Biography. Why can't a non-Jew be the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation? Medynsky Minister biography

In June 2014, I received the following letter from a stranger: "Anton Pavlovich, Greetings! To my shame, I admit that until recently I did not know your works. I completely share your point of view regarding the monstrous revelry in Russia Zionist Sabbath. This sometimes simply plunges you into a state of desperate hopelessness. After all, the “disease” progresses, metastases grow, affecting the most important vital organs of the state and the spiritual foundations of Russian society. I read yours with Avigdor Eskin. I was pleasantly surprised that my point of view is not unique. I, too, was confused for some time by the coherent conclusions of this Zionist “truth-teller,” but I was constantly haunted by the feeling that I gracefully led by the nose demonstrating aerobatics resourcefulness in judgment. Same disgusting(Sorry) feeling experiencing, digesting oratorical delights TV presenter Vladimir Solovyov. And if you look more closely, the entire media space is flooded with these creatures. They seem to be the same programmed. And the more you see them in the education system, culture, at the economic and political levers of the state, you become despondent. A simple question arises... what to do? I do not suffer from anti-Semitism, many of my school and youth friends are Jews, interesting guys, but over time, closer to adulthood, they become more and more like the same person and the same manner of behavior. Recently, musician Andrei Makarevich suddenly revealed himself in a new essence, became a liberal, artist Leonid Yarmolnik begins to slide into their collective opposition... It turns out that there is already a whole army of them, harmoniously sung and like-minded... What a phenomenon! And to my shame, I catch myself thinking that I, too, am beginning to feel hostility towards them. After all, the Russian manalways open in friendship and business, and when life experience of communicating with them comes, I want to change something... June 10, 2014 V.S.D.”

The article prompted me to remember this letter Mikhail Delyagin, Russian economist, publicist and politician, as well as a full member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Doctor of Economic Sciences and director of a non-profit organization "Institute for Globalization Problems".

Master of Russian culture

About Mr. Shvydkom and his “services to Germany”
"When you look into Shvydky's eyes,
suddenly arises - it is unclear why? —
desire to participate in pogroms
and buy bad Khokhloma"
(Oleg Borodkin)

M.E. Shvydkoy, ex-Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation.

Each interlocutor (if, of course, Shvydkoy needs this) feels in his presence as a welcome and important person for him and forever remembers the pride, interest and peace this causes. The most important sphere of social life - Culture - bears his indelible mark: not everyone realizes that his influence on the life of our society exceeds the influence of most prime ministers and is comparable to the influence of presidents.

Cultural growth

Mikhail Efimovich Shvydkoy was born in 1948 in Kyrgyzstan in the regional center of Kant, where the Frunze Military Aviation School was created on the basis of the Odessa Aviation School evacuated in 1941 (now the famous Russian air base is deployed on its infrastructure). Father Efim Abramovich worked in a mine in the Donbass from the age of 12, in the 30s he was the chairman of a collective farm, then worked in the district party committee, fought in the Finnish one, was seriously wounded in Stalingrad and was treated for a long time, but remained in the army and served in Kant. Mother, Marina Yulianovna, a native of Odessa, graduated from the medical institute in Ufa and was assigned to go to Kant to work as a surgeon in a hospital.

Already at the age of 10, Shvydkoy lived in a communal apartment in Moscow and still remembers the then price of children's shoes. At the same time, he was famous for his excellent compositions, studied in a theater and poetry club, enrolled in a film studio at the Palace of Pioneers, played the piano excellently, was the soul of almost any company, organized a jazz band in the 9th grade - and, in the end, shocked his teachers by enrolling at GITIS. According to his recollections, the decision was accidental: they say, the exams at GITIS were just held earlier. But at that time the choice between “physics” and “lyrics” was fundamental: physics and mathematics served the state, and creativity gave freedom.

Perhaps the inevitable comparison between the figures of a military father and a musician stepfather also played a role. But simple-minded enthusiasts, eager to become stars or simply to join the arts, went to become directors or actors, but Shvydkoy entered the relatively unpopular department of theater studies. Perhaps it was simpler this way, but it cannot be ruled out that he already understood then: the critic has more power than the creator, because it is he who evaluates the creator. And therefore, if you need power, and not the “yawning heights” of creativity, you need to be not a director or actor, but a critic.

Shvydkoy married the daughter of a famous successful film playwright; perhaps this helped him get a job at the all-Union magazine "Theater" in 1973, where he made a career, rising by 1990 from the position of correspondent to secretary of the magazine's party organization (member of the district committee of the CPSU!) and deputy editor-in-chief. Living up to his last name (in Ukrainian it means “fast”), Shvydkoy grabbed almost any opportunity to earn extra money: he wrote reviews, taught at universities, traveled with lectures around the country, and, thanks to his amazing charm, won over almost any audience. He wrote books and pushed for their publication (which was by no means easy at that time and brought good money), went on business trips and even gave lectures in the USA (in particular, a course on Russian culture at the famous MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology). In 1975 he became a theater observer for the All-Union Radio and Television, defended his Ph.D. thesis in 1977 and earned the authority of a recognized critic.

The Key to Democratic Power: Restitution

With the beginning of perestroika, Shvydkoy vigilantly studied the opportunities opening up to him, but, being extremely cautious, he began to act only in 1990. Business as such, money for the sake of money, were alien to Shvydkoy: even then a socialite, he (probably due to a difficult childhood) was in dire need of public success, universal attention and love. And to be guaranteed to receive and preserve all this, it was necessary to break into the establishment, to become part of the government. The key was cooperation with the West and the democrats who were gaining strength - and in 1990, Shvydkoy achieved the publication in the Theater magazine of a revolutionary English play for that time, Moscow Gold, dedicated to the persecution of people's leader Yeltsin by retrogrades from the Politburo led by Gorbachev (then just breaking out finally out of disgrace). Even translating the play was still scary, but Shvydkoy, sensing the future, organized a tour of the English theater troupe in Moscow and even brought the authors of the play. So he became Yeltsin's favorite.

The collapse of the USSR turned the country into prey for predators of all kinds, and culture was no exception: Germany, with the support of other Western countries, demanded “restitution” - the return of artistic treasures taken to our country during the war as partial compensation for our cultural heritage, destroyed by the Nazis. The return of valuables, which Shvydkoy insisted on, essentially meant denial of the legitimacy of the results Great Patriotic War and recognition of Soviet soldiers and officers who saved cultural values ​​from destruction, ordinary marauders.

Shvydkoy took advantage of the situation and began declassifying the funds of special storage facilities, in which a significant number of “displaced valuables” remained from the war. He became the director of a television film about the trophy Bremen collection, shown on Channel One in December 1992; Inkombank became the sponsor of the film, which cost an estimated $17,000. He also sponsored another political project of Shvydkoy - the catalog “Western European Drawings of the 16th-20th Centuries”, presented by Minister of Culture Sidorov to Yeltsin and Chernomyrdin in March 1993. The gift came at the right time: “Culture” had just gone bankrupt, but Sidorov, who met Shvydky in the restitution commission, took him on as his deputy.

Shvydkoy’s activity was vigorous: he even dealt with the problems of the disabled, not forgetting, of course, himself. In 1994 he became a doctor of art history. When the export of cultural property from the country was prohibited by law in 1997, a supporter of restitution, Minister Sidorov, went into honorable exile as Russia’s representative to UNESCO, and Shvydkoy, taking advantage of Yeltsin’s long-standing sympathy, achieved the creation of the “Culture” TV channel and headed it, becoming deputy chairman of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company.

Against the backdrop of the endless experiments of ORT created by Berezovsky and his wars with Gusinsky’s NTV, “Culture” stood out for its intelligence and professionalism, and in May 1998, during Kiriyenko’s premiership, Shvydkoi headed the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. At the same time, he so sincerely portrayed an uninvolved “wedding general”, occupied only with representation and personal show business, that Prime Minister Primakov’s dissatisfaction with the policies of the state media holding fell on the heads of his deputy Lesin and columnist Svanidze.

Shvydkoy’s energy brought significant results: as reported, before the 1998 default he was included in the list of thousands of the richest and most famous people in Russia, which was compiled for educational purposes by the then head of the State Tax Service Fedorov.

The Sweet Dividends of Political Pornography

The “moment of truth” for Shvydkoy was the conflict between Yeltsin’s “family”, liberals and oligarchs, and patriots: in order to win and psychologically break Skuratov, the then key figure, it was necessary to show a compromising video to the people. Even Berezovsky’s ORT did not dare, despite the desperate political need (Berezovsky was one of the targets of Skuratov, who did not hide it), to show naked "man who looks like the attorney general" in the company of two prostitutes. Shvydkoy took on this mission and recalls it with pride: this is what professionalism consists of, since society should know the truth about its leaders. True, neither before nor after such aspirations was he noticed - perhaps due to a rudimentary sense of decency.

Probably the reason was different, as Shvydkoy himself said later, "if this plot did not exist, we would live in another country", governed, apparently, by patriots, and not by liberals and oligarchs serving the interests of the West. One way or another, by broadcasting a 50-minute pornographic video without any verification, Shvydkoi decided the outcome of the political confrontation and determined the history of Russia.

The winners were endlessly grateful to him - and in Kasyanov’s government he became Minister of Culture.

In the fall of 2000, the Ministry of Culture fired the leadership of the Bolshoi Theater, whose director was appointed Shvydkoy’s former colleague on the Kultura TV channel, Iksanov. As Minister of Culture, Shvydkoy showed himself to be a convinced, active and consistent supporter of restitution; in particular, he made great efforts to transfer to Germany the extremely valuable (estimated value was 1.5 billion dollars) Bremen collection of drawings and almost achieved this; the monstrous crime was thwarted literally at the last moment. At the same time, Shvydky, as far as can be judged, was not interested in the return of cultural property lost by our country during the war. After him, their obviously incomplete catalog was prepared, which included 25 thousand units; Only 51 of them were returned.

An important achievement of Shvydkoy was the return to Germany of the unique stained glass windows of the 14th century Marienkirche. Their value is such that the Germans passed a law guaranteeing anyone who ensured their return not only a huge cash bonus, but also the right to reside in Germany.

I wonder if Shvydkoy took advantage of this opportunity? Order "For services to Germany" he received it only in 2010.

The return of the stained glass, framed as a “gesture of goodwill,” became possible because the ban on restitution did not apply to the property of religious communities. Their restoration cost the Hermitage 400 thousand dollars, but the Germans paid only 300 thousand.

Of course, work did not distract him from show business. An unprecedented case: in 2001, the current minister began hosting his own talk show “Cultural Revolution”, and was a participant and co-host of a lot of various programs. As far as one can judge, this brought him a good official income. After Kasyanov’s resignation, Shvydkoy headed the Agency for Culture. The fact is that as a result of the administrative reform, ministries were left with only policy development, and the money was transferred to agencies. Shvydkoy’s enormous authority and connections led to the fact that the Agency he headed became almost more influential than the Ministry of Culture that formally led it.

Tension grew, and already in the summer of 2005, the Minister of Culture publicly accused the Shvydkoy Agency, subordinate to him, of corruption “on all levels.” Shvydkoy, through the court, demanded a public apology from Sokolov, but soon withdrew his claim, explaining the retreat by the fact that the minister “did not accuse specific officials ... and did not present specific claims to them, but expressed a general value judgment.”

During 2005, Shvydkoy acted as a mediator between the government and the leadership of the Bolshoi Theater, energetically and inventively defending the project for its major renovation - and ultimately won. “Tell Putin that with this money I will build three such theaters in Moscow!”- exclaimed Tateo Nakashima, shocked by the appetites of the Shvydkoy Agency, the world's largest specialist in theatrical technology. And indeed: initially they demanded 1 billion dollars for the reconstruction of the Bolshoi Theater, then they were content with 600 million (then the amount, as far as one can understand, grew) - while the reconstruction of Milan's La Scala cost 72 million dollars, London's " Covent Garden" - 350 million dollars, and the unique reconstruction of the Moscow Kremlin - 312 million dollars.

The reconstruction of the Bolshoi Theater went down in Russian history due to its phenomenal scandal (there were fears that the Bolshoi Theater would “collapse” like a house of cards) and suspicions of monstrous corruption. Investors changed, reconstruction leaders went to interrogations as if they were going to work, the result aroused the strongest criticism from the artists, but Shvydkoy formally no longer had anything to do with this.

And in the summer of 2006, when the Hermitage admitted the disappearance of more than 200 valuable exhibits from its storage facilities, Shvydkoy tried his best to mitigate the scandal and defended the director of the museum, M. Piotrovsky. When V.V. Putin headed the government in 2008 after Medvedev was elected president, the functions of the Agency for Cultural Affairs were returned to the ministry, and Shvydkoy left the government. He became the special representative of the Russian President for international cultural cooperation with the rank of Ambassador at Large and the President of the Academy of Russian Television (the latter position was kindly given to him by Posner).

Leaving the administrative Olympus, if at all, reduced Shvydkoy’s influence on Russian culture, then only slightly. As far as one can judge, his iron authority, supported by numerous like-minded people and figures personally indebted to him, placed in a wide variety of places, allows Shvydkoy to confidently direct the development of national culture today, regardless of successive politicians and administrators. This makes Shvydkoy one of the key not only members of the liberal clan, but also participants in modern politics as such.

"The task and content of art is desacralization"

As far as one can judge from his words and deeds, this is Shvydkoy’s fundamental belief.
That is why in 2005, as the head of Roskultura, unlike his boss, Minister Sokolov, he defended the Bolshoi Theater production of Desyatnikov’s disgusting opera based on Sorokin’s libretto “The Children of Rosenthal” from accusations of pornography. That is why he held talk shows on such topics as “Homelessness is the price for freedom” (in which he passionately convinced viewers not to be outraged by children’s homelessness, but to consider it the norm of a free, democratic life), “Without swearing there is no Russian language,” “The most important thing for us is American cinema” (which is especially cynical coming from the person responsible for the development of Russian cinema).

That's why on "Echo of Moscow" Shvydkoy spoke about the appropriateness of repeating his 2002 program with a self-explanatory title "Russian fascism is worse than German".

During Shvydky’s leadership at VGTRK, all socially significant programs disappeared from the airwaves, for example, “Compatriots” (about the fate of Russians in the states of the post-Soviet space). The author of the program, T. Furman, was fired retroactively and was gravely insulted at parting; at the press conference it was said to her: “But this one is no one at all!”

Having “headed culture,” Shvydkoy became famous for financing openly anti-Russian films at state expense, aimed at grossly rewriting history and humiliating our country. The most famous was the film "Bastards" - an agitation in which the KGB monsters threw young street children into the German rear, dooming them to certain death. This was presented as a historical fact - despite the fact that The heads of the studio that produced it received an official letter from the FSB in advance stating that the content of the film was a blatant lie!

Moreover, soon after the premiere it turned out that it was not ours who were doing this, but the fascists, but in order to denigrate and discredit our Motherland, Shvydkoy’s Ministry of Culture easily (and probably with pleasure) neglected historical facts.

Russian money financed the disgusting and deceitful film "Mazeppa", in which Peter the Great was presented as a maniac and homosexual. “After Luzhkov even directed Pushkin’s “Poltava” to Shvydkoy, Mikhail Efimovich, who had long had the playful nickname “What do you want?” among his friends, blushed, turned pale and did not even release “Mazepa” in Russian distribution,” wrote critic Shcherbakov in February 2006. But Shvydkoy made his contribution to the education of Russophobia in Ukraine, the monstrous fruits of which we see now- from the Russian budget, that is, from our pocket.

He also financed the film "Halflight", in which Russian barbarians monstrously mock unfortunate German prisoners of war. It is amazing that the script on which the film was based was of a fundamentally different nature and glorified the love of representatives of different nations, so the scriptwriters even withdrew their names from the credits of this monstrous work.

The film "Four" showed village grandmothers as participants in a wild orgy with bare breasts, tearing apart a roasted pig (probably for the "correct", Russophobic orientation of Muslims).

This list can be continued almost endlessly.

In a book with a very controversial title "Mikhail Shvydkoy is better than Goebbels" Boris Petrov exhaustively characterizes his activities: “He is busy... transforming the entire Russian culture, which grew up on the Orthodox tradition and will never be able to transform into a market where they trade in any values.” It is not for nothing that Shvydkoy became the only Russian included in the list of the 100 most influential artists in the world by the English Art Review. Probably, his merits in the plunder of Russia in the form of restitution were also taken into account, but, as they say, what the British liked most of all was the key statement of the Minister of Culture: "We want to make Russia part of the Western world" . As has already been done, for example, by Estonia and Bulgaria.

The culture of a people determines not only its way of life, but also its worldview, ideology, and, consequently, its goal setting.

She is the basis of it identity, and destruction cultural values Russian society is the most important, core element of the painstaking, albeit very energetic work to destroy not even Russia as a state and not Russians as a people, but our entire civilization, formed precisely by Russian culture.

Shvydkoy’s activities, as far as one can judge, fit perfectly into the general outline of liberal efforts to deprive Russia of historical memory and turning us not even into “Ivanovs”, but into “Adolfs who do not remember their kinship.” This is, indeed, a great man in terms of the scale and results of his activities, whose influence is still exceptionally great. Mikhail Delyagin. .

Mr. Shvydkoy is currently the “shadow minister” of Russian Culture, says Mikhail Delyagin. Officially, this position is today occupied by Mr. Vladimir Rostislavovich Medinsky. Also a Jew, by the way. Under him, as under Minister Shvydkom, they are also issued for state money openly anti-Russian films aimed at grossly rewriting history and humiliating our country, for example, film "STALINGRAD" , "Battle for Sevastopol" .

On the right is V.R. Medinsky, current Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation.

A natural question arises: why can only Jews be ministers of culture in Russia?!

Why can’t the President of the Russian Federation appoint for this important, key position Russian person , whose mother and father, as well as grandfather and grandmother, were Russians, not Jews?!

This would be fair if only because the share Russian people is almost 80% from the entire population of the Russian Federation.

There is another, more important and more compelling reason to ask this question.

Back in the era of the USSR, a Ukrainian scientist Boris Vasilievich Bolotov doing research "leading systems", discovered the following curious pattern in the lives of “our little brothers”:

“If the queen in a bee hive is replaced annually with a younger one, then the family of bees, as is known, will exist for an indefinitely long time, although it will be partially modified. When replacing the queen, for example, Ukrainian breed to the uterus Caucasian breed the entire bee family is modified so much that it becomes significantly different from the original one. However, overall the family structure will remain somewhat the same..." .

This is complete analogy with what is happening in our Russian society in the field of Culture.

When the Minister of Russian Culture (despite the fact that the share Russians in Russia - almost 80%) appoint Jew, a representative of a nationality whose share in Russian society is officially 1% , then over time the whole society is changing so much that Jewish culture begins to dominate Russian culture and simply displaces it.

This is what we are seeing now!

RBC spoke with the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation Vladimir Medinsky about his favorite brainchild - the Russian Military Historical Society (RVIO), as well as about liberals, relatives and 28 Panfilovites

Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation Vladimir Medinsky (Photo: Katerina Kochetova for RBC)

Military history buffs

Russian Military Historical Society (RVIO) was formed in 2012 by decree of Vladimir Putin, considers itself the heir to traditionsImperial Russian Military Historical Society, which existed in1907-1914. Tasks -studying and promoting the military history of Russia, preserving objects of military-historical cultural heritage.

The chairman of the society is the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation Vladimir Medinsky. The board of trustees includes Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin (heads the board), Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, FSO head Evgeniy Murov, Internal Affairs Minister Vladimir Kolokoltsev, State Duma Chairman Sergei Naryshkin, President of Russian Railways Vladimir Yakunin, Pre-Board of Directors of AFK Sistema Vladimir Yevtushenkov, Head of the Renova Group Viktor Vekselberg and others.

In 2015, RVIO will receive 325 million rubles from the federal budget. (14% more than in 2014- m ), of which about 40 million rubles. — administrative expenses. According to two sources close to the society, private donations to the society reach another 100-150 million rubles. per year.

RVIO is the initiator of the installation of the monument to Prince Vladimir in Moscow, the opening of which is scheduled for November 4. In early June, the society announced that it would not insist on installing a monument at the Vorobyovy Gory observation deck, which was opposed by area residents, and would consider other locations. The cost of the monument is estimated at 94 million rubles, but the price of its installation may exceed this amount.

"Golden Fund of Integrity"

— What does the Russian Military Historical Society mean to you?

— A very important, very necessary organization. To be honest, I have dreamed of participating in the creation of this for a long time. I am extremely grateful to the circumstances and to Vladimir Vladimirovich [Putin] personally for the fact that by his decree he recreated the RVIO and set us the task of reviving it.

— Have you been interested in military history since childhood? If I'm not mistaken, both your father and your grandfather were military men.

- Yes. Grandfathers fought, uncles fought. I remember when I was seven years old I voraciously read “The Book of Future Commanders,” and since then I have had it in my library. True, I still can’t get my son to read it. Have you read it yourself?

- No.

— What are you talking about, this was probably the best book on military history for schoolchildren in the USSR. It sets out in beautiful language the entire history of wars and heroes - from the Spartans to the Great Patriotic War.

— As far as I understand, your father, Rostislav Ignatievich Medinsky, acts as an adviser to the Russian Military Historical Society?

— Yes, he is involved, among other things, in relations with veteran organizations. He served in the first formations of ICBMs [intercontinental ballistic missiles], went through Czechoslovakia-68, Afghanistan, and Chernobyl, restored Spitak after the earthquake - enormous experience.

— Aren’t you afraid of accusations of a conflict of interest?

- What?! What twisted logic you have. Yes, I'm proud that my father works here. Despite his age, I can’t force him to come for dinner, although he works part time. He still commutes to work early in the morning—two hours each way.

— Preparing for the interview, I read a lot of articles about you. Including about your former business. Did I understand correctly that some of those with whom you worked in business now work in the Ministry of Culture and its subordinate institutions? Yegor Moskvin, your former business partner, served as State Secretary of the Russian Military Historical Society.

— Actually, I’ve been in politics since the late 1990s, and I probably have more friends from this world. But I think that it is more comfortable for any person to communicate with familiar people, with those whose shortcomings and advantages he knows thoroughly. This is called a team. I am proud that since the 1990s - it’s scary to think, almost 25 years - we have been working and maintaining relationships. True, not in the system of the Ministry of Culture, as you think. Moskvin is in RVIO. Sergei Mikhailov, also my business partner in the 1990s and one of the best media managers in the country, heads TASS. Renat Dosmukhamedov, with whom we started in the 1990s, rose to the rank of Deputy Minister of Taxes, and until this year was the trade representative of the Russian Federation in the United States.

— If I’m not mistaken, the partner of RVIO is the subordinate Ministry of Culture ROSIZO, where your sister, Tatyana, works as deputy director?

— You are mistaken: RVIO is not a “partner” of ROSIZO. At different times, they held a couple of exhibitions with their participation, but other organizations were also involved. RVIO, it seems, still wanted to involve ROSIZO in organizing the exhibition “Remember, the world was saved by a Soviet soldier,” which will now be exhibited in Poland. As a result, the military historical society decided that it was cheaper to organize logistics on its own.

Until recently, the exhibition was in Geneva - in a censored form: it was exhibited in the building of the UN mission and, at the request of international officials, everything related, firstly, to the Nazis’ coming to power was cut out, since “it would be incorrect to remind the Germans about this”, and secondly secondly, half the story about the liberation of Europe by Soviet soldiers. They went crazy there, no doubt about it.

And I was the last to know that my sister works at ROSIZO. This is the initiative and decision of Zelfira Tregulova (until recently the director of ROSIZO, now the head of the Tretyakov Gallery - RBC), who - with her authority - resolves internal personnel issues herself. What can we say? My sister is very lucky: Tregulova is an excellent professional, and learning from her is a great blessing. And ROSIZO was lucky: Tatiana is a knowledgeable and experienced specialist. But I was unlucky - I was forced to answer questions from journalists.

— The RVIO Target Capital Fund in the amount of 300 million rubles. managed by Gazprombank. The director of the fund is a former employee of your advertising agency “Corporation Ya” Elena Krechetova.

— Yes, I have known Krechetova for many years, she has worked for me since the early 1990s. She is one of the people who are the golden fund of integrity, honesty, and decency. What is important is that the money has not yet been allocated from the RVIO Target Capital for anything: it is only accumulating.

— Is it possible to control the process of working with friends and relatives so that they do not receive orders from the Ministry of Culture?

— The number of my so-called friends and relatives, whom I learn about from the media, is rapidly increasing: in United Russia - one thing, in the State Duma - another, now - a third. In general, you know, I know everyone. If the work is done by the state institution ROSIZO, weren’t they familiar to me before? And if the tenders are won by the Epos company, which has previously won tenders from the Ministry of Culture a thousand times, then that also means something, right? I know this company, they historically work a lot with our museums. There is also Channel One, VGTRK, NTV, the Culture channel, dozens of film producers working with the Ministry of Culture... You know, I know everyone well, we communicate with many in a friendly manner, this is my job. You’d better ask them: is it easier for them to work with the Ministry of Culture because they know this? Don’t be shy: get contacts, call, ask.

— Are you comfortable working with your team?

— The Ministry works with those who win competitions, whose price is lower than the market, and whose quality is higher.

“It would be nice to have you in a trench against a tank”

— The Military Historical Society carried out about 60largen projects, RVIO itself has a very representative board of trustees - Vladimir Evtushenkov, God Nisanov, Vladimir Yakunin. Did you assemble it yourself?

- There have already been more than 300 projects - although you are right, what can we call large... Invitations to the board of trustees were sent partly by me, partly by Rogozin [Dmitry Rogozin is the chairman of the board of trustees of the Russian Military Historical Society; co-founders of the society are the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Defense], partly the council met on its own. They came at the call of their hearts.

— RVIO erects monuments using donations, while the RVIO budget for 2015 approved by the Ministry of Finance is 325 million rubles. What does this money go to?

— In fact, the subsidy is 265 million rubles. You counted several more “additions” that “pass right through” the Russian Military Education Society - in particular, funds for the program that the Russian Military Educational Institution runs together with Rostourism: school excursions “Roads of Victories”. This program - from funds through education - was transferred de facto to the coordination and control of Rostourism. RVIO only monitors reporting and content.

— Okay, what does this money go to if many RVIO projects are funded from extrabudgetary funds?

- For example, for the work of search expeditions, for the organization of military history camps - at the same time, our camps are as economical as possible, children are in tents, officers and teachers work practically for the idea. And about 60 more large projects in two years.

— I heard that now the RVIO will create three additional military-patriotic camps: one in Sevastopol and two in Crimea, in the Balaklava region.

— I can’t name the exact places yet, the issue is being resolved. Ideally we would like to make permanent camps.

“Vladislav Kononov, deputy executive director of the RVIO, told me that in these camps they will raise a generation with other priorities than consumption, McDonald’s, and Coca-Cola.

“I’ll tell you what a children’s camp should be like.” The child needs to be woken up at 7 am, and then make sure that he is occupied with something useful for 12 hours. In our case, this will be sports, military applied classes, classes in military history and literature, lessons on the history of our native land. In the evening - a proper movie.

— RVIO, in particular, supports the production of the film “28 Panfilov’s Men.” It is believed that this is a beautiful invention of the journalists of the Krasnaya Zvezda newspaper, and there were no 28 Panfilov men.

- I read many versions - both the version of “Red Star”, and the military prosecutor’s office, and the research of Academician Kumanev, who personally interviewed the surviving Panfilovites and who confirms the number 28, they just did not all die. Most likely, I assume, no one knows at all how many fighters of this particular 4th company of the 2nd battalion of the 1075th rifle regiment from Panfilov's division with a conditional strength of up to 130 people survived in the trenches when on November 16, 1941 Fascist tanks crawled towards them at the Dubosekovo crossing. Whether there were 28 fighters or 128, we don’t know.

The front-line correspondent for Krasnaya Zvezda cited the figures that were known at that time: he was writing an operational newspaper article, not a historical study. It so happened that it was the number 28 that became legendary. This is enough for History with a capital H - we, I emphasize, are not talking about academic science now. The numbers in this case are arbitrary. What is certain is that these people, having no artillery, but only one anti-tank gun, broken down at the very beginning of the battle, with the help of anti-tank grenades, rifles and Molotov cocktails, stopped the armored avalanche, destroying 17 tanks. And this is a fact.

And those who are trying to “hurt” the legend with crafty, seemingly “scientific” calculations are engaged in verbiage. I can only advise them one thing: it would be nice if there was a time machine, and you - poking around with your dirty, greasy fingers in the history of 1941 - would be in a trench with a grenade against a fascist tank. My conviction: we need to stop the disgusting harping on this topic.

“I have no idealistic illusions”

— Do you consider yourself a popular minister?

“It seems to me that it is strange to evaluate the minister’s work in such categories. Once Dmitry Anatolyevich [Medvedev], speaking in the Duma, wittily remarked: a minister who everyone likes is a person who, most likely, does not fully cope with his duties.

— Is it true that Vladislav Surkov and Nikita Mikhalkov recommended you for the post of Minister of Culture to Vladimir Putin?

- Twenty-five again... And also Boris Gryzlov, Vyacheslav Volodin and Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev, right? I'm not going to comment on this, but all I can say is that I would be extremely proud to recommend any of these people.

— Your youth was in the liberal 1990s. Nowadays, returning to the roots and origins is in great fashion. What concept did you adhere to in the 1990s?

— I wrote the first books about my view of the history of Russia at the very beginning of the 2000s. Read it.

— If you were an ardent patriot even then, then Moscow in the 1990s must have irritated you.

— In the 1990s, I worked in business, although what was happening around me, naturally, did not inspire me. Then, you know, people develop, change... I spent two nights in 1991...

-...At the White House?

— In the White House, directly in it. He was a correspondent for the Rossiya newspaper. We printed leaflets and distributed them to the crowd standing in front of the White House. Conducted propaganda.

- And now?

— History has no subjunctive mood. Today I have no idealistic illusions about those events. And then... Throughout my student years and the 1990s, I worked in the election headquarters, at first - for the most desperate liberals and democrats. He went through all the steps - from an agitator and poster putter to the chief of staff and campaign manager.

— Do you still consider yourself a liberal?

“I believe that this word has been defamed and spat upon.” He was discredited by people who consider themselves liberals, but are not liberals. Who are our liberals, can you tell me? Internet cliques and their idols? These are not liberals, this is a totalitarian sect - in terms of tolerance, those who are usually called “obscurantists and retrogrades” are much more tolerant and objective than the so-called liberals.​

— Recently, many politicians believe that Russia is surrounded by enemies on all sides.

— In international politics there is no concept of friend or foe. In politics there is the concept of “interests”. Recently, geopolitical competition has intensified, and on some issues we are allies, on others we are competitors. You just don’t have to live in captivity of illusions, in which Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev accidentally found himself. And most of us lived like this - at the turn of the 80-90s.

— Isn’t Vladimir Putin captive of illusions?

- No. I think on the contrary: Vladimir Vladimirovich is the absolute genius of modern realpolitik. However, of the two of us, you are the journalist, you know better.

Medinsky Vladimir Rostislavovich, born July 18, 1970, native of Smela, Cherkasy region, Ukrainian SSR. In February 2012, Medinsky was officially registered as a confidant of the candidate for President of the Russian Federation and the current Chairman of the Government Vladimir Putin. On May 21, 2012, he took up the post of Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation.


Medinsky Vladimir Rostislavovich, born July 18, 1970, native of Smela, Cherkasy region, Ukrainian SSR.

Graduated from the Moscow State Institute of International Relations under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. He has an academic degree of Doctor of Political Sciences and Doctor of Historical Sciences.

After graduation, he studied in graduate school. At the same time, he organized the advertising and agency “Corporation Ya” and became its director. In 1996, the company was renamed United Corporate Agency.

In 1998, he became vice-president of the Russian Association of Public Relations (RASO) for interaction with regions and expansion of the regional network. In the same year, he moved to public service, taking the position of public relations adviser to the director of the Tax Police Department of the Russian Federation. In 1999, for some time he headed the department for information policy of the Ministry of Taxes and Duties of the Russian Federation.

During the 1999 Duma elections, Medinsky oversaw issues of interaction with regional media at the Central Election Headquarters of the Fatherland - All Russia bloc, then was an adviser to the Deputy Chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation G. V. Boos.

In 2003, he was elected to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on the list of the United Russia party. Consistently held the positions of Deputy Chairman of the Information Policy Committee, Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Economic Policy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism and Deputy Chairman of the Technical Regulation Commission.

In 2007, he was elected to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on the regional list of the United Russia party from the Lipetsk region. He was a member of the Committee on Natural Resources, Environmental Management and Ecology, as well as a number of commissions. A month before the expiration of the powers of the convocation, he was elected chairman of the Culture Committee. At the same time, from 2010 to 2012, he was a member of the Presidential Commission to counter attempts to falsify history to the detriment of the interests of Russia.

In 2011, he ran for the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on the regional list of the United Russia party from the Kurgan region, but was not elected. In 2012, he was V.V. Putin’s confidant in the presidential elections.

Since May 21, 2012 he has been the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation.

Medinsky V.R. has a Letter of Gratitude from the President of the Russian Federation. Author of three books from the “Myths about Russia” series, the novel “The Wall” and a number of journalistic works.

Relatives. Father: Rostislav Ignatievich Medinsky, born December 12, 1937, retired colonel, pensioner. Served in the Central Directorate of Rocket Fuel and Fuel of the USSR Ministry of Defense. Participant in the liquidation of the consequences of accidents at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and the earthquake in Spitak. In the 1990s, before leaving for civil service, Medinsky transferred his share in the business to him.

Mother: Alla Viktorovna Medinskaya, born March 23, 1942, a general practitioner by training.

Sister: Tatyana Rostislavovna Medinskaya, born on August 16, 1975, executive director of Corporation Ya LLC.

Wife: Medinskaya (maiden name Nikitina) Marina Olegovna, born May 22, 1981, entrepreneur.


  • In 1987 he entered the Faculty of International Journalism at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations. According to fellow students, Medinsky studied with straight A's and received a Lenin (increased) scholarship. Graduated from MGIMO with honors in 1992.
  • In 1993-1994, Medinsky studied at the graduate school of MGIMO of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia (according to other sources, he graduated from graduate school in 1997. On June 27, 2011, Medinsky defended his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Historical Sciences on the topic “Problems of objectivity in covering Russian history of the second half of the XV-XVII centuries."

Labor activity

  • In 1992, together with Sergei Mikhailov and other fellow students, he organized the advertising and PR agency “Ya Corporation” and became its director.
  • Since 1994, he began teaching at MGIMO.
  • In 1997, he defended his dissertation for the degree of candidate of political sciences at the Russian Academy of Public Administration on the topic “The current stage of world development and the problems of forming Russian foreign policy.” In 1998, he began teaching at the Department of International Information and Journalism at MGIMO; now a professor at this university.
  • In 1999, he became a Doctor of Political Science, defending his dissertation “Theoretical and methodological problems of forming a strategy for Russian foreign policy in the context of the emergence of a global information space.” In the summer of 1998, he became vice-president of the Russian Association of Public Relations (RASO) for interaction with regions and expansion of the regional network. In October of the same year, Medinsky was appointed public relations adviser to the director of the Tax Police Department of the Russian Federation, Sergei Almazov, but already in February 1999, Almazov was removed from his post.
  • In May 1999, the head of the Ministry of Taxes and Duties of the Russian Federation, Georgy Boos, invited Medinsky to the position of head of the ministerial Department for Information Policy; After the resignation of Boos, he headed the department under the new minister Alexander Pochinok.
  • In 1999, Medinsky left the civil service and became the head of the department of the Central Election Headquarters of the Fatherland - All Russia bloc headed by Georgy Boos for the elections of deputies to the State Duma of the third convocation, where he was responsible for regional media and dealt with issues of outdoor advertising in the regions. At the same time, Yuri Luzhkov became a member of the Central Council of Otechestvo Otechestvo.
  • In 2000-2002, he was an adviser to the Deputy Chairman of the State Duma from the Fatherland - All Russia faction Georgy Boos.
  • In 2002-2004, he was the head of the executive committee of the Moscow organization of the United Russia party (the party was renamed in 2003).
  • In 2002, he became a member of the Central Political Council of the party, and in 2003 he headed the election headquarters of United Russia in Moscow.
  • In 2003, according to the federal list of United Russia, Medinsky was elected to the State Duma of the fourth convocation and became a member of the United Russia faction. In the State Duma of the fourth convocation, he was first deputy chairman of the committee on information policy, from May 2004 - deputy chairman of the committee on economic policy, entrepreneurship and tourism, and from January 2006 - deputy chairman of the commission on technical regulation].
  • In November 2004, he became a member of the General Council of United Russia and the Presidium of the General Council of the party.
  • In 2004-2005, he held the position of deputy head of the Central Executive Committee of United Russia for information and analytical work.
  • In 2005, he became a member of the internal party liberal-conservative club “United Russia” “November 4”; He was also a member of the state-patriotic club of the party.
  • Since 2006, he has been president of the Russian Public Relations Association; resigned early in 2008.
  • In December 2007, Medinsky was elected to the State Duma of the fifth convocation on the regional list of United Russia from the Lipetsk region.
  • In 2010, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, he was included in the Presidential Commission to counter attempts to falsify history to the detriment of the interests of Russia; was a member of the commission until its liquidation in February 2012.
  • In July 2011, he was introduced to the board of the Russkiy Mir Foundation, whose main objectives are to popularize the Russian language and culture, as well as support programs for studying the Russian language in various countries of the world.
  • In December 2011, he ran for the State Duma of the VI convocation from United Russia on its regional list in the Kurgan region, but did not get into the deputies.
  • In February 2012, Medinsky was officially registered as a confidant of the candidate for President of the Russian Federation and the current Chairman of the Government Vladimir Putin.
  • On May 21, 2012, he took up the post of Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation.

State. Anti-corruption declaration 2014 Income RUB 15,811,426.75 Spouse: RUB 82,390,167.00 Real estate Land plot for individual residential buildings, 3394 sq. m. m, shared ownership 0.5 Residential building, 153.5 sq. m. m, shared ownership 0.5 Residential building, 451.7 sq. m. m, shared ownership 0.5 Apartment, 229.7 sq. m (in use) Spouse: Apartment, 229.7 sq. m (in use) Spouse: Non-residential premises, 286.7 sq. m, shared ownership 0.5 Son: Apartment, 229.7 sq. m (in use) Son: Apartment, 229.7 sq. m (in use) Daughter: Apartment, 229.7 sq. m (in use) Vehicles Passenger car, GAZ 21 Spouse: Passenger car, BMW X3 Spouse: Passenger car, GAZ M-20.


Boos Georgy Valentinovich, born on January 22, 1963, entrepreneur, owner of the Boos Lightning Group holding, former deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and governor of the Kaliningrad region. Medinsky met him through Dosmukhamedov. In the early 2000s they collaborated closely. It was Boos who lobbied the then mayor of Moscow Yuri Luzhkov to include Medinsky in the list of candidates for the State Duma. Currently there is no relationship.

Burovsky Andrey Mikhailovich, born 07/07/1955, publicist, owner of the Krasnoyarsk publishing house “Andrey Burovsky”, positions himself as a historian. Medinsky collaborated with him when writing his first books, but then their relationship deteriorated. Currently, Burovsky is one of Medinsky's harshest critics.

Dosmukhamedov Rinat Mingalievich, born November 14, 1966, trade representative of the Russian Federation in the USA. Medinsky's friend at MGIMO. Dosmukhamedov recommended Medinsky to Boos. They continue to maintain close contacts.

Minchenko Evgeniy Nikolaevich, born April 17, 1970, President of the communications holding Minchenko Consulting. They have been collaborating since the 1990s. Minchenko often receives inside information through Medinsky, which he then actively uses in his activities. He is considered one of Medinsky's closest friends.

Moskvin Egor Nikolaevich, born June 19, 1971, General Director of the company “Corporation Ya”. He is considered Medinsky’s confidant and his “wallet.” Through Moskvin, Medinsky continues to control the processes in I Corporation.

Mikhailov Sergey Vladimirovich, born March 17, 1971, General Director of ITAR-TASS. Medinsky's classmate at MGIMO. Together they created the company “Corporation I”. The business was subsequently divided.

Surkov Vladislav Yurievich, born September 21, 1964, assistant to the President of the Russian Federation. “I noticed” Medinsky as the deputy head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, in charge of ideological issues. Surkov made every effort to get Medinsky to “promote himself” as an ideologist, and also lobbied for his candidacy for the post of Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation.

To information

Medinsky immediately took the position of minister right off the bat. His first high-profile initiative was a proposal to rename Moscow streets named after revolutionaries. This initiative of Vladimir Rostislavovich caused a storm of criticism, and the communists even wanted to check his statement for extremism. In principle, Medinsky, who while still a deputy, regularly came out with proposals to close the Mausoleum and bury Lenin, was no stranger to “attacks” from the communists, but still the Presidential Administration asked him to “reduce the momentum” somewhat. After all, after the “white ribbon” protests, the main driving force of which were liberals, the authorities, acting on the principle “the enemy of my enemy is my friend,” wanted to win over the “red” electorate, and Vladimir Rostislavovich’s statements ran counter to these initiatives. Now, reasoning in the spirit of Prokhanov and Kurginyan about the revival of the “Red Project” and “USSR 2.0” was in fashion, and not the anti-Soviet escapades for which Medinsky became famous when he was a deputy.

After the “admonition” from Old Square, Vladimir Rostislavovich, of course, did not become an adherent of the “Essence of Time,” but he changed his rhetoric. Now he was silent about renaming streets, but spoke about the abolition of income taxes for cultural institutions and increasing the salaries of their employees. At the height of the Lebanese hunt for “ineffective universities,” Medinsky swore that not a single institute subordinate to his department would be closed. He remained significantly silent during the attack on the Russian Academy of Sciences, not openly supporting the idea of ​​“thinning” the number of academicians. In a word, Vladimir Rostislavovich tried to be one of the cultural workers.

Medinsky did not forget about his superiors. In particular, praises addressed to President Vladimir Putin from his lips sounded incessantly. Vladimir Rostislavovich especially distinguished himself when he called Putin “the first ruler after Nikolai Romanov” who came to power “100% legally.” Such praises were not in vain for him. Not only was the Federal Agency for Tourism (Rosturizm), which in itself is a financial Klondike, transferred to the Ministry of Culture, but real Niagara Falls of funds, unseen since Soviet times, poured out.

Thus, annually about 400 billion rubles are allocated from the federal budget to the Ministry of Culture to finance various industry and government programs. Here we must add money from tourism, amounting to about 200 billion rubles a year. In addition, Rostourism actively supports business structures that win certain competitions, thereby being a serious tool not only for industry, but also for regional policy.

The powers of the Cinema Fund to finance this “most important of the arts” were also redistributed under Medinsky. If we consider that until 2012, when the Foundation was financially independent, 3–4 billion rubles passed through it, then another very good cash flow fell into the hands of the Minister of Culture.

But Vladimir Rostislavovich makes money not only on culture. For example, his wife Marina Olegovna owns a share in Blackthorn Realty LLC, which specializes in real estate transactions. By the way, its general director and second co-founder is the general director of “Ya Corporation” Egor Moskvin. This company owns 341 sq. m of the first floor of the Michurinsky residential complex, on which the Planet Sushi restaurant is located. The cost of these areas is 2.5 - 3 million dollars, and the rental rate can reach up to 300 thousand dollars per year.

But, be that as it may, Medinsky considers himself not a businessman, but a creative person. Of course! After all, Vladimir Rostislavovich is twice a Doctor of Science (political and historical), and as many as seventeen books have come from his pen (some of them, however, were written in co-authorship). The most famous of Medinsky’s creations is “Myths about Russia,” in which he tried to refute the most common of these myths. To be honest, it didn’t work out very well for him. The book is replete with historical blunders, and even outright distortions. In addition, the author’s style is too arrogant, as a result of which, instead of exposing “black myths,” it turned out to be the creation of other myths, this time “pink ones.”

Vladimir Rostislavovich Medinsky is the current Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation, a member of the Supreme Council of United Russia.

Childhood and youth of Vladimir Medinsky

Volodya Medinsky was born into the family of a Soviet army officer. Father - Rostislav Ignatovich - rose to the rank of colonel, served in the Central Directorate of Rocket Fuel of the USSR Ministry of Defense, participated in the liquidation of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and the earthquake in Spitak. Mother – Alla Viktorovna, a general practitioner by training.

Five years after the birth of Volodya, a second child appeared in the family - daughter Tanya.

From early childhood, Volodya stood out among his peers. In kindergarten, he was always the first to “deal” with food and dress independently for a walk. At school, he successively worked his way up from the commander of the October star to the secretary of the Komsomol organization.

Like most children of military personnel, Volodya spent his childhood in military garrisons, and only in the early 80s did the family settle in Moscow, where Vladimir graduated from school.

In 1987, Medinsky became a student at the Faculty of International Journalism at MGIMO. I studied as I did at school - excellent, and received an increased (Leninist) scholarship. During his studies, he completed an internship in various media: in the regional Transbaikal newspaper, the Political News Agency and TASS. In 1992 he graduated from the institute with honors.

Scientific activity of Vladimir Medinsky

In 1993-94 Medinsky was a graduate student at MGIMO University of the Russian Foreign Ministry. In 1997, he defended his Ph.D. dissertation on the topic “The current stage of world development and the problems of forming Russian foreign policy.”

Since 1994, Vladimir Medinsky began teaching at his native MGIMO.

In 1999, 29-year-old Medinsky defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic “Methodological problems of forming a strategy for Russian foreign policy in the context of the emergence of a global information space.”

Medinsky's dissertation works caused a mixed reaction in scientific circles: there were a number of accusations of plagiarism, the use of unscientific methodology and dishonesty of research. The following examples were given as evidence: Medinsky borrowed 87 of the 120 pages of his candidate’s dissertation from the dissertation of his supervisor, S.A. Proskurina. In his doctoral dissertation, 21 pages coincide with other people's works.

“Myths about Russia”: Books by Vladimir Medinsky

In 2010-11 Medinsky published thirteen books on historical topics, united under the general title “Myths about Russia.” According to the author himself, his main task was to try to debunk negative myths about Russia and offer a new perspective on the history of the Russian state.

Like Medinsky’s dissertation works, “Myths about Russia” received the most controversial reviews from critics. The greatest anger was caused by the concept of the author, who argued that any crime ceases to be a crime only because “our people” committed it.

The series “Myths about Russia” was praised by Vladimir Zhirinovsky, and the editor of the newspaper “Book Review” A. Gavrilov spoke of “Myths” as stupid revanchism. The head of the Russian Presidential Administration, Vladislav Surkov, called the book controversial, but very useful for Russia, but critic Roman Arbitman believed that Medinsky himself came up with new myths about Russia.

Entrepreneurial activity of Vladimir Medinsky

After graduating from the institute, Medinsky and several fellow students organized the advertising agency “Corporation “Ya””. After the collapse of the MMM financial pyramid, the agency, which by 1996 had become a holding company, found itself on the verge of bankruptcy. A favorable combination of circumstances made it possible to avoid financial collapse, but the future Minister of Culture lost interest in business. In 1998, he transferred his share in the company to his father, and he decided to become a civil servant. In 1998, Medinsky became vice-president of RASO. Six months later, he was appointed advisor to the director of the Tax Police Department of the Russian Federation.

Since May 1999, Medinsky has headed the Department of Information Policy. At the end of the same year, Medinsky left the civil service and “went” into politics.

Political activities of Vladimir Medinsky

Vladimir Rostislavovich’s political activity begins with the leadership of the Central Electoral Bloc “Fatherland - All Russia”. The next stage of his political career was associated with the party “Unity and Fatherland - United Russia”.

In 2003, Vladimir Rostislavovich was elected as a deputy of the Duma of the fourth convocation, and in 2007 as a deputy of the Duma of the fifth convocation. However, in 2011 he did not enter the Duma of the sixth convocation. But Medinsky’s political career did not end there - in February 2012 he was registered as a confidant of Vladimir Putin, and in May of the same year he became the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation.

In 2014, Medinsky became a Knight of the Order of Honor and the Order of St. Sergius of Radonezh, II degree, and received an honorary doctorate from Ca Foscari University in Venice.

It was the awarding of an honorary doctorate that caused a huge scandal, forcing Silvia Burani to leave the post of vice-rector of the University of Ca Foscari.

The minister's opponents reacted negatively to Medinsky's decision to fire Grigory Revzin, who criticized Putin's policy on the Ukrainian issue.

No less resonant was Medinsky’s remark: “Lies!”, voiced on the air of “Echo of Moscow” regarding the fact set out in Daniil Granin’s book “The Price of Victory” (meaning the words of the writer, according to which during the period of terrible famine in besieged Leningrad for the party manuals baked rum women).

Medinsky about Russian shit

Another scandal associated with Medinsky’s name erupted in November 2014. The Russian Minister of Culture refused state support for the projects of documentary director and chairman of the Artdocfest festival Vitaly Mansky. The opposition public connected Medinsky’s act with the fact that the director signed an open letter from the Cinema Union “We are with you!” addressed to Ukrainian film workers. Medinsky himself explained his actions by saying that he was not going to provide financing for films made according to the “Rashka-shit” principle. Subsequently, as in the case of Daniil Granin, the minister had to apologize for his words.

Evil tongues claim that Vladimir Medinsky will remain in leading government positions for a long time. He is the type of person who always finds a common language with those in power. At one time he was an active Komsomol member and communist, then he became an ardent Yeltsinist, was friends with Luzhkov, and is now a faithful follower of Putin’s policies.

Personal life of Vladimir Medinsky

Detailed information about the personal life of the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation has not been published anywhere. All that is known is that he is happily married: he is married to Marina Olegovna Medinskaya (nee Nikitina). The couple are raising three children who study at Moscow school No. 19 with in-depth study of the English language.

The life partner of Vladimir Medinsky is a very successful entrepreneur.

Vladimir Medinsky currently

At the beginning of 2016, Vladimir Medinsky was actively involved in tourism issues. He has repeatedly noted that the tourism sector is the fastest growing segment of the Russian economy, and also spoke about the development of a set of measures aimed at supporting tour operators and simplifying the visa regime.

Medinsky conducted a ministerial inspection with assault

In general, 2016, recognized as the “Year of Russian Cinema,” required Medinsky to carefully work on issues in the field of cinema. According to him, the share of Russian films in domestic film distribution should increase from 18% in 2016 to 25% in 2018.

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Retired army colonel, advisor to the Russian Military Historical Society, co-owner of JSC "Corporation "Ya"



Rostislav Ignatievich, retired army colonel, participant in the invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968, the war in Afghanistan, the liquidation of the consequences of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident in 1986 and the Spitak earthquake in 1988.


Medinsky called the role of the Ministry of Culture in the case of theft at the Dodin Theater

Minister of Culture Vladimir Medinsky said that the investigation into theft at the Maly Drama Theater in St. Petersburg began on the initiative of his department

The idea was supported by the Penza governor Belozertsev.

According to the Government of the Penza Region, a monument to a Soviet soldier was erected in the village of Kirovo, Serdobsky district. The opening ceremony will take place tomorrow, November 9, the International Day against Fascism, Racism and Anti-Semitism.

The sculpture is made in the form of a kneeling soldier. The monument was created in one of the Moscow workshops by sculptors Timur Yurchenko and Denis Stretovich. The author of the project is Advisor to the Chairman of the Russian Military Historical Society Rostislav Medinsky.

The grand opening of the monument to the victorious Soviet soldier took place in the city of Rasskazovo, Tambov region.

The ceremony was attended by representatives of 19 countries, as well as Advisor to the Chairman of the Russian Military Historical Society Rostislav Medinsky, Chairman of the Tambov Regional Duma Evgeny Matushkin, First Deputy Chairman of the Tambov Regional Duma, Chairman of the regional branch of the Russian Military Historical Society in the Tambov Region Vladimir Karev, Colonel General Vyacheslav Ovchinnikov.

A monument to the Victorious Soldier was unveiled in the Tambov region

MOSCOW, October 7. /TASS/. /TASS/. The Russian Military Historical Society (RVIO) opened a monument to the Victorious Soldier in the center of the city of Rasskazovo (Tambov region), immortalizing the names of 3,423 soldiers who participated in the Great Patriotic War. Representatives of 19 states, including India, China, and Syria, took part in the ceremony, the RVIO press service reported on Saturday.

“The monument is dedicated to the residents of the Tambov region, the cities of Rasskazovo and Rasskazovsky district, who remained on the battlefields of the Great Patriotic War, as well as to the home front workers who made a huge contribution to the victory of the Soviet people over fascism,” the press service said.

Medinsky, United Russia member and minister. And his own story

On October 2, the expert council of the Higher Attestation Commission recommended depriving the Minister of Culture Vladimir Medinsky of his academic degree. The final decision must be made by the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission and approved by the Ministry of Education.

The Kommersant newspaper reported that the expert council of the Higher Attestation Commission criticized the biased analysis of sources, poor quality work with them, the thesis that “Russia’s national interests create an absolute standard of truth,” and, most importantly, that Medinsky “did not discover anything new.”

"Disgraced" bodybuilder

Will Medinsky's fate be decided after the presidential elections?

"Disgraced" bodybuilder

The head of the Ministry of Culture, Vladimir Medinsky, constantly stirs up interest in his person at the epicenter of scandals. At the same time, apart from populism, nothing is observed - neither effective management, nor improvements in culture. The department does not disdain theft and nepotism, withdrawing money from the budget. Be it the restoration of cultural objects, be it the holding of festivals. Such leaders only discredit the reputation of the authorities.

The Russian Military Historical Society held a presentation of a book about the Russian Minister of War Dmitry Milyutin

Among the speakers were Advisor to the Chairman of the Russian Military Historical Society Rostislav Medinsky, Executive Director Vladislav Kononov and Scientific Director Mikhail Myagkov.

Leaders and partners of the Russian Military Historical Society met with representatives of the press at a press breakfast, where they spoke informally about the organization’s activities. One of the main topics was the presentation of a book dedicated to the Russian Minister of War Dmitry Milyutin.

Vladimir Medinsky: At the state level, culture began to be viewed as part of national security

– Thanks to your support and the Military Historical Society, a wonderful monument to the Russian rescue soldier was erected in Spitak. The Ministry of Culture also allocated funds for the creation of a feature film about the first days after the earthquake in Armenia in 1988. Doesn't someone else's misfortune happen? In Armenia they speak with gratitude and respect about Colonel Rostislav Medinsky, your father, and remember him well. Rostislav Medinsky - Honorary Citizen of Spitak, the military under his command were the first to come to the rescue, saved Spitak from the threat of a sanitary and epidemiological disaster, deploying an almost 25-kilometer pipeline to provide water, installing 5 pumping stations, unloaded more than 10 thousand tons of cargo, deployed dozens of tents and temporary...

A monument to the Russian military historical society was opened in Staraya Russa

Let us remind you that on April 6 of this year, by Decree of the President of Russia, Staraya Russa was awarded the honorary title of City of Military Glory. The opening ceremony will be attended by WWII veterans, 1st Deputy Governor of the Novgorod Region Veronika Minina, Advisor to the Chairman of the Russian Military Historical Society Rostislav Medinsky, Head of the Starorussky Municipal District Vasily Bordovsky. The battles for the liberation of Staraya Russa began already in the middle of winter of 1942, continuous battles were fought here for at least 2 years. The oldest Russian city was virtually destroyed.

Medinsky clan

Myth buster Medinsky claims that Russia is in no way inferior to the advanced countries of the West. He himself is also inferior to few people in the government in terms of income - the Medinskys earned almost 90 million rubles last year. And this is only official, since the “Ya” Corporation, which regularly receives government contracts, is registered to the father.

Vladimir Medinsky was caught using the family egg-box

A representative of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Central Administrative District of Moscow assures that the tax department does not carry out inspections against Medinsky, but some time ago, on the basis of an application received, they inspected the enterprise established by the deputy. Medinsky confirmed that he is the founder of JSC Corporation Ya, but denies any tax claims against his company.

The deputy’s website says that he led “Ya” Corporation until 1998 and it was recognized as the best PR agency in the country in 1997 and 2000. During the 2007 elections, Medinsky indicated in his declaration that he owned shares in the company. Now he doesn’t have them, and the main shareholder, according to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, is Rostislav Medinsky, the father of the deputy. The company, according to SPARK, had revenue of 97.9 million rubles in 2008.

Rich clans of Putin and Medvedev. Declaration 2013

April for Russian officials is the traditional month for filing property declarations. For the first time, information on the income and property of the main officials of the Presidential Administration was published on April 9, 2009. Since then, by decrees of the head of state, the list of officials whose information on income and property is subject to mandatory publication has been expanded. In particular, on April 11, the Presidential Administration and the Russian government simultaneously published income and property declarations for 2013. Observers note that there have been no significant changes in this bureaucratic official ranking over the past year.

Dear maestros. Declarations of cultural workers - 2013

Declarations of cultural figures were published on the website of the relevant ministry. The list of the Ministry of Culture includes 205 general directors of museums, artistic directors of theaters, rectors of universities, etc. Of these, in 2013 the income was less than 1 million rubles. Only 12 people declared. The average annual salary of artists (excluding dozens of leaders) is 4.3 million rubles. This is the average salary received by Russian ministers who have no additional sources of income other than their main place of work.

"Culture" raider?

Let us pay special attention to the fact that Moskvin and Medinsky previously created the communications group “I Corporation”. In addition, Churekov is the general director of Arsenal LLC, where the co-owners are Yegor Moskvin and the minister’s wife Marina Medinskaya, as well as NS Immobilare LLC, where the company’s members are Marina Medinskaya, Tatyana Medinskaya (the minister’s sister), Rostislav Medinsky (the minister’s father) and still the same Yegor Moskvin.

Moreover, when Medinsky was still a State Duma deputy, his public reception was located at st. Burdenko, 14A, where the office of JSC “Corporation “Ya”” is located. However, Vladimir Medinsky himself claimed that the reception area was not located in the office, but next door. The founders of JSC "Corporation "Ya" (according to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities) are Rostislav Ignatievich Medinsky (69%) and Egor Nikolaevich Moskvin (31%).

How does Medinsky “squeeze” real estate?

The head of the Ministry of Culture, Vladimir Medinsky, was suspected of a raider seizure of the building of the Writers' Union on Komsomolsky Prospekt in Moscow, law enforcement agencies told The Moscow Post correspondent. According to preliminary information, the raider takeover is being carried out in the interests of Medinsky’s former business partner, with whom he previously founded the communications group “I Corporation”.

Will Medinsky “overpay” for “his own”?

When Medinsky headed the Russian Public Relations Association (RASO), which includes British American Tobacco, Philip Morris, and Donskoy Tabak. According to the charity report, Philip Morris donated $22.5 thousand to RASO in 2006. According to Medinsky, he, as the head of the association on a voluntary basis, had nothing to do with its finances and does not know about donations from Philip Morris. The head of the International Confederation of Consumer Society, Dmitry Yanin, claims that the company “Ya Corporation”, owned by Medinsky, participated in promoting the West tobacco brand. According to Medinsky, the company did not in any way affect his work in the Duma and his anti-tobacco initiatives, well, it’s called who pays is right.

In April 2010, the reception room of deputy (then still a deputy) Medinsky was searched by employees of the tax crimes department. The formal pretext for this was being in the same building as the reception office of JSC "Ya Corporation", which was accused of deliberately entering false information into the tax return. One of the owners of this company is the father of the deputy, Rostislav Medinsky. Financial indicators of the company for 2008: revenue - 97.9 million rubles, net profit - 753,000 rubles, authorized capital - 50,000 rubles. Members of the lower house of parliament stood up for Medinsky, in particular, the scandal was brought up for public discussion by a State Duma deputy.

Mr. Medinsky’s PR career deserves special mention. In 1992, having just graduated from MGIMO, together with several fellow students, he founded one of the first Russian PR agencies, “Ya Corporation”. Among the co-founders were, in particular, Sergei Mikhailov, Dmitry Sokur and Dmitry Korobkov, who later became prominent figures in the public relations market. In 2010, the public reception area of ​​Vladimir Medinsky was searched by employees of the Tax Crimes Department of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Central Administrative District. The reason for them was tax claims against the group “Corporation “Ya””, in which the current minister no longer worked, but had previously indicated ownership of shares in the company in the income statement. However, at the time of the search, his father Rostislav Medinsky turned out to be the main shareholder. From 2006 to 2008, Mr. Medinsky served as President of the Russian Association for Public Relations

Culture was exchanged for food. Is Medinsky “squeezing out” the building of the Writers’ Union for the sake of a restaurant?

The media say that the founders of this very ANO SRKIKOP are Vladimir Novykh and Alexander Churekov. The latter is also the CEO of other companies. Among them, for example, is Anchor Development LLC - its sole founder is Medinsky’s long-time business partner Yegor Moskvin, the newspaper writes.

By the way, Moskvin and Medinsky previously created the communications group “I Corporation”. In addition, Churekov is the general director of Arsenal LLC, where the co-owners are Yegor Moskvin and the minister’s wife Marina Medinskaya, as well as NS Immobilare LLC, where the members of the company are Marina Medinskaya, Tatyana Medinskaya (the minister’s sister), Rostislav Medinsky (the minister’s father) and still the same Yegor Moskvin.

Ministry of Culture suspected of lobbying

The founders of the ANO are Vladimir Novykh and Alexander Churekov. Mr. Churekov is also the general director of other business companies. Among them: Ankor Development LLC, where the only participant is Medinsky’s long-time business partner - Egor Moskvin, Arsenal LLC, where the co-owners are Egor Moskvin and the minister’s wife Marina Medinskaya, as well as NS Immobilare LLC, where the company’s participants are Marina Medinskaya, Tatyana Medinskaya (sister of the minister), Rostislav Medinsky (father of the minister) and the same Yegor Moskvin.