Is it possible to cure congenital allergies? Features of the treatment of acquired allergies Is there an acquired allergy?

NLP Workshop

Treatment of acquired allergies

Allergic diseases are hyper-reactions of the body in response to the influence of certain environmental factors, which are regarded by the body as potentially dangerous. From an NLP point of view, allergies can be defined as phobia of the immune system. An allergy, like a phobia, is a defensive reaction of the body that is effectively learned and generalized to all contexts.

Of course, retraining the body, teaching it a new, adequate and flexible reaction to a former allergen, makes sense only at the stage of remission, that is, when the body is in a normal physiological state.

  1. Identify an allergen - a substance that causes an allergic reaction. Be alert to the very first signs of a reaction.
  2. Select a pseudo-allergen - an object or substance that looks like an allergen, but does not give an allergic reaction, for example:
    • cat hair - dog hair
    • citrus fruits - apples
    • book dust - chalk dust
  3. Creatively imagine how you can interact with the pseudo-allergen, calmly exploring it and getting bodily pleasure from it. Strengthen this state of calm pleasure and put anchor.
  4. Create for yourself a completely protected workspace, isolated from any external influences. Standard solutions are transparent plexiglass hemispheres, energy screens, sealed spacesuits, and so on. You can create something special for yourself!
  5. While in your workspace, select several frames from a film about your life, where you can see yourself on the screen in situations related to allergies: in the earliest (the first appearance of an allergy), in two or three more, where the allergic reaction manifested itself most intensively, and in two or three possible situations in the future where you may again come into contact with the substance that caused your allergy.
  6. While still in your workspace as the director of the film, review each of the selected situations in turn, starting with the earliest one, so that in each situation you see yourself calmly interacting with the former allergen on the screen. The actor's task on screen is to look completely natural, as if he always had a normal reaction to the former allergen. Throughout the entire process, use your anchor. Be careful to remain in a calm, creative, playful state at all times.
  7. After you, being in your workspace as a director, have successfully reviewed O rub and reshape all situations, enter the film instead of the actor and live all its events yourself, continuing to use anchor and enjoying the possibility of normal reactions. Hold your anchor throughout the re-experiencing process and carefully monitor your state.
  8. After completing the previous step, thank your body for doing a good job of retraining. You can do the first check of its results now by recalling the situation of contact with the former allergen and making sure that the body reacts to it in a way that satisfies you.
  9. Think about situations where your previous response may have provided some moral or social benefit to you, and find new and creative ways to deal with those situations.
  10. Before completing the process, consider how you will determine what amounts of the substance you were working with are healthy and safe for you.

A Tale of Allergy Treatment

In a small American town there lived a little boy named Stan. Stan was a smart and well-mannered boy, with a good family, friends and a healthy outlook on life. But one problem did not give him peace - every time he saw his beloved girl Wendy, Stan would get lost and spill everything he had eaten for breakfast on the floor.

You can imagine how unpleasant this was, especially for such an intelligent and well-mannered boy. Stan thought for a long time what to do, and finally decided to turn for help to the wise chef of the school - the Chief.

The boss, without thinking twice, began asking Stan questions:

Stan, is there anyone else you react to the same way?

No, just Wendy.

Fine. Can you think of someone who is very similar to Wendy but doesn't give you the same reaction?

Well, there probably is. I like all the girls, but only Wendy makes me feel so bad.

Okay, pick some other girl you like. I love it.

Well, let it be Esther. She's Wendy's friend.

Esther, great. Remember how you feel when you meet Esther - what feelings do you have inside, in your body? You can feel them now, as if she is in front of you. Her smell, her breath. Everything is right here, nearby. Do you see her?

Yes, she's right here. Her pink collar looms before my eyes.

Well done, remember this collar - every time you want to remember Esther, just imagine this pink collar. Now could you imagine a situation where you are completely safe? Maybe this is some place where you can watch what is happening, knowing that nothing threatens you?

Well, when I look at the street from the window of my room. Surely no one will climb onto the second floor.

OK, imagine that you are sitting in your room on the second floor and looking out the window. And down there, on the street, you see several situations in which you did not react to Wendy in a very good way. Can you see the very first time?

Yes, I remember this first time well..

Great, can you remember 2-3 more such experiences? Eat?

Yes, I have.

Okay, now start looking at these situations starting with the earliest one. But just let Wendy be dressed differently than before - let her always have a bright pink collar. You can start right now...

Stan looked into the distance with enthusiasm, and the Chief periodically asked him about how he felt, and, as if inadvertently, reminded Stan of the pink collar. When Stan finished, the Chief asked him to remember that very first situation, as if he were reliving it - Stan frowned, and when he began to remember, he discovered that he felt absolutely normal, and breakfast remained in its place, inside. At first, the Chief kept reminding him of that mysterious pink collar that belonged to Esther - but then he stopped doing this. Stan began to imagine new, future meetings with Wendy, and each time she was dressed in something different, without a collar - but the pleasant, comfortable feeling always remained with him.

To the question: Is there an allergy from cats, is it congenital or acquired??? given by the author Olesya Boldina the best answer is Physical blocking
An allergy is an increased or perverted sensitivity of the body to a substance. Allergies are classified as diseases associated with the immune system.
Emotional blockage
An allergic person usually feels disgust towards someone and cannot tolerate that person. He has great difficulty adapting to people or situations. Such a person is often strongly impressed by other people, especially by those whom he himself wants to impress. Many allergy sufferers are touchy. They often consider themselves the object of aggression and exceed the necessary degree of self-defense. Allergies are always associated with some kind of internal contradiction. One half of an allergic person’s personality strives for something, while the other suppresses this desire. The same is true for his attitude towards people. So, for example, an allergy sufferer may rejoice in someone’s presence and at the same time want this person to leave: he loves this person, but at the same time does not want to show his dependence on him. Usually, after prolonged torment, he finds many shortcomings in his loved one. Very often, the cause of allergies lies in the fact that the parents of an allergic person had completely different views on life and constantly argued. Allergies can also be a good way to draw attention to yourself, especially if it manifests itself in difficulty breathing when the allergy sufferer cannot cope without the help of other people.
Mental block
If you suffer from allergies, it means that a certain situation is repeated in your life that attracts you and repels you at the same time, or there is a person towards whom you feel hostility, but at the same time seek approval from his side - usually this is someone from your loved ones. It seems to you that if you live up to this person's expectations, he will truly love you. Try to understand that this is nothing more than dependence on this person, on his approval or disapproval. You should no longer believe that submission is the only way to achieve love.
Interestingly, allergies are very often associated with precisely what a person loves most. So, you can really love dairy products and suffer from allergies to them. If you suffer from allergies to certain foods, this may indicate that you find it difficult to recognize your right to enjoy the joys of life.
Your life will become much easier and more enjoyable if you realize that you can achieve the attention of those you love without suffering. Perhaps as a child you were convinced that illness was a sure way to attract attention; but one should not think that this is the only way.
If you are allergic to dust or any animal, you may often feel like you are the target of aggression. Why do you suspect that others are aggressive towards you? I suggest you check these suspicions. As a rule, if a person is afraid of other people, the cause of fear should be sought in himself.
Instead of thinking that the allergy is caused by some external factors, try to remember and analyze everything that happened to you during the day that preceded the allergic reaction. Perhaps you have interacted with people whom you cannot stand or even hate. Since you cannot change others, you have no choice but to learn to look at the world through the eyes of your heart.
Spiritual blockage and imprisonment
To understand the spiritual blockage that is preventing you from meeting an important need of your true Self, ask yourself the questions given in the section REMOVING BLOCKS. The answers to these questions will allow you not only to more accurately determine the real cause of your physical problem, but also to eliminate it.
Source: MonadaDoctor

Answer from Kuka kuka[newbie]
maybe this and that

Answer from I-beam[guru]
Allergies occur from cat fur, but of course they are not congenital. Allergies can develop, for example, with weakened immunity.

Answer from Discard[guru]
acquired from my child

Answer from Crooked-handed[guru]
If there are allergy sufferers in the family, then the likelihood of acquiring an allergy is much higher.
and it can “pop out” from anyone.

Answer from User deleted[guru]
probretennaia budte ostorojni.u moego brata bila pohoja situaciia mi ne obratili vnimaniia da i kowku jal bilo vot u nego i pereroslo v asmu.s nastupaywim vas novim godom

Allergy is a disease whose source of origin is still the subject of endless debate in scientific circles. Finding the root cause is of great importance in the treatment of this disease, since by eliminating it a person can forget about this disease forever. Therefore, experts say that if you completely eliminate the causes of the occurrence, you can completely defeat allergies.

What is an allergy?

Allergy is a disease associated with the development of an incorrect response of the human immune system to a variety of substances. Substances that are beneficial or neutral are considered in this case as harmful and dangerous. In this regard, the immune system begins to build protection, giving a signal for the production of antibodies, the main task of which is to destroy dangerous substances.

At the same time, any food, pollen of flowering plants, animal hair, dust, medications, water, cold and many other irritants can be perceived as a harmful substance.

In the process of studying this disease, scientists found that an allergic reaction is not one disease, it consists of a large group of pathological conditions of the body, among which can be identified: urticaria and dermatitis, allergic rhinitis, bronchial asthma and other diseases.

What all these diseases have in common is that they are caused by a special reaction of the immune system, when elements that are not dangerous are perceived as hostile.

As a result, the amount of protective proteins called immunoglobulins increases in the human blood. An allergen that enters the body activates their production, resulting in an allergic reaction.

How does an allergy manifest itself?

In each individual case, the manifestation of allergies occurs differently. This largely depends on the individual characteristics of the human body and the method of penetration of the “dangerous” substance. That is, the allergen can penetrate inside with food, water or medications, it can enter through the respiratory tract with inhaled air, or there may be some external irritant, such as cold or sun.

The main signs of an allergic reaction can be identified:

  1. Anaphylactic. In this case, the body’s reaction to the penetration of the allergen is lightning fast and pronounced. Within a few minutes, a person may break out in hives, tissue swelling, bronchial asthma and anaphylactic shock occur. This condition is very dangerous and requires immediate medical attention;
  2. Cytotoxic. The development of the reaction is slower than in the first case. An example of such an allergic reaction is hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia, jaundice in newborns, various complications when taking medications and blood transfusions;
  3. Immunocomplex. The development of this reaction takes from several hours to several days. The main diseases are allergic conjunctivitis, rheumatoid arthritis, allergic dermatitis;
  4. Delayed reactions. The manifestation of the disease begins one day after the allergen enters the body. The main diseases are contact dermatitis, rhinitis and bronchial asthma;
  5. Stimulating. This type of disease differs from all of the above in that the antibodies produced by the human immune system begin to directly affect the functioning of organs. They can slow down or activate the work of necessary receptors. The most obvious example of organ activation is toxic goiter.

Causes of allergies in children

It is difficult to answer this question, since each child is individual and has his own body characteristics, and therefore the reasons for the development of allergies. The appearance of this disease is influenced by a huge number of different factors, but very often it is hereditary predisposition that predominates among them.

Those children whose families are diagnosed with diseases such as bronchial asthma, eczema, dermatitis, urticaria and neurodermatitis are at risk. If the baby's mother has atopic dermatitis, and her sister is allergic to pollen, then the likelihood that the child will develop some type of allergy is very high.

Being at risk does not mean getting the disease. To do this, it is necessary to protect the baby from harmful influences that can trigger an incorrect reaction in the body.

There is nothing complicated about this:

  • during pregnancy, the expectant mother should eat honey and citrus fruits with caution;
  • leave the baby breastfed for as long as possible;
  • smoking ban in the house;
  • do not clutter the children's room with carpets and soft toys, as these items are prone to dust accumulation;
  • do not have pets.

In addition to the genetic factor, the development of allergies in a baby can begin due to the early introduction of complementary foods, when the child’s body is not yet completely ready for adult food, or due to the incorrect selection of formula for artificial feeding.

It is possible that the expectant mother did not eat properly during pregnancy, or took any medications, or perhaps suffered from an infectious disease.

The baby’s immune system is formed throughout pregnancy, so antibodies produced by the mother’s body to the penetration of microbes, viruses or other dangerous elements can be transmitted to the baby and then provoke an allergic reaction.

Environmental factors are also important, such as severe air and water pollution, or eating fruits and vegetables saturated with pesticides.

Seasonal allergies in adults

Very often, people suffer from allergy symptoms not all year round, but during certain periods of the year; such allergies are called seasonal. It is caused by certain substances characteristic of this particular time of year. These substances include pollen and mold.

A pronounced reaction of the body to pollen is called hay fever. When plants bloom, their pollen enters the air and is carried by the wind over long distances. For a person with increased sensitivity to pollen, it is enough to inhale a small dose to trigger an allergic reaction.

The lush flowering of vegetation usually begins in early spring and lasts until October. Pollen from the following plants has a pronounced allergic effect:

  • ash;
  • birch;
  • poplar;
  • maple;
  • hazel;
  • ambrosia;
  • sagebrush;
  • quinoa and many others.

The main reason for such harmful effects of pollen is the protein that is found in its composition. Once the protein gets on the mucous membrane, it provokes an allergic reaction in the form of a runny nose, cough, hives, and tissue swelling.

Causes of persistent allergies in adults

Allergies, regardless of season, are very diverse. Consequently, there are many reasons that cause its manifestation. The most common among them are reactions to foods, medications, animal fur and skin, dust and ultraviolet radiation.

Food allergies in adults are much less common than in children, and many experts believe that they develop due to improper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. And the main reason is intestinal dysbacteriosis. At the same time, doctors cannot rule out hereditary causes that influence the disease and the organization of poor nutrition in early childhood.

Allergies to animal fur and skin are considered year-round. The cause of its occurrence is not the wool itself, but the protein secreted by the animal’s body. Upon contact with human mucous membranes, it causes symptoms of the disease. Protein is excreted in saliva and urine.

Cat hygiene involves licking its fur, so that protein from the saliva gets onto the pet, and then onto the objects around it. If the patient excludes contact with a pet, then he completely gets rid of allergies.

A fairly common year-round allergen is dust. It consists of microparticles of food, dead skin of humans and animals, hair, and small mites. After inhaling air enriched with such an additive, an allergic reaction occurs.

It is impossible to completely get rid of dust, but reducing its amount is quite possible. To do this, you do not need to have carpets, soft toys and furniture in the house. It may be worth purchasing various air purifiers and then the allergic reaction will be less noticeable or disappear.

Acquired allergy

Quite often the question arises: “Is it possible to acquire an allergy?” Of course yes! One of the main factors in the development of acquired allergies is the improper use of medications.

People very often make their own diagnoses and then make personal decisions about treating the disease. As a result of uncontrolled use of antibiotics, hormonal or steroid drugs, the human immune system suffers severe damage, which leads to its malfunction.

The development of the disease is also possible with constant contact with some kind of chemical irritant or excessive use of household chemicals. In such cases, local allergies appear in certain areas of the skin.

Another important factor is overeating certain foods in early childhood. Since in children the digestive system is fully formed only by the age of three, abuse of chocolate, citrus fruits and spices can lead to the development of food allergies in adulthood.

Acquired allergies and the causes of their occurrence often manifest themselves against the background of a hormonal imbalance in the body, or after suffering from certain infectious diseases.

Psychological causes of the disease

To the question: “Does allergies have psychological causes of origin?” we can confidently give a positive answer.

In the case of psychological allergies, a response occurs without the penetration of a dangerous substance into the body. This process is called pseudoallergy. At the same time, the body releases histamine, inflammatory processes begin and all allergy symptoms appear.

Classical medicine has identified “nerve allergies” as a separate type of disease in this group, the root causes of which include stress, emotional experiences and disturbances in the functioning of the human nervous system.

A disturbance in the psychological state can affect the development of a true allergic reaction.

In order to get rid of allergies, it is enough to give up sweets.

This is not true, allergies are related to nutrition, but not definitely to the consumption of sweets. Among the list of products with high allergenic activity, there is not a large percentage of sweets.

There are significantly fewer allergy sufferers among vegetarians than among meat lovers.

Such studies have not been officially conducted, so it is impossible to reasonably say that this is so. Allergies to meat are quite rare, because substances that could cause allergic reactions are mostly neutralized during heat treatment.

Children born in a house where there is a cat do not experience allergies.

This is wrong. If a child is born into a family where there is a cat, then protective antibodies can be developed to this particular cat and there will be no allergic manifestations. But if this child has a predisposition to allergies, then when faced with other living conditions, with other animals, even with other cats, the allergy may manifest itself.

It often happens that if a person is sensitive to one type of animal, then cross-allergic reactions to other types occur. If an examination, for example, reveals increased sensitivity to the epidermis of a cat, it is not recommended to have any pets, neither dogs, nor hamsters, nor birds.

The main cause of allergies is dysbiosis.

Allergy is the body's sensitivity to various substances that do not cause painful reactions in most people, associated with an atypical reaction of the immune system.

Dysbacteriosis cannot be the cause of allergies, but it can be a concomitant pathology with allergic diseases. What is dysbiosis? It is an imbalance of intestinal microflora. Each person has many types of bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract; when the balance in the composition of this flora is disturbed, various symptoms arise: indigestion, disruption of the production of enzymes for breaking down food, the production of interferon in the duodenal mucosa decreases, that is, the body’s protective functions decrease. You should not get tested for dysbacteriosis without serious indications for this. We have 400-500 species of flora, only 14 are studied in the laboratory, and judging the full picture based on such a small percentage of the studied flora is, at least, not logical.

If a person has a severe food allergy to a certain product, then by introducing it a little at a time, you can “accustom” the body and there will no longer be allergic reactions to it.

There are foods that may lose their ability to cause allergies with age. For example, a reaction to milk and dairy products that is very common in childhood in most cases goes away as the child grows older. This does not depend on whether this product was eaten or not. But to most products with strong allergenic activity, intolerance can last a lifetime. The reaction to these foods can be very pronounced and even life-threatening, so it is necessary to completely exclude them from the diet. Such products include nuts, fish, seafood and crustaceans, and peanuts.

If parents have an allergic reaction to a certain type of irritant, such as pollen, or an allergy to fish, then the child will also be allergic to it.

Allergies can be inherited, and parents with allergic diseases have a much higher risk of having a child with allergies than those who have not encountered this problem. But it is a predisposition that is transmitted, and not a specific type of allergy; a child may have a reaction to completely different potential allergens than the parents.

If you didn’t have allergies in childhood, they won’t appear in adulthood.

Unfortunately, it is not. Both pollen and food allergies can occur at any age, even if there were no manifestations in childhood. But on the contrary, it happens that children with allergic reactions do not face this problem as adults.

Allergies cannot be treated; you can only avoid contact with allergens or relieve allergy symptoms with antihistamines.

This is wrong. There is a method of treating allergies, it is called Allergen-specific Immunotherapy (ASIT) and is based on the introduction of very small doses of allergens, with their gradual increase. The drugs are administered either in drops or by injection. Thus, immune protection against this irritant is developed and sensitivity to it is reduced.

It is mainly used for the treatment of hay fever; treatment with the ASIT method reduces the likelihood of hay fever developing into more severe forms, in particular, bronchial asthma. Recently, drugs have begun to appear for the treatment of household allergies. For polyvalent allergies, when there is a reaction to several different allergens, treatment with this method gives good results not only in the treatment of hay fever, but also alleviates the manifestations of household allergies, for example to dust.

Treatment is carried out outside the flowering season, in the autumn-winter period.