Bradycardia of the heart - what it is, causes of occurrence, symptoms and treatment methods. Causes and symptoms of bradycardia Heart failure bradycardia

Bradycardia is a change in heart rate, in which the pulse becomes less than 60 shots per minute. Such a rare heartbeat is normal in athletes and well-trained people. At the heart of all types of bradycardium lies a decrease in the frequency of ventricular cuts, which may occur due to violation of the generation of the nerve impulse in the sinus node or violation of its heart system.

When bradycardia, the pulse is less than 60 shots per minute light and moderate degree of bradycardia usually do not cause circulatory disorders and no symptoms are manifested. With a very rare heart rhythm, there is a lack of blood supply to organs and tissues, which leads to a violation of their normal operation.

Approximately 25% of physically trained young men, the heart rate (heart rate) is normal to 50-55 shocks per minute. The heart rate is also reduced during sleep. This occurs under the action of the autonomic nervous system. The amount of heart blows per minute in this case may decrease by 30%. In most cases, bradycardia appears as a result of any disease or pathological process in the body.

Bradycardia classification

Reducing the heart rate depending on the causes are divided into 2 types:

  1. Sine bradycardia - occurs in disruption of the automatic sinus node, in which the frequency with which the pulses are generated in it becomes less than 60 per minute.
  2. Sinoatrial and atrioventricular blockades - disorders of the nervous pulse between the sinus node and the atria either between the atrium and ventricles.

Bradycardia can be:

  1. Physiological - during sleep, athletes, sometimes pregnant women.
  2. Pathological - if a cause is any disease.

Pathological, in turn, can flow in two forms:

  1. Acute - this is observed in myocardits, myocardial infarction, some poisoning.
  2. Chronic - is found mainly in chronic age-related heart disease.

Depending on the cause of the occurrence, the following types of bradycardia are distinguished:

  1. Organic (with some heart lesions).
  2. Extracardial (in case the cause is not heart pathology).
  3. Toxic.
  4. Drug.
  5. Sinus bradycardia athletes.

Causes of bradycardia

Extraacardial forms can be developed at:

  • vegetiovascular dystonia;
  • increased intracranial pressure - observed at subarachnoid hemorrhage, meningitis, brain tumors, intracranial hematoma;
  • mechanical pressure on the carotid sine - when wearing a tight collar or a tie;
  • pressing on the eyeballs.

Causes of bradycardia organic genesis:

  • myocardits;
  • myocardiodistrophy;
  • cardiosclerosis;
  • myocardial infarction.

These diseases contribute to the fibrous change in cardiomyocytes in a sinus node or affecting the conductive heart system, causing blockages and arrhythmias.

Conceptual image of a heart Organic lesion of the heart rate source causes pathology, called a sinus node weakness syndrome. In this case, the frequency of generated pulses sharply decreases, which leads to bradycardia or alternating other rhythm drivers with bradycardia shift to Tachycardia. The complete damage of the sinus node is fraught with a complete refusal to generate a pulse.

If degenerative changes relate to the conductive heart system, then some signals from the source of the rhythm driver are blocked in a certain place. This leads to the fact that the impulse does not reach the ventricles. As a result, it does not occur and the blood from the cavity of the heart does not go into the vascular system of the body. Often this is another cause of bradycardia's development.

Often the heart rate may decline as a result of the reception of some drugs. These include:

  • beta adrenobloclars (metoprolol, anaprilin);
  • heart glycosides (Corglikon, Digoxin);
  • sympatholytic agents (reserpine);
  • antiarrhythmic agents (County, Novocainamide, amiodar);
  • calcium channel blockers (nifedipine, verapamil);
  • narcotic analgesics (morphine).

The cause of bradycardia can also be actions of some toxins for myocardium. It is possible to reduce the heart rate can observe with:

  • hepatitis;
  • sepsis;
  • abdominal typhoid;
  • uremia;
  • poisoning of phosphors (phosphorus-organic compounds).

To this group, bradycardium can include a decrease in the generation of pulse frequency in excess potassium (hypercalemia) or calcium (hypercalcemia) in human blood.

The eiopathic form of bradycardia belongs to those cases in which it is not possible to find the cause of the reducing the frequency of heart abbreviations. This happens with natural aging processes in the body, i.e. in old age.

Symptoms of any bradycardia

Moderate bradycardia does not affect the state of the body, because With it, there is no significant circulatory disorder. Bradycardia symptoms occur with a decrease in the frequency of the heart muscle cuts of less than 40 shots per minute. Patients usually worry:

  • general ailment, fatigue;
  • bouts of dizziness;
  • faint;
  • blood pressure fluctuations;
  • styled pain;
  • labored breathing.

As a result of the insufficiency of blood supply to the brain in bradycardia, the following symptoms may occur:

  • violation of memory, attention and concentration;
  • attacks of violation;
  • confused thinking.

Bradycardia symptoms are always directly dependent on the severity of the circulation of a certain organ. As a result of the fact that the brain is primarily reacting for this insufficiency, often the only manifestations of the disease are:

  • loss of consciousness;
  • convulsions;
  • the manifestations of Morgali-Adams-Stokes syndrome (coming attacks of disturbing disruption with independent recovery).

All these symptoms are extremely dangerous for the body and therefore require urgent help. The need for emergency medical observation is due to the possible development of complications. For example, with long-described above, birch stops may occur.

What is dangerous bradycardia

Based on the above symptoms, it can be assumed that bradycardia is not such a harmless violation of the heart. In essentially, the reduction in heart rate has a direct connection with the development of the deficit of the blood supply of organs and tissues of the body. The danger of pathology is the emergence of complications and some consequences of this violation. All states developing against the background of bradycardia are due precisely this insufficiency.

The bouts of dizziness are fraught with a loss of consciousness with a deficiency of oxygen delivery to the brain. In this case, convulsions, strokes and, in severe cases, the respiratory stop is possible. The insufficiency of the blood circulation of the brain is manifested by fainting, in which it is often a person gets different injuries due to drops on solid objects. Such losses of consciousness are dangerous by the development of brain injuries.

Insufficient blood flow to the heart can lead to the development of myocardial ischemia up to a complete circulatory disorder in the heart muscle (to a heart attack). Thus, it is fair that bradycardia is dangerous with a violation of the supply of oxygen and nutrients of any organism organ. Depending on the lesion of a certain structure or system of a person, complications are developing up to death.

Diagnosis of bradycardia

To suspect bradycardia on the basis of the patient's complaints described above. When examining the patient, the rare correct pulse is determined. The soundness of the heart tones is not changed. There is a pronounced respiratory arrhythmia. When determining bradycardia, consultation of a cardiologist is required to determine the cause of pathology.

Instrumental research and their interpretation:

Principles of treatment bradycardium

The moderate degree of bradycardia and the functional form do not require any treatment. Therapy of the underlying disease is carried out with organic, toxic or extracardial versions. Bradycardia caused by the reception of drugs is eliminated by adjusting the dosage or complete cancellation of the substance that caused the decrease in heart rate.

The active treatment of bradycardia is carried out if the patient develops angina, hypotension (reduction in blood pressure), fainting, attacks of ventricular arrhythmia or heart failure. In the event of frequent attacks of Morgali-Adams - Stokes, urgent consultation of the cardiac surgeon is required for the IVR implantation operation (electrocardiomulator). Such an artificial rhythm driver will generate pulses with a predetermined frequency, which will eliminate the signs of hemodynamic disorders (circulatory disorders).

Forecast of the disease

In general, the slight course of bradycardium has a favorable forecast. However, when applying organic changes or persistent circulatory disorders without adequate treatment, the likelihood of fainting the faint with all possible complications is increasing. A stably reduced heart rate in a complex with tachiaritiums of various genes significantly increase the risk of thrombosis and thromboembolic complications, in particular, myocardial infarction and strokes.

Bradycardia prevention

The main way to prevent development bradycardium is to eliminate the factors of causing it:

  • treatment of cardiac organic diseases;
  • adequate selection of dosages of drugs;
  • elimination of toxic impact on myocardium.

Thus, it is fair that bradycardia is a type of arrhythmia, in which the heart rate is less than 60 shots per minute. Athletes have a decrease in heart rate. Nexicular bradycardia may be accompanied by low pressure, loss of consciousness, dizziness, sore pain. When a reduction in the frequency of heart cuts to the level of 40 beats per minute, heart failure may develop, requiring the implantation of the pacemaker.

Bradycardia - It is a decrease in heart rate (deceleration of the pulse) less than 60 shots in one minute in adults alone, below 100 shots per minute in newborn children and less than 70 shots per minute in children from 1 year to 6 years.

Causes of bradycardia

  • violation of work sinus node (sinus-atrial node, synoatrial node)From which the atrial races begins the heart abbreviation (sinus node weak syndrome or the death of healthy cells in the sinus node to a critical value). The violation of the heart rhythm with such a symptom is called sinus bradycardia;
  • violation of work atriivantricular node (AV-node, atreservant-ventricular node),through which the electric impulse passes into the ventricles. The reason is the death of healthy cells in the AVTO to a critical value;
  • violation of work conductive system of heart - There are all sorts of blockades, in their number synoatrial (sa-blockada), atrio-ventricular (AV blockada) and others. Conductive heart system is, a kind, electrical wires for which the pulse from the sinus node passes to all myocardial cells, What makes the heart of a person shrink.
  • all of these violations are most often due to coronary heart disease (angina, acute coronary syndrome, myocardial infarction, post-infarction cardiosclerosis), arterial hypertension, age-related changes, admission of some drugs, kidney disease, thyroid gland (hypothyroidism), infectious diseases, starvation, intoxication , poisoning, etc.
  • violations in the conductive heart system can also be idiopathic, i.e. Do not have a visible reason.

Children's bradycardia hearts are also found. Causes can be:

  • congenital heart disease;
  • suffered infectious diseases;
  • ahead of the organism growth schedule;
  • and even improper nutrition.

Of course, this is not the entire list of possible causes. That is why it is possible to determine the cause of bradycardia only when appeal to a specialist!

Types of bradycardia

1. Absolute bradycardia- Bradicardia, which can always be determined, regardless of whether there is a person at the time of inspection.

2. Relative bradycardia characteristic of fever, meningitis, hypothyroidism, infectious diseases, injuries; After exercise. This also includes the "bradycardia of athletes."

3. Moderate bradycardiait is observed in people with respiratory arrhythmias. At the same time, the cheating of the pulse at the height of the inspiration, and on exhale it is his immovation. Most often, respiratory arrhythmia is found in children and adolescents, in people with an increased tone of the vegetative nervous system.

4. Extra Cartoon Brady County It occurs in diseases of internal organs, neurological pathology, myxedema.

Symptoms of bradycardia

  • general weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • damage in the eyes, "midges" before your eyes;
  • loss of consciousness (fainting);
  • cold sweat;
  • increased fatigue;
  • and also the complete absence of symptoms.

If a person observes the above symptoms, it is necessary immediately to consult a specialist.What is dangerous bradycardia? Its consequence may be such hazardous states as:

  • MES attacks (Morgali-Edamz-Stokes syndrome) -periodic sudden loss of consciousness. After 15-20 seconds. The fainting is accompanied by common muscle cramps. The pulse becomes rare or not determined at all, the skin is sharply pale, breathing deep. Fully outcome is possible.
  • Sudden heart stop.
  • Arterial hypertension or unstable blood pressure.
  • Coronary artery disease. Road and rest angina.
  • Development of chronic blood circulation deficiency.

Diagnosis of bradycardia

With the appearance of bradycardia symptoms It is necessary to immediately appeal to a cardiologist, an arrhythmologist To determine the main cause of tachycardia.

  • Inspection of a specialist doctor;
  • Analysis ECG;
  • Halter monitoring ECG (ECG daily monitoring);
  • Laboratory studies (clinical and biochemical blood tests, thyroid hormone analysis)
  • Heart rhythm control home independently (ECG by phone)

If necessary, pass additional diagnostics:

  • Echo (ultrasound of the heart);
  • electrophysiological study (EFI);
  • coronaryography;

Bradycardia often proceeds almost without symptoms, therefore, the emergence of such a state as "chronic fatigue" is a reason to appeal to the cardiologist. Heart bradycardia in children is diagnosed with the same ways.

Basic principles of bradycardia treatment. Prevention

Preventive brands of bradycardia include control of blood pressure and cardiac frequency (ECG by phone), Compliance with the power mode (diet with low salt and fats), the disclaimer of smoking and adequate use of alcohol, maintaining the "labor-leisure" regime, walking in the fresh air, regular fitness classes with an individual selection of load.

An annual examination of the cardiologist will allow to reveal and quickly cure any of the types of bradycardia.

Principles of bradycardia treatment.

  • If the heart rate of less than 60 blows per minute, but diseases from the cardiovascular system and other organs are not detected - it is enough to apply prophylactic measures.
  • Treatment of the main disease that provoked bradycardia.
  • Medical treatment should only carry out a qualified cardiologist, since only it can adequately appreciate everything "for" and "against" drug therapy.
  • The most effective method of treating severe bradycardia is the implantation of an electrocardiotimulator. Install the ex with bradycardia with a frequency of heart rate less than 40 shots per minute and a heart stop for more than two seconds.

Hazardous types of bradycardia require emergency care and patient hospitalization !!!

Never deal with self-medication !!!

Bradycardia is a slowdown in work, the most important in our organism organs, hearts. Different sources give different numbers of the lower boundary of normal rhythm. Basically focus on the figure of 60 shots per minute, because This is an indicator of the first-order automatic center, a synoyauricular node.

The key to good blood supply to the internal organs is the right, rhythmic heart reductions with a frequency of at least 60 and not more than 90 shots per minute. These cardiac rhythm characteristics are supported by the balanced influence of the autonomic nervous system on the contractile activity of the heart muscle.

In more detail about what kind of disease is, what causes and symptoms in adults in bradycardia, we will look at the article further.

What is bradycardia hearts?

Bradycardia is a form, with a frequency of heart abbreviations less than 60 shots per minute. It can meet with absolutely healthy people, for example, athletes or healthy people who are in a state of sleep are physiological bradycardia, due to good training of the heart muscle.

The heart is our devotee motor who works all his life. Any interruptions and stops can lead to a catastrophe. Rhythm depends on many reasons. First of all, it is configured to adapt to any human activity, to overcome stressful states and diseases. The number of heart blows alone in an adult healthy person ranges from 60 to 90 per minute.

In accordance with the number of heart impacts, bradycardia is divided into:

  • Light when heart rate (heart rate) ranges from 50 to 60 beats.
  • Moderate if the heart works with a frequency of 40-50 shots.
  • Pronounced when CSS is less than 40 beats.

Regardless of the cause, the basis of bradycardia is the violation of the ability of a sinus unit to produce electrical pulses with a frequency above 60 per minute or inadequate distribution to conductive paths.

A moderate degree of bradycardia may not cause hemodynamic disorders. A rare heart rate leads to a lack of blood supply and oxygen starvation of organs and tissues, violating their full functioning.


Left healthy heart, and on the right bradycardia

Depending on the mechanism of development, bradycardia is divided into the following varieties:

Sine bradycardia, due to a decrease in the activity of the sinus node of the heart. Most often flows in chronic (extracardial) form. But it can also have an acute (intracarordial) current, which causes post-infarction cardiosclerosis, acute myocardial infarction.

Unnsuced bradycardia associated with the blockade of electrical pulses between the heart nodes:

  • Impairment of the pulse between sinus and synoatrile nodes;
  • Violation of the pulse between the synoatrile and atrioventricular nodes.

Bradycardia Puta

Fruit bradycardia may occur at any stage of pregnancy. In the first half of pregnancy, the lack of oxygen can affect the formation of the kid organs, causing their underdevelopment. In the second half, oxygen starvation leads to violations in the development of the central nervous system and the emergence of problems during childbirth.

Bradycardia is dangerous what can cause the child's death not only during the period of intrauterine development, but also during childbirth (asphyxia of the fetus), and even in the first hours after birth

In teenagers

Teenage bradycardia accounted for the age period from 12 to 17 years and is due to a hormonal surge and restructuring of the body, a rapid increase in the rhythm of which the body is adjusted. Usually passes independently as the pubertal (transitional) period is faded.

Bradycardia Hearts in athletes

Athletes Bradycardia is a normal physiological state, since the load on the heart is large, it pumps a significantly greater volume of blood for 1 reduction, due to which it is enough for a much smaller number of contractions per minute for full-fledged body support with oxygen.

The main reasons for the emergence of physiological bradycardia in people engaged in sports and leading active lifestyles are associated with the increased functionality of their respiratory and cardiovascular systems that provide a brain with sufficient oxygen, even with rare heart rate.

Most often, physiological bradycardia is observed in the following athletes:

  • runners;
  • rowers;
  • cyclists;
  • football players;
  • swimmers.

In other words, those sports, in which a person performs the load of moderate gravity for a long time contribute to the training of the heart muscle.

The reasons

Regardless of the reasons that provoked this state, its basis is unchanged and consists in violation of the ability to develop a sinus unit of electrical pulses standard for the normal state of the body of the frequency of 60 ° C. / min., As well as in ensuring their inadequate distribution along the conducting paths.

The reasons that affect the provoking of the deceleration of the heart work allow to divide the bradycardia into three large groups:

  • Pharmacological (medicated), which is caused by the reception of some tablets or drugs.
  • Pathological. In this case, the disease is developing due to some deviation in the work of the body.
  • Physiological, when the slow motion work of the heart does not cause trouble. A man with such a rhythm feels great.

To physiological include:

  • bradycardia, registered among trained people, athletes. Normal, household load is not something for them, the body begins to feed signals about the need for greater frequency only in extreme loads, then the frequency of heart abbreviations increases;
  • this can also include the sinus bradyript of children and adolescents;
  • congenital full AV blockade;
  • ideopathic bradycardia.

Pulse in bradycardia, in these cases, will necessarily increase during exercise, and with sinus bradyrithmia, it will also be correct.

Pathological bradycardia may be acute or chronic, depending on the particular causal factor.

  • Acute form develops sharply, simultaneously with different states, directly or indirectly injured heart, for example, poisoning, myocardium or.
  • Chronic bradycardia There are many years and is associated with severe, long-term diseases of the heart or other organs and systems.

Bradycardia symptoms in adults

Why do you need to cut the heart with a certain frequency? Objective one is to deliver nutrients and oxygen to organs. This is possible only with blood that the heart pumbles. If the power does not come enough, the organs cease to perform their tasks or go to the protective, economical mode of operation. First of all, the lack of food affects the cells of the brain.

Easy or moderate bradycardia does not basically disrupt blood circulation and does not contribute to the occurrence of certain symptoms of the disease. Explicit manifestations occur with the frequency of heart rhythm below 40 shocks or in the presence of organic lesions of the organ. Recognize pronounced bradycardia, thanks to the following symptoms:

  • dizziness;
  • weakness;
  • fainting and seven-minded state;
  • increased fatigue;
  • pain in the chest;
  • breathing;
  • violation of the concentration of attention, memory;
  • sharp change hell;
  • short-term vision issues;
  • cases of confused thinking;
  • hypoxia;
  • morgali-Edems-Stocus syndrome. The manifestation of this symptom requires immediate treatment. It is impossible to ignore the syndrome, in some cases it leads to a stop of breathing.
Stage Bradycardia Symptoms in adults
Easy (initial) This type of bradycardia is most often physiological and does not require medical intervention. To relieve the attacks, it is enough to change the mode and correction of the diet.
  • Symptoms with light bradycardia is usually absent, so most patients do not even notice that their pulse slowed down, and do not turn to the cardiologist.
Moderate bradycardia The frequency of heart cuts ranges from 40 to 50 shots per minute. This species is characteristic of the elderly and professional athletes - for them, such a state of doctors consider the norm
Severe (pronounced) The pulse slows down to 40 shots per minute (sometimes below), characteristic symptoms appear.
  • At this stage, the treatment of pathology is a mandatory measure to preserve the life of the patient

What is the danger to the body?

In bradycardy caused by heart disease (sinus-node weak syndrome), increased the risk of a sudden stop of the heart and ischemic stroke, especially if the symptoms have fainting.

In other cases, it is not dangerous in itself bradycardia, but the diseases of which it can testify (, brain tumors, etc.).

If, during a thorough medical examination, experts did not find any deviations, then the slow pulse itself is not considered dangerous and is recognized as an individual feature of the body.

Most often, patients with bradycardia are faced with the following problems:

  • heart failure;
  • formation of thromboms;
  • chronic bouts of bradycardia.


Signs characteristic of bradycardia are detected when collecting patient complaints and an objective examination. When inspection, a rare pulse is determined, which in sinus form has the right rhythm, the heart tones of conventional soundness are suspended, respiratory arrhythmia is often detected. Patients with detected bradycardia recommended Cardiologist consultation.

Appointed instrumental examination in which:

  • electrocardiography (ECG) - show the signs of an atrioventricular or synoyatrial blockade of the heart, gentleness of heart rate. If necessary, the daily monitoring of ECG (Holter monitoring) is assigned;
  • ultrasound examination of the heart (ECCG) - the method allows you to estimate the size of the heart, the presence of foci of degenerative and sclerotic changes in the heart muscle;
  • loading cyergometry - allows you to estimate the change in heart rate under the influence of dosage physical exertion;

Heart bradycardia treatment

Treatment of the disease under consideration is carried out in a strictly individual manner, on the basis of specific pathology, as well as the peculiarities of the patient's suffering of this disease.

  1. Functional, as well as bradycardia, having an average severity, not accompanied by clinical symptoms, do not need conservative treatment.
  2. Bradycardia organic, toxic or extracardial genesis needs, first of all, in the treatment of the underlying disease.
  3. Medicinal bradycardia requires cancellation of drugs that caused symptoms (or correction of their reception)

What pills are prescribed during bradycardia?

In addition to the treatment of the main disease provoked bradycardium, a symptomatic increase in the heart rate is carried out using the following medicines:

  • Atropine - administered intravenously or subcutaneously at 0.6 - 2 mg to 2 - 3 times a day;
  • Isadrine is administered intravenously 2-20 μg per minute in a 5% glucose solution until the normal value of heart rate is reached;
  • Eufillin is introduced intravenously 240-480 mg or a tablet is taken inside 600 mg 1 time per day.

When a heart rate decreases, the patient will need to receive cholin bockers. The group of these drugs includes drugs,
which block the impact of the parasympathetic nervous system on the body.

To treat bradycardia such medicines are used:

  • platifillin;
  • atropine;
  • metacin;
  • gomatropine.

In addition, in this case, antiarrhythmic drugs regulating the work of the heart are shown:

  • lidocaine;
  • prompaeon;
  • derrift;
  • verapamil.

Antiarrhythmic action also have salts of potassium and magnesium.


Surgical treatment during bradycardy is very rarely resorted and only in cases where the decrease in the heart rate significantly affects hemodynamics. The place and nature of operational intervention is determined by the cause that caused Brad Cardia. With congenital anomalies in the development of heart tissues, surgical correction is done as far as possible in childhood, in order to ensure the normal growth and development of the child.

First assistance in bradycardia

A sudden bunch of bradycardia is also called Morgani - Edems - Stokes. Symptoms for which it can be recognized at the very beginning:

  • Status of nervousness and anxiety, often unreasonable;
  • Pupils are expanded;
  • Redness of the skin of the face, swelling of the cervical veins;
  • After some time, the Redness is replaced by pallor;
  • Severe dizziness;
  • Twitching the muscles of the face and limbs that can move into convulsions;
  • Stiffness of movements, man "does not feel legs";
  • Loss of consciousness;
  • Incontinence of feces and urine;
  • Reduced respiratory rate.

When several symptoms appear, you need to immediately call urgent help, and then try to stop the attack on your own.

Important! If the patient has lost consciousness or is experiencing severe heart pain or stern, it is necessary to call emergency brigade.

If someone suffers from bradycardium in the family, the others should know the rules for emergency care, since in the case of a significant reduction in the pulse (less than 35 blows per minute) there is a likelihood of death.

What do you need to do if a person sharply decreases the pulse during bradycardia?

  • Heart rate less than 50 per minute

The air flow should be ensured - to open the window (in winter - the window) or go out. A warm bath has a beneficial bath. It is recommended to drink a cup of strong tea, natural coffee.

  • Heart rate less than 40 per minute

The patient should be put, lifting legs. With heart pain, it can give a nitroglycerin tablet; With an attack that occurred for the first time, belladonna extract (twisted two tablets and put under the tongue); With recurrent attacks, combined pathologies of the heart and vessels - Izadrin (only after consulting with the doctor)

  • Loss of consciousness

This means that the heart rate has decreased to 25 and below the blows per minute. This state is dangerous, as it can lead to oxygen starvation and a serious circulatory impairment in the brain.

It is necessary to call an ambulance and make an artificial respiration to the patient - to hold his nose to him, produce three breaths from the mouth to the mouth. Through three artificial breaths, the pulse is measured. When preserving pathologically low heart rate, the stimulation of the inhalation is repeated.

Ambulance doctor will hold the following activities:

  • temporal electrocardiality with a defibrillator;
  • atropine 0.1% is 1 ml intravenously inkjet (up to 4 ml per day);
  • dopamine 200 mg per 200 ml of saline intravenously drip;
  • adrenaline 1% - 1 ml per 200 ml of saline intravenously drip;
  • eufillin 2.4% - 5 - 10 ml intravenously inkjet;
  • prednisolone 50 mg intravenously inkjet.

In the case of a light or moderate bradycardia, which is not accompanied by signs of heart attack, acute heart failure, the patient after the binding of the attack can be left at home under the supervision of a district physician from the clinic.

Folk remedies

Herbrails and various types of tincture will help, perhaps dispersed the pulse, but will not eliminate the cause. Bradycardia is dangerous, as it was written above, the fact that it can be "used to it", but it can lead to a heart stop. Therefore, with all due respect to traditional medicine, healing bradycardia of the heart is safer than traditional methods.

  1. Ginseng root . Take 15 g of dry root, grind, fill 0.5 liters of vodka, insist 20-30 days, take up every 1-2 days. Take 30-40 drops per day. The maximum duration of the course of treatment is 1.5 months. Then take a monthly break.
  2. Natural juice of grapes It has excellent strengthening impact on the heart. The daily dose is 400 milliliters.
  3. On the water bath for 15 minutes to place a glass of boiling water with two tbsp. l. Yarrow, then insist another hour. Ready decoction to take three times two tbsp. l. daily.
  4. Broth millennica From bradycardia. It is necessary to take 50 g of dry yarrow and pour its half liter of water. Boil for 10-15 minutes, and then insist exactly an hour. Take a decoction you need on a tablespoon three times a day;
  5. Prepare the following composition - Collection of 30 gr. AIR with rowan leaves, 50 gr. The roots of the dandelion, the leaflets of the currant and the inflorescence of the hawthorn. Finished collection in the volume of the tablespoons to put in 200 ml of boiling water, to insist half an hour, filing. Adopt the drug should be taken twice during the day.


Patients with bradycardia are constantly observed by a cardiologist, the dose of drugs should be accepted daily in accordance with the appointments of the doctor. The lack of blood supply to the brain, heart and internal organs is able to cause a complex of symptoms:

  • frequent dizziness, reduction of memory, change behavior;
  • seizures of angina;
  • in the sudden fall, injuries and fractures, head injuries are possible;
  • functional failure is formed by the liver, kidneys; chronic diseases are exacerbated;
  • conservative ways to cure bradycardia with a complete blockade can not, the fatal outcome is possible at the next unexpected attack.

Timely elimination of extracardial causes, organic lesions of the heart, toxic influences on myocardium, the correct selection of dosages of medicines will prevent the development of bradycardia.


  1. Preventive measures in bradycardia are aimed at timely treatment of cardiovascular diseases, proper dosing of drugs;
  2. It is recommended to reconsider your daily diet, limit the use of oily and smoked dishes, canned products, salts.

Thus, bradycardia is danger only with a negligence to its body. After all, it is enough to pay more attention to physical exertion, to normalize the diet and take medicines strictly by appointment to forget about the impaired heart rate.

This is all about the bradycardia of the heart in adults: what it is what causes the occurrence of the disease, the symptoms that should be done, and what is impossible, what are the features of treatment. Do not be ill!

One of the first manipulations that the doctor produces during the examination of the patient is to measure heart rate (heart rate), or pulse. On Him, an experienced specialist receives important information on the state of human health and implies possible pathological deviations.

Deviations can be both towards the increase in pulse (tachycardia) and in the direction of its slowdown (bradycardia), and there may be violations of heartbeat rhythm (arrhythmias). Each of these pathologies has its causes, a symptomatic picture and methods of treatment.

Heart rhythm and his slowdown

Consider what such a violation of the pulse, like bradycardia of the heart, which is from the point of view of medicine. To get the right presentation, you will get acquainted with the principles of normal heart work.

The cardiac rhythm generator is a sinus, or a synoatic node (SU), is located in the field of imposition of the upper vein in the right atria and produces pulses leading at the atrium and ventricle. Alternate rhythmic compression and relaxation of the heart muscle makes it possible to pump blood from the atria in the ventricles, from the ventricles - in the artery and so on.

With the normal activity of Suh, the frequency of atrial and ventricular excitation frequency is produced at least 60 and no more than 90 blows per minute.

The frequency of shocks on the path of the pulse adjusts the atrioventricular node, located at the bottom of the partition of the right atrium and the GISS beam passed into the overall barrel.

If the pulse is constantly or periodically holds at less than 60 biodies per minute, such a state is called bradycardia (from Greek. "Brady" is slow) - a violation of the heart rhythm, in which the heart rate is significantly slowed down.

Code of ICD 10

According to the International Classification of Diseases of the 10th Review (ICD-10), the R00.1 code has bradycardia unspecified. This pathological condition refers to the heading of the XVIII class MKB-10 R00, which includes all the deviations of the cardiac rhythm from the norm.

What is different from bradyarithmia?

Sometimes in the literature you can find such a term as bradyarithmia used as a synonym for bradycardia. But it is not quite legitimate. It is necessary to understand what the bradyritemia and bradycardia differ.

In the concept of bradycardia, deviations from the norm of heart rhythm, provoking the slowdown in heart rate. The rhythm of heartbeat can remain saved, that is, correct.

Bradyarithmia is characterized by a narrower, arrhythmic symptom complex, which confirms the medical synonym for this pathology is a bradyistological form, or.


The separation of bradycardia for species as a certain generally accepted classification is not offered today. But in medical practice, the most complete characteristics of such a symptom as a slow pulse is needed. Therefore, some aspects of this pathological condition are considered to consider the types of bradycardia.

We are already familiar with the main driver of heart rhythm, or a first-order driver, a sinus node that transmits impulses throughout the conductive heart system. The system consists of special conducting fibers, nodes (synoatrial and atrioventricular) and beams (bachman, gess, etc.) and provides heart automatism. If the automatism of the synoatrial node decreases or disrupts the production of a bioelectric pulse in Su, sinus bradycardia occurs. This is the most common type of bradycardia.


Sine bradycardia with a wide ventricular complex on ECG is often a kind of bradyritemy (brady systemic violation of the heart rhythm). Sometimes patients mistakenly call her ventricular bradycardia, but medicine does not use such a concept. Wide ventricular complex (SWC) on a cardiogram can be observed with different variants of bradyrithmy:

  • sinus bradycardia with a rhythmic chis deceleration below the level of 60 strikes per minute due to a decrease in the automatism of the SU and the deterioration of ventricular conductivity;
  • frederick syndrome with an independent reduction of ventricles at 40 strikes per minute against the background of the flicker (fibrillation) of the atria due to the full blockade of the Av-node with the preservation of the rhythm;
  • the bradyism form of atrial fibrillation with an excessively reduced frequency of reduction of ventricles in dysfunction SU and the intragery of the chaotic impulses;
  • synoyauricular blockade with a wide ventricular complex and disturbed rhythm;
  • the migration of the sub-valuable rhythm driver with an uneven slowdown in the heart rate caused by the movement (migration) of the source of pulses from SuC to the Av-node and in the opposite direction, with a pronounced rhythm violation.

Determine the type of ventricular bradyarithmia to choose the right tactics of treatment, without instrumental diagnostic procedures.

Normal heart rhythm and bradycardia per ECG


With such a phenomenon, as a paroxysmal bradycardia, as a rule, face only pediatricians, since this symptom complex often occurs in affective-respiratory attacks (armp) in children, sometimes threatening not only to health, but also a child's life. The definition of paroxysmal (paroxy) bradycardia in the ICD-10 is not present, but is used by doctors to clarify the clinical picture.

The potential development of paroxism can be both organic heart lesions and external stimuli against the background of affective respiratory seizures:

  • strong pain;
  • emotional tension, excitement;
  • fright.

With paroxysm, the activity of the parasympathetic nervous system increases, the heart rate is significantly reduced, sometimes to asistolia (complete absence of heartbeat), sometimes blood pressure drops, convulsions appear, man pale. Children react to this process of lightningry - it is enough for a few seconds to "wave" and faint. In most cases, this is a transient pathology that is eliminated with age, but to clarify the diagnosis, a visit to the doctor is necessary.

With vertical EOS.

When deciphering the electrocardiogram, patients are often interested in what is the vertical EOS, which often appears next to the diagnosis of bradycardia. The EOS is an electric axis of the heart that can be vertically, half-propical, horizontally or semi-risal. All these provisions are options for the norm and depend on congenital and other factors of influence.

If the ECG for vertical EOS, there are signs of a slow heartbeat, this is most likely talking about reversible (corrected) sinus bradycardia.

Symptoms on ECG

To make a diagnosis, not enough to study the clinical picture, which, by the way, may not be too pronounced. The presence of bradycardia is clearly detected on the ECG as follows:

  • smooth sinus rhythm;
  • decreasing heart rate from 59 and less blows per minute;
  • the presence of a positive teeth P in leads I, II, V4-V6, (a) VF.

It should be borne in mind that sinus bradycardia may have an extracardial (heart) and intracarordial (organic, non-cordial) origin, which can also be differentiated using an ECG.

The extrapardial form is often combined with respiratory arrhythmia, reacts to the administration of atropine and physical exertion (the pulse is expensive).

The intrapardial appearance does not respond to the administration of atropine, is not accompanied by respiratory arrhythmia, and after physical stress, the pulse is accelerating insignificant.


Despite the fact that most specialists consider the manifestations of bradycardia symptoms of various diseases, and not independent pathology, any nuances of its flow are important to create a clinical picture. From these features will depend on the doctor's tactic tactics. Bradycardia symptoms can be moderate, expressed and sharp.


The frequency of heart cuts to moderate bradycardia belongs to the slowdown of the pulse up to 59-50 blows per minute, sometimes accompanied by various signs of oxygen starvation of tissues. This state most often has a non-pathological mechanism of occurrence, but caused by external influences or heredity.

Moderate symptoms can also be observed in people with good physical training and in the elderly. And for those for others, this is a functional manifestation of the heart rate, that is, the option of the norm due to the physiological characteristics of the body. Some of this is a training, in others - the natural aging of myocardium, nor something, no other treatment requires.


When the CSS drops below 40 beats and multiple signs of hemodynamic disorders (circulatory disorders) are pronounced, it is customary to talk about pronounced bradycardia. Most often, pronounced symptoms are not physiological, but a pathological nature and require careful diagnosis and treatment. The most frequent symptoms of bradycardia are:

  • confusion or loss of consciousness;
  • coldness of the limbs;
  • severe fatigue, weakness;
  • dyspnea;
  • inadequate pulse acceleration during exercise.

Bradycardia is often accompanied by pain in the chest, which may indicate its extracardial origin.


The urgent state requiring urgent medical care includes severe bradycardia with a sharp appearance of symptoms:

  • pale skin and mucous membranes;
  • convulsions due to the anemia of the brain;
  • loss of consciousness.

Such a state is dangerous for a person and should be regarded as a reason for the call of the SMP.

What is dangerous?

It is believed that bradycardia is less dangerous than other rhythm disorders. But not all of its manifestations can be considered benign (that is, non-hazardous for life). If the usual sinus bradycardia, as a rule, does not pose a threat to life, then this will not say about such problems as SU syndrome, sharp heart failure or a complete atrioventricular blockade. These dangerous states are often hidden behind the regenerated pulse, so their diagnosis represents certain difficulties for the doctor.

Bradycardia is insidious in what can flow without consequences, and it can end with a sudden fatal outcome, therefore, with significantly reduced CCC, accurate diagnosis is so important.

Causes and features of manifestation

Features of the heart rate disorders may vary depending on the age and lifestyle of a person. We will get acquainted in more detail with the reasons for the development of bradycardia in different groups of patients.

In adults

To understand what the bradycardia of the heart in an adult, recall the possible causes of its occurrence. They are divided into physiologically and pathological.

Physiological causes in adults are the reaction of the body to external influences or natural processes:

  • good body training - the trained heart adapts to work in economical mode at rest;
  • natural aging - a slight deceleration of rhythm is normal for the elderly;
  • hypothermia (supercooling) - with complex cooling of the body, bradycardia occurs as a protective reaction to maintain energy resources, the process is comparable with anabyosis (winter hibernation);
  • idiopathic bradycardia - the deviation of unexplained etiology, that is, arising without clear reasons;
  • stimulation of reflex zones - Carotid sinus massage and other vagazine techniques.

The irritation of the Vagus (wandering nerve) is quite often the cause of the deceleration of the pulse and is even used to eliminate tachycardia seizures. But the effect of a vagus sample can cause such innocuous things as a narrow collar or tight knotted scarf or tie.

Pathological causes of bradycardia include:

  • vagotonia is an increased tone of the parasympathetic nervous system controlled by the branches of Vagus;
  • various heart pathology;
  • some infectious diseases;
  • hypothyroidism - thyroid dysfunction;
  • various intoxication (poisoning).

Often, bradycardia provokes the effect of medicines, one of the effects of which is the slowdown in heart rate. All these factors affect the choice of a specialist in solving the issue, how to treat bradycardia in an adult.

Among women

The symptoms of bradycardia in women are usually more pronounced and more securely affect the well-being and efficiency, which is explained by the peculiarity of the nervous system of the weak gender.

When applying to a woman's doctor describe the state of bradycardia as a "silence of the heart", "Stop of breathing", an inexplicable feeling of fear and other frightening signs of the "approaching catastrophe". Symptoms are often amplified during monthly cyclic processes, but cardiologists recommend not to tie these manifestations to regulation.

Most likely, we are talking in this case about panic attacks and other psychogenic reasons, in which bradycardia can be laid with tachycardia, as in the syndrome of the weakness of Su. But there may be other reasons for the manifestation of such symptoms in women - for example, the dysfunction of the thyroid gland, heart disease, the reception of some drugs, etc. To determine the exact cause, a qualified diagnosis is needed.

During pregnancy

The reduced pulse during pregnancy is usually detected not by the woman herself, but during the ECG as part of the planned surveys. And in most cases, it is a manifestation of sinus bradycardia resulting from various impacts on a wandering nerve (Vagus). Among the most frequent causes are called:

  • pain syndromes with renal or bile colic or peptic diseases;
  • squeezing the Vagus with a significant increase in the fetus or pathologies of the mediastinal organs;
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • irritation to toxic metabolites during jaundice, uremia, diabetes.

But bradycardia during pregnancy can be also pronounced, requiring immediate help of the doctor (they speak the pronounced symptoms described above).

Extraquartial causes that cause violation of the conduction of the heart, in many cases ischemia of myocardium, cardiosclerosis, acute myocarditis. All questions to eliminate this problem during pregnancy should be decided with a consulting gynecologist.

In men

The causes of bradycardia in men include all provoking factors listed in the "Adult" section.

It is believed that 25% of all adult healthy men have a weak pulse (50-60 blows alone) as a symptom of physiological, not requiring treatment, sinus bradycardia. Among the pathological reasons for its occurrence, extracartial (heart) deviations that require serious diagnosis predominate in this group of patients.

At the athletes

Morphological changes occurring in the heart muscle of professional athletes are still subject to the study of sports cardiologists. Since 1899, they use a special term - "Sports Heart", which primarily implies the increased size of this body.

Due to the increased myocardial area and the expanded blood circuit of the heart, a more rational use of oxygen is ensured and, as a result, slowing the speed of blood flow through the vessels. This is how the specialists of sports medicine are explained by bradycardia in athletes. It is considered physiologically conditional and does not require treatment until the hypertrophy of the heart and symptoms of bradycardia will not be excessive. Then you can suspect pathological processes in the heart or excess physical exertion, which in any case requires medical intervention.

In teenagers

For the same reason, it is considered the norm of bradycardia in adolescents engaged in sports. But provided that it is manifested in a light form, does not have pronounced symptoms and does not affect the well-being of a teenager. You can talk about a pathological form if a weak pulse in a teenager arose as a result:

  • congenital heart defect;
  • transferred infection, for example, ORZ;
  • excessive, with a lead of the graph, the growth of the body;
  • disorders of the electrolyte balance in the body of a teenager.

Many pediatricians in older are called one of the reasons for bradycardia. The condition of the body under the EMD (vegetative dystonia), but there is no such pathology in the international classification of diseases, so we will not comment on this version.

But panic attacks, until recently, those who were considered one of the manifestations of the VDC and quite often in adolescents, can potentiate bradycardia as a paradoxical physiological response to an increased emotional background in adolescence.

Equally important and the effect of a hormonal background on a teenager's well-being. The restructuring of the hormonal balance occurring at this time in its body may be accompanied by both bradycardia.

Similar causes (congenital defects, transferred infections, etc.) Bradycardia are observed in children. At the same time, not every child can clearly describe his state of health, so parents must pay attention to the characteristic symptoms in children:

  • fast fatigue, lethargy, pallor;
  • frequent lack of air;
  • sudden falling into fainting, during which the pulse is very poorly talked.

Such symptoms talk about pathological bradycardia, which may be extremely dangerous heart pathology in children.

First Aid: What to do at home

If a pronounced border of bradycardia caught surprise, what can be done at home to eliminate it? Strictly speaking, first aid for brandycardia of an unexplained genesis - the occupation is extremely responsible and requiring caution. To begin with, it is necessary to measure not only the pulse, but also blood pressure (AD).If it is increased, apply any drug and even folk remedies for increasing the pulse without appointing a doctor dangerous.

How to raise the pulse?

With a normal or low blood pressure, patients usually know how to raise the pulse - they drink strong tea or coffee or other caffean-containing drinks. If a person is in an unconscious state, it should first "lead to a sense" - to nostrils to nostrils, moistened with the ammonia alcohol, and then give tonic means.

Medicines in order to increase heart rate

With drugs to accelerate the pulse should be very careful, since their improper use can lead to the development of arrhythmia and other difficult consequences. Therefore, the question of how to increase the heart rate should be asked to a doctor. At the domestic conditions, you can drink a benzoate caffeine tablet, which only for a short time will facilitate the symptoms, but the reasons for bradycardia this medicine will not eliminate. The problem should be solved only with medical care.

How to treat?

You should not expect that the doctor will immediately offer a list than to treat bradycardia. First you need to go through several diagnostic procedures (for example, ECG, ECCG, OAK, blood test on TSH and others), and then the doctor will prescribe medication treatment.

What pills to drink?

Most medications for increasing CSS indirectly affect hell, contributing to its increase. Therefore, it is important not only to know which pills to drink in bradycardia, but also constantly control the heart rate, hell and the work of the heart as a whole.

If bradycardia arose as a symptom of any organic disease, it is necessary to obtain this disease for its elimination. In this regard, the patient can be appointed:

  • antibiotics (with bacterial infections);
  • thyroid hormones (with hypothyroidism);
  • sorbents (with poisoning), etc.


Medications for symptomatic elimination of signs of bradycardia exist. Offering below the list of drugs, once again we remind you that the doctor is categorically not recommended without appointing a doctor:

  • Ehufillin - the bronchorant means with the effect of increased heart rate, is introduced intravenously;
  • Isadrine in ampoules and tablets - one of the analogues of adrenaline, is introduced intravenously or accepted under the tongue (sublingual);
  • Isoprenaline in ampoules and tablets - also an analogue of adrenaline, stimulates myocardial adrenoreceptors, increases the tone of the sympathetic nervous system, is introduced intravenously or accepted inside, drinking water, several times a day;
  • Atropine is a cholinoblocator that prevents the excitation of parasympathetic NAs, reducing the Vagus tone, is introduced intravenously or subcutaneously.

The uncontrolled use of these drugs can lead to severe heart rhythm violations and other consequences, sometimes requiring surgical treatment.

Folk remedies

Many patients are confident that in order to avoid undesirable consequences it is necessary to be treated with natural means. The herbs in bradycardia, of course, can be used to treat, but only by agreement with the doctor. Usually the use of the following herbs is allowed:

  • yarrow - 20 g per 200 ml of boiling water, insist and drink 2-3 teaspoons during the day;
  • chinese lemongrass fruit - pour alcohol in a ratio of 1:10, to withstand in the dark 24 hours, add to ordinary tea 2-3 times a day 1 teaspoon;
  • tatarnist - 100 g of dried flowers per 1 liter of boiling water, to withstand 20 minutes on the bath, cool and drink 1 tablespoon before meals;
  • immorteur 20 g of dried flowers per 500 ml diluted up to 40% alcohol, to withstand in a dark cold place 12 hours, drink in the morning and at lunch 20 drops.

Before treating bradycardia by folk remedies, you should visit the doctor, refine the diagnosis and get the recommendations of the specialist. It is not recommended to treat weak pulses in children - they are more prone to allergic reactions on the plants.

Treatment with hypertension

A complex process that requires high competence of a physician - here it implies treatment of bradycardia at. Many opposing (and other) funds have a side effect in the form of a decrease in heart rate. Therefore, the doctor will first of all revise the treatment scheme of hypertension and, if necessary, cancel drugs containing:

  • morphine (opioid analgesic);
  • adenosine (reparant and regenerant);
  • heart glycosides;
  • (calcium blockers);
  • aMISULPRID (neuroleptic);
  • county (Antiarrich).

Further treatment of the patient will be oriented on the mild elimination of hypertension and the equally soft increase in the pulse so that these incompatible states do not interfere with each other's elimination. Such an effect can be achieved using medicines from a pharmaceutical inhibitors of an angiotensin-forming enzyme for treatment (IAPF

  • predominance in the diet of products of plant origin rich in fatty acids - nuts, seeds, etc.;
  • failure tobacco and alcohol.
  • The above measures will avoid the formation of blood clots in vessels that are the most dangerous and hemodynamically significant risk factor in the pathological nature of bradycardia.

    In the intracarordial causes of the doctor as prevention, satisfaction may be recommended, extensive exercise in the form of morning gymnastics and simple sports, subject to regular control of the heart rate and other parameters. Excessively loading myocardials in bradycardia should not.

    Do you take in the army?

    The young generation often the question arises, whether they take the army with the brandycardia of the heart, to which it is impossible to answer unequivocally.

    1. Functional sinus bradycardia, observed in athletes or hereditably predisposed to the low CSS people, does not give grounds for a delay or cancellation of the army.
    2. The pronounced decrease in the heart rate against the background of intoxication or organic reasons may serve as a reason for a deferment from the call to eliminate the main pathologies and with the obligatory subsequent re-evidence.
    3. And only persons with AV-block diagnoses, SU syndrome and heart failure of the IV functional class are recognized as unfit to the service.

    Useful video

    For more information about bradycardia of the heart, see this video:


    1. Bradycardia is not so harmless rejection of the rhythm of the heart, as it may seem.
    2. In most cases, this pathology itself is a symptom of organic diseases, infections or intoxication.
    3. Self-medication in bradycardia is dangerous.
    4. In severe cases, the question of surgical treatment can be on the introduction of an artificial rhythm driver (electrocardiotimulator).

    What is bradycardia? This disease relates to the pathologies of the cardiovascular system and is associated with a violation of the sinus rhythm, which leads to a significant slowdown in the heart rate. Bradycardia may occur in adults, adolescents and even newborn children, there is a consequence of organic damage to the heart muscle or physiological condition (for example, in transition or athletes).

    Bradycardia is amenable to treatment both in stationary and at home, but the use of drug medicine and drugs of traditional medicine should be carried out under strict control of the cardiologist. The main danger of the disease is that the heart rate of heart abbreviations leads to constant hypoxia of all organs, which causes their dysfunction. The blood circulation of the brain is disturbed and the probability of a heart attack increases, which often becomes the main cause of death in a dream.

    If there is a decrease in the functionality of the sinus node, then we are talking about sinus bradycardia. If various kinds of violations arise related to the conductivity of electrical pulses between other nodes of the heart, this is a nonsense bradycardia. Thus, the same pathology has a different mechanism of development.

    Depending on the cause of the occurrence of the disease, it is divided into several types. Bradycardia happens:

    • physiological;
    • organic;
    • medical.

    What is the physiological bradycardia of the heart? This type of pathology is found quite often and is an individual feature of the body, does not represent danger and has no health effects. Usually manifests itself as a moderately understated heart rate, not increasing even after heavy loads. It is found from well-developed physically young men and professional athletes.

    Organic Bradycardia is one of the species of arrhythmia accompanying serious pathological changes in the structure of the heart and adjacent to the tissues. Most often, it appears in old age, but if there are many provoking factors, it may arise much earlier.

    Medical type of bradycardia develops against the background of long-term reception of drugs, directly affecting the work of the cardiovascular system, the pulse rate or blood pressure (for example, in the treatment of hypertension).

    Depending on the severity of the clinical picture, several stages of the disease are distinguished. These include:

    • easy;
    • moderate;
    • pronounced.

    With a light stage of bradycardia, a slight decrease in heart rate is observed, which fluctuates in 50-60 shots per minute and is the relative norm, individual feature of the human body.

    At a moderate stage of the disease, the heart rate slows down to 40 shots per minute, which is not a normal state even for trained, physically enduring people and requires compulsory treatment.

    The pronounced bradycardia is the most dangerous form of the disease, since in this case the heart rate is lowered significantly below 40 shots per minute. This condition requires urgent medical care and resuscitation measures, since it often leads to a fatal outcome.

    The main causes of pathology

    Bradycardia causes many factors. It may appear in an adult, a newborn baby or even the fetus in the process of intrauterine development.

    The main cause of bradycardia at the embryo (starting from the eighth week of pregnancy) may be hypotension in the mother. At the same time, during a special study, the work of his heart is recorded. If the heart rate fluctuates within 100-110 shots per minute, then this is the indicator of the so-called basal bradycardia. It can be provoked by the reception of certain medicines of a pregnant woman. In this case, it is impossible to continue the previous treatment, as it threatens the development of the fetus hypoxia, which is the high risk of his death.

    Other reasons for bradycardia include:

    • neurosis;
    • hepatitis;
    • atherosclerosis of coronary vessels;
    • starvation;
    • meningitis, brain swelling;
    • heavy gastrointestinal diseases;
    • thyroid diseases;
    • cardiopsychoneurosis;
    • poisoning toxins and metals;
    • infectious diseases;
    • increased blood pressure;
    • hemorrhage into the brain;
    • severe physical exertion;
    • physiological features of the body.

    Teenagers and children bradycardia arises due to the restructuring of individual systems in the process of puberty and the natural rapid growth of the internal organs. In addition, the cause may be the excitability of the wandering nerve, an abnormal structure of the heart muscle, disruption of metabolism.

    Characteristic symptoms of bradycardia

    The symptoms of bradycardia most often make themselves to know in the pronounced stage of the disease. These include such pathological conditions:

    • increased sweating;
    • faint;
    • damage in the eyes;
    • headache;
    • dyspnea;
    • dizziness;
    • weakness;
    • pains for the sternum;

    • rapid pulse with insignificant physical exertion;
    • pallor skin;
    • feeling of lack of air (including at night in a state of complete rest);
    • dilution of forces, constantly bad well-being.

    With poisoning or arrhythmic shock, sudden attacks of tachycardia (abnormally fast heartbeat) may occur. With physiological bradycardia, the above-mentioned signs are usually absent or less pronounced.

    Traditional and folk treatments

    If bradycardia indicates other violations of the cardiovascular system, then it is necessary to find the main cause of pathology. In this case, bradycardia treatment will be carried out by eliminating the underlying disease.

    The physiological type of bradycardia is usually not treated, since it does not cause serious discomfort. With a moderately low frequency of heart abbreviations, it is also possible to postpone the use of tablets, artificially participating pulse, and to give preference to folk remedies.

    Treatment of the disease is carried out only during the period of exacerbation. In stationary conditions, the following drugs are applied:

    • eleutherococcus extract;
    • "Ephedrine" in tablets;
    • "Izadrin" in a 5% solution of glucose in the form of droppers;

    • "Atropine" in the form of subcutaneous injection;
    • "Alupent" at 20 mg 8 times a day;
    • "Isoproterenol" in the form of intravenous injection.

    You can fight the disease at home. Folk medicine is replete with recipes for various drugs based on natural ingredients. For the prevention and treatment of bradycardia, chasters, tincture and infusions, whose preparation methods are shown below in the table:

    Plant typeRecipeHow to use
    ImmortelleCrumpled flowers in the amount of 20 grams. Pour 500 ml of boiling water and, putting in a dark place, let it stand.Three times at any time of the day 20 drops of infusion.
    Chinese lemongrassIn a ratio of 1 to 10, pour the fruits of the plant with vodka, placing them in a glass bottle. Let it stand in a short place.One teaspoon of tincture on 250 ml of water or hot tea up to three times a day.
    YarrowIn a glass of boiling water add 20 grams of dry grass, pour the mixture into a small saucepan and cook for 10 minutes. After that, it is necessary to strain the decoction and insist within two hours.3 teaspoons 2 times a day.

    You can cure bradycardia at home, but before applying any medicines of traditional and traditional medicine, you need to consult with your doctor. The dosage and course of treatment should be selected individually after passing all the necessary diagnostic procedures.

    Organic bradycardia is the most dangerous type of arrhythmia, which, in the absence of necessary therapeutic measures, leads to severe consequences, and also goes into a chronic form.

    The main complications of bradycardia are heart failure, thromboembolism, convulsions, ischemia, heart attack. The chronic form of the disease often becomes the cause of heart attacks ending with the fatal outcome.