nik Ortner

© Nekhlebova N., translation into Russian, 2014

© AST Publishing House LLC, 2016

Nicholas Otner's technique is easy to use and works like magic. He taught me this magic - to solve any problems using the tapping method. You will love this book.

Louise Hay

This is amazing! The book will show you how you can cope with both emotional and physical problems. Nicholas Otner is the genius behind this amazing method. Read the book now and be changed forever.

The book talks about the capabilities of technology in detail, using real stories of recovery as examples. This is a great system that will help you get rid of your fears. Nicholas is doing global work, creating the foundation of this revolutionary method.

The book will open your eyes to a relatively new, but very effective therapy. Nicholas explains very well why this technique works and then gives instructions on how to use it that are very easy to follow. You can start using the method yourself immediately. Plus, he shares real stories of people who have benefited from this therapy, which will inspire you to discover the world of Emotional Release Techniques. Pick up this book and learn how to use this simple and proven method.

Nicholas Otner gives his readers information about the history of the tapping method, instructions on how to use the technique, and tells specific stories of how this method has changed the lives of many people. This book is an excellent source of invaluable knowledge.

The Emotional Freedom Technique has improved the quality of my life and work. There is no one who can explain this practice better than Nicholas Otner. Don't miss this opportunity. Not only can it change your life, it can save your life.

During my toughest year, I discovered tapping, and miraculously this original approach took me out of the dark twilight and into the sunlight. Nicholas Otner's thoughtful and informative book will help you understand this revolutionary technique. Will answer all your “what”, “why” and “how”.


Paula suffered from terrible, debilitating headaches. For the past ten years they have tormented her almost every day. I prescribed her migraine medicine and sleeping pills. But about four times a month she sought emergency medical care. Pain and, as a result, insomnia haunted her relentlessly. In addition to the medications, she changed her lifestyle in a way that, as practice has shown, usually helped in such situations: she reduced the amount of gluten, meat, and dairy products she consumed, and took dietary supplements, but it was all to no avail. It seemed like this pain would never go away.

There is nothing harder for a doctor than to watch his patient suffer. I decided to introduce Paula to my friend Nick Ortner. I heard that his work with the Emotional Freedom Technique (this technique is also called tapping) gives incredible results. I met Nick about a year before. During our conversation, he told me about the science behind tapping's effectiveness. He talked about why this method works so well in a variety of cases related to health problems and general well-being - it helps to cope with physical and emotional pain, get rid of phobias and even build harmonious relationships.

Despite the hope that the technology would help Polya, I still doubted it. I shared my uncertainty with Paula, but she was ready to try anything. We both understood that in order to get rid of the problem, a new method of treatment was needed, because it was impossible to take so many medications endlessly.

Over the course of several months, I heard good news that Paula's pain was subsiding and she was becoming less reliant on the pills. The latest news about Paula’s condition amazed me: after working with the EFT method, Paula not only completely got rid of pain, but also stopped taking medications altogether. Paula called the therapy an “emotional journey” that freed her from pain and the need to take pills. Finally, she had a chance to return to a normal, active, fulfilling life. Just great news!

Having convinced myself of the benefits of this method, I naturally wanted to learn more about it. I have done my own research and have seen the success of tapping combined with functional medicine, which I have been using to treat people for over 20 years. But after getting to know Nick and his method, I decided that I would send my patients to him.

As a functional medicine practitioner and passionate advocate for advancing healing practices, I am very excited about the potential of Emotional Freedom Technique. Medicine, like any science, needs to expand its boundaries – change approaches and methods of treatment. It is our job and responsibility to tirelessly search for the most effective ways not only to treat the symptoms of the disease, but also to get rid of internal disharmony and blocks that can cause various diseases. Instead of watering the leaves of a withering tree, we should tend its roots and it will bloom on its own.

Tapping works with the causes and eliminates them, quickly and effectively blocking the body's response to stress. As you will understand from this book, tapping can help solve a variety of problems - psycho-emotional (depression, anxiety, post-traumatic syndrome) and physical. This technique demonstrates consistent and convincing results. And in combination with a healthy lifestyle - good nutrition, regular exercise, natural supplements - it is effective for systematically maintaining health. Tapping is a fast-acting, active method of managing stress, which often leaves our bodies vulnerable to disease.

Take a moment to look into the future and try to imagine how we will maintain our health years and decades from now. I can easily imagine a world where, thanks to tapping, we will get rid of problems, gain health and make our lives richer, more varied and much better. And I am proud to be also involved in this. I hope this book will help you find harmony, joy, health - in a word, everything that this technique has to offer.

Mark Hyman, MD


I looked pretty stupid. At least it seemed so to me. It was spring 2004. I sat alone, staring at the monitor, talking to myself and tapping my fingers on different parts of my body. If you had looked into my window at that moment, you would have definitely decided that this was a crazy person.

Current page: 1 (book has 19 pages total) [available reading passage: 13 pages]

Nicholas Otner
Tapping Healing Code

© 2013 by Nik Ortner

© Nekhlebova N., translation into Russian, 2014

© AST Publishing House LLC, 2016

* * *

Nicholas Otner's technique is easy to use and works like magic. He taught me this magic - to solve any problems using the tapping method. You will love this book.

Louise Hay

This is amazing! The book will show you how you can cope with both emotional and physical problems. Nicholas Otner is the genius behind this amazing method. Read the book now and be changed forever.

The book talks about the capabilities of technology in detail, using real stories of recovery as examples. This is a great system that will help you get rid of your fears. Nicholas is doing global work, creating the foundation of this revolutionary method.

The book will open your eyes to a relatively new, but very effective therapy. Nicholas explains very well why this technique works and then gives instructions on how to use it that are very easy to follow. You can start using the method yourself immediately. Plus, he shares real stories of people who have benefited from this therapy, which will inspire you to discover the world of Emotional Release Techniques. Pick up this book and learn how to use this simple and proven method.

Nicholas Otner gives his readers information about the history of the tapping method, instructions on how to use the technique, and tells specific stories of how this method has changed the lives of many people. This book is an excellent source of invaluable knowledge.

The Emotional Freedom Technique has improved the quality of my life and work. There is no one who can explain this practice better than Nicholas Otner. Don't miss this opportunity. Not only can it change your life, it can save your life.

During my toughest year, I discovered tapping, and miraculously this original approach took me out of the dark twilight and into the sunlight. Nicholas Otner's thoughtful and informative book will help you understand this revolutionary technique. Will answer all your “what”, “why” and “how”.


Paula suffered from terrible, debilitating headaches. For the past ten years they have tormented her almost every day. I prescribed her migraine medicine and sleeping pills. But about four times a month she sought emergency medical care. Pain and, as a result, insomnia haunted her relentlessly. In addition to the medications, she changed her lifestyle in a way that, as practice has shown, usually helped in such situations: she reduced the amount of gluten, meat, and dairy products she consumed, and took dietary supplements, but it was all to no avail. It seemed like this pain would never go away.

There is nothing harder for a doctor than to watch his patient suffer. I decided to introduce Paula to my friend Nick Ortner. I heard that his work with the Emotional Freedom Technique (this technique is also called tapping) gives incredible results. I met Nick about a year before. During our conversation, he told me about the science behind tapping's effectiveness. He talked about why this method works so well in a variety of cases related to health problems and general well-being - it helps to cope with physical and emotional pain, get rid of phobias and even build harmonious relationships.

Despite the hope that the technology would help Polya, I still doubted it. I shared my uncertainty with Paula, but she was ready to try anything. We both understood that in order to get rid of the problem, a new method of treatment was needed, because it was impossible to take so many medications endlessly.

Over the course of several months, I heard good news that Paula's pain was subsiding and she was becoming less reliant on the pills. The latest news about Paula’s condition amazed me: after working with the EFT method, Paula not only completely got rid of pain, but also stopped taking medications altogether. Paula called the therapy an “emotional journey” that freed her from pain and the need to take pills. Finally, she had a chance to return to a normal, active, fulfilling life. Just great news!

Having convinced myself of the benefits of this method, I naturally wanted to learn more about it. I did my own research and found the success of tapping combined with functional medicine 1
Functional medicine is a combination of traditional and alternative medicine. The patient’s illnesses are considered in conjunction with his psychological state, lifestyle and other details. Treatment may include psychological practices and a variety of techniques unique to alternative medicine.

With which I have been treating people for over 20 years. But after getting to know Nick and his method, I decided that I would send my patients to him.

As a functional medicine practitioner and passionate advocate for advancing healing practices, I am very excited about the potential of Emotional Freedom Technique. Medicine, like any science, needs to expand its boundaries – change approaches and methods of treatment. It is our job and responsibility to tirelessly search for the most effective ways not only to treat the symptoms of the disease, but also to get rid of internal disharmony and blocks that can cause various diseases. Instead of watering the leaves of a withering tree, we should tend its roots and it will bloom on its own.

Tapping works with the causes and eliminates them, quickly and effectively blocking the body's response to stress. As you will understand from this book, tapping can help solve a variety of problems - psycho-emotional (depression, anxiety, post-traumatic syndrome) and physical. This technique demonstrates consistent and convincing results. And in combination with a healthy lifestyle - good nutrition, regular exercise, natural supplements - it is effective for systematically maintaining health. Tapping is a fast-acting, active method of managing stress, which often leaves our bodies vulnerable to disease.

Take a moment to look into the future and try to imagine how we will maintain our health years and decades from now. I can easily imagine a world where, thanks to tapping, we will get rid of problems, gain health and make our lives richer, more varied and much better. And I am proud to be also involved in this. I hope this book will help you find harmony, joy, health - in a word, everything that this technique has to offer.

Mark Hyman, MD


I looked pretty stupid. At least it seemed so to me. It was spring 2004. I sat alone, staring at the monitor, talking to myself and tapping my fingers on different parts of my body. If you had looked into my window at that moment, you would have definitely decided that this was a crazy person.

I really was a little out of my mind at that moment. The neck pain I woke up with that morning was very severe. I couldn’t imagine living with her for even a day. You probably know what I'm talking about. Everyone has experienced this at some point. You sleep in an awkward position and wake up with stiff muscles and neck pain. For a day, two, or even three you feel like a robot - you can’t turn around or nod your head. I was ready to do anything to get rid of this pain. Even something strange, like tapping your fingers on different parts of your body.

I've heard a lot about Meridian Tapping, or Emotional Freedom Technique, which is a unique combination of ancient Chinese acupressure and modern psychology. Proponents of this method believe that it helps in a variety of situations. I read stories of miraculous healing one after another. In the end, I decided: why not? Maybe I should try it too. Let's see what happens.

To my amazement, the pain, which usually went away within a few days, disappeared within 10 minutes. What a relief! I can turn my head like a normal person, I don't have to suffer all day. Tapping really helps!

Pleased that I managed to be free from pain, I was about to go about my business, but suddenly it dawned on me: this method can help get rid of not only neck pain. What else can I change with it? It's not just about quick relief from pain. This little experiment opened up an ocean of possibilities for me that I had never thought about before.

Many of us are conditioned to think that it will take some time to solve a problem - if, in our opinion, it can be solved at all. But what if from physical pain, health problems, addictions, relationship difficulties, financial difficulties - from everything? Can get free easily and quickly? What if the impossible is still possible?

Such thoughts began to appear to me after I tried tapping for the first time. Heck, maybe the neck pain was somehow preventing enough blood from getting to the brain! And only now, freed from pain, I was able to think more clearly! I began to imagine what else I would change in my life, how I would help my loved ones.

At first it was just a hobby. I myself often used the tapping method, then I began to help friends and family members. Soon I had a private practice - my first clients.

Time and time again I was amazed at the results I saw. Then I categorized it “I don’t know how it works. But it works! And that’s the main thing.” Now the latest scientific research has already shed light on exactly what processes underlie the tapping method and why it brings such radical positive changes.

At that time, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) was already being practiced by tens, if not hundreds of thousands of people around the world. There was a growing community, its members learning the principles of the method and sharing the results. But still, many people were skeptical about the technology. I had a strong desire to spread this healing method.

So, without any experience making films and with a limited budget (overdrawn credit cards and a few short-term loans) - I decided to make a documentary about the incredible results EFT produces. My little sister Jessica and my best friend Nick Polizzi (yes, there are two Nicks in this story) came to help me. I wanted to demonstrate the effectiveness of the method using real facts. To make a film that would not only be interesting to watch, but with the help of which you could learn how to use this unique technique.

For the first six months, we traveled around the country and recorded interviews with experts, doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists, self-help coaches, and popular book authors who used the Emotional Freedom Technique. They shared with us their passion, enthusiasm and positive experiences. Although the footage was interesting and useful, we were still missing something else. We had to film not only the stories of real people who used the technology and describe their past experiences. We wanted to show the method with some example in the process - how it works in real time.

That's what brought Nick Polizzi and I to Jody McDonald's house in Austin, Texas, in the fall of 2007. Jodie suffered from fibromyalgia 2
A disease in which patients suffer from pain throughout the body, depression, and have poor sleep.

– a painful and not always correctly diagnosed condition. Here we wanted to collect material in advance of important filming scheduled in a few weeks. For them, we found 10 people with various problems - chronic back pain, fibromyalgia, insomnia, who had recently experienced grief. We were to take a course with them to see how Emotional Freedom Technique could help them.

We were going to write down a story about Jodie's condition, the difficulties she had to struggle with, before starting the process of working through it. I couldn't wait to meet Jodi, find out exactly what was going on with her and how EFT could help her.

At first glance at Jodie - bright smile, lively eyes - you would never have guessed what a serious illness was tormenting her. How often she wakes up at night in pain, and during the day she almost climbs the walls. Because of this pain, she had to give up long walks, almost stop using stairs - even at rest she often experienced this pain. Eight years ago, Jodie was diagnosed with fibromyalgia, which was now slowly destroying her life.

Teacher, aspiring writer, wife, mother of four, Jodie was determined to continue living life to the fullest. No matter how persistent the pain, Jodie could not accept the fact that her disease, according to the doctor, was incurable. She was a strong believer in positive psychology, the Law of Attraction 3
The philosophical attitude is “bad thoughts attract bad, good thoughts attract good.”

And she continued to smile. She refused to give up.

After a few minutes of conversation, it became clear that as a child she had experienced several psychologically traumatic situations - in particular, she saw her father beat her mother. Despite this, she decided to remain a positive, active person who spends most of her time helping others. She tried her best to be happy, went to doctors, tried alternative treatments. She did everything she could to overcome the pain and heal, but nothing helped. What's the matter here? And can this strange-looking tapping technique help?

I really felt for Jodi and wanted to start working with her using EFT right then and there. But we had to wait, we decided that I would not introduce the method to her until the four-day event planned in a few weeks, which I mentioned above.

After Jodi told us her story and treated us to a wonderful lunch (definitely the best meal of our trip), we hit the road again to visit the rest of the wonderful people who would be attending our event. These people desperately wanted to be cured.

Donna had breast cancer. She suffered from her illness emotionally and physically. She suffered from debilitating insomnia.

John is a Vietnam War veteran. For thirty years he suffered from chronic back pain. Neither doctors, nor surgeons, nor medications cured them.

Rene could not cope with his grief. Three months ago he lost his wife in a car accident.

Jackie was afraid of speaking in public and was too shy to achieve what she wanted.

A lot of people wanted to take part in the filming. To say that I felt for these people with all my heart is an understatement. If these ten people suffered so much, looked for solutions to their problems and did not find them, how many more millions or even billions of people are in a similar situation? The main question is: will my method help them?

In this book I will tell you about everything that happened. For now, just let me finish the story with Jodie. Doctors once diagnosed her with an “incurable” disease and could do nothing to help. She became pain free on the second day of our four day course. Years later, the pain had not returned and her life had changed in many other ways. (I'll tell you more about her inspiring story in Chapter 6.)

If Jodie achieved this extraordinary result with such a serious illness, what can you achieve?

Now you. Are you ready for change? Are there problems or circumstances in your life that you would like to change? Maybe it's childhood trauma, an anxiety disorder, health problems, excess weight, financial difficulties, relationship difficulties. Whatever your situation, Emotional Freedom Technique has proven to be effective in a wide variety of situations. In this book, we'll take a closer look at each of these situations and explore how to use techniques to deal with them. How to change psychological attitudes, which are often at the root of our problems.

I don't need to be psychic to tell you that you make the same mistakes, sometimes with slight variations, throughout your life. I don't even have to meet you to know that what really bothers you is that you do the same things over and over again and, predictably, end up with the same results.

You've probably told yourself countless times:

“Oh, I can’t believe I did it again.”

"Why did I tell him that...again?"

“Why did I eat that...again?”

“Why didn’t I go to the gym... again?”

“Why don’t I have money... again?”

“Why am I upset (or angry, confused, overworked, anxious, tired)... again?

I think this is an edited version of what you are telling yourself. Most likely, you don’t stand on ceremony with yourself at all. Most of us add a couple more unprintable words to these phrases.

What irritates you most is that you are trying to improve. But still... nothing comes of it. It's also terribly offensive. It would be one thing if you didn’t know that you were behaving the same way and repeating mistakes. But you know! And everything repeats itself in a circle. As you read the book, you will understand that most of the way you behave are programs embedded in your subconscious as a child. You learned this from your parents, teachers, friends.

By remembering the past, we can determine which psychological attitude leads to this or that behavior, but the problem is that it is very difficult to find a way to get rid of it.

You can visit a psychologist or psychiatrist and discuss your problem with them for months, but you still won’t see results. And if we wait, it won’t be as soon as we would like. Temporary relief, of course, can come quite quickly, however, when you notice that everything is back to normal, the long and painful process of therapy will undermine your faith that change will ever come. One way or another, long-known methods can shake the confidence that you will be able to control your own life.

This has continued until now.

The effect of EFT is unlike anything I had encountered before learning about this method. In Chapter 13, I describe how this small but extraordinary revolution took place, and how people in different parts of the world were freed from their psychological traumas. But before we learn how this method changes the world, let's find out how it can change just one life - yours.

Remember we talked about psychological attitudes? Finally, the path to liberation from them, the final victory over them, has been found. The method I am writing about gets to the root of the problem, brings the mind and body into harmony, and changes the feeling of the world. This method can be used for any situation. I will tell you why this happens in the next chapter. But first we will focus on how to use EFT in life situations that are pressing and negatively affecting you. Later you will learn to teach the method to others.

About the book

The first two chapters are very important for understanding all subsequent parts. The first chapter describes the discovery and history of tapping, the latest scientific data that were obtained while studying the process.

In Chapter 2, I explain how the Emotional Freedom Technique works so you can try it on yourself. The most amazing thing about this method is that you will be able to immediately feel the impact it has on your body and mind. You don't need hours of study to master the technique, and you don't have to wait long to feel the results.

Once you understand the basics of the process and how it can help you, I will tell you why many are not ready to change. Often the desire for change is hampered by attitudes and complexes driven into the subconscious. In Chapter Three, we will apply EFT to these settings so that you will benefit from the rest of the book to the fullest extent possible.

In Chapter 4, you will learn how to use EFT to relieve the stress, anxiety, fatigue, and overexertion that most of us experience.

The fifth chapter is perhaps the most useful. Here we look at the connection between negative events in childhood and the circumstances in which we find ourselves now. The most striking results that I have seen from EFT are in this area.

In the next two chapters we will look at how to use EFT for physical problems. In chapter six, I will talk about how stress affects our physical condition and how to use EFT in this case. Chapter seven gives practical tips for relieving physical pain. The eighth chapter teaches the use of EFT in the fight against addictions to improve your figure and lose weight. I know this is a concern for many readers and you would like to skip straight to this chapter - but I advise you not to do so. You need the information from the previous chapters so that you can use EFT for weight loss more effectively.

In Chapters 9 and 10, I will share some of the most amazing stories from my personal experiences with EFT. In particular, I will talk about attracting love into my life, changing my beliefs and subsequent experiences related to the financial sector. I'll explain how you can achieve the same thing with amazing speed.

Chapter Eleven begins with a funny story that will make you laugh. However, in it you will find a description of how to cope with serious problems - your deepest fears and phobias. The twelfth chapter is devoted to a wide range of difficulties (each of them, however, deserves a separate chapter) that EFT will help to cope with. It describes how to work with insomnia, improve sleep, improve relationships with children, improve sports performance, get rid of addictions and much more.

In Chapter 13, perhaps the most inspiring, we learn about the pioneering EFT work being done by individuals and organizations around the world.

In the final chapter 14, I will present a new perspective on lifestyle from an EFT perspective. These are opportunities and new ideas that will help you get closer to the life you've always dreamed of.

In the book you will find a description of the points on the body that are involved in the tapping method. This will help you put the method into practice. I will also talk about the experience of doctors, psychologists and psychiatrists who use EFT in their practice. You will learn how tapping is used in medicine.

I am glad to have the honor of being your guide on this journey. I really want that after reading my book, you will find hope and new opportunities - what I found when I became acquainted with the Emotional Freedom Technique. This method changed my life and continues to change it every day. The same thing can happen to you and your loved ones.

It's time to change...

It's time to find a healthy, athletic, vibrant body...

A time of happiness, prosperity and prosperity...

A time of relationships filled with joy and harmony...

Time for Emotional Freedom Techniques!

Tapping Healing Code

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Title: Tapping Healing Code
Author: Nicholas Otner
Year: 2013
Genre: Health, Foreign applied and popular science literature

About the book “The Tapping Healing Code” by Nicholas Otner

Many people have heard that there are special points on the human body, the impact of which has a strong positive effect on health. But only recently it was proven that this effect should be special - in the form of rhythmic tapping! Tapping on active points has an amazing effect not only on a person’s health, but also on their mental state.

The incredible effectiveness of the method made the book extremely popular. And finally it is in Russian.

And this is not surprising - the book was written by one of the creators of the film Secret. The author is confident that this method is not just new and effective, but revolutionary in the field of improving health and correcting mood, relieving stress and much more.

On our website about books, you can download the site for free without registration or read online the book “The Tapping Healing Code” by Nicholas Otner in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginning writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary crafts.

Many people have heard that there are special points on the human body, the impact of which has a strong positive effect on health. But only recently it was proven that this effect should be special - in the form of rhythmic tapping! Tapping on active points has an amazing effect not only on a person’s health, but also on their mental state.

The incredible effectiveness of the method made the book extremely popular. And finally it is in Russian.

And this is not surprising - the book was written by one of the creators of the film Secret. The author is confident that this method is not just new and effective, but revolutionary in the field of improving health and correcting mood, relieving stress and much more.

On our website you can download the book “The Tapping Healing Code” by Nicholas Otner for free and without registration in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format, read the book online or buy the book in the online store.