The child is sick and has bags under his eyes. What to do and how to treat an infant if he has bags under his eyes? About “emergency” conditions

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If parents suddenly notice small swellings under the eyes of their baby, they begin to get very worried about it. Many questions immediately arise that do not allow them to sleep peacefully. Why do bags appear under my child's eyes? How to help your baby? What to do?

There are a lot of questions, they are all about the same thing, so you shouldn’t delay your visit to the doctor. It will immediately help identify the cause and tell you whether you should be worried. In addition, with timely treatment, you can prevent the occurrence of certain diseases, the first signs of which are the appearance of swelling under the eyes.

Why do babies have bags under their eyes?

Often, swelling under the eyes indicates the presence of some disease or disorder within the small organism.

The reasons may be the following:

  • Increased sensitivity to fluid entering the body. If a child drinks a lot of liquid during the day, then his diet must contain a large amount of protein. It is because of the large amount of water in the body that swelling occurs under the eyes. High hydrolability is not even a disease, but rather a feature of the child’s body, which is characteristic of babies up to three months, sometimes a little longer;
  • If the baby has an immune conflict of Rh factors with the mother, which causes hemolytic disease, which also affects the development of jaundice and anemia;
  • There is mucous swelling, which is most often caused by hypothyroidism in infants. The disease is dangerous because it has a significant impact, namely a delay, in mental, psychomotor development and growth;
  • A common allergy to the mother’s food or an incorrectly selected formula or complementary feeding;
  • High intracranial pressure, a fairly common occurrence in newborns, is detected with hydrocephalus;
  • If a newborn’s liver is damaged or malformed, the reasons may be the use of harmful medications or intrauterine developmental pathology;
  • Serious illnesses and viral infections that the baby has suffered.

Bags under the eyes of a baby do not always indicate the presence of some kind of pathology. Swelling can appear as a result of strong and long crying, as well as if the baby does not get enough sleep. Sometimes swelling under the eyes may indicate that the child’s body is dehydrated, the skin becomes sluggish and thin (the same as with lack of sleep), blood vessels are visible through it, the outflow of cerebrospinal fluid may be impaired, which also contributes to the formation of bruises.

Parents should consult a pediatrician at the first signs of swelling without good reason.

How to treat

When the cause of puffiness under a baby's eyes is lack of sleep, dehydration, or excessive crying, the solution is obvious. It is necessary to establish a daily routine and nutrition, adjust his diet, and the mother needs hers when breastfeeding. Often, children's daily routine is disrupted due to the fact that they are teething, they eat and sleep poorly. In this case, you need to gain strength, patience and try to adapt to the new regime as much as possible. Make sure your child sleeps at least 12 hours a day, at least intermittently.

If complementary foods have already been introduced into the baby’s diet in addition to breastfeeding, then it should not contain any salt or salty foods. Up to 1.5 years old, children eat all food unsalted perfectly. Give more fresh fruits and vegetables.

Always remember that only a qualified doctor can find out the real reason why bags appear under a child’s eyes. Be sure to visit him, get tested if necessary and undergo the necessary examinations.

So, you will protect your baby from the occurrence of pathologies and you yourself will be calm about his health.

Useful video about a newborn baby

Traces of lack of sleep and overwork appear in adults in the form of swelling of the eyelids. It is important for parents to know why bags under a child’s eyes occur, causes and treatment. Whether this is a cause for concern or a natural phenomenon is worth investigating.

Why does my child have bags under his eyes?

If swelling occurs regularly in the baby, parents should consult a doctor. It is quite difficult to determine on your own whether a sign is a violation of the daily routine or a pathological process in the body. You can find out why your child has bags under his eyes after a comprehensive examination. Swelling is not always a consequence of the disease; swelling is more often caused by eating habits and sleep.

Causes of bags under the eyes in children:

  1. Violation of the water-salt balance is manifested by characteristic swelling of the eyelids, usually occurring in the first half of the day, and noticeably decreases in the evening.
  2. Lack of proper rest, preschoolers skipping daytime sleep, and disruption of night sleep negatively affect their overall well-being.
  3. Spending a long time in front of a computer monitor, TV, reading books, constant stress on the visual system is a common cause in school-age children.
  4. Allergies to food, household chemicals, dust, plants; in addition to swelling, a rash, itchy skin, and dry cough may occur.
  5. Malfunctions of the kidneys, parents are advised to consult a doctor if there are changes in urination, a significant decrease or increase in the frequency of urges, or lower back pain.
  6. Disorders of cardiovascular activity can be suspected if the child gets tired quickly, shortness of breath appears, and swelling of the lower extremities occurs.
  7. The genetic feature is the growth of fiber and sagging of the thin skin of the eyelids.
  8. Inflammatory processes of the respiratory organs and eyes are accompanied by redness of the mucous membrane, difficulty breathing, lethargy, and fever.

The child has bags under his eyes in the morning after sleeping

Often parents may not notice the reasons for the appearance of swelling in the baby. Before seeking medical help, it is worth analyzing your daily routine, eating habits, and sleep. By eliminating some provoking factors, you can cope with the problem.

Why does a child have bags under his eyes in the morning after sleeping?

  • Children often like to drink just before bed, which leads to a natural accumulation of fluid;
  • Tears at night often result in swelling in the morning, so it is important to ensure that your baby has a quiet time in the evening;
  • early rises, constant changes in daily routine;
  • incorrect position during rest, the head should be slightly higher than the body;
  • lack of a balanced diet, deficiency of important vitamins and microelements, insufficient amounts of fresh vegetables, fruits, meat, and dairy products in the diet.

If swelling regularly appears in babies under one year of age, this may be a sign of increased intracranial pressure. The child behaves restlessly, often cries, and is capricious for no apparent reason. If changes in behavior occur, you should contact a neurologist for diagnosis and treatment.

Red bags under the eyes of a child

Changes in eyelid skin color and swelling are not always a cause for concern. It is important to pay attention to the accompanying signs, which allow us to understand the causes of bags under the eyes of a child and treatment to restore a normal state.

Why do red bags appear under a child’s eyes?

  1. An infectious disease, in addition to redness, digestive disorders are observed, and body temperature rises.
  2. Difficulty breathing is a symptom of inflammation of the tonsils.
  3. In infants it can be associated with teething; children under six months often suffer from colic; after crying, the skin of the eyelids naturally turns red, and goes away on its own within a few hours.
  4. Red circles under the eyes are a reason to see a dentist; they often become a sign of inflammation in the oral cavity.
  5. If redness appears regularly, it is worth getting tested for helminths, especially if there are animals in the house.
  6. Vegetative-vascular dystonia is also manifested by paleness of the face, periodic headaches, the child constantly feels tired and drowsy.
  7. Diseases of the organs of vision, the baby may complain of discomfort, headache, it is important to consult an ophthalmologist in a timely manner to eliminate dangerous consequences.

Blue bags under the eyes of a child

Children of any age can develop dark circles under their eyes. In infants, it is often associated with a period of adaptation, teething, and painful colic. If the blue bags under the eyes of a child do not go away on their own, this is a reason to contact a pediatrician; you may need to consult a specialist. In preschoolers, they appear when tired, often as a consequence of a blow, fall or bruise, after actively exploring the world. In children after 7-8 years of age, the load on the visual system increases due to the beginning of the educational process. The blueness of the lower eyelid increases if your free time is spent watching cartoons or playing computer games.

The causes and treatment of bags under the eyes of a child require preliminary diagnosis. Only an integrated approach will speed up the recovery of the body.

Dr. Komarovsky - causes of edema in a child

A well-known pediatrician advises parents not to panic ahead of time. If this is not a feature of your appearance, you should consult a doctor. After the examination, blood, urine, and stool tests are prescribed. If kidney pathology is suspected, the genitourinary system is examined using ultrasound. If abnormalities are detected, the pediatrician refers for further treatment to a nephrologist.

If urine analysis and kidney ultrasound do not reveal any abnormalities, the child is referred to a cardiologist. The doctor measures blood pressure, and if indicated, the patient undergoes a cardiogram, ultrasound of the heart and blood vessels.

If an allergic reaction is suspected, allergy tests are performed to identify the causative agent. More often, when the provoking factor is eliminated, the child’s condition improves. In some cases, antihistamines are prescribed.

Dr. Komarovsky encourages parents to maintain common sense; if swelling appears from time to time, the child’s daily routine, sleep, and nutrition should be analyzed.

Bags under the eyes - treatment at home

If the examination does not reveal any disturbances in the functioning of the internal organs, you can carry out treatment at home yourself. The main actions of parents should be aimed at creating favorable conditions for the child and correcting the daily routine.

How to get rid of bags under the eyes:

  • It is worth excluding foods rich in salt from the diet, including vegetables, fruits, dairy and cereal products, meat, fish;
  • organize active recreation, outdoor games, walks in the fresh air;
  • limit time spent on the computer and TV, enroll in a sports section;
  • eliminate known allergens, switch to safe detergents, remove house plants, feather pillows, and carry out wet cleaning more often;
  • ensure proper sleep, children should go to bed at approximately the same time, lasting at least 8-9 hours.

The causes and treatment of bags under the eyes of a child should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. You can read reviews on this topic or write your opinion on the forum.

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Bags under the eyes in children can indicate both pathology and the fact that you just need to adjust your lifestyle. There are two mechanisms for their occurrence: edema (fluid accumulation in the intercellular substance) and the proliferation of adipose tissue of the eyelids.

Physiological reasons

Before you panic and look for illnesses, let's figure out why healthy children have bags under their eyes.

  • Genetic predisposition. Pay attention to the structure of the eyelids of the baby’s close relatives, look at their childhood photographs. Perhaps it's just a family anatomical trait. But it’s still worth asking your doctor.
  • Physiological edema in newborns. During childbirth, the baby's head is subject to pressure, and blood circulation may be disrupted for some time (this is not a big deal). In this regard, the baby’s eyelids may be swollen, and the eyes may not even open for some time. Bags under the eyes of a baby usually disappear by three months, and sometimes much later.
  • Excess salt. Pay attention to your child's diet - perhaps you give him too much salt, and it retains fluid in the body.
  • Overwork. Lack or excess of sleep, prolonged viewing of TV, computer games, reading in low light - all this quickly leads to the accumulation of fatigue, and the child develops red bags under the eyes.
  • Prolonged crying. If your child has been crying for a long time, it will not be surprising if the skin around his eyes swells.

Pathological causes

Swollen eyelids in a child may indicate swelling as a result of inflammation, injury or an allergic reaction. Let's look at the most common causes of eyelid swelling in children.

  • Trauma or inflammatory diseases of the eyes. The cause of swelling may be a bruise in the eye area (a child fell unsuccessfully or got into a fight), conjunctivitis, hordeolum (hordeolum), chalazion (chronic inflammation of the edge of the eyelid), orbital cellulitis, ocular herpes, etc. One of the causes of eye inflammation is non-compliance with the rules of hand hygiene and eyes (including when using contact lenses). Swelling of the eyelids may be accompanied by: lacrimation, sticking of the eyelids in the morning, dryness, pain or itching, impaired visual acuity, redness of the eyelids and conjunctiva, local and general increase in temperature.
  • ORZ, ARVI. As a result of upper respiratory tract infections, swelling occurs and the outflow of fluid from the tissues in the eye area is disrupted. Don't worry, it will gradually go away with recovery.
  • Diseases of internal organs. This could be: inflammation of the kidneys, liver, intestines, cardiovascular pathologies. Observe how the child goes to the toilet “little by little”: is it too rare or, on the contrary, very often, has the urine become cloudy? Does your baby complain of pain in the lower back or lower abdomen? If puffiness under the eyes is observed after sleep, which gradually subsides during the day, this may indicate renal pathology. Pay attention to whether there is a white or yellow coating on the tongue, whether the stool is normal (color, consistency). Does the child get tired too quickly with little physical activity, or does he have shortness of breath?
  • Hypothyroidism. With thyroid deficiency, swelling of the eyelids is one of the characteristic signs. In order to exclude such a diagnosis, you need to donate blood for hormones and consult an endocrinologist. If you suspect this diagnosis, you need to act as soon as possible, because we are talking about the physical and mental development of the child.
  • Anemia. Red or blue bags under a child's eyes may indicate low hemoglobin levels in the blood. Often blue circles or bags are observed in children with very fair skin and are not a sign of illness. In this case, translucent blood vessels can be clearly visible under the eyes. But parents of such a baby also need to know that fair-skinned children are more often susceptible to anemia.
  • Allergy. It can occur on any food product, natural bedding filler (wool, down, feather), dust, insect bite (especially bee or wasp), medicine, plant pollen, etc.

If swelling under the eyes of a child occurs suddenly, is combined with difficulty breathing, a barking cough, hoarseness of voice, abdominal pain, swelling not only of the eyelids, but also of the lips, cheeks and tongue - it is necessary to take the child to the hospital as soon as possible or call an ambulance " Most likely, this is angioedema (severe allergic reaction).

How to reduce the risk of swollen eyelids and help with swelling

  • "Correct" sleep. The causes of bags under the eyes in children often lie precisely in non-compliance with sleep and wakefulness. Make sure your child gets enough sleep. Children under 7 years old should sleep at least 1 hour during the day. If he flatly refuses to go to lunch, then he needs to increase his sleep time at night. Take care of silence during rest, as well as optimal temperature and humidity in the children's room - this will help ensure quality sleep. There are certain sleep standards for children of different ages. Of course, they are average: some need a little more, some need a little less.

Table - Average sleep standards for children

1–2 months 18
3–4 months 17-18
5–6 months 16
7–9 months 15
10–12 months 13
1–2 years 13
2–3 years 12
3–7 years 12
from 7 years 8-9
  • Adequate load. Pay attention to your child's daily routine: does he spend too much time sitting in front of books or in craft circles? Enough and he moves? Perhaps it makes sense to transfer him to sections where he will move more, or simply free him from additional activities and let him walk longer. The reasons why dark circles appear under gas in a child most often lie in accumulated fatigue and improper daily routine.
  • Nutrition. Make sure your child gets enough proteins, fats and carbohydrates so that the food contains the right amount of elements, including iron. If your baby categorically refuses to eat meat, consult your pediatrician about prescribing special vitamins.
  • Maintain eye hygiene. To prevent eye infections, you need to regularly change your bed linen, wash your face twice a day, avoid touching your eyes with dirty hands, etc. If your child wears contact lenses, make sure they don't wear them for too long during the day (check the instructions for your specific lenses), don't bathe in them, and wash your hands before putting them in or taking them out.
  • For allergies and runny nose. Find the allergen and, if possible, avoid contact with it. To facilitate the outflow of tears and relieve periorbital edema, you can rinse the nasal cavity with saline solution (it is sold in the pharmacy in the required proportions). A cool compress on the eyes will also help temporarily relieve swelling.

Carefully monitor the general condition of your baby and be sure to ask your pediatrician, especially if bags under the eyes appear in a child under one year old. Take the necessary tests and consult with specialists, because measures not taken in time can lead to serious consequences.

Puffiness and bags under the eyes are a fairly common problem that can affect people of any age, even children. Sometimes their origin is not associated with serious disorders in the body, but it happens that they are a serious signal indicating diseases that require immediate treatment. What are the causes of swelling under the eyes?

Common causes of bags under the eyes

There are many factors that contribute to the formation of bags under the eyes. The main ones are:

  • Heredity.
  • Allergic reaction.
  • Natural skin changes that are associated with age.
  • Diseases - problems with the kidneys, heart, infectious and colds, inflammation of the sinuses, conjunctivitis.
  • Frequent visits to the solarium if the face, in particular the eyes, are not protected in any way.
  • Alcohol.
  • Excessive consumption of salt and smoked meats.
  • Lack of sleep, overwork, unnatural head position during sleep.
  • Ecology.
  • Frequent stress.

Why do bags under the eyes appear at certain stages of life, and then quickly disappear on their own? Typically, in women, this is due to hormonal changes in the body, which can be caused by the menstrual period, pregnancy, etc.

The choice of method against bags under the eyes primarily depends on their nature. If they are not due to a serious illness, then you can get rid of edema at home.

Traditional medicine against bags under the eyes

Are you tired of bags under your eyes? What to do if you don’t have the time and money for salon treatments? You can turn to proven folk recipes, which involve the use of affordable and safe products.

  • Potato. Raw potatoes must be cut into slices or grated, and then applied to the skin around the eyes. Time of lotions is 15-20 minutes. You can also use boiled potatoes as masks. To do this, you need to boil unpeeled potatoes. Cut the cooked vegetable in half, cool to the optimal temperature and apply to your eyelids for 30 minutes.
  • Eye mask made from bread and milk. You need to soak the bread pulp in warm milk. Apply the prepared mixture to the eyes for 20 minutes.
  • A universal folk remedy for puffiness under the eyes is chamomile. According to the recipe on the package, you need to steam dry chamomile flowers, cool to room temperature and make lotions. The procedure takes 15 minutes.
  • Birch leaves. The decoction must be prepared according to the recipe on the package. It is allowed to brew twice as weak. Strain the infusion and cool. Keep the lotions for at least 30 minutes.
  • Parsley and sour cream compresses for sensitive skin. You need to grind fresh parsley leaves through a meat grinder, add sour cream to the resulting gruel, mix everything and apply it to your eyelids for 20 minutes.
  • Fresh cucumbers. They can be cut into circles or applied as a paste to the eyelids. It is recommended to lie down with this mask for 30 minutes.
  • Low-fat cottage cheese. Lightly squeeze the cottage cheese, wrap it in gauze, and hold it on your eyelids for at least 15 minutes.
  • Lotions using cold tea bags. To do this, you need to brew the bags, then put them in the refrigerator. When cooled, apply to eyelids.

If the bags under the eyes are caused by excess fluid, then you can get rid of the swelling with the help of diuretics, such as herbal teas, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. You can also regularly massage the skin around your eyes with ice. It can be made from ordinary boiled water or herbal decoction.

Traditional methods for swelling under the eyes will help if they are not associated with the presence of a particular disease.

Treatment of puffiness under the eyes

If the causes of bags under the eyes are associated with the presence of a disease, then you should not delay visiting a doctor. In such cases, no traditional medicine methods, expensive creams, salon procedures, or even plastic surgery can eliminate these undesirable manifestations. Swelling and circles under the eyes will remain present until, with the help of medication prescribed by your doctor, you get rid of the underlying disease that led to their occurrence.

For example, if bags under the eyes are caused by an allergic reaction, then it is necessary to avoid contact with the irritant and take antihistamines. In cases of kidney disease, heart disease, infections, etc., treatment is individual and is prescribed by a doctor after examination.

Creams and gels for bags under the eyes

Not least among the means to combat swelling and circles under the eyes are special creams and gels. High-quality products will help eliminate bags under the eyes, quickly remove bruises, reduce wrinkles around the eyes, and improve skin condition. But, like other methods, they have some disadvantages:

  • high price;
  • These medications may not be suitable for everyone.

The best way to combat bags under the eyes are creams that contain hyaluronic acid, parsley extract, sage extract, collagen, elastin, and coffee. Gels for bags under the eyes often have a lifting effect. Therefore, they have age restrictions (they are not recommended for use under 25 years of age).

The most popular creams for bags under the eyes: Vichy, Advanced Line Advance Eyes, Eyecircle SKIN DOCTORS, Green Mama, Blueberry and Psyllium Seed Gel. Before using any cosmetic products, you should consult a cosmetologist.

Popular cosmetic procedures for bags under the eyes in aesthetic medicine salons and clinics

In almost every salon and cosmetology clinic, the list of services provided includes aesthetic procedures that will not only help get rid of bags under the eyes, but will also have a generally positive effect on the condition of the skin.

It should be noted that these procedures, despite their effectiveness, have a number of contraindications. It is imperative to consult a specialist.

Concealers for bags under the eyes

Bags and circles under the eyes bother not only women, but also men. On the cosmetics market you can find effective drugs that can be used by both sexes.

  • Concealer is a corrective suspension. It can have a variety of consistency and shades. It comes in the form of felt-tip pens and is similar in mechanism of action.
  • Correctors have a consistency similar to liquid powder.
  • Phytocorrectors are a suspension with herbal extracts that have a therapeutic effect with a cooling effect.
  • Concealing pencil - can have different consistencies (concealer pencils, corrector pencils, regular ones) and shades.
  • Cosmetic patches are a gel compress that has a double effect. You simultaneously inhale the beneficial substances contained in its composition, and medicinal components penetrate into the skin in the eye area, which eliminate bags and dark circles.
  • Foundations vary in purpose for different skin types, consistency and composition. Best used for dry facial skin.
  • Powders have differences in composition and consistency. This product is best used if you have oily skin.


You can carry out a diagnosis and identify the reason and why bags under the eyes appear on your own. If swelling under the eyes appears in the morning and goes away on its own during the day, then most likely at night you drank a large amount of liquid, alcohol, or ate a salty or smoked dish. In such a situation, it is better to drink a glass of green tea or water on an empty stomach. Also, perhaps, for the first time you used a new eye cream you bought, which did not suit you in composition. In such a situation, to prevent complications, you should no longer use this remedy.

In other cases, to identify the causes, it is better to consult a therapist, who will prescribe a comprehensive examination or refer you to a specialist.

Causes of bags under the eyes in children

Adults may not pay attention to bags under their eyes for years, citing overwork, fatigue, etc. But in cases where swelling under the eyes appears in a child, normal caring parents should contact a pediatrician as soon as possible or in case of their sudden appearance call "emergency help". Only a doctor can determine the exact causes of bags under the eyes.

  • Swelling under the eyes in children can be caused by a genetic predisposition: reduced elasticity of the connective tissue between the skin of the eyelids and adipose tissue (or its growth).
  • The child ate something salty at night and drank a lot of liquid.
  • Bags under a child's eyes may be a result of poor sleep.
  • Overwork, which is accompanied by apathy, irritability, lethargy, and inattention. In this case, parents should monitor the child's daily routine. It is impossible for him to sit at homework until late at night and watch a lot of TV. Maintaining a daily routine is important at any age, as is good nutrition, adequate sleep, walks and sufficient physical activity.
  • Lack of outdoor walks.
  • Incorrect posture (staying on your feet for a long time, crossing your legs).
  • In the summer, children are often bitten by midges and mosquitoes. Their bites can cause skin irritation and swelling, as well as infection. To prevent complications that may arise after this, it is necessary to take insect repellent when walking with your child. But if a bite occurs, it is important not to let the baby scratch or rub the itchy area. Apply allergy cream and give your child an antihistamine.

Parents should be especially alarmed by the sudden appearance of bags and blueness under the eyes of a child, which is accompanied by redness of the eyes, lacrimation, itching, discharge from the sinuses, increased body temperature, headaches, and urination problems. Such symptoms signal diseases of the internal organs, such as:

  • kidney dysfunction;
  • sinusitis, rhinitis, sinusitis;
  • allergic manifestations, including angioedema, which causes suffocation;
  • thyroid disease;
  • liver diseases;
  • disorders in the venous or lymphatic system;
  • heart disease - they are characterized by an increase in swelling of the eyelids in the evening and disappearance in the morning;
  • diseases that are accompanied by increased intracranial pressure.

It is more difficult to diagnose the presence of any diseases in infants than in older children, but parents still need to remain calm and at the same time constantly monitor any external manifestations on the child’s face. Infants cry often, so swelling under the eyes is quite normal for them. Also, if the child is breastfed, then bags under the eyes may indicate that the mother is not eating properly. Unfortunately, in our time, infants are very susceptible to allergic reactions and unfavorable environmental conditions.

If a child constantly has bruises and bags under the eyes, treatment and examination should be carried out as quickly as possible.

Necessary examination of the child

The basis of any treatment is the correct diagnosis of certain pathologies:

  • general urine analysis;
  • general blood analysis;
  • urine analysis according to Zimnitsky and Nechiporenko;
  • stool analysis for coprogram;
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys;
  • ECG of the heart;
  • blood test for thyroid hormones;
  • According to indications, consultations with a cardiologist, endocrinologist, urologist, neurologist and other specialized specialists are prescribed.

Treatment of circles and bags under the eyes in children

If the bags under the eyes of a child are a consequence of diseases of the internal organs, then only a doctor can prescribe treatment. In other cases, parents should monitor the baby’s daily routine, his diet and the amount of fluid he drinks.

Norms of fluid intake at different ages:

  • up to 7 days – 50-100 ml per kg of body weight;
  • up to 6 months – 140 ml per kg of body weight;
  • up to one year – 120 ml per kg of body weight;
  • from 1 year to 3 years – 100 ml per kg of body weight;
  • from 3 to 6 years – 90-100 ml per kg of body weight;
  • from 6 to 10 years – 70-80 ml per kg of body weight;
  • after 10 years, the norm, as in adults, is 50 ml per kg of body weight.

It is important that the child’s diet is complete and balanced: it should include protein-rich foods, vegetables, and fruits. For children of any age, a meal schedule is necessary; it is as important as a sleep schedule.

Prevention of swelling under the eyes in children and adults

Whatever the reasons for the bags under the eyes, treatment and preventive measures must be carried out in combination. Basic preventive measures:

  • sleep on a flat pillow;
  • before going to bed, monitor the amount of fluid you drink;
  • ventilate the room before going to bed;
  • do not abuse strong tea at night;
  • alternate physical and mental stress;
  • be sure to remove makeup from the eyes and face before going to bed;
  • take a walk in the fresh air every day;
  • get enough sleep;
  • maintain a daily routine;
  • wash with cool water;
  • In the morning, wipe the skin around the eyes with an ice cube.

Following these rules will not only help prevent the appearance of puffiness under the eyes, but will also have a generally beneficial effect on your well-being.

All changes in health are reflected on a person’s face. And young children are no exception to this rule - any problems in some part of the body cause a certain reaction on the child’s face. And then one day the mother notices bags under the child’s eyes. What can this symptom mean, what causes it? What can be done about puffiness under the eyes and when should you go to the pediatrician?

Causes of swelling

Puffiness under the eyes can be caused by a certain disease, or by violations of caring for the baby or the regime of activity and rest.

Why do bags appear under the eyes in children, and in what pathologies is this possible?

  1. Diseases of the excretory system;
  2. Heart diseases;
  3. Conjunctivitis;
  4. Allergic reactions;
  5. ARVI and acute respiratory infections;
  6. Increased intracranial pressure;
  7. Hypofunction of the thyroid gland.

What else can cause bags and/or dark circles under the eyes of children?

  • Violation of the daily routine;
  • Chronic lack of sleep or going to bed late;
  • Poor eye hygiene;
  • Excessive intake of liquid or kitchen salt into the body;
  • Prolonged crying and experiencing negative emotions.

If you cannot understand what causes periorbital edema, you need to contact your pediatrician. He will conduct a thorough examination and examination of a child who has bags under the eyes, find the reasons for this and prescribe appropriate treatment. As in the case of swelling around the eyes in adults, etiotropic therapy is used, and not symptomatic (like the drug "Blepharogel").

Bags under the eyes in newborns

Bags under the eyes of a baby are most often a manifestation of normal physiological reactions of a small organism. They can occur if parents do not control the volume of fluid entering the baby’s body, or when a 2-5 month old baby cries and screams for a long time.

When teething (children aged 6 months to 3 years), swelling of the skin sometimes occurs on the side of the growing baby tooth. The baby's face may swell asymmetrically, and the mother may have a small bag under one of the eyes. After the tooth erupts, the swelling will go away.

How to treat at home with folk remedies

When the child’s appearance changes, parents think about how to help their offspring and remove bags under the eyes at home. You can resort to folk remedies only if dark circles and swelling under the eyes were caused not by illness, but by a violation of the regime, etc.

Use eye lotions made from chilled decoctions of medicinal herbs (chamomile and others), or you can use weak black or green tea for this purpose.

Teenage girls who have such problems can benefit from a mask for bags under the eyes made from the pulp of finely chopped fresh cucumbers (keep on the face for 5-10 minutes). The substances contained in them nourish the skin around the eyes and stimulate the reduction of this appearance feature. A cosmetologist can individually advise a girl 15-18 years old to use a good quality cream for bags under the eyes.

Some ophthalmologists, if necessary, prescribe a medicinal gel to their patients of older adolescence, which helps with bags under the eyes and symptoms of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye. An experienced doctor will select an analogue of the adult medicine “Blepharogel” for the child.

Older children and teenagers can also benefit from exercises for bags under the eyes. Such complexes develop the facial muscles of the eye area, give the skin elasticity and make the face more attractive. Regular exercises will help get rid of bags under the eyes forever and will allow a young girl or boy to look attractive.

If a child has some health problems, it is strictly prohibited to use remedies for removing bags under the eyes, for which folk recipes are used.

Drug treatment

Remember that facial plastic surgery is not permissible in childhood if the child has severe bruises and bags in the periorbital area. Doctors will treat the underlying cause of this condition. This will ensure the elimination of swelling under the eyes without surgery and adult cosmetic procedures (for example, mesotherapy, which uses Dermahil).

Mothers should remember that Dermahil and Blefarogel are not intended for small children, but belong to anti-aging cosmetics for women and pharmaceutical products.

Fluid restriction

The baby should receive an amount of fluid that is appropriate for his age, since breast milk alone is not enough for him. Make sure that there is no excess water entering the small body.

A pediatrician can give precise recommendations on how much and how often to feed a baby or an older child after an ultrasound of the kidneys and a general urine test. In some cases, this is what will help eliminate bags under the eyes.

Proper nutrition

Dark circles and noticeable bags under the eyes occur in children and adolescents who eat irregularly and do not get enough vitamins and minerals. Adjust your eating routine. The menu should be based on the principles of rational nutrition. Limit salty, smoked and fried foods.

The outcome of many cardiac diseases is heart failure (HF). It manifests itself as disturbances in cardiac activity during physical activity and emotional stress. What should you do if your child aged 2-5 years, during active games or running, develops not a pink, but a blue complexion, shortness of breath and pain in the chest area? This is a reason to go to the doctor as soon as possible.

Swelling with heart failure appears in the evenings, starts in the legs and moves up the body, eventually reaching the head. Therefore, if a child has heart problems, bags under the eyes appear last, when the disease has already become severe.


With conjunctivitis, there is redness of the conjunctiva, watery eyes, lacrimation, and a lot of mucous or purulent discharge from the eyes. The disease is caused by bacteria, viruses or fungi. This condition also causes bags under the eyes, and their treatment is associated with the treatment of the underlying disease.

Special antibacterial or antiviral eye drops, ointments, etc. are used. Proper therapy can reduce bags in the periorbital area.

Conjunctivitis - Doctor Komarovsky School

Maintaining eye hygiene

Children need to be taught eye hygiene - sometimes this is the best remedy for bags under the eyes. Babies should wash themselves at least twice a day, and it is recommended to wipe the skin in the eye region with gentle blotting movements.

If an older child wears contact lenses, he must carefully follow the instructions for caring for them and follow all the recommendations of the ophthalmologist. If necessary, to protect the skin around the eyes, the doctor may prescribe a children's drug similar in action to Blefarogel.

Kidney disease

Bags under the eyes are constantly observed in children with problems with the kidneys and urinary tract. Enormous swelling of the periorbital area, spreading throughout the face and then down the body, is a clear symptom of renal failure.

You should contact your pediatrician if your child complains of increased frequency and pain when urinating, or if the baby’s urine has become cloudy or has suddenly changed its color. You can think about kidney pathology if a child has bags under his eyes in the morning, immediately after waking up.

For allergies and runny nose

When a runny nose is caused by acute respiratory viral infections or acute respiratory infections, babies may develop swelling and small bags under the eyes - they persist until the baby’s complete recovery.

In case of allergies, swelling in the eye area may also occur. If the answer to the question “Why does the child have swelling of the periocular area?” is the presence of an allergic reaction, then the swelling should disappear when the interaction with the allergen ceases. Bags under the eyes of an allergy sufferer will quickly go away when taking antihistamines.

Intracranial pressure

Puffiness under the eyes may indicate increased intracranial pressure (ICP). Additional signs in infants are headaches, frequent crying and restlessness of the baby, problems sleeping, throbbing and swollen fontanel.

At the appointment, the ophthalmologist looks at what the fundus vessels look like and may suspect such a diagnosis. Further treatment is prescribed by a neurologist and depends on the reasons that caused ICP.

Daily regime

How to get rid of bags under the eyes of a preschooler or high school student? Set up a daily routine for your child. The baby should sleep the required number of hours according to his age.

  • At 3-5 years old, sleep should take 10-12 hours a day;
  • At 5-7 years old, sleep should last 9-10 hours;
  • At 8-16 years old you need to sleep 8-9 hours.

A good way to reduce dark circles and puffiness around the eyes is to add physical activity to your son or daughter’s life. Enroll your child in a new class, invite him for a walk, or buy a bicycle.

By removing your child from the computer and TV, you will not only rid his face of signs of lack of sleep and fatigue, but also preserve his eyesight. Then, as an adult, your offspring will not have to use Blepharogel or other similar medicine to reduce bruises and bags under the eyes.

Hormonal disorders

Endocrine thyroid deficiency also causes swelling around the eyes. When endocrinologists describe what bags under the eyes look like in a patient with hypothyroidism, they indicate that in especially severe cases, swelling can spread to the patient’s entire face.

In order to avoid delayed intellectual development, children with such disorders are not advised to use a cream for bags under the eyes, but rather hormone replacement therapy.

Bags under the eyes are not only a cosmetic defect, but also evidence of possible problems with children's health. Therefore, if parents notice such changes in the appearance of their son or daughter, it is advisable to show the child to a doctor.

Nasal congestion in a child, treatment at home quickly with tablets

It is known where red sclera, dark circles and swelling in the eye area in adults come from. Stressful situations, insomnia, excessive fluid intake shortly before bedtime or kidney problems, for example, are manifested by swelling on the face.

But why do bags appear under a child’s eyes? It is not easy to answer this question. After all, when the baby is very tiny, he is not able to explain to his mother what is bothering him. Relatives are obliged to identify the causes of puffiness, because bags under the eyes sometimes signal serious illnesses.

  • Sinusitis
  • Conjunctivitis. Its signs are pain, burning in the eyes, itching, watery eyes, red eyelids.
  • Allergic reactions for food, plants, insect bites, medications. In this case, there are other manifestations of allergies: itching, redness of the skin, swelling, difficulty breathing, and others.
  • Kidney diseases. It is necessary to examine the kidneys if bags appear under the child’s eyes and do not disappear for several days. Rare urination is a signal of improper kidney function.
  • Heart failure. With this disease, fluid is retained in the tissues and swelling spreads upward throughout the body, starting from the legs. Dark bags and blue circles around the eyes complete the picture. Heart failure is accompanied by shortness of breath and severe fatigue with light exertion.
  • Hormonal disorders. Lethargy, absent-mindedness, dry skin, weight gain, swelling under the eyes indicate that a hormonal imbalance has occurred in the body.
  • Increased intracranial pressure.

Causes not related to diseases

  • Poor sleep. When a child constantly lacks sleep or, conversely, sleeps for a long time.
  • Excess salt and water in the body due to poor diet. Swelling caused by this reason appears in the morning and disappears in the evening.
  • . Classes at school after a holiday or excessive use of the computer are a common cause of swelling.
  • Genetics. Often, slight swelling in the eye area is inherited genetically and goes away in childhood.

In these cases, swelling from the eyes of children can be removed with a light massage or lotions made from tea or chamomile decoction.

Bags under the eyes in infants

Bags under the eyes in infants do not necessarily occur due to illness. They may appear because the baby cried for a long time, for example, or because the position of the baby’s head in sleep was lower than the body.

It happens that swelling occurs during teething, as well as after an illness. Pediatric doctors believe that in these cases, the periodic appearance of bags under the eyes does not pose a threat.

If eye swelling is not associated with the above reasons and does not go away for a long time, you need to consult a neurologist. Infants may have increased intracranial pressure.

The causes of bags under the eyes are varied, and parents should take steps to eliminate them. The doctor prescribes the correct treatment after examining the child.

Diagnosis of diseases

At a preliminary examination, the pediatrician may suggest inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system. In this case, you will have to examine the urine and conduct an ultrasound of the kidneys and urinary tract.

If your baby is suspected of having an allergy, the doctor will prescribe blood tests and allergy tests.

Treatment methods

Limiting fluid intake

First of all, in case of swelling, the doctor prescribes limiting fluid intake. When a newborn is breastfed, the child receives the right amount of fluid and it is better not to abuse water. If a baby aged from birth to one year is bottle-fed, the fluid intake per day should be limited to 50 milliliters per kilogram of weight. It should be taken into account that 75% of baby food consists of water.

To calculate how much clean water a child can drink, it is necessary to find the difference between the daily requirement (fifty milliliters multiplied by the child’s weight in kilograms) and the amount of liquid received from food (the amount of formula in milliliters multiplied by 0.75).

When a child turns one year old, solid foods begin to appear in his diet, so his need for water increases. The norm is also calculated based on 50 milliliters per 1 kg of weight.

At three or four years old, a child needs to drink a maximum of 1.3 liters per day. For children seven to eight years old, the volume of liquid consumed is limited to 1.7 liters.

Child nutrition

A balance must be maintained in a child's diet. If puffiness occurs around the eyes, your doctor will usually prescribe a low-salt diet. Salt cannot be completely removed from the menu, since it is necessary for normal metabolism.

Products that need to be removed from children's diets:

  • smoked products (cheese, sausage, meat products)
  • canned vegetables and marinades;
  • semi-finished meat products.

Treatment of conjunctivitis in children

Conjunctivitis occurs due to an allergic reaction or due to the penetration of bacteria into the lining of the eyes. As a result of conjunctivitis, bags form under the eyes. Only an ophthalmologist can make a correct diagnosis. Puffy eyes and red eyelids in a child are an urgent reason to visit a doctor.

The doctor prescribes therapy after identifying the causes of conjunctivitis.

  1. Conjunctivitis caused by bacteria is treated with antibiotics. The eyes are washed with a solution of furatsilin and sometimes oletethrin ointment is applied.
  2. Allergic conjunctivitis is fought with the help of hormonal and antihistamines.
  3. Tetracyclines are used in the treatment of chlamydial conjunctivitis.

Treatment of the genitourinary system in children

Mild swelling around the eyes is observed in children during inflammatory processes in the urinary system. The main cause is often cystitis. When diagnosing this disease, doctors prescribe the following medications:

  • nitroxoline;
  • monural;
  • palin

Bags under the eyes also occur with other pathologies of the urinary tract. It is necessary to show the child to a doctor and carry out treatment according to his recommendations.

Treatment of intracranial pressure in children

Sometimes bags appear under the eyes of newborn babies due to increased intracranial pressure. Other signs of ICP in an infant: headache, lethargy, swelling of the fontanel, causeless crying, nervousness, development of strabismus. In this situation, the doctor prescribes:

  • sedatives and diuretics;
  • massage course;
  • physiotherapy;
  • classes in the pool;
  • vitamin preparations.

With increased ICP, doctors consider long-term breastfeeding important, because mother's milk is not only food for the baby, but also a remedy for many ailments. The period of breastfeeding a baby should last at least six months.

In cases where intracranial pressure is increased due to anatomical disorders, surgical intervention is required in order to restore the outflow of cerebrospinal fluid from the brain.

Therapy for hormonal imbalance in children

Hormonal imbalances are one of the factors causing swelling of the eyes in babies from birth to one month of age. Puffiness of the eyes and face after sleep in infants and older children may be a symptom of diabetes mellitus or an enlarged thyroid gland. Diagnosis of these diseases is carried out by an endocrinologist. After the results of the study, the child is prescribed hormone therapy. Parents must strictly monitor the child’s diet and sleep patterns, and the intensity of physical activity.

Puffiness of the eyes in a child is often not a serious problem and is not always associated with diseases. However, we recommend that you consult a doctor if your child experiences symptoms such as bags under the eyes. The doctor will prescribe the necessary tests of blood, urine and internal organs to diagnose or rule out the disease. These measures will help avoid serious consequences in the future.

Bags under the eyes are quite common, and the reason for this is stress, lack of sleep, problems with the endocrine system, etc. Sometimes this problem occurs even in very young children, and this immediately alarms parents, because there really is a reason for concern. Bags under a child’s eyes may indicate various diseases, and timely measures will help the child avoid possible negative consequences.

Swelling under the eyes of a child can appear due to various diseases, so it is very important for parents to identify the causes of the symptom.

Causes of bags under the eyes

Many parents are concerned about the question: why does their child have bags under his eyes? The causes of swelling are various factors.


First of all, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  1. Is there a certain daily routine observed in the house: lack of sleep or irregular sleep may well provoke swelling and dark circles under the baby’s eyes.
  2. The baby often cries and rubs his eyes, causing them to become inflamed and swollen.
  3. Allergic reaction. In this case, it is necessary to identify the allergen, and after it is eliminated, the swelling will go away.
  4. Heredity. Perhaps bags under the eyes are common among members of the family in which the child was born.
  5. In breastfed infants and one-year-old children, bags around the eyes can be caused by frequent crying and poor nutrition of the nursing mother.


Bags under the eyes can indicate certain diseases of the internal organs. Parents do not need to immediately panic and think about the bad, but it would still be a good idea to seek advice from a specialist.

You should be wary if dark circles and swelling are accompanied by itching, watery eyes, problems with urination, headache, and fever.

Causes of bags under the eyes:

  • disorders of the thyroid gland;
  • unstable intracranial pressure;
  • heart diseases;
  • kidney dysfunction;
  • liver diseases;
  • allergic reaction, including angioedema;
  • rhinitis, sinusitis, sinusitis;
  • conjunctivitis.

Associated symptoms

Depending on the reasons causing the appearance of bags and dark circles around the child’s eyes, accompanying symptoms are also observed:

  • In children with heart failure, running or physical activity causes shortness of breath and the face turns blue. Swelling of the eyes in this case indicates a severe form of heart disease.
  • If the bags under the eyes were caused by conjunctivitis, then in addition to swelling, redness, lacrimation, purulent and mucous discharge from the eyes appear.
  • If bags appear on your baby immediately after sleep, this may be a symptom of kidney disease. The child also complains of pain when urinating, and swelling from the area around the eyes spreads further to the entire face and down the body.

Bags under the eyes are a common “addition” to a viral disease
  • In case of allergies, acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections, swelling under the eyes is accompanied by a runny nose, cough, high temperature, etc. After the underlying disease is cured, the swelling of the eyes goes away within a few months, and in the case of allergies, after a course of antihistamines.
  • With intracranial pressure, swelling around the eyes is accompanied by the child’s restlessness and frequent crying; in children under one year of age, active pulsation and swelling of the fontanel are observed.

Treatment methods

Treatment is selected individually after consultation with a pediatrician and the necessary examinations. First you need to establish the cause of the swelling around the eyes. If the problem is caused by a certain disease, then the doctor will select an algorithm for its treatment, and after getting rid of the disease, the swelling will disappear.

If the cause of bags and circles under the eyes was not a disease, but a violation of the regime and other factors, then the treatment here is cosmetic and symptomatic. This treatment can be carried out both with medications and at home with folk remedies for dark circles and bags under the eyes.


Drug treatment is selected by the doctor depending on the cause of swelling. These can be either cosmetics aimed at getting rid of the external manifestations of swelling, or special medications for the treatment of specific diseases.

Listed below are the most common causes of bags under the eyes and the medications used to eliminate these causes:

  • Blepharogel is a cosmetic product for swelling around the eyes, which is approved for adolescents over 14 years of age.
  • or tetracycline ointment - for blepharitis or barley.
  • Depending on the type, conjunctivitis is treated with different means. Bacterial - antibiotics, Furacilin, Oletethrin ointment. Allergic - antihistamines and hormonal drugs. Chlamydial - tetracycline agents.
  • Bags under the eyes, which form due to cystitis or diseases of the genitourinary system, are treated with the following drugs: Palin, Nitroxoline, Monural (see also:).

If other factors are the cause of bags and swelling, then a thorough examination will be required, consisting of a set of procedures for an accurate diagnosis. The problem of bags under the eyes should not be taken lightly. Depending on the diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe appropriate drug treatment.


Among the folk recipes there are many that are aimed at combating swelling and dark circles around the eyes. Before using any folk remedies, you should consult your doctor.

An effective hypoallergenic remedy for swelling and bags under the eyes, which can be safely used on children, is chamomile decoction.

Below are the most popular recipes:

  • Eye lotions. To do this, cotton swabs are moistened in a chilled chamomile decoction (other medicinal herbs can be used), weak black or green tea and applied to covered eyelids for 5-7 minutes.
  • Mask made from the pulp of finely chopped cucumbers. Well refreshes, brightens and stimulates blood circulation in the area around the eyes.
  • Rose hip decoction. Relieves swelling around the eyes due to its diuretic effect, and the vitamin C contained in the plant strengthens the child’s immunity.
  • Warm compresses. Gauze should be moistened in warm water and applied to the child’s eyelids for a few minutes.
  • Potato lotions. Grate raw potatoes, wrap in gauze and apply to eyelids for 20 minutes. Then lubricate the skin with baby cream.
  • Lotions with sour cream and cottage cheese work well to relieve inflammation and swelling. To do this, mix 2 parts of cottage cheese and 1 part of sour cream, wrap in gauze and apply to the eyelids for 15 minutes. Suitable for the delicate skin of a newborn.


Regardless of the time of year, the child should spend at least 2 hours outdoors every day.

To prevent eye swelling, the following measures must be observed:

  1. Walk more with your baby in the fresh air. This will ensure not only good immunity, but also improve your complexion and get rid of the problem of puffy eyes.
  2. You should not give your child water at night. This is fraught with the appearance of swelling in the morning.
  3. Limit your time watching TV or tablet. Children's eyes are still too weak and not adapted to such a load.
  4. Set a daily routine that is optimal for the child’s age. Provide him with conditions for a full night and daytime sleep.
  5. Reduce the amount of salty foods. Salt, stagnating in the body, causes edema. There is also no need to introduce complementary foods with salt into the diet of infants.
  6. Protect the baby from stress, neuroses, and do not let him cry for a long time and hysterically.
  7. Give your child more fruits and vegetables.

Swelling and swelling around the eyes in children can be either a completely harmless phenomenon or evidence of serious illness. To get rid of suspicions and fears, you need to consult a doctor in time for an explanation of the causes of the disease. Timely measures taken to treat and eliminate the problem will help the baby stay healthy and not encounter this problem again.

Adults often express dissatisfaction due to cosmetic problems such as blue discoloration and puffiness under the eyes. This is explained by their constant lack of sleep, workload, excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages and other reasons. But the question of how bags under a child’s eyes arise truly surprises us: does this indicate an illness?

Causes of puffiness under the eyes. Why does my child have red bags under his eyes?

The human visual organs are extremely unprotected: they are easily influenced by many factors. Therefore, to protect the eyes, Nature has provided special “cushioning”. The shell of adipose tissue, periorbital tissue, protects human eyes. Fiber has the ability to grow, actively accumulating and retaining fluid. This is what causes swelling.

Representatives of both sexes equally suffer from puffiness under the eyes, but men do not have the habit of focusing on this.

Bags under a child's eyes usually do not cause pain or any other discomfort. Unpleasant symptoms can only occur with inflammation of the conjunctiva. Usually, the discomfort from blue under children's eyes comes down only to aesthetic problems.

But still, bags under a child’s eyes often signal certain health problems - it is necessary to establish and eliminate the cause.

Why does my child have red bags under his eyes? Possible reasons why a child has bags under his eyes:

  • an infection has entered the body that causes intoxication;
  • redness may indicate the presence of worms. As a preventive measure, strengthen control over children's hygiene: teach your child to wash their hands thoroughly;
  • In an infant, bags under the eyes often appear due to the growth of teeth. During these periods, the baby experiences severe discomfort, which is also reflected on the skin;
  • if, in addition to redness, there is also swelling and intermittent breathing, these are symptoms of enlarged tonsils;
  • red bags under the eyes of a child are often caused by tonsillitis. At risk are children who are often exposed to respiratory diseases;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia is another reason. Schoolchildren are usually susceptible to it. If persistent headaches are added to the redness, consult a neurologist.

Why does my child have bags under his eyes? Red bags under the eyes of a child

The causes of bags under the eyes of a child are not always related to diseases, although, as a rule, they signal some kind of disease.

It is often impossible to independently determine the reasons that caused the bags. They are quite different:

  • disturbed water-salt balance. Excessive consumption of fluid (or salt, which has the property of retaining fluid in the body) often provokes puffiness under the eyes. Typically, bags under a child's eyes form in the morning and disappear throughout the day;
  • Disturbed sleep patterns also leave an imprint on a child's face. This is unacceptable because rest is very important for children. But too much sleep can also cause such unpleasant symptoms. Therefore, children really need an optimal regime and walks;
  • increased strain on the eyes. If a student devotes too much time to homework, playing games on the computer, etc., the load on the visual organs increases. This can cause red bags to appear under a child’s eyes. From now on, your task is to: make sure that he spends most of his free time away from the computer and books, indulging in active pursuits;
  • inflamed paranasal sinuses are also capable of retaining fluid in the tissues;
  • inflammation of the mucous membranes as evidence of conjunctivitis, which can be viral, allergic or bacterial. Conjunctivitis is often accompanied by discomfort;
  • allergic reactions manifested by swollen eyes, especially if atypical dermatitis, asthma, etc. have been diagnosed. Analyze what could cause the appearance of bags under the eyes of a child. Perhaps the swelling occurred after visiting a preschool or swimming pool? Food allergies are also possible, especially in the presence of redness, rashes on the body, as well as tissue swelling;
  • if swelling appears suddenly, coughing and rapid breathing are observed, the baby should be shown to a doctor as soon as possible: Quincke's edema is very dangerous! The allergy could also be triggered by an insect bite, but usually angioedema is formed as a result of a reaction to medications;
  • impaired kidney function. If the fluid is not removed from the body in time, it should be assumed: the kidneys do not completely remove the fluid;
  • Heart failure is one of the symptoms of impaired heart function. First, swelling is noted on the legs, then it rises and can even affect the organs of vision. As soon as you notice blue bags under your child's eyes, first assume this is the cause. Shortness of breath, oxygen deficiency, excessive fatigue are also evidence of heart failure;
  • impaired metabolism. An imbalance in the level of hormones (including thyroid hormones), along with fatigue, distracted attention, excess weight, dry skin, often provokes swelling, bruising and bags under the eyes of a child.

Swelling under the eyes accompanies many diseases when the functioning of one of the organs is impaired.

Don't immediately assume the worst - take a closer look at personal children's photos! Perhaps blueness and swelling under the eyes is your family trait.

Causes of bags under the eyes in a child before or after illness

Often, children's eyes swell due to colds, kidney diseases, or after illness. This is due to several reasons.

  1. Most ARVIs affect the nasal sinuses, which are connected to the vessels located under the eyes.
  2. Many diseases affect the kidneys - as a result of their impaired function, swelling and red bags under the eyes of a child can occur.
  3. The drugs used in treatment also have a dangerous effect on the genitourinary system.

This is why there can be a pattern between existing disease and swelling.

Bags under the eyes in a one-year-old child and in a child under one year old

Bags under the eyes in a child under one year old are usually associated with additional reasons. Thus, many children suffer from increased intracranial pressure. If a neurologist made this diagnosis for the baby, then, most likely, the bags under the eyes of a one-year-old child are associated with ICP. Usually, suspicion of ICP causes great concern among parents, since the baby experiences frequent crying for no reason, pulsation or swelling of the fontanel.

Parents should control: the child's head should not fall low during sleep, as this position provokes swelling.

Teething is another reason that causes bags under the eyes of a one-year-old baby. Try to recall in your memory: did the baby previously have bags under his eyes when a new tooth appeared? It happens that puffiness forms only under the eye above the erupting tooth, and with the rapid growth of teeth, the bags under the eyes of a child under one year old can either weaken or intensify. Children's doctors authoritatively claim that such a reaction is natural.

Only a pediatrician can accurately answer why a small child has bags under his eyes.

First you need to find out why your child has bags under his eyes. Komarovsky names the following reasons for bags under a child’s eyes:

  • very thin skin;
  • blood vessels are close to the skin, which is why the blood network is branched. In this case, the blueness under the eyes is an indicator of blood circulation under the skin. Blue discoloration is formed due to an increase in hemoglobin;
  • oxygen starvation. One of the reasons why a child has bags under the eyes may be a lack of fresh air or poor nutrition;
  • The reason why a child has bags under his eyes in the morning may be poor nutrition. For optimal development of the child’s body, vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates, animal fats, etc. should be included in the diet. However, if you consume excess carbohydrate-containing foods, do not be surprised why your child has red bags under his eyes. Dr. Komarovsky recommends sticking to a balanced diet, consuming juices, fresh fruits and vegetables. Please note: certain foods may cause allergies;
  • In a child, bags under the eyes after sleep can cause excess stress on the body. If there is excessive strain on the eyes, when you spend a lot of time in front of a computer monitor or watch television programs for a long time, blueness may appear under the eyes. Dr. Komarovsky in such cases speaks of stagnation and impaired blood microcirculation. This is why you should not overstrain your eyes;
    incorrect daily routine. It is necessary to ensure that the children's daily routine is optimal;
  • various infections. In many cases, Komarovsky calls the cause of a child’s bags under the eyes due to helminthic infestation. In general, worms have an extremely negative impact on children's health, causing rapid fatigue;
  • the effect of toxins on the children's body. By making your baby a passive smoker, you risk worsening his blood activity. In this case, bruises under the eyes occur under the influence of toxic substances filled with air;
  • various diseases: cardiovascular system, osteochondrosis, liver diseases can also be the cause.

— The child has bags under his eyes after sleeping. I also experience this, especially if I drink a lot of liquid before going to bed. But my son usually drinks little and still drinks breast milk. Is there any reason for concern?

— It’s better to take the necessary tests to find out: urine test, ultrasound of the kidneys, etc. If the tests are in order, then you don’t have to worry about attributing the blue or red bags under your child’s eyes to heredity. Dr. Komarovsky states: breast milk does not cause swelling, but the causes may be intoxication of the body or signs of disease. The reasons why a child has bags under his eyes vary.

Prevention and treatment

Before you try to eliminate blue spots and bags under your child’s eyes on your own, you need to find out the reasons for their appearance. Further treatment will depend on them:

  • First of all, eliminate all allergens. This may require antihistamine therapy;
  • adjust your diet: eliminate salty foods from your diet and limit fluid intake;
  • review your daily routine: add active rest, create a suitable microclimate in the children's room;
  • If the therapist suspects a malfunction of any organs, visit a medical specialist and undergo additional examinations.

Parents should consult a pediatrician if, in addition to bags under the eyes, the following symptoms are observed:

  • more frequent or rare urination is observed, accompanied by discomfort. At the same time, the color of urine changes;
  • the formation of swelling on the face, which is accompanied by lacrimation and a feeling of suffocation;
  • pain in the lower back;
  • increased body temperature;
  • feeling of lack of oxygen, blue under the eyes;
  • increased heart rate.

If, apart from the bags under your child’s eyes, nothing else bothers you, your baby has a good appetite, normal health and a restful sleep, you should not worry too much. Although you can play it safe and get examined: take a urine and blood test, go for an ultrasound of your kidneys. Thanks to such measures, you will find out whether there is a pathology or whether you can sleep peacefully.

In any case, you first need to establish why the child has bags under his eyes. Watch and take care of your children to prevent such annoying manifestations.