How to treat a dry cough in a child: Komarovsky and other views on the problem. Cough in an infant without fever treatment Komarovsky Cough in an infant 4 months old Komarovsky

Dr. Komarovsky is very popular in many countries, as his advice is simple and understandable to everyone. That is why most parents trust him with their child’s health issues. If a newborn has a cough, especially without a fever, this is a serious reason to think about whether everything is normal with the baby.

Most of Komarovsky’s works are devoted specifically to the treatment of cough and its prevention. According to the doctor, this condition in itself is not a disease. This is just a signal that not everything is fine with the body. So how to cure a cough in a baby?

Causes of cough in infants without fever

When a cough appears, Komarovsky advises finding out the reasons for this. Quite often it is accompanied by fever, which indicates an ongoing inflammatory process. This state without fever can also often occur, and various factors lead to this.

When is a cough dangerous for a child?

Parents should be wary if their infant develops a dry cough, which is called unproductive. It can irritate the throat, bronchial mucosa and can greatly bother the baby.

In addition, parents should be alert to the following symptoms that require immediate medical attention:

  • wheezing that can be heard from a distance;
  • chest pain;
  • cough with blood or green sputum;
  • dyspnea;
  • night cough that occurs in attacks;
  • cough lasting more than two weeks.

These listed symptoms may indicate the following diseases: bronchial asthma, false croup, obstructive bronchitis, pneumonia, heart disease, whooping cough and other diseases that should be treated in a hospital setting.


According to Komarovsky, the main thing in this case is not to self-medicate and not to stuff the child with various medications, but rather monitor the cleanliness and humidity of the air in the room, and also give the baby as much liquid as possible to drink.

Thanks to such measures, sputum begins to better to liquefy without having time to dry. Before deciding how to treat a cough in a newborn, Komarovsky advises paying attention to the properties of antitussive drugs.

Medicines have the following effects:

  1. Liquefies mucus.
  2. Stimulates the functioning of bronchial smooth muscles.
  3. Fights inflammatory processes.
  4. Suppresses the cough reflex.
  5. Activate ciliated epithelial cells, which push mucus upward.
  6. Reduces the sensitivity of the respiratory tract mucosa.

How to cure a cough in a baby according to Komarovsky

Many medications are contraindicated for them, for example, those that affect the cough center. A newborn does not know how to cough, while his muscles are poorly developed, and his lung capacity is very small to effectively push out mucus.

Dr. Komarovsky recommends taking the following actions aimed at alleviating the baby’s condition. In the children's room it is necessary to support optimal temperature and humidity. For this purpose, you can purchase an air humidifier to maintain normal humidity - 50–70%.

You can also humidify the air yourself by placing wet towels on the radiator. If a person lives in an area with poor environmental conditions, then one should not ventilate the room, as harmful fumes may enter with the air. Best to buy air purification ionizer.

If a dry or wet cough in a baby is due to a viral infection, and inflammatory processes are occurring in the body, then in this case Dr. Komarovsky advises parents to ensure that the baby was in a horizontal position. This allows the accumulated mucus to come out better.

If there are symptoms of a wet cough, the child needs help getting rid of phlegm. Komarovsky recommends to parents give your baby a back massage. To do this, you need to lightly tap the baby's back with one finger. This creates a slight vibration in the lungs, causing coughing.

Breastfeeding is a must you should drink a lot using herbal decoctions or special baby water. It is also necessary to spend a lot of time walking in the fresh air, which helps improve the child’s respiratory system. Sunbathing also has healing properties.

Doctor Komarovsky advises for infants walks on the balcony. This can be done already on the tenth day of life, starting from 15 minutes and gradually accustoming the baby to stay there all day, but only if the air temperature allows. As you know, after such walks in the fresh air, children eat and sleep better.

As Dr. Komarovsky emphasizes, the main thing is that when the first symptoms of cough appear, especially without fever, seek medical help.

Types of medicines

Used to treat cough in older children two main groups medications. With the help of the first, cough is eliminated, and the second gets rid of mucus and improves productivity.

Medicines that suppress the cough reflex are used for the following diseases:

  • Whooping cough, because in this case the cough is caused by irritation of the nerve endings of the mucous membrane.
  • Tumors in the upper respiratory tract or chest.
  • Pleurisy, in which sputum does not come out.
  • An irritating cough that occurs due to prolonged exposure to hot and dry air, dust, etc.

It is forbidden to self-medicate with antitussive drugs, as this can lead to serious complications. In all other cases, Komarovsky advises not to stop dry and wet coughs, but to help the cleansing process by reducing the viscosity of mucus and activating the contractile activity of the bronchi.

Drugs that have these properties are: Bromhexine, Mucaltin, Ambroxol. Thus, if a baby has a cough, dry or wet, you should definitely call a pediatrician.

There can be many reasons for this condition and some of them are quite dangerous, especially if there is no increase in temperature. And also Dr. Komarovsky recommends follow simple rules, allowing you to alleviate the baby’s condition without the use of medications.

Every child gets sick periodically. Runny nose and cough occur in children regardless of their age. Even the smallest ones are not insured. How to properly treat a baby? Evgeny Komarovsky helps to understand this issue. The doctor, trusted by millions of parents, clearly explains what to do to speed up recovery.

Why is the baby coughing?

The topic of cough and runny nose in children was repeatedly raised by Dr. Komarovsky. Evgeniy Olegovich patiently explains to parents how to act again and again.

When a baby is sick, special care should be taken in choosing treatment methods. What is effective for older children may be contraindicated for children under one year old.

So, what should you pay attention to first? Cough comes in different forms. Just like the reasons that cause it. Parents must understand that this is only a symptom. For example, snot is the body’s protective reaction to the invasion of a virus. A child starts coughing when there is an irritating factor:

  • mucus from the nose flowing down the walls into the larynx;
  • phlegm collected in the lungs;
  • dust in the respiratory tract;
  • small foreign object;
  • contact with an allergen;
  • inflammatory process;
  • gastric juice entering the respiratory system.

Sometimes mom guesses why health problems arose. We can talk about a viral or bacterial infection when a cough is accompanied by a runny nose and fever. In case of a virus attack, you should just wait. The body will cope on its own. Moms will have to be patient. All that is required is to provide the baby with comfortable conditions. Antibiotics are prescribed when it comes to bacterial overgrowth.

However, is there always an increase in body temperature when coughing? Of course not! Practice shows that temperature is by no means a constant companion to cough. How to behave when your baby coughs and there are no other symptoms? Making a diagnosis yourself is not recommended. Correct treatment can only be prescribed after a competent determination of the etiology of the cough. This is why Evgeniy Olegovich advises seeking help from medical professionals.

Types of cough

During the examination, the specialist pays attention to how the child coughs. What does Komarovsky say about this? Cough occurs:

  1. dry;
  2. wet;
  3. barking.

Treatment directly depends on the type of cough. It is extremely important to determine whether it is dry or wet, whether it is superficial or whether wheezing is heard in the bronchi.


The most dangerous is a barking cough. It may indicate whooping cough. However, in such a situation the temperature almost always rises. Erased forms of whooping cough without fever are possible in vaccinated children.


A dry cough without fever in many cases is a symptom of an allergy. A doctor can confirm this. In this case, the use of medicine is really appropriate. You will need an antiallergic drug that reduces the strength of the body's reaction to the irritant.


A wet cough is called productive. That is, the mucus can be coughed up. This doesn't require any special effort. In this situation, the task of the parents is not to allow the sputum to become viscous. You need the same cool, moist air and sufficient fluid intake into the body.

Illness is not always the cause of cough in an infant. Sometimes little children need to clear their throat after sleep. This clears the airways of mucus. The latter is naturally produced in a healthy person.

It is important to understand: The infant's ability to cough is minimal. The baby cannot consciously increase the strength of the cough impulse. He just doesn't understand that he needs to clear his throat. It is impossible to influence this. What remains? It is quite possible to improve the rheological properties of sputum using simple methods.

It is worth understanding the truth: there is no such thing as “cure a cough.” After all, it is the main mechanism for cleaning the respiratory system. Komarovsky advises focusing not on eliminating the cough, but on increasing its effectiveness.

How to help a child?

You should not self-medicate. It’s stupid to run to the pharmacy in search of a magic pill that will quickly solve the problem. If your child needs medications, the doctor will prescribe them. And he will do this only after examination. There is no point in asking pharmacists for advice. It is quite possible that the pharmacy will recommend you a miracle remedy. However, will it really help the baby? Is it worth experimenting on your own child?

Sensible parents will not deliberately endanger their child. Therefore, you should wait with medications. But this does not mean at all that you can afford inaction. Something can and should be done. No matter what type of cough your child has, there are a few simple remedies that will have a beneficial effect.

Air humidification

The room should be kept moist and cool. Dr. Komarovsky tirelessly repeats how important optimal air humidity is. Especially for a sick child. This prevents the mucus from drying out. Ideally, a home with a small child should have a humidifier running. There are other options: hang wet towels, place bowls of water around the apartment, etc.

Drink plenty of fluids

When you cough, you need to drink a lot. This phrase is edifyingly repeated by doctors. Sometimes it even seems banal. But E. Komarovsky advises taking this recommendation with full responsibility. Why? The viscosity of sputum in the lungs depends on the thickness of the blood. Only with normal blood rheology will the mucus be liquid enough to be easily coughed up. For babies, especially.

Walks in the open air

A cough without fever is not a reason to stay at home. Go outside with your baby if his condition allows. Fresh air is always good for babies. It is even more necessary for a coughing baby.

The three points listed above are 90% of all possible measures necessary to quickly eliminate the cause of cough. Only 10% remains for medicines. Komarovsky notes that in most cases they are not needed at all by an infant.

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The use of medications provides psychological comfort to the mothers themselves. After all, loving parents cannot remain idle! You definitely need to give your baby at least some kind of pill. Evgeniy Olegovich considers treatment with pharmaceuticals to be completely acceptable. The main thing is not to overdo it! What rules should you follow?

  1. Remember that not all cough medicines are suitable for babies. For example, it is not recommended to give mucolytics to children under one year of age. Also, read the instructions carefully. The package insert must indicate at what age the drug is suitable.
  2. It is strictly forbidden to combine antitussive and expectorant drugs. The first ones are designed to stop coughing. Such a need for young children is very rare. The latter dilute mucus. In this case, it is possible to increase its quantity. After using this medicine, sputum comes out easier. But only if you have a cough! Without a cough impulse, the lungs simply cannot clear themselves. Therefore, in this case, “turning off” the cough is extremely dangerous. Cough medicine is given after first making sure that there is nothing to cough up.
  3. It is permissible to use any medications only after consultation with a specialist. Despite the fact that syrups and mixtures sold in pharmacies are usually safe for children, it is better not to make the choice yourself. You shouldn't rely on the pharmacist either. Still, his main goal is high sales figures. Only a doctor can determine which drug needs to be connected. Contact experienced pediatricians. Do not trust a doctor who makes a diagnosis over the phone.

Dr. Komarovsky, during one of his television programs, quoted from a textbook that the effectiveness of expectorants has not been proven. Compared to drinking plenty of water, they have no advantage.

It turns out that treating cough and snot is much easier than it initially seems. It is enough to exclude possible causes. This means that you must make sure that your child drinks a lot and breathes humidified air. Medications are appropriate when dealing with bacteria or when your baby suffers from allergies. In case of acute respiratory infections, it is irrational to use syrups.

Treating a coughing infant according to Komarovsky does not mean denying the use of medications. The doctor only draws the parents’ attention to the main points - creating the necessary conditions. Products purchased at the pharmacy are of secondary help. However, Evgeniy Olegovich agrees with the need to use certain medications. True, they should be selected correctly. It is hardly possible to do this without the help of a doctor.

We study the range of medicines

The abundance of medicines on the shelves at the pharmacy leaves parents confused. What should I take? Of course, it is best to go for the specific medicine prescribed by your pediatrician. But it won’t hurt parents to have some information regarding medications. Dr. Komarovsky willingly shares his knowledge.

In most cases, your focus should be on improving your cough. Expectorant medications will help. They are the ones who influence the consistency of sputum. Examples of commercially available medications:

  • Althea;
  • Gerbion;
  • overslept;
  • Licorice root syrup;
  • Bronchicum
  • Mukaltin;
  • Pulmotin;
  • Travesil.

There are also antitussive medications. They work completely differently. The active substance inhibits the cough center. The sensitivity of the nerve endings of the respiratory organs decreases. The child stops coughing. The use of such medications is permissible in exceptional cases. Examples of drugs in this category:

  • Akodin;
  • Glycodin;
  • Zadex;
  • Benicol;
  • Bronholitin;
  • Bronchoton;
  • Bronchosevt;
  • Sinecode;
  • Stoptussin.

The difficulty of choosing lies in the fact that not all of the above drugs are suitable for children in their first year of life. Therefore, parents should be extremely careful. It is necessary not only to strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations. No one canceled studying the instructions.

In addition, under no circumstances should a baby be treated with mucolytics. This is another group of drugs that affect the consistency of sputum. They are used when the mucus is very thick and viscous. Pharmacies sell many of these syrups. For example:

  • Ambrobene;
  • Ambroxol;
  • Lazolvan;
  • Bronchotil;
  • Solvin;
  • Mukobene;
  • Mucodin;
  • Fluik;
  • Sinetos.

The principle of action of mucolytics is to change the rheology of sputum. Due to liquefaction, the amount of mucus increases. A small child will not be able to cough it up. Komarovsky believes that a health worker who prescribed a mucolytic to a child in his first year of life cannot be called a doctor.

Let's sum it up

The wise advice of Evgeniy Olegovich Komarovsky helped many parents quickly relieve their child of a cough by eliminating its cause. The doctor teaches not only how to treat correctly. He gives practical recommendations regarding the conditions that need to be created for a coughing baby.

Komarovsky constantly warns compassionate mothers about the uselessness of having a whole battalion of bottles from the pharmacy in the house. The following aspects are much more effective for any type of cough:

  • wet air;
  • ventilation of the room;
  • drinking plenty of water;
  • regular walks.

In a cool room with optimal air humidity, the baby will recover much faster. By ignoring all this and pushing “miracle” drugs into the child, the mother only aggravates his suffering. After all, the cough in this case can last for a very long time. Moreover, due to the fact that the cause is not eliminated, complications are possible.

Finding out the cause, proper treatment and proper care for a coughing baby is the only way to rid your little one of this most unpleasant symptom in the shortest possible time.

Select a category Adenoids Sore throat Uncategorized Wet cough Wet cough In children Sinusitis Cough Cough in children Laryngitis ENT Diseases Traditional methods of treating Sinusitis Folk remedies for cough Folk remedies for the runny nose Runny nose Runny nose in pregnant women Runny nose in adults Runny nose in children Review of drugs Otitis Cough preparations Treatments for Sinusitis Treatments for cough Treatments for the runny nose Symptoms of Sinusitis Cough syrups Dry cough Dry cough in children Temperature Tonsillitis Tracheitis Pharyngitis

  • Runny nose
    • Runny nose in children
    • Folk remedies for runny nose
    • Runny nose in pregnant women
    • Runny nose in adults
    • Treatments for a runny nose
  • Cough
    • Cough in children
      • Dry cough in children
      • Wet cough in children
    • Dry cough
    • Moist cough
  • Review of drugs
  • Sinusitis
    • Traditional methods of treating sinusitis
    • Symptoms of Sinusitis
    • Treatments for sinusitis
  • ENT Diseases
    • Pharyngitis
    • Tracheitis
    • Angina
    • Laryngitis
    • Tonsillitis
When a newborn baby develops a cough, parents begin to treat it with all possible means. Centuries-old “grandmother’s” recipes and “tested” advice from relatives and friends are used. But many parents use the recommendations of Dr. Komarovsky, a famous pediatrician who is known for simple and effective advice. So, Komarovsky advises treating cough in infants with the means that we will consider in this article.

When a baby develops a cough, Dr. Komarovsky advises approaching treatment wisely. Don't blindly do everything according to the instructions. First of all, you need to determine the root cause of the symptom. What can cause it:

  • viral infection;
  • foreign body in the respiratory tract;
  • asthma,
  • heart disease.

You should not start treatment for cough in an infant if the symptom appears only once and for a short time. This may be a simple physiological cough, as a protective reaction of the body. But if the cough does not stop, it is worth visiting a pediatrician who will listen to the child’s chest and prescribe the necessary tests. It is worth remembering that the baby’s body is strong and it can overcome a viral infection without the help of a bunch of medications. If this is not possible, the amount of medications should be reduced and emphasis should be placed on proper care of the baby. This is what Dr. Komarovsky advises.

Causes of cough in infants without fever:

  • allergy;
  • cold;
  • ear infection;
  • dry air.

Dry cough is especially dangerous. If your baby has the following symptoms, you should go to the hospital immediately:

  • wheezing;
  • dyspnea;
  • severe coughing attacks.

What diseases do they indicate:

  • pneumonia;
  • asthma;
  • bronchitis;
  • croup;
  • heart diseases.

Such diseases can only be treated with the help of a specialist.

What is cough like in infants?

There are several types of cough and parents need to be able to distinguish between them:

  1. Dry (unproductive). The sputum is thick and does not come out, or there is none at all. This cough exhausts the child and can be caused by an inflammatory process.
  2. Wet (productive) cough. Sputum and mucus, which accumulate in the bronchi, are released mainly in the morning. Then the cough stops. But if it lasts the whole day, this indicates that mucus is constantly being formed and is a sign of an inflammatory process. Worth a visit to Laura.
  3. Allergic cough. Characterized by the absence of temperature. It is difficult to distinguish it from a cough due to a cold. The attacks occur suddenly, the child feels itching in the nose. With untimely treatment, bronchial asthma develops.
  4. Barking cough. Formed by swelling of the larynx. Immediate medical assistance is required. Until the ambulance arrives, the child must be kept in an upright position and provided with access to fresh air.
  5. Residual cough. May last for some time after a cold or flu. It will go away on its own without any treatment.

Komarovsky advises treating cough in a newborn up to 5 months very carefully. For example, phlegm thinners should only be given under the guidance of a doctor. The infant's lungs are not yet fully developed and he may suffocate.

Self-medicating a newborn is a rash act. You can give medications to your child only with a doctor's prescription. But parents can also provide proper care, which will speed up the healing process. What are Dr. Komarovsky’s recommendations:

  • feed the child when he wants to eat;
  • give often and a lot to drink;
  • humidify the air in the room;
  • at fever - give antipyretics;
  • if there is no temperature, walk a lot in the fresh air.

If the cough is caused by a virus, Dr. Komarovsky advises that the child be kept in a horizontal position. If there is a wet cough, the baby needs a back massage to improve the release of mucus. To do this, lightly tapping your finger on the child's back is enough. The following are used as expectorants:

  • plantain juice;
  • black radish juice with honey;
  • inhalations and decoctions with medicinal herbs.

When treating a cough in an infant, Dr. Komarovsky places the main emphasis on drinking plenty of fluids and regularly humidifying the air. In addition to mother's milk, it is advisable to give infants:

  • children's tea;
  • still mineral water;
  • raisin decoction.

Cough is an unpleasant symptom that causes discomfort for the baby and causes concern for parents. Its appearance is associated with inflammation, chemical or mechanical irritation of the respiratory tract. Attempts to suppress coughing increases the risk of progression of the underlying disease, accompanied by an unpleasant symptom.

How then can we help the child to quickly rehabilitate without harming the child’s body? How does the famous pediatrician E.O. recommend? Komarovsky to treat cough in infants?

In response to stimulation of the receptors of a segment of the brain, an unconditioned reflex occurs - cough. The protective-adaptive reaction prevents the obstruction of the airways, the accumulation and spread of pathogens.

Depending on the provoking factor, it is of two types: physiological and pathological. The appearance of the first is preceded by the localization of foreign substances (fine dust, small objects, sputum residues) on the mucous membrane.

For reference! In children over 6 months of age, cough occurs during teething. Reflex acts are short-lived and go away on their own within 3-4 days.

A dry cough in an infant may be the result of concentration of gases and chemical wastes in the air, unfavorable living conditions. Bronchospasm is situational in nature, the attacks are short-term, and disappear instantly after the elimination of the pathogen.

Pathological cough is associated with serious disturbances in the functioning of organs and systems. In most clinical cases, its appearance is associated with colds and ENT diseases.

Often the cause of an unproductive cough in an infant is an unfavorable microclimate in the room, dry air or contact with allergens.

Prerequisites for the occurrence of an unpleasant symptom include:

  • infectious and inflammatory processes in the upper and lower respiratory tract (tracheitis, pneumonia);
  • whooping cough;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • problems with the cardiovascular system;
  • pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • benign formations in the nose (,);
  • oncology.

Possible cause of cough in an infant without fever is contact with allergens. Bronchospastic syndromes include lacrimation, redness and itching of the skin, sneezing, and Quincke's edema.

It is very important to monitor the child’s condition and promptly respond to the slightest changes in the body. If, in addition to coughing, the baby is bothered by a high temperature and other signs, then the baby will most likely need medication.

Komarovsky about cough in infants: what to do and how to treat

First of all, the pediatrician emphasizes that coughing is a defensive reaction to unfavorable endogenous and exogenous factors, which performs a useful function - it clears the airways of foreign substances.

Often, excessive parental care leads to a decrease in local immunological protection. It is wrong when the slightest sneezing or coughing is regarded as a sign of illness and a reason for taking medication.

Therapeutic task for cough comes down not to eliminating forced exhalations, but to increasing their effectiveness. You can achieve results in three ways, which together create favorable conditions for recovery.

Purify and humidify the air

Localization of dust on the sinus mucosa reduces the production of mucociliary clearance. The body, instead of resisting viruses and bacteria, spends energy on warming, purifying and moisturizing air masses.

The reason to consult a doctor is frequent bronchospasms with additional clinical symptoms (fever, runny nose, nasal congestion)

Maintaining optimal performance will help reduce the load on the respiratory tract, preventing mucus from accumulating and drying out, which is the root cause of dry cough.

  1. Maintain humidity in the children's room at the level of 55-65%.
  2. Adjust air temperature: for daytime activities – 20-21⁰С, for night sleep – 18-19⁰С.
  3. If possible, ventilate the room twice a day.
  4. Carry out wet cleaning systematically.
  5. Reduce the number of dust accumulators (carpets, soft toys, books) to a minimum.
  6. Avoid strong odors from household chemicals, perfumed products, and tobacco smoke.


The pediatrician's judgment boils down to: with spasmodic exhalations, it is necessary to help the baby clear his throat. For this purpose, mucolytic drugs are prescribed. They change the biochemical properties of sputum without increasing its volume, reduce adhesiveness, which facilitates the process of evacuation from the bronchial tract. “Mukaltin”, “Ambroxol”, “Bromhexine” are widely used in ENT practice.

Important! Most secretolytics are contraindicated in children under 2-3 years of age. Therefore, the decision on the use of the drug, dosage and duration of treatment is made by the doctor, taking into account the age of the young patient and the characteristics of the course of the pathology.

For coughs of allergic origin there is a need to use antihistamines: “Suprastina”, “Fenistila”, “Tavegila”. To achieve positive dynamics, first of all, it is necessary to identify and limit contact with the irritant.

Komarovsky treats phytoproducts and homeopathic remedies with caution. Although they are safe, they are not effective.


To prevent respiratory diseases, the doctor recommends paying increased attention to the indoor microclimate. Take three rules as a good habit: walk in the fresh air more often, give your child more water, moisturize and purify the air. If drug treatment is necessary, the choice of treatment regimen remains with the attending physician.

A newborn baby still has the mother’s immunity, but it cannot cope with all diseases. The baby is still so small and defenseless, mothers become so scared when he has a cough or even a common runny nose.

Causes of cough in a newborn

Dr. Komarovsky is the “common sense” of our medicine. The doctor teaches you to approach everything wisely, to think, and not to blindly follow instructions. He argues that before you treat, you need to understand what the problem is.

If a baby is coughing, there may be several reasons:

All these diagnoses are extremely dangerous when it comes to a very young child. But therapy should not begin with a handful of tablets after the baby has coughed once. First, you should contact a pediatrician who will conduct an examination and listen to the chest. Some tests may be needed. All this will help identify the causes of the cough. After this, treatment begins. But you shouldn’t get too carried away with medications. The baby has a strong immune system and is able to cope with many diseases on his own.


It is necessary to start therapy only when the pediatrician examines and makes a diagnosis. You should not prescribe medications to a small child yourself. Dr. Komarovsky advises keeping the amount of medications to a minimum, because at this age treatment is more based on proper care.

If the cough is dry without fever, then this may be a manifestation of an allergy. In this case, you need to determine what causes such a reaction in the baby.

Of course, a wet cough is better than a dry one. It is already productive, which means there is mucus in the lungs that needs to be coughed up. Komarovsky draws attention to the fact that infants should not be given too many drugs that thin out mucus. The child's lungs are not yet fully developed, so he may choke on mucus. It should be treated with great caution.

Read also: What to do if an adult develops a cough or fever?

Basically, this symptom is characteristic of ARVI. The child also exhibits accompanying symptoms, for example, fever, runny nose, weakness, headache. Treatment comes down to creating the right regime, the body itself is able to cope with the virus. Medicines are needed only in the form of antipyretics if the temperature exceeds the permissible norm in order to alleviate the baby’s condition, since this condition leads to thickening of blood and mucus, and it is much more difficult for the baby to cough up thick sputum.

Methods to alleviate the condition in a child:

  1. Do not overfeed. A baby can be fed only if he asks for it.
  2. Maintain water balance. The baby should drink a lot of warm juice, tea, compote. Even if there is no fever, warm liquid still helps to thin the mucus.
  3. Use antipyretics as needed.
  4. Ventilate the room thoroughly and humidify the air. This makes you feel a lot better.
  5. If there is no temperature, then you need to walk outside with your child.
  6. Use medications in minimal quantities and doses.
  7. When the cough is dry, it needs to be moisturized. If it is wet, then give expectorants. For an infant, they are used in small quantities so that he does not choke on mucus.

Of course, a wet cough is preferable to a dry one. This is already the first step towards recovery. But you can’t let it take its course, otherwise there is a high risk of developing pneumonia. In young children, this complication occurs very quickly compared to adults. This is why it is so important to see a doctor on time.

How to treat a baby?

In addition to using warm drinks, you can use some medications. All antitussive medications are divided into two types:

Read also: Emergency care for laryngospasm in children

In any case, you need to consult a doctor. After all, the problem may be much deeper. If we are talking about whooping cough, then up to a year it is extremely dangerous for infants. The only thing that can protect you is timely vaccination. Dr. Komarovsky strongly advises children to be vaccinated.