Potato-egg diet for chronic renal failure. Diet for kidney failure - rules and principles. Nutrition in advanced stages of chronic renal failure

The main feature of the diet for kidney failure is its high calorie content. The purpose of nutrition in this case is to ensure the penetration of useful substances into the human body - this will inhibit the breakdown of proteins, which provokes an increase in the level of urea in the blood.

What is allowed and what is prohibited for sick people to eat? What food will help restore kidney function faster?

General principles

The diet for kidney failure does not involve losing weight, so the daily menu will contain oil, fats and even sweets.

The basic rules of the diet for chronic renal failure are as follows:

  • 20-70 g of proteins per day;
  • increased consumption of fats and carbohydrates;
  • saturating the diet with fruits and vegetables;
  • salt and liquid control.

When the body does not receive enough nutrients, it begins to use up internal reserves - proteins. When they are broken down, urea is formed, which enters the blood. The patient begins to lose weight and lose strength, and his entire body is poisoned. Therefore, it is important to maintain energy balance by eating a high-calorie diet.

In case of diabetes mellitus, which often causes chronic renal failure, sweets should be kept to a minimum. In other cases, sugar consumption is allowed.

If the patient is obese, a diet high in high-calorie foods may worsen weight problems. In this case, it is necessary to increase the amount of vegetables eaten in order to prevent feelings of hunger. It is recommended to saturate your diet with cabbage - fresh and pickled, spinach, cucumbers, tomatoes, green peas. They promote quick saturation.

Diet for the initial stage of chronic renal failure

The diet for chronic renal failure at the initial stage (grade 1) of the disease involves a slight restriction of proteins - 1 g per 1 kg of weight . Priority is given to plant proteins, which are found in abundance in foods such as:

  • bread;
  • vegetables;
  • cereals;
  • nuts;
  • beans;
  • peas.

The fact is that the metabolic products of these proteins are easier to remove. Plus they contain a lot of alkaline compounds that prevent acidosis.

For patients with chronic renal failure, it is important to contain high-calorie foods with fats and carbohydrates in their diet. Of these, the healthiest ones are those found in fruits and vegetables, and they should be included in recipes for breakfast, lunch and dinner. However, if you have diabetes, it is forbidden to eat bananas, watermelons, and sweet apples.

Salt for chronic renal failure does not need to be severely limited. You cannot add salt while cooking, but you can consume about 5–6 g during the day. For patients with polyuria (increased urine output), a different rule applies. They can increase the daily dosage of salt to 5-6 g for every liter of urine excreted.

Daily fluid intake for chronic renal failure should be 500 ml more than the volume of urine excreted over the previous day. This is necessary to display all metabolic products. Otherwise, they will accumulate, which will lead to poisoning of internal organs.

One day every week should be a fasting day. Suitable for this purpose:

  • watermelons;
  • potato;
  • apples;
  • pumpkin.

If you have diabetes, you cannot unload on watermelons. It is recommended to choose unsweetened apples.

Nutrition in advanced stages of chronic renal failure

The diet for renal failure if the disease reaches an advanced stage will be slightly different. Protein consumption must be seriously limited - to 20–24 g per day, and up to 75% of this volume should be animal food: eggs, fish, meat and milk. This way, the body will receive the required amount of amino acids. Although dairy products are not prohibited for diabetes, you can drink them only if you receive approval from a doctor, otherwise the patient’s condition may worsen.

The amount of protein in severe chronic renal failure will have to be significantly reduced, so it is necessary to increase the content of fats and carbohydrates in the diet for every day.

To prevent food from seeming bland, the use of spices, herbs, and lemon juice is allowed. Spicy seasonings, in particular mustard and pepper, should be excluded from the diet, which is especially important for diabetes. If chronic renal failure occurs without swelling and high blood pressure, salt is allowed, but not more than 3 g per day.

The daily volume of fluid should be 0.5 liters more than the amount of urine excreted over the previous day. You can drink not only pure water, but also mineral water and diluted juices. Soups should be taken into account in the final volume of liquid consumed. For diabetes mellitus accompanying chronic renal failure, it is recommended to use a rosehip decoction rich in vitamins.

All food must be boiled, but fish and meat can be fried afterwards. In this case, a taboo is placed on drinks and foods that cause irritation to the kidneys:

  • strong tea;
  • coffee;
  • alcohol;
  • cocoa;
  • chocolate;
  • hot spices;
  • pickles;
  • broths for meat and fish;
  • mushrooms.

With concomitant diabetes mellitus, it is important to maintain a fractional diet - you should eat small portions 5-6 times a day. This will relieve the feeling of hunger.

When preparing recipes, you should keep in mind that the daily dose of calories should be 2000–2800 Kcal. This means that you can eat 120–130 g of fat and 230–280 g of carbohydrates every day.

Sample menu

A menu option for chronic renal failure may look like this.

Breakfast: 200 g of boiled potatoes, 1 egg, 50 g of honey, orange juice.

Afternoon snack: 200 g sour cream, mineral water.

Lunch: 300 g of rice soup, 200 g of vegetable stew, a glass of apple jelly.

Dinner: 200 g oatmeal, 50 g jam, orange juice.

Snacks: 1 egg, fruit juice, 70 g butter, rye bread.

You should consult a specialist about the possibility of consuming honey and jam if you have diabetes.

Diet therapy for acute forms

The diet for acute renal failure is also aimed at preventing the breakdown of proteins from body tissues. Its main goal is to restore normal metabolism. However, in the early stages of acute renal failure, following a diet is impossible. The person at this time is unconscious due to shock, injury or serious surgery.

When the need for droppers disappears, the patient switches to therapeutic nutrition. In this case, the diet should be selected by a doctor, and the patient must follow all recommendations if he wants to get better.

The main thing in the diet for acute renal failure is to limit protein intake to 40–60 g per day. The patient should choose foods high in carbohydrates and fats, except lamb, beef and pork. The total caloric content of food should be high, since there is a restriction on proteins. To replenish the supply of vitamins, the patient needs to drink a lot of freshly squeezed juices, of which the following are useful:

  • cherry;
  • apple;
  • plum;
  • melon;
  • watermelon.

The diet for acute kidney failure requires that all foods be cooked without salt, but after cooking they can be lightly salted. Meat and seafood can be consumed boiled; broths based on these products are prohibited. All soups must be prepared according to recipes for vegetarians.

The following vegetables are useful for acute renal failure:

  • potato;
  • carrot;
  • beet;
  • cauliflower;
  • salad;
  • tomatoes;
  • cucumbers;
  • green onions;
  • dill;
  • parsley.

Eggs may also be present on the menu for patients; you can eat an omelet of 1 egg white per day. Among sweets, jam, honey, and candies are acceptable.

If it is difficult to do without salt, food can be seasoned with lemon juice and vinegar. You can add a little horseradish, onion, and garlic.

The diet menu for renal failure aims to provide the body with the necessary amount of nutrients in order to prevent the breakdown of tissue proteins with the subsequent formation of urea.

By adhering to the principles of the diet and choosing only approved foods, patients will contribute to their speedy recovery. According to doctors, without a diet, cure is impossible.

Patients with chronic renal failure are forced to constantly take medications and be under medical supervision. An important place in complex treatment is occupied by diet for chronic renal failure. Table No. 7, as well as No. 7 A and No. 7 B are prescribed for impaired renal function.

It makes itself felt by disruption of all kidney functions. The reasons can be very diverse: poisoning of the body, injuries, nephritis, acute infectious diseases. This condition is caused by diabetes mellitus, urolithiasis and cancer.

When proteins are broken down and body cells are destroyed, urea is formed. With kidney failure, urea becomes more concentrated and poisons the body.

The body suffers most when diuresis decreases. The duration of the period is 20 days. During this time, the water-salt balance is disrupted, waste accumulates in the blood, tissues swell, and acidosis develops.

The symptoms of nausea are pronounced, the person vomits, so the diet must be special. Despite the lack of appetite, protein must enter the body. Without amino acids, metabolism is disrupted and all systems suffer.

The chronic stage of renal failure is distinguished by the fact that kidney function is not completely restored, the state of health can only be maintained.

CRF is additionally accompanied by anemia; as the disease progresses, creatinine levels drop.

Drinking regime for chronic renal failure

You can drink still water. You should avoid sodium mineral water. You should also avoid drinking strong tea and coffee; a complete abstinence from alcoholic beverages is required.

The permissible amount of liquid drunk per day is not standardized. The patient is allowed to drink half a liter more fluid today than was excreted yesterday.

If your limbs begin to swell and your blood pressure rises, limit the amount of salt and liquid you consume.

Nutrition for acute renal failure

In the acute phase, the patient’s condition is corrected using diet No. 7 A.

Nutrition principles:

  1. Eat more carbohydrates, which provide basic energy. These are vegetables, rice, fruits, sugar, honey. The body also receives energy from vegetable fats, namely butter or vegetable oil.
  2. Reduce the amount of potassium and magnesium intake.
  3. For anuria, reduce sodium intake.
  4. Eliminate salt from your diet.
  5. First introduce half a liter of liquid, then the volume is regulated by the doctor depending on the manifestation of diuresis. It is recommended to drink still water, nectars, weak teas, and kefir.
  6. The daily protein intake should not exceed 20 g.

When the disease has passed its peak period and the body has begun to recover, a transition is made to table No. 7 B. The amount of salt in the diet increases, and the protein content reaches 40 g.

After the tests are normalized, the doctor transfers the patient to table No. 7. It must be observed for at least one year. If renal failure is mild, then table No. 7 is followed from the first day of treatment, but with the exception of foods containing potassium.

Proper nutrition for chronic renal failure

There should be minimal stress on the kidneys. Pay attention to the principles of the diet for chronic renal failure that are used in the diet.

Depending on the severity of the disease, protein is limited. The more severe the patient's condition, the less protein can be consumed. Protein should be easily absorbed by the body, so eggs and milk are the main sources of amino acids. It is not prohibited to consume vegetable proteins.

Before consumption, meat and fish are boiled and stewed or baked to remove excess extractive substances from the products. To prevent protein restriction from harming health, analogues of histidine and essential amino acids are introduced.

The calcium necessary for the body is obtained from vegetables, dairy products, and eggs. Calcium carbonate is easily absorbed and removes phosphorus from the intestines. The dose and course of administration are determined by the doctor depending on the clinical picture.

A gentle regimen for CKD involves reducing the intake of phosphorus and potassium. Therefore, you need to give up sea fish, cottage cheese, cheese, whole grain bread, cereals, bananas, bran, nuts, and fruit juices.

Potassium should also be supplied to the body in minimal quantities. Otherwise, hyperkalemia may develop. It is found in large quantities in dried fruits, fresh fruits, and vegetables.

It is forbidden to eat fresh greens, onions, and garlic. This is due to the presence of essential oils in them.

Due to a large number of restrictions, the body may lack energy, so it is necessary to introduce polyunsaturated fatty acids into the diet. Together with carbohydrates, they allow protein to be better absorbed.

If the diet does not allow you to get the daily calorie intake, in the first half of the day the consumption of protein, sour cream, and honey increases. Preference is given to complex carbohydrates; it is worth giving up refractory fats.

For diabetes mellitus, butter, margarine, sugar, honey, rice, semolina and pearl barley, juices, and fruits are excluded from the diet.

The menu for the week is developed depending on the daily requirement of kilocalories. With chronic renal failure it is 2700 kcal. If the body receives insufficient calories, it begins to use its own resources, in particular. tissue proteins. The breakdown of proteins leads to an increase in the level of nitrogen in the blood, which aggravates the patient’s situation. Therefore, beneficial substances should be supplied to the body regularly throughout the day, the number of meals should be at least 4-5.

Fasting days

In case of chronic renal failure, the diet is supplemented by the introduction of fasting days. There can be from one to three of them per week. On these days, only one low-calorie product is eaten.

On a vegetable day - 1.5 kg of vegetables. They are boiled or made into salads with vegetable oil. On this day you can eat only cucumbers, pumpkin, potatoes, each serving is about 300-400 g. Vegetable dishes are not salted.

A fasting day can be spent drinking only juices, vegetable and fruit, always unsweetened. Instead of each meal, drink 200 ml of weakly concentrated juice.

Unloading can also be done using apples, strawberries, grapes, and watermelon. Each meal includes 300 g of fruit.

Nutrition depending on the degree of chronic renal failure

  • CRF stage 1. Amino acids are not prescribed. The daily protein intake is about 50 g; bread is replaced with protein-free bread.
  • CRF stage 2. Amino acid supplements are prescribed to remove phosphates from the intestines. The amount of protein and phosphorus decreases. You can eat beef, fish, rice, potatoes. The consumption of egg yolk, meat, cheeses, and milk is limited.
  • CRF stage 3. The amount of protein per day ranges from 20 to 40 grams, depending on the patient’s well-being and tests. The emphasis is on animal proteins.

The less urine is excreted, the less salt you can consume. To normalize the level of iron and calcium in the blood, synthetic drugs are prescribed, as well as complexes of vitamins and microelements.

If you first boil or stew fresh vegetables and fruits, their potassium content will decrease. To improve the taste, you can add spices and sweet and sour sauces to dishes.

  • 4th degree of chronic renal failure. The menu is rich in carbohydrates and fats. Hemodialysis is added to the course of treatment. The procedure provokes the removal of amino acids and other essential elements from the body, so more protein is introduced into the diet.

Since the digestive organs are affected, the patient loses appetite, taste sensations change, and the diet should be light.

Special dietary nutrition is prescribed for diabetes mellitus. This condition is called diabetic nephropathy. The amount of carbohydrates in nephropathy should be kept to a minimum.

Sugar, sweet fruits, and flour products are considered diabetic foods, so you should avoid them. It is important to avoid sudden increases in blood sugar levels.

At acute renal failure Protein is sharply limited, up to 20 g per day, and calories are provided from carbohydrates and fats.

Sources of animal protein are milk, cream, fermented milk drinks, sour cream, eggs; carbohydrates – vegetables, fruits, berries, sugar, honey, sago, rice; fats – butter and vegetable oils.

Depending on the patient’s condition, fluid is given from 400–500 ml per day and more (if there is vomiting, diarrhea and other factors of fluid loss). The patient is given water, weak tea with lemon, juices diluted with water, kefir, etc. Insufficient or excessive fluid intake can aggravate kidney dysfunction.

Limit foods containing a lot of potassium and magnesium, and in the presence of oligo- or anuria (little or no urine output) - sodium. Therefore, vegetables and fruits are used mainly after cooking, draining the broth. During the recovery period of diuresis (3–4 weeks), urine output can exceed 2 liters per day (polyuria), which leads to depletion of the body in fluids and minerals (potassium, sodium, etc. are excreted). Therefore, the patient is allowed increased fluid intake in the form of tea with lemon, undiluted juices, rosehip decoction or dried fruits, etc. Table salt is gradually introduced into the diet, and the protein content in it is increased first to 40 g, and then to the physiological norm (1 g per 1 kg body weight).

Nutrition during this period is based on diet No. 7B, and subsequently - diet No. 7, which should be followed during the period of long-term (from 3 to 12 months) recovery. In case of mild acute renal failure, you can immediately use diet No. 7B with a restriction of potassium in it. For diets, see Appendix.

The main principles of the diet for chronic renal failure: varying degrees of protein restriction depending on the severity of the disease, providing the body with fats and carbohydrates, regulating salt and fluid intake.

The menu is compiled within table No. 7 (see Appendix). The daily diet includes the following products: meat (100–120 g), cottage cheese dishes, cereal dishes, semolina, rice, buckwheat, pearl barley porridge. Particularly suitable due to their low protein content and at the same time high energy value are potato dishes (pancakes, cutlets, babkas, fried potatoes, mashed potatoes, etc.), salads with sour cream, vinaigrettes with a significant amount (50-100 g) of vegetable oil. Tea or coffee can be acidified with lemon, put 2-3 tablespoons of sugar per glass, it is recommended to use honey, jam, jam. Thus, the main composition of food is carbohydrates and fats (with the exception of refractory ones - lamb, pork, beef) and in doses - proteins. Calculating the daily amount of protein in the diet is mandatory. When compiling a menu, you should use tables reflecting the protein content of the product and its energy value.

Be sure to include fruits and juices in your diet, because a person needs vitamins, and there are also a lot of light carbohydrates.

All dishes are prepared without salt. However, in the early stages of chronic renal failure, you can lightly add salt to ready-made dishes on the table at the rate of no more than 5–6 g of salt per day under control of pressure and the possibility of edema formation.

Meat (lean beef, veal, chicken, turkey, rabbit) and fish are used boiled or then fried. At the same time, extractive substances that irritate kidney tissue are prohibited, that is, no broths (except vegetable ones) are used.

Vegetables used include potatoes, beets, carrots, cauliflower, lettuce, tomatoes, fresh cucumbers, green onions, dill, and parsley.

Eggs in their pure form are consumed in the form of a protein omelet (no more than one per day).

Fruits and berries in raw and boiled form (compotes), sweets: honey, sugar, jam, sweets, and, on the recommendation of a doctor, dried apricots and apricots are useful.

With chronic renal failure, appetite usually decreases, and taste may be distorted; this should be kept in mind when preparing dishes. Moreover, you cannot salt the dishes. To improve the taste, use sour and sweet and sour sauces, food acids (citric, vinegar), spices, and spicy vegetables. You can use onions to a limited extent.

In the initial stage of chronic renal failure, the amount of protein in the diet is limited slightly (up to 70 g, or 1 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight). It is recommended to consume mainly proteins of plant origin, which are found in bread, vegetables, fruits, and nuts (see table).

The amount of fluid in the early stages of chronic renal failure is also not particularly limited. However, it should not exceed the amount of urine excreted over the previous day by more than 500 ml. In addition to soups, you can drink diluted vegetable and fruit juices or hydrocarbonate mineral waters (Borjomi, Luzhanskaya No. 1).

Once a week it is advisable to carry out a fasting day (pumpkin, watermelon, potato, apple).

At an advanced stage of chronic renal failure the amount of protein is sharply limited (up to 20–40 g per day). The main part of the proteins (70–75%) should be proteins of animal origin (milk, eggs, meat, fish) to provide the body with essential amino acids.

It should be remembered that a low-protein diet eases the load on diseased kidneys, but only if the diet is high in calories, since with a lack of calories, the metabolism changes! Not only your own fats, but also proteins begin to “burn”, the urea level rises and the meaning of a low-protein diet is nullified. Therefore, a patient with chronic renal failure should receive at least 2500–3000 kcal from food, while consuming no more than 25–30 g of protein.

Foods and drinks that irritate the kidneys are prohibited: strong coffee, tea, cocoa, chocolate, spicy and salty snacks, meat broths, fish and mushroom decoctions, alcohol.

The number of meals is 5–6 times a day.

In advanced stages of chronic renal failure, hemodialysis is performed using an “artificial kidney” device - purification of the blood from metabolic products of proteins and other substances. With chronic hemodialysis, patients may develop some complications due to an unbalanced diet, since this removes amino acids from the body. You need to replenish your amino acid content by adjusting your diet.

In patients with chronic renal failure on hemodialysis protein intake should be 0.75-1 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight per day. When the hemodialysis time is increased to 30 hours per week, the amount of protein is increased to 1.2 g per 1 kg of body weight.

Food is prepared without salt. If blood pressure is low and there is no swelling, the patient is given 2–3 g of salt so that he can add salt to food if desired. Due to repeated hemodialysis, the amount of potassium, calcium and phosphorus in the body may increase, so in this case, limit the consumption of vegetables and fruits, as well as dairy products, legumes, cabbage and mushrooms. Fruits such as apricots, raisins, prunes, bananas, dried fruits are completely excluded from the diet.

The amount of liquid is limited to 700–800 ml per day. You are allowed to drink a small amount of fruit juices (lemon, apple, cherry, tomato).

After boiling, meat and fish can be fried to add flavor. Spices and herbs that do not irritate the kidneys are added to dishes: dill, bay leaf, cinnamon, cloves, allspice, parsley, vanillin. Irritating seasonings are prohibited: horseradish, garlic, radish, mustard.

Food is taken 6 times a day, in small portions.

In addition to the products mentioned, black currants, melons, peaches, rhubarb, celery, and chicory are also limited. Spicy and salty dishes, meat broths, fish and mushroom broths, canned snack foods, sausages, smoked meats, and chocolate are prohibited.

Recipes can also be used from the chapters “Pyelonephritis” and “Glomerulonephritis”.

Recipes for acute renal failure

Fresh cabbage soup

Ingredients: cabbage – 200 g, turnip – 1 pc., carrots – 1 pc., fresh herbs, leeks, tomato 1 pc., bay leaf.

Cut turnips, carrots, parsley, leeks into slices or cubes, fry a little, and then simmer in a frying pan in a small amount of water. Chop the cabbage, place in boiling water, bring to a boil, add a bunch of fresh herbs and cook for another 30–40 minutes. 5-10 minutes before the end of cooking, season with stewed root vegetables and add bay leaf. If cabbage soup is prepared with fresh tomatoes, then cut them into slices and place them in the pan at the same time as the vegetables.

Mixed vegetable soup

Ingredients: water or vegetable (not mushroom!) broth – 500 ml, onion – 1 pc., carrots – 1 pc., cabbage – 250 g, potatoes – 2 pcs., tomato – 1 pc., boiled beef -100 g per portion, herbs, spices to taste.

Place potatoes, carrots and shredded cabbage into the boiling broth. Shortly before the vegetables are ready, add lightly boiled and then fried onions, green onions, and tomato slices. Serve with boiled beef and chopped fresh herbs.

Eggplant soup

Ingredients: water or vegetable broth – 500 ml, eggplant – 1 pc., carrots – 1 pc., onion – 1 pc., bell pepper – 1 pc., potatoes – 2 pcs., herbs and spices to taste.

Cut a medium-sized eggplant into slices and lightly fry in butter, rolling in flour. Fry finely chopped carrots and bell peppers, then add water and simmer. Throw potatoes and onions into boiling water, and when they are cooked, add eggplants and carrots with bell peppers. After the soup is ready, let it steep a little, then it becomes tastier.

Potato soup with sago

Ingredients: potatoes – 5 pcs., carrots – 2 pcs., parsley root, onion – 1 pc., butter – 3 tbsp. l., sago - 0.5 cups, bay leaf, dill, parsley.

Place peeled and sliced ​​potatoes into a boiling vegetable broth, let it boil and cook for 5 minutes, add sago and cook for 5-7 minutes. Lightly fry the diced carrots, parsley and onions in butter, then pour in a little water and simmer, then pour everything into the soup, let it simmer for 2-3 minutes and move the pan to the edge of the stove. Add bay leaf and let it brew. When serving, sprinkle with finely chopped parsley and dill.


Ingredients: beet broth – 500 ml, beets – 1 pc., fresh cucumber – 1 pc., potatoes – 2 pcs., egg – 1 pc., green onion, herbs, sour cream, citric acid.

Boil the peeled beets (can be cut into several parts), cool the broth. Chop green onions, dill, parsley, beets, cucumbers, boiled potatoes. Season with sour cream and citric acid.

Fruit okroshka

Ingredients: fruit infusion – 500 ml, apple – 1 pc., melon – 100 g, peaches – 5 pcs., cherries 1 glass, lettuce, sour cream.

Peel the apple, melon, cut them into cubes. Scald and peel the peaches and chop the pulp. Wash the cherries and remove the pits. Tear the salad with your hands. Grind cherries, fruit peels, pour boiling water and leave for 1.5–2 hours. Pour the infusion over the cooked fruits. Serve with sour cream.

Peppers stuffed with carrots

Ingredients: peppers – 4 pcs., carrots – 3 pcs., onions – 3 pcs., tomatoes – 3 pcs., vegetable oil – 3 tbsp. l., bay leaf, parsley and dill.

Remove the seeds from the peppers, rinse and stuff with carrots, previously stewed with onions. Place the prepared peppers in a saucepan, add water, add chopped tomatoes, bay leaves and simmer until tender.

Stuffed zucchini

Ingredients: zucchini – 1 medium, for minced meat: boiled rice – 1 glass, egg – 1 pc., carrots – 1 pc.... onion – 1 pc., sour cream – 100 ml.

Cut the zucchini into thick slices, remove the core and peel. Prepare minced meat from a mixture of rice, boiled and then fried onions, carrots and eggs and fill the zucchini, place on a baking sheet, pour in sour cream. Bake in the oven until done.

Pumpkin stewed with dill

Ingredients: pumpkin – 1 medium, onion – 3 pcs., dill, sour cream, lemon juice.

Pour water (2 cups) into sliced ​​peeled pumpkin along with finely chopped onions and simmer over low heat until smooth. 5 minutes before readiness, add chopped dill. Before serving, top with sour cream. You can add lemon juice.

Soaked carrot pudding

Ingredients: carrots – 2 pcs., butter – 15 g, sour cream – 2 tbsp. l., milk – 50 ml, cottage cheese 50 g, egg – 1 pc., sugar to taste.

Grate the peeled carrots on a fine grater, pour in 2 liters of cold water and soak for 3-4 hours, changing the water every hour. Then squeeze the carrots through cheesecloth, pour in milk, add 2/3 of the oil and simmer. Add the yolk mixed with grated cottage cheese, as well as whipped egg white and sugar to the prepared carrots, mix everything, put it in a greased mold and bake. Serve with sour cream.

Beetroot with apples

Beets – 5 pcs., apple – 2 pcs., sour cream 100 ml, citric acid to taste.

Peel the young beets and grate them on a coarse grater. Then put it in a saucepan, add a small amount of hot water and simmer until half cooked over low heat. Add grated apples, sour cream and simmer until done. At the end add citric acid. Boil.

Eggplant baked with curdled milk

Ingredients: eggplants – 4 pcs., tomatoes – 5-6 pcs., egg – 2 pcs., curdled milk – 1 glass, butter – 50 g.

Wash the eggplants, cut crosswise into slices 1 cm thick, add salt, leave for 10–15 minutes, then rinse in cold water, pat dry with a napkin and fry in oil on both sides. Place the eggplants in a deep frying pan, layering them with sliced ​​tomatoes. Beat eggs with curdled milk, pour mixture over eggplants and bake.

Boiled meat and cottage cheese cutlets

Ingredients: beef – 200 g, egg – 1 pc., cottage cheese – 100 g, butter.

Boil the meat until almost fully cooked. Pass through a meat grinder 2 times along with cottage cheese. Add the egg, beat and cut into cutlets. Bake them in the oven. Serve with a vegetable side dish.

Steamed boiled chicken cutlets

Ingredients: chicken fillet – 200 g, potatoes – 1 pc., milk – 50 ml, butter – 30 g, egg – 1 pc.

Pass the pulp of the boiled chicken through a meat grinder, mix with grated potatoes (the juice from the potato mass can be squeezed out if there is a lot of it). Add oil and mix well. Form cutlets and bake in the oven.

Stuffed cabbage rolls with minced chicken

Ingredients: white cabbage – 800 g, chicken fillet – 300 g, tomatoes – 5 pcs., sour cream 2 tbsp. l., vegetable oil - 100 ml, rice 150 g.

Pass the boiled chicken fillet through a meat grinder. Boil the rice, cool and mix with minced chicken. Remove the cabbage leaves from the head, cook them in boiling water for 3–5 minutes, remove from the water, and cool. Place minced meat on each cabbage leaf and wrap it in the form of sausages or envelopes. Place in a saucepan, add broth from cabbage leaves, add chopped tomatoes and simmer for 30–40 minutes. Serve with sour cream.

Tomatoes stuffed with meat

Ingredients: tomatoes - 2 pcs., veal - 100 g, egg - 1 pc., green onions, dill, green pepper, sour cream - 50 g, mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. l.

Chop the white of a hard-boiled egg, and finely chop the green onions and peppers. Cut the boiled veal into small cubes and mix with chopped products, herbs and half of the sauce made from mayonnaise mixed with sour cream. After this, cut off the tops of the tomatoes, remove the cores, chop finely and add to the minced meat, which is used to fill the tomatoes.

Before serving, pour the remaining sauce over the tomatoes and sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Zucchini with meat

Ingredients: zucchini – 500 g, boiled chicken breast – 150 g, rice – 70 g, tomatoes – 2 pcs., onions – 2 pcs., sour cream – 70 g, vegetable oil, dill.

Peel the zucchini and cut into rings 1.5–2 cm thick. Make a hole in the middle and add heaping minced chicken breast mixed with boiled rice. Place on a baking sheet, having previously greased it with vegetable oil. For the sauce, simmer the tomatoes and onions, add sour cream. Pour this sauce over the zucchini and bake in the oven.

Meat casserole

Ingredients: potatoes – 5 pcs., meat – 300 g, onions – 2 pcs., egg – 2 pcs., milk – 150 ml, parsley and dill.

Boil the potatoes, mash them, add a little potato broth and eggs. Boil the meat, pass through a meat grinder and mix with boiled and then fried onions. Place a layer of potatoes on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil, and minced meat on it. Pour in eggs beaten with milk and bake in the oven for 10 minutes at +200 °C. Sprinkle with herbs before serving.

Fish stewed with milk and carrots

Ingredients: fish fillet – 800 g, carrots – 2 pcs., onions – 2 pcs., milk – 500 ml.

Boil the fish fillet until almost done, cut into portions, place in a deep frying pan, add boiled and then fried onion in vegetable oil and carrots cut into round slices. Pour milk, simmer covered for 15 minutes.

Cod stewed in vegetables

Ingredients: cod – 200 g, carrots – 1 pc., onion – 1 pc., tomato – 1 pc., sour cream – 2 tbsp. l., water – 100 ml.

Boil the prepared cod carcass, cut into pieces and place in a frying pan with vegetable oil. Cover with grated carrots, finely chopped onions, herbs, and fresh tomatoes cut into slices. Pour boiled water. Close the lid and simmer for 10 minutes. Season with sour cream, simmer for another 5-10 minutes under the lid.

Fish fillet with apples

Ingredients: boiled fish fillet - 500 g, apples - 3-4 pcs., celery - 30 g, onion - 1 pc., egg white - 3 pcs., milk - 1/2 cup.

Grate apples, onions and celery on a coarse grater, mix and place on the bottom of a mold previously greased with vegetable oil. Separate the egg white, beat it with milk; Place the fish fillet on a fruit and vegetable bed and pour the mixture over it. Bake in the oven.

White omelette

Ingredients: egg (white) – 3 pcs., milk – 4 tbsp. l., butter - 1 tbsp. l., sour cream - 1 tbsp. l.

Mix the whites with milk, beat in a mixer or with a whisk, pour into a greased frying pan, sprinkle with sour cream and bake in the oven.

Omelette with greens

Ingredients: egg – 3 pcs., milk – 1/2 cup, parsley and dill, vegetable oil.

Shake eggs with milk, add chopped parsley and dill. Pour the mixture into the frying pan and fry until done.

Sour cream sauce with tomato juice

Ingredients: sour cream -100 g, egg yolk - 2 pcs., tomato - 1 large (100 g).

Cut the ripe tomato in half and, lightly squeezing the juice out of it, rub through a sieve; Add sour cream to the pureed mass, evaporate the resulting mass by 1/3, combine with raw yolks and, stirring quickly, bring to thickening.

Cold green sauce

Ingredients: parsley and dill – 100 g, egg – 2 pcs., table vinegar – 1 tbsp. l., any vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l.

Finely chop the greens. Boil the eggs, mash the yolks with a fork, and chop the whites; mix eggs with herbs, add vinegar and vegetable oil. The sauce should have a thick consistency.

Jerusalem artichoke pancakes with carrots

Ingredients: Jerusalem artichoke – 500 g, carrots – 500 g, egg – 2 pcs., corn starch.

Grate Jerusalem artichoke and carrots on a fine grater, add eggs, corn starch, mix everything. Spoon the mixture onto a baking sheet and bake in the oven.

Cranberry jelly

Ingredients: cranberries – 200 g, water – 500 ml, sugar, gelatin – 25 g.

Squeeze the juice from the berries, pour boiling water over the juice and boil. Strain the broth, add sugar and swollen gelatin, let the syrup boil, then cool and strain again. Mix with squeezed fresh juice and pour into molds.

Lemon jelly

Ingredients: lemon – 100 g, gelatin – 15 g, sugar – to taste, water – 650 ml.

Bring the water to a boil, add lemon zest and leave covered for 10-15 minutes, then strain. Place gelatin soaked in cold water into the hot infusion, let it dissolve, then add lemon juice and sugar, strain, pour into a mold and cool. Place the mold with the cooled jelly in hot water for a second and place the jelly on a saucer.

Recipes for chronic renal failure

You can use recipes for dishes from the previous section, as well as the chapters “Pyelonephritis” and “Glomerulonephritis”, many dishes from the section “Diet for oxalate stones” in the chapter “Kidney stones”.

Carrot and apple salad

Ingredients: carrots – 1 pc., apple – 1 pc., mayonnaise – 1 tbsp. l., parsley.

Grate the peeled carrots and apples on a coarse grater, add parsley, mix and season with mayonnaise.

Parsley and apple salad

Ingredients: parsley root – 100 g, apple – 1 pc., sour cream – 2 tbsp. l., lemon juice.

Grate parsley root, mix with finely chopped apple, season with sour cream, add lemon juice.

Summer vinaigrette

Ingredients: potatoes – 2 pcs., carrots – 1 pc., beets – 1 small, cauliflower – 1 head, fresh cucumber – 1 pc., tomato – 2 pcs., lettuce – 1 bunch, egg – 1 pc., sour cream – 100 ml, sugar – 1 tsp, dill.

Boil potatoes, beets, carrots, cauliflower and cool. Peel carrots, beets, potatoes, fresh cucumbers and cut into thin slices, divide cauliflower into small pieces, cut tomatoes into small slices, chop lettuce, chop dill. Place the prepared vegetables in a bowl, add sugar, sour cream and mix well (instead of sour cream, the vinaigrette can be seasoned with vegetable oil with the addition of citric acid or mayonnaise). You can add raw zucchini (young), pumpkin, apples, etc. to the vinaigrette.

Beet and apple salad

Ingredients: beets – 1 small, apple – 1 pc., dill, parsley, sour cream – 1 tbsp. l., salt, citric acid to taste.

Cut the boiled beets into strips, and the apple into cubes, mix, season with citric acid and sour cream. Sprinkle with herbs.

Beet tops salad

Ingredients: beet tops – 100 g, green salad – 30 g, parsley, dill, vegetable oil – 1 tbsp. l., egg – 1 pc.

Finely chop beet tops, green salad, a little dill and parsley, add sunflower oil and finely chopped boiled egg.

Cauliflower salad

Ingredients: cauliflower - 150 g, vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l., boiled egg - 1 pc., greens, green onions.

Boil the cauliflower, separate it into florets, and pour in vegetable oil. Add greens, sprinkle egg on top.

Kohlrabi and apple salad

Ingredients: kohlrabi cabbage – 150 g, apple – 1 pc., sour cream or vegetable oil – 1 tbsp. l., greens.

Finely chop the peeled kohlrabi cabbage and peeled apples, add parsley, vegetable oil, mix and serve immediately.

Appetizer of white cabbage, cucumbers and carrots

Ingredients: white cabbage – 200 g, cucumber – 3 pcs., carrots – 2 pcs., green salad – 1 bunch, mayonnaise – 100 ml, green onions – 1 bunch.

Wash the cabbage and cucumbers and chop finely. Peel the carrots and grate on a coarse grater. Wash and chop the green onions. Wash the lettuce leaves and cover the dish with them. Mix cabbage with cucumbers, carrots and green onions, stir, season with mayonnaise, place on lettuce leaves and serve.

Semolina soup

Ingredients: semolina – 2 tbsp. l., butter – 1 tsp. without top, water - 2 glasses, granulated sugar.

Dilute the sifted semolina with cold water and pour, stirring continuously, into hot water. Boil, stirring constantly, for about 30 minutes. Then sweeten the soup a little.

Before serving, add fresh butter to the soup.

Semolina milk soup with yolk

Ingredients: semolina – 2 tbsp. l., milk - 2 cups, 2 yolks, granulated sugar - 1 tsp, butter - 1 tsp. without top, water - 1 glass.

Dilute the sifted cereal with cold water, add hot water and boil until fully cooked (30 minutes). Pour milk with diluted yolk and sugar into the boiled mixture. Add butter to the soup.

Soup “Tender”

Ingredients: young curdled milk – 400 ml, ground peanuts – 50 g, fresh cucumbers – 3 pcs., chopped mint leaves – 2 tbsp. l., green onions - 1 bunch, dill.

Finely chop the cucumbers and place them in a saucepan, add yogurt, chopped mint, dill and finely chopped green onions. Mix everything thoroughly and let the soup cool for an hour. When serving, sprinkle each serving of soup with chopped peanuts.

Potato soup

Ingredients: potatoes – 5 pcs., water – 2 l, milk – 1 glass; for dumplings: egg – 1 pc., milk – 100 ml, flour – 1.5 cups.

Peel the potatoes and boil them in water. Drain the water (but do not pour it out), mash the potatoes, pour hot milk into it, mix thoroughly, add the potato broth, mix well again and put on low heat until it boils.

Prepare the dumpling dough: beat the egg with milk, add flour, the dough should not be too liquid and not too stiff, so that when you take it with a spoon, it does not spread, but retains its shape. Take the dough a little at a time, using a teaspoon dipped in cold water, and throw the dumplings into the boiling broth so that they set immediately. Boil covered for 8-10 minutes. When serving, sprinkle with herbs.

Cream of pearl barley soup

Ingredients: pearl barley – 50 g, milk – 1/2 cup, water – 1 cup, butter – 1 tsp. l., egg – 1 pc.

Rinse the pearl barley well, add cold water and cook until softened. Then salt the cereal and rub it hot through a sieve. Prepare the dressing: grind the yolk with 1 tbsp. l. milk and, continuing to grind, pour in the rest of the milk in small portions. Heat the dressing until it boils and gradually, 1 spoon at a time, stirring, add the pureed cereal. Heat the saucepan with soup in a water bath for 10–15 minutes. Add butter to the finished soup.

Puree buckwheat soup

Ingredients: buckwheat – 2 tbsp. l., butter – 1 tsp., milk – 1 glass, water – 2 glasses, egg – 1 pc., olive oil – 1 tsp.

Sort the grains, rinse in running water, add to boiling water and cook until fully cooked. Then rub through a sieve. Place the resulting slurry on the stove, bring to a boil, then set the pan on the edge of the stove. Mix the egg thoroughly, add hot milk and combine with boiling broth; add olive oil, stir. Before serving, add butter to the soup.

Soup "Volynsky"

Ingredients: milk – 2 l, water – 1 glass, carrots – 1 pc., potatoes – 3 pcs., barley – 0.5 cups, sugar – 1 tsp.

Boil barley groats along with potatoes and finely chopped carrots in milk, slightly diluted with water, adding a pinch of sugar.

Cabbage soup with apples

Ingredients: cabbage – 300 g, carrots – 1 pc., rutabaga – 1 pc., parsley root – 1 pc., apple – 1 pc., unsalted tomato paste – 1 tbsp. l., butter – 2 tbsp. l., sour cream.

Place cabbage cut into squares and roots, onions and tomato paste stewed with butter into boiling broth or water. Cook in a sealed container at low boil until done. Add chopped apple to the prepared cabbage soup and boil. Place sour cream on a plate with cabbage soup.

Vegetable broth with egg white omelette

Ingredients: potatoes - 2 pcs., carrots - 1 pc., parsley root, cabbage stalk - 1 pc., parsley, egg white - 1 pc., milk 10 ml, sour cream - 20 ml, butter - 5 g.

Cut the vegetables into pieces and cook under the lid, let it brew for an hour and strain. Mix the egg white with milk, pour into a greased frying pan and bake, then cool to room temperature and cut the omelette into 5-6 pieces. Season the broth with sour cream and the remaining oil, add an omelette and chopped herbs.

Borscht with vegetable broth

Ingredients: white cabbage - 300 g, beets - 1 pc., potatoes - 4 pcs., carrots - 1 pc., tomato - 1 pc., parsley, butter, sour cream, citric acid - to taste (instead of acid you can put apples or black currants).

Chop the peeled beets into strips, sprinkle with citric acid diluted in water and mix; then add oil and 100 ml of water, close the lid and simmer over low heat for 20-30 minutes, then add chopped carrots, celery, part of the tomato and simmer for another 10 minutes. Add shredded cabbage to the prepared vegetables, add water or vegetable broth, let it boil, add chopped potatoes and cook until tender. Place the remaining tomatoes, cut into slices, into the prepared borscht. Before serving, season with sour cream and sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Vegetable puff soup

Ingredients: sunflower oil – 200 ml, onion – 1 pc., tomatoes – 6 pcs., cabbage – half a head of cabbage, sweet pepper – 4 pcs., potatoes – 4 pcs., zucchini – 2 pcs., carrots – 1 pc., Bay leaf.

Pour sunflower oil into the bottom of the goose bowl, put boiled onion rings on the bottom, and put 3 chopped tomatoes on top. Do not mix the layer. The next layer is shredded fresh cabbage. Then - sweet peppers, peeled and cut into rings, on top - chopped potatoes and then diced zucchini and the last layer - 3 chopped tomatoes and grated carrots. Place on low heat; When the vegetables are stewed in oil until tender, add hot water, turn up the heat and bring to a boil.

Without stirring, carefully place the puff pastry into plates, pour in vegetable broth, add sour cream, sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Brussels sprout soup

Ingredients: Brussels sprouts – 600 g, potatoes – 3–4 pcs., vegetable oil, sour cream.

Place the peeled Brussels sprouts in boiling water for 2 minutes, then drain in a colander, drain, transfer the cabbage to a soup pot with melted butter and lightly fry.

Pour 6-7 cups of hot water over the cabbage, add thinly sliced ​​potatoes and cook over low heat for 20-30 minutes. When serving, add sour cream to the soup.

Cauliflower soup

Ingredients: cauliflower – 600 g or white cabbage – 750 g, potatoes – 7 pcs., oil – 3 tbsp. l., milk - 2 cups.

Select a quarter of the small cauliflower stalks for garnish and cook them separately. Place the rest of the cabbage, as well as peeled and washed potatoes, cut into slices, into a saucepan, add four glasses of water and cook for 25–30 minutes. Rub all this through a sieve and dilute with hot milk. When serving, season the soup with cream or butter, stir and add boiled cabbage stalks. Serve the croutons separately.

Puree soup can also be prepared from white cabbage. It must be cleaned, washed and boiled; After 15–20 minutes, add the potatoes, boil them and then prepare the soup as indicated above.

Cream soup in Flemish style

Ingredients: Brussels sprouts puree – 300 g, potato puree – 300 g, vegetable broth or potato or cabbage broth – 1 l, cream 100 ml, egg – 2 pcs., butter – 50 g.

Combine Brussels sprouts and mashed potatoes and dilute with broth. Season with cream and egg yolks, add butter, heat well, but do not boil.

Cauliflower soup with rice

Ingredients: cauliflower -100 g, potatoes - 2 pcs., rice - 20 g, milk - 100 ml, butter - 10 g, water - 500 g.

Cut the potatoes and cabbage into pieces, add water (300 g), and then add half the oil. Bring until cooked over low heat, covered, and rub through a sieve along with the liquid. Place the washed rice in boiling water (200 g) and cook for an hour, then puree, combine with soup, warm well and season with milk.

Before serving, add the remaining butter in a lump.

Peasant soup with cereals

Ingredients: fresh cabbage – 200 g, potatoes – 1 pc., cereals (pearl barley, rice, oatmeal, barley, wheat) – 40 g or millet, oat flakes – 35 g, turnip – 1 pc., carrots – 1 pc., parsley root, onion – 1 pc., tomato – 1 pc., vegetable oil, water – 800 ml, sour cream.

Cook well-washed pearl barley, barley, oatmeal and wheat until half cooked, then put it in boiling water, add cabbage, cut into checkers, potatoes and cook until tender. 15 minutes before the end of cooking, add pre-fried vegetables and tomatoes.

Rice and millet groats are added to the soup along with vegetables, having previously been washed in water; Hercules oat flakes are added 15–20 minutes before the end of cooking the soup.

Serve with sour cream.

Cauliflower broth

Ingredients: chopped cauliflower – 2 cups, water – 1.5 l, potatoes – 2 pcs. medium size, onion – 1 pc., sour cream – 3 tbsp. l.

Finely chop the cabbage inflorescences, cut the leaves into strips, and grate the stalk on a coarse grater. Peel the potatoes and cut into slices, the onion into half rings. Place the vegetables in a saucepan, add hot water, bring to a boil, cook for 5-6 minutes and leave for 5-10 minutes. Add sour cream to the finished stew.

Milk soup with vegetables and pasta

Ingredients: milk – 700 ml, water – 100 ml, carrots – 1 pc., turnip – 1 pc., potatoes – 1 pc., white cabbage – 100 g, celery – 10 g, leek – 2 stems, lettuce – 20 g, pasta – 20 g, butter – 10 g.

Cut the roots and potatoes into slices, cut the cabbage into small pieces, chop the onion, finely chop the lettuce. Boil cabbage for 3-5 minutes. Place vegetables in hot water and cook for 20–30 minutes at low boil. Boil pasta separately. 3-5 minutes before the vegetables are ready, add the pasta and salad.

Boil the milk separately. When serving, place vegetables, butter and milk on a plate.

Milk soup with cauliflower

Ingredients: cauliflower – 1 head with leaves, onion – 1 pc., sweet pepper – 1 pc., potatoes – 2 pcs., carrots – 1 pc., milk – 1 l, water – 1 l, mayonnaise – 1 tbsp. l.

Cut the peeled potatoes into cubes, grate the carrots on a coarse grater, finely chop the cauliflower inflorescence and leaves, cut the pepper into strips. Pour water over the vegetables, bring to a boil, cook for 5-6 minutes, add milk, bring to a boil, remove from heat and leave for 8-10 minutes without heating. When serving, season with mayonnaise.

Mashed potatoes and cabbage

Ingredients: onion – 1 pc., cabbage – 500 g, potatoes – 1 kg.

Place shredded cabbage in a frying pan, pour boiling water and simmer. After 10 minutes, add the chopped onion and simmer until soft. Add boiled, crushed potatoes, beat everything.

Cauliflower puree

Ingredients: cauliflower – 300 g, butter or vegetable oil – 1 tsp, milk – 50 ml.

Peel the cauliflower, remove the green leaves, cut into small pieces and rinse thoroughly. Then pour in a small amount of boiling water, close the lid and simmer over low heat until cooked and the water has completely boiled away. When hot, rub through a sieve, add hot milk and boil again for 1-2 minutes. Add butter or vegetable oil to the finished puree.

Cauliflower with mashed potatoes

Ingredients: cauliflower – 200 g, potatoes – 3 pcs., butter – 2 tbsp. l., milk - 1 cup.

Boil the cauliflower, drain in a colander and let drain. Wipe and mix with mashed potatoes. Dilute the resulting puree with hot milk and heat on the stove for 2-3 minutes, whisking continuously. Do not bring to a boil.

When serving, add butter to the puree.

Buckwheat porridge pureed

Ingredients: buckwheat – 1 tbsp. l., milk – 1.5 cups, water – 150 ml, sugar syrup – 10 ml, butter – 1 tsp.

Pour pre-sorted and washed buckwheat into boiling water while stirring. Cover with a lid and cook over low heat until done. Rub the boiled porridge through a sieve, add hot milk, sugar syrup and, stirring, boil for 2-3 minutes. Add butter to the prepared porridge.

Buckwheat porridge with cauliflower and milk

Ingredients: cauliflower – 200 G, buckwheat – 1 cup, butter – 2 tbsp. l., milk – 500 ml.

Wash the cauliflower, chop finely and place in a layer on the bottom of the dish. Place washed buckwheat on top, pour in milk, bring everything to a boil, cook for 5–6 minutes, close the pan with a lid, cover with a towel and leave without heating for 10–15 minutes. Serve with butter.


Ingredients: oatmeal – 3/4 cup, butter – 2 tbsp. l., water - 2 glasses.

Pour water into a small saucepan and bring to a boil, add oatmeal. Cook for 10 minutes. Rub through a sieve. Add oil to the finished porridge.

Millet porridge

Ingredients: millet – 3 tbsp. l., l., butter – 1 tsp.

Sort the millet, rinse thoroughly with warm water several times until the water becomes clear. Pour boiling water over it, drain the water, add a glass of boiling water again and cook until completely softened (until the cereal is rubbed freely between your fingers).

Rub the hot cereal through a hair sieve, dilute with hot milk, add sugar and rub again. Place over low heat and heat for 5 minutes until thickened, stirring constantly. Add butter to the prepared porridge.

Puree rice porridge

Ingredients: rice – 3 tbsp. l., water – 2 glasses, milk – 1 glass, sugar – 2 tsp. l., butter – 1 tsp.

Sort the rice, rinse well, pour a glass of boiling water and cook over low heat until softened. Add water little by little as it boils so that half of the liquid remains in the saucepan.

Press the boiled rice hot through a fine sieve. Pour hot milk into the puree and stir thoroughly until smooth. Add sugar, put it back on the stove and, stirring, let the porridge boil 2-3 times until it thickens. Add butter to the prepared porridge.

Rice pilaf with fruits and vegetables

Ingredients: rice – 100 G, raisins – 30 G, prunes – 50 G, carrots – 1 pc., cauliflower – 100 G, butter – 30 G, water – 200 ml.

Sort the rice, rinse and add to boiling water; adding butter and sugar, bring to a boil and cook until tender in a water bath. Place the finished rice in a frying pan, mix with washed raisins, prunes, stewed carrots and boiled cauliflower, add a little water, cover and simmer for 15 minutes until the flavors mix.


Ingredients: milk – 2 glasses, water – 100 ml, semolina – 2 tbsp. l., sugar syrup – 10 ml, butter – 1 tsp.

Pour water into half of the milk, boil, then add semolina in a thin stream and cook over low heat, stirring constantly, for 15–20 minutes. Then add sugar syrup and the remaining heated milk. Bring the porridge to a boil. Add butter to the prepared porridge.

Semolina soufflé

Ingredients: semolina – 2 tbsp. l., water – 1 cup, milk – 1/2 cup, butter – 1 tsp. l., egg – 1 pc., sugar – 2 tsp.

Boil milk diluted with water. Pour semolina into boiling milk and cook for 20 minutes, stirring constantly with a whisk. Remove from heat, add butter, sugar, yolk and white, whipped into a strong foam. Stir everything carefully and place in a greased mold, filling it 3/4 full. Place in the oven (medium heat) for 20 minutes.

Pink semolina porridge

Ingredients: semolina – 2 tbsp. l., milk – 200 ml, water – 1/2 cup, sugar syrup – 2 tbsp. l., carrot juice – 100 ml, butter – 1 tsp.

Pour fresh carrot juice into the prepared, slightly cooled semolina porridge, stir thoroughly and serve immediately.

Preparation of carrot juice: wash the carrots with a brush, scald with boiling water, scrape off the skin with a sharp knife, wash again with boiled water and grate. Place the carrots in gauze scalded with boiling water and squeeze out the juice.

Tzimes Jewish

Ingredients: carrots – 1 pc., turnip – 1 pc., rutabaga – 1 pc., cauliflower – 1 head, onion – 2 pcs., raisins – 100 g, butter – 100 g, sugar or honey, milk – 500 ml .

Cut carrots, turnips, rutabaga, onions, cauliflower into pieces and boil in milk. When everything is ready, add small raisins, a little sugar or honey and butter and simmer under the lid for half an hour, adding flour for thickness.

Cabbage casserole with pasta

Ingredients: white cabbage – 300 g, finely broken pasta or horns – 1 glass, water – 1 glass, egg – 2 pcs., milk 1 glass.

Cut the cabbage into strips, finely chop the stalk, and mix everything. Place half the cabbage on the bottom of the dry form, dry pasta on it, and the remaining cabbage on top. Pour the prepared mixture with hot water, bring to a boil and bake for 15–20 minutes at a temperature of +200–220 °C.

Mix eggs with milk and pour onto the surface of the casserole. Then place back in the oven for 15-20 minutes.

Vegetable casserole

Ingredients: cabbage – 500 g, rutabaga – 1 pc., turnip – 2 pcs., carrots – 2 pcs., prunes – 5 pcs., raisins – half a glass, sugar; for the sauce: flour – 3 tbsp. l., milk – 200 ml.

Chop fresh cabbage, carrots, rutabaga and turnips into small strips, add a little water to them and simmer until tender. Place on a sieve.

Prepare the sauce separately. With continuous stirring, dilute the dried flour with hot milk so that there are no lumps and boil for 10 minutes.

Place the steamed vegetables in a greased frying pan, add washed, pitted prunes and raisins, sprinkle the casserole with sugar and place in the oven to bake. When serving, pour the sauce over the casserole or serve it separately.

Stewed cabbage

Ingredients: cabbage – 400 g, butter – 1 tbsp. l., milk – 1 glass, flour – 1 tbsp. l.

Wash half a small head of fresh cabbage, disassemble into leaves and cut out the stalk. Finely chop the leaves and simmer in milk, half diluted with water. When the cabbage becomes soft, add oil and, stirring, add flour in a thin stream. Stir until smooth, boil for 5-7 minutes and serve.

Cabbage stewed with rice

Ingredients: cabbage – 500 g, rice – 100 g, vegetable oil – 4 tbsp. l., onion – 1 pc., tomato 1 pc., parsley – 1 bunch.

Wash and chop the cabbage. Peel the onion, wash and finely chop. Wash the tomato and rub through a sieve. Wash and chop the parsley. Mix cabbage with onion, place in a saucepan, add water, add rice, add vegetable oil and simmer for 15 minutes over low heat, then add grated tomato and simmer until tender.

Carrots stewed with seaweed and apples

Ingredients: carrots – 2 pcs., seaweed – 100 g, apple – 1 pc., vegetable oil – 50 ml, raisins – 20 g.

Grate the carrots and, adding vegetable oil, simmer over low heat until soft. At the end of the stew, add boiled seaweed, peeled apple cut into slices, and raisins. Simmer over low heat, covered, until the apples soften.

Stuffed cabbage rolls with boiled meat, rice and vegetables

Ingredients: cabbage – 500 g, meat – 200 g, rice – 40 g, carrots – 1 pc., parsley, rutabaga 1 pc., flour – 1 tbsp. l., sour cream – 50 ml, butter – 2 tbsp. l., vegetable broth - 150 ml.

Boil a head of cabbage (without the stalk) until half cooked, separate it into individual leaves and cut off the stem from each leaf. After this, cut the carrots and rutabaga into small cubes and simmer with butter in a small amount of water. Boil the meat, pass through a meat grinder, combine with stewed vegetables, boiled fluffy rice and chopped herbs, mix well and, dividing into 2-3 parts, wrap in cabbage leaves, put in a pan, pour in sour cream sauce and bake.

To prepare sour cream sauce, mix flour with sour cream and pour this mixture into boiling vegetable broth; let it boil for 5 minutes, strain, add a tablespoon of oil and mix well.

Buckwheat cabbage rolls

Ingredients: buckwheat porridge – 300 g, onion – 1 pc., carrots – 1 pc.… tomato sauce – 30 ml, white cabbage leaves, spices to taste.

To fill the cabbage rolls, cook crumbly buckwheat porridge, add onions and carrots stewed in a small amount of water. Knead everything thoroughly, wrap the minced meat in prepared cabbage leaves.

Place the finished cabbage rolls in a duck pan greased with vegetable oil, pour in tomato sauce diluted with water and simmer in the oven until cooked.

Stuffed cabbage rolls with rice and quince

Ingredients: cabbage – 1 head, vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. l.; for minced meat: rice - 1 cup, quince - 1 large fruit, onion - 1 pc., carrots - 1 pc., oil - 2 tbsp. l., chopped dill and parsley - 2 tbsp. l.

Disassemble the cabbage into leaves, place them in boiling water, cook for 20 minutes, drain in a colander and let the water drain. It is necessary to cut off the thickened veins and lightly beat them off. Wash the rice and cook crumbly porridge. Lightly simmer or boil the carrots and onions. Peel the quince from the skin and seeds, cut into small cubes, boil in water until soft, drain the broth into another bowl, and drain the quince in a colander. Combine rice, quince, carrots, onions, season with finely chopped herbs, mix. Place minced meat in the leaves, wrap in envelopes, tie with thread and fry on both sides. Place the cabbage rolls in a saucepan or roasting pan, pour over them with vegetable oil and quince decoction, cover with a lid, put in a heated oven and bring to readiness.

Instead of quince, you can take other fruits from the list of permitted ones.

Cabbage cutlets

Ingredients: cabbage – 1 kg, semolina – 0.5 cups, milk – 100 ml, eggs – 3 pcs.

Peel the cabbage, chop finely and place in a saucepan. Pour hot milk into it, place the pan on the stove, cover with a lid and simmer until tender, about 30–40 minutes. Gradually add semolina into the finished cabbage, stirring continuously to avoid lumps, and continue to simmer for another 5-10 minutes. After this, remove the pan from the heat, add the egg yolks to the cabbage, mix well and cool. Prepare cutlets from the cooled mixture and bake in the oven. Serve the cutlets with milk or sour cream sauce.

Cauliflower in an omelet

Ingredients: cauliflower – 200 g, butter, egg whites – 2 pcs., milk – 50 ml, sour cream – 30 ml.

Boil the cauliflower, separate it into small pieces; then place the buns in a single-serve frying pan, greased with oil, pour in the egg whites mixed with milk, sprinkle with sour cream and bake. Serve the cabbage in the same pan in which you baked it.

Ingredients: cottage cheese – 250 g, sugar – 3 tbsp. l., oil - 2 tbsp. l., flour - 1 tbsp. l., egg - 1 pc., sour cream - 2 tbsp. l.

Squeeze fresh cottage cheese under a press and rub through a hair sieve. Grind the butter in a porcelain bowl, add the yolk, a pinch of salt, granulated sugar, flour, sour cream. Stir well, combine with grated cottage cheese and knead until smooth. Place on a board sprinkled with flour, divide into portions, give them a round shape, coat with beaten yolk, roll in breadcrumbs and bake in the oven (under no circumstances should you fry!).

Cheesecakes with carrots

Ingredients: cottage cheese – 250 g, carrots – 2 pcs., butter – 2 tbsp. l., semolina - 2 tsp. l., egg – 1 pc., sugar – 1 tbsp. l., flour - 2 tbsp. l., salt.

Peel the carrots and grate them. Melt butter in a frying pan, put carrots in it, add 1/4 cup of water and simmer until tender. Gradually add semolina, heat the mixture, stirring, until the semolina swells. Then cool the mass and mix with cottage cheese, egg, sugar, flour. Form cheesecakes from the resulting mixture and bake in the oven (do not fry!).

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Greetings, readers.
Kidney failure is a pathological health condition in which the normal functionality of the kidneys is lost, urine ceases to be formed or excreted, resulting in the development of other disorders in the body systems.

Signs of disruption of normal kidney function can be:

  • pathological sensations when urinating;
  • decreased or increased urine volume;
  • frequent increase in blood pressure;
  • drowsiness and dizziness due to decreased hemoglobin levels.

There are two types of kidney failure:

  • acute;
  • chronic.

Acute renal failure

A serious disease, but in most cases completely reversible. The kidneys have a natural ability to restore their functionality. In diabetes, kidney failure can occur as a result of the disease. But, as a rule, the disease occurs from sudden severe damage to the kidney tissue:

  • significant blood loss, severe shock, severe arrhythmia and heart failure;
  • poisoning with heavy metals, poisons or drugs, resulting in the death of the kidney tubules;
  • consequences of urolithiasis.

In acute renal failure, the patient immediately feels a sharp decrease in the volume of urination, general malaise associated with high blood pressure and rapid pulse. Over time, the symptoms worsen, and the patient’s condition becomes especially severe, and death is possible. But with proper treatment and timely medical care, normal kidney function is restored within two to three months. Nutrition plays a very important role in recovery in kidney failure.

Diet for acute renal failure

Throughout the entire period of treatment and recovery, patients must adhere to a fairly strict diet, the content of which is slightly different from the usual, low-calorie diets.

The principle of dietary treatment is that you need to limit protein intake and feed the body more carbohydrates and fats.

This diet is explained by the fact that patients with acute renal failure must receive a sufficient amount of calories daily, otherwise the body’s protective properties will come into play, and to obtain vital energy they will use reserves in the form of protein, which, when broken down, aggravates the course of the disease and condition sick. For diabetes mellitus, it is recommended to fill the body's increased need for carbohydrates by consuming olive oil.

  • Salt;
  • Legumes;
  • Bakery products prepared with salt;
  • Strong meat, fish and mushroom broths;
  • Vegetables in pickled, pickled or salted form;
  • Garlic, radish, sorrel, spinach;
  • Chocolate.

In general, foods containing potassium, magnesium and sodium are strictly limited. The amount of fluid consumed is controlled depending on the stage of the disease, test results and urine volume in the previous day. The disease goes through four stages and each of them is characterized by its own set of products, which are strictly regulated by the doctor. In diabetes, the diet has a very similar structure of permitted foods. Therefore, patients with this disease use the same canons in their diet only with adjustments for foods containing sugar.

Chronic renal failure

The patient’s well-being with chronic renal failure worsens gradually. The reason for this condition is due to the progressive deterioration of kidney functionality, which is accompanied by a violation of the water-salt balance in the body, as a result of which self-poisoning of the body with metabolic products (uremia) is possible. Kidney failure often occurs with diabetes. Patients with this diagnosis should be especially careful about their blood sugar levels and adhere to proper nutrition.

Diet therapy for chronic renal failure is aimed at constantly monitoring the amount of protein consumed to prevent the breakdown of one’s own protein reserves. In case of renal failure, the main reason for the deterioration of the body’s condition and the course of the disease is protein deficiency, which is provoked by kidney disease.

Why does this happen? This is a question of the characteristics of metabolism in the human body.

Limiting protein intake in the menu is recommended already at the first stage of a chronic disease. The permissible protein content in food is calculated from 1 g per 1 kg of body weight of the sick person. At the second stage, a norm of 0.8 g per kg is allowed, and at the third and subsequent stages - 0.6 g per 1 kg of weight. This is very little, therefore, in order to avoid a lack of nutrients in the patient, from the third stage the attending doctor will recommend the patient to take keto acids or amino acids. But before such a step, the doctor will explain the main points of the menu for the patient.

The principle of nutrition for chronic renal failure is to saturate the body as much as possible with calories from carbohydrates and fats (if you have diabetes, you need to be careful with carbohydrates).

But at the same time, constant companions of chronic renal failure are poor appetite, nausea, vomiting, and changes in taste. Under such circumstances, it is quite difficult to properly nourish the body, so the approach to nutrition should be somewhat creative:

  1. In addition to using the right ingredients in preparation, they must be easily digestible so as not to overload the weakened digestive system.
  2. Dishes should attract the patient in appearance. This effect can be achieved if you play a little on the color content of the food on the plate.
  3. A freshly prepared lunch should be flavorful to stimulate your appetite.

Nutrition for chronic renal failure

The diet is accompanied by constant consumption of protein-free and salt-free bread, as well as sago (starch cereal).

In addition, the volume of urine excreted over the previous day is monitored. The amount of free liquid that can be drunk without additional stress on the kidneys will depend on this indicator. Patients with kidney failure feel thirsty. They tend to drink large amounts of water, but do not understand that the kidney is not yet able to excrete it in the required amount. The result is hypertension and edema. In diabetes mellitus, such symptoms are extremely undesirable. At the initial stage of a chronic disease, there is a limit on the amount of fluid entering the body - two liters. Starting from the third stage, as a rule, the amount of daily urine excreted decreases, in this case the axiom comes into force - we drink as much urine as the urine excreted the day before plus five hundred ml.

If it is very difficult to cope with thirst, you can trick the body a little and drink part of the daily norm in the form of ice cubes (freeze part of the supply).
Diet for kidney failure plays a huge role in the speed of recovery, but it is not so easy to stick to. The most difficult thing is giving up salt. But the nice thing is that over time, the doctor allows the gradual return of salt to the patient’s menu. And of course, you should adhere to a healthy cooking method - steaming, baking.

Main products allowed for chronic renal failure

Based on this list of products, you can create a delicious menu. And the diet will not at all seem like a punishment for chronic renal failure. If the sharpness of the taste is not enough, you can flavor the food with lemon juice. This will be especially useful for diabetes. Portions should not be large, and it is better to divide meals into 5-6 times. In this way, it will be easier for the body to digest and assimilate the incoming food, and the patient will also experience fewer bouts of nausea.

An approximate set of ingredients for dishes for the day:

  • Bread 100-150 grams;
  • meat or fish 125 grams,
  • 1 egg,
  • milk 80 grams, sour cream 45 grams, butter 60 grams,
  • vegetable oil 20 grams,
  • sugar 110 grams (completely excluded in case of diabetes),
  • sago 70 grams,
  • flour 25 grams,
  • potatoes, white or cauliflower, carrots, beets, tomatoes, cucumbers, other vegetables up to 1 kg;
  • The liquid (including the first course) should be no more than 2 liters (depending on the period of illness).

In chapter Diet for kidney failure presents the characteristics of the diet for renal failure in the initial and severe stages, excluded and recommended foods and dishes, chemical composition, culinary processing of products, diet, daily set of products, menu, fasting days, as well as recipes for dishes recommended by nutritionists for a diet for renal failure .

Chronic kidney failure, which occurs with chronic nephritis, bilateral pyelonephritis, renal amyloidosis, nephrosclerosis, is a violation of the nitrogen excretory function of the kidneys, as a result of which protein metabolic products accumulate in the body, the amount of residual nitrogen in the blood increases, and water-salt metabolism is disrupted.

In the most severe degree of kidney failure, the body is poisoned by protein metabolic products (uremia).

Basic principles of diet for kidney failure:

Limit proteins to 20-70g per day, depending on the severity of kidney failure.

Regulation of the intake of table salt, taking into account the severity of edema, hypertension, and protein excretion in the urine.

Providing caloric intake from fats and carbohydrates.

In the initial stage of renal failure, it is prescribed

Diet for kidney failure in the early stages contains 70 g of protein (of which up to 30% animal proteins) or 60 g of protein, of which 40-50% animal proteins.

Diet for advanced renal failure contains 20g of protein (diet No. 7a) or 40g of protein (diet No. 7b), 70-75% of which are animal proteins from meat, fish, dairy products, eggs. Fluid consumption is 1-1.5 liters per day, but it should correspond to the amount of urine excreted over the previous day, plus 0.4-0.6 liters.

In case of severe renal failure, they are first prescribed, and when the patient’s condition improves, they are transferred to, against which diet 7a is periodically applied.

While using diet 7a, the patient is periodically given 2-4 g of salt on his hands to add salt to the food. When edema appears, salt is again limited to 1 g or eliminated.

The diet for renal failure includes carbohydrate fasting days:

Apple-sugar, rice-compote, potato.

1.Apple-sugar diet: 1.5 kg of ripe or baked apples per day, divided into 5 doses of 300 g, 50-100 g of sugar

2. Rice-compote diet: per day 1.5 fresh fruits or 240g dried fruits, 120g sugar, 50g rice. Cook compote and rice porridge in water. 1 glass of sweet compote 6 times a day, 2 times with sweet rice porridge cooked without salt in water.

3. Potato diet: 1.5 kg of potatoes per day. Boil potatoes in their skins without salt or bake. Eat 300g of potatoes 5 times a day.

4. Special potato diet, prescribed for chronic glomerulonephritis with renal failure: potatoes - 1 kg (net weight), other vegetables or fruits - 300g, vegetable oil - 50g, butter - 70g, sugar - 50g.

Culinary treatment for diet in advanced stages of renal failure:

Culinary processing of products for diets No. 7a and 7b without mechanical sparing.

The food is boiled, followed by baking and light frying.

Diet for renal failure, diet:

Eat food 5-6 times a day.

Food is prepared without salt, bread is given salt-free.

Exclude from the diet for severe renal failure:

1. Regular bread, flour products with added salt.

2. Meat, fish, mushroom broths, milk soups, soups with cereals (except sago) and legumes.

3. All meat and fish products (canned food, sausages).

5. All cereals (limit rice) and pasta.

6. Pickled, salted, pickled vegetables.

7. Sorrel, spinach, cauliflower, legumes, garlic, radish, mushrooms.

8. Chocolate, ice cream, milk jelly.

9. meat, mushroom, fish sauces, mustard, horseradish, pepper.

10. Natural coffee, cocoa, mineral waters containing sodium.

11. Pork, beef, lamb fats.

Diet No. 7a:

-Soups vegetarian with sago, vegetable, potato, fruit, taking into account the permitted liquid. Soups are seasoned with sour cream, herbs, boiled and then sautéed onions.

- Meat and fish dishes: 50-60 (gross weight) lean beef or veal, pork (meat without fat), rabbit, chicken, turkey, fish. Boiled meat and fish, baked or lightly fried after boiling, in pieces or chopped.

- Dairy products: 60g of milk, cream, sour cream, cottage cheese - excluding meat and fish.

-Cereals- only sago, limited rice, only protein-free pasta. They prepare dishes with milk or water in the form of porridges, pilaf, cutlets, casseroles, and puddings.

-Eggs: 1/4-1/2 eggs per day (omelet, soft-boiled).

- Vegetables: potatoes 200-250g and fresh vegetables 400-450g (gross weight) in the form of various dishes. Boiled and fried onions as an additive to dishes, dill and parsley.

- Various fruits and berries in raw, dried, baked form, sugar, honey, jam, non-chocolate candies, jelly, compote, jelly.

- To improve taste dishes use greens, sour fruit and vegetable juices.

- Snacks: vegetable salads with vegetable oil.

-Sauces: tomato, sour cream, sweet and sour sauces, vegetable and fruit sauces. Fried onions after boiling, citric acid, cinnamon, vanillin.

.- Fats: unsalted butter, ghee, vegetable oil.

- Flour products: 100g of protein-free, salt-free bread made with corn starch, in the absence of such bread, 50g of wheat-free salt-free bread or other salt-free flour products baked with yeast.

-Beverages: fruit and berry juices, tomato juice, rosehip decoction, weak tea with lemon.

Diet 7b:

In diet 7b, the amount of protein is doubled by including 125g of milk and sour cream, 125g of meat or fish, 1 egg. Cottage cheese is given only when meat and fish are excluded or reduced.

Also in diet 7b the amount of potatoes is increased to 300g, other vegetables - to 650g, salt-free, protein-free bread to 150g, sago (rice).

Daily set of products for diet No. 7a(Samsonov M.A. 1981):

Salt-free, protein-free bread - 100g, meat - 62g, eggs - 1/4pcs, milk - 30g, sour cream - 30g, vegetable oil - 7g, butter - 90g, sugar - 80g, sago - 55g, potatoes - 235g, white cabbage - 150g, carrots - 70g, beets - 130g, onions - 30g, green onions - 15g, greens - 10g, radishes - 20g, fresh cucumbers - 20g, parsley - 7g, tomato - 7g, flour - 18g, corn starch - 70g.

Daily set of products for diet No. 7b(Samsonov M.A. 1981):

Protein-free, salt-free bread - 150g, meat - 125g, milk - 80g, eggs - 48g (1 piece), sour cream - 45g, butter - 80g, vegetable oil - 20g, sago - 70g, sugar - 110g, potatoes - 335g, carrots - 80g, white cabbage - 225g, beets - 200g, greens - 20g, green onions - 15g, onions - 40g, green peas - 20g, radishes - 35g, fresh cucumbers - 40g, parsley - 7g, tomato - 15g, flour - 28g , corn starch - 80g.

For acute renal failure as a result of poisoning (for example: sublimate, mercury), acute infections, injuries, acute nephritis, severe burns, diet 7a (proteins 20-25g), of which animal proteins - 70-75%, is prescribed. The amount of fluid administered should correspond to the amount of urine for the previous day +0.5 l.

The calorie content of the diet should be sufficient to prevent the breakdown of proteins to replenish the body's energy costs.

In end-stage renal failure with a sharp deterioration in kidney function, 20-25 g of protein are prescribed, salt is increased to 8-12 g, free liquid - to 2 liters.

Diet for kidney failure depending on the stage of kidney failure:

1.initial stage- diet No. 7 when replacing protein-free bread (1g protein per 1 kg of patient weight) or diet No. 7 with fasting days with diet 7b (protein 40g, animal - 70-75%) or diet No. 7 (protein 70g, vegetable - 70-75% ).

2.Expressed stage:

- low-symptomatic: diet 7b with periodic administration of diet 7 (load days).

- multisymptomatic: diet 7b with fasting days diet 7a (protein 20g, of which animals - 70-75%).

3.Final stage:

-uncomplicated: for hemodialysis, diet No. 7 is prescribed with fasting days, diet 7b or diet 7g (protein 60g, of which 75% are animals).

- complicated: diet 7a with loading days diet 7b.

Diet menu No. 7a for 1 day:

1st breakfast: sago milk porridge, apple and carrot cutlets baked in vegetable oil, tea.

2nd breakfast: fresh fruits.

Dinner: 1\2 servings of vegetarian soup from prefabricated vegetables, boiled potatoes, boiled meat with tomato sauce, jelly.

Afternoon snack: decoction of wheat bran with sugar.

Dinner: vegetable salad in vegetable oil, sago pilaf with fruit. Tea.

For the night: fruit juice.

Diet menu No. 7b for 1 day:

1st breakfast: apple and rice pudding, vegetable salad with vegetable oil, tea.

2nd breakfast: raw grated carrots with sugar

Dinner: vegetarian soup from prefabricated vegetables (1/2 servings), boiled potatoes, boiled chicken with milk sauce, dried fruit compote.

Afternoon snack: decoction of wheat bran with sugar.

Dinner: apple pancakes, 1 soft-boiled egg, tea.