Factors promoting health. Health promotion methods Maintaining human health

Science has studied various ways and means of preserving and promoting health. Based on research results, it is possible to identify the main factors that promote health. The basics of a healthy lifestyle are a system of rules and regulations that everyone must follow and implement. We all worry about our health, wanting to live a long and happy life in the hope of avoiding serious illnesses. The relevance of a healthy lifestyle today is due to changes in the rhythm of life, food quality and environmental degradation.

Key Health Factors

Health and a healthy lifestyle are interconnected concepts, since a person’s well-being directly depends on a person’s lifestyle. Healthy lifestyle is a complex concept; it includes the following components:

  • physical activity;
  • adherence to daily routine;
  • hygiene;
  • proper and balanced diet;
  • absence of bad habits;
  • quality rest and sleep;
  • hardening.

To generalize a little, there are three main keys to health. The author of the project “Mikhail Sovetov’s School of Health” writes about them.

These health factors actually make up the life of a person who leads a healthy lifestyle.

Each person determines the role of various factors in promoting health for himself, as well as the definition itself - what it means to be healthy, what are the signs of a healthy person. Depending on this understanding, a person sets goals and objectives for himself and selects means of maintaining and strengthening health.

But is it possible to change your lifestyle instantly? For example, expert and healthy lifestyle consultant Bretta Blumenthal believes that it is necessary to consistently introduce healthy components into your lifestyle. The 52 steps method is designed for a year. In his book “A Year Lived Correctly. Brett's 52 Steps to a Healthy Lifestyle tells the story that you can't quickly change stable habits; consistent steps are required. And these small steps inevitably lead to big changes. Using the 52 step method, in a year you will become a completely different person. Health will become your way of life. And even after childbirth, women can quickly restore their ideal body and feel great. This is beautifully written in the book “Fitness Mom” by Arina Skoromnaya.

At the same time, with the help of special tricks you can become more attractive now. Try to adjust your figure just by choosing the right clothes. This course contains all the tricks of this method.

Compliance with elementary rules should become a habit, and then become a reflection of the person himself, part of his character and nature. You can get such advice by reading this book about fitness by Denis Semenikhin, which can actually be a guide through life.

Influence of factors on health status

The following main factors influence a healthy lifestyle:

  • environment and ecology – 20%;
  • heredity and genetics – 20%;
  • healthcare system and access to treatment – ​​10%;
  • lifestyle – 50%.

These are the main points that determine a healthy lifestyle. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and observing all its rules and regulations helps strengthen the immune system, the full development of all systems of the human body, including, as well as prolonging youth and activity for many years.

Interesting and simple recommendations on how to improve the quality of life in your book “Myths about Health. “Where do diseases come from” is given by the famous Russian journalist and TV presenter Igor Prokopenko and Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Sergei Bubnovsky.

This topic has attracted the close attention of scientists especially in the last two decades, with the development of scientific and technological progress and information technology. Facts about a healthy lifestyle indicate that it was two or three decades ago that people began to be replaced by machines. Let's take, for example, the same automatic washing machine. If previously you had to make an effort and wash your clothes by hand, now while the laundry is in progress, you have the opportunity to lie on the sofa with a glossy magazine or spend an extra hour on social networks. This also applies to the manufacturing sector. Previously, people worked in the fields, on farms, in factories, but now more than half of the workforce has been replaced by automated machines that do all the work instead of a person, thereby freeing him from physical labor.

Along with a decrease in physical activity, economic factors have a negative impact on well-being. In a market economy, every entrepreneur tries to reduce production costs and saves on everything. First of all, this affects the quality of products consumed by people. Hence the bad environment, mass diseases and many other problems that determine a healthy lifestyle.

Poor health, stress, depression, decreased immunity are largely the result of a person’s lifestyle.

Benefits of physical activity

Promotion of a healthy lifestyle includes various contributing factors, among which one of the main ones is sports and physical activity. With the development of information technology, machines have deprived a person of most of his work, thereby significantly reducing his physical activity.

Why is hygiene important?

A beautiful, clean and well-groomed appearance indicates good health and well-being. Basic rules of hygiene will help maintain health and increase the level of vital energy. Regular hand washing protects against many infectious diseases caused by bacteria and microbes.

The condition of the body depends not only on hand washing. There are also other factors of a healthy lifestyle that will prevent many diseases. This includes taking a shower every day (preferably a contrast one), brushing your teeth twice a day, manicure and pedicure, and other hygiene procedures.

Proper nutrition is an important factor in health

Rational and balanced nutrition is a principle of nutrition, the essence of which is to follow a diet and consume healthy and healthy foods.

Human health depends on compliance with:

  • vegetable fats predominate in the diet over animal fats;
  • eating only dietary meats;
  • the main part of the diet is fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • refusal of sweets, carbonated drinks, fast food and other unhealthy foods;
  • number of meals – 5-6 per day in small portions;
  • do not eat two to three hours before bedtime;
  • do not eat stale food, hunger is better than spoiled food;
  • drink enough clean water;
  • monitor the calorie content of foods (it should not exceed daily energy consumption);
  • refusal of alcoholic beverages, coffee (instant) and strong tea;
  • avoidance of fried and fatty foods.

Following all these simple rules will help you quickly regain your shape, strengthen your immune system, tighten your body and improve your well-being. We wrote about strengthening the immune system with vitamins in the article. For those who have radically decided to fight for harmony - an effective video course with analysis of “difficult cases” and expert advice.


Factors that promote health include hardening the body. Disease prevention has a positive impact on a healthy lifestyle. The main preventive measure is hardening. This can be dousing with cold water, diving into an ice hole, regular visits to baths and saunas, contrast showers and other procedures aimed at strengthening the immune system and the body's defenses.

Preventive measures

Preventive measures include:

  • increasing immunity (a set of measures aimed at improving the functioning of all vital systems of the human body);
  • physical activity, sports;
  • mental activity (brain simulators);
  • hardening;
  • prevention of stressful situations;
  • body weight control;
  • regular medical examinations, etc.

Modern medicine has another type of prevention and healing. This method involves healing music set to the sounds of nature. High-frequency sounds directly interact with specific areas of the brain, causing biochemical resonance in the production of hormones and neuroregulatory peptides, which results in significant improvements in the implementation of various brain functions and, as a result, improved health. From this link you can download the disk itself and a description of the technology. As they say: combine business with pleasure.

Health facts

Interesting facts motivate you to maintain a healthy lifestyle:

    • The sound of an alarm clock has less detrimental effect on hearing than the scream of a small child. Doctors advise avoiding noise above 85 decibels to preserve your hearing acuity in the future.
    • Regular consumption of honey and other bee products helps improve brain function, improves memory and reaction speed.
    • Sport is health, but everything should be in moderation. Intense exercise for more than two hours a day can cause poor stress tolerance, chronic fatigue and apathy.
    • According to the results of studies conducted by Canadian scientists, it has been proven that people who do not follow a daily routine and do not get enough sleep are more likely to suffer from obesity.
    • Mental exercise helps prolong life and brain activity, and also prevents the development of Alzheimer's disease.
    • Refusal of salt or the maximum reduction in the daily amount, according to American scientists, significantly reduces the likelihood of developing cardiovascular diseases, due to which life is extended by an average of 6 years.

Let’s say that an illness has occurred, but there is no way to quickly get to a doctor. What to do? Regularly updated to help you reference book of medicines for quick and convenient selection of medications for the disease you specified and pharmacies where they are available. It is easy and convenient to use.

The most interested researchers in the topic of health improvement will be interested in familiarizing themselves with the “general theory of health.” This research area is called: valeology. This direction studies physical, spiritual and moral principles that contribute to the preservation and strengthening of health in a complex. Read more about valeology in the article on our website.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is not that difficult. In this matter, the main thing is desire and correctly set priorities. The quality and duration of his life depends only on the person.

health promotion

Group No. 14

Health - this is a state of the body in which it and all its organs can fulfill their purpose.
Everyone knows that to strengthen and maintain health, it is necessary to play sports and strengthen yourself, or at least do exercises and be in the fresh air more often. But sometimes it’s so difficult to force yourself to do a few exercises or take a contrast shower. We are used to putting everything off until tomorrow, as if tomorrow there will be more time and desire than today. So maybe it’s still worth starting right now?!
Health is nature's greatest gift
The so-called “risk factors” play an important role in shaping the level of health. Risk factor- additional adverse effects on the body, increasing the likelihood of illness or death.
According to the classification of the American scientist Robins, factors influencing health can be divided into four large groups.
Factors affecting health:

    state of the environment;
    volume and quality of medical care.
The first place in influencing human health in modern conditions is played by factors lifestyle, they account for more than 50%. Lifestyle is associated with such concepts as standard of living, quality of life, lifestyle, way of life.
Among the leading lifestyle factors, negatively affecting health, should be called:
    poor nutrition;
    alcohol abuse;
    harmful working conditions;
    physical inactivity;
    poor material and living conditions;
    drug use;
    fragile, single-parent or large family;
    excessive level of urbanization, etc.
In second place in terms of influence on life are biological factors(gender, age, heredity, constitution). They account for about 20%.
The third place is occupied environmental factors(state of air, water, food, soil, radiation level). The influence of these factors is also about twenty percent.
Fourth place is occupied purely medical factors- therapeutic and preventive and sanitary and anti-epidemic measures (vaccinations against infectious diseases, quality of treatment and examination of patients, etc.) determine the state of health by only 10%.
From the above data, an important conclusion can be drawn: the main direction of efforts to preserve and strengthen human health is to improve lifestyle and the state of the environment.
How to improve your health?
Can be significantly improve your health level, if you follow 7 recommendations:
    daily 7-8 hour sleep;
    three meals a day at the same hours without overeating;
    daily breakfasts;
    maintaining normal body weight;
    abstaining from excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages;
    daily exercise;
    complete abstinence from smoking.

Human health and healthy lifestyle.
1 Protecting one’s own health is the immediate responsibility of everyone; a person does not have the right to shift it to others. After all, it often happens that a person, through an incorrect lifestyle, bad habits, physical inactivity, and overeating, by the age of 20-30 brings himself to a catastrophic state and only then remembers medicine.
No matter how perfect medicine is, it cannot rid everyone of diseases. A person is the creator of his own health, for which he must fight. From an early age, it is necessary to lead an active lifestyle, harden yourself, engage in physical education and sports, observe the rules of personal hygiene - in a word, achieve true harmony of health through reasonable means.
Health is the first and most important need of a person, determining his ability to work and ensuring the harmonious development of the individual. It is the most important prerequisite for understanding the world around us, for self-affirmation and human happiness. An active long life is an important component of the human factor.
A healthy lifestyle (HLS) is a way of life based on the principles of morality, rationally organized, active, working, hardening, and also protecting from adverse environmental influences, allowing one to maintain moral, mental and physical health until old age.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), “Health is a state of physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”
In general, we can talk about three types of health: physical, mental and moral (social) health.

    · Physical health– this is the natural state of the body, due to the normal functioning of all its organs and systems. If all organs and systems work well, then the entire human body (a self-regulating system) functions and develops correctly.
    · Mental health depends on the state of the brain, it is characterized by the level and quality of thinking, the development of attention and memory, the degree of emotional stability, and the development of volitional qualities.
    · Moral health is determined by those moral principles that are the basis of human social life, that is, life in a certain human society. Distinctive signs of a person’s moral health are, first of all, a conscious attitude to work, mastery of cultural treasures, and active rejection of morals and habits that contradict the normal way of life. A physically and mentally healthy person can be a moral monster if he neglects moral standards. Therefore, social health is considered the highest measure of human health. Morally healthy people are characterized by a number of universal human qualities that make them real citizens.
A healthy and spiritually developed person - he feels great, receives satisfaction from his work, strives for self-improvement, achieving unfading youth of spirit and inner beauty.
The integrity of the human personality is manifested, first of all, in the interrelation and interaction of the mental and physical forces of the body. The harmony of the psychophysical forces of the body increases health reserves and creates conditions for creative self-expression in various areas of our lives. An active and healthy person retains youth for a long time, continuing creative activity, not allowing the “soul to be lazy.” Academician N.M. Amosov proposes to introduce a new medical term “amount of health” to denote the measure of the body’s reserves.
A person in a calm state passes through the lungs 5-9 liters of air per minute. Some highly trained athletes can arbitrarily pass 150 liters of air through their lungs every minute for 10-11 minutes, i.e. 30 times more than normal. This is the body's reserve. Heart power can also be calculated. There are minute volumes of the heart: the amount of blood in liters ejected in one minute. Let's assume that at rest it gives 4 liters per minute, with the most vigorous physical work - 20 liters. This means the reserve is 5 (20:4). Likewise, there are hidden reserves of the kidneys and liver. They are detected using various stress tests. Health is the amount of reserves in the body, it is the maximum productivity of organs while maintaining the qualitative limits of their functions.
The system of functioning of the body’s reserves can be divided into subsystems:
      1. biochemical reserves (metabolism reaction);
      2. physiological reserves (at the level of cells, organs, organ systems);
      3. mental reserves.
Let's consider the physiological reserves at the cellular level of a sprinter. An excellent result in the 100 m run - 10 seconds. Only a few can show it. Is it possible to significantly improve this result? Calculations show that it is possible, but not more than a few tenths of a second. The limit of possibilities here rests on a certain speed of propagation of excitation along the nerves and the minimum time required for muscle contraction and relaxation.
8.2 Factors that shape health and factors that destroy health.
A healthy lifestyle includes the following basic elements: fruitful work, a rational mode of work and rest, eradication of bad habits, optimal motor mode, personal hygiene, hardening, rational nutrition.
Factors affecting human health:
    - environmental - 20-25%;
    - genetic - 20-25%;
    - development of the healthcare system - 8-10%;
    - Healthy lifestyle and social factors - 50%.
    Health classification.
        1. objective – objective indicators of health status;
        2. subjective – how healthy a person feels;
        3. public – health of the nation.
Life activity of a healthy person and its components:
      - ability to perform a certain physical activity (age, gender);
      - ability for cognitive activity; knowledge is a stimulus to life, the opportunity to prolong it;
      - the ability to make an adequate emotional assessment of events in the outside world and one’s position in it;
      - the possibility of having healthy children.
Health indicators: fertility, mortality, life expectancy.
The Human Development Index (recognized by the world community) is determined by indicators - standard of living, education, longevity.
Social and medical aspects of the life of Russians:
      1) disasters, problems characteristic of modern Russia:
      - demographic;
      - consequences of drug use (AIDS);
      - neglect.
Changing behavior and maintaining health are the main values ​​and main tasks of society.
      2) today in Russia:
    - mortality exceeds birth rate by 2 times;
    - 1 million Russians die annually;
    - 85-90% of children born with pathology;
    - more and more families have disabled children;
    - birth of children with withdrawal syndrome (hangover, drug addiction) is observed;
    - the number of children born to HIV-infected mothers has increased;
    - the maternal mortality rate in the Volgograd region for several years has been 2 times higher than the all-Russian one;
    - every third woman dies from a criminal abortion.
The high mortality rate of the working-age population of the Volgograd region is caused by the spread of alcoholism and drug addiction, and these phenomena contribute to the growth of cardiovascular diseases and sexually transmitted infections, injuries and the birth of children with pathologies.
Indicators of social ill-being in the Russian Federation:
    - 50% of families are socially disadvantaged;
    - 53% of large families are in poverty;
    - 3 million street children;
    - 5-7 year old children commit suicide;
    - 305 thousand mothers in 2003 were deprived of parental rights;
    - 500 new orphanages have been opened in the Russian Federation in recent years;
    - 2000 care institutions house 400 thousand orphans;
        - today, one’s own family is becoming a socially dangerous environment for a child (parents are drug addicts);
    - 2 million children of school age in the Russian Federation are illiterate;
        - 3,000 graduates of orphanages out of 15,000 commit crimes in the first year.
Tasks and goals of healthy lifestyle:
    - maintaining and strengthening health;
    - disease prevention;
      - prolongation of human life.
Components of a healthy lifestyle Factors negatively affecting healthy lifestyle
- fruitful work - physical inactivity
- rational work and rest regime - smoking
- eradication of bad habits - drugs (3-4 million drug addicts in Russia, 2 million AIDS patients)
- optimal motor mode - poor nutrition
- personal hygiene - alcoholism
-balanced diet - stress
- drinking culture
The main condition for a healthy lifestyle is a person’s personal interest. The first step on this path is choosing your life goals, defining your goals in life, then choosing the ways in which you can realize your plans (sports sections, morning exercises, healthy nutrition). The main thing to remember is that nothing in life comes for free. A muscular, harmoniously developed body, a light gait, and the ability to not get tired for a long time in difficult work - all this is achieved through training and requires constant effort to maintain.
From the analysis of the causes of mortality in Russia over the past decades, trends in the increase in risk factors for mortality from non-communicable diseases (heart disease, vascular disease, cancer, accidents) are clearly visible. Many risk factors for deaths from noncommunicable diseases are created by the individual. These include radiation, toxic substances, environmental pollution, increased noise and stress loads and, most importantly, a person’s lifestyle (decreased physical activity, poor diet, smoking, alcohol and drug use). What makes young people resort to contact with substances that are toxic to the body - nicotine, alcohol, drugs? First of all, this desire to be “like everyone else” is the dictate of the company. Lack of self-confidence, the presence of inferiority complexes, the desire to take a leading position - these are the personal prerequisites for the first steps towards bad habits. Social factors include a difficult macro- and micro-social climate - economic instability, war, natural disasters, difficult family situations.
Alcohol is an intracellular poison that has a destructive effect on all human systems and organs. As a result of systematic alcohol consumption, a painful addiction to it develops. According to WHO, alcoholism annually claims about 6 million lives.
Tobacco smoking (nicotinism) is a bad habit that involves inhaling the smoke of smoldering tobacco - this is a form of drug addiction. The diverse consequences of smoking include diseases of the cardiovascular and digestive systems (coronary heart disease, hypertension, gastric and duodenal ulcers, lung cancer, bronchitis, emphysema).
Narcotic substances should be understood as chemical products of synthetic or plant origin, medicines that have a special, specific effect on the nervous system and the entire human body, which lead to the relief of pain, changes in mood, mental and physical tone. Achieving these states with the help of drugs is called drug intoxication.
Drug addiction is a serious disease caused by drug abuse and the acquisition of a pathological addiction to it. The main goal of a drug addict’s life becomes the desire to take a new dose of the drug, other interests are lost, and personality degradation occurs.
The average life expectancy of a drug addict is 7-10 years.


    Smirnov A.T., Mishin B.I., Izhevsky I.V. Fundamentals of medical knowledge and a healthy lifestyle: Textbook - M., 2002
    Frolov M.P. Fundamentals of life safety: Textbook. - M., 2003
    Getia I.G., Getia S.I., Emets V.N. Life safety: Practical exercises. - M., 2002


In order to strengthen and maintain the health of healthy people, that is, to manage it, information is needed both about the conditions for the formation of health (the nature of the implementation of the gene pool, the state of the environment, lifestyle, etc.), and the final result of the processes of their reflection (specific indicators of the health status of the individual or population).
Experts from the World Health Organization (WHO) in the 80s. XX century determined the approximate ratio of various factors to ensure the health of a modern person, identifying four groups of such factors as the main ones. Based on this, in 1994, the Interdepartmental Commission of the Security Council of the Russian Federation for the Protection of Public Health in the Federal Concepts “Protecting Public Health” and “Towards a Healthy Russia” defined this ratio in relation to our country as follows:
genetic factors - 15-20%;
environmental condition - 20-25%;
medical support - 10-15%;
conditions and lifestyle of people - 50-55%.
The magnitude of the contribution of individual factors of different nature to health indicators depends on the age, gender and individual typological characteristics of a person. The content of each health factor can be determined as follows (Table 1).
Let's take a closer look at each of these factors.
Genetic factors
The ontogenetic development of daughter organisms is predetermined by the hereditary program that they inherit with their parental chromosomes.
However, the chromosomes themselves and their structural elements - genes, can be subject to harmful influences, and, what is especially important, throughout the life of future parents. A girl is born with a certain set of eggs, which, as they mature, are successively prepared for fertilization. That is, in the end, everything that happens to a girl, girl, woman during her life before conception, to one degree or another, affects the quality of chromosomes and genes. The lifespan of a sperm is much shorter than that of an egg, but their life span is often enough to cause disturbances in their genetic apparatus. Thus, it becomes clear the responsibility that future parents bear to their offspring throughout their entire lives before conception.
Often, factors beyond their control also have an impact, which include unfavorable environmental conditions, complex socio-economic processes, uncontrolled use of pharmacological drugs, etc. The result is mutations leading to the occurrence of hereditary diseases or the appearance of a hereditary predisposition to them.
Table 1
Factors influencing human health
Sphere of influence of factors Factors
Health promoting
Impairing health
Genetic Healthy heredity. Absence of morphofunctional prerequisites for the occurrence of the disease. Hereditary diseases and disorders. Hereditary predisposition to diseases.
State of the environment Good living and working conditions, favorable climatic and natural conditions, environmentally friendly habitat. Harmful living and production conditions, unfavorable climatic and natural conditions, violation of the environmental situation.
Medical support Medical screening, high level of preventive measures, timely and comprehensive medical care. Lack of constant medical monitoring of health dynamics, low level of primary prevention, poor quality medical care.
Conditions and lifestyle Rational organization of life: sedentary lifestyle, adequate physical activity, social lifestyle. Lack of a rational mode of life, migration processes, hypo- or hyperdynamia.
In the inherited preconditions of health, factors such as the type of morphofunctional constitution and characteristics of nervous and mental processes, the degree of predisposition to certain diseases are especially important.
A person’s life dominants and attitudes are largely determined by the human constitution. Such genetically determined characteristics include the dominant needs of a person, his abilities, interests, desires, predisposition to alcoholism and other bad habits, etc. Despite the significance of environmental and educational influences, the role of hereditary factors turns out to be decisive. This fully applies to various diseases.
This makes clear the need to take into account the hereditary characteristics of a person in determining the optimal lifestyle for him, the choice of profession, partners in social contacts, treatment, the most suitable type of stress, etc. Often society makes demands on a person that conflict with the conditions necessary for the realization programs embedded in genes. As a result, in human ontogenesis many contradictions constantly arise and are overcome between heredity and environment, between various systems of the body that determine its adaptation as an integral system, etc. In particular, this is of exceptional importance in choosing a profession, which is quite enough for our country relevant, since, for example, only about 3% of people employed in the national economy of the Russian Federation are satisfied with their chosen profession - apparently, the discrepancy between the inherited typology and the nature of the professional activity performed is not least important here.
Heredity and environment act as etiological factors and play a role in the pathogenesis of any human disease, but the share of their participation in each disease is different, and the greater the share of one factor, the less the contribution of the other. From this point of view, all forms of pathology can be divided into four groups, between which there are no sharp boundaries.
First group constitute hereditary diseases themselves, in which the etiological role is played by a pathological gene, the role of the environment is to modify only the manifestations of the disease. This group includes monogenically caused diseases (such as phenylketonuria, hemophilia), as well as chromosomal diseases. These diseases are transmitted from generation to generation through germ cells.
Second group- these are also hereditary diseases caused by a pathological mutation, but for their manifestation they require specific environmental influences. In some cases, the “manifesting” effect of the environment is very obvious, and with the disappearance of the effect of the environmental factor, clinical manifestations become less pronounced. These are the manifestations of hemoglobin HbS deficiency in its heterozygous carriers with a reduced partial pressure of oxygen. In other cases (for example, with gout), long-term adverse environmental effects are necessary for the manifestation of a pathological gene.
Third group constitutes the overwhelming number of common diseases, especially diseases of mature and old age (hypertension, gastric ulcer, most malignant tumors, etc.). The main etiological factor in their occurrence is the unfavorable influence of the environment, however, the implementation of the effect of the factor depends on the individual genetically determined predisposition of the body, and therefore these diseases are called multifactorial, or diseases with a hereditary predisposition.
It should be noted that different diseases with a hereditary predisposition are not the same in the relative role of heredity and environment. Among them, one could distinguish diseases with a weak, moderate and high degree of hereditary predisposition.
Fourth group

Preserving and strengthening one’s own health is a pressing issue for modern students. Health is an invaluable wealth not only for every person, but also for society as a whole.

Health is the state of any living organism in which it as a whole and all its organs are able to fully perform their functions; absence of illness or disease. Everyone wants to be strong and healthy, to maintain activity, strength, and a second wind for as long as possible.

Data from numerous medical and sociological studies show that public health problems in the hierarchy of human values, health occupies one of the main positions.

We must always remember that health is the main treasure of human life, and there is no need to forget about it while studying at the university! During your student years, on the contrary, you should try to devote as much time as possible to sports and proper nutrition, but you should not abandon your studies at the university in order to devote yourself only to activities dedicated to improving your health. In his book, Evseev Yu.A. wrote “For a student, the state of health is an indicator of his general cultural level of development, satisfaction of his physical and spiritual interests in study, everyday life, recreation, and vision of his future.” Based on the above, universities have the subject “Physical Education”, which helps us in developing, maintaining and preserving our own health not only during our studies, but also for the future.

Every student should be able to organize their lifestyle, so we believe that physical education alone is not enough. Lack of physical activity can lead to various diseases, which we learn about, as a rule, when they already affect us. You also need to eat right, and most importantly, on time. Many students do not know how to eat properly, and thereby reduce their immunity and expose the body to danger. Some people deliberately do not attach importance to proper nutrition. And only a few people think about the fact that proper nutrition plays a very important role in the prevention and treatment of many diseases, ensures normal functioning and allows a person to feel good. Poor nutrition can lead to a number of diseases. However, many students do not have enough resources to provide their bodies with healthy food, which leads their body to discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract and digestive problems. We know that a person’s performance is also affected by sleep patterns. A person's sleep should normally be at least 8 hours. And since students usually forget about this concept during the session. As a result, they develop fatigue, aggression, and the activity of not only the brain, but also the entire body as a whole decreases. Therefore, every student must be able to distribute working time and rest, alternate mental and physical work.

The health of a student depends on the capabilities of a person, on natural conditions, society and on spiritual needs for sports.

We conducted a survey on stressors among 3rd year students of the Mechanical Faculty of Astrakhan State Technical University. After analyzing the data obtained, we concluded that in everyday studies there are a very large number of factors that negatively affect students’ ability to work. In the study, students were asked to choose one of 4 factors that, in their opinion, interferes with their performance. The maximum number of responses was observed for the first factor - heavy teaching load; in second place by the number of answers is mental and physical overload; in third place is the conflict of the person himself and in last place is the field of activity after graduation.

Stress is a nuisance that needs to be dealt with. Any person in his life experiences feelings such as grief, disappointment, rage. But to prevent these experiences from leading to pathological stress, we must try to overcome them. And there is a very simple remedy - physical activity...The systematic development of motor skills contributes to the formation of agility, endurance, flexibility, etc., which improves the effectiveness of the process of acquiring knowledge.

The situation related to smoking deserves special attention. The example of their parents plays an important role in the use of tobacco products by students. In the majority of families - 82% of students who smoke, there is at least one person who smokes, while non-smoking students - 71% - try to imitate their non-smoking parents.

According to the results of our survey of 3rd year students, it was revealed that 17% of the students surveyed had never tried smoking, 54% had a negative attitude towards the above-mentioned bad habit, and 29% did not deny their bad habit. A total of 47 students took part in the survey. Comparing with the data from last year’s survey, we concluded that over the past year the number of girls who smoke has increased at our university. The survey asks the following questions: why do you smoke? 61% of girls answered: it’s stylish, fashionable. And 39% smoke because they want to look liberated and independent. When it comes to the true, and not imaginary, values ​​of human society, including the concept of femininity, then any pose is superfluous. And the same young people for whom they light their first cigarette are extremely categorical about smoking. Among the young men we surveyed, when asked how they would react to the smoking of a girl with whom they are friends, 88% answered negatively and only 12% remained indifferent. And to the question “Would you like your girlfriend to smoke?” 4% of young men answered “Yes,” 8% answered “indifferent,” and the remaining 88% answered “no.”

The situation related to the attitude of students towards the use of alcoholic beverages also deserves constant attention. According to our survey, the category of people who do not drink alcoholic beverages at all includes 27.2% of boys and 32.8% of girls.

And although we are talking mainly about the use of low-alcohol drinks, more than 71% of boys and 67% of girls drink alcohol, but their constant use (1-3 times a week - in half of the cases of indications of alcohol consumption) - which indicates the formation of a habit among students systematically consume alcoholic beverages, and this, of course, is an alarming fact.

Further in our study, we conducted a survey about students’ motivation for physical education classes. Motivation for physical activity is a state of personality that is aimed at achieving an optimal level of physical fitness and performance. Students were offered a choice of two statements: “I always look forward to physical education classes because they improve my health,” 54% of students responded positively. Another 46% of students chose “I have to take physical education classes to get credit.” In this regard, in order to increase students’ motivation for classes, the search for new organizational methods that make it possible to more effectively implement the proper direction becomes important.

We concluded, summarizing the above, that a healthy lifestyle for students can be ensured to a greater extent by physical education classes. This is evidenced by such facts as the fact that many students do not have free time for special classes to strengthen, maintain and preserve their own health. And when doing physical education in pairs, no additional time is required, since they are part of the process of studying at the university and are structured so that the student’s body has time to rest from the stresses specified in the physical education standards. And since many students neglect physical education classes and also have health problems, we believe that it is necessary to look for other methods and means to attract students to physical education classes and students’ independent activities.

We want to note that also, to maintain your own health, an important factor is getting rid of bad habits, such as alcohol, smoking, drugs. Because bad habits only have a negative impact on the health of students, and also lead to the development of serious chronic diseases and early death.


  1. Vilensky, M. Ya. Physical culture and healthy lifestyle of a student: textbook / M. Ya. Vilensky, A. G. Gorshkov. – 2nd ed., erased. – Moscow: KNORUS, 2012. – 240 p.
  2. Problems of the quality of physical education, health-improving and health-saving activities of educational institutions: collection of articles of the 3rd international. scientific and practical conference, Ekaterinburg, April 26. 2013 / under general ed. N.V. Tretyakova. Ekaterinburg, 2013, p. 29.

Preserving and strengthening human health is the primary task of humanity. Today, against the backdrop of an unfavorable environmental situation, economic and social instability, the health problem is especially acute.

The above factors directly affect the incidence of illness, life expectancy, level of physical development, and also adversely affect the state of mental health, which in turn entails negative changes in the area of ​​creating healthy, stable family relationships.

The foundations of modern views on the problem of preserving and strengthening the health of humans and society were laid by ancient philosophers and doctors. In particular, Pythagoras defined health as the harmony of all elements of the human body that make up its spiritual and physical life.

A healthy person not only has no physical illnesses or defects, but feels completely well physically, mentally and socially. Bad habits, poor nutrition, and stress negatively affect health, so the healthier a person leads a lifestyle, the greater his chances of maintaining and strengthening his health.

Factors of maintaining and promoting health

Main factors influencing health:

Judge for yourself, if a person cannot influence biological (age, heredity, gender, type of constitution, etc.) and geophysical (temperature and humidity, landscape, flora, etc.), then the influence of socio-economic ( the state of the environment, working conditions, living conditions, lifestyle, etc.), and therefore psychophysiological factors can be corrected both by society as a whole and by each person personally.

Ways to preserve and improve health

The main condition for strengthening and maintaining health is a healthy lifestyle.

A healthy lifestyle implies a whole set of standards of behavior: a balanced diet, physical activity, giving up bad habits, control over emotions, increasing the level of medical knowledge, maintaining good hygiene, healthy sexual behavior, living in accordance with circadian rhythms, harmony with nature, positive thinking and much more. other. – the key to good physical and psychological health.

Scientific evidence suggests that, provided the above standards of behavior are observed, most people can maintain health and significantly increase their life expectancy.

Factors negatively affecting health:

  • smoking and alcohol abuse;
  • poor nutrition;
  • drugs;
  • frequent use of medications;
  • working conditions harmful to health;
  • stressful situations (they also negatively affect health);
  • unfavorable material and living conditions.

If a person gets rid of risk factors for the occurrence and development of many diseases, then he maintains and strengthens his health.

In different cultures, there are numerous health systems, ways and methods of promoting health. In the East, traditionally, greater importance is attached to the spiritual, psychological component; in the West, significant attention is paid to strengthening a person’s physical health.

Ways to preserve human health:

  • optimal (walking, running, during which all muscles work, the lungs are ventilated, and the heart contracts rhythmically);
  • hardening and steam room (this is a system of special training of the body’s thermoregulation processes, which increases the body’s resistance to hypothermia or overheating);
  • periodic cleansing of the body;
  • refusal of chemicals;
  • Qigong - Chinese system of healing the body;
  • yoga;
  • aromatherapy;
  • sea ​​water and mountain air.

These are the main ways to stay healthy. Using these methods and systems for preserving and promoting health, any person can successfully resist the negative factors of our time.

A healthy lifestyle is a category of the general concept of “lifestyle”, which was mentioned above, and includes favorable living conditions for a person, the level of his culture and hygienic skills, which allow him to maintain and improve health, prevent the development of health disorders and maintain an optimal quality of life . Formation of a healthy lifestyle includes:

Creation of a permanent information and propaganda system aimed at increasing the level of knowledge of all categories of the population about the impact of all negative factors on health and the possibilities of reducing this impact;

Sanitary and hygienic education of the population;

Reducing the prevalence of smoking and consumption of tobacco products, reducing alcohol consumption, preventing the use of drugs and narcotic drugs;

Involving the population in physical education, tourism and sports, increasing the availability of these types of health improvement.

An important role in the formation of a healthy lifestyle (HLS) belongs to its promotion. The goal of promoting a healthy lifestyle is the formation of hygienic behavior of the population, based on scientifically based sanitary and hygienic standards aimed at preserving and strengthening health, ensuring a high level of working capacity, and achieving active longevity.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks must be solved:

Providing the necessary medical and hygienic information about healthy lifestyle to all social and age groups of the population;

Stimulating the activities of government bodies and public organizations to create conditions for a healthy lifestyle for the population;

Involving all medical workers in health education and educational activities;

Organization of a nationwide movement for the formation of a healthy lifestyle, joining forces with national movements of this kind in foreign countries.

The most important areas of healthy lifestyle promotion can be considered the following:

Promoting factors that promote health:

Occupational health;

Healthy sexuality;

Balanced diet;

Personal hygiene;

Rest hygiene;

Optimal motor mode;

Physical education and sports;

Ability to cope with stress;


Hygiene of marital relations, including family planning;


Medical and social activity;

Environmental hygiene.

Hygienic education and training of citizens should be carried out in the process of education and training in preschool and other educational institutions, in the preparation, retraining and advanced training of workers by including sections on hygienic knowledge in training programs.

Complex indicators characterizing the lifestyle of a particular individual include lifestyle, standard of living, quality and style of life. Way of life - national social order of life, way of life, culture, customs. For example, customs determined by specific historical realities are actions formed in stereotypically repeating situations. They, in turn, create habits - naturally repeated actions, the implementation of which has become a necessity.

The concept of standard of living includes food consumption, education, employment, working conditions, housing conditions, social security, clothing, recreation, free time, and human rights. At the same time, quantitative indicators of living standards are not the final goal, but only a tool for creating better living conditions. Lifestyle - psychological individual characteristics of behavior. The concept of “quality of life” will be discussed in the next lecture

Secondary prevention is a complex of medical, social, sanitary-hygienic, psychological and other measures aimed at early detection and prevention of exacerbations, complications and chronicity of diseases, limitations in life, causing disadaptation of patients in society, decreased working capacity, including disability and premature mortality.

Tertiary prevention, or rehabilitation (restoration of health) is a complex of medical, psychological, pedagogical, social measures aimed at eliminating or compensating for limitations in life, lost functions, with the goal of restoring social and professional status as fully as possible.

The group and community level of medical prevention, as a rule, is not limited to medical interventions, but includes comprehensive prevention programs or mass health promotion campaigns. Preventive programs are a systematic presentation of the main activities in this area. Prevention programs can be comprehensive or targeted. The process of forming and implementing programs includes a full program cycle, consisting of four main components:

Analysis is the initial component of the program cycle, which includes the process of studying the health status of the population, the conditions and factors influencing its formation, and the potential opportunities for promoting health and preventing diseases;

Planning is a component that includes the process of selecting priorities, goals and objectives, methods and means of achieving them, forecasting resource provision and final results;

Implementation includes a set of political, legislative, organizational and technical measures to implement the prevention program;

Evaluation is a dynamic process aimed at determining the effectiveness of program measures, which includes evaluation of planning, implementation progress and results achieved. Program cycle assessment is an integral part of the prevention program management process.

The quality of preventive medical care is a set of characteristics that confirm the compliance of the provision of preventive medical care with the existing needs, expectations of the patient and society, the modern level of medical science and medical and preventive technologies. The quality of preventive medical care is characterized by:

The adequacy of the measures, technologies and resources used to the goals of promoting health and preventing diseases;

The safety of the preventive medical measures used;

The effectiveness of ongoing preventive medical measures;

Availability and accessibility of the required type of preventive medical services;

The optimality of the preventive medical services provided and their constant improvement;

Continuity and continuity of the process of education and improvement of patients in the healthcare system;

The effectiveness and timeliness of applied preventive medical measures;

The ability to meet the needs of individual patients, groups and the entire population for preventive activities;

Stability of processes and results obtained;

The effectiveness of the applied preventive medical measures (the ratio of the costs of providing preventive medical care to the result obtained) to achieve a positive medical, social and economic balance.

Smoking is not only a risk factor for cancer, but also a contributing factor in the occurrence of almost a third of all cardiovascular diseases. It is now generally accepted that eliminating smoking is one of the most effective measures to improve population health in developed and developing countries. In recent years, the number of women and girls who smoke has increased significantly.

Thus, in the prevention of non-communicable diseases, smoking control should be given an important place. Careful scientific analysis shows that in the fight against cardiovascular disease alone, 50% of the success can be attributed to a reduction in the number of smokers among the population. If you stop smoking after just ten years, the risk of developing cardiovascular pathology becomes the same as that of non-smokers.

Nutrition. Proper, rational nutrition and maintaining energy balance are the foundation for the prevention of many non-communicable diseases. Rational nutrition should be understood as physiologically complete nutrition of people, taking into account gender, age, nature of work and other factors, contributing to the preservation of health, increasing resistance to harmful environmental factors, as well as high physical and mental performance, active longevity.

The basic principles of rational nutrition are:

Energy balance of the diet (correspondence of energy consumption to energy consumption);

Balance of the diet according to the main components (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, microelements, vitamins);

Mode and conditions of eating.

Overnutrition is excessive systematic consumption of food (for example, salt, fat, sugar, etc.) or an energy-intensive diet that does not correspond to physical costs. Insufficient nutrition (lack food) [MH] is a quantitatively or qualitatively reduced consumption of nutrients or individual components, insufficient calorie content of the diet for life support in accordance with physical need.

Low physical activity. In the second half of the 20th century. a sedentary lifestyle has become a mass phenomenon. Currently, in economically developed countries there are few types of work that require physical stress. The development of agriculture, urbanization, automation and other benefits of civilization make a person’s lifestyle sedentary, while for millions of years in the process of evolution, the main activities of man were hunting and collecting edible fruits and plants. Under the influence of these types of activities, adaptation of physiological and metabolic processes in the body occurred. Man, while remaining a hunter and gatherer of fruits due to his physiological and metabolic processes, is forced in modern society to lead a sedentary lifestyle, accompanied by constant excesses.

Alcohol and drugs. Alcoholism and drug addiction are among the most pressing health problems in most countries of the world. Acute and chronic diseases caused by excessive alcohol consumption have been widely described. Mortality from liver cirrhosis has increased in many countries in recent decades, and there is strong evidence that alcohol consumption increases blood pressure; Even in cases where consumption is not considered excessive, alcohol contributes to the development of other socially significant diseases.

High blood pressure. Approximately every fifth person living in economically developed countries has high blood pressure, but most hypertensive people do not control their condition. Doctors at the American Heart Association call hypertension "the silent and mysterious killer." The danger of arterial hypertension is that this disease is asymptomatic in many patients and they feel like healthy people. Doctors even have such an expression - “the law of halves.” It means that of all people with arterial hypertension, half are unaware of their disease, and of those who know, only half are treated, and of those who are treated, only half are treated effectively.

Diabetes. Diabetes mellitus is a powerful risk factor for cardiovascular disease and other serious, disabling diseases. Hereditary predisposition plays an important role in the development of diabetes, so people who have diabetes in their family should regularly check their blood sugar levels. Patients with diabetes mellitus should try to get rid of other risk factors for non-communicable diseases, such as excess body weight, physical inactivity, as this will contribute to a milder course of diabetes mellitus. Quitting smoking, normalizing blood pressure, and a balanced diet are very important. Correct and timely treatment of the underlying disease will prevent the development of other concomitant diseases. Most countries in the world have special programs aimed at combating this serious disease.

Psychological factors. Recently, there has been an increasing role of psychological factors in the development of cardiovascular and other diseases. Although these factors have always been given great importance in the development of the most important socially significant diseases, the lack of the ability to quantify them makes it difficult to prove their specific role in the epidemiology of certain diseases. However, the role of stress, fatigue at work, feelings of fear, and hostility in the development of cardiovascular diseases has been proven. Psycho-emotional stress is caused by working conditions - excessive tasks for the day, unhealthy environment at the workplace. Poverty and social insecurity can also cause stress.

Each of the listed factors has a significant impact on the development and outcome of major diseases, however, even a moderate total increase in the number of factors increases the risk of developing pathology many times over. Therefore, multifactorial programs covering the general population are currently the most promising prevention programs.