Diet 5 for urolithiasis. Features of dietary nutrition for urolithiasis. Allowed foods during the diet against urate stones

This is a disease in which stones or calculi form in the kidneys and urinary tract.

Stones can be of several types, and the dietary restrictions on certain foods depend on their composition. The composition of oxalate stones includes calcium salts formed from oxalic acid, respectively, in this case it is assumed that oxalic acid and vitamin C are limited. The composition of urates includes uric acid salts, which requires alkalization of urine. Phosphate stones are formed when the phosphorus-calcium regime is violated and require “acidification” of the urine, and cystine stones are formed from cystine (an amino acid).

Basic rules of diet for kidney stones

The goals of the diet for urolithiasis are:

  • normalization of nutrient metabolism, in particular purines;
  • shifting the urine reaction to the alkaline or acidic side, depending on the composition of the stones, to prevent the deposition of salts and remove them from the body;
  • correction of intestinal function and normalization of weight.

The diet is physiologically complete with some limitation of animal protein and refractory fats.

According to Pevzner’s classification, the diet for kidney stones corresponds to treatment table No. 6. According to the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, in medical institutions, table No. 6 is included in the main version of the diet (OVD).

  • proteins - 70-80g, of which 50% are animal proteins;
  • fats - 80-90g, of which up to 30% vegetable fats;
  • carbohydrates - 350-400g, sugar - no more than 80g.

The energy value of the diet is 2170-2400 kilocalories per day.

Diet for kidney stones. Basic principles:

  • diet;
    You need to eat food up to 4-5 times a day in small portions, this reduces the load on the digestive tract, normalizes intestinal motility and weight (especially in obesity). Both overeating and fasting are not allowed, since in such cases the level of uric acid and other substances that provoke the formation of stones increases. The last meal should be no later than three hours before bedtime.
  • culinary processing;
    All types of culinary processing of products are allowed, except frying. Meat, fish and poultry products are first boiled before cooking, since about half of their purines go into the broth (extractives). The food is chopped, but not too finely, or served in one piece (meat - no more than 150g, fish - no more than 170g). Meat and fish are introduced into the diet no more than 2-3 times a week.
  • food temperature;
    The food temperature is normal: 15-60 degrees Celsius.
  • salt and liquid;
    If you have kidney stones, you should limit your salt intake to 5g per day. Excess salt provokes the formation of stones and increases blood pressure. Unless there are other reasons to limit fluid intake, its volume should be at least 2 liters per day. We recommend boiled water, low-mineralized water, vegetable and fruit juices, and decoctions of medicinal herbs. Drinking large amounts of fluid reduces the concentration of urine and removes salts from the body.
  • alcohol;
    Drinking alcoholic beverages if you have kidney stones is prohibited. Firstly, strong alcoholic drinks provoke spasm of the ureters, stagnation of urine in the kidneys and a painful attack. Secondly, ethyl alcohol increases the concentration of urine and the precipitation of salts.
  • weight;
    An equally important principle of the diet for kidney stones is weight normalization. With excess everything and increased consumption of high-calorie foods (simple carbohydrates and animal fats), the level of uric acid in the blood increases, which is deposited in the kidneys. It is recommended to have fasting days (cottage cheese, kefir) once a week.

Prohibited Products

The list of prohibited foods for kidney stones primarily includes those that contain a large amount of purines: protein foods of animal origin and refractory fats. Vegetables and fruits with a high content of oxalic acid, which provokes the formation of oxalate stones, are excluded. Limit the consumption of foods rich in vitamin C, as large amounts of it increase the content of oxalic acid. For the same purpose, the number of dishes in the diet that contain gelatin is reduced. Strong tea and coffee disrupt calcium-phosphorus metabolism, so they are also excluded.

The list of prohibited products includes:

  • rich pastries, cakes and pastries with cream, fresh bread made from premium flour (easily digestible carbohydrates);
  • broths from meat, fish, poultry and mushrooms, soups from them;
  • fatty meat and fish: mackerel, salmon, catfish, herring;
  • poultry skin;
  • seafood;
  • young meat (high amount of purines), canned meat and fish;
  • sausages and sausages;
  • jellies, aspic, jelly;
  • legumes, sorrel and spinach, rhubarb, beets, eggplants in limited quantities;
  • sour berries: currants, gooseberries, raspberries, lingonberries, cranberries;
  • citrus fruits limited;
  • salty and spicy cheeses;
  • marinades and pickles;
  • smoked meats, corned beef;
  • cocoa, chocolate, strong tea and coffee;
  • offal (hidden fat and purines): kidneys, liver, brains, tongue;
  • beef and lamb fat, lard, margarine, cooking oil;
  • spicy snacks and spices: pepper, horseradish, mustard;
  • eggs, especially the yolk.

Authorized Products

The therapeutic diet for kidney stones should include foods that alkalinize the urine (except in cases where the patient has phosphaturia, and a “shift” to the acidic side is necessary). These include fruits and vegetables, dairy products.

The consumption of foods containing magnesium and B vitamins, which remove oxalates and urates, is indicated. It is necessary to increase in the diet the amount of foods rich in vitamin A, which is important for the regeneration of the epithelium of the mucous membranes of the kidneys and urinary tract.

Low-mineralized waters and decoctions of medicinal herbs have anti-inflammatory properties. The consumption of vegetable oils is increasing as a replacement for animal fat and plant fiber, which prevents the deposition of salts and weight gain, and normalizes intestinal motor function.

The list of permitted products includes:

  • bread made from 1st and 2nd grade wholemeal flour or bran (a source of B vitamins);
  • fresh vegetable salads;
  • soaked and pickled vegetables;
  • cereals in moderation;
  • pasta in moderation;
  • sweet berries and fruits, watermelons, pears, apples, plums, grapes (reduce oxalates);
  • potatoes, pumpkin, zucchini, carrots, tomatoes, any other vegetables;
  • lean meats and poultry: chicken, turkey, beef;
  • low-fat fish: cod, pollock;
  • milk, non-sour cottage cheese, fermented milk products;
  • mild and unsalted cheeses;
  • eggs in any form, limited yolk;
  • dried fruits (source of potassium);
  • vegetable, dairy, tomato sauces;
  • marmalade, honey, pastille, meringues, jam;
  • weak tea or coffee with milk or lemon, a decoction of wheat and oat flakes, bearberry, corn silk;
  • vegetable oil, butter limited.

The need to follow a diet

Compliance with the principles of therapeutic nutrition for kidney stones is extremely important because:

  • helps prevent the formation of new stones;
  • dissolves existing stones;
  • removes stones in the form of salt deposits and small formations from the kidneys.

In addition, a diet for urolithiasis is useful for weight loss and normalizes the functioning of the digestive tract and cardiovascular system. If a patient with kidney stones adheres to a therapeutic diet, the risk of inflammatory diseases of the urinary system is reduced.

Consequences of not following the diet

If you neglect therapeutic nutrition in the case of existing kidney stones, the risk of developing complications such as:

  • chronic pyelonephritis ;
  • chronic urethritis and cystitis;
  • increase in the frequency of pain attacks.

Diet for urolithiasis in men is an integral part of therapy. Proper nutrition prevents the formation of new stones and promotes the dissolution of existing ones. Thanks to an integrated approach at home, you can avoid surgery and drug treatment if the disease is at an early stage. The diet is prepared by the attending physician depending on the severity of the pathology and the type of stones.

Nutrition Basics

When assigned, table No. 14 according to M.I. Pevzner. Therapeutic nutrition helps the body recover. In addition, diet is a good prevention of exacerbation and further development of the disease.

The essence of the diet is to reduce the influence of factors contributing to the formation of stones. This concerns changes in the acidity level of urine, a decrease in its daily amount, an increase in the concentration of oxalates, calcium, phosphates, uric acid in the urine, and a decrease in the amount of citrates.

Basic rules of nutrition for urolithiasis:

  1. 1. Drink plenty of fluids per day. According to research, if you drink 2.5 liters of water per day, the likelihood of developing the disease is reduced by 40%. Citrus fruit juices are especially beneficial. They contain citrates and increase the acidity of urine.
  2. 2. Reducing animal proteins in the diet. Because of them, the likelihood of developing the disease increases. This is due to the fact that such a protein increases the concentration of calcium and uric acid in urine and reduces the amount of citrates.
  3. 3. Limiting foods containing high amounts of fructose. In the body, this substance causes insulin dependence, which leads to an increase in the concentration of uric acid and a decrease in the acidity level of urine.
  4. 4. Reducing fat. They are not considered factors that greatly influence the formation of stones, but their excessive consumption leads to obesity, which provokes the development of urolithiasis. With excess weight, the amount of oxalates, calcium, sulfates, sodium and uric acid in urine increases.
  5. 5. Limiting salt, foods high in purines and proteins.

It is recommended to choose foods that contain large amounts of amino acids and vitamins. Calorie content should correspond to energy expenditure per day. It is better to keep portions small, but eat often. Doctors advise sticking to three main meals, and 2-3 more snacks are also allowed during the day. Overeating is strictly prohibited. These nutritional rules are also useful for children with kidney disease.

Nutrition should be systematic, that is, you need to follow the regime. Failure to diet for urolithiasis will lead to serious complications. This will lead to the development of hydronephrosis, nephrosclerosis, and chronic renal failure.

Permitted and prohibited products

In case of urolithiasis, especially its exacerbation, it is necessary to adhere to a certain diet, including permitted and prohibited foods:



Flour products

Wheat and rye bread, baked goods with added bran

Confectionery products

  • vegetable;
  • cereals;
  • dairy

Fatty fish, meat, mushrooms, with the addition of spinach and sorrel legumes

Meat, poultry, fish

Low-fat in stewed, boiled form

  • offal (liver, lungs, kidneys, tongue, brains, heart);
  • smoked meats
  • canned food;
  • salty fish


  • milk (except phosphaturia);
  • cottage cheese;
  • sour cream

Salty cheeses

Boiled or steamed omelet made from whites. You are allowed to eat 1 egg per day. Chicken or quail is best

Any grains in moderation

Can be eaten in large quantities - both fresh and thermally processed

  • mushrooms;
  • spinach;
  • sorrel;
  • belt;
  • purslane;
  • cauliflower
  • salads from fruits and vegetables;
  • squash and eggplant caviar;
  • pickled vegetables
  • pickles and pickled vegetables;
  • canned food;
  • fish roe;
  • smoked meats


  • dried fruits;
  • jelly;
  • milk creams;
  • non-chocolate candies;
  • jam;
  • paste;
  • marmalade

Sauces, spices, seasoning

  • parsley;
  • dill;
  • Bay leaf;
  • cinnamon;
  • vanillin;
  • lemon acid
  • sauces based on mushroom, fish and meat broths;
  • pepper;
  • horseradish;
  • mustard
  • tea with lemon, milk;
  • weak coffee;
  • juices, fruit drinks, decoctions of dried fruits, wheat bran, rose hips;

Strong coffee and tea, cocoa

Nutrition rules depending on the type of stones

Magnesium compounds are formed against the background of infectious and inflammatory processes in the gallbladder, kidneys, and urinary canals. In this case, the main task of nutrition is to strengthen the immune system and acidify urine. When dealing with phosphates, the following rules must be observed:

  1. 1. Eat grains, pasta, fruits, vegetables, and lean meats every day. Thanks to this, sediments that accumulate phosphates will not appear in acidic urine.
  2. 2. Eat more foods rich in ascorbic acid: cranberries, currants, gooseberries, strawberries, tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, citrus fruits.
  3. 3. Regularly drink decoctions of meadowsweet, horsetail, and juices from fresh berries and fruits.
  4. 4. You should not consume dairy products or legumes, as they cause the urine to become alkaline.

Oxalates are formed due to excessive consumption of oxalic acid and vitamin C. Patients should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. 1. Eat more foods that help balance the concentration of calcium and oxalic acid. By reducing the volume of calcium, the absorption and absorption of oxalates from the digestive tract increases. It is better to give preference to citrus fruits, grains, corn, cucumbers, onions, and butter.
  2. 2. Drink more water.
  3. 3. Limit the consumption of dairy products, beets, carrots, potatoes, tomatoes, peas, legumes, cabbage, plums, nuts, and leafy greens.
  4. 4. Completely exclude from the diet: parsley, sorrel, celery, leeks, eggplant, zucchini, cocoa, raspberries, currants, blackberries, strawberries, nuts, spices.

They are formed due to the high content of uric acid in urine. In this case, it is recommended:

  1. 1. Eat more vegetables and fruits, steamed or boiled.
  2. 2. Eat more dairy products.
  3. 3. Exclude pork, lamb, offal, fatty fish, cocoa, beans, mushrooms, nuts.

If the stones are phosphorus-calcium or oxalate, then the diet will prevent the synthesis of new stones, but the old ones will not dissolve. However, proper nutrition is sufficient to dissolve urates.

Menu for the week

For urolithiasis, it is best to draw up a sample menu for the week in advance. It should be varied and nutritious. Example:

Day of the week



  • breakfast: sandwich of bread and butter, cottage cheese, vinaigrette;
  • lunch: soup with vegetables and fried roots (season it with sour cream), fried potatoes, meat in breadcrumbs, sauerkraut;
  • dinner: vegetable cutlets, casserole with cottage cheese and pasta
  • breakfast: liquid milk oatmeal;
  • lunch: pureed vegetable soup;
  • dinner: thin milk rice porridge
  • breakfast: vegetable salad, boiled eggs and pudding;
  • lunch: milk soup with noodles, potato cutlets;
  • dinner: cabbage rolls with rice and vegetables
  • breakfast: salad of beets and apples, seasoned with sour cream;
  • lunch: okroshka, boiled beef, vegetable stew;
  • dinner: potato and fresh vegetable salad, cabbage casserole with sour cream
  • breakfast: beet and prune salad, boiled egg;
  • lunch: milk soup with oatmeal, macaroni and cheese, carrot cutlets with sour cream;
  • dinner: dumplings with cottage cheese and prunes

Fasting day. Only cottage cheese is allowed from food. Eat 100 g 5 times a day, and before bed, drink an additional glass of kefir


  • breakfast: liquid milk porridge with oatmeal, vinaigrette;
  • lunch: boiled beef cutlets, stewed cabbage and beetroot;
  • dinner: cottage cheese pancakes, beets with cheese and apples

You can wash down your food with weak green and black tea (you can add milk), juices, compotes, fruit and berry jelly. In the morning on an empty stomach, it is recommended to drink warm alkaline mineral water or a rosehip-based decoction - approximately 100 ml. As a second breakfast and afternoon snack, it is recommended to eat fruit, biscuits, and omelet. Before going to bed, you can drink milk, kefir, homemade yogurt.

Urolithiasis, or urolithiasis, is a pathology caused by the formation of calculi (stones) in different parts of the urinary system. The stones consist mainly of inorganic compounds - derivatives of phosphoric, oxalic acid, magnesium and calcium salts. Complex treatment is aimed at breaking down and removing stones. What to eat for kidney stones depends on their composition. Diet therapy prevents stone formation by shifting the pH of urine to the acidic or alkaline side.

What foods form stones?

The cause of stone deposition is complex physical and chemical reactions. When metabolism is disrupted, protein matrices are formed in the kidneys, which serve as the “core”. Inorganic components are already attached to these nuclei. In 70% of cases, patients with kidney stones are found to have phosphate, urate, and oxalate stones. If you limit the consumption of harmful foods, acid salts will not precipitate and fill protein matrices.

Stones in the renal pelvis are a consequence of impaired metabolism of oxalic and uric acid, phosphorus and calcium. As part of the diet, foods containing purines are excluded:

  • trans fats;
  • animal protein;
  • gelatin.

If phosphorus-calcium metabolism is impaired, you should give up natural coffee and black tea. Patients with oxalate stones should limit their intake of foods rich in vitamin C:

  • citrus;
  • celery;
  • White cabbage;
  • sorrel;
  • strawberry;
  • spinach.
Features of diet therapy depend on the composition of the stones. The dietary program should be drawn up by a urologist, taking into account the results of a biochemical urine test.

General rules of diet for kidney stones

The main goals of the diet for kidney stones in women and men:

  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • prevention of salt precipitation;
  • restoration of acid-base balance;
  • increased peristalsis of the intestines, bladder and ureters.

In case of exacerbation of urolithiasis, adhere to table No. 6 - a therapeutic nutrition system with a limitation of animal proteins and trans fats. The energy value of the daily diet is reduced to 2100-2300 kcal.

Basic rules of diet therapy:

  • Diet. The menu is compiled taking into account the list of prohibited and permitted products. Patients with kidney stones should eat small meals up to 5 times a day. The amount of salt consumed is limited to 5 g/day, as it retains fluid in the body.
  • Heat treatment. Products are allowed to be boiled, stewed, steamed, but not fried. Seafood and meat are included in the menu up to 3 times a week.
  • Drinking regime. The daily amount of fluid consumed is adjusted to 2 liters per day. It flushes stones, sand and bacteria from the kidneys, reducing the risk of infectious inflammation of the urinary tract.

Kidney stones in obese men and women are often complicated by hypertension. Therefore, they should give up alcoholic beverages.

With obesity, the concentration of uric acid in the blood increases, which stimulates the deposition of salts in the kidneys. To avoid the increase of stones, overweight people need to periodically do fasting days.

What can you eat if you have kidney stones: healthy foods

The urologist determines what fruits to eat if you have kidney stones. The basis of the diet should be foods that alkalize or acidify urine. They dissolve salt deposits and remove kidney stones.

Useful foods for kidney stones:

  • low-fat cottage cheese;
  • unsalted cheeses;
  • vegetable sauces;
  • soaked vegetables;
  • vegetable oil;
  • sweet varieties of apples;
  • potato;
  • squash;
  • tomatoes (limited);
  • carrot;
  • dried fruits;
  • Rye bread;
  • bearberry decoction;
  • weak tea;
  • pollock;
  • cereals (moderate);
  • cod;
  • pasta;
  • dietary meat.

If you have stones, it is advisable to eat vegetables and fruits with retinol and B vitamins - pumpkin, broccoli, garlic, watermelon, avocado, mango. They remove oxalates from the kidneys and heal the urinary tract mucosa.

Therapeutic nutrition for kidney stones is aimed at reducing the load on the urinary system. Before consumption, almost all products are subjected to heat treatment. Boiled vegetables with fiber enhance gastrointestinal motility, prevent constipation and increased pressure in the pelvic organs.

Features of cooking for kidney stones:

  • meat and fish must be boiled before consumption;
  • rich meat, mushroom broths and soups are not consumed due to their high purine content;
  • a portion of a meat dish should not exceed 150 g;
  • vegetable oil and butter are used in small quantities for dressing salads and preparing low-fat sauces;
  • cream soups are prepared with a second vegetable and a third meat broth.

If you have kidney stones, you should not use spices and herbs, as they irritate the mucous membrane of the urogenital tract. This is dangerous due to blockage of the ureters and acute urinary retention.

Drinking regime

The daily fluid intake depends on many factors:

  • patient's age and weight;
  • level of physical activity;
  • nutritional characteristics;
  • presence of cardiovascular diseases;
  • diameter and composition of stones;
  • conditions of the urinary tract and kidneys.

In the absence of serious disturbances in the functioning of the urinary system, drink up to 2.5 liters of water per day. As a drink, decoction of elderberry, rosehip, bearberry, herbal tea, and fruit drinks are used. They have a diuretic effect and stimulate kidney function.

What not to eat if you have kidney stones: list of foods

For kidney stones, exclude animal fats, semi-finished products, and offal. During relapses of urolithiasis, avoid products with gelatin, vitamin C, and purines. The following should be excluded from the menu:

  • sausages;
  • conservation;
  • lingonberries;
  • currants;
  • hot chocolate;
  • meat and mushroom broths;
  • herring;
  • mackerel;
  • marinades;
  • pork;
  • baked goods;
  • legumes;
  • cooking fat;
  • spicy snacks.

You are allowed to eat 1 chicken egg per day, prepared in any way. But if the stones consist of uric acid sediments, do not eat the yolks.

What changes to make to the menu for different types of stones

Only a urologist can determine how to eat if you have stones in the urinary system. Features of the diet depend on the biochemical composition of the deposits.


The diet for calcium stones in the renal collecting system (PCS) limits the consumption of foods with oxalic and ascorbic acid:

  • celery;
  • leek;
  • tomatoes;
  • strawberries;
  • figs;
  • carrot;
  • gooseberry;
  • green beans;
  • citrus;
  • sea ​​buckthorn;
  • rhubarb.

To speed up the dissolution of stones, eat foods with pyridoxine and magnesium (liver, nuts, mustard, seaweed, etc.).

If a person drinks enough water, calcium oxalates are not deposited in the kidneys. But if sand accumulates in them, use alkalizing water - Truskavetskaya, Borjomi, Berezovskaya, Essentuki No. 4. To remove oxalates, eat more quince and drink elderberry infusions.


The diet for urate in the kidneys is aimed at reducing foods with purines. They increase the amount of uric acid in the blood, causing its salts to begin to accumulate in the kidneys. The menu is based on:

  • fruits – sweet apples, watermelons, citrus fruits;
  • fermented milk products – milk, low-fat kefir;
  • vegetables - white cabbage, carrots, potatoes.


Phosphate stones are a consequence of alkalization of urine. Kidney stone disease progresses when following a standard dairy-plant diet. To avoid complications, remove from the diet:

  • dairy products;
  • cocoa;
  • celery;
  • green onions;
  • yeast.

To acidify urine, eat bread with bran, dried fruits, meat dishes, cranberry juice, and Brussels sprouts.

Menu for the week

It is difficult to create a menu that suits different types of stones. For oxalates, a plant-meat diet is followed, for phosphates, a meat diet, and for urates, a plant-dairy diet. More often, stones with a predominance of phosphoric acid salts are found in the kidneys.

If kidney stones are complicated by inflammation, stick to table No. 7 according to Pevzner. Spices, preserves, marinades, green onions and other foods that irritate the mucous membranes are removed from the diet.

Sample menu:

Days of the weekBreakfastDinnerAfternoon snackDinner
Mondayboiled potatoes, shrimp salad, weak teacream soup with vegetables, baked apple, cherry compoteboiled egg, a piece of wholemeal breadbaked salmon, asparagus, bearberry broth
Tuesdayegg white omelette with green onions, slice of toast bread, fruit juicerice porridge, vegetable cutlets, squash caviar, weak teabaked appleboiled chicken fillet with pasta, sliced ​​vegetables, wheat bran decoction
Wednesdaybuckwheat porridge, stewed Brussels sprouts, compotemeat or fish cutlets, noodle soup, crispbread, dried fruit compotesandwich with fruit jam, elderberry decoctionmashed potatoes, boiled salmon, tea
Thursdaypearl barley porridge, sour apple, teaboiled tuna with arugula, squash caviar, herbal teabaked pear, cranberry juiceChinese cabbage puree, tea
Fridayprotein omelet, rye bread with jam, herbal teaboiled beef, sliced ​​cucumbers, compote3-4 slices of watermelonstewed cauliflower with champignons, 2 slices of bread, berry mousse
Saturdayseafood salad, dried fruit compotevegetable soup in weak broth, a piece of boiled fishbaked apple, juicebaked pollock with green peas, a piece of rye bread, fruit drink
Sundayrice porridge with water, stewed cabbage, cranberry juicemeatball soup, rye bread, bearberry decoctiondried fruits, compotepasta with vegetable sauce, boiled asparagus, tea

To avoid constipation, it is not advisable to overuse meat dishes. It is better to eat a vegetable salad for breakfast, cream soup for lunch, and boiled meat or fish for dinner.

Healthy recipes

A varied diet prevents hypovitaminosis and decreased immunity. When stones form in the kidneys, eat the following dishes:

  • Saxon puree. 3 large onions are cut into half rings and boiled for 20 minutes in 1 liter of water. Meanwhile, boil the turnips and potatoes. Mix them with salted onions and add a little milk.
  • Fruit puree. Boil 500 g of peach pulp in 1 liter of water for 10 minutes. Blend in a blender until pureed. Mix with 3 tbsp. l. granulated sugar and ½ cup boiled rice.
  • Salad with clover. ¼ large white cabbage is cut into strips and mixed with a glass of clover heads. Grind the whites of 2 chicken eggs and add to the salad. Season with vegetable oil and garnish with dill.
  • Fruit salad. Diced apricots, apples, pears and plums are mixed in equal quantities. Add 1-2 tbsp. l. chopped hazelnuts and the same amount of low-fat sour cream.

Following a healthy diet improves the functioning of the urinary system and reduces body weight. Thanks to this, the symptoms of hypertension and excess load on the kidneys disappear.


Eating right does not guarantee that you will get rid of kidney stones. To increase the effectiveness of diet therapy, you need to:

  • give up smoking and alcohol;
  • take daily half-hour walks;
  • avoid stressful situations;
  • give up fast food;
  • exercise.

Genital infections provoke exacerbations of urolithiasis. Patients with chronic kidney inflammation should avoid sex with casual partners.

Consequences of not following the diet

Diet for urolithiasis occupies one of the main places in therapy; adherence to the diet prescribed by specialists is of great importance for the successful treatment of the disease.

General principles and effectiveness

The choice of food for a patient with urolithiasis does not depend on the location of the deposits, but is completely determined by the type of stones identified as a result of diagnosis. A food intake regimen that takes into account metabolic disorders that provoked the formation of stones is prescribed by a doctor after diagnosis and receipt of analysis results.

Building a diet for urolithiasis in men and women follows certain general principles. The main general principles include:

  • Sufficient fluid intake throughout the day. It is recommended that the patient drink 2-2.5 liters of fluid per day.
  • Balanced diet. When compiling a diet for a patient, the doctor takes into account the presence of concomitant pathologies of the digestive tract.

The purpose of the diet is to provide a gentle regime for the kidneys, which will help remove various metabolic products from the body.

If you have urolithiasis problems with your kidneys, you can drink mineral water. But what kind of mineral water should you drink? The choice of water composition depends on the type of stones identified. For certain kidney pathologies, you can drink kvass. If oxalate or urate formations are detected, then the use of kvass will need to be limited. The result of compiling a diet is a scheme of special therapeutic nutrition - a dietary table.

What foods can you eat?

Diet for urolithiasis is one of the areas of treatment and prevention of the disease. It is important to know what you can eat and what you absolutely cannot eat if you have urolithiasis.

To prevent and treat the disease, use vegetable dishes in the diet. It is recommended to use according to a certain scheme:

  • Cereals and porridges;
  • Garlic decoctions;
  • Dried apricots, raisins, watermelons, grapes, cherries, oranges, plums, apricots, blackberries, honey;
  • Herbal tea.

What a patient can eat in each specific manifestation of the disease is determined by the attending physician. It is recommended to eat in small portions, but often.

Therapeutic dietary nutrition must be followed for a long time until complete recovery, and in the chronic form of the pathology - throughout life.

What not to do if you have urolithiasis

The choice of diet and diet for kidney stones should depend on the chemical composition of the deposits formed.

You should not consume carbonated water, smoked foods, spicy foods, or preserves; you should reduce your salt intake. Not recommended, eating sausages. During an exacerbation of kidney stones, you should not drink hibiscus. It is necessary to completely eliminate foods that negatively affect the urinary tract.

If for one type of stones experts recommend eating a certain product, then for another it is strictly prohibited.

The preparation of a diet for urolithiasis in women and men should be aimed at eliminating from it products that contribute to the deposition of stones in the organ.

With urolithiasis, great attention is paid to changing eating habits, because food breakdown products pass through the urinary system. The diet, which is prepared for the patient by specialists for urolithiasis, is an important part of the therapy.

In addition to the fact that there are general recommendations on diet and nutrition, an individual diet in the presence of kidney stones is agreed upon with the doctor for each individual patient. Permitted and prohibited products for different types of stones are different.


Based on the results of urine tests, a diagnosis of uraturia can be made. Urate nephrolithiasis has its own dietary program.

The basis of the diet for this type of urolithiasis is:

  • Increasing daily calorie intake;
  • Frequent meals in small portions (about 5 times a day);
  • Inclusion of fasting days.

The anti-urate diet includes vegetables, adds milk, buckwheat, and wheat porridge to the diet. Watermelons are good for treating kidney stones. It is necessary to diversify your food with citrus fruits, eggs (whites), and honey. You can eat sweet berries and fruits, tea with lemon.

During the period of dietary measures against urate stones, it is not recommended to use:

  • Meat by-products;
  • Various broths;
  • Fish dishes;
  • Smoked and salty foods;
  • Apples, other sour fruits;
  • Legumes;
  • Beans;
  • Greenery;
  • Muchnogo;
  • Cocoa;
  • Coffee;
  • Alcohol;
  • Chocolate;
  • Sweet.

Limiting your daily salt intake is necessary.

Doctors usually recommend diet No. 6 during the treatment of urolithiasis, which is accompanied by the formation of urate stones.

Oxalate stones

Oxalates are formed from salts of oxalic acid. The diet for urolithiasis, accompanied by the formation of oxalates, includes the consumption of drinks and foods that help change the pH of the urine.

Diet for oxalate stones:

  • Drinking plenty of fluids;
  • Fractional meals in small portions;
  • Exclusion of products containing oxalic acid;
  • Drinking juices to remove acid from the body;
  • Introducing foods rich in B vitamins;
  • Limiting salt intake.

For oxalate deposits in the kidneys, it is usually recommended to follow a diet alternation pattern. Such schemes are developed by specialists.


Phosphates require acidification of urine. The diet should be aimed at preventing the deposition of salt deposits and removing accumulated stones from the body.

The basis of the diet of patients suffering from urolithiasis with a predominance of phosphate stones consists of black and white bread; baked goods, various types of meat, pasta, fish dishes.

The diet that is included in the treatment regimen for the disease with phosphates requires excluding the consumption of smoked meats, marinades, dairy products, and cheeses.

Preventing stone formation

The urine of a healthy person contains a lot of substances that are in soluble form. If the balance in metabolism is disturbed, precipitation may occur in the urine, and stones may form in the organs and systems of the body. The development of pathology does not depend on a person’s age, and therefore an important role is played by preventing the formation of deposits. It is necessary to prevent the disease both for people who are at risk, but do not yet have deposits in the kidneys, and for those who have already developed kidney stones.

Proper nutrition and sufficient fluid intake are the main preventive measures to reduce the likelihood of deposits in the organs. The diet excludes spicy, fatty foods and salty foods. A healthy, balanced diet is aimed at strengthening the body's immunity. Diet for predisposition to urolithiasis for preventive purposes depends on the type of stones formed. Coordination with the attending physician is necessary in order to ensure the effectiveness of the process of preventing the appearance and growth of deposits.

Good afternoon, dear readers! Nowadays, more and more people suffer from urolithiasis. Doctors explain this phenomenon with the deterioration of the global environmental situation and the poor quality of the water we drink. Heavy metals, which are found in water, food and air, accumulate in our body and cause diseases of this kind.

What are urate stones and why are they formed?

Urate kidney stones are a special type of urolithiasis. Sometimes urate stones cause complications in the human body, so we should be careful and follow a special diet to dissolve urate stones.

With uraturia, uric acid accumulates in the body. It begins its decomposition in the urinary organs, forming sand or small stones. Such stones can be found not only in the kidneys, but also in the bladder and ureters.

Reasons for the formation of urate stone

  • Improper metabolism.
  • Genetic predisposition, in other words, heredity.
  • Eating sour, spicy foods.
  • Sedentary lifestyle.
  • Diseases of the esophagus or genitourinary organs.
  • Poor blood supply to the kidney.
  • Violation of fluid volume in the body.

The volume of fluid is impaired in case of excessive loss: with high fever, vomiting or excessive physical activity.

It should be noted the peculiarity of the formation of urates in the kidneys with excessive and unbalanced food consumption:

  • fried meat, meat broths
  • canned fish
  • legumes
  • tomatoes
  • alcohol
  • chocolate

Forced fasting can also cause the formation of urates.

When urate is formed in the kidneys or urinary tract, the body accumulates excess uric acid, the formation of which is facilitated by purine substances in foods. The diet limits the consumption of foods rich in purines, such as meat, meat by-products, fish, as well as mushrooms and legumes.

Urates, kidney urate stones, can appear at any age in both male and female bodies. For prevention, you should adhere to a balanced diet and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Treatment of urate kidney stones

Often, urate stones are a consequence of poor diet, so during treatment you need to balance your diet. With proper treatment, urate stones easily dissolve in our body, but do not delay treatment - sometimes stones cause complications.

The course of treatment depends on factors such as the size of the stone and its location in the body. If the stone that appears is small in size, then treatment will consist of a strict diet and taking the necessary medications. Also, your doctor may recommend diuretic herbal preparations and exercise therapy. In particularly difficult cases, you will be treated surgically.

When cleansing the body of urates, we will need to do the following:

  1. Increase the volume of water in the body.
  2. Achieve alkalinization of urine to remove kidney stones.
  3. Reduce consumption of foods that contribute to the formation of urate.

To achieve all three goals, I want to offer you, dear readers, the best option - a special diet against kidney stones. It is this regimen that will facilitate the work of the urinary tract, properly normalize metabolism and prevent the reappearance of urates in the kidneys.

Diet principles for dissolving urate kidney stones

  1. Monitor your calorie intake. The daily norm increases to 2800 kilocalories.
  2. You are allowed to consume the most carbohydrates - four hundred grams. Proteins can be consumed in the amount of 70-80 grams, fats - no more than 90 grams.
  3. You need to adhere to the following diet: 5 meals a day, excluding too cold foods from the diet.
  4. It is useful to arrange - fruit, dairy, vegetable.

Allowed foods during the diet against urate stones

  • sweet fruits and berries
  • milk products
  • vegetables: eggplants, potatoes, bell peppers, pumpkin, cucumbers, cauliflower, zucchini
  • watermelons
  • pasta
  • rye bread, white wheat bread
  • buckwheat, wheat porridge
  • citrus
  • eggs from which the yolks have been removed (no more than 1 yolk per day is allowed)
  • jam, jelly and compotes
  • honey, marshmallow, marmalade
  • Tea with lemon

I recommend eating more apples, pears, and grapes from fruits, and watermelons from berries. It is these products that contribute to the alkalinization of urine.

During this regimen, you need to drink about 2-3 liters of fluid daily.

Citrus fruits can be eaten if oxalates are not observed in the urine. If present in the urine test, then limited consumption of oranges is allowed. You should also limit your potato consumption.

Prohibited foods during the diet against urate stones

  • meat by-products and meat of young animals
  • broths of all types: from meat, mushrooms and fish
  • smoked meats and pickles
  • vegetables: lettuce, parsley, green onion, sorrel
  • from fruits: Antonov apples, cranberries, lingonberries and other fruits with high acidity
  • legumes
  • flour
  • alcohol
  • cocoa, chocolate, coffee, sweets
  • It is necessary to limit salt consumption and maintain its daily intake.

Thus, in case of urolithiasis, accompanied by the formation of stones from uric acid salts (urates), we can recommend diet No. 6, i.e. the same as for gout.

Features of cooking during a diet against urate stones

Despite the diet, absolutely everyone always wants to pamper themselves with a piece of freshly prepared delicious meat. In this case, you can afford it. I want to tell you about the products, features and principles of cooking meat that should be followed when dieting against urate in the kidneys.

As I already wrote above, urate stones are formed from uric acid salts, the formation of which is promoted by special substances - purines. The largest amount of purines is found in meat, fish, mushrooms, offal: liver, kidneys, lungs. When these products are cooked, most of these substances are boiled down and remain in the broth. Therefore, any meat broths are strictly contraindicated. Meat is only allowed boiled or steamed.

  1. Before cooking, soak the meat in a saline solution for about three hours.
  2. Cook the first courses using vegetable broth; the meat can be cooked separately and placed on a plate when serving.
  3. Place the meat immediately into boiling water.

Basic folk remedies in the fight against urates

It is very useful for a person suffering from kidney stones to eat foods such as freshly squeezed carrot juice and radish with honey. They accompany the removal of stones from the kidney.

The correct menu for a diet against urates.

Which doctor should I see?

If you want to consult about the necessary medications, then you should go to a nephrologist. If you decide to consult a specialist about the diet you should follow, or discuss permitted foods, go to a nutritionist.