Why do they tie a red woolen thread on their hand? Red thread on the wrist - the meaning depends on the hand

Today, more and more often there are people who have a red thread tied on their wrist. This trend is especially noticeable among famous personalities. Many people wonder what this is for and what it means? In this article you will learn why red thread is worn.

The red thread is a powerful amulet that has a rich history. Faith in him appeared in Israel. People believe that this thread is given strength by the goddess - the foremother of all living things, Rachel. A thread is wrapped around her tomb and illuminated. Thus, it acquires its magical properties.

It is customary to wear this talisman on the left hand. The left hand is believed to receive energy. That is, it attracts good energy, thereby strengthening the human energy field. Therefore, the red thread on the hand serves as a reliable amulet. Thanks to its properties, the thread protects against troubles, failures, the evil eye and human envy.

You can call this thread a kind of sponge. It attracts positive energy and absorbs negative energy, so it is not recommended to wear it for a very long time. Maximum forty days. And then they advise you to burn it, otherwise the red thread may cause harm. If you put it on your right hand, you can cure yourself of illness. The right hand is the giving one. She will “pull” the disease out of you.

There is an opinion that this accessory helps only because of the power of self-hypnosis. A person becomes more confident in himself and his abilities, because he knows that this small barrier will not let negative energy through and will protect him from various troubles. Faith is the most important part. Otherwise, the talisman will not work.


Not only ordinary people wear a red thread, but also followers of such teachings as Kabbalah. Those who have learned the secrets of this teaching put on a red thread and believe in its power. Celebrities such as Britney Spears, Madonna, Lynsey Lohan, Ashton Kutcher and many others have become adherents of Kabbalah. Madonna became one of the most influential followers of this teaching.

How to wear a red thread

The thread must be purchased with money. You cannot put it on yourself - the thread must be tied by a person who is close to you in spirit. This could be a friend, lover or relative, the main thing is complete trust in him. A thread is tied with seven knots, during this procedure a special prayer must be read, and if all the conditions of the ceremony are met, then it will bring health and a carefree life to its owner.

The amulet can be seen on the wrists of children. Caring parents believe that in this way they protect the child from various skin diseases.

Where to get red thread

It is impossible to find this thread in regular stores. There are companies that specialize in such things. In addition, red thread can be found for sale in online stores.

Well, now you know why they wear a red thread. She not only strong amulet, if you sincerely believe in it, but also an excellent souvenir and gift for your loved ones.

You have probably met more than once a person who had a red woolen thread tied around his wrist. It could be a movie star who was shown on TV or a photo on the Internet, Small child on the street, someone you know. New fashion? Not at all. The red thread around the wrist plays the role of a powerful amulet.

Amulet or accessory?

A lot of Hollywood stars and not only today began to appear with a red woolen thread on their wrists, but the first celebrity to tie it was the famous singer Madonna. She tied the thread after becoming one of the followers of Kabbalah, the oldest Jewish esoteric movement in the world. But why red wool thread?

According to the ancient beliefs of Kabbalists, a red woolen thread was supposed to be tied on the wrist by a relative or a loved one, and only then did it become a powerful amulet against the evil eye. Such a thread is not just a shield, but also a real energy source, which, after undergoing a certain ritual, received such power that it could influence a person’s fate, protect him from adversity and even lead to success.

According to Kabbalists, negative energy enters the body and aura of a person precisely through his left hand, therefore, if you tie this amulet on your left wrist, then a person will be able to scare away from himself all the evil that penetrates into him from other people and other supernatural creatures that are not visible to the common man to the human eye. Followers of Kabbalah attach great importance great importance this ritual, and therefore the threads that are on their wrist are usually brought from a sacred place. But not only Kabbalists consider the red woolen thread to be a talisman.

In the ancient Slavic peoples there were traditions according to which a red thread or ribbon tied on the wrist protected them from all evil. But nevertheless, each of the nations had and still has its own belief, because of which this ritual arose. However, they have two similar features:

  1. one of the saints taught people how to tie a red thread on their hands, and this is usually a woman;
  2. if the red thread is tied specifically on the left wrist, it means it works as a talisman against the evil eye and minor everyday troubles.

What does the red thread on your right wrist mean?

A red woolen thread on the wrist of the right hand is rare, and why it is done is not known exactly. Many centuries ago, such a thread was tied on the right wrist of a young unmarried woman according to the traditions of Hindu temples. But why this was done - no specific explanation has been found. There is a theory that previously a red thread was tied on the right hand of unmarried people to show that the girl was free and that she could be valued as a potential bride.

As for the Slavic peoples, they wore a thread on their right wrist because they wanted to attract good luck and stable income. In our time, the red thread has become part of fashion, not belief, and newly minted fashionistas wear it on their wrists, without even thinking about whether it is right or wrong. Of course, the thread will not do any harm, but it will not work as a talisman unless a special ritual is performed.

Anti-evil eye thread - how to tie it correctly

It is accepted that in order for a red woolen thread to become your amulet, it must be tied on your left wrist, and this must be done by a person who sincerely wishes you well and well-being (beloved, close relative and a devoted and time-tested friend). Also, this person must have clean and bright energy, otherwise the thread will not be able to protect you from failures.

Kabbalists believe that if the red thread was tied independently, it is still just a thread that just hangs from your hand. But if the amulet is tied correctly, then it means that the person is not only now protected from all dirty tricks and evil, but he himself is obliged to restrain his anger, wish others well and not take out evil on people. In the event that a person fails to contain the anger within himself, all the negative energy will go into the thread, thereby depleting its protective powers. But all of the above applies only to those who listen to the opinion of the followers of Kabbalah.

The Slavs have slightly different rules. For example, they react absolutely normally to the fact that someone who wants to receive protection independently tied a red woolen thread on his left wrist. But you must tie the thread with seven strong knots. When tying the next knot, very strongly ask the higher forces for protection, and vividly imagine what you want to receive: protection, success, luck in a deal, profit at work, happiness in the family, etc. You can’t think about bad things at this moment, since only positive thinking and the right attitude will help you get what you want and energize the right energy your thread.

It happens that the red woolen thread breaks, but there is no need to be afraid of this. Followers of Kabbalah believe that if your amulet thread breaks, then this means that a big, big misfortune recently passed you by, and the thread gave up all its strength protecting you from it. In this case, you just need to tie a new amulet (it’s better not to use the same thread - cut a new one).

Why should the thread be wool?

Few people know, but real wool thread can have a significant effect on blood circulation in the capillaries. Thus, a person with a red thread tied on his wrist protects himself from headaches, increased nervousness, pain in the joints and back. Also, untreated fibers contain lanolin - animal fat. Modern scientists have long learned to extract it from wool, and since it dissolves at a temperature of 35º-37º, which means that upon contact with the body it begins to be absorbed under the skin, thereby further protecting against muscle pain and stimulating blood circulation in the body.

Why does the thread have to be red?

The color of the thread was also not chosen lightly. IN different peoples There are goddesses who tied red woolen threads on the hands of the sick and needy. For example, the Slavs had a legend about a beautiful goddess named Swan, who taught ordinary people tie a red thread of wool onto the fence so that no illness can enter the house. Even now, in the 21st century, some remote villages continue to observe this ritual during an epidemic of influenza and other diseases.

In Gypsy peoples, elders also often resort to healing with red thread. According to one of the folk tales, a saint named Sarah was a gypsy who saved people from persecution by the apostles, for which she received the gift of foresight and the right to independently choose the first gypsy baron. To finally determine who would sit in this place, Sarah pulled a long red woolen thread from her shawl, cut it into several pieces and tied it on the wrist of each of the applicants. In one of them, the thread began to shed a soft light beam, as if the sun itself was reflected in it. This is exactly how the very first gypsy armor was chosen. Since then, this ancient people has continued the tradition of tying a red thread to candidates.

The Germans had a goddess named Nevehele, who also helped people recover from the plague, and tied a red thread on their wrists as a protector. There are a lot of such stories, and for each, a red woolen thread on the left wrist means protection from illness, evil and stupid thoughts. In addition to legends, it is also worth considering the arguments of scientists.

Red is primarily the color of strength, passion, and energy. The color red was found very often in the amulets of the Slavic peoples: embroidered shirts, red beads, towels, coral bracelets of our grandmothers, etc. In addition, if you look at red from a psychological perspective, it is the color of Mars, the patron saint of strong and strong-willed people.

Thus, to summarize, we can say that the red woolen thread was passed down to us from old generations as a symbol of strength and protection. With such a talisman, nothing will be scary for you, but you need to tie it only with the brightest intentions and feelings, and also not only not to accept evil from people in the future, but also not to pour it out yourself.

Kabbalists believed that a red thread on the hand, tied by a loved one, is a powerful amulet that can protect against various negativity, such as damage and the evil eye, as well as protect its owner from himself, that is, clear thoughts, protect from pessimism and depression, bring luck and good fortune. The red thread on the left hand means protection from negative energy that can penetrate a person’s aura from the environment.

This accessory can currently be seen on both celebrities and ordinary people. But not everyone knows why a red thread is tied on the wrist, and whether it can be worn on the right hand.

It is believed that a person needs the right hand to give, and the left hand to take. That is, through the right hand one can give away the negativity that an individual has, and through the left hand everything bad comes from the outside. Red color is considered the color of danger, and a red thread on the hand means that no evil can penetrate inside a person, no matter how hard the ill-wisher tries to harm him.

Different cultures have their own ways of wearing red strings. Kabbalists prefer the left hand. This is also the case with the Slavs, but Hindus wear a red thread on their right hand. Why? Single Hindu women thus show that their hearts are open and they are ready to enter into a relationship. For men, a tied red woolen thread is a powerful amulet, especially if the bauble is worn by the girl he loves.

Buddhists are also committed to wearing red threads. They wear them on their left hand. In order for the amulet to work, it is consecrated in temples before being knitted on the hand. Such an amulet will be an excellent protection against the evil eye.

Currently, red thread on the wrist is a fashion fad. Often people don’t even think about putting such jewelry on their hand, but what does it mean? Although there will be no harm from wearing a rope, it is still better to know why it is needed.

What should the red thread be made of?

The most common material for such talismans is wool. Woolen ribbons can be worn just like that if a person likes it. And you can tie it yourself, without outside help. The most interesting thing is that such decoration will still be useful. The red wool thread is a kind of healer and brings great health benefits. It will be useful for:

  • wound healing;
  • elimination of inflammatory processes;
  • stimulating the blood circulation process;
  • relief from sprained tendons and ligaments.

We notice it on a friend’s hand, then we see it on celebrities, and then our neighbor ties a red thread to herself. What is this? A mysterious thread of fate, belonging to a secret society or a simple tribute to fashion? Let's discover together all the secrets and mystery of creating this amulet.

Wisdom of the ancestors

From generation to generation, from mother to daughter, from parents to children and grandchildren, the tradition of wearing a red thread is passed on from century to century. Since ancient times, in almost all cultures it has been considered a powerful amulet against the evil eye, damage and any evil, both internal and external.

The roots of this tradition are associated with Israel and the Kabbalist sages. Thus, they claim that this is a symbol of the very thread that wrapped the tomb of the magnificent Rachel - one of the ancestors of the Jewish family, the embodiment of maternal love, sacrifice and protection. Kabbalists were the first to use a special technology that charged the red thread with a certain magical power, thanks to which it became popular all over the world.

But it’s interesting that every nation has its own legends about this talisman.

IN Slavic mythology There is a belief about the goddess Lybid, who gave peasants the secret of protecting their home and family by teaching them how to tie a red thread on a fence. In some chronicles Ancient Rus' it is confirmed that this amulet bestows health and protects against the evil eye. As the Magi claimed, the red woolen thread absorbed the power of the animal and the sun.

The elders of the Roma people also have their own legend. According to legend, Saint Sarah, endowed with the gift of foresight, once saved the holy apostles from persecutors. For this she was given the right to choose the first gypsy baron. The girl pulled a long thread from her red shawl, cut it into several small ones and tied it around the wrists of the applicants. For one of them, Joseph, the thread began to glow. He became the first baron. Since then, the gypsies have been observing the tradition for many centuries of tying a red woolen thread to candidates for the title of baron.

According to another ancient legend, the Nenets goddess Nevehege, the mother of all gods, circumvented any illness with the help of a red thread, and by tying it on the wrist of the sick, she healed.

Also, the goddess Gray, who was revered by the North American Indians, used the magical power of red threads to get rid of diseases and other troubles.

There are many stories, no less legends, and there are a great many myths about red mysterious threads, but the main, sacred fact remains - this seemingly simple talisman really has a special protective power and helps protect against evil.

Only red, and only wool...

Red is the most energetically powerful color; it is patronized by Mars, the planet of strength and protection.

That is why our ancestors loved to use it so much. Remember the favorite jewelry of our grandmothers and great-grandmothers - red embroidery on dresses and shirts, coral beads or bracelets.

If everything is clear with red, then why wool? It would seem that it makes no difference what material the thread is made of... But no, six also has its own secret properties. It turns out that such a thread can influence blood circulation in the capillaries. By tying it on your wrist, you will speed up the healing of wounds, relieve inflammation and significantly relieve pain from tendon sprains. This property is explained scientific facts And physical properties wool - it is a source of static electricity. In other words, having a certain energy, this material causes the blood to accelerate to normal

Not a tribute to fashion, but a tribute to wisdom

On the covers of fashion magazines, on the set and even on the red carpet, we can see celebrities with a bright red thread on their wrist. This is why many people mistakenly think that it is simple fashion accessory. But it's not like that at all. Public people, like no one else, are susceptible to negativity, condemnation, and envy - which is why many of them use a “protective red bracelet.”

Madonna was one of the first to wear it. For more than 15 years she has been a follower of the mystical esoteric movement - Kabbalah. In many interviews, she talks about how this teaching helped her find peace of mind and establish personal life. Today, the red thread for protection against disease, negativity and the evil eye can be seen in Paris Hilton, Ashton Kutcher, Britney Spears, Vera Brezhneva, Philip Kirkorov, Demi Moore, Lindsay Lohan, Kylie Minogue, Ksenia Sobchak.

How to tie a red thread correctly

According to centuries-old tradition, it must be tied tightly around the left wrist 7 times and each circle must be secured with a knot, of which there must also be seven. According to the teachings of the Kabalists, the thread must be tied around the left wrist, since negative energy enters our body from the left side and, accordingly, the red amulet prevents it. But the “magic” red thread alone is not enough. It needs a special person to tie it on his arm. It must be a lover best friend, person with with a pure heart And strong energy, or spiritual mentor. While performing this ritual, the tyer should concentrate on positive emotions, read prayers and ask for help and protection from the highest for you.

Kabalists claim that a correctly tied thread is an incredibly powerful amulet that begins to influence fate, protect against any adversity and helps to achieve success and find love. A thread tied independently, on the contrary, does not mean anything and does not protect you from the evil eye.

The Slavs have a slightly different tradition. According to Slavic traditions, you can tie the thread yourself, but be sure to ask for protection over each knot and read a strong prayer.

If the thread is lost or broken...

If your thread breaks, do not rush to interpret this as a bad omen. It's just the opposite. If your “protector” is lost or torn, it means she saved you from big trouble or an evil person. She fulfilled her purpose and disappeared. It's time to tie a new amulet.

Use the magic of the red thread - the light protection given to us by the Higher Powers not only to protect yourself from the bad, but also to protect everything that is bright and good in yourself. Let the thread protect the heart, helping it to give only rays of positive energy to others.

The red thread on the wrist has become widespread in our time. The trend to wear this talisman came from show business stars, politicians and others. famous personalities. For some time now, people have begun to notice strange bracelets on their idols in the form of a red rope tied on the wrist. At first, it remained a mystery why domestic and foreign celebrities wore a red thread on their wrists. However, many, following the example of the stars, also began to wear a red accessory.

Often this is just a tribute to fashion, because not everyone knows about the origin and true properties of this magical talisman.

The red thread against the evil eye came to us from Israel and has its own centuries-old history. What does a red thread on the wrist mean, on which hand is the red thread worn and how to tie a red thread on the wrist correctly? Let's look at everything in order.

Most sources connect the origin of this amulet with the ancient esoteric teaching of the Jews called Kabbalah. It is thanks to the teachings of Kabbalah that the red thread gained its popularity among pop stars.

In Israel, a red woolen thread was tied around the grave of Rachel, the biblical foremother of humanity, who did her best to protect her children from any worldly evil. The Israeli red thread is consecrated at the grave of Rachel, where the amulet is endowed with its powerful magical powers. After this, the thread is cut into pieces and tied on the wrist of the left hand as a powerful amulet against negative energy.

However, red thread amulets were also used in other cultures.

Such a tradition existed among the Slavs, who not only healed diseases with fiery-colored wool threads, but also tied them to children, protecting children from the evil eye and evil spirits.

Buddhists wear red threads on their wrists to cleanse their karma, to ward off troubles from themselves and loved ones, and also to get rid of negative energy. The rituals associated with the use of a talisman made of red woolen thread are largely similar among Kabbalists and Buddhists. Both there and there it is customary to put a thread on left wrist, tying it into seven knots. The rituals differ only in the texts of the prayers said during the ritual. It should also be noted that Buddhists are not limited to wearing a red thread on the wrist. They tie it on trees, on household utensils, and on other talismans. To enhance the protective properties, various Buddhist symbols can be woven into red thread bracelets.

In India, several traditions are associated with wearing a red thread. According to one of them, such an amulet is called Moli. It is tied mainly on the wrist of unmarried women when leaving Hindu temples. Young virgin girls are believed to be especially vulnerable to evil forces.

Muslims also use talismans and amulets made from threads. It is customary here to weave amulets against damage and the evil eye from threads of black and white. To attract love, threads of red and green colors are used. For good luck, bracelets are woven from blue and white threads. However, in Islam, any symbols and attributes of other religions, as well as occult rituals and practices, are strictly prohibited. For this reason, the red thread from Jerusalem is not in demand among Muslims. Wearing this amulet is considered a sin and idolatry.

Just as Kabbalah does not recognize the existence of a single God, so Orthodoxy does not recognize Kabbalistic teachings. Therefore, a red thread on the wrist is not welcome in Christianity, as in Islam. The Christian Church considers any talismans and amulets to be pagan attributes.

What does the red thread on your wrist mean?

In each specific teaching and in each nation, the red thread is assigned its own specific properties.

For example, according to the ancient Indian teaching about life and health, Ayurveda, a red thread on the hand can heal human ailments on an energetic level. This amulet will help you cope even with a disease such as anorexia. According to Ayurveda, a red woolen thread is a sacred object. It cleanses the karma of its wearer. Moreover, if a person’s thoughts are pure, then the talisman will help, heal, and relieve him from the effects of negative energy. Otherwise, the thread will make the person submissive, driven, and will “bind” him.

Thus, to the question why a red thread is tied on the wrist and what this ritual means, in different cultures your answer is given. However, they all agree that the thread serves as a talisman against evil forces and negative people.

Many people wear a red thread as a talisman, wanting to protect themselves from negativity. So to speak, for prevention. Some tie a red thread for a specific purpose - as protection against specific person or for a specific illness, as well as to get help in a difficult life situation.

The amulet not only has the properties of protection from external influences, but is also capable of ridding the wearer of envy and anger, purifying his thoughts, and healing his soul.

Red thread on left wrist

The left hand in Kabbalah is considered the receiving hand. And in the wrist area there are open energy channels. This means that negative energy from other people can enter the human body through the left hand. A red thread from Jerusalem on the left wrist blocks access bad energy to the body. However, in order for the talisman to have magical power, you need to tie the red thread correctly.

A red thread tied on the left wrist protects its owner from damage and the evil eye, from witchcraft and negative energy impact. It can also positively influence a person's thoughts and behavior. The red thread from Israel prevents troubles and misfortunes on a person’s path, points in the right direction and starts the process of positive changes in life. On the left wrist, the thread can even have a healing effect on the body.

On the right hand

And if you tie a thread on right wrist, what will happen? As already mentioned, according to the teachings of Kabbalah, a red thread amulet must be worn only on the left hand. However, in other cultures there are rituals of tying a red thread on the right hand. For example, in India this ritual was performed for unmarried girls visiting Hindu temples. The Hindus called such an amulet Moli.

The Slavs also had a similar ritual. It was customary for them to tie a red thread on the wrist for good luck, to attract wealth, to fulfill a wish. Among the Slavs, the red thread on the wrist of the right hand mainly served as a money talisman.

In turn, according to Ayurveda, men were supposed to wear a red thread on their right wrist. And for women, accordingly, on the left.

Why should the thread be wool and red?

However, it is important for the ritual not only which hand the amulet is tied to, but also what material it is made of. All religions and teachings associated with red thread are united in one thing: the thread must be made of natural wool.

Wool was used for healing various ailments back in ancient times. With its help, wounds were healed, inflammation was relieved and joint pain was alleviated. This can be explained by the fact that wool fibers contain a special substance - lanolin. When it comes into contact with human skin, this substance is able to penetrate the body and heal it. Lanolin has a beneficial effect on joints, respiratory system, stimulates blood circulation, relieves tension and muscle pain, removes toxins.

Threads are used for amulets various colors, but only a red thread can protect its owner from danger and the evil eye.

Some associate the color red with the personification of the sun or fire, others believe that they are afraid only of the color red evil spirits and other evil spirits.

However, to the question why the red thread from Jerusalem is only made from red wool, there is a very specific answer. After all, it was the red woolen thread that was tied around the grave of the Jewish foremother Rachel.

How to properly tie a red thread on your wrist against the evil eye, against negativity, for fulfillment of desires

So that the red thread has magical properties amulets, you need to perform a certain ritual.

To begin with, it is worth noting that threads brought from Jerusalem have the strongest protective properties.

For the ritual, it is important that the thread be purchased for money and not made with one’s own hands.

A red wool thread tied independently, according to Kabbalah, will not give any effect and can only be used as decoration.

You should tie a thread on your wrist close person who has only sincere good feelings for you. This could be an immediate family member, a loved one, or a best friend. It is necessary to make seven knots (according to the number of gods in the teachings of Kabbalah), while simultaneously reciting a certain prayer. The ends of the thread are not cut off - they can only be burned with fire.

The details of the ritual were kept in the strictest confidence for many centuries. It was believed that the red thread as a talisman has such a powerful force that it can not only protect its owner from the evil eye and damage, but also completely change his life in all respects.

From the evil eye and any negative influences, tie a red thread on the wrist of your left hand. To attract wealth into your life, to fulfill your desires, and also unmarried girls, the thread must be tied on the wrist of the right hand.

The Slavs also knew how to tie a red thread to make a wish come true. For this they had their own ritual. The thread also had to be tied on the left wrist with seven knots. However, you could do this yourself. When tying each of the knots, you mentally had to imagine your desire in detail and ask a higher power to fulfill it. It was believed that a red thread for a wish would help its owner only if the wish was sincere and the belief in its fulfillment was very strong.

How and how long to wear a magic thread

We have already found out how to tie a red thread on the wrist, but a reasonable question immediately arises: how long can this amulet be worn?

The red wool thread on the wrist functions as an energy shield. It ricochets away from a person any energy attacks and influences. However, the thread does not absorb negativity and does not accumulate it. Therefore, it is impossible to give clear recommendations on the timing of use of this amulet.

Some traders claim that the thread must be worn for a certain period of time, for example, a month. But such statements are usually made for commercial purposes and nothing more.

You can wear the red thread on your wrist as long as you like; it has no expiration date.

According to Kabbalistic teaching, it must be worn without taking it off until it breaks or frays. You can sleep in this bracelet, do housework, swim, and shower.

If the red thread on the hand was used to treat any diseases, for example, joint pain, then it was removed immediately after getting rid of the disease. It was believed that the thread wraps around the disease and absorbs it. After this, the thread was immediately burned. The disease itself was supposed to “burn out” along with it.

If you believe in the power of this talisman and notice the positive effects of its use, then you can wear the red thread constantly, periodically changing the amulet as it wears out.

What to do if the amulet is broken

If the amulet made of red woolen thread is torn, then you should not worry about it. This means that the amulet has completed its task and its protective powers have dried up.

Kabbalists believe that if a red thread, tied according to all the rules, breaks, it means that the protective powers of the amulet have warded off a terrible misfortune from a person.

A broken amulet must be burned. This way everyone will be destroyed negative impacts, which the thread took over, protecting its owner. After this, you can tie a new amulet on your wrist.

Can Orthodox Christians wear it?

Many now, following fashion and relying on the example of their idols from show business, wear a red thread on their wrist. Wearing such an accessory, naturally, does not depend on religion and religious norms. However, not all religions welcome the use of this thread as a talisman and protective amulet.

Not only Islam has a negative attitude towards the Kabbalistic red thread on the wrist; Orthodoxy also imposes a ban on all kinds of magical rituals and amulets.

So is it possible for Orthodox Christians to wear a red thread? Orthodox priests believe that only those whose faith is not strong enough turn to occult practices. Wearing a red woolen thread in Orthodoxy is nothing more than self-deception. Magic and witchcraft are contrary to true faith. Main symbol and the amulet for Christians is the Orthodox cross. And why should Christians protective amulets, if only God is able to protect and save a person from evil and troubles.

Calling adherents of the occult idolaters, Orthodox priests urge believers to abandon such magical attributes. Therefore, it is not recommended for Orthodox Christians to wear thread amulets.