How to open a children's clothing store from scratch: a proven way to create a successful business. How to open a store selling sausages Patent system or PSN

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1.1. This agreement on confidentiality and processing of personal data (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) was accepted freely and of its own free will, and applies to all information that Insales Rus LLC and/or its affiliates, including all persons included in the same group with LLC "Insails Rus" (including LLC "EKAM Service") can obtain information about the User while using any of the sites, services, services, computer programs, products or services of LLC "Insails Rus" (hereinafter referred to as the Services) and in during the execution of Insales Rus LLC any agreements and contracts with the User. The User's consent to the Agreement, expressed by him within the framework of relations with one of the listed persons, applies to all other listed persons.

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Publication date: 12/01/2016

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Limited Liability Company "Insales Rus"

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LLC "Insales Rus"

Name in English:

InSales Rus Limited Liability Company (InSales Rus LLC)

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Mailing address:

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It is not customary to save money on children. Therefore, opening a children's clothing store can become a very successful business. The main thing is to approach the organization of such an enterprise wisely.

Although children need clothing in specific sizes and styles (especially for babies), there are not many specialty stores.

Often these are either expensive boutiques common in megacities, or market outlets more familiar to small towns, where the quality of goods leaves much to be desired.

Under these conditions, opening a clothing store with a wide range of products for children of all ages can be considered a highly profitable business that can satisfy users living in settlements of various sizes. Let's figure out how to open a children's clothing store from scratch, and what nuances to consider when creating such a business. And what does it take to open a children's clothing store?

Format is everything

Starting a business from scratch is not so bad.

Yes, it will have to be untwisted, and this is not easy work.

On the other hand, it is possible to choose the concept of the future enterprise. The right format is the key to success.

Funds are spent more rationally, space is more compact. As for the assortment and advertising, they are more thoughtful, which means they will certainly hit the mark. So, the format of a children's clothing store could be as follows:

  1. Classical. This implies the sale of products through a full-fledged retail space in specialized departments of hypermarkets or in individual stores in shopping centers.
  2. Online. It is quite possible to sell clothes for children via the Internet. Today it is popular and in demand.

Both cases have their pros and cons. For example, in the first option, buyers have the opportunity to look, feel and try on clothes for the baby.

When purchasing clothes through a store’s website, they will have only a visual idea of ​​the product, and will also be guided by the description provided by the seller. The photo does not always reflect the true appearance of the item, just as the stated characteristics may not correspond to reality.

It is worth being prepared for frequent product returns when selling online.

Choosing clothes for a child is quite difficult.

Children do not always meet age standards for height, weight and foot size.

At the same time, online sales are beneficial for both the seller and the buyer. The first saves on renting premises, and accordingly can set lower prices. The latter have the opportunity to purchase products at an affordable price almost around the clock, without leaving home.

Advertising and promotion

As for advertising, increased measures will be required to promote an online store. The real store is always in front of the eyes of customers passing by, so when they need children's products, it will be the first thing they remember.

It is convenient to promote a children's clothing store through specialized resources (thematic forums, groups on social networks, blogs of successful mothers). Such advertising is quite economical and effective.

Where is the best place to locate a store?

Initially, you will not need a large area to open a store. 50 m2 will be enough.

It's better to start from a small point. This will allow you to study customer preferences, identify the most popular products and “get your teeth into it.”

It makes sense to open a store in areas with high traffic, preferably for the audience for which the product is intended.

Not necessarily in the city center. Adults buy clothes for children, so locations near kindergartens, attractions, playgrounds, clinics, and development centers would be appropriate.

It is advantageous to locate the premises near similar stores that are popular with consumers.

This will increase the chances of attracting the attention of potential consumers. Going to their usual store, customers are highly likely to visit yours.

A high-quality level of service, a well-thought-out assortment and a loyal pricing policy will help convince a client to buy clothes for a child from you.

Naturally, it is worth taking into account the rental rate. It can vary several times. However, the location of the store in an expensive shopping center with a high rental rate does not guarantee a large turnover.

Children's clothing store in rented premises

The website is the face of the store. It is both a showcase and an office, so it should be interesting, convenient and as understandable as possible to the client. All necessary data must be visible (contacts, product order buttons, opening hours, sizes, colors, product availability, prices, advantages of purchasing on this particular resource, etc.).

It is better to order a website from professionals. Specialists will not only create a high-quality resource with advanced functionality that takes into account all the client’s wishes, but will also be able to advise which domain and hosting to purchase, which structure and color scheme of the site will be more advantageous.

Just creating a website for an online store is not enough. The resource must be optimized for search queries and periodically promoted. Specialists can handle this better. You can order subscription services.

Store decoration

It is advisable to decorate a children's clothing store in light or bright colors. Pictures with cartoon or fairy-tale characters would also be appropriate. A good trick that both children and parents fall for is gifts for kids.

It will be enough to distribute balloons, hoops with “ears”, cardboard masks and other little things. Children's music will not be superfluous either. Such a background will contribute to a great mood among buyers.

Bright design for a children's clothing store

Old-timers in this niche advise placing a children's corner in the store. It can be equipped with a sofa, playpen, TV, drawing table, children's slide or toys. This will allow one of the parents to relax with the child while the other is busy choosing the baby’s wardrobe.

Legal registration

To operate a children's clothing store, you will need to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC, as well as obtain product certificates.

To do this, you need to submit documents to certain government agencies (tax office, Pension Fund, Social Insurance Fund, Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, etc.). Registration will take up to 10 days.

Suppliers should be selected that are verified and have appropriate licenses for the products manufactured or sold. Certified products will meet high quality standards and will also have clothing size markings that meet established standards.

Children's store assortment: embrace the immensity

The initial assortment should be formed according to the season from items of a full size range.

It is better if there are more than one set of them.

Based on what category of children you are targeting (infants, preschool children, schoolchildren).

Choose the most popular colors (pink, blue, neutral). As you sell products, identify the items in greatest demand.

Depending on the width of the assortment, select personnel. He must be sociable, honest, attractive and polite. For a small store, 1-2 sellers and 1 cleaner will be enough.

If you have a dacha or a country house with a plot, you can try yourself as a businessman. On the plot you can grow products for subsequent sale. – everything about organizing a greenhouse farm, calculating investments and payback.

Check out the garage production business ideas. Successful examples from Europe.

Making and selling soft ice cream is a simple and at the same time profitable business. In this topic, we will consider all the nuances of starting this business: from ice cream production technology to calculating payback.

Costs of opening a store

  • registration - about 1 thousand rubles;
  • obtaining permits – up to 10 thousand rubles;
  • rent (if required) – up to 70 thousand rubles;
  • repair and purchase of equipment, office equipment, consumables - up to 250 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of goods - up to 300 thousand rubles;
  • staff salaries – up to 25 thousand rubles;
  • advertising campaign – up to 20 thousand;
  • other expenses - about 50 thousand rubles.

The total amount will be approximately 726 thousand rubles. However, in each individual case it may change (for example, if there is no need to make repairs).

Business payback

Is it profitable to open a children's clothing store? The profitability of opening a children's store is quite high.

With proper organization of a point in a pass-through location, it will be possible to return the invested funds in a year and a half.

At the same time, tangible profits will appear after six months of stable operation, when the brand becomes recognizable and an audience of regular customers appears. The average markup on products is about 130%.

This business requires frequent updating of the assortment, therefore, constant investments. Don't forget about the seasonality of business. As a rule, sales fall during the off-season. Therefore, it is advisable to “dilute” the store’s assortment with toys, handbags, accessories, and other goods.

When opening a children's products store, focus on kids. After all, they are the ones who will ultimately make the decision to purchase this or that item. Put your soul into your store, and then parents and children will come to you again and again, feeling the atmosphere of attention and ease. And of course, you shouldn’t ignore the quality of the products. Little customers especially need comfortable, beautiful things that are resistant to wear and tear.

If you prefer production to other types of activities, but do not have large finances, then you can realize your idea by creating a small production. . Where to begin? What to produce? You will find the answer to these questions in the next article.

Read the topic about how to find remote earnings while on maternity leave. Useful tips for young mothers.

Video on the topic

One investor decided to retire in 15 years. Every month he invests 20 thousand rubles.

The goal of the experiment is to live on dividends in the amount of 50 thousand rubles per month. A public portfolio will allow you to follow movements and, if desired, join it. @dividendslife

Cosmetics are a popular product on which you can make decent money if you organize your business correctly. But how to open a cosmetics store, and what pitfalls may be in the way of establishing such a business? Let's understand the issue.

Cosmetics and the law

Trade in cosmetics and perfumes is a rather complicated matter, since all cosmetic products must be certified, and when concluding contracts with suppliers, all documents must be carefully checked and attention must be paid to the products’ compliance with existing requirements.

Since July 2012, the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union came into force (it is valid in Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan), which detail the procedure for mandatory certification of cosmetic and perfume products, and the requirements for the preparation of documents for goods, and the application of labels on products.

It also describes the requirements for packaging, which should contain comprehensive information about the product. For two years from the date of entry into force of the Technical Regulations, a so-called “transitional” period will operate, but it is necessary to require suppliers to correctly design cosmetic products now.

Registration of activities

Once you have decided to open your own cosmetics store, you need to work out the main areas of activity, look for premises for a future outlet and make the business official. To do this you need:

  • go through the state procedure (although it is possible, but an individual entrepreneur in this case will simplify accounting);
  • choose the type of activity - when opening a cosmetics store, it will be retail trade in cosmetics, perfumes and household chemicals;
  • choose a taxation system - it can be either or.

Selecting a room

When choosing premises for a cosmetics store, you should pay attention to shopping centers where you can rent premises, separate pavilions or the basement floors of residential buildings. Of course, the rental price is an important point, but you need to choose a room based on a good customer flow. Therefore, if the most successful place for organizing trade is more expensive, it is worth making this sacrifice. After all, in the end, the rent will pay off with successful trading.

As for the size of the future store, it is better to choose a room with an area of ​​30 to 90 square meters. True, in a shopping center, a space larger than 50 square meters will be too expensive, so you can stop at 40-45 meters. For the correct location of a cosmetic store, the number of floors of the building matters. If you decide to open a trade in a separate building, then it should be the first or ground floor, and if in a shopping center, then, if there is an escalator, the floor can be any.

Necessary equipment

Everyone understands that a cosmetics store requires specific retail equipment: glass counters, racks, shelves on which the product will look advantageous and where it will be convenient to view it. You will also need a cash register and, of course, a bright sign that will attract the attention of customers.

Trade equipment should be maximally adapted to the existing premises. Depending on the area and configuration of the sales area, you can install both counters against the walls and island display cases in the middle of the room. At the same time, closed display cases and counters should be wisely combined with open ones. According to statistics, open counters stimulate sales by 20%. But when choosing open trade equipment that can significantly increase sales, it is worth taking care of a reliable anti-theft system, since cosmetics and perfume stores are the most often subject to theft of goods.

Assortment matters

When planning your store's assortment, you should pay attention to the following products:

  • decorative cosmetics;
  • facial care products;
  • perfumery;
  • hair and body care products;
  • personal hygiene products;
  • shaving and hair removal products.

In addition, you can immediately think through a system of gift certificates or put together special gift sets that will include both popular products and related products.

Of course, when planning an assortment, you need to focus on customer demand for certain products and brands. By the way, it is better to study customer demand in small trial lots of goods. Over time, a certain algorithm will be developed for the most successful ratio of goods on store shelves, but first it is worth focusing on proven and popular products of mass demand and advertised new items. You can also expand the list of products sold by including hair accessories, underwear, household chemicals, jewelry, gift wrapping and thematic literature.

The basis of the assortment should be budget brands, of course, if you do not plan to sell elite and expensive perfumes and cosmetics. You can also enter into agreements for the supply of goods with leading domestic and foreign manufacturers, who often offer small retail outlets favorable conditions for cooperation.

As for trade margins, for perfumery products they are, as a rule, 45-100%, for cosmetic products - 20-50%, for household chemicals - 15-25%.

Smart staff is the key to success

Before opening a perfume and cosmetics store, you should think everything over thoroughly and draw up a business plan, one of the most important points of which will be hiring suitable personnel. The number of sales consultants depends on the size of the store and its work schedule. So, for a small boutique with an area of ​​50 square meters, which will be open from 10.00 to 20.00, four sales consultants will be required, working two after two. In this case, the owner of the business will combine the position of store manager, chief accountant, personnel officer and merchandiser.

Particular attention should be paid to communication skills and awareness of staff. After all, in a cosmetics store, customers, as a rule, need professional help in choosing various products or competent advice. This means that consultants must know the product, study all the annotations and be able to intelligently answer numerous customer questions. If necessary, you can send sellers to special courses or hire experienced consultants.

Advertising and discounts

It is no secret that all cosmetics stores make money mainly from regular customers, who are attracted by various promotions, bonuses and discounts. Therefore, you need not to be greedy and wisely spend money on store advertising, as well as the production of discount cards and the development of discount programs. All these measures will sooner or later return a hundredfold and bring significant profits. And in order not to burn out, the cost of discounts should be immediately added to the price of the product.

Internet: we sell cosmetics online!

In order not to be tied only to selling goods in a store, you can launch an online cosmetics store. Since you will already be ordering goods for your outlet, you will not have problems sending them to those who order online. You can order a website from developers, or you can make it yourself, using programs from the Internet and recommendations that can be easily found on many sites. The portal should have an order form, feedback and the ability to pay for the goods. Then the site should be filled with content, for example, interesting thematic articles that encourage purchase, and, of course, a product catalog. If you do all this yourself, then the costs of creating an online store will not be so high, and given that you already have the goods, the business can develop quite actively.

Financial aspect

Of course, opening a cosmetics and perfumery store is a rather complex project that will require considerable investment. Do not forget that the main consumers of cosmetic products are women. This means that the store must be stylish, beautiful and competitive.

So, let’s calculate the costs of starting a business, taking into account the fact that the store’s area is 50 square meters, it employs four salespeople, a manager and one cleaner, and trade is conducted through the counter:

Monthly expenses:

Monthly income:

According to calculations, it is clear that a cosmetics and perfumery store will pay for itself in about two years, and the profitability of such a business is about 10%.

Since the times of Ancient Rome, sausage has been a popular food product. She has not lost her popularity to this day. A large number of entrepreneurs want or a department selling sausages.

If you don’t know the intricacies, opening a store selling sausages may seem easy to a novice entrepreneur, but you still shouldn’t underestimate this business. At first, you may well encounter a lot of different problems.

Preparing for the opening

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Market research

Before actually opening a store, you need to study many different aspects. One of these is studying competitors, in other words, you should determine how the assortment of your sausage store will differ from the products of competitors. Try to determine the circle of your future potential customers by answering the question why they should buy sausages in your store. Conducting a survey among residents of the area where you are going to locate your outlet can help you with this. During the survey, you can obtain information about customer preferences in price and brands.

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An important aspect when opening a sausage store is the range of sausage products. This largely determines how much profit your sausage shop will generate. It is worth noting that purchasing too many different types of sausages will not bring the desired result. Select about 30 of the most popular products and start selling them. Compile the necessary statistics for yourself and then, based on the results of your store’s work, highlight the best-selling types of sausages and remove unpopular ones.

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Business plan

One of the most important points is the business plan for your store. First of all, it is necessary for defense before a state commission, but a business plan is also useful for the entrepreneur himself. It should be recalled that opening a sausage store is not easy; it is a matter that requires proper planning. A well-written business plan, including all the necessary information, will help you take your business to a new level. Of course, everything will depend on a variety of factors: prices, store location, competition, popularity, etc., but the cost per month of work store in a large city should be an amount equal to approximately 30,000 rubles.

Selling sausages is considered a fast-paying business, so monthly income can be as little as 60,000 rubles. up to 120,000 rub.

For all beginning businessmen, experts advise drawing up a business plan by multiplying all expense figures by two. A business plan drawn up in this way will help determine whether your finances are enough to open a sausage store. With such a calculation, some financial difficulties may arise, so think about the loan option in advance, and also do not forget about government assistance to entrepreneurs.

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The next thing you need to think about is the premises itself, where the sale of sausages will begin. Having already collected all the necessary data about your future business, you should think about renting premises. First, carefully consider the location of your store: it should be in the most optimal location with minimal competition, as many possible consumers as possible (in other words, in a crowded place and always in plain sight) and have an adequate rental price. Secondly, the premises themselves must meet sanitary standards and have enough space for your business. It should be noted in advance that in order to prepare all documents and certificates for trade, you will need to contact a lawyer in your region, since the list of required documentation may vary.

As soon as the room is completely at your disposal, start arranging it. The main focus of a sausage store can be good refrigeration equipment. Many sausage manufacturers offer their own branded equipment, so try to explore and use this option, it can help you save money. In addition to the equipment, it is worth thinking about the design of the room itself. When dealing with this issue, try to think about both your customers and your staff. A few appropriate decorations will help increase the prestige of your store, and having at least a couple of pots with plants will make your space more cozy and homey. By the way, for all this it makes sense to turn to experienced designers.

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Selection of suppliers

Finding suppliers usually does not take much time, but this only means that their choice must be taken carefully. When choosing suppliers, experienced entrepreneurs strongly recommend that you familiarize yourself with the company’s activities by approaching them and evaluating, as they say, with your eyes, not your ears. Pay special attention not only to price and product quality, but also to location. Also, do not forget about the company’s performance indicators and delivery schedule. The latter is especially important during the holidays, when the supplier will directly determine whether your store is able to serve all customers. The inability to provide such service can give the store a bad reputation. Think about whether you will cooperate with one supplier or several, this is also an important question. Long-term relationships with suppliers will save you not only money, but also your nerves.

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A lot will depend on the personnel in your business, so choose them no less carefully than choosing suppliers. Particular attention should be paid to the seller. Sellers are people who are in direct contact with customers, they are the face of your store, so they must first of all be able to easily and pleasantly communicate with customers and leave a pleasant impression. Everything else will come with experience, namely knowledge of all the features of the product being sold. It often happens that the buyer does not even know what product he needs and how much he is willing to fork out. In these matters you will need the help of an experienced seller.

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Opening and promotion

So, your store is open and your business plan is starting to work. Now you need to think about promoting it. You can’t, having started your own business, immediately let it take its course. To convince people to buy your product, you can offer them several types of advertising:

  • name of shop. Oddly enough, a suitable name is one of the main secrets of store advertising. It should be easy, memorable and indicative of the product you are selling;
  • signboard. If your store is located in a crowded place, then you should not save money on a high-quality sign. It should not only be catchy and bright, but also interesting and original. Of course, if your store is located in an alley, then a large sign is inappropriate here. In this case, more attention should be paid to the design of shop windows and windows;
  • stock. Your store should become “alive” and constantly attract new visitors! Carry out various promotions there, don’t be stingy with hiring students for temporary work and allow customers to try out your product by tasting it. Even if you have a small store, promotion should not bypass it. All promotions you run are a sign that you are interested in your customers. They appreciate it;
  • bags with logo. Simply print bags with your store's name and logo and provide them to customers for free. In this case, customers will no longer forget the name of your sausage store, and passers-by will have the opportunity to get to know it by seeing your logo on someone else’s package. The circulation of packages usually costs only 5,000-10,000 rubles. and provides the store with advertising for approximately 3-6 months;
  • distribution of leaflets. Let more people know about your existence - hire a promoter and distribute leaflets with your promotions. By the way, after hiring a person for such a job, try to monitor the honesty of its implementation. A considerable number of people working in this field tend to deceive the employer, for example, by throwing most of the leaflets into the trash.

Business plan for selling mobile accessories on the “island”

* The calculations use average data for Russia


The goal of the project is to create a micro-enterprise in Krasnodar. The area of ​​activity is the sale of accessories for mobile phones on an “island” in a large shopping center. The project initiator is assumed to be self-employed.

The demand for the project’s products is due to the general situation in the mobile retail market: a decrease in the solvency of the population, which has led to a decrease in demand for new mobile phones and smartphones. This, in turn, is driving demand for mobile device repair services, as well as accessories that can personalize a device or protect it from physical wear and tear.

Investment costs are aimed at making a rental deposit for three months, production of a trade stand, purchase of goods, as well as the formation of a working capital fund until the project reaches payback.

Table 1. Key project performance indicators


One of the most striking indicators of consumer sentiment in Russia today is the market for mobile devices – smartphones and tablets. In a stable economic situation, many Russians preferred to change their smartphone on average once every one and a half to two years. In the last two years the situation has changed dramatically.

Based on the indicators of the RSBI Opora Index, compiled by Opora Russia jointly with Promsvyazbank, entrepreneurial sentiment in Russia stopped falling and showed a slight growth trend.

Figure 1. RSBI indicators, 2014-2016

However, mobile retail (b2c market for mobile devices) indicates a more serious decline in consumer sentiment. For example, in 2015 the main market trends were:

    a decrease in the share of the premium segment in total sales against the backdrop of the growing popularity of new (largely Chinese) brands; at the same time, consumers preferred to maintain the performance of the devices, but not overpay for the brand; the share of traditional smartphone manufacturers has fallen to less than 50% of total sales

    growth in the average retail price of devices - according to experts, it increased by 9% compared to 2014; at the same time, growth turned out to be significantly lower than in other segments of the household appliances and electronics market

    growth in the functionality of smartphones - the share of devices supporting LTE, NFC, two SIM cards, etc. has increased.

    smartphones replacing regular mobile phones, which account for 33% of total sales as of 2005

It was in 2015 that the mobile device market in Russia showed negative dynamics for the first time since 2009: compared to 2014, sales decreased by 3% in volume terms. Sales of smartphones increased due to a decrease in sales of conventional mobile phones - smartphones, according to the analytical agency TrendForce, were sold 22% more than in 2014 (in monetary terms).

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At the beginning of 2016, several of the largest players in the mobile retail market reported a serious drop in sales in physical terms - by 8.4% in 2015 compared to 2014. Revenue, however, continued to grow due to rising device costs. The average cost rose from 8.9 thousand rubles per device in 2014 to 10.1 thousand rubles. in 2015. Smartphones with LTE support accounted for about 57% of sales in volume terms.

At the beginning of September 2016, the analytical company IDC published preliminary results of the Russian mobile device market for the first half of 2016. Experts note a stabilization of indicators and a return to pre-crisis levels. However, according to IDC forecasts, in dollar terms the market will not regain its former positions. In the medium term, the market will remain highly competitive and price sensitive.

The main market trends in 2016 include:

    continued growth of interest in the functionality of devices (performance, LTE support, photo and video quality, etc.)

    consumers began to change mobile phones less frequently (the share of devices purchased more than 12 months ago has increased significantly)

    growth in sales of mono-brand chains, decrease in sales of multi-brand chains; The retail of mobile network operators is also growing (in the first half of 2015, 21% of buyers purchased mobile devices from operators, in 2016 – 24%)

    growth in sales of devices under the own brands of mobile operators; As a rule, these are budget devices made in China

Figure 2. How long ago did you buy the mobile phone / smartphone you use today (according to AC&M)

Figure 3. Mobile device sales structure (according to AC&M)

To summarize, the market is most likely to stagnate over the next few years. The share of multi-brand retail will continue to decline, but it will not disappear completely. The importance of cellular operators' own distribution channels will grow.

These data indicate a decrease in demand for new mobile electronics, which leads to an increase in demand for spare parts and accessories. Thanks to accessories, you can “revive” the appearance of even a significantly shabby smartphone, as well as extend its life.

The enterprise is organized from scratch and registered with the relevant government agencies. The location of the retail outlet is an “island” in the largest shopping center in Krasnodar. An island is a retail outlet with an area of ​​2.5 m2 in the gallery of a shopping center. The project initiator is assumed to be self-employed.

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Krasnodar is a city in the south of Russia, the administrative center of the Krasnodar Territory, one of the largest cities in the Southern Federal District. A large economic, commercial, industrial and cultural center. The population of the city is 853 thousand people.

The largest shopping center in the city was chosen for placement, the total area of ​​the center is 180,400 m2, the retail area is 142,000 m2; parking for 3,500 cars. On the territory of the shopping center there are: the largest grocery hypermarket in the Southern Federal District, a hypermarket of building materials, a furniture store, goods for sports and recreation, household appliances and electronics, clothes and shoes for children and adults, bowling.

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The retail outlet is located in a place with the highest traffic, in one of the central galleries of the shopping center, in close proximity to the food court.


The project sells accessories for mobile phones and smartphones in the budget and mid-price segments, mainly made in China and Russia. These include both decorative elements (back covers), functional (chargers, portable speakers) and protective (protective films, cases). A complete list of products (by category) is given in Table. 2. To simplify calculations, the average cost of goods in each category is used.

Table 2. Assortment, variable costs and selling price





External batteries

Back covers

Protective glass

Protective film

Micro SD memory cards

Portable speakers

Project workers also provide services for applying protective film, installing back covers, setting up speakers, and so on. All services are provided free of charge.

The goods are purchased from the wholesale warehouse of a large online wholesale supplier of mobile accessories. The warehouse is located in Krasnodar, which greatly facilitates logistics and reduces the cost of delivering goods.


The target audience of the project is men and women aged 14 to 45 years, with a mobile phone or smartphone, with an income level of up to 50,000 rubles. All sales are carried out directly through the retail outlet in the shopping center. To attract customers, a specially organized display of goods is used, demonstrating the most striking and original accessories. In addition, there are periodic product demonstrations - for example, the operation of portable speakers.

Additional promotion is carried out through social networks and Internet services aimed at the youth audience, which is the most active segment of the target audience. Social networks, and Instagram service are used. Public pages are created filled with various content:

    useful - tips and tricks on the use of mobile phones and accessories, how to care for them (40% of the volume)

    entertaining – funny stories and pictures related to the theme of the pages (25% of the volume)

    involving – competitions, surveys (15% of volume)

Publication frequency – 3-4 posts per day.

The competitiveness of the project is based on its favorable location. On the territory of the shopping center there are digital equipment stores that also offer accessories for mobile phones and smartphones, however, since this area is not their specialization, their assortment, as a rule, is not so deep. Typically, the stock of mobile retail stores consists of accessories for the latest models of devices that are directly on sale. Considering the fact that the stock of mobile devices in the country is rapidly aging, accessories for older models are becoming in demand. The project takes this fact into account and pays attention to the purchase of such accessories, which has a positive effect on the profitability of the project, since outdated models are purchased from the stock balances of wholesale suppliers at a discount.

Reaching planned sales volumes is expected to begin in the fourth month of project implementation. Reaching the break-even point by the third month of project implementation. The demand for the project’s products does not have a pronounced seasonality, with the exception of surges in consumer activity during the pre-holiday periods - before February 23, March 8 and the New Year.

Table 3. Planned sales volumes






External batteries

Back covers

Chargers / AC adapters

Protective glass

Protective film

Micro SD memory cards

Portable speakers


266 530

171 220


Sales of goods are carried out through a sales stand located in the gallery of the shopping center. Stand area – 2.5 m2. The operational stock of goods is stored inside the stand, in locked boxes. The premises of the shopping center are centrally guarded, so overnight storage of goods at the stand is safe. The main inventory is kept by the project initiator, for which a special room has been equipped in his house.

The sales stand is manufactured by a furniture company in Krasnodar to order according to individually developed drawings. The design provides the most convenient open display that can attract the attention of visitors to the shopping center. The period for manufacturing and installation of the stand (by the manufacturer) is 7 calendar days.

The purchase of goods is carried out at the warehouse of a large wholesale supplier of mobile accessories. Depending on the volume of a one-time purchase, the size of the wholesale discount usually varies, but the project initiator managed to reach an agreement with the regional management to fix the maximum discount, subject to a gross monthly purchase volume of at least 150,000 rubles. Planned volume of purchases (according to Table 3 – 171,200 rubles).

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The warehouse turnover is planned at 2-2.5 times a month, thus, 2-3 purchases of goods are carried out monthly for varying amounts. This allows you to more accurately form warehouse inventory, avoid the appearance of illiquid goods, and also increase the turnover of working capital.

The product is supplied in original packaging. The warranty period depends on the product category.


All leadership and management functions are performed by the project initiator. He has experience in organizing retail trade and online promotion. Accounting has been outsourced. The opening hours of the outlet are 10.00 – 22.00. A shift work schedule is provided - 2/2, accordingly, a second salesperson is required. The selection of a seller is carried out during the preparatory stage of the project. The duration of the preparatory stage is 1 week. During this period, the production and installation of the trade stand is also carried out, and the first batch of goods is purchased. After this, the period of operating activity of the enterprise begins.

The project has a limited implementation period - five years, after which it is planned to be liquidated with the sale of assets and fixation of profits. The basis for this decision is the unpredictability of the development of mobile technologies and the economic situation in the country.

Individual entrepreneur was chosen as the legal form. Form of taxation – Unified tax on imputed income, section 8 “Retail trade carried out through the objects of a stationary retail chain that does not have sales floors, as well as through the facilities of a non-stationary retail chain, the area of ​​the retail space in which does not exceed 5 sq.m.”

Table 4. Staffing and wages fund

Job title

Salary, rub.

Number, persons

Payroll, rub.




Replacement seller


RUB 22,500.00

Social Security contributions:

RUB 6,750.00

Total with deductions:

RUB 29,250.00


The financial plan is drawn up for the entire duration of the project and takes into account all income and expenses of the project. Revenue refers to revenue from operating activities; The project does not provide for other types of income. Annual revenue after the project reaches planned sales volumes is 3.3 million rubles; net profit (after taxes) – 299 thousand rubles.

Investment costs are 309,000 rubles, of which the project initiator’s own funds are 100,000 rubles (Table 5). The lack of funds is expected to be covered by attracting a bank loan for a period of 24 months at 18% per annum. Loan repayment is carried out in annuity payments, credit holidays are three months.

Table 5. Investment costs


AMOUNT, rub.

Real estate

3 months deposit


Trade stand

Intangible assets

Working capital

Working capital

Purchase of raw materials


309,000 ₽

Own funds:

RUB 100,000.00

Required borrowings:

209,000 ₽



Duration, months:

Variable costs include the cost of purchasing goods (including the cost of transportation to the project warehouse) and are shown in Table. 2. Fixed costs include expenses for renting space, advertising and depreciation. The amount of depreciation charges is calculated using the straight-line method based on the useful life of fixed assets of five years. Upon completion of the project, fixed assets are subject to write-off.

Table 6. Fixed costs

A detailed financial plan is given in Appendix. 1.


The assessment of the effectiveness and investment attractiveness of the project is carried out on the basis of an analysis of the financial plan, cash flows, as well as simple and integral performance indicators (Table 1). To account for changes in the value of money over time, the discounted cash flow method is used. Discount rate – 3%.

Simple (PP) and discounted (DPP) payback period is 16 months. Net present value (NPV) – RUB 450,964. Internal rate of return (IRR) – 7.1%. Profitability index (PI) – 1.46. These figures are quite high at a low discount rate. If we take the discount rate as the desired rate of return of the project initiator, the project can be considered effective and attractive to the investor.


To assess the risks associated with the implementation of the project, internal and external influencing factors are assessed. Internal factors include incorrectly selected assortment. To neutralize this risk, the following measures must be taken:

    monitoring of warehouse balances for turnover and liquidity

    monitoring feedback and survey results on social media pages

    monitoring competitors' assortment

    obtaining data on the most popular products from the project supplier

External factors include the following:

    rent increase

    decrease in effective demand

If any of the listed negative scenarios are realized, it is necessary to fix the profit and liquidate the project due to the inability to compensate for the increase in costs due to the profitability of the project.

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