Forlax analogues and prices. Forlax for children - instructions for use Different compositions, may have the same indications and method of use

pharmachologic effect

Osmotic laxative drug. The large molecular weight of macrogol 4000 is due to long linear polymers that hold water molecules through hydrogen bonds. Thanks to this after oral administration the drug increases the volume of intestinal contents. The volume of unabsorbed fluid that is located in the intestinal lumen maintains the laxative effect of the solution.

The laxative effect of Forlax occurs 24-48 hours after administration.


Pharmacokinetic data confirm that when taken orally, macrogol 4000 undergoes neither gastrointestinal absorption nor biotransformation.


symptomatic treatment constipation in adults and children aged 8 years and older.

Dosage regimen

Take orally, preferably 1-2 packets 1 time/day in the morning or 1 packet 2 times/day - morning and evening.

The daily dose is adjusted according to the clinical effect.

The contents of each package should be dissolved in a glass of water immediately before use.

After recovery normal operation intestines, the patient must maintain the effect: lead an active lifestyle and include foods rich in plant fiber in the diet.

If symptoms of constipation persist for more than 3 months, a further extensive diagnostic evaluation should be performed.

Side effect


clinical trials involving 600 patients, were transient in nature.

often (>1/100,<1/10) - вздутие живота и/или боль, тошнота, диарея; редко (>1/1000, <1/100) - рвота, неотложный позыв на дефекацию и недержание кала.

Additional information obtained from post-marketing surveillance

Allergic reactions: very rarely (<1/10 000) - кожный зуд, крапивница, транзиторная сыпь, отек лица, отек Квинке; в отдельных случаях - анафилактический шок.

From the digestive system: frequency unknown - diarrhea leading to electrolyte imbalance (hyponatremia, hypokalemia) and/or dehydration, especially in adults.


Side effects that were observed during clinical trials involving 147 children aged 6 months to 15 years, were minimal and transient.

From the digestive system: often (>1/100,<1/10) - диарея и абдоминальные боли; редко (>1/1000, <1/100) - метеоризм, тошнота, рвота. Диарея может быть причиной болезненных ощущений в перианальной области.

Allergic reactions: frequency cannot be estimated based on available data - hypersensitivity reactions.

Contraindications for use

- serious inflammatory bowel diseases (ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease);

- toxic megacolon in combination with symptomatic stenosis;

- perforation or threat of perforation of the gastrointestinal tract;

- intestinal obstruction or suspected intestinal obstruction;

- abdominal pain of unknown etiology;

- children under 8 years of age;

- hypersensitivity to macrogol (polyethylene glycol) or other components of the drug.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

The systemic effect of Forlax ® is insignificant, so no negative effects on the body of the mother and fetus are expected. Forlax ® can be taken during pregnancy.

The systemic effect of macrogol 4000 on the body of nursing women is insignificant, so no negative effect on the body of a newborn/infant is expected. Forlax ® can be used during lactation (breastfeeding).

IN experimental studies Animal studies have shown that macrogol 4000 does not have a teratogenic effect.

Use in children

Contraindicated for use in children under 8 years of age.


Symptoms: diarrhea, which stops when the dose of the drug is reduced or treatment is stopped.

Treatment: Excessive fluid loss due to diarrhea or vomiting may require correction of electrolyte abnormalities.

Drug interactions

The interaction of Forlax ® with other drugs has not been described.

Forlax ® slows down the absorption of concomitantly taken medications. Therefore, it is recommended to prescribe it no earlier than 2 hours after taking other drugs.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

The drug is approved for use as a means of OTC.

Storage conditions and periods

The drug should be stored out of the reach of children at a temperature not exceeding 30°C. Shelf life - 3 years.

special instructions

Before starting therapy, organic gastrointestinal diseases should be excluded.

Treatment of constipation with medications is recommended only as an addition to a healthy lifestyle and diet, for example: increasing fluid and fiber intake; adequate physical activity, which helps restore gastrointestinal motility.

If diarrhea develops, extreme caution should be taken in patients predisposed to fluid and electrolyte imbalances (for example, elderly patients, patients with impaired liver or kidney function, or patients taking diuretics); in such cases, it is necessary to monitor the electrolyte content.

There have been reports of cases of aspiration when large volumes of polyethylene glycol with electrolytes are administered through a nasogastric tube. Children with neurological disorders involving swallowing problems are at risk for aspiration.

Very rare cases of hypersensitivity (including rash, hives, swelling) have been reported when taking drugs containing macrogol (polyethylene glycol). In exceptional cases, anaphylactic shock has been observed.

Forlax ® contains sorbitol, so the drug should not be used in patients with congenital fructose intolerance.

Forlax ® contains sulfur dioxide, so in rare cases, serious allergic reactions and bronchospasm may occur.

Forlax ® does not contain large amounts of carbohydrates or polyols (sugar alcohols), so the drug can be prescribed to patients with diabetes mellitus, as well as to patients whose diet excludes galactose.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery

The drug does not affect the ability to drive vehicles or operate machinery.

Total analogues: 46. Price and availability of Forlax analogues for children in pharmacies. Before using any medication, you should always consult your doctor.

This page provides a list analogues of Forlax for children- these are interchangeable drugs that have similar indications for use and belong to the same pharmacological group. Before you buy analogue of Forlax for children, it is necessary to consult with a specialist regarding replacement of the drug, study in detail, read and a similar drug.

  • Pikosen

    Oral drops Pikosen used to treat patients suffering from constipation.
    Pikosen may also be prescribed in other cases where relief of bowel movements is required.
  • Vaseline oil

    Constipation. Vaseline oil can be used as an external remedy (for children).
  • Castor oil

    Castor oil used as a laxative. Also castor oil is used externally as part of ointments and balms for burns, ulcers, wounds, to soften the skin and remove dandruff.
  • Normaze

    Normaze used in the treatment of such conditions:
    Constipation, including chronic, including in children, pregnant women and elderly patients.
    Hepatic encephalopathy, including prevention and treatment of coma and precoma states in hepatic encephalopathy.
    For violations of the flora of the large intestine, including the detection of pathogenic microflora (salmonella).
    Dysbacteriosis, including malnutrition, after antibiotic therapy.
    In the pre- and postoperative period, to regulate stool in case of hemorrhoids.
    Putrefactive dyspepsia syndrome in young children, including dyspepsia due to food poisoning.

    In complex treatment:
    Vaginal dysbacteriosis, vaginal candidiasis.
    Osteoporosis (due to stimulation of mineral adsorption in the proximal large intestine due to taking the drug Normaze).

  • Fitolax

    The main purpose of this remedy is to stabilize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The mechanism of action of phytolax is to enhance the secretion of the digestive glands, as well as to provide a mild laxative effect.
  • Eucarbon

    A drug Eucarbon intended for the treatment of constipation of various origins, flatulence.
  • Transit Lax Evalar

    Transit Lax Evalar- to cleanse the intestines. Biologically active food supplement. Recommended as an additional source of magnesium containing aloin.
  • PhytoTransit Evalar

    PhytoTransit used in adults as a mild laxative for chronic constipation.
  • Normolakt

    Normolakt are: constipation (including chronic); intestinal dysbiosis; intoxication of various origins; hypercholesterolemia; hepatic encephalopathy; liver failure; hepatic precoma and coma; liver cirrhosis with a tendency to hyperammonemia.
    It is also prescribed for putrefactive dyspepsia syndrome in young children, pain syndrome after removal of hemorrhoids; for softening stool in case of hemorrhoids, if surgical intervention on the colon/anus is necessary.
  • Lavacol

    Lavacol used in preparation for endoscopic or x-ray examination of the colon, as well as for surgical interventions that require the absence of contents in the intestine (surgeries in gastroenterology, proctology, gynecology, etc.)
  • Bioflorax

    Indications for use of the drug Bioflorax are: chronic and situational constipation (including with hemorrhoids, the need for surgery on the colon and / or anus), postoperative atonic constipation, pain syndrome after removal of hemorrhoids, hepatic encephalopathy, liver failure, hepatic coma and precoma, chronic active hepatitis, hyperammonemia, intoxication of various etiologies, intestinal dysbiosis, putrefactive dyspepsia, salmonella carriage.
  • Bisacodyl tablets

    Indications for use of the drug Bisacodyl are: hypotonic and atonic constipation (including constipation in the elderly; constipation after surgery and childbirth). Regulating stool for hemorrhoids, proctitis, anal fissures. Preparation for instrumental and x-ray examinations, surgical operations.
  • Good luck

    Indications for use of the drug Good luck are: constipation, including chronic, during pregnancy, hemorrhoids; after surgical interventions on the colon and/or in the anal area, to prepare for surgical interventions on the colon; to soften stool (facilitate defecation) in case of pain after removal of hemorrhoids; hepatic encephalopathy, hepatic precoma and coma.
  • Poslabin syrup

    Indications for use of syrup Poslabin are: chronic constipation; hepatic encephalopathy (severe liver disease accompanied by neuropsychiatric disorders); salmonellosis (acute infectious disease of the gastrointestinal tract), with the exception of generalized forms (salmonellosis, accompanied by the entry of infectious agents into the blood); digestive disorders associated with putrefactive processes as a result of food poisoning in infants and children under 10 years of age.
    Lactulose can be used in pregnant and breastfeeding women, babies over 6 weeks old, elderly people, and people who have undergone resection of hemorrhoids (removal of bulging and inflamed veins of the rectum).
  • Lactulax

    Indications for use of the drug Lactulax are: hepatitis, hepatic encephalopathy, liver failure, hepatic precoma and coma, cirrhosis with a tendency to hyperammonemia, salmonellosis, treatment of bacilli carriage, intestinal dysbiosis, chronic constipation, hemorrhoids.
  • Senade

    A drug Senade used for constipation caused by hypotension and sluggish peristalsis of the large intestine; regulation of stool for hemorrhoids, proctitis, anal fissures.
  • Regulax

    A drug Regulax used for constipation caused by atony, hypotension and sluggish peristalsis of the large intestine.
  • Enema Wedge

    Enema Wedge intended for the treatment of constipation; to prepare for endoscopic examination of the rectum; to x-ray examination of the abdominal organs; to surgical operations on the abdominal organs, childbirth;
  • Fibralax

    Indications for use of the drug Fibralax are: acute and chronic constipation, anal fissures, hemorrhoids, the postoperative period during interventions in the anorectal area (in order to create a softer stool consistency).
  • Glycelax

    A drug Glycelax used for constipation of various origins, especially for defecation disorders and rectal coprostasis in elderly and senile people.
  • Fortrans

    A drug Fortrans used for:
    - preparation for endoscopic or x-ray examination of the colon;
    - preparation for surgical interventions that require the absence of contents in the intestines.




  • Fitomucil

    A drug Fitomucil shown when:
    - irregular, unbalanced nutrition;
    - constipation;
    - diarrhea caused by dysbacteriosis;
    - diverticulosis;
    - hemorrhoids, anal fissures;
    - cleansing the body;
    - overweight;
    - increased levels of cholesterol, blood sugar.
  • Guttasil

    Indications for use of the drug Guttasil are: constipation or cases requiring relief of bowel movements (hemorrhoids, proctitis, anal fissures, preparation for surgical operations, instrumental and x-ray examinations).
  • Exportal

    Indications for use of the drug Exportal are: constipation, intestinal dysbiosis; the need to regulate stool for medical purposes (cleansing the intestines in preparation for endoscopic and x-ray examinations, surgical interventions on the rectum, anal sphincter and the area adjacent to it); hepatic encephalopathy, hepatic precoma and coma, hyperammonemia.
  • Forlax

    Powder Forlax Intended for the symptomatic treatment of constipation in adults and children aged 8 years and older.
  • New figure Doctor Theiss

    Indications for use of the drug New figure Doctor Theiss are: obesity as a result of poor nutrition, excessive accumulation of fluid in tissues, atonic constipation, irritable bowel syndrome accompanied by constipation.
  • Force Out

    Indications for use of the drug Force Out are:
    - constipation: regulation of the physiological rhythm of the intestines;
    - softening of stool for medical purposes (hemorrhoids, operations on the colon and anus, in the postoperative period);
    - intestinal dysbiosis;
    - hepatic precoma and coma, hepatic encephalopathy, hyperammonemia.
  • Weak

    Weak used for constipation caused by hypotension and sluggish peristalsis of the colon. Regulating stool for hemorrhoids, proctitis, anal fissures. Preparation for surgical operations, instrumental and x-ray examinations.
  • Guttalax

    A drug Guttalax used as a laxative in the following cases:
    - constipation caused by atony and hypotension of the colon (including in old age, in bedridden patients, after operations, after childbirth and during lactation)
    - constipation caused by taking medications
    - to regulate stool in case of hemorrhoids, proctitis, anal fissures (to soften the consistency of stool)
    - preoperative preparation and preparation for instrumental and x-ray examinations
    - gallbladder diseases, irritable bowel syndrome with a predominance of constipation
    - constipation caused by intestinal dysbiosis and diet disorders.
  • Fleet Enema

    Fleet Enema used for constipation, as well as for bowel cleansing before colonoscopy and anorectal manometry.
  • D-Forject

    D-Forject used to cleanse the colon when preparing the patient for:
    - endoscopic or x-ray examination of the colon;
    - surgical interventions requiring the absence of contents in the colon.
  • Lamivit

    Indications for use of the drug Lamivit are:
    - prevention of endemic goiter, atherosclerosis;
    - in the form of an active enterosorbent for removing heavy metals, toxic radioactive substances and cleansing lymph;
    - with elevated cholesterol levels in the blood;
    - as a laxative for chronic atonic constipation;
    - in the complex treatment of metabolic disorders.

Trade name of the drug:

Forlax ®

International nonproprietary name:


Dosage form:

powder for solution for oral administration (for children)



* Orange oil, grapefruit oil, concentrated orange juice, citral, acetaldehyde, linalol, ethyl butyrate, alpha terpineol, octanal, cis-3-hexenol, maltodextrin, acacia gum, sorbitol.


White or almost white powder with the odor of orange and grapefruit, easily soluble in water to form a white translucent solution.

Pharmacotherapeutic group:


ATX code:


Pharmacological properties

The large molecular weight of macrogol 4000 is due to long linear polymers that hold water molecules through hydrogen bonds.
Due to this, after oral administration of the drug, the volume of intestinal contents increases.
The volume of unabsorbed fluid in the intestinal lumen supports the laxative effect of the solution.

Pharmacokinetic data confirm that macrogol 4000 is not subject to either gastrointestinal resorption or biotransformation when taken orally.

Indications for use

Symptomatic treatment of constipation in children aged 6 months to 8 years.


  • serious inflammatory bowel disease (ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease) or toxic megacolon;
  • perforation or risk of bowel perforation;
  • complete or partial intestinal obstruction, as well as suspicion of intestinal obstruction, symptomatic stenosis;
  • abdominal pain of unknown etiology;
  • hypersensitivity to macrogol (polyethylene glycol) or to other components of the drug.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Not applicable.

Directions for use and doses

  • from 6 months to 1 year: 1 sachet per day.
  • from 1 year to 4 years: from 1 to 2 sachets per day.
  • from 4 to 8 years: from 2 to 4 sachets per day.

The contents of one sachet should be dissolved in approximately 50 ml of water and taken in the morning (if the dosage is 1 sachet per day), or taken in the morning and evening (if the dosage is more than 1 sachet per day).
The duration of treatment is no more than 3 months.
The effect of Forlax ® appears 24 - 48 hours after administration. Maintaining the effect after restoring normal bowel function should be achieved through an active lifestyle and a diet rich in plant fiber.
If symptoms of constipation persist for more than 3 months, it is necessary to conduct a repeated extensive diagnostic examination.

Precautions for use

Organic gastrointestinal disorders should be excluded before starting therapy.
Treatment of constipation with medications is recommended only as an adjunct to a healthy lifestyle and diet, for example:

  • increasing fluid and fiber intake,
  • adequate physical activity, which helps restore motility of the digestive tract.

If symptoms of constipation persist for more than 3 months, it is necessary to conduct a repeated extensive diagnostic examination.
If diarrhea develops, extreme caution should be taken in patients predisposed to fluid and electrolyte imbalance (for example, patients with impaired liver or kidney function, or patients taking diuretics) and electrolyte monitoring should be performed.
Forlax ® does not contain significant amounts of carbohydrates and/or polyols (sugar alcohols) and can be used in patients with diabetes mellitus or in patients whose diet excludes galactose.
Special Warnings.
Very rare cases of hypersensitivity (including rash, hives, swelling) have been reported when taking drugs containing macrogol (polyethylene glycol). In exceptional cases, anaphylactic shock has been observed.
Due to the presence of sorbitol, patients with congenital fructose intolerance should not take this drug.
Cases of aspiration have been reported when large volumes of macrogol and electrolytes were administered through a nasogastric tube. Children with neurological disorders who have difficulty swallowing are at risk for aspiration.

Side effect

Data on adverse reactions are presented according to the following classification: very often (> 1/10), often (> 1/100 -<1/10), нечасто (>1/1,000 to<1/100), редко (<1/1,000), очень редко (> 1/10,000).
Mostly, adverse reactions are mild, transient and most often associated with gastrointestinal disorders.
Often: abdominal pain, diarrhea*.
* Diarrhea may cause irritation of the perianal area.
Infrequently: nausea, vomiting, bloating.
Experience with the use of the drug in routine practice (with a frequency that cannot be estimated based on available data): extremely rare cases of hypersensitivity** in the form of rash, urticaria, and angioedema.
**Information is provided based on data collected for all products containing Macrogol in various dosages.
If any of the side effects indicated in the instructions get worse, or you notice any other side effects not listed in the instructions, Tell your doctor about this.


An overdose of the drug leads to diarrhea, which subsequently disappears after reducing the dose or stopping treatment.
Intense diarrhea or vomiting can cause an imbalance in the input-electrolyte balance, which will require its correction.
There are reports of inflammation and irritation of the perianal area and fecal incontinence when large volumes of polyethylene glycol (4-11 liters) are used to cleanse the intestines before colonoscopy.

Interaction with other drugs

Slows down the absorption of concomitantly taken medications. Therefore, it is recommended to prescribe Forlax ® at least 2 hours after prescribing other drugs.

Impact on driving vehicles and operating machinery

No information available.

Release form

Powder for solution for oral administration (for children) 4 g.
4.0668 g of the drug in single-dose sachets made of paper, laminated with aluminum foil and polyethylene. 20 sachets are placed together with instructions for use in a cardboard pack.

Storage conditions

At a temperature not higher than 30°C.
Keep out of the reach of children.

Best before date

3 years.
Do not use after the expiration date stated on the package.

Vacation conditions

Available without a prescription.


Bofur Ipsen Industry France, 28100 Dreux

If necessary, consumer complaints should be sent to the representative office in the Russian Federation:
109147, Moscow, Taganskaya st., 19

In this article we will look at the instructions for use and analogues for the drug “Forlax”.

The problem of constipation is very well known to most people. Some prefer to suffer in silence, while others, in order to normalize stool, turn to intestinal lavage through enemas. Some go with their problem to qualified gastroenterologists, which is best. As a rule, doctors prescribe a series of laboratory tests, and then, based on the information received, drug treatment is prescribed. Among the means aimed at improving intestinal motility, Forlax is worth mentioning. This is one of the safe and effective drugs for problems of the digestive system, especially for functional constipation.

Analogues cheaper than Forlax are commercially available. “Forlax” itself costs from 220 rubles. More on this below.


The main indications for the use of Forlax are constipation, which is non-systemic in nature. However, this drug can also be prescribed in cases of chronic constipation, especially in elderly patients for whom other laxative drug options are not suitable for health reasons. The drug "Forlax" can be prescribed for medicinal constipation, when the drug that causes stool retention (we are talking about antidepressants, narcotic analgesics, antiparkinsonian drugs) cannot be canceled.

Sometimes this drug is prescribed to patients in the postoperative period in order to normalize stool and prevent constipation. Forlax is also used as a laxative in preparation for endoscopic examinations of organs, in which intestinal overcrowding can cause an incorrect diagnosis. Considering that this drug does not contain glucose and sugar alcohols, Forlax is allowed to be taken by people who have a history of diabetes with lactose intolerance. Now let's find out what contraindications there are


The presented remedy is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • Against the background of any acute inflammatory process in the digestive system.
  • For peptic ulcer disease.
  • If you have Crohn's disease.
  • Against the background of perforation or a high probability of its development in the intestinal walls.
  • In case of suspected pathologies of a gynecological or intestinal nature requiring surgical intervention.
  • Against the background of abdominal pain of unknown origin.
  • In case of intestinal obstruction.
  • If you have hypersensitivity to polyethylene glycol or other components.
  • In children up to eight years of age.
  • In case of congenital fructose intolerance.

Side effects

Most patients, as a rule, tolerate this drug quite easily. Only occasionally may discomfort appear in the intestines and stomach. When using large dosages of Forlax, bloating may occur along with diarrhea and vomiting. All these manifestations pass quickly, however, they require a reduction in the dosage of the laxative. Patients who are hypersensitive to the basic active ingredient of Forlax (ethylene glycol) can extremely rarely develop allergic reactions in the form of itching, urticaria and Quincke's edema.

How to take Forlax?

Forlax is taken exclusively in dissolved form. 10 grams of powder are diluted in 250 milliliters of water at room temperature. If a larger amount of the drug is used, a certain proportion should be followed: for each 10-gram sachet you will need 250 milliliters of water.

Upon contact with water, the powder swells and the liquid itself becomes whitish. Thanks to the flavoring, the medicine has a pleasant taste, so it can be drunk by children and adults without any difficulty. In order for bowel movements to occur in the morning or during the next day, it is recommended to take the drug immediately after sleep once or twice during the day (morning and evening).

Product for children

Analogues of children's "Forlax" should be selected by a doctor.

The differences in dosage and frequency of administration between children and adults are that children are advised not to take this drug very often, but should start treatment with minimal doses, that is, with one sachet. It should also be remembered that this drug should not be given to children under eight years of age due to the lack of clinical information.

Children over eight years old are initially prescribed 10 grams of the drug per day. In case of absence or incomplete bowel movement, the dosage is increased to 20 grams. Large quantities of this powder should not be consumed, as side effects may develop in the form of bloating, vomiting, diarrhea, intestinal pain, and so on. Now let's move on to a detailed consideration of analogues of this product.

Analogues of "Forlax"

The drug "Forlax" has several analogues (that is, synonyms), which have a similar mechanism of action; they contain ethylene glycol as the main component. The most well-known analogues of the product in question are: “Lavakol” along with “Macrogol”, “Osmogol”, “Transipeg”, “Realaxan”, “Fortrans” and “Forteza”.

Product "Lavacol"

Its price is about one hundred and fifty rubles. "Lavacol" is a Russian-made drug, which is produced in a package of fifteen packets. Each sachet contains the active component macrogol. The sachet is dissolved when using the drug in a glass of water. Immediately after administration there is a laxative effect. The main component in the digestive system is the retention of water molecules, due to which the volume of intestinal contents increases, which leads to accelerated evacuation.

Water and electrolyte balance is not disturbed against this background. The medication, as a rule, is not absorbed in the digestive organs and does not enter into metabolic processes. This analogue is prescribed for a mild laxative effect immediately before surgery on the abdominal organs or before their examination. This remedy is contraindicated in cases of perforation, intestinal ulcers, obstruction of this organ and severe heart failure.

Analogue of "Normaze"

The cost of this analogue of Forlax ranges from one hundred eighty to three hundred rubles. Normaze syrup is produced in Italy; like Forlax, it is intended to eliminate constipation at any age. This drug is also used to eliminate the syndrome of putrefactive dyspepsia, against the background of dysbacteriosis and encephalopathy. Thus, it is used to restore stool in patients with hemorrhoids immediately after surgery.

This drug analogue of Forlax contains lactulose, which creates an acidic environment in the intestines and stops the growth of microbes. It is worth noting that under the influence of this analogue, the content of toxins in the blood decreases and intestinal peristalsis is stimulated. The medicine should not be taken by patients who suffer from chronic appendicitis, intestinal obstruction or fructose intolerance.

It’s quite possible to find an analog cheaper than Forlax.

Tool "Portalak"

Prices for Portalak in pharmacies range from one hundred fifty to five hundred rubles. This laxative analogue is produced in Croatia. The product is based on lactulose, like Duphalac, its effect is aimed at eliminating constipation. Like Forlax, this analogue stimulates intestinal motility. Thanks to the active component, this drug increases the number of lactobacilli, which increase acidity in the intestines, thus providing a laxative effect.

This analogue of Forlax stops the growth and development of salmonella and other organisms in the colon. The drug is not addictive and does not reduce the absorption of beneficial components, be it vitamins, minerals, etc. The drug is prescribed for chronic constipation, during pregnancy, against the background of hemorrhoids and in all cases that require softening of the stool. As a side effect, flatulence is often observed in the first days, and allergic reactions are possible. Rectal bleeding is a contraindication to the use of the medicine.

Analog "Duphalac"

The price for this analogue of Forlax for children and adults in the pharmacy ranges from two hundred to one thousand rubles. The drug "Duphalac" in the form of syrup is produced in the Netherlands. It is intended for the treatment of constipation, similar to Forlax, but has a more measured effect, and therefore is not prescribed immediately before an x-ray of the digestive organs. The active component in the composition is lactulose. This substance has an effect on increasing the number of lactobacilli.

This property allows you to stimulate intestinal motility, increasing its contents and acting hyperosmotic. The medicine is not absorbed in the stomach, but is broken down directly in the large intestine by natural microflora. This drug is indicated for chronic constipation and is suitable for softening stool. It is also used in the presence of hepatic coma, against the background of dysbiosis caused by certain organisms. Flatulence is often encountered as an adverse reaction, especially at the beginning of treatment, which then goes away; nausea with diarrhea is also possible.

This is confirmed by the instructions for the Forlax analogue.

Forlax or Duphalac?

An analogue of Forlax, the drug Duphalac, has exactly the same indications, but it is also used in the complex therapy of hepatic encephalopathy and precoma due to the fact that it is able to stimulate lactic acid bacteria. The main difference between Forlax and Duphalac is that the latter can be prescribed to children starting from infancy. It is also prescribed to pregnant women.

In addition, Duphalac contains lactulose, which has a positive effect on the intestinal microflora; in particular, this component inhibits the growth of salmonella, shortening the periods of bacterial carriage. According to the principle of action and the period of occurrence of the laxative effect, both drugs are completely identical.

What other analogues of Forlax can be found in pharmacies?

Analog "Fortrans"

The cost of this analogue ranges from three hundred to six hundred and fifty rubles. The drug "Fortrans" is made in France. Similar to Forlax, it is prescribed for painless bowel movements. In addition to the active ingredient, the composition includes potassium and sodium chloride. The effect of this drug is based on its osmotic property. Due to the presence of electrolytes in the medicine, after cleansing there is no disturbance in the water and electrolyte balance, as after a procedure with a regular enema.

This analogue of the laxative “Forlax” is not absorbed in the stomach, being excreted unchanged in feces. This powder is prescribed before the procedure of irrigoscopy, endoscopy, x-ray of the abdominal organs, and so on. This remedy should not be used in the presence of a malignant tumor, and, in addition, before the age of fifteen.

We talked about taxes. Forlax receives quite a lot of reviews. Let's take a closer look at them.

Thank you

The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

The drug Forlax

The problem of constipation is well known to many people. Some prefer to suffer in silence, while others resort to intestinal lavage with enemas to normalize stool. And still others follow the most correct path - they turn to gastroenterologists - specialists in problems of the gastrointestinal tract - with their problem.

Typically, the doctor orders a series of laboratory tests and then, based on the data obtained, prescribes medication. Among the drugs aimed at enhancing intestinal motility and normalizing the process of defecation, Forlax is in one of the first places. And this is not surprising, because this is one of the safest and at the same time very effective drugs for gastrointestinal problems, especially for functional constipation.

The active ingredient of Forlax is ethylene glycol(macrogol 4000).

A special feature of Forlax is its mechanism of action. Getting into the digestive tract, even in small quantities, it attracts water molecules and quickly increases in volume, i.e. swells. Thus, the food bolus becomes larger, due to which it comes into closer contact with the walls of the intestine and, in particular, with its nerve receptors. This, in turn, leads to a noticeable increase in peristalsis and stimulation of the defecation process.

Forlax is practically not absorbed in the intestines and is excreted unchanged in the feces. The laxative effect develops within 24-48 hours, but due to the fact that the stool is diluted by water, which is in the intestinal lumen, defecation is smooth.

Release forms

Forlax has only one form of release - powder with aromatic additives (orange and grapefruit), packaged in bags of 4 or 10 g. The package can contain 10 or 20 bags.

The powder dissolves quickly in water, forming a translucent white solution.

Instructions for use of Forlax

Indications for use

The main indications for taking Forlax are non-systemic constipation. However, the drug can also be prescribed in cases of chronic constipation, especially in elderly patients for whom other types of laxatives are not suitable for health reasons.

Forlax can be prescribed for drug-induced constipation, when the drug that causes stool retention (antidepressants, narcotic analgesics, antiparkinsonian drugs) cannot be canceled.

Sometimes the drug is prescribed in the postoperative period to prevent constipation or normalize stool. Forlax is also used as a laxative in preparation for endoscopic or ultrasound examinations of internal organs, in which a crowded intestine can cause an unreliable diagnosis.

Considering that the drug does not contain glucose or sugar alcohols, Forlax is allowed to be taken by people with a history of diabetes mellitus or lactose intolerance.


Forlax is contraindicated for:
  • any acute inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • megacolon, combined with local narrowing of the intestine;
  • perforation (formation of a hole) or a high probability of its development in the wall of the intestine or stomach;
  • suspected surgical pathology of an intestinal or gynecological nature;
  • abdominal pain of unknown origin;
  • hypersensitivity to polyethylene glycol or other components of the drug;
  • children under 8 years of age;
  • congenital fructose intolerance.

Side effects

Most patients tolerate the drug easily. Only occasionally may discomfort occur in the stomach or along the intestines. When using large doses of Forlax, bloating, diarrhea, and vomiting may develop. All these phenomena pass quickly, but require a reduction in the dosage of the laxative.

People who are hypersensitive to the main active ingredient of Forlax (ethylene glycol, also known as macrogol 4000) extremely rarely develop allergic reactions - itching, urticaria, Quincke's edema.

Treatment with Forlax

How to take Forlax?
Forlax is taken in dissolved form. To do this, 10 g of powder is diluted in 250 ml of water at room temperature. If a larger amount of product is used, the proportion should be followed - for each sachet (10 g) 250 ml of water is required.

Upon contact with water, the powder swells and the liquid becomes whitish in color. Thanks to the presence of flavoring, the powder has a pleasant taste and is easily drunk by both adults and children.

In order for bowel movements to occur in the morning or during the next day, it is recommended to take the drug once immediately after sleep or twice during the day - in the morning and in the evening.

Children over 8 years old are initially prescribed 10 g of the drug per day; in the absence or incomplete bowel movement, the dose is increased to 20 g. Larger amounts of powder should not be taken, because Adverse reactions may develop - bloating, vomiting, diarrhea, pain along the intestines.

Adults can take the drug for a long time, but not more than 4-5 months. Treatment with Forlax in children should be limited to 2-3 months.

After restoration of intestinal function, the drug is discontinued, and normal activity of the digestive tract is maintained with a diet enriched with raw vegetables, fruits and high-fiber foods. Lifestyle modifications are recommended for the same purpose.

If, despite treatment with the drug, difficulties with bowel movements persist, it is recommended to contact a gastroenterologist again and undergo a more in-depth examination.

Forlax for children

There is no fundamental difference in either dosage or frequency of administration between adults and children. However, it is advisable for children not to take the drug too often, and it is always recommended to start treatment with minimal doses, i.e. from 1 sachet.

It should also be remembered that this drug should not be given to children under 8 years of age due to the lack of clinical data.

Forlax during pregnancy and lactation

During pregnancy, Forlax is prescribed with great caution and if there are clear reasons for this. However, there is no data on its negative effects on the fetus. In this case, the drug is allowed to be used by nursing women, since it is practically not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and, therefore, does not enter the blood or breast milk.

Forlax analogs

Forlax has several analogues (synonyms) that have a similar mechanism of action, and which include ethylene glycol as the main substance.

The most famous analogues of Forlax are:

  • Lavacol;
  • Macrogol;
  • Osmogol;
  • Transipeg;
  • Realaxan;
  • Forteza.

Forlax or Duphalac?

Duphalac has the same indications as Forlax, however, Duphalac is also used in the complex treatment of hepatic encephalopathy and hepatic precoma due to the fact that it is able to suppress proteolytic and stimulate lactic acid bacteria.

The main difference between Forlax and Duphalac is that the latter can be prescribed to children, starting from infancy, and to pregnant women. In addition, Duphalac contains lactulose, which has a positive effect on the intestinal microflora, in particular, it inhibits the growth of salmonella and shortens the period of bacterial carriage.

According to the principle of action and the timing of the onset of the laxative effect, the drugs are completely identical.

Reviews about the drug

Victoria, Voronezh:
“I took this drug after giving birth, because I had problems with independent bowel movements. The doctor prescribed Forlax to me and immediately reassured me that it would not affect the child in any way. For 2 or 3 days I drank 2 sachets a day, and then switched to 1 sachet. The stool appeared in about a day, maybe a little more, but always soft. About a week later everything returned to normal and I began to go to the toilet on my own, without the help of the drug. Then I was satisfied with the effect of Forlax and now, if similar problems arise , I only accept it."

Oksana, Naberezhnye Chelny:
“I regularly give this laxative to my elderly mother. She cannot take other medications due to Parkinson’s disease. During the entire period of use, I have not noticed any side effects. In order not to harm the intestines, every three months we take a break for a month. During this time we drink another drug, Guttalax, but my mother likes the way Forlax works better, so she always asks for it back as soon as possible."

It must be said that the opinions of doctors regarding the action and safety of Forlax largely coincide with the reviews of the patients themselves. Moreover, some doctors confidently use the drug in the treatment of functional constipation in pregnant women, and the dosage is selected individually. Positive dynamics were also noted in the treatment of constipation in elderly patients who, due to age and accumulated diseases, cannot lead an active lifestyle and drink 1.5 or more liters of fluid per day.

Drug price

The original Forlax is produced by the French pharmaceutical company Bofur Ipsen Industry. In our pharmacies you can buy it on average for 15-20 rubles per sachet or for 150-170 rubles a package of 10 sachets of 10 g each. A package of N20 of 4 g sachets costs approximately 240-260 rubles.

A package of Lavacol N15 can be bought for 170-180 rubles, and for a package of Fortrans you will have to pay about 130-140 rubles.

Before use, you should consult a specialist.


Constipation is common in older people. He also began to pester my grandfather. The doctor, having studied his tests, prescribed forlax, which cannot be compared with the effect of an enema; of course, the intestines cleanse themselves. I really liked it, of all the laxatives my grandfather tested, Forlax turned out to be the best.

Constipation became a part of my life; I didn’t have a bowel movement for 3-4 days. I started looking for a solution, trying different drugs, but they all had a temporary effect. The exception was Forlax, it treats and does not relieve symptoms, so after a course of treatment I was able to get rid of constipation completely, improved intestinal function and peristalsis. I recommend it.

Last week I tried for the first time to relax the intestines with Forlax, I was very pleased with its effect. I have constipation from time to time, and this periodicity has become too frequent. I used laxatives before, but no drug had such a mild effect. I read that if you take a course of Forlax, you can completely normalize bowel cleansing. Judging by its action, I will believe it, I will definitely undergo treatment.

There are now many medications for constipation, but, unfortunately, they are not effective. But I can’t say anything bad about Forlax. I have not been familiar with this drug for a long time, but I have already drawn my own conclusions: it is gentle, has a pleasant taste, and is convenient to take. So, anyone who has problems with constipation should pay attention to this remedy, I recommend it.

When my son went to kindergarten, constipation became a constant occurrence, the doctor advised him to treat the child with Forlax, but he had to drink it in a course. But this turned out to be not a problem, since the taste is pleasant, citrusy, and acts gently without causing cramps or colic in the tummy. But now there are no problems, our bowel movements are always on schedule.

I learned about Forlax in the maternity hospital; I always had constipation, but after giving birth it was impossible to prevent it. Helped immediately, literally within a few hours. What I like about its action is that it acts gently and not aggressively, there is no discomfort in the intestines, it is quiet, calm, and natural. I compare its effect with my prenatal methods of dealing with constipation - it cannot be compared with any laxative.

A month of taking it was enough for me, the constipation went away and for six months it has never bothered me. But I was immediately warned - food, water, movement. Without them, no treatment will give a good result.

My husband has chronic constipation, so it was for treatment (not one-time help) that he was prescribed Forlax. It helped him remarkably, now he only supports the result with nutrition, and in general, constipation stopped bothering him literally after a month of taking Forlax.

Oh no, there is no way to compare the effects of Forlax and Duphalac. Forlax has a much gentler effect, after Duphalac the child had severe bloating, I didn’t know what to do. Of course, after the Duphalac, she went to the toilet, more than once, and even passed a little. This is not the case with Forlax, it is taken in the morning if necessary, the next morning it cleanses the intestines, there has never been any bloating or upset.

Even during pregnancy, constipation did not bother me, but after giving birth it became the number one problem in my life. The doctor prescribed Forlax for me when I turned, already exhausted, to him for help. After taking the course, the constipation really went away, I started going to the toilet regularly, and the discomfort in my stomach disappeared. True, the effect of it is not immediate, but in the fight for normal stool you will not find a better drug.

Constipation is very common in older people. Old people cannot take all medications, because in addition to constipation and other problems, they also take other medications. Our grandmother suffered greatly from constipation until the doctor recommended taking a course of Forlax. I drank for more than a month, but after a week I began to cleanse my intestines relatively regularly. Now sometimes there are failures, but a couple of days of Forlax in the morning - and again there are no problems with cleansing. Now I recommend Forlax to everyone who is concerned about the problem of constipation, they are convinced that it works flawlessly.

My enthusiastic review of Forlax can only be appreciated and understood by those who suffer from regular constipation. For me, constipation became not only a problem of cleansing the intestines; against the background of chronic constipation, headaches and lower back pain began. It is clear that such a state does not give a good mood; due to the constant discomfort, she became irritable. And I didn’t sit idly by. As soon as constipation began to appear (at first there were isolated cases), I reconsidered my diet, although I don’t like it, I began preparing beet salads, buying sauerkraut, and drinking kefir at night. But constipation not only did not disappear, it began to appear more and more often. I realized that I couldn’t do without laxatives. And then it started: some were too painful for the intestines (Senadex), others caused flatulence (Duphalac), I tried oils - it ended in diarrhea, and after that even more prolonged constipation. For anyone who has not encountered the problem of constipation, it is difficult to imagine how difficult it is to find an effective laxative that works without side effects. That is why I appreciated Forlax. I started taking it with two sachets and took it for several days in the morning and evening. After about a week, daily morning bowel cleansing became the norm for me, but I continued the treatment and switched to only taking it in the morning. In total, I took Forlax for about a month. During all this time, there was never anything reminiscent of the effect of previous drugs, only a slight cleansing. But the most important thing is that almost six months have passed since I completed the course, and my intestines are accustomed to being cleansed regularly, the maximum delay in cleansing is two days. But I draw your attention to the fact that when treating with Forlax, you need to drink as much water as possible, because it works precisely by retaining water in the intestines. Drinking water has become a habit for me. Perhaps this also has a beneficial effect on intestinal function. Be that as it may, my successful relief from constipation began with Forlax, for which I am very grateful to it.

We went through the problem of constipation in our baby when we just started introducing complementary foods. We bought Forlax, on the doctor’s recommendation. Adhering to the prescription and instructions, the child was given this drug. We were satisfied with the result of its action, we did not notice any side effects, but it worked very effectively, better than other similar drugs.

The child was tormented by constipation. I was embarrassed to go to the common toilet at school, we don’t have separate stalls there. And as a result, constipation. I had to take a course of Forlax. My child doesn’t particularly like to drink liquid medications, but Forlax tastes very pleasant. No bloating I didn’t call. I drank a packet in the morning, went to the toilet perfectly in the evening. In a week I managed to establish normal bowel function, now everything is like clockwork in the evening at home

Good drug. It didn’t work right away (I waited overnight and half a day), but then it relieved all the problems, and gently, without spasms or other delights. I took the course, it fixed my bowel movements for almost six months. So I don’t find any cons, only pros.