On what day should you insert the Nuvaring ring? Ring "Novaring": reviews from doctors. Use for liver dysfunction

The NuvaRing vaginal ring is a modern method of contraception that is very reliable and relatively easy to use. The NuvaRing hormonal ring is gaining more and more popularity and is receiving good reviews from gynecologists.

The contraceptive ring is inserted into the vagina and remains there for 3 weeks. Once in the vagina, the NuvaRing releases small doses of hormones that suppress the ovaries, prevent ovulation and make pregnancy impossible.

According to the manufacturer, the effectiveness of the NuvaRing vaginal ring in preventing pregnancy is about 99%, however, according to independent studies, it is within 92%. The NuvaRing contraceptive ring is more reliable than birth control pills and is approximately as effective as.

Composition and release form

The NuvaRing hormonal ring is available in the form of flexible transparent rings in packages of 1 and 3 pieces.

Each NuvaRing ring contains the hormones etonogestrel (11.7 mg) and ethinyl estradiol (2.7 mg).

Advantages of the NuvaRing vaginal ring

What are the advantages of NuvaRing? The contraceptive ring has the following advantages:

  • Unlike birth control pills, which need to be taken every day, the NuvaRing hormonal ring needs to be inserted into the vagina only once a month (to be more precise, once every 4 weeks).
  • With the constant use of NuvaRing, periods become less painful and less abundant.
  • Data from some studies suggest that the use of NuvaRing reduces the risk of ovarian cancer.
  • The NuvaRing ring adapts to the individual characteristics of the female body, so it is not felt in any way by either the woman herself or her sexual partner.
  • Unlike a hormonal contraceptive injection, the NuvaRing ring does not lead to the appearance of symptoms and to.

Disadvantages of the NuvaRing contraceptive ring

The main disadvantages of the NuvaRing ring are its price (higher compared to birth control pills) and the risk of the ring falling out if it is inserted incorrectly. The skill of inserting a ring correctly comes with experience.

In addition, the NuvaRing ring does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases (, etc.), therefore it is recommended only for women who have a permanent partner in whom she is confident.

Important information

Do not forget that the NuvaRing ring is a hormonal method of contraception, which means its use is associated with some risks. Do not start using NuvaRing on your own or based on recommendations from friends. Before using the drug, consult your gynecologist and make sure that you have no contraindications to this method of contraception.

Contraindications to the use of the NuvaRing ring

Avoid using the NuvaRing hormonal contraceptive ring if:

  • You are or may be pregnant.
  • You are breastfeeding.
  • You are over 35 years old and smoke.
  • You have had vein thrombosis or are prone to forming blood clots.
  • You have high blood pressure.
  • You often have headaches.
  • You have diabetes.
  • You have had breast cancer or other malignant diseases.
  • You often have bleeding from the vagina, and the cause is unclear to you.

In some situations, the use of NuvaRing is permissible after consultation with your doctor:

  • For varicose veins.
  • With elevated blood cholesterol levels.
  • With a body weight of more than 90 kg.
  • For epilepsy.
  • For gallbladder diseases (cholecystitis, gallstones).
  • For problems with the thyroid gland.

This is not a complete list. If you are unsure whether NuvaRing is appropriate for your disease or condition, consult your doctor.

Rules for using the NuvaRing ring

The NuvaRing hormonal ring should be inserted into the vagina for 3 weeks and removed on the same day of the week. The new ring must be inserted exactly after 7 days. During the week's break, you may begin to menstruate.

For example, if you inserted a ring on Monday at 8 pm, then you need to remove it exactly 3 weeks later on Monday at 8 pm and insert a new ring the following Monday at approximately 8 pm.

Wash your hands thoroughly before inserting the ring. Take a comfortable position: standing with one foot on the toilet, squatting or lying down. Remove the ring from the package, squeeze it between your index finger and thumb and insert it deep into the vagina. The ring will automatically take the desired position around the cervix. If the ring is inserted correctly, you will not feel it.

To remove the NuvaRing, wash your hands thoroughly, take a comfortable position, and pick up the ring with one or two fingers. The used ring can be thrown into the trash (but not into the toilet).

Is the contraceptive effect maintained during the break?

During a week-long break, the contraceptive effect of the NuvaRing ring remains, and you do not need to use other methods of contraception. This is only true if you insert a new ring after the break ends.

If you did not use hormonal contraceptives in the previous cycle

Insert the NuvaRing birth control ring on the first day of your period. In this case, the contraceptive effect will occur immediately. If for some reason you inserted the ring on days 2-5 of your period, you should use it within the next 7 days.

How to switch to NuvaRing from birth control pills?

If the package of your birth control pills contained 21 tablets, then insert the NuvaRing ring on the 7th day of the week break (that is, on the day when you started taking the next package of pills).

If your OC contained 28 tablets per package, administer the NuvaRing ring the day after taking the last 28 tablets.

How to use NuvaRing after childbirth?

The NuvaRing hormonal ring should be inserted into the vagina no earlier than a month after childbirth. If the ring is inserted in the first 4 weeks after birth, there is a very high risk of it falling out.

If you have already had unprotected sex before inserting the ring, you should first make sure that you are not pregnant, or wait until your first menstruation begins.

If you are not menstruating yet, you can start using the ring any day (after making sure that you are not pregnant). After inserting the ring, use additional contraception (condoms) for another 7 days.

Can NuvaRing be used while breastfeeding?

How to use the NuvaRing ring after an abortion?

If the pregnancy was terminated at less than 12 weeks, the NuvaRing ring can be inserted on the day of the abortion. In this case, the contraceptive effect occurs immediately, and you do not need to use additional contraception. If you did not have time to insert the ring on the day of the abortion, then wait until your next menstruation and insert the ring on the first day of your period. Use condoms before your period starts.

If the pregnancy termination occurred more than 12 weeks, then use the instructions in the section “How to use NuvaRing after childbirth.”

What should I do if I forgot to remove the NuvaRing after 3 weeks?

If you forgot to remove the NuvaRing ring in time, then try to remember how long ago you installed it:

  • If the ring was inserted 4 weeks ago or less, remove the ring as soon as possible and take a 7-day break. Insert a new ring on the 7th day after removing the previous one. You do not need to use additional methods of contraception, since in this case the contraceptive effect of the NuvaRing ring is preserved.
  • If the ring was inserted more than 4 weeks ago, the contraceptive effect may be reduced. In this case, you need to remember whether you had unprotected sex. If you have had unprotected sex, stop using rings until you are sure that you are not pregnant (make or donate). If you have not had unprotected sexual intercourse and you are sure that you are not pregnant, then insert a new ring immediately after removing the previous one and use additional methods of contraception for another 7 days.

What should I do if I forgot to put in a new NuvaRing after a week's break?

Try to remember if you had unprotected sex after the previous ring was removed. If so, do not insert a new ring until pregnancy has been ruled out.

If you have not had unprotected sex since removing the previous ring, then insert a new ring as quickly as possible and use additional methods of contraception (condoms) for another 7 days.

What to do if the NuvaRing falls out?

If the NuvaRing is not installed correctly, it may fall out of the vagina. In this case, the contraceptive effect may be reduced and there is a risk of pregnancy.

If the ring fell out less than 3 hours ago, rinse it with cool water and insert it back into the vagina. In this case, the contraceptive effect is not impaired and the risk of pregnancy does not increase.

If the ring fell out more than 3 hours ago, the contraceptive effect is reduced.

  • If this is the first or second week after inserting the ring, then after rinsing the ring with cool water, insert it back into the vagina and use additional methods of contraception (condoms) for another 7 days.
  • If this is the third week after inserting the ring, then throw it away and insert a new ring immediately. In this case, you may not bleed, or you may experience spotting. This is fine. If for some reason you did not insert a new ring immediately, then wait for the start of bleeding (menstruation) and insert a new ring in the first 7 days after removing the previous one.

How to postpone unwanted menstruation using the NuvaRing ring?

When using the NuvaRing contraceptive ring, you have the opportunity to postpone your next period if for some reason you do not want it (vacation, etc.)

To do this, install a new NuvaRing on the same day as the previous one was removed, without taking a 7-day break. Remove this ring after 3 weeks and then take a 7-day break, returning to your normal ring usage.

In this case, you may experience spotting and spotting. This is fine.

Bloody (brown) discharge when using the NuvaRing ring

While using the contraceptive NuvaRing, spotting and spotting may occur in the middle of the cycle. This is a normal phenomenon that does not require discontinuation of the drug. Contact your doctor if you experience spotting almost every day or every day for an entire month.

The appearance of spotting in the middle of the cycle may also indicate that the ring has fallen out and the contraceptive effect is reduced. In this regard, when spotting appears, you need to make sure that the ring is in place. To do this, wash your hands thoroughly and, taking a comfortable position, insert one finger into the vagina, trying to feel the ring.

Can I use tampons and the NuvaRing at the same time?

Yes, there are no contraindications for this. In this case, of course, you should comply.

In rare cases, the ring may fall out when you remove the tampon, so you should regularly check that the ring is in place when using tampons.

In what cases can the contraceptive effect of the NuvaRing ring be reduced?

Taking certain medications may reduce the contraceptive effect of NuvaRing. For example, when taking antibiotics, a woman is recommended to use additional contraception (condoms) throughout the entire course of treatment and for another 7 days after finishing antibiotic treatment.

Before taking any medicine, check with your doctor to see if it may reduce the contraceptive effect of the NuvaRing.

What to do if your period does not come within a week's break?

In some women, due to constant use of the NuvaRing ring, menstruation may stop altogether.

If your period does not come during a week-long break, then try to remember whether the ring fell out for more than 3 hours last month. If it fell out, then the contraceptive effect of the ring could be reduced, which means you need to do it.

If you used the ring according to the instructions, then the likelihood of pregnancy is quite low. In this case, you can insert a new ring on the 7th day after removing the previous one. If menstruation does not begin in the second cycle, consult a doctor.

What to do if pregnancy occurs while using the NuvaRing ring?

Despite the high effectiveness of the NuvaRing contraceptive ring, in rare cases pregnancy occurs during its use. If you think you may be pregnant, remove the ring from your vagina immediately and contact your doctor.

If the pregnancy is confirmed and you want to keep it, then there are no obstacles to this. The use of the ring does not increase the risk of developmental abnormalities in the fetus, which means you still have a high chance of giving birth to a healthy baby.

How to get pregnant after using the NuvaRing ring?

If you are planning a pregnancy, then after the third week of using the ring, remove it and do not install a new one. Pregnancy can occur in the next cycle after you stop using NuvaRing.


To protect against unplanned pregnancy, it is recommended to use various contraceptives. One such drug is the birth control ring. Instructions for use Nuvaring describes how, when and under what circumstances the device is used. Initially, before use, you should find out the advantages and disadvantages of the contraceptive method, as well as reviews of women who have tried the drug before.

Advantages and disadvantages of the Nuvaring contraceptive ring

The NuvaRing device, due to its flexibility and elasticity, does not cause discomfort. A woman does not need to limit her physical activity. During intimate intimacy, the Nuvaring vaginal ring does not reveal itself, so the partner does not realize that there is a foreign object inside the vagina.

The NuvaRing device is inserted deeply into the vagina. Inside the cavity, the shape of the ring undergoes individual changes, taking on the contours of the female genital organ and occupying a convenient location.

The advantages of the device are:

  1. Low dosage of hormones contained in the contraceptive: only 20 mcg of the active substance is released into the bloodstream during the day, while other oral tablets have up to 30 mcg of the active substance.
  2. The effects of hormones do not extend to the entire body; the substances act only locally.
  3. The patient's weight does not increase during therapy.
  4. Correct use of the NuvaRing ring can reduce the risk of developing uterine and ovarian cancer.
  5. There is no need to control the intake - the ring is placed once every 21 days, and the tablets should be taken systematically.
  6. It has a beneficial effect on a woman’s appearance - it improves the condition of the skin and hair, blocks painful discomfort when menstruation occurs, and reduces their duration.
  7. It has the ability to delay or shorten the onset of menstruation thanks to modes of non-standard use of the device. But such use must be agreed upon with a gynecologist and strictly followed according to the instructions.

The disadvantages of using the device are the following points:

  • a careful regimen of use should be followed;
  • there are many contraindications that cause side effects;
  • if the NuvaRing ring is not properly inserted, it may periodically fall out;
  • in the presence of diseases of the genital organs, when inserting the device, an inflammatory process develops and the volume of discharge increases.

Warning! The NuvaRing ring, like other contraceptives in this group, does not protect against contracting diseases transmitted by partners through intimate intimacy.

Composition of Nuvaring

NuvaRing is a contraceptive that is a ring. According to the instructions, made of transparent, flexible, elastic material, with a completely smooth surface.

The substance from which the ring is made contains two active components: etonogestrel and ethinyl estradiol. To enhance the effect, the following are contained as excipients:

  • magnesium stearate;
  • vinyl acetate copolymer;
  • ethylene.

Mechanism of action

When a hormonal ring is inserted, the process of egg maturation is blocked. The process occurs thanks to estrogen and progesterone, which are binding substances with the natural receptors of the female body.

After installing the Nuvaring ring, the vaginal membrane is heated to degrees of the female body, resulting in the release of hormones contained inside. The substances, when released, act specifically on the ovaries and uterus.

The available dose in the Nuvaring hormonal ring is sufficient to suppress ovulation. Due to this, conception does not occur.

Indications and contraindications for Nuvaring

The ring is specially designed for contraception. Thanks to its simple protection system, the device is popular among women of different ages, including both young ladies and slightly older ladies:

  1. Young girls who are sexually active and have one proven sexual partner, who have not previously given birth.
  2. Those who have recently given birth, as well as after the end of the period of natural feeding of the baby.
  3. Representatives of the fair sex in the premenopausal period, but in the absence of chronic pathologies.

But before use, you should find out what contraindications there are. There are situations when it is prohibited to use the NuvaRing contraceptive ring:

  • varicose veins in the legs, thrombosis;
  • frequent headaches with the presence of symptoms of neurological disorders;
  • acute liver pathologies;
  • vascular lesions during the development of autoimmune diseases;
  • vaginal discharge mixed with blood in the middle of the menstrual cycle;
  • tumors of a malignant and benign nature;
  • hypersensitivity and drug intolerance;
  • the period of gestation and then natural feeding of the baby.

The NuvaRing device is approved for use when identifying excess weight and elevated blood pressure. The following do not become an obstacle:

  • epilepsy;
  • myocardial defects;
  • cervical prolapse;
  • intestinal obstruction.

Comment! For these diseases, the patient should be constantly monitored by a gynecologist.

Side effects of Nuvaring

When using the NuvaRing device correctly, side effects are extremely rare. But when the patient inserts the ring, if there are contraindications for use, the following negative phenomena develop:

  • the occurrence of cystitis or cervicitis;
  • manifestation of vomiting, painful discomfort in the stomach, diarrhea;
  • growth of body fat, as well as increased appetite due to metabolic problems;
  • increase in blood pressure;
  • hypoesthesia;
  • decreased libido levels;
  • significant headaches;
  • skin rashes;
  • manifestation of muscle spasmodic pain in the back;
  • malaise, increased irritability.

Attention! Typically, such signs develop when the Nuvaring ring is administered simultaneously with the use of other hormonal contraceptives, which, according to the instructions for use, is unacceptable.

How to insert Nuvaring


  1. The procedure is carried out with your own hands in a comfortable home environment.
  2. It is necessary to choose a comfortable position: squat down or raise one leg so that it is comfortable for administering the drug.
  3. Remove packaging from the device.
  4. Lightly squeeze the ring in your hands, carefully, slowly, without unnecessary movements, insert it into the vaginal cavity, pushing it further away.

The elastic structure of the ring allows the device to be securely fixed in the folded walls of the vagina.

Instructions for using Nuvaring for the first time

The duration of the ring's stay in the vagina is 21 days. Afterwards, you need to take a break of 1 week. On the 2-3rd day, discharge appears, with blood streaks, turning into bleeding. This process is formed due to the cessation of the action of the contraceptive drug.

If the Nuvaring ring is being installed for the first time, it is inserted on the first day of your period. Installation of the device is allowed over the next 5 days, but in such a situation it is necessary to additionally use condoms during intimate intimacy for the next 7 days.

If the patient decides to switch from other oral contraceptives to the Nova Ring contraceptive ring, then the instructions advise inserting the device into the vagina on the last day after hormonal protection of another type.

Pregnancy and lactation

The Nuvaring device is developed specifically to prevent unwanted pregnancy, therefore the use of the ring is strictly prohibited during pregnancy. If the patient is absolutely sure that she is pregnant, the device is immediately removed.

After discontinuing the use of the device, the desired pregnancy can occur immediately after normal egg maturation is restored and the natural cycle begins.

Important! The use of the Nuvaring contraceptive ring while breastfeeding a baby naturally is strictly prohibited.

If a woman uses the device, the released active components will negatively affect breast milk, reducing the volume of lactation.

Price of the birth control ring Nuvaring

The contraceptive Nuvaring can be purchased at a hospital pharmacy or ordered online. In Moscow, the price of the drug is 1097 rubles. for 3 pieces, and in St. Petersburg – 1135-1351 rubles.


Nuvaring, shown in the photo, has no analogues today that can completely replace the device in composition and effect.

There are other substitutes belonging to the same pharmacological group:

  • "Cliogest";
  • "Janine";
  • "Klimadinon";
  • "Klimonorm";
  • "Silest";
  • "Median";
  • "Novinet."

Warning! It is strictly forbidden to select the drug yourself. Only the attending physician correctly selects the remedy and prescribes the duration of therapy.


Thus, the instructions for use of Nuvaring recommend the use of the device for various categories of women who have no contraindications. The device allows you to block the possibility of conceiving a child, and also improves the appearance of a woman. The main thing is to follow the doctors’ recommendations and act according to the plan.

A drug.

Etonogestrel - This progestogen , binding to progesterone receptors in target organs.

Ethinyl estradiol estrogen . The effect of the drug is ensured by a combination of various mechanisms, the most significant of which is the suppression of ovulation.

The use of the drug is regulated menstrual cycle , reducing pain during menstrual bleeding and its intensity. This reduces the likelihood of developing iron deficiency anemia .

Using the drug reduces the risk ovarian cancer and endometrium, development, inflammation of the female reproductive system and benign pathologies of the mammary glands.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Etonogestrel is absorbed through the vaginal mucosa and its maximum concentration is reached after approximately 7 days. Bioavailability is about 100%, which is higher than with oral etonogestrel. The substance is metabolized in the liver and excreted in urine and bile. The half-life of metabolites is 6 days.

Ethinyl estradiol also penetrates the vaginal mucosa into the blood. The maximum concentration is reached after 3 days. Bioavailability is approximately 56% and is comparable to oral administration. Metabolized in urine and bile, the half-life is about 36 hours.

Indications for use



  • arterial and venous, thromboembolism and predisposition to them;
  • heart defects with complications in the form of thrombosis;
  • with vascular changes;
  • severe liver disease;
  • malignant and benign liver tumors;
  • hormone-dependent malignant tumors (breast and reproductive system);
  • vaginal bleeding unknown origin;
  • hypersensitivity to any of the substances of the drug (active or auxiliary).

If any of these conditions occur, stop taking the drug immediately.

Prescribe the drug with caution in the following cases:

  • presence of a family history of venous or arterial thrombosis ;
  • major surgical interventions and interventions on the lower extremities, prolonged immobilization;
  • with a body mass index over 30;
  • smoking (especially women over 35 years old);
  • lipid metabolism disorders;
  • heart defects ;
  • diabetes;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • chorea ;
  • otosclerosis with hearing loss;
  • ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease ;
  • sickle cell anemia ;
  • porphyria ;
  • chloasma ;
  • cases of difficult use of the vaginal ring: severe chronic, hernia of the bladder and rectum, cervical prolapse.

In case of exacerbation of diseases and deterioration of the condition, or if one of the above-mentioned conditions occurs for the first time, further questions about taking the drug must be resolved with a doctor.

Side effects

When used, the following side effects of Nuvaring may occur, occurring with varying frequencies.

  • Infections: vaginal infections and urinary tract.
  • Immune system: hypersensitivity.
  • Metabolism: increased appetite and weight gain.
  • Mental disorders: decreased libido, mood changes,...
  • Nervous system: headache, dizziness , migraine .
  • Visual organs: visual impairment.
  • Cardiovascular system: increased blood pressure, thromboembolism , feeling of "hot flashes".
  • Digestive system: nausea, bloating, abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, vomiting.
  • Skin: , itchy skin , rash .
  • Musculoskeletal system: pain in the limbs and back, muscle spasms.
  • Urinary system: dysuria , frequent urination.
  • On the part of the reproductive system and mammary glands, side effects of the ring can manifest themselves as: genital itching, vaginal discharge, bleeding during sexual intercourse, heavy menstruation, uterine bleeding, premenstrual syndrome, burning sensation in the vagina, pain and discomfort in the vagina.
  • General condition of the body: fatigue, swelling.

There may also be discomfort and discomfort in the vagina.

Instructions for use Nuvaring rings (Method and dosage)

The ring is inserted once every 4 weeks into the vagina, where it remains for 21 days and then is removed. A new ring is introduced after a break of 7 days.

On the 2-3rd day after removal of the ring, bleeding begins, which is associated with the cessation of the effect of the drug.

If you did not use it in the previous menstrual cycle hormonal contraceptives , the Nuvaring contraceptive ring is inserted on the first day of menstruation. It is possible to install it up to the 5th day of the cycle, but in this case it is recommended to use a condom for the first week of using the drug.

When switching from combined oral contraceptives, the ring is administered on the last day of the interval between taking hormonal contraceptives. If you take a combined hormonal contraceptive correctly and regularly and are confident that you are not pregnant, you can insert a vaginal ring on any day of the cycle.

Terms of sale

On prescription.

Storage conditions

Store out of reach of children and at a temperature not lower than 2°C and not higher than 8°C.

Best before date

special instructions

Taking hormonal contraceptives may be associated with the development venous And arterial thrombosis .

Possible symptoms of thrombosis are:

  • pain and swelling in one leg;
  • sudden intense chest pain;
  • dyspnea or cough paroxysmal in nature;
  • dizziness , intense headaches;
  • sudden loss of vision or double vision;
  • speech disorders;
  • sudden weakness or numbness on one side or part of the body;
  • movement disorders.

If there are signs of thrombosis, stop taking hormonal contraceptives immediately and consult a doctor.

The reason to stop taking hormonal contraceptives should be an increase in the severity of migraine and the frequency of attacks.

In women with hypertriglyceridemia the risk of developing pancreatitis increases.

With a predisposition to development chloasma Avoid exposure to ultraviolet radiation and the sun while using the ring.

The use of the drug may cause acyclic bleeding in the form of spotting or bleeding that occurs suddenly.

Use during pregnancy is contraindicated. When it occurs, remove the ring.

Pregnancy after discontinuation of Nuvaring occurs when the natural cycle and normal ovulation are restored.

The use of the drug during breastfeeding is contraindicated.

The Nuvaring vaginal ring allows women to protect themselves from unwanted pregnancy without the additional use of barrier contraceptive methods and pills.

The device has a large list of contraindications and sometimes causes adverse reactions.

Therefore, before use, you must carefully study the instructions, and it is better to consult a specialist.

The structure of the Nuvaring contraceptive ring is simple. Externally, it appears to be a silicone translucent rim that can be easily reshaped. The diameter of the protective agent is 5-6 cm.

Synthetic elastic material is used in pharmacology for the manufacture of various implants, therefore it is considered safe and proven.

Observations and studies show that the product is hypoallergenic. An allergic reaction to elastic material is a rare occurrence.

Inside the silicone rim there is a combination of drugs: etonogestrel.

Every day, a certain dose of active substances is released from the Nuvaring hormonal ring. They are absorbed into the vascular network of the vagina and penetrate into the bloodstream.

The effect of the drug begins immediately after installation and ends after removal. Using the ring has the following effect:

  • prevents their opening and release of the egg;
  • disrupts the process of endometrial proliferation, which creates unfavorable conditions for implantation;
  • organizes a special one that allows not only to protect against pregnancy, but also to obtain a therapeutic effect;
  • affects the secretory activity of the cervix, as a result of which the mucus thickens and reduces the activity of the sperm that enter it.

The mechanism of action of the ring is a reversible process.

Is it possible to get pregnant with a birth control ring?

The Nuvaring gynecological ring is intended to prevent unwanted pregnancy when maintaining an active sexual life without the use of others.

The mechanism of action of the silicone rim provides reliable protection against conception. When asked whether it is possible to get pregnant with a ring, gynecologists answer negatively.

However, there are exceptions to every rule. Medicine knows of cases where women became pregnant while using the hormonal system.

The reliability of the product is determined by the Pearl index, an indicator of the effectiveness of the contraceptive method. It is believed that the higher the value, the more dangerous the method.

The Pearl Index is determined from the number of random pregnancies involving 100 women of childbearing age during one year of use of the hormonal system.

For the Nuvaring ring, the rate is less than 1. This means that out of 100 representatives of the fairer sex who used the silicone device, only 1 became pregnant.

Nuvaring: instructions for use

The drug Nuvaring is recommended for use in the instructions for use for contraception. The hormonal agent is injected into.

It is permissible to start using Nuvaring on the 3rd or even 5th day. But only in this case will it be necessary to use additional means of protection against pregnancy throughout the entire month.

The product is approved for use after oral contraceptives, abortion, miscarriage and even childbirth (subject to refusal of breastfeeding).

For each case, an individual application scheme is provided.

How to insert the ring correctly?

The vaginal ring should only be inserted with clean hands. You must first open the package and remove the silicone rim.

To insert the system, you need to take a comfortable position: lying down, squatting, raising your leg on a chair. The ring is inserted in a similar way to sanitary tampons.

Use your thumb and index finger to flatten the elastic circle, insert it into the vagina and push it further away.

Over the next three weeks, the protective agent will remain in place. Its presence should be checked periodically, and in case of premature removal, the following measures should be taken:

  • take a break for a week, then use a new ring;
  • if the ring is not lost, then rinse it with water and reinsert it;
  • if the system is lost, introduce a new remedy immediately.

The effectiveness of the product after loss is not reduced if it is replaced no later than after 3 hours. If the gap is longer, then barrier protection must be used over the next few days.

How to take out Nuvaring?

Removal of the contraceptive ring is done with clean hands. You need to take a comfortable position, insert your finger into the vagina, pick up the system and pull it out.

Over the next week, menstrual-like withdrawal bleeding will begin.

The new device should be inserted exactly 7 days later at the same time as removal. During this period, bleeding may not yet be completed, but this does not affect the effectiveness of the hormonal ring.

If the break was more than 7 days, then the reliability of the protective agent decreases, which requires additional contraceptive measures.

Instructions for use after abortion

When used for the first time, Nuvaring is administered directly on the day of curettage.

If the use of vaginal products on the first day is undesirable, then you can start using the ring in the period from 2 to 5 days. This regimen requires additional contraception in the first week.

How to delay menstruation

To delay the onset of vaginal bleeding, you must remove the ring after 21 days and immediately insert a new one.

With this bleeding pattern, there will be no withdrawal, but some women experience spotting in the middle of the cycle.

Nuvaring should be removed after another 21 days or at the appropriate period for menstruation.

Using a ring for fibroids

The results of clinical studies show that the use of the Nuvaring ring for uterine fibroids has unexpected results.

In most patients, the tumor stopped growing under the influence of the new hormonal levels.

There are clinical cases showing the ineffectiveness of the silicone system for benign myometrial tumors. It is believed that today there are more effective rings than the Nuvaring ring.

Treatment of endometriosis

With endometriosis, focal spread of the functional layer of the uterus occurs. Under the influence of hormonal levels, they bleed, causing heavy menstruation.

The Nuvaring ring helps manage this condition by suppressing ovarian activity. The use of the hormonal system shows good results. Treatment is carried out in two ways:

  1. The standard method is to use the ring with regular 7-day breaks;
  2. Continuous use of the system for 3-6 months.

Use during pregnancy and pregnancy

The use of the Nuvaring ring is contraindicated during pregnancy. If conception occurs while using the device, the system should be removed immediately and consult a doctor.

The drug is intended to prevent unplanned pregnancy, so it is not advisable to use it while pregnant.

Nuvaring is not prescribed for breastfeeding. The medication is able to change a woman’s hormonal levels, reducing the amount of milk produced. Also, the substances that make up the ring are excreted in breast milk.

Modern pharmacology offers more effective and safe hormonal agents for preventing pregnancy during breastfeeding.

Contraindications to the use of Nuvaring

  • Thrombosis and varicose veins of the lower extremities. Any conditions accompanied by blood thickening.
  • Migraine accompanied by additional neurological symptoms. Including in the anamnesis.
  • Vascular lesions in diabetes mellitus.
  • Severe hypertriglyceridemia accompanied by pancreatitis.
  • Acute liver pathologies.
  • Malignant organ lesions with hormonal dependence.
  • Bloody vaginal discharge not associated with the menstrual cycle.
  • Hypersensitivity and high likelihood of an allergic reaction to the components.

If the described cases occur while using the ring, you should remove it immediately. The medication should be used with caution by women over 35 years of age and by smoking patients.

Advantages and disadvantages of the Nuvaring ring

The main advantage is the ability to realize reproductive function even after long-term use. Pregnancy after Nuvaring occurs in healthy women within 1-3 cycles.

The advantage of the drug can be called the method of its use. Vaginal administration eliminates problems with the digestive tract, as well as missed hormonal doses.

It is convenient to insert the ring and forget about contraceptive methods for 3 weeks. The advantages of the device are:

  • ease of use;
  • the ability to regulate the cycle;
  • reducing the intensity of bleeding.

The disadvantages include the price of Nuvaring. The cost of one ring is about 25 dollars. The triple system costs $55.

Like any medicine, Nuvaring can cause side effects.

They often manifest themselves in the form of spotting in the middle of the cycle, headaches, and decreased libido.

The drug affects the thickness of the blood, and therefore increases the risk of heart and vascular pathologies. Also, the disadvantages are listed:

  • Some patients find it difficult to insert and remove the system;
  • you can lose a ring and not notice it;
  • there may be increased secretion of vaginal mucus.

It has been replenished with a new one – the Nuvaring vaginal ring. This is a comfortable and most harmless method of contraception for the body. But the main difficulty that Nuvaring can create is the absence of periods. With the cycle, when using it, after stopping, other difficulties are possible.

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Operating principle of Nuvaring

To protect against pregnancy, Nuvaring is inserted into the vagina on one of the days of menstruation, preferably on the first. The round plate takes on the contours of the organ and is not felt. When exposed to heat, the product begins to release estrogens and progestogens. Their influence extends to the endometrium and ovaries. Hence the contraceptive effect.

Nuvaring is designed to be worn for 22 days, after which the product is removed and a week-long break is taken. This period of time will coincide with critical days. But in practice, women have to deal with the fact that menstruation does not come for a long time when using Nuvaring or brings unpleasant surprises.

Nuvaring and menstruation: details

Sometimes, if you don’t have your period for a long time while using the Nuvaring ring, it doesn’t mean anything serious. But even more careful medical supervision is still necessary, since hormonal contraception is an intervention in the functioning of the body.

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  • Previously asked:

      Hello! I'm only using the ring for the second cycle. Remove the ring after a week, but menstruation has already begun. What to do? Leave it and remove it after a week? The doctor prescribed it to me to treat hyperplasia.

      Good afternoon! Yes, this happens. There are several options. But what I prefer most in such situations is not to take it out now, but to do it in time, but immediately put in a new ring without interruption. All the best!

      Daria Shirochina (obstetrician-gynecologist)

      Good afternoon Yes, it is possible, but it all depends on the period for which you were offered to continuously wear the ring. I welcome no more than 3-6 months. Your fibroids are very small in size, even if you use the ring strictly according to the instructions intermittently, its growth will slow down. All the best!

      Good afternoon, I have been using Novoring for almost a year. By coincidence, I was unable to remove the ring at the appointed time. The ring was removed 2 days from the required date. It’s already day 6 and my period still hasn’t arrived. Previously, there were no delays; critical days arrived exactly 3 days later. Tell me, is this normal or should I see a doctor?

      Daria Shirochina (obstetrician-gynecologist)

      Good afternoon, Yulia! It's okay, two days is not a long time, but enough to delay your period a little. Don't worry, the discharge should appear, just a couple of days later. All the best!

      Hello! Tell me, I want to delay my period by 4-5 days, can I do this with the help of Jess if I have never taken it before, and how does this happen? To delay my period, I am advised to insert a ring at least 3-2 days before the scheduled onset of my period , supposedly then they won’t be there at all until you pull them out, is that true? And will this method help if I have never used Nuvaring?


      Good afternoon The question is, I’ve been using Nuvaring for 6 days, the first time, my period still can’t end. Previously, it took 5-6 days, but on the 6th day, it’s just a smudge, just a little bit... and there’s still blood, just a little bit, I manage every day, but still blood... how long should I wait before I start to panic?

      Daria Shirochina (obstetrician-gynecologist)

      Good evening, Anastasia! During the first month there may even be periodic spotting, sometimes bloody discharge. This is the body being rebuilt, no big deal. But if this happens in the second month, then it is better to replace this drug, the ring, simply with tablets. All the best!

      Daria Shirochina (obstetrician-gynecologist)

      Hello, Yana! As for Nuvaring, it may not work out, or the cycle may actually go wrong and your period will be delayed. But it is better to start taking any contraceptives from the beginning of the cycle, and start the next pack without interruption. So you won’t have a period for two months, it’s okay, the main thing is not to get carried away with such things. All other methods are less reliable - prolonged use of duphaston, etc. All the best!


      Good afternoon, I have been wearing Novoring for 3 years. Every day in the morning and evening I take it out for 30 seconds for hygiene procedures. On October 20, I inserted another ring, so it should be taken out on November 10. But for some reason I started bleeding on November 2nd while wearing the ring. Please tell me what is the reason and what should I do?

      Daria Shirochina (obstetrician-gynecologist)

      Hello, Daria! Sometimes there are similar violations when using Nuvaring. I don’t quite understand why you remove the ring even for a few seconds. The only thought that came to my mind was douching. I just want to warn you that if you do this regularly, you only disrupt the microflora in the vagina and “wash out” beneficial lactobacilli. I do not recommend this kind of procedure. About the allocations. There are several options.
      1. You don’t have to remove the ring, then install the next one without interruption.
      2. Remove now, take a week off, then the next. At this time, there may still be discharge, or there may not be, it all depends on the intensity of the discharge.
      All the best!


      Before using Nova Ring, I visited a doctor to make sure that everything was in order and that I could be protected in this way, the doctor did not identify any contraindications, the tests were normal, the cycle was without disturbances. I placed it on the 1st day of my period. and then it started - heavy discharge, dizziness, on the 8th day it seemed to become less, but by the evening it all happened again! At first I thought it was an addiction, but heavy discharge (not spotting) for almost 2 weeks (12 days) plus the condition of the “hose” lack of intimate intimacy (what kind of intimacy is there when this happens) led me to the idea that this drug is still unknown how it affected my an organism that did not give such failures!!! and the manufacturer does not bear any responsibility! It feels like they are experimenting on people! such a manufacturer!


      Before using Nova Ring, I visited a doctor to make sure that everything was in order and that I could prevent myself from being injured in this way. The doctor did not identify any contraindications: the tests were normal, the cycle was without disturbances. I put it on the 1st day of my period and didn’t notice it for a second. And then it started - heavy discharge, dizziness, on the 8th day it seemed to become less, but by the evening it all happened again! At first I thought it was an addiction, but heavy discharge (not spotting) for almost 2 weeks (12 days), plus the state of the “hose” and the lack of intimacy (what kind of intimacy is there when this happens) brought me to the conclusion that this drug has an unknown effect on my an organism that did not give such failures!!! and the manufacturer does not bear any responsibility! It feels like they are experimenting on people! minus for such a manufacturer!