Blood pressure table for men. A person's blood pressure is normal for age. Main causes of the disease


Before we talk about what society considersnormal blood pressure in humans, it is necessary to note the inconstancy of the parameter, taking into account various nuances, including the activity of the person in question.

human pulse accelerates, and the datahuman pressure are rising.

On the other hand, if a person suddenly gets up from a squatting position or from a bed, the pressure will drop. Therefore, the most reliable data can be obtained measurement Blood pressure in the morning, when the person is still in bed. The tonometer is located at the level of the heart, the outstretched arm is relaxed and lies at a similar level.

The characteristics of the body do not allow us to set specific limits, so doctors note different pressures in their patients blood . According to the rules, they don’t talk abouthuman blood pressure by age, since a healthy body, despite the data in the passport, should always remain at a level of no more than 140/90.

You can take 130/80 as an approximate norm, and it’s a very enviable option when the tonometer showsideal pressurewith the numbers 120 / 70. They saywhat is blood pressuretypical of astronauts.

Level of upper blood pressure limits

Upper normal blood pressure, behind which they talk about arterial hypertension, this is 140/90. If the tonometer often shows high results, need to look for reasons with your doctor increases to normalize condition with medications, herbs, procedures, auto-training.

The first step is to evaluate and adjust, if necessary, your lifestyle.What is normal blood pressure for a person?maybe if he smokes, moves little, eats everything in unlimited quantities? If pressure standard exceeded to 160/90, tablets are prescribed. In the presence of ischemia, diabetes mellitus and other pathologies, treatment begins earlier, when thenormal blood pressure.For hypertension, treatment is aimed at achievingblood pressure normswithin the range of 140-135 by approximately 65-90.

If you have atherosclerosis, you cannot sharply reduce your blood pressure, as this can lead to a heart attack or stroke. For kidney disease, diabetes mellitus and anyone under 60 years of age,should be normalBlood pressure is within the range of 120-130 at about 85.

Lower limits of blood pressure

In ordinary people pressure is normalit is better not to be below the limits of 110/65. If it systematically decreases, blood does not flow normally to the organs, and with it nutrition and oxygen enrichment. The brain will be especially sensitive to oxygen deficiency. Certainly, There is people who are elderly years They feel great with a blood pressure of 90/60 and do not complain about anything.

Low numbers on the tonometer are found in people who once played sports, the reason is due to hypertrophy of the heart. To the elderly years It is advisable not to have too low blood pressure, as this is fraught with the occurrence of brain pathologies. Upon reaching 50 years of agenormal for humansdiastolic pressure is about 85-89.

Speaking what pressure is considered normal And what is it measured in?, it should be noted that doctors often take measurements on each arm. This is important becausenormal blood pressure and pulseare the same on both hands, or a slight difference of 5 mm is allowed in the right hand if it is working.

But if a difference of 10 mm or higher is detected, this may indicate the development of atherosclerosis; with a difference of 15-20 mm, stenosis of blood vessels or their abnormal development is possible.

Pulse pressure

In normal condition pulse The pressure is kept within the range of 35+-10. Up to 35 years will be the norm be considered 25-40, in old age - 50. In situations where normal heart rate too low, this is associated with a heart attack, the presence of atrial fibrillation, tamponade and other cardiac pathologies.

High pulse in an adultmay signal to the doctor about the presence of heart failure and atherosclerosis. This condition occurs against the background of endocarditis, pregnancy, anemia, and blockages inside the heart.

Typically, specialists do not calculate pulse pressure by subtracting diastolic readings from systolic readings. There are special tables, and the pressure difference should not exceed 10%.

Pressure standards in tables

Talking aboutwhat should blood pressure be in womenand in men, they do not mean the number of years itself, but those changes in the body that are characteristic of each stage of life and that affect the level of blood pressure.

If you are looking for information about women'sblood pressure norm by age tablewill contain the following data by year:

  • 20 – 116 / 72;
  • 30 –120 / 75;
  • 40 – 127 / 80;
  • 50 – 135 / 84;
  • 60-65 – 135 / 85;
  • Over 65 – 135 / 89.

If we talk about whatnormal blood pressure in adults tablefor men will contain the following indicators by year:

  • 20 – 123 / 76;
  • 30 – 126 / 79;
  • 40 – 129 / 81;
  • 50 – 135 / 83;
  • 60-65 – 135 / 85;
  • for 65 – 135 / 89.

Listedpressure by age tablegives approximately, since much changes depending on the state and activity of a person. In femalesblood pressure and pulse standardsare different from men’s, which is associated, among other things, with lower body weight. Already over 60 years, if you consider how differentnormal blood pressure by ageThe same applies to gender.

Normal blood pressure in a pregnant woman

If a pregnant woman does not suffer from pathology, thennormal blood pressure and pulsedo not change until the end of the second trimester. Subsequently, due to hormonal changes, the pressure increases slightly, but no more than 10 mm from normal. If the course of pregnancy occurs with pathologies, jumps in blood pressure, problems with the functioning of the brain, kidneys, and even seizures are possible.

If before family planning a woman’s blood pressure was elevated, then while carrying a baby the condition may become worse - hypertensive crises and constantly elevated blood pressure are possible. In such situations, treatment within stationary walls and correction of the condition are possible.

Blood pressure in children

Speaking out what blood pressure is considered normal, children need to be singled out separately. In infants, the figure is 80 to 50, and as they grow older, the figure will generally increase. Leading doctors are observingnormal blood pressure by agefor children to identify abnormalities in the functioning of the heart, nervous system failures, and any developmental defects.

Designed for infantsblood pressure norms by age:

  • 1 month min. 80 / 40 max. 112 / 74;
  • from 2 months to 2 years min. 90 / 50 max. 112 / 74;
  • from 2 to 3 years min. 100 / 50 max. 112 / 74;
  • from 3 to 5 years min. 100 / 60 max. 115 / 76;
  • from 5 to 11 years min. 100 / 60 max. 122/78.

Blood pressure in teenagers

Continuing the conversation aboutnormal human blood pressure by agein relation to the younger generation is also discussed separately. The period of growing up catches a little person at the age of 11 and is accompanied by the growth of all systems and organs, muscle growth, and hormonal surges.

Hormones actively influence the functions of the heart and blood vessels. For example, at the border of 11-12 years, blood pressure in the younger generation jumps within the range from 110/70 to 126/82. In the period of 13-15 years, the condition normalizes if measuredblood pressure and pulse normalapproximately corresponds to the norm in adults - from 110/70 to 136/86.

Why does blood pressure rise?

When the results of blood pressure measurements exceed approximately the established norms, there may be various reasons for this. For example, it could be hypertension, characterized by persistent high blood pressure and periodic crises.

Another reason is adrenal tumors or pathologies of the renal vessels, which will be characterized by the same symptoms as hypertension. With VSD, pressure surges usually do not exceed 140 to 90 and occur with chills, pain, difficulty breathing and other symptoms.

A surge in diastolic pressure is characteristic of kidney pathology and is fraught with heart attack and brain catastrophes. An increase in systolic pressure is typical for older people, patients with heart disease and anemia. An increase in pulse pressure threatens a stroke or heart attack.

Why does blood pressure drop?

Hypotension is usually caused by heart weakness and individual characteristics of vascular tone. Persistently reduced levels occur with VSD, anemia, strict diet, and myocardiopathy. If the pressure is not critically reduced, the condition does not cause much trouble.

If the upper pressure has seriously decreased as a result of shock or other reasons, the lower pressure also drops. This leads to multiple organ failure, possibly intravascular coagulation. In order not to encounter complications, you need to control your blood pressure and maintain it within the established norms.

Blood pressure is a purely individual indicator and depends on many factors.

And, nevertheless, there is a certain average medical norm. That is why deviations from accepted indicators allow the doctor to suspect malfunctions in the functioning of the body systems. However, the indicators vary depending on the time of day and the age of the person.

Normal blood pressure in an adult should be determined only at rest, since any stress (both physical and emotional) has a huge impact on its indicators. The human body independently controls blood pressure, and with moderate exercise, its levels rise by about 20 mmHg. This is explained by the fact that the muscles and organs involved in the work require a better blood supply.

According to the information from the "Newest Directory of Necessary Knowledge", normal blood pressure in newborns is 70 mmHg. Normal blood pressure in a child who is one year old: for boys - 96/66 (upper/lower), for girls - 95/65.

Normal blood pressure in a 10-year-old child: 103/69 in boys and 103/70 in girls.

Normal blood pressure in young people 20 years old: for boys - 123/76, for girls - 116/72.

Normal blood pressure for those over 30 years old: for men - 126/79, for young women - 120/75.

In a middle-aged person: 40-year-old men have 129/81, 40-year-old women 127/80.

For fifty-year-old men and women: Normal blood pressure is 135/83 for men and 137/84 for women.

For older people:

The following pressure is considered normal: for 60-year-old men 142/85, for women of the same age 144/85.

For older people over 70 years old: normal blood pressure is 145/82 for men and 159/85 for women. What is the normal blood pressure for an old or elderly person? For 80-year-old people, blood pressure of 147/82 and 157/83 for men and women, respectively, is considered normal. For elderly ninety-year-old grandfathers, normal pressure is considered to be 145/78, and for grandmothers of the same age - 150/79 mm. rt. pillar Blood pressure consists of two numbers, the top number is renal pressure, the bottom number is cardiac pressure.

How to measure pressure?

There is a special device for measuring blood pressure - a tonometer. At home, it is most convenient to use automatic or semi-automatic devices.

To get correct results, you must follow these guidelines:

Before measuring blood pressure, you must completely eliminate physical activity;

no smoking;

measuring blood pressure immediately after eating will also give incorrect results;

measure blood pressure while sitting on a comfortable chair;

the back should have support;

the hand on which the measurement is taken should be located at the level of the heart, i.e. blood pressure is measured while sitting at a table;

when measuring blood pressure, you need to remain still and not talk;

indicators are taken from both hands (measurement interval 10 minutes)

What to do if your blood pressure is high (help):

1. You need to pour hot water with a temperature of 37-40°C into a basin or bucket and immerse your feet in the water. While the water cools - this will take about 20 minutes - the pressure will drop by 15-20 mm. If a person has varicose veins on the legs, you can dip your elbows into the water.

2. Dill seeds reduce blood pressure. You need to steam them with boiling water, taking 2 tbsp. spoons per 0.5 liters of boiling water, drink 1-2 teaspoons at a pressure of up to 200 mm and 3-4 tsp. at higher pressure.

3. You need to add 1 tsp to kefir. cinnamon, drink 1 glass of this drink for 3 months. The pressure should stabilize.

There is one very simple and incredibly effective traditional medicine recipe that will help bring your blood pressure back to normal, at least for a couple of years. And besides, it doesn't cost a penny. So the composition of the decoction: take 5 tablespoons of pine needles, 2 tablespoons of rose hips and 2 tablespoons of onion peels. Pour all this over 1 liter of cold water, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat, covered, for 10 minutes. Let it brew and strain. You can add a little water. Drink it all in 2 days. The course of such treatment is 4 months. Improvement may occur within 5 days - the headaches will go away, and after a month you can try to gradually discontinue antihypertensive drugs. The stool will become regular, which means that the intestines and liver are also cleansed. This decoction has immuno-strengthening properties and is a preventative against influenza. Has a good diuretic effect. Helps with painful bleeding gums.

The doctor begins any medical examination by checking important indicators of a person’s health. He palpates the lymph nodes, checks the condition of the joints, and also measures temperature, pulse and blood pressure (BP). The doctor records the results obtained in the anamnesis, and also compares the recorded indicators with the norms of pressure and pulse by age indicated in the normative tables.

Heart rate and blood pressure are two interrelated indicators. When blood pressure numbers shift in any direction, the heart rate increases or decreases, as well as a change in its rhythm. Every person should know what these indicators mean.


These are rhythmic beats that occur inside the walls of arteries, capillaries and veins, provoked by the heart muscle. Against the background of heart contractions, the intensity of blood flow in the vessels changes, and the frequency of pulsations also changes.

In addition to heart rate (), doctors also note other properties of the pulse:

  • fullness;
  • rhythm;
  • tension;
  • amplitude of oscillations.


Pressure is the force with which blood acts on the walls of veins and arteries. depend on the force and speed with which the heart contracts and pushes blood, as well as on the volume of blood moving through the vessels and vascular tone.

In addition to arterial pressure, there are several other types of blood pressure:

  1. Intracardiac. It occurs in the cavities of the heart when its muscles contract. There are certain standards for each department. These indicators may vary depending on the physiology of the human body.
  2. Venous. This is the pressure arising in the right atrium. It has to do with how much blood is returned back to the heart.
  3. Capillary. An important indicator characterizes blood pressure in the capillaries. It depends on the curvature of small vessels and their tension.

The highest pressure readings are observed precisely at the exit of blood from the heart (from the left ventricle). Further along the arteries, the indicators become lower, and in the capillaries they become very small. The minimum numbers are recorded in the veins and at the entrance to the heart (in the right atrium).

When measuring, the tonometer records two indicators: systolic and diastolic pressure. Systole is the contraction of both ventricles of the heart and the ejection of blood into the aorta. The numbers determined by the tonometer at this moment are also called upper pressure. They depend on vascular resistance, as well as on the strength and frequency of heart contractions.

Diastole is the interval between contractions when the heart is completely relaxed. At this moment, it is completely filled with blood, and the tonometer records diastolic (lower, cardiac) pressure. It depends only on vascular resistance.

Normal blood pressure depending on age

Today, there are special tables developed by doctors that determine normal blood pressure and pulse in an adult and:

Table 1

table 2

Usually at a young age, few people pay attention to their blood pressure levels. As the body ages, failures in its various systems can lead to deviations from normal values. However, external factors such as:

  • stress;
  • psycho-emotional state;
  • taking medications;
  • weather and climatic conditions;
  • Times of Day.

On average, a healthy person has a diastolic blood pressure value of 120 mmHg. Art., and normal heart pressure should not exceed 80. However, modern doctors are very careful about average tables compiled only on the basis of the patient’s age. Today, in most cases, an individual approach to diagnosing pathologies of the cardiovascular system is practiced.

In an infant, blood pressure and pulse sometimes deviate slightly from normal. Heart rate and blood pressure may change when feeding or being in a hot, dry room. If the indicators are restored 5-10 minutes after the cessation of exposure to external factors, then there is no need to worry.

In adolescents, indicators may also differ from the standard ones, up or down. This may be caused by hormonal changes in the body, which is also considered normal if there is no deterioration in well-being. By the way, in girls, pressure drops in adolescence are observed more often.

We measure pulse and blood pressure correctly

Modern tonometers are convenient devices that allow you to independently measure blood pressure without any skills. Many devices are also equipped with a heart rate measurement function, so monitoring your physical indicators will not be difficult. However, to obtain more accurate results, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • Before measurements, you should not drink caffeinated drinks or smoke;
  • 15 minutes before the procedure you need to avoid physical activity, and it is better to just relax;
  • The tonometer may show unreliable results after eating;
  • measurements are carried out in a sitting or lying position;
  • You cannot talk or move while the tonometer is working;
  • To obtain more accurate results, the values ​​are taken in turn from each hand with an interval of 10 minutes.

You need to know that a person’s diastolic pressure, according to age standards, can gradually increase up to 60 years. But systolic pressure increases throughout life. The pulse is at its maximum in infants, then its values ​​decrease and then increase slightly closer to 60 years.

For doctors, the difference between the upper and lower blood pressure readings - pulse pressure - is also of great importance. It should be within 35-50 units. Deviations from this norm can also lead to negative consequences.

If your existing tonometer does not have a pulse measurement function, you should know how to correctly determine it manually. There are special points where the pulsation can be heard most clearly:

  • elbow;
  • armpits;
  • shoulder;
  • hip;
  • feet;
  • popliteal part;
  • whiskey;

Measurements are made by pressing on the indicated points, while counting the number of blows over a certain period of time. Typically, indicators are calculated per minute or 30 seconds. The numbers obtained in half a minute are multiplied by two. However, the method of manually feeling the pulse is considered approximate. To get more accurate indicators, you can use special devices - heart rate monitors.

What affects heart rate and blood pressure?

As can be seen from the above tables, the pulse of an adult healthy person can vary between 60-90 beats/min. This indicator can be influenced by many factors:

  • mental, physical and emotional overload;
  • hormonal changes in the body;
  • Times of Day;
  • environmental situation in the place of residence;
  • gender and age differences.

For example, women's pulse is in most cases approximately 7-8 beats faster than men's. And in hot weather, the indicators for both sexes will be elevated. If, after exposure to an external factor, the heart rate returns to normal after about 15-20 minutes, then either an underestimation of indicators is not considered a pathology and does not require drug treatment.

Various factors can also affect blood pressure readings:

When pressure readings deviate in one direction or another, the functioning of a person’s internal organs deteriorates and discomfort occurs, which negatively affects performance. To avoid hypotension and hypertension, it is necessary to know the normal blood pressure of a person depending on gender, age, and general physical condition.

A person’s blood pressure depends on gender, age and individual characteristics

Blood pressure norms by age

Arterial pressure means the force with which blood presses on the vascular walls. The indicators are influenced by gender, a person’s constitution, level of physical activity, and blood pressure figures vary greatly from year to year.

Minor fluctuations in data in a healthy person occur due to stress, overwork, lack of sleep, physical activity; the value can be affected by caffeinated drinks, spicy and salty foods.

Basic blood pressure parameters:

  1. Systolic, upper, cardiac - occurs at the moment of blood ejection from the heart. Optimal values ​​are 110–130 mmHg. Art.
  2. Diastolic, lower, renal - displays the force of pressure in the vessels during a pause in heart contractions. The values ​​should be between 80–89 mmHg.
  3. If you subtract the lower from the upper readings, you get pulse pressure. The average value is 35–40 units.

In addition to blood pressure, an indicator of health is pulse, which shows the number of heartbeats. An adult healthy person has an ideal blood pressure “like an astronaut” – 120/80, pulse 75 beats per minute. For professional athletes, normal levels are 90–100/50–60 mm Hg. Art.

Normal blood pressure and pulse in men and women

Age (years) Systolic indicators (mm Hg) Diastolic indicators (mm Hg) Pulse (beats per minute)
0–12 months, boys96 66 130–140
0–12 months, girls95 65 130–140
2–10, boys103 69 95–100
2–10, girls103 70 95–100
11–20, boys123 76 70–80
11–20, girls116 72 70–80
21–30, men129 81 60–80
21–30, women127 80 65–90
31–40, men129 81 70–80
31–40, women127 80 75–85
41–50, men135 83 70–80
41–50, women137 84 75–90
51–60, men142 85 65–75
51–60, women144 84 65–80

In obese people, blood pressure is usually slightly higher than normal; with an asthenic physique, the data is lower than the statistical average. For older people, over 60 years old, the optimal values ​​are 145–150/79–83 mm Hg. Art. An increase in values ​​is associated with damage to blood vessels by atherosclerotic plaques, the heart muscle wears out and pumps blood worse.

Arterial indicators are a purely individual value; many people feel good with low and high indicators. Therefore, each person needs to know their working pressure and record the values ​​at which their health worsens.

How to calculate pressure?

To find out the optimal pressure indicators, you can use the table or the special formula of E.M. Volynsky. There are 2 types of standard calculations - taking into account weight or not taking into account body weight.

Calculation formulas:

  1. SAD 1=109+(0.5×n)+(0.1×m).
  2. SAD 2=109+(0.4×n).
  3. DBP 1=63+(0.1×n)+(0.15×m).
  4. DBP 2=67=(0.3×n).

Where SBP is systolic values, DBP is blood pressure, n is the number of completed years, m is body weight in kg.

The Volynsky formula is suitable for determining blood pressure in people aged 17–80 years.

In the absence of pathologies in pregnant women up to 6 months, the pressure should be within the average statistical values, in accordance with age. Under the influence of hormones, deviations of up to 10 units are allowed.

How to measure blood pressure?

I use tonometers to measure blood pressure. The most accurate is a mechanical tonometer, which is used by doctors. It is difficult to use at home, since special skills are required to correctly listen to Korotkoff sounds. Automatic models are fixed on the elbow or wrist, they are easy to use, but there is a high probability of measurement error.

The best option for self-measurement of blood pressure is a semi-automatic tonometer, which differs from a mechanical model only in the absence of a pump; the measurement results are reflected on an electronic screen, the error is minimal.

How to measure your blood pressure yourself with a mechanical tonometer:

  1. Sit down, your back should be straight, lean on the back of the chair, and place your feet on the floor.
  2. Attach the tonometer cuff 3–4 cm above the elbow.
  3. Place your hand on the table, it should be at the same level as the heart line.
  4. Fix the head of the stethoscope on the ulnar fossa, insert the tips into the ears - the heartbeat should be clearly audible.
  5. Rhythmically begin to pump air with the pump to a level of 200–220 mm; the cuff should not squeeze the arm too much.
  6. Slowly deflate the cuff; the value at which the first beat of the pulse is heard indicates systolic blood pressure.
  7. When the pulse disappears, the diastolic blood pressure value is recorded.

After completing the measurement, it is necessary to calculate the pulse pressure and enter the data in a special diary. To minimize the likelihood of error, the procedure should be performed at the same time, since blood pressure values ​​may differ depending on the time of day.

Basic errors when measuring pressure

To get the correct values, you must not only use the tonometer correctly, but also follow some rules.

How to avoid mistakes when measuring blood pressure:

  1. 30–40 minutes before starting the measurement, you need to calm down, sit down or lie down.
  2. One hour before the procedure, you should not smoke or drink caffeinated drinks.
  3. You should not measure your blood pressure immediately after eating - the values ​​may increase by 10–15 units.
  4. Before measuring blood pressure, you should visit the toilet - a full bladder can distort the readings by 6-10 points upward.
  5. While the tonometer is on your hand, you cannot speak, move, or gesture.

Do not drink or smoke before measuring blood pressure

For a more accurate result, measurements should be taken on both arms; measurements should be taken again after a quarter of an hour on the limb where the tonometer data was higher.

When should you see a doctor?

With any serious pathological changes in the body, a change in arterial parameters occurs, the pulse sometimes increases to 150 beats per minute. Doctors consider hypertension and hypotension to be equally dangerous diseases, since each of them can cause complications.

How to recognize hypertension:

  • frequent attacks of headaches that occur in the occipital region;
  • dizziness, dark spots before the eyes - unpleasant symptoms occur when changing body position;
  • increased sweating, lethargy, deterioration in sleep quality;
  • deterioration of attention, memory, unreasonable attacks of anxiety;
  • shortness of breath, frequent nosebleeds;
  • the face constantly turns pale or red.

The combination of two or more signs is a good reason to consult a doctor. If such symptoms are accompanied by high blood pressure, hypertension is diagnosed. The initial degree of arterial hypertension is an increase in blood pressure to 140–159/90–99 mm Hg. Art. for several days against the background of a general deterioration in health.

Frequent headaches and high blood pressure may indicate hypertension

With hypotension, a person experiences constant fatigue and apathy, the limbs are cold, sweaty, and numb; hypotensive people almost always react to changing weather conditions and cannot tolerate loud sounds and bright flickering light. Hypotension is accompanied by headache, which is localized in the frontal and temporal region, dizziness, fainting, and sudden mood swings. Women experience disruptions in the menstrual cycle, and men begin to experience problems with potency.

With a persistent decrease in indicators to the level of 105/65 mm Hg. Art. in adults, and 80/60 units in children, doctors diagnose hypotension.

Blood pressure readings provide valuable information about a person's health status. Any deviations in values, combined with dangerous symptoms, mean that you cannot delay visiting a doctor. Chronic hypertension and hypotension often result in heart attacks, strokes, deterioration of brain function, disability, and death.

Normal blood pressure at any age should not exceed 140/90 mmHg. Art., despite the fact that indicators of the functioning of the cardiovascular system in both men and women change dynamically throughout life.

Each age group has specific indicators. They depend on the anatomical features of the bloodstream, the level of physical activity, the presence or absence of concomitant pathologies, and hormonal levels at each stage of life. Also, blood pressure (BP) levels will vary depending on gender. In this case, the upper blood pressure ranges from 100–110 to 139 mm Hg. Art., and the lower one – 70–89.

Blood pressure and pulse

Blood pressure is understood as a value that determines the intensity of the impact of blood flowing through the arteries from the inside onto the vascular wall. Readings are recorded in millimeters of mercury, or column of mercury. The international designation is mm Hg (mm Hg).

Blood pressure gradually increases throughout life; upon reaching old age, the process accelerates.

Blood pressure is not an isolated indicator. Its relationship with the pulse rate is determined. Under normal conditions, when internal regulation is adequately carried out, as blood pressure increases, the heart rate decreases. And vice versa - at low pressure, in order to maintain adequate blood supply to all organs and tissues, the heart begins to work more actively, and the heart rate (HR) increases.

If regulatory mechanisms break down, blood pressure pathologically decreases or increases. In the first case, hypo-tension develops, and in the second, hypertension develops.

Reasons for differences in human blood pressure norms by age

In the process of life, the circulatory system undergoes a number of structural and functional changes. This is facilitated by acquired chronic diseases, acute pathological conditions, a certain dietary pattern, exposure to harmful factors, lifestyle, etc.

Under the influence of external and internal causes throughout life, the following transformations occur in the heart and blood vessels:

  • the heart rate changes (usually downward);
  • Cholesterol deposits accumulate on the walls of blood vessels;
  • the contractility of the heart muscle is limited;
  • gas exchange becomes less active;
  • minute and stroke volumes of the heart decrease;
  • the area of ​​the capillary bed and the total arterial section is reduced;
  • atherosclerotic changes in the vascular walls increase;
  • vascular resistance to blood flow in the periphery increases.

Thus, upon reaching old age and senility, changes accumulate in the bloodstream, which naturally provoke an increase in blood pressure. However, a total increase in blood pressure numbers usually does not occur. This is explained by an age-related decrease in the activity of the pumping function of the heart.

In elderly patients, normalization of pressure after its rise occurs more slowly than in young patients.

Normal blood pressure by age

Several years ago, it was believed that blood pressure standards were only valid for young or middle-aged people. It was noted that in elderly or senile patients (75-80 years and older), systolic pressure figures can reach 140–150 mm Hg. Art. This was not considered a pathology and was explained by structural changes in the vascular bed and changes in cardiac activity.

Currently, the World Health Organization clearly sets an upper threshold for all people of all age categories: systolic pressure should not be higher than 139 mmHg. Art., diastolic – no more than 89.

Table of blood pressure norms by age for an adult patient

Normally, the pressure in women differs slightly from men, no more than a few millimeters of mercury. However, males are more prone to increased blood pressure between the ages of 35-38 years and 55-58 years. In women, an increase in systolic blood pressure is more often observed after 65 years.

Patterns of changes in blood pressure at different ages

In children under one year of age, blood pressure is very low compared to the parameters of an adult. Standard blood pressure numbers are established around adolescence.

If a child is overweight and tall compared to his peers, he may have higher blood pressure readings.

Girls have lower blood pressure than boys. From 15-17 years old, the opposite phenomenon begins to be observed.

Currently, the World Health Organization clearly sets an upper threshold for all people of all age categories: systolic pressure should not be higher than 139 mmHg. Art., diastolic – no more than 89.

Children, just like adults, may experience abrupt increases in indicators: during sucking in infants, during excitement, fear, or stress. If the child is healthy, the numbers will stabilize within 3-4 minutes after the provoking factor is eliminated.

Blood pressure gradually increases throughout life; upon reaching old age, the process accelerates.

In elderly patients, normalization of pressure after its rise occurs more slowly than in young patients.

Rules for measuring pressure

To reliably find out what normal pressure is typical for a particular patient, it is necessary to measure it correctly.

The algorithm for determining blood pressure includes several specific actions in a certain sequence:

  1. Take a comfortable position so as not to experience discomfort during the procedure. Half an hour before the test, refrain from taking stimulants, tonic drinks, or excessive physical activity.
  2. Prepare a tonometer. For a mechanical apparatus, evaluate the condition of the pressure gauge and bulb, connecting tubes, and cuff. Open the valve on the supercharger and empty the air cylinder of the cuff as much as possible by rolling it into a tube. Press the power button on the electronic device and check the functionality of the power supply (batteries).
  3. Place the hand on which the measurement will be taken on a flat surface, approximately at the height of the middle of the chest.
  4. Put on the cuff, fixing it in accordance with the instructions for the device. An overly tight or overly loose application should be avoided: the index finger should fit freely between the skin and the inner surface of the overlay.
  5. Using a mechanical device, place the head of the phonendoscope on the skin of the elbow in the place of the most distinct pulsation of the artery. Close the blower valve and inflate the cuff. Press the “Start” button on the electronic device.
  6. Take a measurement and evaluate the result.
If a child is overweight and tall compared to his peers, he may have higher blood pressure readings.

When determining pressure with a manual device while deflating the air from the cuff, it is necessary to listen through a phonendoscope to the resulting Korotkoff sounds. Noises must be correlated with the blood pressure numbers on the pressure gauge dial. The beginning of the pulsation will correspond to the value of systolic pressure, its end - to the value of diastolic pressure.

The electronic device takes measurements, interprets the received data and displays the result independently, without user intervention.


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