Pavel Krasheninnikov: biography, personal life, family, activities, photos. Biography Pavel Krasheninnikov: Notary services will become more accessible to residents of remote areas

Pavel Vladimirovich Krasheninnikov is a very famous Russian statesman. Received his doctorate. He is also a professor and State Duma deputy. Honored Lawyer of Russia. Caring husband and father of two children.

About life

Krasheninnikov Pavel was born on June 21, 1964 in Magnitogorsk (Sverdlovsk region). He grew up in a family of employees. There he received his secondary education, then entered a construction college. Later he graduated from the Sverdlovsk Institute as a lawyer. Due to a lack of finances, the future chairman of the committee worked as a teacher for a long time - he taught civil law.

Brief chronology:

  • From 1989 to 1993, Pavel Vladimirovich Krasheninnikov was a teacher in law.
  • From 1990 to 1992 - expert in the Supreme Council.
  • From 1992 to 1993 - joined the Innovation Committee at the place of residence.
  • From 1993 to 1994 he was the chief executive officer of the Ministry of Justice.
  • From 1994 to 1996 - head of the Civil Legislation Department.
  • Since 1996 - Deputy Chairman of the State Committee of the Russian Federation. Responsible for antimonopoly policy.
  • Since 1997 - First Deputy Minister of Justice of Russia.
  • Since March 1998, Pavel was approved as Minister.
  • Since November of the same year, he has been the Deputy Head of the Government of the Russian Federation, who is responsible for the Federal Assembly and court hearings.
  • At the end of 1998, he was included in the Security Council of the Russian Federation.
  • In 1999, Pavel Krasheninnikov was removed from the post of Minister of Justice.
  • Afterwards he became the head of the Russian School of Private Law.
  • In December 1999, Krasheninnikov was elected as a deputy to the Russian State Duma.

Education and military service

Pavel Krasheninnikov graduated from Sverdlovsk secondary school, received an education, then entered a construction college (formerly called a technical school). Graduation date: 1983. Then he went into military service (aviation unit of the city of Voronezh). Upon graduation, he entered the institute at his place of residence - in Sverdlovsk - to the Faculty of Law. I chose the specialty “Jurisprudence”. Graduated from the institute in 1989. After 3 years he graduated from graduate school.


My father trained as a builder-installer. He worked with them all his life. This is their family tradition.

Pavel Krasheninnikov's wife is Ekaterina. Works as an economist. I have known Pavel since childhood. We studied at the same school as children. Then, a few years later, the teenagers entered the same institute together. We lived next door. Their parents also communicated.

Katya's friends speak well of her: a good person, gentle and respectable. He loves his children very much. Responsible for work.

While students, Ekaterina and Pavel got married. Since then, the deputy’s family has come first. Especially when son Mikhail was born, and then 2 years later daughter Masha was born.

Postgraduate studies

Legal activity began with the organization of a small firm that provided assistance to the population: divorce, drawing up statements of claim, appearing in courts. There was not enough money, so Pavel Krasheninnikov had to additionally get a second job - as a watchman at a supermarket.

After graduation, thanks to the support of his wife, the man became a graduate student.

In 1996, Krasheninnikov was given a doctorate in legal sciences. He defended his dissertation with the topic “Legal problems of home ownership in modern times.” That same year, in winter, Pavel changed jobs, becoming deputy chairman of the State Committee of the Russian Federation.

The path from deputy to minister

In 1997, Pavel Vladimirovich became the first deputy minister of justice. The Cabinet of Ministers resigned in March 1998, so Krasheninnikov was given the post of minister.

In 1999 he joined the Security Council. Pavel Krasheninnikov was also appointed coordinator of the Commission for Combating Political Extremism. In August of the same year, the future deputy decided to resign. Having left the Ministry, he found a job at the Russian School of Law as rector.

In 1999 he became a member of the political council of the Union of Right Forces. In the winter of the same year, Pavel Krasheninnikov was a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation. In the new year 2000, a candidacy was nominated for the post of Chairman of the State Duma. At Pavel's personal request, they removed him.

Since February 2000, Pavel Krasheninnikov has been Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Legislation.

In December 2003, the State Duma elected him as a deputy, but for the fourth convocation. By the way, the party he joined at the end of 1999 did not enter the State Duma. Later, Pavel Vladimirovich joined United Russia and since 2005 became a member of this party.

From 2007 to 2011, elections of a State Duma deputy for the fifth and sixth convocations took place. All this came from the United Russia party. It was Krasheninnikov who became the chairman of the State Duma Committee on Legislation - civil and criminal. Until 2016, he was a member of the United Russia party. For some time, Pavel Vladimirovich was a teacher at Moscow University.


In 2014, Pavel Krasheninnikov’s income amounted to 4.5 million rubles. Meanwhile, the wife received only 1 million rubles while working as an economist. The family purchased a plot of land for construction measuring 3 thousand square meters. The house occupied an area of ​​480 square meters. We also bought an apartment in the center of Moscow with an area of ​​140 square meters and a second apartment - 185 square meters.

By 2016, we purchased another house with an area of ​​330 square meters. But no one lives there yet. Together with his wife, they divided the property: the first house purchased in 2014, an apartment in the center of Moscow and a non-residential building. Krasheninnikov bought a car for the whole family - a Lexus, which he also shared with his wife.


Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Legislation Pavel Krasheninnikov resigned from his position. And in September 2016 elections took place. He was elected deputy of the State Duma of the 7th convocation from the United Russia party.

Pavel Vladimirovich also became the author of more than 70 works on public and private law. Wrote manuals for lawyers. The editors included his works and articles in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, as well as in the Housing, Family and Arbitration Codes. On September 18, 2016, Pavel was appointed as a State Duma deputy, and his powers came into force.

Predecessor and successor

Krasheninnikov's predecessor is Sergei Vladimirovich Stepashin, a political figure. This is a doctor of legal sciences, a professor and even a colonel general. Since 2017, he has been appointed as a member of the board of the Institute of Internal Auditors in Moscow.

Yuri Yakovlevich Chaika, a lawyer and politician, was appointed as Pavel Vladimirovich’s successor. He has been the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation since 2006.

Academic degree and title

Krasheninnikov defended his doctoral dissertation and received the highest academic degree of Doctor of Law. Until this moment, Pavel had only a Ph.D. degree. After submitting documents to the Higher Attestation Commission, he became a professor.


Pavel Vladimirovich received the Order of Friendship, 4th degree, and “For Services to the Fatherland,” 3rd degree. The President personally presented the certificate of honor thanks to his hard work and merits in the development of parliamentarism, as well as the legislative activities of the Russian Federation.

Krasheninnikov is also a holder of the Golden Badge of Honor. Its title is “Public Recognition.” Received the Koni medal. This is the highest award of the Ministry of Justice. Became the first laureate of the Speransky Law Prize in 2012. He is an honorary citizen of Magnitogorsk.

The family is very proud of Pavel. My wife supports any decision, helps with the choice, and tells me what to do right. Thanks to the support of Krasheninnikov, he has received so many awards. “If it weren’t for my family, I wouldn’t have been able to cope,” says Pavel in an interview. He claims that his wife inspires him to do the right thing and always supports him.

Interview about the new law

In January 2018, a law on telephone terrorism was adopted. The punishment has been increased. Pavel Vladimirovich gave an interview in which he shared his personal opinion on this matter.

The country has long been struggling with terrorist activities. Why did they decide to pass a law to tighten measures now?

Confident that terrorists must be punished, Pavel states: “Over the past year, telephone threats have tripled. We need to act. We had to develop a project that allows us to give an adequate assessment of terrorist actions. For everyone there is an individual punishment.” In the fall, the law was signed by the President himself.

The difference between this law and previous ones is that the penalties have changed and become more severe, in critical cases - up to lifelong. Financing terrorism is also a criminal offense. False calls reporting a future terrorist attack are punishable by 5 years in prison.

Pavel Krasheninnikov says in an interview that if a person does not carry a bomb in his backpack, but praises the actions of terrorists, then he faces prison. Praising such actions is prohibited by law. Calling for terrorism publicly or on the Internet is punishable. False reports of a future terrorist attack are nothing less than terrorism. The law came into force in the fall of 2018.

The biography of Pavel Krasheninnikov is very extensive. A man walked towards his happiness from scratch. Not everyone can smile happily and declare that they don’t need anything else from life, they already have everything. Pavel is proud of his work, his loving family, his children and his parents, especially his father. He says he learned a lot from him.

“It was difficult to start, but the main thing is not to give up what you love if something doesn’t work out. Otherwise you won’t reach heights,” says Pavel, hugging his wife on camera. He also stated that he was just recently born, went to school, then graduated from a construction college, was friends with his future wife, and lived next door. And now there is graduation at the university, then a wedding, children, defense of a dissertation. Difficulties haunted Pavel throughout his life. But he achieved what he dreamed of. Having a prestigious job, well-deserved awards and a loving family, Pavel is truly happy.

And finally, Pavel Krashennikov’s life motto: “Don’t take anything to heart. Not many things in the world remain important for long.” These are the words of Erich Maria Remarque.

Pavel Krasheninnikov was the Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation in the late nineties, and in all subsequent years until now he has been a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, and his work biography began far from the capital.

He was born and raised in Magnitogorsk, where he graduated from high school, a construction college, then the Sverdlovsk Law Institute, after which Pavel Vladimirovich worked for some time as a teacher of civil law.

Pavel Krasheninnikov’s wife is his fellow countryman, and they have known each other since childhood, because their parents were friends, who once studied at the same institute.

Pavel Vladimirovich’s father was a builder and installer, and in order not to break family tradition, Pavel went to a construction college after school. Then there was service in the ranks of the Air Force, and after demobilization Krasheninnikov entered the workers' faculty of the Sverdlovsk Law Institute.

Pavel Krasheninnikov's wife Ekaterina is an economist by training; according to all her friends and acquaintances, she is a kind and very gentle person. They studied with their future husband at neighboring schools, and a romantic relationship between them began precisely then, and during their student years, Pavel and Ekaterina got married.

In the photo - Pavel Krasheninnikov

When the family became an integral part of his personal life, Pavel, as a responsible person, took all the responsibilities for providing for it into his own hands and began earning money by heading the Center for Scientific and Technical Creativity of Youth. His legal activity began when, together with friends, they organized a small firm to provide legal assistance to the population - they conducted divorce proceedings, helped to draw up statements of claim, and acted in courts. Since he didn’t receive much money for this, he also got a job as a watchman in a grocery store.

After graduating from the institute, Pavel Krasheninnikov entered graduate school - he doubted whether to do this or not, since in those days it was not relevant, but Pavel Krasheninnikov’s wife supported her husband, and he, having successfully passed the exams, became a graduate student.

During that period, important changes occurred not only in his career, but also in his personal life - children appeared in his family with Ekaterina. First, son Misha was born, and two years later daughter Masha.

After defending his dissertation, Krasheninnikov was invited to Gosstroy, and he, having sold a huge three-room apartment in the center of Yekaterinburg, moved with his family to Moscow, where he, Ekaterina and two children settled in a small two-room apartment near the Kakhovskaya metro station.

In the capital, they had to get used to a new life - not only did he and his wife not know the city at all, they had to send their kids to kindergarten, meet new people, and adapt to a new rhythm. In Moscow, Pavel Vladimirovich was appointed deputy head of the housing policy department, and a year later he was already invited to head one of the departments of the Ministry of Justice. Then he left this department, and returned again - already to the position of first deputy minister, and then minister.

Veronika Krasheninnikova is a famous Russian political scientist and public figure. She gained the greatest popularity as one of the main initiators of the law on “foreign agents”.

Biography of a political scientist

Veronika Krasheninnikova was born in the Vologda region in 1971 in the city of Cherepovets. Graduated from the Leningrad Shipbuilding Institute. She also received her education in France, at the Sorbonne University. Fluent in several languages.

In 1996, she worked at the United Nations headquarters in Geneva. Afterwards, for three years she advised European companies in concluding international projects.

In 2001, she became a member of the trade and economic council between the United States of America and the Union of Independent States. The leadership of the council was located in New York.

In the 2000s, Veronika Krasheninnikova finally moved to New York and began working at the STES publishing company as executive director. She actively built and developed her career in America.

In 2006, she headed the New York branch of the company. At the same time, she became the official representative of St. Petersburg in America on behalf of the then governor of the Northern capital Valentina Matvienko. At the end of the year, she initiated the opening of the information and business center of St. Petersburg in the USA.

Return to Russia

In 2007, Veronika Krasheninnikova received her PhD degree in Moscow. She defended her dissertation at the capital's pedagogical state university. The topic of her research was Russian-American relations, the problem of political culture in the modern world.

Then she worked as a representative of the Russkiy Mir Foundation in the USA and Canada for another two years. This is a public organization that was involved in popularizing the Russian language and culture abroad, supporting the study of the Russian language in foreign schools and universities.

Head of the Institute

In 2011, she returned to Russia as head of the Institute for Foreign Policy Research and Initiatives.

For the first time, Veronika Krasheninnikova, whose biography was closely connected with her work in the United States, spoke about the law on “foreign agents” in 2012. She published an article in the Regnum news agency calling for the adoption of such a law in Russia.

A little later, her institute took part in the development of the bill “On the registration of foreign agents.” At the same time, Veronika Krasheninnikova, whose nationality is Russian, stated that the institute is engaged in research and conducts educational activities. At the same time, she refused to name like-minded people who provide funding to the organization she heads.

Law on "foreign agents"

According to the adopted law, foreign agents are organizations that engage in any activity on behalf of a foreign state. Certain restrictions are imposed on their work.

The law on non-profit organizations was adopted in 2012. Veronika Krasheninnikova, whose photo appeared on the pages of many business and socio-political publications, was one of his most active lobbyists. As a result, many domestic non-profit organizations received the status of foreign agents.

Those who were involved in political activities or received funds or other valuable property from abroad fell under the law. This definition also began to apply to foreign employees of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, religious organizations, state companies and corporations.

All listed organizations are required to register with the Ministry of Justice as foreign agents and indicate this status in all publications in the media, including on the Internet.

It is worth noting that similar legislative practice is used in many countries. Moreover, in Russian and English the term “foreign agent” has a double meaning; spies are also called. To avoid this, in many states such organizations are called a more neutral term - “foreign representatives”.

Work in the Public Chamber

In 2013, Krasheninnikova became a member of the federal Public Chamber. She became a member of this body after the release of a special decree by the head of state, Vladimir Putin.

At the same time, she became an adviser to the general director at the Rossiya Segodnya news agency, and also advised the editor-in-chief of the Russia Today TV channel. Author of a number of articles in various publications, for example, in Komsomolskaya Pravda, devoted to the problems of the country's foreign and domestic policy.

In 2014, she joined the committee for public support of citizens of south-eastern Ukraine, formed under the Russian Federation Council. And in 2016, she joined the leadership of the country’s largest political party, United Russia. On the eve of the elections to the State Duma, she took an active part in the formation of the party’s election program.

Since the spring of 2016, Krasheninnikova has been a permanent presenter of her own program on the Zvezda TV channel. Her information and analytical project is called “Forecasts”, in which she tries to cover the main events related to the domestic and foreign policies of the state. Krasheninnikova's program airs on Mondays in prime time. At the moment, she is one of the most recognizable faces of the TV channel, owned by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Works by Krasheninnikova

Veronika Krasheninnikova is the author of a number of films and books. In 2006, she published the journalistic work “America - Russia: Cold War of Cultures” in the publishing house “Europe”. In 2012, another collection of her articles, “NATO. Myths and Reality,” was published.

In 2011, Krasheninnikova became part of the group of screenwriters for the 8-episode television film of the Russia 1 channel, “USSR: The Death of a Dream and a Superpower.” At the same time, together with Arkady Mamontov, she took part in the creation of the documentary film “The Heroin Path”. Krasheninnikova was responsible for the American part of the project.

In 2015, together with Mikhail Leontyev, she released the documentary film “Orange Children of the Third Reich.”

Personal life

Who is Veronica Krasheninnikova's husband? Many journalists ask this question. Some of them suspect that she has family ties with State Duma deputy Pavel Krasheninnikov, but she herself denies this.

Her personal life is carefully guarded. Veronika Krasheninnikova is doing everything possible for this. The husband, children, and all other relatives are hiding from the public.

Pavel Vladimirovich Krasheninnikov(b. June 21, 1964, Polevskoy, Sverdlovsk region, RSFSR, USSR) - deputy of the State Duma of the VI convocation from United Russia, chairman of the State Duma Committee on Civil, Criminal, Arbitration and Procedural Legislation. Member of the General Council of the United Russia party.

He was a deputy of the State Duma of the III (from the Union of Right Forces), IV and V (from United Russia) convocations. In 1998-1999, he served as Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation and was a member of the Security Council.

State Counselor of Justice of the Russian Federation, Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Law, Chairman of the Russian Lawyers Association.

Born on June 21, 1964 in the city of Polevskaya, Sverdlovsk region. He graduated from the Magnitogorsk Construction College, after which he entered the Sverdlovsk Law Institute. After graduating from the institute, he worked there as a civil law teacher in 1989-1993.

In 1990-1993 he worked in the Supreme Council of the RSFSR as an expert on legal issues, then as deputy head of the main department for housing policy of Gosstroy.

In 1993, P. V. Krasheninnikov was appointed to the position of head of the department of civil and economic legislation of the Russian Ministry of Justice. In 1996-1997 he worked as Secretary of State and Deputy Chairman of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Antimonopoly Policy and Support of New Economic Structures.

After the appointment of Sergei Stepashin as Minister of Justice, he returned to the Ministry of Justice in July 1997, taking the position of First Deputy Minister. In March 1998, Krasheninnikov was appointed acting Minister of Justice, and on April 30, 1998, he was appointed Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation. In 1998-1999, as Minister of Justice, he was a member of the Russian Security Council.

After leaving the ministry, he was appointed rector of the Russian School of Private Law. In December 1999, he was elected to the State Duma of the third convocation on the federal list of the Union of Right Forces (SPS) electoral bloc. In the Duma, Krasheninnikov headed the committee on legislation.

In December 2003, Krasheninnikov was elected to the State Duma of the fourth convocation from the Magnitogorsk single-mandate district in the Chelyabinsk region. Krasheninnikov was nominated from the Union of Right Forces, but in the State Duma he became part of the faction of the United Russia party. Headed the Duma Committee on Civil, Criminal, Arbitration and Procedural Legislation. In 2005, he left the Union of Right Forces and joined United Russia. Krasheninnikov explained his transition from the Union of Right Forces to United Russia by the fact that he did not want to leave politics, and he had no other choice: “To the communists, LDPR or to Rodina? Have mercy..."

In December 2007 and December 2011, P. V. Krasheninnikov was re-elected to the State Duma of the IV and V convocations from United Russia and both times became the head of the committee on civil, criminal, arbitration and procedural legislation.

Since January 2007, Krasheninnikov has been a member of the public council of the magazine “West-Eastern Alliance” (Magnitogorsk). He is also the vice-president of the Metallurg hockey club (Magnitogorsk), although he “hasn’t played hockey since childhood.” Since 2009, he has been Chairman of the Russian Lawyers Association. Together with Sergei Stepashin, Mikhail Prusak and Alexander Urmanov, Krasheninnikov is the founder of the NGO “Foundation of Legislative Assumptions”, which carries out examinations of acts of the subjects of the Federation.

In the summer of 2012, Krasheninnikov was one of the authors of a bill that returned to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation the article on libel, excluded from the Criminal Code in December 2011.


Married, has a son and daughter.

Information about income and property

According to official data, Krasheninnikov’s income for 2011 was 3.9 million rubles, his wife’s income was 1.9 million rubles. Krasheninnikov and his wife own a plot of land with an area of ​​3.3 thousand square meters, three apartments and a residential building.


  • Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (2007) - for active participation in the development and preparation of the draft Civil Code of the Russian Federation
  • Order of Friendship (2003)
  • Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation (2007)
  • Certificate of Honor from the President of the Russian Federation (2008) - for services to lawmaking and development of parliamentarism in the Russian Federation
  • Medal of Anatoly Koni
  • Medal "For Distinction in Service" 1st class (awarding agency unknown)
  • Personalized weapon
  • Honorary Citizen of Magnitogorsk (1999)
  • Golden Badge of Honor “Public Recognition” (2003).

Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the fifth convocation, member of the United Russia faction, chairman of the Committee on Civil, Criminal, Arbitration and Procedural Legislation. Previously, he was a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the third (1999-2003) and fourth (2003-2007) convocations. In the past - Minister of Justice and member of the Security Council of the Russian Federation (1998-1999). State Counselor of Justice of the Russian Federation, Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Law.

Krasheninnikov graduated from the Magnitogorsk Construction College and the Sverdlovsk Law Institute, after which he worked there as a civil law teacher in 1989-1993.

In 1990-1993, Krasheninnikov was an expert of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR on legal issues and deputy head of the main department for housing policy of Gosstroy.

In 1993, Krasheninnikov took the post of head of the department of civil and economic legislation of the Russian Ministry of Justice.

In 1996-1997, Krasheninnikov was Secretary of State and Deputy Chairman of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Antimonopoly Policy and Support of New Economic Structures.

In July 1997, after the appointment of Sergei Stepashin as Minister of Justice, Krasheninnikov again went to work at the Ministry of Justice, where until 1998 he served as First Deputy Minister.

In March 1998, after Stepashin left the ministry, Krasheninnikov was appointed acting Minister of Justice and soon Russian President Boris Yeltsin signed a decree on his appointment as head of the department. Subsequently, when the government changed and new lists of cabinet members were approved (in September 1998 and May 1999), Krasheninnikov managed to retain the position of head of the Ministry of Justice. In 1998-1999, Krasheninnikov, as Minister of Justice, was a member of the Russian Security Council.

The media wrote a lot about the fact that in June 1999 Krasheninnikov received a public reprimand from President Yeltsin for “failing to find legitimate reasons for banning the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.” In August of the same year, when the new Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin proposed the structure of his government to Yeltsin, it became known that Krasheninnikov was not included in it. “Krasheninnikov, in the opinion of even the Duma deputies who sympathize with him, does not fit into the strong-arm management style that is expected from Putin,” Kommersant wrote then. On December 19, 1999, Krasheninnikov, as the rector of the Russian School of Private Law, was elected to the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the third convocation on the federal list of the Union of Right Forces (SPS) electoral bloc. In parliament, Krasheninnikov headed the committee on legislation.

On December 7, 2003, Krasheninnikov was elected to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the fourth convocation from the Magnitogorsk single-mandate district in the Chelyabinsk region. He was nominated from the SPS party, but in the State Duma he joined the United Russia faction in order to head the parliamentary committee on civil, criminal, arbitration and procedural legislation.

In December 2007, Krasheninnikov was once again elected to the State Duma and again became the head of the committee on civil, criminal, arbitration and procedural legislation.

In response to a question from a Novye Izvestia correspondent about his desire to return to the government, asked back in 2006, deputy Krasheninnikov remarked: “I feel good here too. I look at how the government works now. And I wouldn’t want to be in it.”

Krasheninnikov - Doctor of Law (dissertation topic - "Modern problems of ownership and other property rights to residential premises"), author of more than 70 scientific works. He is the State Counselor of Justice of the Russian Federation, holder of the Golden Honorary Badge "Public Recognition" (2003). In 2007, he was awarded the honorary title “Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation.”

In his free time, Krasheninnikov plays sports: he goes to the pool and plays table tennis. He himself noted that he is the vice-president of the Metallurg hockey club from Magnitogorsk, despite the fact that he “hasn’t played hockey since childhood.”

Krasheninnikov is married and has two children - a son and a daughter.