Meditation aimed at solving problems “The right path. Meditation for solving problems Meditation for solving difficult problems

Ho'oponopono meditation is one of the most powerful methods of cleansing negativity. This is an ancient Hawaiian method that involves repeating four phrases: “I’m so sorry,” “Forgive me,” “Thank you,” “I love you.”

Meditation helps:

  1. To feel “in the moment”, to fully enjoy the current moment, which, from the point of view of spiritual practices, is the best way to become happy.
  2. Develop awareness, take control of your thoughts, clear your mind of negativity and fill it with positive thoughts.
  3. Understand and accept that responsibility for your problems lies only with you. Their source is only in your thoughts and actions, and not in the actions of others.

The meditation technique is very simple. You need to repeat four healing phrases:

  • “I'm very sorry” (or “I'm very sorry”);
  • "Please forgive me";
  • “Thank you” (or “Thank you”);
  • "I love you".

The point is that each of these phrases carries enormous positive vibrations. In fact, you spin a funnel around yourself in which all the negativity directed by your thoughts towards the world, people and the Universe disappears.

How and when to meditate correctly

Ho'oponopono is a meditation for clearing the situation of negativity in relationships with people, a way to relax and enter a peaceful state. In the process, you need to imagine what worries you most at the moment.

Who to contact during meditation:

  1. If you are tormented by a grudge against someone specific, in the process of repeating healing phrases, mentally imagine the image of this person, direct the words specifically to him.
  2. If the cause of negative emotions is a difficult situation for you, visualize the circumstances under which it occurred, as well as its participants.
  3. If the negative consists of feelings directed towards yourself: fear, guilt, self-criticism, turn the words towards yourself.
  4. You can also turn to God, the Universe or any Higher powers in which you believe.

How to meditate correctly:

  1. If you are just starting to practice ho'oponopono, repeat each phrase for 3-5 minutes at first, then move on to the next one. To do this, allocate enough free time and practice in a calm environment.
  2. In any situation that caused your negativity, begin to mentally repeat phrases from ho'oponopono. This will help you quickly get rid of depressing feelings and calm down. For example, say the words of meditation to yourself after a quarrel with your husband, turning to him in your thoughts.
  3. Play calm, pleasant music and read Ho'oponopono phrases out loud before bed. If you do this every day, you will learn to fall asleep quickly and be able to have pleasant, happy dreams.
  4. Another option is to turn on audio recordings of meditation in stereo headphones while doing household chores.

One of the best ho'oponopono meditation videos:

How it works?

Many people do not understand how repeating just four short phrases can help get rid of negativity and cleanse the soul. Let's reveal the secrets of an ancient Hawaiian practice.

In the classical sense, a person during meditation turns to the Higher Powers on behalf of not only himself, but also all his ancestors. As a result, the four healing phrases work as follows:

  1. “I’m very sorry” - a person admits his responsibility for all the negative events occurring in his life. He repents of wrong thoughts and actions, in all situations where he opposed Divine laws.
  2. “Thank you” - thanks the Universe (God) for everything he has now. This includes gratitude for the opportunity to live, to gain the necessary experience, recognition that any situation, even negative, is for the good.
  3. “I love you” is a phrase with a very global meaning. A person addresses the whole World and the Universe as a whole. Sends rays of love to all people, nature, every part of everything on earth.
  4. “Forgive me” is a request for forgiveness for all negative thoughts, actions, actions, and lack of control.

Each spoken word has its own powerful positive vibration. Combining together, these phrases create a powerful energy funnel that cleanses of grievances, claims, negativity, everything superfluous and unnecessary.

It is noteworthy that cleansing occurs at the level of ancestral programs - that is, a person prays not only for himself, but also for all his ancestors who unknowingly harmed themselves, the world and God.

What problems does Hugh Lynn's method solve?

Regular practice of Hawaiian meditation helps solve the following problems:

  • Get rid of a pessimistic view of the world. You will learn to see everything around you in a positive way, and stop assessing what is happening from a negative point of view.
  • Cure the feeling of guilt and recognize that it is an unnecessary feeling that is preventing you from moving forward.
  • Safely resolve family conflicts, get rid of grievances, irritation, anger, learn to seek compromises rather than quarrel.
  • Get rid of feelings such as anxiety, despair, regret and strengthen stress resistance. By changing your reaction to external circumstances, you develop and become better.
  • Cure chronic diseases. For this purpose, alpha meditation and visualization methods are used in conjunction with hoonoponopono.

Try practicing Ho'oponopono meditation for at least a month and you will be surprised how quickly real miracles will begin to happen in your life. A huge burden of negativity will be lifted from your soul, you will be able to move towards your goals easily and with the right, positive attitude.

As long as your heart remains an ever-rising flame of aspiration,
your weaknesses don't matter.

Is meditation practical?

We say that someone is practical if he does the right thing at the right times in his outer life. He thinks and acts in a special way, he cannot be deceived, and his outer life flows smoothly. But no matter how intelligent we are, how sincere and conscious we are, in outer life we ​​sometimes find ourselves in difficulty. We don't know what to say, we don't know what to do, we don't know how to behave. Or, despite saying and doing the right thing, things go wrong. We don’t know how to cope with our external life, we can’t arrange our life. Despite our sincere desire to do something or become someone, we fail.

Why this happens is because our outer capacity is always limited, inner awareness is limited. But if we are practical in our inner life - in other words, if we pray and meditate - then inner awareness will be limitless. One who has inner awareness also has free access to infinite truth and constant joy, and can easily control his outer life.

The inner life constantly carries the message of truth and God. Where there is truth, there is a seed. Let the seed grow and become a tree. When the tree bears fruit, we will see how the ability of inner peace manifests itself in the outer world. We always grow from within, not from without.

No matter what we do or say in our outer life, it does not bring us closer to the light of truth. But if we meditate first and then act and speak, then we will do the right thing and become what we need to be. The outer life must be guided by the inner life and inner reality, and not vice versa. The breath of outer life must come from the inner life. Inner reality must enter into outer life, only then will we become truly practical in outer life.

Questions and answers

Question: Is it possible to get answers to your questions through daily meditation? And if so, how can you determine whether the answer truly comes from the heart or soul and not from the mind?

Sri Chinmoy: In meditation or at the end of meditation you can get an answer to any question you have. If you go deep within, the answer will surely come. However, once you receive the answer, you need to decide whether it came from the soul or from the mind. If it comes from the heart or soul, you will experience a feeling of relief and peace. At this time, no contradictory thought comes to reject the answer. But if the answer is not from the heart or soul, then the mind comes to the fore and contradicts the idea you perceived.

Messages coming from the mind lack certainty. One moment the mind says one thing, and the next moment another. Now the mind says that I am a very good person, and the next moment it will say: “No, he is very bad.” The heart always brings the same news. When you sit down to meditate in the morning, it brings some news. By meditating in the evening, you will receive the same message from your heart.

If you have an inner urge to see someone - say, your boss - you will simply go and meet that person. But if the message has come from the mind, then before you see it, many questions will arise in the mind. Then you will still meet with him, but the result of the meeting will not satisfy you, you will blame yourself and say: “No, this is not what should have been done. I got the wrong message."

If the message comes from the soul, you will have deep confidence and you will accept both success and failure with equal satisfaction. When you carry out the message, you won't expect things to happen your way, or your boss to be pleased with you, or to do anything for you. You will simply do it and feel that you have done the right thing, regardless of whether the result comes in the form of success or failure.

Question: How can one determine whether an inner message comes from the emotional vital or from the soul?

Sri Chinmoy: You can imagine the vital as one runner and the soul as another. The vital runner initially runs very fast, with excessive excitement and enthusiasm, but he does not reach the goal. He runs about thirty meters out of a hundred, and then he can’t run anymore. The soul runner also runs very fast from the very beginning. However, once the starting shot is fired, he will not stop until he reaches his target. The soul knows its ability and goes towards the goal with absolute confidence.

Having received the message, immediately try to understand what type of runner it is. Is this the kind of runner who will stop only after reaching the goal, or the one who will run thirty meters and then lose all his energy? If the message comes from the emotional vital, you will feel that the answer you receive will not lead you to your goal. But if it comes from the soul, you will feel confident that it will lead you to your goal.

There is another way. When you hear a voice offering you a solution to a problem, imagine that a vessel is filling. If you feel that the vessel is filling slowly and evenly, drop by drop, with absolute inner reliability, then you will understand that this is the voice of the soul. Otherwise, you will feel that the vessel is being filled hastily, with a glass or glass. It will fill quickly, but will soon begin to overflow. The soul will fill the vessel with absolute confidence and inner balance. If you have this kind of patient feeling, know that it is the voice of the soul.

The third way is that you can imagine a flame in your heart. There are two types of flame. One is stable, the other is shimmering. The steady flame of the heart cannot be disturbed by any inner wind. And the flickering flame can be disturbed by fear, doubt, anxiety and excitement. If you feel that your response is like a flickering flame, then it is the voice of the emotional vital. But if this flame is very stable, rising to the highest, you will know that the answer is the voice of the soul. Once you understand that this is the voice of the soul, you will have absolute confidence in this message.

Question: Is it possible to learn to overcome your fears through meditation?

Sri Chinmoy: Through meditation, external fear and internal fear will certainly leave us. Now you are a victim of fear because you do not know how to expand your consciousness. But when you take refuge in your divinity through meditation, fear will have to leave you because it will feel that it is knocking on the wrong door. Now you are helpless, but the moment fear sees that through meditation you are in contact with someone very powerful, it itself will become helpless.

The very purpose of meditation is to unite, expand, enlighten and immortalize consciousness. In meditation we enter the realm of our own divinity. Divinity is not afraid of human nature because divinity has infinite power. If you have easy access to divinity, if your entire existence, outer and inner, is overflowing with the boundless and infinite power of divinity, how can you be afraid of human nature? This is impossible!

Question: Can meditation protect you from the injustices you encounter in life?

Sri Chinmoy: When you need to protect or protect yourself, always try to use stronger weapons. If people say something unpleasant to you, and you answer them the same, there will be no end to it. On the other hand, if you simply swallow your anger, they may continue to try to get the better of you. But when they feel the great peace within you that you get from meditation, they will see something in you that can never be conquered. They will notice a change in you, and this change will not only puzzle them, but also threaten and frighten them. They will feel that their own weapons are useless.

Peace is the most effective weapon against injustice. When you pray and meditate, your entire being is filled with peace. This is not imagination. You can feel peace, you can float in a sea of ​​peace. Then, no matter what others do, you will feel that they are just children playing in front of you. You say: “They are all children. What to expect from them? Instead, because they are adults in age, you are now angry and upset. But if you pray and meditate regularly, you will soon feel that your peace is infinitely more powerful, more fulfilling and energizing than the negative situations that others create.

Don't be afraid.
No one has his own power.
Only God has the power
and His strength is another name for His sleepless Love.

Question: Is there a spiritual way to break bad habits?

Sri Chinmoy: Of course there is. Before doing anything, always meditate for a minute or at least a few seconds. The power of such meditation will pierce a bad habit like an arrow. The meditation warrior uses her divine powers against bad habits. This is the best way.

Question: Can meditation cure physical ailments such as high blood pressure?

Sri Chinmoy: Meditation is conscious awareness of your source. In meditation we consciously try to go to the source, which is perfection itself. Our source is God, our source is truth, our source is light. Meditation takes us to the source, where there is no imperfection, no disease. Where is this source? He's inside.

What result do we get in our outer life if we meditate? The mind becomes calm and quiet. For most people, finding peace of mind is almost impossible. One who has no peace of mind is a real beggar, he is like a monkey in a human body. He doesn't feel any satisfaction. But if you find peace of mind even for a moment, you feel how much you have accomplished in life. When there is peace of mind, the vital and body become calm, and where there is peace there is no disharmony. Disharmony exists precisely in the world of anxiety, dissatisfaction, tension and confusion. Otherwise there would be no illnesses.

High blood pressure, heart failure and other diseases that we notice in God's creation are due to the presence of negative forces. These negative forces can only be overcome when one surrenders oneself to the positive force. In meditation we try to become a perfect channel for positive force. Positive force is light and negative force is darkness. The positive force is love, not hate. The positive force is faith, not unbelief. Positive power helps in every moment of life, consciously transporting us to our destiny - perfection.

If the mind is quiet and calm, the vital is dynamic, and the body is aware of its actions, then we live in the palace of satisfaction, where there can be no disease, no suffering, no imperfection, no obstacle to lasting peace, lasting light, lasting satisfaction. Meditation is a means, it is a way, a path. If we follow this path, we reach our destination, which is perfection itself.

Question: If you are confused and nervous, how can meditation help in such a situation?

Sri Chinmoy: In the physical world, if a person has a headache or an upset stomach, he goes to the doctor and the doctor treats him. If a person is sick, how can you say that he will never get better? If he takes the medicine, there is every chance that he will get better. For the patient, the answer is medicine. If one is overwhelmed by worry, anxiety and confusion, then meditation is the healing remedy. Just because he became a victim, it cannot be said that there will be no savior. There will be a Savior, provided that the person wants to get better.

Question: Is it really necessary to seek help if you suffer from mental problems? Can't you just meditate and find the answer yourself?

Sri Chinmoy: Suppose you say, “I am suffering from mental difficulties, but I know that the solution is within. There is complete darkness in me now, but I feel that there is light inside my heart.” This is what you feel, but you find it difficult to go deep within yourself and find the light. And then you have to go to someone who can bring to the fore the light that is within you. It's the same as if you lost the key to your own house and now you don't know how to open the door. But your friend comes with a light and helps you find the key. Having found the key with his help, you open the door, and he leaves. If you're willing to search for a lost key in the dark, you can give it a try. But if your friend has a light, then you have more confidence that the key will be found. So, the Teacher is a helper, an eternal friend who helps in your quest. When he helps find the key, he doesn't keep it for himself. He doesn't say it's his key. No! This is your key, your home, your light. Then you enter the house and get everything you need and want.

Question: If you are nervous or upset, how can you bring peace?

Sri Chinmoy: There are two ways. One way is to breathe in calmly and say “Almighty” three times very slowly. But if this is difficult for you, you can appeal to the Almighty as quickly as possible. Fear or anxiety has its own speed. If you are about to be attacked by an enemy, try to pronounce the name of the Almighty at a faster speed than the speed of the anger or fear attacking you. If you succeed, the Almighty will immediately conquer your anger, disappointment or fear.

Look at the flower of your heart and smile.
You will be able to solve your most pressing problems.

Question: How can you remain calm in your mind when you have so many things to do in such a short time?

Sri Chinmoy: First of all, if you are restless, will you be able to finish the necessary things sooner? No! If you feel restless and agitated, full of worries and anxieties, you will only complicate your problems and difficulties. Let's say you have a goal that you want to achieve as soon as possible. If at this time you are overcome by undivine elements such as fear, doubt, worry, uncertainty and the like, it means that you are carrying an extra burden and reducing your capacity. How can you achieve your goal faster? You may not make it to the appointed time.

The runner knows that if he is carrying extra weight, his competitors will beat him. You need to feel the need to empty your mind all the time. When doubt, fear, uncertainty or any other negative forces enter the mind, try to free yourself from them, throw them away so that you can run very quickly. Anxiety and worries will never help. On the contrary, they hinder. But if we have peace of mind, then we can run towards the goal most quickly.

Question: How to get rid of pain through meditation?

Sri Chinmoy: For the pain to go away, one should call on the light. Essentially, pain is a kind of darkness within us. When the inner light or the light from above begins to act in the pain itself, the pain goes away or is transformed into joy. Truly experienced seekers can actually feel the joy within the pain itself. But for this you need to be very experienced. For you, during prayer or meditation you should try to call upon the light from above and feel that pain is darkness within you. If you call on the light, the pain will either be enlightened and transformed, or it will leave your system.

Question: One day while I was meditating, a sudden thought came to me about my friends who needed help. I will never be able to describe the strength I felt then, but I took these friends and lifted them up. Two or three days later these friends were helped. One needed a job and got it, and the other was sick and got better. Was this related to my experience or was it pure coincidence?

Sri Chinmoy: It was not a coincidence, not at all. It was your inner being that helped them. At this time you have become an instrument of the Inner Pilot, the Supreme. The Almighty wanted to help those people, and He actually made you His instrument of help. This was no coincidence.

When you meditate and rise into your higher consciousness, your soul automatically tries to help your family and friends. When you enter into a very high, very deep sphere of consciousness, power automatically comes to the fore from within, and then you are able to help others. Sometimes your friends don't know who helped them. But your soul knows and their souls know that help came from you. This is not your mental hallucination or ego.

If you can listen better,
God's compassion will immediately become your best advisor.

In our lives, each of us, sooner or later, may be faced with the need to make a difficult decision, which later turns out to be correct, but may carry negative and undesirable consequences for your future life. In this case, it can be difficult to behave in accordance with generally accepted ethical and moral principles. The meditation described below will allow you to find the right direction, if this, of course, relates to what you need.

Description of meditation:

Have you ever heard your best friend, who works as a salesman in a store, admit that at one time he had to steal goods and sell them on the side? Have you ever realized that it is impossible to continue your work at an enterprise that pollutes the environment, but you are faced with the impossibility of taking this step because you are in dire need of money? A huge number of people face similar typical situations almost every day. Meditation on the energy of love will allow you to understand what needs to be done in this situation.


  • Meditation will allow you to find a true understanding of ethical and moral principles;
  • Will provide the necessary support during decision making;
  • Will necessitate the pursuit of eternal values ​​based on compassion.


Conducting meditation is necessary for the existence of a person in full accordance with his moral principles.


It is necessary to formulate in writing the ethical principles and moral values ​​that are important to your personality.


  1. Take a seated position on a chair or cushion within your meditative space. Over the next five minutes, monitor your own breathing.
  2. Try to recall in your memory a difficult situation in which you were required to make a decision. Imagine the negative consequences following your decision, regardless of the outcome of the decision itself. Try to understand which of the actions will most closely coincide with your personal values.
  3. Now look at this situation from a different perspective. Imagine what unpleasant consequences could arise as a result of your principled action. What happens if you lose your best friend or your job? How will you feel if you act in accordance with your principles? How will your principles-based actions help some people and how much will they harm others?
  4. Sometimes, in such situations, it is not at all easy to find the right answer, so the most optimal way out in this situation is the following: do not regret the time spent on meditation, try to understand in a calm environment what is good and what is bad. Based on the conclusions drawn, make the necessary decision. You can ask a representative of higher powers whom you trust to give you a correct understanding of the current situation and find the only correct way out of it.

This meditation gives you a unique opportunity to solve any problem and change your life for the better.

Determine what worries you most right now. Describe your problem or question on a piece of paper. Take a comfortable position, making sure that you will not be disturbed. Begin…

Everything calms down, calms down, everything becomes softer, the exhalation becomes longer and calmer...

We ask you to create a space where we can most clearly and simply get answers to our questions and meet those who will help us get these answers. Let this place be calm, peaceful, blessed...

The place was created for your benefit and there you can freely realize everything that you need at the moment, everything that it is time for you to realize at the moment...
Invite your Guardian Angel... Ask, let everything that interferes and impedes the expression of your Soul subside right now for a while. Ask permission from your Soul - is it possible to communicate now with someone who is preventing you from expressing yourself in this world as you would like...
If there is such a particle, ask where it comes from and why it appeared, who created it? What is she like? What function does it serve for you?
What is she doing for the world?

My questions are just pointers; you can always stop at what you need or your question and look more closely to understand what you are dealing with. Ask for clear, precise answers and for them to be given in such a form that you can understand and remember them. Let the Soul help you get the answers.

What else is necessary and important for me to ask and what question is important to get an answer to right now? What benefit does this particle bring to you? What's the use Maybe bring to you? What does she teach? Why is it a bridge, what does it connect you with? What does it connect?
Look how close you are to her? Are you united or are you divided?

Ask the question: do you need to unite now or is it time for you to separate? Is there anything stopping you from doing this? What are you holding and what are you holding on to?
When you are ready and consider everything, thank and release this particle, thank you for what it did for you...
What do you feel? Where is this feeling and what is it like? How has your space changed? What's happening to you now?

What is it time for you to do? Do it now with joy, enjoy the process, just watch what is happening around and inside. How does your new decision affect what is happening inside you? How will this affect your real life today? Tomorrow? In a year?

You can be convinced of the positive impact of my meditations by reading the research of Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor T. E. Bulatova.

What else do you need to do right now to make this action complete for the benefit of you and those around you? Did you do everything right or do you need something else? What else should you pay attention to?

What else needs to be done to ensure that the process and situation are completed completely and finally? Do it now and if this process requires a longer period, then let it begin now and continue until it is completely completed. Let this process become a healing source that will help you in everyday life to complete what is time to complete and begin what is high time to begin with love, joy and pleasure.

Ask: how will your relationship with others change? How can this practice help and how will it influence the solution to this issue? What impact will it have on resolving the protracted situation? What can be done right now to resolve this situation?

Ask your Guardian Angel a question about your Soul - do I understand correctly what my loved ones and those around me tell me? What will help you understand your loved ones and others more clearly?

Ask to show you a situation in which you misunderstood the speaker...
Look at this situation, how do you feel? How it was? What did they tell you and how did you understand it? How did you feel? What did you do to misunderstand the speaker? How did you do that? Let them show how often you use it... Why do you This are you doing? – ask a question and remember the answer. Why are you doing this?

Is there anything that can now replace this tool with a new one that will show and help you understand the information clearly and clearly...
We only ask you to show the new tool and if you have it, then ask the question: is it possible to replace the old one with a new one right now? What benefits will it bring to your life and those around you? Ask to see how your life will change if you decide to change these tools. How will this affect your well-being? How will your life change?

Make a decision which tool is best for you to use next... Maybe keep both for yourself... the decision is always right for you. Perhaps there are other tools... What are they? Explore them.
If you decide to use a new method, ask that it fit most easily into your life and manifest itself for the benefit of you and those around you. New methods and tools are appearing for your development, for your manifestation, for the manifestation of all the forces that interact with you in life.
Imagine that your space sparkled and a light, ever-increasing rain began to fall from above, drops of which fall on your skin, flow down in streams all over your body, enter in an unknown way inside you and wash away everything old, unnecessary, stagnant, eroding barriers and it all flows into the ground , to the earth and the earth accepts all this with joy and gratitude, because here everything is important and someone needs it for growth and development.

It's easy for you. Give, give what you have been carrying for many years... Thoughts, relationships, connections, something that is long overdue to part with... Let it all gather in streams and go into the ground with the streams. Perhaps you are dancing in the rain - let your body decide what to do...

Feel it.

Do you want to download Meditation recordings?

When you are ready, thank all those who helped you go through this practice, clarify something in yourself.. Thank you for the wonderful place, peace and comfort, for joy, ask to be escorted to the place where your journey began and return to the familiar world .
Write down what happens. Miracles are just beginning!

May this meditation be for your benefit.

Write about your feelings in the comments below.
Did you like the practice? – Share with friends.

Meditation on solving problems of the past

Unfortunately, not all past problems, experiences and grievances can be remembered and consciously worked through. Your subconscious is fraught with a lot of undisclosed things. By doing the meditation below, you can transform the negative energy of past events into positive energy. To do this, you will need: relaxing music, a calm environment, a voice recorder and, of course, the desire to say goodbye to the grievances of the past.

Stages of work.

1. Sit in a quiet room where you will not be disturbed. Turn on relaxing music in the background and read the meditation text into the recorder.

Meditation text:

“I close my eyes... relax... breathe deeply...

I imagine warm energy spinning clockwise under my feet. As this energy rises up through my body, all the muscles relax... The energy permeates the soles of my feet... calves... knees... hips... stomach... chest... back... shoulders... arms... neck... and head. I relax more and more with each inhalation, I calm down more and more with each exhalation...

I imagine that I am standing on the seashore. The waves are splashing, a gentle breeze caresses my face. The sun is shining, I stand and watch the waves splash, running onto the sand and touching my feet. This is the Sea of ​​Life. I bend down, pick up a small twig and write in the sand: “I forgive...” Then I write the names of those people who once offended me, humiliated me, did something bad... I sincerely forgive them. And I send them a flow of love. I wish them happiness and good luck. And I let go of my grievances and pain...

I understand that I need forgiveness first of all. Because, not wanting to forgive someone, I limit the possibilities of my spiritual growth, I cut myself off from everything good in life. Forgiveness allows me to correct all the distortions in my life, allows me to change myself.

The oncoming wave washes away my message, and it floats away to the Bank of Life. These people will receive my message. But the most important thing is that I took the weight off my soul. I opened myself to streams of goodness and mercy. I felt much more comfortable in this world. I bend down and write in the sand: “I apologize to everyone I have offended and hurt” - and I list all those I have offended.

I indicated everyone from whom I want to ask for forgiveness... But I probably forgot to indicate one more person. The one to whom he caused much more pain and suffering than others. That person whom I offended, accused and humiliated much more cruelly than the others, with my criticism, dislike, indifferent attitude, and lack of belief that he deserves the best in life. I didn't indicate my name. Yes, I offended myself more than others. But now I understand this and surround myself and those I have ever offended with streams of love and wish everyone happiness, love and prosperity.

The oncoming wave carries my message into the Sea of ​​Life. And those people from whom I asked for forgiveness and wished them well received my message...

I have done a lot of hard, but necessary work. I enter the Sea of ​​Life, bend down, scoop up water from the Sea of ​​Life and wash myself, imbuing myself with the strength and vital energy of well-being and joy.

I return to the shore and to my left I see a door with the inscription: “THE PAST.” This door is to my past, and next to it I find a key. I take the key in my hands and lock the door, and throw the key into the sea. I closed the door to the past. The events of the past no longer have any influence on me.

I turn in the other direction and see another door - now with the inscription “FUTURE”. There is a key next to the door. I take it and open the lock. I walk through the door and am enveloped in golden light. I stand in the radiance of the sun's rays. My heart is happy. By clearing the clutter from my mind, I allowed my limitless creativity to shape a new lifestyle. I am happy and serene. And no matter what happens, I can always find a reasonable and calm way out of any situation.

I feel great. I am confident and full of energy. Now I have gained power over myself. And whatever I plan is within my power. Complete success awaits me and I will always rejoice in my achievements. Every day I will feel better and more confident. Waves of beneficial energy emanate from me. I feel a surge of vitality. I know my worth and I am proud of myself. Now I know what I want and I get it from life.

I feel great. There is a pleasant lightness throughout the body. The head is rested and clear. I'm completely calm. The body is gaining strength. I breathe deeply... I smile... I am full of energy. I feel good. I'm happy.

Now I’ll take a deep breath and when I’m ready, I’ll open my eyes.”

Be sure to do this meditation - don't skip this part of the work. Without forgiving others and yourself, without asking for forgiveness, you will not be able to easily and quickly move towards your goals. Forgiveness gives you an additional energy boost and frees you from everything unnecessary in the past.

Coach questions

How did you feel when you meditated?

Did you have positive emotions at the end of the meditation? Did you feel a surge of strength and energy? If not, it is recommended to do this meditation a few more times.

What emotions did you experience when you asked yourself for forgiveness? If you have had a hard time with this forgiveness, then you need to take time to work on loving yourself. Without this, further progress will be difficult.

This text is an introductory fragment. From the book Handbook of a Russian careerist author Ivleva Valeria Vladimirovna

Responsibility and problem solving It cannot be said that this trait - responsibility - is characteristic of all politicians, but it is necessary for a successful career. The theme of a politician’s responsibility in solving complex problems has been played out many times in literature and history.

From the book Rework: business without prejudice author Hansson David Heinemeier

Spend Less Energy Solving Problems Watch Kitchen Nightmares chef Gordon Ramsay and you'll see a great role model. There are too many dishes on the menu of unsuccessful restaurants. For some reason, their owners believe that the presence of any of the existing

From the book Change your life with NLP by Eaton Alicia

Solving problems We have come to the last chapter. It is time to turn around and analyze how your thinking has changed and what you have learned. – You have an understanding of how your mind works, how the conscious and subconscious cooperate: they are allies, not

From the book Intelligence: instructions for use author Sheremetyev Konstantin

From the book Work Like Spies by Carlson J.K.

From the book Overcoming. Learn to control yourself so you can live the life you want. by Hasson Gill

From the book Positive Psychology. What makes us happy, optimistic and motivated by Style Charlotte

Solving Problems During the 1983 miners' strike, many wives of the strikers quickly realized that no one would help them feed their families during this period. Ann Richards, one of the many women whose lives were turned upside down by the strike, discovered something in herself that she had never even thought of before.