Itchy body skin: causes of skin irritation and treatments. Causes and treatment of itching in different places of the body without a rash What can be itchy in

Dear subscribers, hello! Today I would like to look at the problem of skin itching, what can cause it and what to do if the whole body or some localized areas itch.

We will also figure out how to alleviate the condition, what causes the desire to itch, and how to treat this problem.

What are the causes of itchy skin - why everything itches

Among the people, such a misfortune, when you want to scratch your body for no apparent reason, was called prurigo. But it is important to understand that a symptom always occurs.

It’s just that when visible, objective reasons cannot be found immediately, then such a general name is invented. So, what could be causing the itching?

With scabies it’s clear, there’s a mite at work there, called scabies, this is what makes you want to comb the area between your fingers, where the problem is most often localized. But we won’t talk about scabies today.

In medicine, the main substance responsible for various types of allergic reactions is called histamine. It is this that provokes the manifestations of itching in our case. It is also responsible for allergic cough, runny nose of an allergic nature, etc.

Why does histamine provoke such reactions in the skin? There is a version that this occurs due to a lack of water in the body. It is water that comes in the form of water, and not in the form of teas, soups, sodas, and so on.

Previously, before such a large-scale invasion of chemistry into our lives, people rarely encountered inadequate body reactions to simple events.

Now, every year, allergies are making themselves known more and more. And itchy skin is the easiest, simplest thing the body can afford to pay attention to what is happening to it.

Dehydration is a widespread phenomenon. Everyone suffers, and children especially, considering that they love to drink the notorious soda, and try to drink plain water... For adults it’s the same - teas, coffees, some drinks, but not water. And redness of the eyes is one of the manifestations of lack of water.

Do an experiment— drink clean water for a couple of days instead of your usual drinks, preferably buy drinking artesian water produced in your region.

This water will be closest to your body, don’t chase expensive water, just drink and listen to your body.

If you have the mood, then you can drink medicinal table water for three days your local producers from wells in your region.

This option will be even better, since, among other things, you will also balance your energy water-electrolyte balance.

Itchy skin will go away! And without any antihistamines, because any blockage will come out somewhere else and most often the problem will be deeper.

Itchy skin from cold and dryness

This type of skin itching is the easiest to cure. If your skin begins to itch from the cold, then it needs to be moisturized, not with water, but with fat, either animal or vegetable.

Try either goose fat, animal fat, or olive oil , from plants. These are the best means. Moisturizing creams are also possible, of course, but there may be all sorts of fragrances and other additions that I would not recommend...

Itchy skin of feet

In the legs, lymph flows much more slowly, stagnation, tissue damage, etc. occur more often. If the skin on the legs begins to itch, then you need to soda bath sessions and rubbing all the legs, up to the crotch. You can either rub down or sitz baths of the lower body.

For wiping, take a tablespoon of soda per 5 liters of water. Pour warm water into a bowl of baking soda, stir and wipe the skin with your hands or a cloth.

You will see how much “dirt” the soda will pull out of the skin. By the way, after rubbing with soda, the skin is always silky and moisturized.

If there are baths, then pour three tablespoons of soda into half the bath. The water should be warm and comfortable. You can also rub your feet in water; in addition, you can treat your entire body. It will only get better.

General itching of the skin on the body

Any vague itching of the skin over the body may be associated with excessive acidification of this excretory organ. Let's not forget that skin is one of the important excretory systems of humans .

So, any acidification already blocks the functions of the skin, remember how pleasant it is after a bath, after a wash! This is precisely because the skin has cleared and is fully functioning again.

In hot weather, she works more actively, so sometimes you even need to take a shower twice to keep her in good shape. And here again they can come to the rescue soda rubdowns. Already the whole body. The principle is the same: for 5 liters of water - a tablespoon of baking soda.

Wipe yourself with either a sponge, a cloth, or just your hands. In any case, alkaline care will cleanse the skin, the sebaceous glands will actively produce oil, and you will feel that the skin becomes oily.

After this treatment, the skin will be soft, tender, actively breathing.. Many problems that previously occurred with the skin will disappear without a trace. Of course, all of the above applies only to those cases when the nature of the itching is allergic in nature.

Itching on the skin of a psychic nature

In some particularly impressionable women, itching on the skin may appear as reaction to extreme anxiety or stress . In this case, taking soothing teas, glycine, and adaptol can help. But simple medicinal table mineral water will also have a very beneficial effect.

Such problems are still rare and therefore are solved individually, and general recommendations will not help much here.

Algorithm of actions when observing skin itching

If you have been experiencing itching on your skin for a long time, and simply drinking water or wiping with soda do not produce results, then you should get tested for diabetes. look at the liver, thyroid gland.

Only a specialist can make a diagnosis; such a case should not be neglected.

Treatment with holy water and Thursday salt

The method is based on the biochemical action of water and salt. Everything is according to science, but since the water is holy and the salt is Thursday, calcined on Maundy Thursday, the stronger the person’s faith, the better the result.

So, every day, before each meal, drink a glass of clean water, adding 7 drops of holy water to it. Then wet your finger with saliva and dip the pad of your finger in Thursday salt, lick and dissolve the salt in your mouth, then swallow the saliva and eat after 10-15 minutes.

The total duration of the course is 21 days . In the future, on a regular basis, you can drink this water every day in the morning, before breakfast.

The method with plain water is exactly the same, but use sea salt or pink Himalayan salt. You don’t need a lot of salt at a time, the fact that it is present in your mouth after drinking water is just important.

That's all! Today I will answer everyone who asked questions this week. All the best, health to you and confidence in the future!

In conclusion, I offer you a video that talks about acidifying and alkalizing foods. Why is the balance of acid-base composition of fluid in the human body important?


Itching is an unpleasant sensation that forces a person to scratch the affected area of ​​the skin. If the skin itches slightly, this is normal and occurs often, but sometimes this sensation can be strong and cause many problems. Constant and intense itching is usually a symptom of some disease of the skin, body organs or nervous system.

Sometimes itching is accompanied by a rash, but it can also occur on apparently unchanged skin. According to the degree of distribution they distinguish generalized itching- when the whole body itches and local (local) itching, covering only a specific area of ​​the skin.

Frequent scratching causes the skin to become thin, damaged and inflamed, which can cause it to become painful and itch even more. Regardless of the cause of the itching, some ways can help reduce its intensity and alleviate the condition:

  • rub the affected area of ​​skin with your fingertips or press on it with your palm;
  • moisturize itchy skin with emollients, then you will damage it less when scratching;
  • make cold compresses, for example, from a damp cloth, take cool baths;
  • use external antipruritics in the form of lotions, ointments, etc., for example, calamine lotion, antihistamines and steroid creams;
  • buy fragrance-free cosmetics and hygiene products;
  • Avoid clothing that irritates the skin: synthetic fabric, coarse wool, etc.

Nails should be clean and short, especially for itchy children. The ends of the nails should be filed rather than cut. The cut ends of the nails are sharp and uneven, causing more damage to the skin.

Causes of itching

In most cases, the sensation of itching occurs when sensitive nerve endings in the skin and mucous membranes - receptors - are stimulated. Receptor irritants can be: mechanical, temperature, influence of chemicals, light, etc. One of the main chemical irritants is a biologically active substance - histamine, which is produced in the body during allergies or inflammation.

There is also itching of central origin, that is, it develops without the participation of the nerve endings of the skin. The source of central itching is the focus of excitation of nerve cells in the brain, which occurs in some neurological diseases.

Finally, it is known that there are factors that can make the skin more sensitive to itching. For example, when exposed to heat in hot weather or when body temperature rises, the skin itches more, while cold, on the contrary, relieves the itching. People suffer most from itching in the evening and at night, which is associated with daily fluctuations in the diameter of blood vessels, and consequently, skin temperature.

The immediate causes of itchy skin can be various diseases of the skin, internal organs, nervous system, blood and even malignant tumors. Itching in a child is a common symptom of varicella (chickenpox) - a childhood infection, the main manifestation of which is a characteristic rash on the skin.

Itching due to skin diseases

Skin diseases, in addition to itching, are accompanied by the appearance of a rash: blisters, spots, nodules, blisters, peeling and other elements on the skin. The following skin conditions can cause itching:

In addition, the skin may itch after insect bites: mosquitoes, bedbugs, lice (for pediculosis), fleas, stinging arthropods (wasps, bees, etc.). As a rule, a small nodule forms at the site of the bite against a background of reddened and hot skin. Sometimes in the center of the nodule you can see the immediate site of the bite in the form of a dark dot. Insect bites are especially difficult for people with sensitive skin and a tendency to allergies.

Often the cause of skin itching is various chemicals that affect the skin, for example:

  • cosmetical tools;
  • paints or fabric coatings;
  • some metals, such as nickel;
  • juices of some plants (nettle, hogweed).

Under the influence of ultraviolet rays from the sun, it is easy to get a sunburn, after which itching appears, the skin turns red, and sometimes becomes covered with watery blisters. Another cause of itching can be excessive dry skin. If the above diseases occur, consult a dermatologist.

Itching of the skin due to diseases of the internal organs

A symptom of some diseases of the internal organs is generalized (general) itching. In most cases, the skin remains unchanged: normal color, without rash or peeling. Such diseases include:

  • Diabetes . Severe itching of the skin and thirst are sometimes the first symptoms of diabetes. Particularly severe itching usually occurs in the genital area and anus.
  • Hyperthyroidism is sometimes accompanied by complaints of itchy skin. This is due to an acceleration of metabolism and an increase in temperature. With reduced thyroid function, general itching associated with dry skin is also possible.
  • Kidney failure may cause itching. This is due to damage to the nerve fibers of the skin and a decrease in the sensitivity threshold of nerve endings. That is, weaker irritants begin to cause a sensation of itching.
  • Polycythemia is a blood disease associated with excessive production of blood cells, which thickens the blood and increases the risk of blood clots and blockages in blood vessels. With polycythemia, itching is a common problem; the skin itches especially severely after taking a shower or any other contact with water. Polycythemia is treated by a hematologist.
  • Iron deficiency anemia is a blood disease associated with impaired hemoglobin production. Taking iron supplements usually relieves the itching quickly.
  • Lymphogranulomatosis (Hodgkin's lymphoma) is a malignant blood disease that begins with enlarged lymph nodes, most often in the neck. Sometimes the first symptom of lymphogranulomatosis is skin itching, which intensifies in the evening and at night. The skin often itches in the area of ​​the affected lymph node.
  • Some types of cancer, such as breast, lung or prostate cancer, also cause itchy skin.

Somewhat less often, itching is accompanied by a change in skin tone, which, for example, happens with subhepatic jaundice associated with a violation of the outflow of bile from the gallbladder. The skin begins to itch due to the accumulation of bile acids in it. This can happen with cholelithiasis, some types of hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, pancreatic cancer, etc.

Sometimes itching occurs as a result of neurological or mental disorders or diseases. For example, after a stroke, with postherpetic neuralgia, stress and depression.

Itching during pregnancy and menopause

Itching often occurs in pregnant women and goes away after childbirth. A number of skin conditions that cause itching can develop during pregnancy, including the following:

  • Pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy (multiform dermatitis of pregnancy) is a skin condition that occurs during pregnancy in which an itchy, red, raised rash appears on the thighs and abdomen;
  • prurigo gravidarum - a red, itchy skin rash that most often appears on the arms, legs and torso;
  • itching of pregnancy - itching, without a rash on the skin, resulting from overload of the liver during pregnancy.

All these conditions usually appear in late pregnancy and disappear after childbirth. Their treatment is carried out jointly by a general practitioner and an obstetrician-gynecologist. If you experience itching or an unusual skin rash during pregnancy, consult your doctor.

Itching is also a common symptom of menopause. The cause of itching is considered to be a decrease in estrogen production and an imbalance of other hormones.

Itching in the anus

The causes of itching in the anus or anal itching can be a number of diseases, for example the following:

Itching in the intimate area (itching in the vagina, perineum, itching of the penis and scrotum) is one of the painful and delicate problems. The main causes of itching in this area are usually infection:

  • thrush (vaginal candidiasis and thrush in men) is a fungal infection of the genital organs that can sometimes spread to the rectal area, causing itching in the anus;
  • sexually transmitted infections - sexually transmitted diseases;
  • bacterial vaginosis can cause intimate itching in women;
  • lice pubis - infestation with pubic lice;
  • allergies, including to condom latex, intimate hygiene products, sperm, etc.

Why do my feet itch?

In addition to general causes, local itching of the legs may be associated with:

  • varicose veins of the lower extremities - accompanied by swelling, pain and heaviness in the legs in the evening;
  • fungal infection of the nails and skin in the spaces between the toes; in addition to itching, peeling of the skin, changes in the shape and color of the nails may occur.

Treatment of itching

Depending on why the skin itches, treatment recommendations will differ, but there are several general rules that, if followed, will help relieve the itching. Particular attention should be paid to the rules of personal hygiene. When taking a bath or shower, do the following:

  • Use cool or lukewarm water (not hot).
  • Avoid using soap, shower gel or deodorant with fragrances. Fragrance-free lotions or water-based creams can be purchased at your pharmacy.
  • Apply a moisturizing lotion or cream without fragrance after a bath or shower to prevent your skin from drying out.

Regarding clothing and bedding, adhere to the following rules:

  • Avoid wearing clothes that irritate your skin, such as those made from wool or synthetic fabrics.
  • Buy clothes made from cotton whenever possible.
  • Avoid tight-fitting clothing.
  • Use mild detergents that do not irritate the skin.
  • Sleep in light and loose clothing.

Anti-itch medications

Regarding medications, adhere to the following rules:

  • Apply a rich moisturizer to dry or flaky skin;
  • If prescribed by a doctor, you can use steroid (hormonal) creams for several days, applying them to inflamed, itchy areas of the skin;
  • Take antihistamines (anti-allergy medications) to stop itching - consult your doctor before use.

Antihistamine tablets can also cause severe drowsiness, so do not drive, use power tools, or do heavy work that requires alertness after taking them.

Some antidepressants, such as paroxetine or sertraline, can relieve itching (if your doctor prescribes them, it does not mean you are depressed).

If you have itching in hairy areas, such as your scalp, your doctor may prescribe a special lotion instead of using sticky creams.

Which doctor should I consult if my skin itches?

All site materials have been checked by doctors. However, even the most reliable article does not allow us to take into account all the features of the disease in a particular person. Therefore, the information posted on our website cannot replace a visit to the doctor, but only complements it. The articles have been prepared for informational purposes and are advisory in nature.

My whole body itches! Unpleasant sensations throughout the body, itching, dry skin - everyone has encountered such symptoms at least once in their life. And if you are not in the habit of neglecting your own hygiene, then these symptoms should prompt you to act. There is only one way out of the situation - see a doctor.

Itching and the desire to scratch are only external manifestations of the disease, symptoms of a malfunction in one of the body systems. However, the disease itself does not necessarily have to be caused by a dermatology-related illness. Often itching appears without the usual accompaniments - skin rash, pimples, redness and peeling of the skin.

Why does my whole body itch and itch?

The causes of such troubles can be very diverse - from external irritants invisible to you to problems inside the body, including chronic diseases and neuroses.

To correctly determine the cause, the following possible triggers of itching should be excluded.

But in addition to the disorder of internal organs and systems, itching can also be caused by less obvious factors. Thus, psychologists and neurologists note that prolonged exposure to stress, nervousness and psychosis almost always at a certain stage lead to itching throughout the body. In this case, the root cause of the itching will need to be treated - in the office of a neurologist or psychologist.

A common cause of itching is Allergy

One of the common causes of itching is an allergy to any external irritants. Even if you have not previously suffered from allergic reactions to food, pollen, dust, or animal fur, it can begin suddenly. Allergies are the cause of 90% of cases of itching on the body and it is easy to treat with the drug Allegard, which is drunk during itching and for prevention.

In addition to all of the above, you should also check for the presence of small invisible pests - lice and bedbugs - in clothes and home furniture. They can appear even in the cleanest house literally out of nowhere, and no one is immune from their effects. Their bites also cause the entire body to itch and itch.

What to do if your whole body itches

The first and most logical thing to do is see a doctor. Only a specialist can exclude the entire “bouquet” of diseases that itching signals. And only when the cause is discovered, we begin to eliminate it.

In addition, to relieve pain and the desire to scratch the skin, you should use moisturizing gels and soaps, try to choose creams, ointments and other skin products with menthol - this can soothe the itching for a while.

Because in most cases itching is also associated with poor diet, fatty, salty, spicy, fried foods and sweets should be excluded for a while. The same should be done with the main food allergy triggers - citrus fruits, chocolate, coffee. In addition, this will be a good chance to improve digestion and lose a couple of extra pounds.

Itching all over the body- this is only a consequence of deeper disorders, malfunctions of the body, and they need to be dealt with with the help of professionals and proven medical means.

Have you ever been driven crazy by itchy skin? Itching can occur for many reasons, such as insect bites, allergic reactions, sunburn, skin infections, dry and cold weather, medications, illness, and even pregnancy or aging. It is critical to contact your healthcare provider if the itching continues for several weeks or months to get the necessary treatment; however, if the itching is tolerable and is not accompanied by other symptoms, it can be easily treated with effective home remedies.

Attention: The information in this article is for informational purposes only. Before using any methods, consult your doctor.


Choosing a remedy for immediate itching relief

    Take a cold shower or bath. Scientists are still not sure about the specific mechanisms behind the formation of itching, but there is an assumption that itching occurs when confronted with a certain “irritant” (for example, when scratching). You can use cold water to relieve itchy skin.

    Apply a cold compress. Soak a towel or washcloth in cold water and then apply it to the itchy area of ​​skin until the skin calms down. Try keeping the compress on for about 30 minutes. Calm occurs due to the fact that a wet cloth “soaks” (softens) irritated skin and helps to “clean” it (remove dead skin cells).

    • Instead, you can apply an ice pack or frozen processed foods to the itchy area, but they must be wrapped in a towel before applying to the skin. Apply frozen objects to your skin for about 10 to 20 minutes, but no more.
    • Hot water and hot compresses increase skin irritation.
  1. Soak the irritated area in a baking soda solution. Baking soda is a natural antipruritic that can be used for all types of itchy skin, but it is especially effective against itchy skin caused by bee and other insect stings.

    Take an oatmeal bath or make an oatmeal paste. Oatmeal contains antioxidants that help soothe the skin and stop irritation. Colloidal oats are recommended, but when these are not available, whole oats or whole oat flour can also be used. You can use a coffee grinder to grind oats and cereal. The largest amount of active substances (anthranilic acid amines) is observed in unprocessed oats.

    • Add 2 cups of raw oatmeal or oatmeal to your bath water. Remember that the water should be cool or lukewarm, but not hot, as this can harm your skin. Soak in the bath for an hour every day until the itching stops.
    • Raw, uncooked oat flour can also be mixed with water to form a thick paste. The paste can be applied to the itchy skin for about 20-30 minutes.
  2. Use aloe. Aloe vera has antifungal, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It is also very rich in vitamin E, which is useful in treating burns and helps reduce inflammation and itching.

    Use fresh mint. A study has shown that taking a bath with fresh mint leaves and peppermint essential oil has a positive effect on itchy skin. Peppermint contains anti-inflammatory and anesthetic components that help reduce and stop itchy skin.

The use of antipruritic solutions after insect bites

  1. Use calamine lotion. Calamine lotion contains zinc oxide, a form of iron oxide and/or zinc carbonate. It has been used for decades to relieve itch of various etiologies, including itch caused by poison ivy, poison sumac, sunburn, and insect bites. It can also be used to prevent skin infections from scratched skin.

    • Calamine lotion can be purchased inexpensively at a pharmacy.
  2. Prepare an oatmeal poultice. A poultice is a soft, wet mass usually consisting of ground herbs and other plant materials or flour. The poultice is applied directly to the body and is usually held in place with cloth bandages. Take 1 cup of colloidal oats and use a coffee grinder or blender to grind them into coarse flour. Add enough water to form a thick paste and apply it to poison ivy, poison sumac, sunburn, or insect bites. Leave until your skin feels comfortable and then rinse with warm water.

    • You can also use unground oatmeal, but it will be more difficult to distribute it evenly over the skin.
  3. Prepare a poultice using baking soda. Measure out about 1/2 cup of baking soda. Add some warm water to form a thick paste and apply it to poison ivy, poison sumac, sunburn, or insect bites. Leave the poultice on for as long as you feel comfortable and then rinse with warm water.

    • You can also cover the lotion with a cotton cloth and wrap it with an elastic bandage, or secure it with a band-aid.

Identifying the causes of itchy skin

  1. Understand the causes of itching. There are special nerve endings that transmit information to the brain about various body sensations (for example, itching). When these nerve endings are stimulated, various chemical signals called cytokines are produced, which activate nearby nerves. Histamine is one of the cytokines that leads to itching and allergic reactions. The more nerves that are stimulated, the more information about the itch is sent to the brain, which signals that the skin needs to be scratched.

    • As you know, itching can also be accompanied by redness, swelling of the skin and various types of rashes. In other cases, no changes occur to the skin.