What to cook on the road. Food in the train

Hello, dear readers! Today we will talk about food, or rather, what to have a snack on the road and what to take with me from food? The topic is relevant for all - there are different situations on the road, and the issue of nutrition can add another headache to preparation.

What products should be chosen, and what to avoid so that no health problems arose, and your long-awaited trip has not turned into chagrin? Consider all the main items so that you no longer have difficulties in the future.

Before moving to what it is better to choose for a specific type of transport, let's analyze the basic recommendations:

  • Compactness. Products should not take a lot of space. To carry Baul with meals uncomfortable and meaningless. Part of the products can be spoiled earlier than you will eat them.
  • Storage time. Prefer such products that can withstand the road and can not be stored in the refrigerator. For example, refuse dairy products if you do not want to poison. If you do not imagine your life without yogurts and cottage cheesemakers, then eat such products in the first hour 3-4 trips, especially in summer.
  • Slow odors. Products with sharp odors are a sure way to cause discontent neighbors if you are traveling on a bus or train. In the closed space, the smell is even more felt, and after a couple of hours it will begin to annoy not only others, but also you.
  • Storage temperature. Do not take with you products that can melt or melt while increasing the temperature. Ice cream, chocolate, chocolate candies set aside before you arrive.
  • Products with cream filling. This includes cakes, cakes and pies. They quickly deteriorate and do not fit for the road.
  • Mineral water. It is needed in sufficient quantity, especially in summer. But do not take carbonated water and sweet drinks on the road.

About what I somehow wrote. There are, of course, your nuances. But the approach is similar.

With its move. What to take into the car?

Agree, going on a trip by car and bus we will choose different. On the trip, the car has its own pleasant bonuses, from which it is possible to stay, where it will want, more space for luggage storage, the absence of foreign people. So the assortment of how to eat on a trip by car is very diverse.

If you are traveling for several days, get a special refrigerator bag. If there are no such possibility and unnecessary items you do not want, then take a look at the following products:

  • Light vegetable soup or broth in thermos. This option is well suited if you need to eat something hot at least once a day. Remember only that it is also impossible to store it.
  • Sandwiches. You're also thinking about them too, preparing food on the road? It is fast, tasty and convenient. Options for sandwiches can be a lot, but do not use mayonnaise, sauce, butter. So they deteriorate faster, and you risks choose or earn an indignation. Use bread with bran, chearage products, solid grade cheese.
  • Lavash with filling. Very comfortable and satisfying method of snack. You can wrap in it fresh vegetables, meat (preferably baked, it is preserved longer), solid cheese, greens. Add salts and seasonings to taste, avoiding ketchup and mayonnaise.
  • Light salads. You can cut vegetables into the container, and then only add oils and salt to them. So they will not deteriorate so quickly, but they are advisable not to stretch for 2 days.
  • Vegetables and fruits . Cucumbers, tomatoes (choose solid), greens, carrots - perfectly fit into the road menu. Take fruits with sovereign (bananas, apples, tangerines) and not very soft. They can withstand a few days and become a nutritious and tasty snack on the road.
  • Baked potato. It does not deteriate for a long time and if you love potatoes, then this is a good idea for lunch on the road. But do not take boiled potatoes and Potatoes. They quickly deteriorate, it is an excellent environment for the development of bacteria, and Fry's potatoes are also harmful to health.
  • Baked meat . Boiled or fried meat will not suit the road. It sparkles quickly, so baked is a great option. Add there more spices, especially such as rosemary, thyme, mint - they have a disinfecting effect and retain meat longer. It will be good for chicken (you can use) or turkey.

To the fact that it is still suitable from the products of the road, you can also add: baked patty (not with meat stuffing), dried fruits, nuts (better not salty), buns and cupcakes (without filling).

And sweet toes, which and the day is not sweet without sweet (I know there are many among us), instead of chocolate and sweets, should look at the marshmallow, shell and marmalade. You can take cookies if it is without a filling.

Products for the train. What else can you take?

The road by train, especially in placentar, is still fun in terms of comfort. But there is a couple of pros, because of which the choice is to take from me to the train, easier than with other options. First, you have a table, for which you can easily decompose, and secondly - access to boiling water. More convenient, right?

In the train you can take all the same products as in the car, but the list can be supplemented with several points:

  • Fast cooking porridge. How do not twist, and hot wanted if you have a long road ahead. If you have boiling water, you will not make such a porridge. Quickly, convenient and practical.
  • Soups and fast food masses. Not the most useful meal, but if you do not use them all the time, then 1 time can be taken.
  • Tea and coffee bags. Take both in bags, so as not to play half an hour with brewing in the conditions of the road. Although I myself can not endure the packaged products, and it is better to take placer.
  • Patty and canned food. Just keep in mind that you have to eat them right away, and not stretch pleasure for a couple of days. They can spoil, and then you will shine a cheerful rest of the trip.
  • Boiled eggs. The classic of what takes from eating the train. Remember, the eggs must be screwed, and the shell without cracks. It is advisable to eat them on the first day.

How to choose products for the bus?

The bus is the type of transport where you will take everything in a row. Especially if the trip to some bus tour, where it is not an option to mess with thermos and containers for you. What to take, so that and tasty and useful, and even convenient?

  • Lavash with filling. Recommendations on stuffing are all the same as before. Wrap it in parchment paper or special paper bags for food. Do not use polyethylene packages for storage products on the road.
  • Sandwiches. Here they also fit perfectly. For bread not so quickly spoiled, keep cutting to sandwiches separately.
  • Vegetables and fruits. Give preference to solid vegetables and fruits so that you do not have to wash clothes from juice.
  • Buns, cupcakes and baked pies (But not with meat). It is well suitable for snack, but take with you without cream fillings.
  • Dried fruits and unsalted nuts. They are well saturated with energy and do not spoil for a long time. Especially by the way, if you have an active program and a lot of movements.
  • Paustil, Marshmallow, Marmalade. Tasty and useful, as well as 2-3 days without refrigerator can be stored.

What to feed the children on the road?

If you have children, then the question of food on the road always occurs. The choice of food for the child depends on what you eat, how long is the child and what age is the child.

If you have a little baby, buy baby food for him on the road. Take care that the food is normal temperature - if necessary, take a container where you can pour boiling water and put a jar with food to get started.

If you eat with children older than age, then you can take them baked potatoes, a chicken, boiled eggs. But remember that they need to eat them on the first day. Vegetables and fruits are also suitable. You can take buns or puff pastries (without stuff), children's fruit purees (fit and adults). Do not take with you anything from FAS Fud, greasy and fried.

When you become a meal, keep in mind that children can not be flipped in the road. Feed them only when they get hungry. Do not forget about sanitation: take a sufficient amount of wet napkins.

How to be on a ride with gastritis?

If you have gastritis, then plan that and when you will eat on the road in advance. You need to eat often and the food must be dietary. Get around the thermos for food. There you can take hot meals with you: soup, broth, porridge.

You can also take with you boiled eggs, baked potatoes and chicken, vegetables and fruits (here are repelled from the recommendations of doctors that you can eat). This is enough for you on a trip for 1 day. If a long road is expected, take a quick cooking cereal, baby puree and fast food soups.

Successes to you in your travels!

On the eve of the May holidays, additional weekends and spontaneous trips, we chose the most healthy snacks and snacks that can be taken with you in the car. Minus - chips, hot dogs and cookies, plus - only the best and useful for the body and figures.

1 - Orekhi

And in particular, almonds and walnuts, which are super challenges among conifers that support energy. They contain potassium, magnesium and vitamin E, which will prevent dehydration and support muscles in tone (after all, the road is a long-lasting seat). By the way, walnut-containing sweets like M & MS, not counting :)

2 - Apples

Vitamin set in apples - potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, sodium, a lot of iron and vitamins C, E, carotene, B1, B2, B6, RR, and folic acid - support the health of the digestive system, remove cholesterol and toxic metals. One of the most healthy snacks. Choose green not the sweetest apples - Simirenko, Lagold, they contain less sugar than yellow and red, and the extra sugar and calories we have nothing to do.

3 - Senvich

You can always cook a few sandwiches with you so as not to stop the road to a quick breakfast / lunch at refueling or roadside cafes. Many of the sandwiches are quite transportable, especially if they are tightly wrapped into the food film. Choose to your taste - with tomatoes and mozzarella, fresh leaves and egg salad, mustard with salmon, with prosciutto and dried tomatoes. .

4 - meat

For fans of dense food on the road, meat can become a good option. Drink in advance with the roots (carrots, parsnips, Topinamburg) and a chicken breast, a tever clipping or make home buckhenin. You can also take a sliced \u200b\u200band packed dried meat - Prosciutto, Hamon or other options for dry, low-fat dried pork or lamb. Cut into thin slices and folded into a plastic container. Do not forget vegetables and greens.

5 - Vegetables and greens

Tomatoes Cherry, chopped with straw carrots, celery, sweet pepper, small cucumbers, and lettuce leaves, basilica, arugula - do not take out the entire vegetable department of the supermarket, but it will not hurt a little freshness and vitamins on the road. Green contains ascorbic and other acids, a useful set of trace elements that have bactericidal properties, adjust salt exchange.

6 - Fresh Bread

Or any baking for your taste. It is always better to give preference to freshly baked products in your favorite supermarket or confectionery, because you can hardly find a similar on the autobahn or rural road. To fresh bread or loafs, you can additionally take curd masses with greens or make pesto ().

7 - Fruit Chips

If you really love something to nibble, choose any fruit chips that do not contain oils. Turn the hurt and without excessive fatty and excessive liver work. Outside of Ukraine, seek such chips with the inscription sundried ("dried in the sun") on the packaging.

8 - Berries and dried fruits

If a season, take a few small boxes of berries on the road, which do not pack hands - with smooth and dense skin: gooseberry, currant, blueberry. In the autumn-winter period on the road instead of berries, you can take dried fruits - Kuragu, dates, raisins, prunes and dried cranberries. All of them contain many vitamin and useful trace elements, improve the intestinal peristalsis, remove cholesterol and give a charge of cheerfulness.

And so you have a scheduled trip on vacation or business trip? Surely there was a question that you can take a bus from a meal that would certainly feel full and at the same time not to worry about your health and do not feel the constraint in front of other passengers. The mind, of course, come to all the usual sandwiches and buns, but this is only a small part than you can pamper your stomach, while, for a long time in a bus or any other transport.

What products to take on the road?

  1. Sandwiches with sausage and cheese. Perhaps the most favorite meal of passengers. Making sandwiches for brakes, give preference to the chearakest sausage, it is stored for a long time and has no such sharp smell. Cheese can be chosen by any, at your discretion, it can be both solid varieties of cheeses and soft. Lovers of cheese with mold, please give way to your taste preferences and choose cheese with the smallest odor.
  2. Vegetables and fruits. This is a good choice for snacking on the bus, they quench the hunger, quite easily digested without leaving the feeling of gravity and there is a convenient on the road. Give preference to solid varieties of vegetables and fruits, they probably do not fill in your bag. It can be cucumbers, carrots, cabbage, apples and bananas. Pears and solid plums on the road is better not to take, they can cause bloating.
  3. Dried fruits and nuts. Along with conventional fruits, dried fruits and nuts can be taken, they occupy little space in the bag, but for the body give a large number of calories, you will not only be able to feel full, but also be able to eliminate the point in the road.
  4. Cookies and buns. Such a snack on the road is also suitable, however, you should give preference, for example, oat or gingerbread, it will give a long sense of satiety and can also eliminate the symptoms of the tech.
  5. Boiled potatoes and eggs. This is another rich kind of food on the bus, weld the potatoes and eggs (definitely driven) and clean them in advance from the peel.
  6. Zucchini or potato panca.This dish is very tasty to prepare very easily, it is well kept and you can eat it both in hot and cold.
  7. Fried chicken or meat. Both meat and chicken can be perfectly delolding in a frying pan or bake in the oven. Be sure to make sure that the meat is well delighted, otherwise it can quickly spoil.
  8. Tea, coffee in thermos and ordinary non-carbonated water.

How to collect brackets to the bus?

The question is very simple, however, referring to the experience, many passengers do not take into account many nuances. We wonder in more detail how to collect food on the road in such a way that it would be harmful to health and is practical, continuing the trip clean.
  • taking fruits and vegetables on the road, worry them in advance and dry them. So you do not have to wipe them on the road with wet napkins or, even worse, unwashed hands, it can lead to microbes in the body and intestinal disorder. And you probably do not need it, especially on the road.
  • cut all the necessary products at home and fold them into a container or package. It may be bread, cucumbers or chicken, sliced \u200b\u200binto small pieces for more convenient meals, etc.
  • do not take a liquid food with you. Soup, okroshka and other liquid dishes on the road are better not to take. Even if you reliably pack such food into hermetic dishes, it is moving on the bus, which all the time moves, sometimes going to the bumps, on our "flawless" roads and make not sharp braking, inconvenient. Surely all this will lead to the fact that you are a break your lunch and continue traveling in evaporated clothing or sitting on a wet, dirty seat. For this, prefer more dry food.
  • your food on the road should consist of products having a long shelf life. Be sure to put one or another product in the brackets, check its shelf life, if 1-2 days left before it is completed, such a product is better not to take on the road. Under the temperature of the temperature mode of different from the refrigeration, the product may be spoiled much faster.
  • choosing between meat and fish, prefer meat. However, the meat should be made properly cooking, to delight, peck or disappear. Lovers of a steak with blood, it is better to postpone the use of this dish for later and care your health.
  • crumbs, crumbs and once again crumbs ... A huge request is not to take a food on the road, which grows greatly, it concerns the sand cookies, it is impossible to eat carefully, whatever to do, and other similar products.
  • for quenching thirst, water, tea or coffee is suitable. Compote and natural juices, it is better not to take, because on the road they can cheer up and cause nausea, bloating and intestinal disorder.
  • together with the food you take on the road, you need to take wet and dry napkins, disposable packages in them you will be folded with apples from apples, housing from bananas and other food waste.
Having thought over in advance that you can take with you on the road from food and how correctly all these products are staffed into the road brakes, will give you the opportunity to eat tasty and satisfying right during the road and stay not only full, but also clean.

What to do in the train? You can play cards, dreamily look into the window, read, but one of the main entertainment is the food. At the first hour of the road, boiled eggs, chicken, cucumbers or sandwiches are already beginning to lay out on the table. But, is all the products safely take with you in the train? We will tell what to cook on the road and what to take with you to the train for lunch.

Food in the train must be:

  • Sustainable heat and stored without refrigerator
  • Do not get dirty and do not smell
  • Be convenient for use
  • Be delicious
  • Be nutrient

What is better to take from food in the train?

  1. Hen.Well, where is it without an appetizing chicken? Chicken meat can be prepared on the grill, make chops, bake, boil or fry on the oil, the main thing - do not be afraid to pierce. Pepper prolongs the life of products. Choons can be put on bread, Such a product is very convenient to eat on the train.
  2. Boiled meat.If you decide take a boiled meat with you, stop your choice on veal . It is better to twist her mustard - shelf life will last for several hours.
  3. The potato on the train can withstand the whole day, and even two.Baked potatoes in the peel is kept better than potatoes in uniform. Bake it without butter, salt already on the train.
  4. Boiled eggs. Even despite the fact that the eggs specifically smell they take them a train almost all.In order for the eggs longer preserved, drop them over 30 minutes as An Easter.
  5. Cucumbers.Cucumbers are suitable for both fresh and low-voltage. Excellent product in order to take with you on the road, in the train.
  6. Bread. Break-free bread will remain soft for a long timepre-wrap it in paper or foil (not in the package). Another successful eating option in the train - Lavash. It is possible to wrap meat into it so as not to get dark when eating.
  7. Smoked sausage.The only moment sausage should be chearableIn this form, the product will withstand until the second day. Buy in the cutting store in vacuum packaging.
  8. Cheese. Prefer not to fresh cheese, and melted. Such a product will last longer on the road, on the train.
  9. Nuts and drone. What to cook on the road?Nothing! Take nuts or dried fruits. Wash carefully before use.
  10. Instant porridge. If the trains involves being a long, without dry breakfasts, instant porridge, flakes and soup from the package cannot do.
  11. Water.Should I explain why to take water with you? It is best for non-carbonated water or fruit juices.

What products do not need to take a train?

  • Tomatoes. Because they are easy to get dirty or crushed during transportation.
  • Boiled sausage and meat delicacies. They will be suitable for use for several hours, then there is a danger to poison.
  • Chocolate and candy. Melt and weight dump. Better take cookies with you.
  • Milk products. They quickly deteriorate on the train, so they are better to buy them on long parking and immediately eat.

How long to save food in the train?

A good option in order to keep the products in the train as long as possible in the train - thermobacket, a cold battery, a refrigerator bag. By the way, we wrote a feedback about bags for dinners of the Ukrainian production of Pack and Go. If there is no possibility to buy such a device, pack products into wrapping paper or foil, and not in plastic bags so that the products do not tear.