Tom that everything comes back. Is there a boomerang law in life and how does this rule work? Forget everything and remember nothing

Orthodox prayer for difficulties and troubles at work

Every person has troubles in life that require help from Above. In many situations, we pray for the protection of the Holy Saints, because they have the boldness to pray for us before the Almighty. In addition, they, too, were ordinary people in their time and understand our problems.

And after death, the Lord granted them the gift of helping people in various situations.

When to ask for help through prayer

Work is where a person spends most of his life. Labor activity gives us the opportunity to provide ourselves and our family with material benefits.

But sometimes at work there comes a “dark streak”, a series of troubles, which forces you to look for a way out of the problems. Of course, you can endure attacks from colleagues and superiors, be under stress every day, or look for a new job, which is quite difficult during a crisis.

Prayer for troubles at work to the Saints can influence the situation and change it for the better.

Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Seven Arrows”

The Most Pure Virgin Mary is able to solve any problem, bring reason to enemies and calm their hearts. The Mother of God will protect you from enemies, eliminate omissions among colleagues, and improve the microclimate.

O Many-sorrowful Mother of God, who surpassed all the daughters of the earth in Her purity and in the multitude of sufferings You brought to the earth! Accept our long-suffering sighs and keep us under the shelter of Your mercy, for you are not known for refuge and warm intercession, but, as having boldness in the One who was born of You, help and save us with Your prayers, so that we may without stumbling reach the Kingdom of Heaven, where with all the saints we will sing praises to the One God in the Trinity, always, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker

Nicholas of Myra is one of the most beloved and especially revered saints among our people.

His miracles are countless; he helps people in almost all matters and life situations, including resolving work conflicts.

Oh, all-holy Nicholas, exceedingly saintly servant of the Lord, our warm intercessor, and everywhere in sorrow a quick helper! Help me, a sinner and sad person in this present life, beg the Lord God to grant me forgiveness of all my sins, which I have sinned greatly from my youth, in all my life, in deed, word, thought and all my feelings; and at the end of my soul, help me the accursed, beg the Lord God, the Creator of all creation, to deliver me from airy ordeals and eternal torment: may I always glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and your merciful intercession, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Saint Tryphon

Prayer to the Saint favors desperate and weak-spirited people to get out of a difficult situation.

The Lord awarded the future saint with the gift of healing in his childhood. The boy could cast out demons and heal the sick. According to legend, Saint Tryphon saved one of the cities from creeping reptiles, for which Emperor Troyan, an opponent of Christianity, subjected him to torture, and then ordered his head to be cut off, which is still kept in the Montenegrin Cathedral of St. Tryphon.

The saint does not refuse anyone; he opens new paths for those who believe in his help and gives strength for good deeds.

O holy martyr of Christ Tryphon, I resort to you in prayer, before your image I pray. Ask our Lord for help in my work, for I am suffering inactively and hopelessly. Pray to the Lord and ask him for help in worldly affairs. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen

Mitrofan Voronezhsky

They pray to the saint in conflict situations at work.

In his youth, he served as a priest in one of the parishes, thanks to which his household lived in prosperity and peace. Having become a widower, the cleric thought about asceticism and was appointed Bishop of Voronezh.

Mitrofan became famous for his deeds of mercy and assistance in resolving conflicts. He will always stand up for those who ask.

O Bishop of God, Saint Mitrofan of Christ, hear me, a sinner (name), at this hour, in which I bring you prayer, and pray for me, a sinner, to the Lord God, may he forgive my sins and grant (request for work) prayers, holy, yours. Amen.

Spiridon Trimifuntsky

Prayer to the holy Wonderworker must come from the very heart; he will not help in deception, and the pure thoughts of the person asking will bring great benefit.

We must not forget about thanking the saint who appears before the Lord for his help.

O blessed Saint Spyridon! Ask us, God's servants (names), from Christ and God for our peaceful, serene life, mental and physical health. Remember us at the throne of the Savior and beg the Lord to grant forgiveness of our sins, a comfortable and peaceful life. We send glory and thanksgiving to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Apostle Peter

Prayer for work will strengthen the spirit and faith, relieve temptations, and help in difficult situations.

Prayer to the Optina Elders

Lord, let me meet with peace of mind everything that the coming day will bring me. Let me completely surrender to Your holy will. For every hour of this day, instruct and support me in everything. Whatever news I receive during the day, teach me to accept it with a calm soul and a firm conviction that everything is Your holy will. In all my words and deeds, guide my thoughts and feelings. In all unforeseen cases, do not let me forget that everything was sent down by You. Teach me to act directly and wisely with each member of my family, without confusing or upsetting anyone. Lord, give me strength to endure the fatigue of the coming day and all the events during the day. Guide my will and teach me to pray, believe, hope, endure, forgive and love. Amen.

Reading Psalms

In the Psalter, the Word of God is revealed to prayer books.

David's songs help to get rid of any everyday misfortune, to appease ill-wishers who do evil. Reading psalms can protect against demonic attacks.

  • 57 - if the situation around you has become tense and there is no way to calm the “storm”, prayer will protect and call on the Lord’s help;
  • 70 - will suggest a way out of the conflict, will calm down the tyrant boss;
  • 7 - helps to resist grievances and quarrels, indicates the right steps to solve the problem;
  • 11 - pacifies the spirit of an evil person;
  • 59 - reveals the truth to the boss if the employee has become a victim of gossip or conspiracy.

Prayer Rules

When entering the Holy Temple, you must cross yourself three times. It is important to touch your body with your fingers and not cross the air.

Having entered the chapel of the temple and stood before the face of the saint, you need to concentrate and devote your thoughts to the saint to whom the prayer will be addressed.

It is advisable, before turning to a saint, to read his life, confess his sins, and take communion. And strong faith and the Orthodox spirit will give strength in this situation.

In petitions, do not forget about basic gratitude. Even if the request has not yet been fulfilled, then you need to continue praying, not renounce the saints and not blame anyone.

It should be remembered that for every action and event there is a time and place.

Powerful prayer at work from evil bosses

How to read a prayer at work from evil bosses? What's good about her? We will consider these and other questions in the article. Some people like their profession, type of activity, are satisfied with the salary and the team, and still they get ready for work every morning as if they were going to hard labor. As a rule, the reason for this lies in an angry boss or superior who finds fault every day, takes out his disgusting mood on his subordinates, and evaluates the employee’s personality, not his work. What to do in this case?

It’s always difficult to find perfect work, but it’s also becoming more and more difficult to cope with daily stress because of your manager. For many, the answer will seem marvelous - you need to pray for your superiors, so that they do not offend you and love you. Before you start praying, try to forgive the evil director from the bottom of your heart. If this is difficult to do, still read the prayer, and according to your faith, the Lord will send peace of mind, reconciliation and forgiveness.

Orthodox prayer

Try reading an Orthodox prayer from an evil boss at work. Jesus Christ himself gave us an example of prayer for those who persecute and offend us when he asked God to forgive those who crucified him. The Lord should be addressed first of all in prayer because of the boss of the vampire and tyrant.

Every person is overcome by difficulties and problems at work, everyone has ill-wishers and enemies. You need to eradicate problems with colleagues with the help of prayer - this is the best solution. After all, evil cannot be overcome by evil.

As all the proverbs say, good overcomes evil. There are a huge number of legends on the topic of salvation from evil people and enemies at work, difficulties and ill-wishers.

Helping to pacify the anger of the leadership is a prayer to David, a petition before the icon of the Mother of God “Seven Arrows” (“Softening of Evil Hearts”), St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Guardian Angel, Archangel Michael.


You can not only read a prayer at work from evil bosses. We must remember that anger is a mortal offense, therefore, a person who screams, often gets angry, uses strong expressions, you need to take pity on him and submit a note in church about his health, and pray for his soul. Often the director is angry with an employee due to demonic possession, therefore, in addition to reading special prayers from the anger of his superiors, it is imperative to lead a Christian way of life: go to church on Sundays, take communion, confess, read the evening and morning prayer rules.

Do not try to turn to various magicians and sorcerers to get rid of the evil leader - God sees all our thoughts, and this is unlikely to harm the oppressor, but your soul will suffer heavy losses.

Petition for protection to King David

So, let's find out how prayer at work from evil bosses helps. Every person in moments of danger turns to higher powers for help. Of course, here we are not talking about those moments when a person needs to gather his strength and start fighting for his life. After all, as a rule, the Lord is remembered when a person has no hope left at all and things are going disgustingly.

In order to be prepared for any problem, to maintain clarity of mind, to discipline the mind, you need a protective prayer to David. You see, everyone should know the prayer from an evil boss. This is how an unbeliever differs from a religious believer. A Christian always calculates a dangerous situation and then asks the heavenly powers to help.

Life of King David

It is known that King David was always very God-fearing during his lifetime. And this despite all the successes and military affairs, with the highest status of the power. At the same time, he was meek.

It can also be said that the tsar did not always follow the provisions of the Orthodox Church. For example, the Lord forbids having several wives. The ruler had countless of them.

One day, King David fell in love with the wife of his subject, whose name was Bathsheba. She was breathtakingly beautiful. To get her, the king sent his beloved’s husband to inevitable death. Saint Nathan from Israel convicted David of sin, and he did not make excuses, but immediately sincerely repented to the Lord.

Since that time, prayer words of repentance have become the most popular prayer for such disasters:

The prayer “Lord, remember King David” helps to soften or even completely neutralize the anger that often appears among rulers and evil bosses. This plea can “pacify” all the guardians of order.

You can also read this prayer book when you feel that you are unable to control your attack of anger, rage, or irritation. You are even allowed to say the prayer to yourself. Priests recommend doing this nine times. After this, as a rule, the soul is pacified and calmness sets in.

King David's prayer from an evil boss is very effective, as it always helps protect oneself from irritated and angry people. It has been reconciling and pacifying warring parties for many centuries. It is also effective if read before exams. This appeal will protect you from an evil teacher or teacher.

Prayer to Archangel Michael

What is good about a prayer to the Archangel Michael from an evil boss? It helps to protect yourself from the evil eye, all misfortunes and ill-wishers. Archangel Michael is considered the most powerful protector of the body and spirit of the believer and is revered by the Christian Church.

He is the main (supreme) angel, the leader of God's army, in other words, the archangel. It was under his leadership that the angels fought against demons and the devil. Even before the birth of Christ, at the behest of God, he supported the Jewish people in the fight against the pagans.

When Moses led the Jews out of Egypt, Michael accompanied them, showing them the way. He appeared to Joshua before the storming of Jericho. The chronicles of the Orthodox Church preserved the memory of a large number of miracles performed by the angel. Therefore, the icon depicting the Archangel Michael is a very strong protection for all Christians, and a petition addressed to the image protects against any grief.

Strong defense

A very powerful prayer from an evil boss is a prayer to the Archangel Michael. On the icons, the main angel is depicted with a long, sharp sword in his hand. This weapon cuts off human fears and anxieties and defeats evil forces. Mikhail helps people get rid of evil, deceit, and takes them away from temptations. He is the first intercessor of all who adhere to the laws of the Lord.

A prayer from the evil boss was inscribed on the porch of the Church of the Archangel Michael, the Kremlin Miracle Monastery, which was blown up after the October Revolution. If you read it every day throughout your life, then in the end a person will receive very strong protection from such misfortunes:

  • from evil people;
  • from the evil one;
  • from temptations;
  • from the evil eye and other magical influences;
  • from tragic events;
  • from sudden attacks and robberies.

This prayer addressed to the supreme angel will also help the soul get rid of the torments of hell. You need to write on a piece of paper the names of your parents, children, loved ones - all those for whom you want to ask. Next, when reading a prayer to the angel, you need to name all the inscribed names, where indicated.

Saint Alexy

And what else does prayer help at work from evil bosses? A petition to St. Alexis is also considered a powerful prayer against the anger of the leadership.

The future Metropolitan of Moscow, Saint Alexy (in the world Eleutherius) was born in 1292 (according to other sources - in 1304) in the family of the boyar Byakont Fedor in Moscow. According to legend, when he was twelve years old, he fell asleep while catching birds and heard the words: “Why are you working in vain? You will catch people."

From that moment on, Alexy began to often retire and at the age of fifteen decided to become a novice. He entered the Epiphany Monastery, located in Moscow, in 1320, where he remained for about twenty years.

Quieting Prayer

As you know, bosses are not selected, so if you get an angry boss, prepare for the working day at home. In the morning, be sure to read a prayer to your angel so that he will protect you throughout the day. If you see that the boss is already irritated in the morning and is looking for something to cling to, say a pacifying prayer against the manager’s anger. It is usually read to the prophet David and has the following content: “Lord remember King David and all his meekness, how Father King David was short, quiet, merciful and patient, so that all the enemies of the servant of God (name) were humble, quiet, merciful and patient."

The best conspiracies from ill-wishers and enemies and the features of their implementation

Everyone has hidden ill-wishers, and the machinations of these people can seriously ruin our existence. Haters have an extensive arsenal of nasty things, intrigues and slander. A conspiracy from enemies will help you escape - a magical ritual invented by our ancestors to destroy anger.

People are looking for Vanga's conspiracies, Slavic or Islamic rituals - all this for the sake of protection from negativity. It’s hard to get rid of enemies, but we will help you deal with them. Quite simple spells will help you punish the enemy and protect yourself from trouble. Get ready to record.

How to pacify ill-wishers

There are plenty of enemies and envious people in everyday life. Natural magic works well against ill-wishers, making them suffer and suffer. There is a proven conspiracy that relieves you of uncertainty and makes your enemies fall behind. You need to read the text three times:

“If a bad person (your name is called) covets God’s servant (your name) or a cow, a dog, or a horse, then he will be in trouble forever. I collect sand from the sea, I take away your anger. I can’t count the trees and I can’t drink all the sea water, so this man can’t defeat me. Let the joints of an evil person ache, just as the power of God breaks the roots in the forest. Let the troubles go back. Let the conspiracies and prayers of the adversaries strike with an arrow. Amen".

Magically neutralize the enemy

Some particularly powerful rituals are aimed at making the offender afraid of you. Such conspiracies from enemies are read once, with the right hand placed on the heart. So, if there are people nearby who are interfering with your life, mentally cast the spell:

“It’s not I who should suffer, but you. Lord, protect me from evil thoughts, take me away from evil deeds. Your eye sockets are empty, your bones are waxy. My prayer is strong against intrigues and unnecessary evil. Forever, adversary, get out of my way. Victory will be mine. Adonai."

Getting rid of enemies at work

Sometimes a person may need a conspiracy from enemies at work who have decided to destroy their competitor. To get rid of envious people and spiteful critics who interfere with your career advancement, get their photographs. For the spell against ill-wishers at work to be effective, the photo must be individual. You don't want black magic to do bad things to innocent people.

It happens that the picture shows 10-12 people, one of whom is your sworn enemy. To perform a magical ritual, take the scissors and remove the extra characters. If you are interested in getting rid of a group of ill-wishers, you can work with their collective image.

Reading a conspiracy against colleagues

Taking a black thread, wrap it tightly around the obtained photograph. The thread against enemies at work should be wool. Procedure:

  1. Read the spell from evil people 7 times.
  2. Tie the thread as tightly as possible (three knots is enough).
  3. Say the phrase: “I go and say - so be it.”
  4. After reading the conspiracy against the enemy, go outside and burn his photo there.

There is no need to be afraid to combine rituals. There are different conspiracies from ill-wishers; they can be used for several groups of opponents separately. Some spiteful critics cast spells on food, others – on three candles. Here is the full text of the “working” spell:

“I direct my will, I direct my word, so that many adversaries’ undertakings reach a dead end. Let (mention of a name or names) take their hands away from me, they will not achieve their task. I am winding a black thread, I wish to destroy the enemy. Let (enemy’s name) suffer from envy, but he cannot take my power. He will always wander and lag behind me. Amen".

The most powerful conspiracies

With a powerful spell you will protect yourself from enemies even at a great distance. Magic works both on Slavs and on representatives of other nations. The main thing is to know the name of the potential enemy. After waiting for sunset, say the following prayer (read three times):

“I will call upon Saint Elijah to remove misfortune and misfortune from me. Heavenly army, forces of earth and water, tell me how to get rid of an envious person. I lead the Guardian Angel into battle; all his power will punish the evil-doing adversary. Help, heavenly army, to cope with an unpleasant person. Stop anyone who thinks evil, and warn anyone who gets rid of me. The evil force will be defeated. Amen".

Spell on a scarf

In order for a strong conspiracy from enemies to bring the desired effect, you can use magical artifacts. With a charmed handkerchief you can confuse the enemy and prevent his aggressive actions. This is strong protection from enemies, but you need to cast the spell before leaving the apartment. Please note a number of points:

  • we whisper the handkerchief;
  • the optimal time for the ritual is before going to work;
  • Having wiped your face with a charmed handkerchief, hide the resulting amulet in your pocket;
  • the ritual is repeated daily;
  • a spell can restore health, ward off damage and create good conditions for business.

A scarf will create a lot of obstacles for a bad person. Anyone who reads such a slander will cease to be afraid of competitors. The ritual is not the most effective, but quite serious. Here is the text:

“Seraphim and heavenly angels. I made a feast for honest friends, the Lord's servants and unexpected guests. They will protect me from the evil eye, they will drive away evil damage from the house. What sticks will go into the scarf.”

Ritual with poppy seeds

The poppy spell is considered a preventative ritual - it is used to get rid of potential enemies. In this case, the person’s status and the degree of his closeness to you do not play a role. Here's what you need to do:

  1. Take out a handful of poppy seeds.
  2. Pour the poppy seeds into a clay container.
  3. Cross the food 3 times.
  4. Read the plot.
  5. Throw a charmed poppy to anyone who crosses the threshold of your home.

Guests do not need to sprinkle grains on their hair - just toss the grains into the pocket of their jacket or shirt. This can be done when the guest wants to go to the toilet. The well-wisher will be fine, but the potential enemy will have problems. Conspiracy text:

“I will cross the grains, I will not allow evil enemies into the house. Whoever had a bad thought immediately returned to his enemy. Let the enemies live and suffer, but do not encroach on my ruin and health. If an enemy steals anything, damn him.”

Prayer with candles

Strong spells are sometimes obtained from simple prayers. A candle spell will become a strong defense against any adversary. For the ritual you will need a glass of water and three candles. Cross yourself and drink water, light candles and begin reading the prayer:

“Lord, protect me from snares and snares, insidious ideas and evil plans, swords and poisons. Let not the Muslim blade, prison, bribery and enemy will strike me. Hot words, false promises, drowning wave, wild beast and fire, go away. Jesus and the twelve apostles are with me, they will protect me from early death, illness and an inverted cross. Mind me. Amen".

Return slander

There are slander popularly called “boomerangs”. The spell below is recited mentally in the face of an enemy arguing with you. Procedure:

  1. Learn the text by heart.
  2. Say a curse mentally.
  3. Seeing fear in your opponent’s eyes, add: “It will come back to you.”

The return spell works quickly. The enemy leaves without having time to harm you. The spell is:

“What is mine will remain with me, your evil will return to you. Dark thoughts are in your bodies. Everything will be that way. Amen".

How to make a talisman against enemies

Experienced healers recommend combining conspiracies to make enemies afraid, combined with the production of magical artifacts. Take out the loose gray poppy and start the ceremony on Thursday. An important point: change is not taken in the store when buying a poppy. The protective poppy itself crumbles at the threshold and passively protects your home from ill-wishers. Conspiracy text:

“There is a month behind us, the red sun is before our eyes. If the adversary is up to something dangerous, I will tie up with the night stars, I will not be afraid of anyone. Roll out, gray poppy, to my enemies for ruin and destruction of vile plans. A key and a lock with a tongue. Evil is spreading. Amen".

We have presented the simplest and most effective rituals that have been used by our ancestors in everyday life since ancient times. There are also more complex conspiracies pronounced at midnight or on major religious holidays. Some rituals fall into the category of dark magic, so use them carefully. Hit the enemy with a spell only as a last resort!

When I was twenty-five, I met a much older man. He courted me beautifully, but for a long time he could not interest me. He showered me with flowers and invited me to expensive restaurants and trips. He persistently courted me until I realized that I loved him. This happened at a specific moment, I was riding in a taxi and I felt that he was my man. And when I realized this, it became completely unimportant that the age difference between us, our different interests, and the fact that he was married.

He promised to leave her for me. I was happy. After some time, he rented an apartment and we began to live together. It was a fabulous time when you can't get enough of each other. Only sex and heart-to-heart conversations.

I remember, after a couple of months of our life together, I was alone at home. The doorbell rang. It turned out to be Natasha, my man’s wife. She came to talk some sense into me so that I would back off and not ruin their family. She told me to think about their common child. I tried to explain my feelings. She said that I wouldn’t give him away because I love him. And he loves me. He and I will be together, and let her put up with it. For a long time she threw hysterics and scandals, but then they somehow died down.

After a while, I began to notice that mine was behaving inappropriately in some matters. He could take off and run, grabbing my hand and skating. Then he closed himself off and didn’t talk about anything for several days.

About six months passed like this. It began to seem to me that I was mistaken in my love. He's not as romantic as he used to be. But more boring and grumbling. He became very tight-fisted, saving on everything until another attack of childhood came over him, and he rushed off to some childish entertainment.

The relationship ended, I returned to my parents, and life went on as usual.

And six years later I married someone my own age. It was then that I was sure that I was not mistaken, this was true love. It was like in Paradise: we completely understood each other, we had the same plans and goals. We were happy and we had a beautiful daughter. Such an idyll only happens in the movies.

I helped my husband get on his feet and open his own business. Things quickly went uphill, he began to earn more. He always had a dream to build his own house. And we started saving for it. We denied ourselves a lot, but we knew exactly what we were fighting for.

We lived wonderfully for twelve years. And then something started to happen to my husband. Looking at him, it seemed to me that I had already seen this lost look. It was the look of a man entering a midlife crisis. This is exactly the look my… that man I met twenty years ago had. And later I found out that my husband had a mistress. And, ironically, her name was Natasha and she was twenty-five years old.

He spent all our money put aside on it. I rented an apartment for her. I presented her with the entire VIP vacation of our city. He took her on yachts, took her to the most expensive restaurants in the city, saunas. I rented an apartment for her and fully furnished it.

Somehow I mustered up the courage to call her. I tried to explain that she was causing irreparable damage to our entire family. That she's hurting our daughter. To which I heard the answer that had long been known to me: I love him and will fight for my love.

One day I took the keys to her apartment from my husband’s pocket and went to see her. I knew she was not at home. When I got there, I found his things that he had changed into. I saw our video camera, which he apparently sold. I briefly looked at the videos that were taken. He was filming his beloved and I was overcome by a feeling of hopelessness. I grabbed the scissors and started cutting everything that caught my eye. I cut all her things, even her coat and fur coat. It seemed to me that this was not enough. I squeezed all the cosmetics out of tubes and molds. Then I saw a can of white paint and a brush near the door. Without thinking twice, I took them, went out and colorfully painted everything he thought about her on the armored door. Then I got into a taxi and went home to collect my things. I returned to my parents again.

The boomerang of life has returned and now I understand it. I don’t know how life turned out for that Natasha, the wife of my adult chosen one. I don't know if they stayed together or divorced. I don’t know how she lived all these twenty years. But now I know exactly how much pain I caused her then, and what she went through. Now I want to ask her. And to say that life itself punished me. Then, twenty years ago, I didn’t understand this. I just didn't know how much pain I was causing. For me it was a game. Game of love. But it’s not for nothing that they say: “You can’t build your own happiness on someone else’s misfortune.”

I'm not mad at this girl anymore. She's just as stupid as I was back then. And I don’t hold any grudges against my husband. This is how his midlife crisis manifested itself. I can only be offended by myself. Because everything we do comes back to us, multiplied tenfold.

But based on everything that has been said and experienced, I want to say to that adult Natasha - forgive me. Now I realized everything. It won't change your life, it won't make it better or easier. But I sincerely ask for your forgiveness. I built my happiness without looking at other people's feelings. But I received loneliness and remorse. And it’s quite possible that your life has worked out. Now I don’t know if mine will work out...


Curse - curse - scold - judge...

“Judge not, lest ye be judged,” everyone knows, but almost no one follows this biblical commandment.

Only when confronted in reality with one’s own problems - the boomerang of what one has done - does someone begin to think: “But it really is true - one is rewarded for EVERYTHING.”

Life has its own laws. We have already said that condemnation, hatred, curses return to their “author”. It’s a pity that diaries have gone out of fashion, and few people record the dates of events. After all, it is very easy to see that the “boomerangs” return in a certain rhythm - 7, 9, 30, 40, 49 days, 7 months, 9 months, a year.

Examples from people’s lives for understanding and clarity

... Someone ran over Lily’s beloved cat right outside the house. “ You bastard,” she screamed, burying the poor animal. - Damn you, you murderer! Wish the same to you! “Literally after this there was an accident: Lily’s brother lost control. The car is soft-boiled. Everyone survived, although they received serious injuries. We had just come to our senses after the hospital and the worries when Lily’s husband “flew” into a foreign car. Now two cars are in pieces (fortunately, everyone is alive). And again due to the fact that the car lost control for an unknown reason... We calculated the time limits. From the day when Lilya cursed the unfortunate driver who ran over a cat, 49 (7x7) days passed until the first accident. And between two catastrophes there are 98 days (49x2), that is (7x7)x2. What else can you say?

What is Lilya wrong about? Grieving over the death of her pet, she forgot that pets take upon themselves both the illnesses of their owners and the dangers that lie in wait for them. Most likely, the cat took upon itself the death that threatened Lila or her husband. After all, there was even a warning on that ill-fated day: in the morning in a taxi, Lilya almost broke her forehead from sudden braking: a red cat ran across the road right in front of the car!!!

Not everyone is able to thank Heaven for the fact that a cat, having died, saved someone’s life. But you should think about this. And don’t send curses, but just quietly be sad, mourn the loss. Maybe there would be no broken cars, no expenses and worries caused by accidents?

Lyudmila had an even harder time: two weeks before the wedding, Sergei abandoned her - she, who was expecting a child! She persuaded and hoped until the last. And the beloved, it turns out, was simultaneously dating another girl, Olya, whom he married a couple of months later. Lyudmila did not save the child. Even two: I had an abortion in the later stages - it turned out that there were two boys... They were choked by pain and hatred. “Let him never have children at all!” - Lyudmila sobbed. Grief, love and hatred intertwined, creating a powerful message. The curse came true, and how!

Sergei still had a child, but it was not viable: in the intensive care unit he was simply FORCED TO LIVE! And then they discovered that the child was mentally disabled, and they persuaded Sergei and his wife to leave him. However, the child was taken home. Now he is already an adult, very aggressive, unable to speak or eat on his own, walking under himself, half-human. And no prospect except the danger from his growing hostility.

But the story doesn't end there. Sergei and his wife finally divorced, quickly realizing that he had made a “mistake of youth.” But it wasn’t an oversight: the insidious Olya cast a love spell. And when the spell was broken (not all sugars are eternal!), the husband regained his sight and left. To Lyudmila. There was love there! Old grievances were forgiven, Sergei and Lyuda got married. Everything seemed to work! But I didn’t even think about the boomerang. And then Lyudmila gives birth to a child. Also not viable. This time there are no mental problems, only the first infection turned out to be disastrous.

What's the use of being sorry? You can’t take back what’s been said. You shouldn’t carry guilt around yourself either: you can get cancer just like that. And it is imperative to understand!

…Two men came to work from Ukraine: Alexander with his family, Vasily alone. There was work, housing... But Alexander was just “fishing”. He, as a foreman or contractor, should simply assign himself a higher salary or percentage. And he quietly pocketed the money from Vasily. Well, I got caught by accident. It almost came to the point of murder. Alexander, half-dead, reached his wife and told him. She became enraged: “ God! Who are you contacting? Yes, so that he never returns home! Does he miss his child? So that he never has to see this child in his life! “They say Vasily disappeared a month later: no one saw him again. What about the boomerang? For six years now, Alexander has not been able to return to his homeland. The mother is already crying her eyes out! And the child from his first wife is there, with his grandmother...

All these are everyday curses based on pain, resentment, anger, hatred. “ Everyone brings to themselves what they bring to themselves! “And you can understand people: they beat up their husband, abandoned their pregnant woman, killed their pet...

By the way, once again about animals.

Socrates, the angry black cat, went for a walk at night. Exactly at 19.30 he was released, and at 7.30 he was sitting near the door. He was decisive, well-groomed... And then my aunt came to visit with the children, well, take the kids and let Socrates out in the afternoon. And the cat left. And he’s gone for a day, or two. We went around all the entrances, all the basements. “ It's all the neighbor! - the mistress of the animal Light shouted. - So what if it’s black? Was he evil? May their hands wither and their legs become paralyzed! Let them die! “Sveta sinned against the neighbors from the 1st floor: they were too harmful... And a month later the woman from the 5th died. She was about 60 years old. Nobody visited her, except that her son came by once a month. No one needed her, no one made friends with her. All dried up, just bones. It seems that it was not from old age... In general, they buried him. Five years have passed. And, leaving for the exchange, one of the neighbors told Sveta that those same tenants had taken her cat from the 5th floor. The old woman begged her son: she didn’t like it when a black cat met her at the entrance! The boomerang was not traced. Maybe what happened, but Sveta no longer remembers: it was a long time ago. “But it was probably me who killed her,” the thought flashed and went away. "Coincidence?" That's what we decided...

As we know, there are no coincidences. But there’s no point in saying that Svetlana “harassed” the old lady: a person wouldn’t die for a cat. Apparently, there was a setback: illness, a feeling of uselessness, and some old sins led the woman to an untimely death. The curse could have been a catalyst - the very THE LAST STRAW. The power of the curse, “multiplied” by a coincidence of circumstances and a person’s karma, can really lead to death!

Some mothers sometimes tell their children: “What an ugly person you are!”; “Nothing will ever come of you in life!”; “No guy will look at you”; “You’re studying in vain: what kind of specialist are you?!”; “You are not capable of anything!” Such curses ALWAYS come true: they penetrate the subconscious and create a life program. And these same parents bring their “unsuccessful” children - lonely, drinking, nervous - to BE TREATED, themselves suffering from a BOOMERANG, from a returning CURSE.

Let's not increase the amount of evil in this world! Let's work first of all on ourselves, on BALANCE, CALM. A specialist will help you correct your aura and expel evil spirits using his unconventional methods. The rest is up to your efforts.

It's hard to call life predictable. However, if you take a closer look, you can see the relationship between a person’s actions and events in his life. This connection is so subtle that it can be difficult to trace. To denote the interdependence of everything that happens in life, the concept “effect” is accepted.

What is the essence of the boomerang effect?

The essence of this effect is as follows: every day a person continuously sends a huge number of “boomerangs” into the world; these can be certain actions or words, feelings or even thoughts. Everything sent sooner or later returns: angry words thrown in the heat of the moment can return tomorrow or in five years, they can change and result in deprivation of a bonus or loss of a valuable item.

If you send something good as a boomerang, it will definitely come back in a much larger volume. Negative actions and thoughts thrown like a boomerang return with harsh blows of fate. It’s hard to imagine how many times a day an ordinary person is visited by bad thoughts and emotions. It becomes clear why a huge number of lives and destinies are filled with difficulties and bitterness.

Fact or fiction?

You can doubt it endlessly, but the boomerang effect still works, the main thing is to see the subtle connection between events. “What goes around comes around” is an old saying that perfectly expresses the principle of the boomerang effect. And there are many such phrases originating in antiquity. Even the Bible has words that support the theory that everything comes back.

How to use the boomerang effect to your advantage

If you think sensibly, then it is not difficult to understand the following truth: according to the boomerang law, everything given will sooner or later come back, having changed and increased in volume. It turns out that with the help of the effect you can significantly improve the quality of your life.

The boomerang effect actually works very simply: if something is missing, for example money, you need to give it away. It sounds ridiculous, but that's how it is. If there is a catastrophic shortage of hard coins in the house, you need to go and give half of what you have to those people who are in a more deplorable situation.

Is there not enough love in life? This means you need to give your love to someone. For example, a lonely grandmother next door. You should give sincerely, without at all hoping for a quick return. Of course, everything will return, but it is important to the Universe in what spirit people do good deeds.