Where are the ordinate axis and abscissa axis? Abscissa. What we learned

Which quarter is each point in: A(-2;5), B(4;2), C(3;-6), A(-2;5), B(4;2), C(3;- 6), D(7;1), E(-5;-3), M(-5;4), D(7;1), E(-5;-3), M(-5;4) , K(-8;-2), P(1;-7), N(1;3), K(-8;-2), P(1;-7), N(1;3), R (-7;-1). R(-7;-1). I I IIIV I III III IV III II Card 1.

Self-test: 1. Two straight lines forming right angles when intersecting... 2. The plane on which the coordinate system is selected... 3. The coordinate line y Two perpendicular coordinate lines x and y, which intersect at the origin - point O,... 5. The coordinate line straight line x ... ... are called perpendicular. ... called the coordinate plane. ...is called the y-axis. ...is called a coordinate system on a plane. ... called the abscissa axis. Card 3.

Excursion to the zoo. Excursion to the zoo. Construct a figure at given coordinates. Construct a figure at given coordinates. Find the riddle about who you saw at the Zoo. Find the riddle about who you saw at the Zoo. Simulator "Catch a Fish" Simulator "Catch a Fish"

27674. Points O (0;0), A (6;8), B (4;2) and C are the vertices of a parallelogram. If point C belongs to the negative semi-axis Y'O, then the ordinate has a negative value. The ordinate value of point A is equal to the length of the segment OC (see figure). If you have forgotten what the abscissa and ordinate are, then look at this article.

The information presented on the site is not official and is provided for informational purposes only. For those who are confused about where on the coordinate plane the x axis is and where the y axis is, there is the following association. On the coordinate plane, each point has two coordinates. Then, I came up with an association for myself: The “ABSCISS” axis is “ABS-ICS”. For example, a car number is coordinates, because by the car number you can determine what city it is from and who its owner is.

Examples of coordinates are: car and seat number on a train, latitude and longitude on a geographic map, recording the position of a piece on a chessboard, position of a point on a number line, etc. The French mathematician René Descartes (1596–1650) proposed specifying the position of a point on a plane using two coordinates.

The second axis is drawn vertically, it is called the ORDINATE axis and is designated by the letter Y, the Oy axis is written. The positive direction on the ordinate axis is chosen from bottom to top and is shown with an arrow. Coordinate axes are straight lines that form a coordinate system.

If you don’t know about the competition yet, then I invite you! This article contains several more tasks related to the coordinate plane for you. The essence of the problems considered below is this: figures on the plane are given, the coordinates of the vertices (not all) are given, it is necessary to determine the abscissa or ordinate of the unknown vertex.

Please note that the condition says that a quadrilateral is given, that is, it seems to imply that it is possible that it is not a parallelogram. But the coordinates show that this is nothing more than a parallelogram. 27685. Points O(0;0), A(6;8), B(8;2) are the vertices of the triangle. But it will be easier and faster to construct a figure on a coordinate plane on a grid sheet and calculate the length of a segment using the Pythagorean theorem.

See what “Ordinate” is in other dictionaries:

All topographic maps within a given zone have a common rectangular coordinate system. For the convenience of using coordinates on topographic maps, a conditional count of ordinates has been adopted, excluding negative ordinate values. Abbreviated coordinates cannot be used for target designation at the junction of coordinate zones and if the area of ​​operation covers a space of more than 100 km in latitude or longitude.

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Please include a link to the page with the error in your email. Such a graphical representation of a function gives a clear idea of ​​the nature of its behavior, but the accuracy achieved is insufficient. It is possible that intermediate points not plotted on the graph lie far from the drawn smooth curve.

Therefore, the graph of a function should be defined as the locus of points whose coordinates M (x, y) are related by a given functional relationship. Coordinates are a set of data from which the position of an object is determined. Whenever, according to certain rules, we unambiguously designate an object with a set of letters, numbers or other symbols, we specify the coordinates of the object.

Coordinate plane is the plane in which the coordinate system is constructed. To be more convincing, you can construct this figure on a coordinate plane on a checkered sheet. It is known that the point of intersection of the diagonals is equidistant from the opposite sides (lies in the middle). You can use the formula for the coordinates of the middle of a segment, and then knowing them, calculate the length of the segment using the appropriate formula.

If you do not find yourself in the list of suppliers, notice an error, or have additional numerical data for colleagues on the topic, please let us know. The project is non-profit. The owners of the TehTab.ru website do not bear any responsibility for the risks associated with the use of information obtained from this Internet resource. Good results also largely depend on a good choice of scales.

In everyday life you can often hear the phrase: “Leave me your coordinates.” To find coordinates, you need landmarks from which to count. The solution to this type of problem that is part of the Unified State Examination is very simple - they are solved almost immediately within a minute.

There are also problems to determine the length of a segment

This association makes it easy to remember that x is the x-axis and y is the y-axis and never confuse the coordinate axes again. The abscissa of point A is the coordinate of this point on the X'X axis in a rectangular coordinate system. X' and Y' are real ordinate values; X, Y - conditional ordinate values. Find the abscissa of the point P of intersection of its diagonals.

This point on the axis X'X in a rectangular coordinate system. Abscissa value of a point A equal to the length of the segment O.B.(see picture). If the point B belongs to the positive semi-axis OX, then the abscissa has a positive value. If the point B belongs to the negative semi-axis X'O, then the abscissa has a negative value. If the point A lies on the axis Y'Y, then its abscissa is zero.

In a rectangular coordinate system, a ray (straight line) X'X called the "abscissa axis". When plotting functions, the x-axis is usually used as the domain of definition of the function.


see also

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  • Abscissa // Great Soviet Encyclopedia: [in 30 volumes] / ch. ed. A. M. Prokhorov. - 3rd ed. - M. : Soviet encyclopedia, 1969-1978.

Excerpt characterizing Abscissa

“However, I’m embarrassing you,” he told him quietly, “let’s go, talk about business, and I’ll leave.”
“No, not at all,” said Boris. And if you are tired, let’s go to my room and lie down and rest.
- Indeed...
They entered the small room where Boris was sleeping. Rostov, without sitting down, immediately with irritation - as if Boris was guilty of something in front of him - began to tell him Denisov’s case, asking if he wanted and could ask about Denisov through his general from the sovereign and through him deliver a letter. When they were left alone, Rostov became convinced for the first time that he was embarrassed to look Boris in the eyes. Boris, crossing his legs and stroking the thin fingers of his right hand with his left hand, listened to Rostov, as a general listens to the report of a subordinate, now looking to the side, now with the same clouded gaze, looking directly into Rostov’s eyes. Each time Rostov felt awkward and lowered his eyes.
“I have heard about this kind of thing and I know that the Emperor is very strict in these cases. I think we should not bring it to His Majesty. In my opinion, it would be better to directly ask the corps commander... But in general I think...
- So you don’t want to do anything, just say so! - Rostov almost shouted, without looking into Boris’s eyes.
Boris smiled: “On the contrary, I’ll do what I can, but I thought...
At this time, Zhilinsky’s voice was heard at the door, calling Boris.
“Well, go, go, go...” said Rostov, refusing dinner, and being left alone in a small room, he walked back and forth in it for a long time, and listened to the cheerful French conversation from the next room.


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    See what “Ordinate” is in other dictionaries: Ordinate - When data is graphed, the ordinate corresponds to the information contained on the vertical axis, or y-axis. In experimental studies, the values ​​of the dependent variable are placed on this axis. Psychology. A I. Dictionary... ...

    Great psychological encyclopedia - (from the Latin ordinatus located in order) one of the Cartesian coordinates of a point, usually the second, denoted by the letter y ...

    Big Encyclopedic Dictionary ORDINATE, ordinates, female. (lat. ordinata located at equal distances) (mat.). In the coordinate system of analytical geometry, a perpendicular on a plane is lowered from a point to the abscissa axis. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ...

    Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary Exist., number of synonyms: 1 coordinate (4) Dictionary of synonyms ASIS. V.N. Trishin. 2013…

    Synonym dictionary ordinate - The difference in longitude of the beginning and end of the profile, measured at a given latitude Topics oil and gas industry EN ordinatedeparture ...

    Synonym dictionary- In cartography, a coordinate measured in a direction perpendicular to the axial meridian... Dictionary of Geography

    ORDINATE- one of two (three) numbers that determine the position of a point on a plane (in space) relative to a rectangular coordinate system... Big Polytechnic Encyclopedia

    - (lat. ordinatus ordered, arranged in a certain order) eom. one of two (three) numbers that determine the position of a point on a plane (in space) relative to a rectangular coordinate system. New dictionary of foreign words. by EdwART… Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    Y; and. [from lat. ordinatus ordered, assigned] Mat. A quantity that determines the position of a certain point on a plane or in space along the Y axis in a rectangular coordinate system (cf. abscissa, ordinate). * * * ordinate (from Latin ordinatus ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Synonym dictionary- ordinatė statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: engl. ordinate vok. Ordinate, f rus. ordinate, f pranc. ordonnée, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas

In everyday life you can often hear the phrase: “Leave me your coordinates.”

In response, a person usually leaves his address or phone number, that is, data by which he can be found.

Coordinates can be indicated by a variety of sets of numbers or letters.

For example, a car number is coordinates, because by the car number you can determine what city it is from and who its owner is.

Important! Coordinates

is a set of data from which the position of an object is determined.

Examples of coordinates are: car and seat number on a train, latitude and longitude on a geographic map, recording the position of a piece on a chessboard, position of a point on a number line, etc.

Whenever, according to certain rules, we unambiguously designate an object with a set of letters, numbers or other symbols, we specify the coordinates of the object.

Cartesian coordinate system

The French mathematician Rene Descartes (1596-1650) proposed specifying the position of a point on a plane using two coordinates.

  • To find coordinates, you need landmarks from which to count.
  • The second axis is drawn vertically, it is called the ORDINATE axis and is designated by the letter “Y”, the axis is written “Oy”.

The positive direction on the ordinate axis is chosen from bottom to top and is shown with an arrow.

The axes are mutually perpendicular (i.e. the angle between them is 90°) and intersect at a point designated “O”.

Point “O” is the origin for each of the axes. Remember!

Coordinate system

- these are two mutually perpendicular coordinate lines intersecting at a point, which is the origin of reference for each of them. Coordinate axes are straight lines that form a coordinate system.

Abscissa axis"Ox" - horizontal axis.

Y axis

"Oy" - vertical axis.

Coordinate plane is the plane in which the coordinate system is constructed.

The plane is designated as “x0y”.

We draw your attention to the choice of the length of single segments along the axes. The numbers indicating numerical values ​​on the axes can be placed either to the right or to the left of the “Oy” axis. The numbers on the “Ox” axis are usually written below the axis. Typically, a unit segment on the “0y” axis is equal to a unit segment on the “0x” axis. But there are times when they are not equal to each other.

The coordinate axes divide the plane into 4 angles, which are called