The name Nadia means. Hope - the meaning of the name, fate and character. Photo gallery: famous Hopes

Today, everyone probably guesses that the meaning of the name Nadezhda has ancient Slavic roots with “interspersed” from ancient Greece. The Greek version of this name sounds like “Elpis”. This was the name of 1 of the 3 sisters, who were considered the main virtues of the Christian religion. The other two were “Love”, “Faith”. To complete the information presented, it is necessary to point out that in ancient times Nadezhda sounded like “Nadezha”.

The described meaning of the name Nadezhda states that all these sisters accepted martyrdom for their own, undeniable faith in Christ. Initially, each of these 3 names was classified as a common noun, i.e. was used only in exceptional cases. However, everything changed after 1740, when Empress Elizabeth Petrovna sat on the throne.

These female names became one of the few that sounded in the Russian version, which contained a list of all the saints. But the maximum demand for the name Nadezhda occurred at the end of the 19th century, while in the 20th the greatest popularity occurred in the years 20–60. Today, the meaning of the name Nadezhda completes the second ten most common names.

Characteristics of the name Nadezhda

It is necessary to characterize the name being described by indicating such a moment as its character, since the meaning of the beautiful name Nadezhda directly depends on such a nuance. Nadya's whole life does not consist of only roses, because... a woman is distinguished by the presence of a difficult character, combined with masculine and feminine traits at the same time. Moreover, masculine traits are manifested by her prudence, willpower, rudeness, straightforwardness, as well as the ability to very accurately assess any situation.

In turn, female traits are manifested by excessive emotionality, sensitivity, patience, and generosity. The studied meaning of the name Nadezhda shows that her lacrimal gland works very intensively. For this reason, she can easily shed tears while watching a sentimental film or while sympathizing with a close friend. However, it is almost impossible to hear a complaint from Nadezhda in the event of various adversities, problems, or grievances.

Despite the fact that Nadya is an emotional woman, the passions boiling in her manifest themselves only when the cup of patience is overflowing. The described meaning of the common name Nadezhda shows that this woman can stoically withstand any difficulty, spreading mercy and tolerance. Each life event is subjected to analysis by Nadezhda, and gives preference only to actions.

The Nadezhda woman is distinguished by having a bad sense of humor, for this reason outsiders need to be careful not to offend her. Knowing what the name Nadezhda means, we can call this woman categorical in her judgment, suspicious, which is one of her main disadvantages. Nadezhda divides the whole world into white and black, while she does not see other colors. Forcing her to take any action is quite problematic, but a kind request can break her.

Answering the question of what the name Nadezhda means, one cannot help but note this fact - her life path is quite thorny, because she bears a compassionate name. But she very rarely manages to be truly happy. At the same time, the woman is quite proud, striving to “show off” in any situation, showing the normality of everything that happens.

In life, she is a true fighter for the truth, and she herself will not allow herself to lie. Sometimes she can be cruel, demanding and always follows the principle - time for business, time for fun. Now we need to see what the name Nadezhda means for a woman choosing a talisman stone.

Talisman stones of Hope

The Nadezhda woman should know that it is best for her to wear talismans with stones such as agate, opal, and coral. The ancient Egyptians believed that coral was able to protect against evil spirits, as well as any negative influence. Generally speaking, coral is a symbol that brings joy, optimism, and happiness.

What does the female name Nadezhda mean for other talisman stones? Opal is one of the stones that attracts love and helps fulfill existing hopes. This talisman is suitable for energetic, creative, talented people who accept modern life trends.

In turn, agate is considered a stone suitable for a courageous, eloquent, calm woman who is able to attract success to herself. Now we need to see what the female name Nadezhda means for a little girl.

Nadya's childhood

If the future mother or father prefer the name Nadya, then they should keep in mind that the child will be quite emotional, active, for whom there will be absolutely no authority. It turns out that, knowing what the female name Nadezhda means for a little girl, parents insure themselves against the unpredictability of this child’s behavior.

During the learning process, Nadya will prove herself to be a diligent student. He will devote most of his time to reading books and textbooks, but still has no special talents. From a very early age, the child will become a solid, grounded personality. But she does not fall under the category of “gray mice,” whereas she will be able to take revenge for the offense caused. This is the main secret of the name Nadezhda for a little girl.

It should be noted that most of her classmates will be wary of this girl due to her sharp, caustic tongue. Among her classmates she will try to be in a leading place, which she sometimes does very well. While still a little girl, she will dream about the life of an adult woman, which will be the reason for her early adulthood. Fantasies, as well as flying in the clouds, are not for her, but Nadya is not devoid of artistry and an ear for music.

In addition, the secret of the female name Nadezhda shows that after finishing school, she will immediately want to be independent, i.e. will leave the parental nest quite early. Mom and dad should teach their daughter to be as open as possible, without keeping various experiences inside herself.

Hope's love relationships

Now you should look at what the name Nadezhda means in your intimate life. As a young girl, Nadenka will often fall in love, and will do nothing but stupid things, while episodes of separation will leave deep marks on her inexperienced soul. A love experience can turn Nadya into a cynical nature and cause severe depression.

A woman bearing the name Nadezhda, the meaning of her name and whose fate is being studied, is a passionate person, capable of violent sensual manifestations. However, she will not have to enter into intimate contact with anyone, because Nadenka is looking for a chosen one whom she will truly love or respect. Sex should consist of novelty and experimentation, while a long absence of sexual intercourse has a negative impact on a woman’s character.

The Nadezhda woman, the origin and meaning of whose name is described, becomes very confident in sex only with a timid partner, because she becomes excited by the role of a teacher. In the process of intimacy, Nadenka is a true altruist, for whom the satisfaction of her partner is especially important, while the last thing she thinks about is her own person.

Career and business of Nadezhda

A woman named Nadezhda, the meaning of the name, whose character and fate are being explored, does not fall into the category of careerists, but tries to work in a prestigious field. So, she can be an excellent doctor, lawyer or teacher. In each chosen profession, Nadya, thanks to her perseverance and hard work, will enjoy the recognition of colleagues and management.

The considered meaning of the female name Nadezhda and her fate say that she is capable of achieving success in absolutely any field. Nadya can handle monotonous, creative, routine, interesting work. For this reason, a fairly large number of Nagys are successful actresses, teachers, writers, bankers, managers, and politicians.

In addition, the meaning of the name Nadya confirms that the woman is quite mobile, so she can manage to do a million different things in one day. Nadenka often combines two jobs at once. The presence of ambitious character traits, as well as a desire to earn money, can push her to start her own business, where she can achieve solid results.

Nadezhda, Nadenka, Nadyushka - parents who name their daughter with this name will have a considerable selection of endearing forms. In addition, you definitely need to know that when choosing a name for baptism, it is important to first become familiar with the secret meaning, which can play a useful role after some time. Hope, the meaning of a name, character and destiny - many wonderful surprises await adults while studying the details contained in specialized literature.

The meaning of the name Nadezhda for a girl briefly

The baptism of a child is of no small importance not only for the baby herself, but also for her family and friends. Not only the future, the presence of advantages and disadvantages, but also whether the baby will have a guardian angel from among the saints may depend on how correctly the name was chosen. That is why it is necessary to study everything related to the name you like. The first thing you need to pay special attention to is to make sure that the meaning of the name Nadezhda for a girl does not briefly promise unpleasant events.

This beautiful name came from Ancient Rus'. Its roots go back to ancient times, when numerous Slavic tribes ruled over vast territories. It was from women who were waiting for their warrior husbands from distant campaigns and hoping for the best that the name Nadezhda came about, which parents quite often even now give to their daughters. It has only one meaning: “hoping for the best.”

Hope, the meaning of the name, character and fate - Old Slavic mythology has many interesting stories that tell about charming and faithful women. You can also familiarize yourself with this information - a girl who grows up will certainly be interested in finding out who exactly her name came from and who were its first owners.

What does the name Nadezhda mean for a girl according to the church calendar?

Choosing a name for a baby is a responsible task, and the baby’s relatives need to not only settle on one of the most beautiful or modern ones, but also try to study everything connected with it. To do this, it is not necessary to read mythology and interesting stories that abound in specialized books. It will be more useful to study the most reliable literature - the church calendar. This Christian book contains useful information that will not allow you to make a mistake when choosing a name for your baby.

What does the name Nadezhda mean for a girl according to the church calendar? Old Slavic mythology and church literature have the same opinion about the secret meaning hidden in it. It is also indicated here that there is only one interpretation - “hoping for the best.”

Hope, the meaning of the name, character and destiny - if you study the calendar or a more detailed church calendar, you can also find out which guardian angels will look after the baby. Parents can be sure that the patron saints will certainly protect their beloved child from troubles and adversities, protect them from diseases and difficulties in life.

The secret of the name Nadezhda, name day, signs

What secret of the name Nadezhda should attract the attention of the baby’s family? First of all, you should find out which patron saints will monitor the development and success of the baby. The girl will celebrate her name day only once - in September (30th). It is on this holiday that one should offer prayers to the patroness together with the baby, and they will certainly be heard. A guardian angel in the form of a saint will certainly walk next to Nadya throughout her life, helping in all endeavors and protecting her from troubles.

Women look forward to this holiday, because it is believed that women’s name days should be celebrated on the day of veneration of the saint. On this holiday, representatives of the fairer sex are only supposed to relax, visit each other, and have fun at collective gatherings. You are even allowed to drink a little - there are no prohibitions for women on this holiday. Spouses are supposed to handle all the affairs at home that wives usually do.

Origin of the name Nadezhda and its meaning for children

Will the origin of the name Nadezhda and its meaning for children be able to somehow affect the girl’s life? There is no reason for worry or worry here - parents should know that the country from which this name spread throughout the world cannot play any important role either in development or in life. You can safely give preference not only to Slavic, but also to Greek or Hebrew names, the main thing is to find out everything about the secret meaning originally laid down.

How can the meaning of a name affect a baby’s life? You should know that it is the mysterious and promising meaning that was put into it thousands of years ago, in ancient times, that plays an important role. It is by meaning that you can often find out what advantages or disadvantages a baby will have, and what features to pay attention to in childhood.

It is also important to know that the name determines whether the saints will take care of the girl. There is a lot of information about this in church literature, which should also be studied by the child’s family.

Character of a girl named Nadezhda

Will the character of a girl named Nadezhda be replete with positive traits? As evidenced by long-term observations, it will differ in the following remarkable qualities:

  1. activity;
  2. patience;
  3. sociability;
  4. philanthropy;
  5. determination;
  6. dedication;
  7. kindness.

One of the most amazing qualities of a baby, which will manifest itself in early childhood, is the desire to imitate others and extract only positive moments. The girl will learn to read on her own, and she will be only a few years old; she will enjoy watching educational programs on TV, listening to stories from adults. This will be the reason for good success at school - the baby will always know everything the teacher says and independently look for additional information in libraries.

The disadvantages include the girl’s excessive stubbornness. If she has decided something for herself, it will no longer be possible to convince her, despite quite logical arguments. It is better for parents not to cause conflict situations, otherwise this may lead to the girl not trusting them. Stubbornness often even turns into a positive quality - if a girl fails at something, she will never give up and will work persistently, achieving good results.

The fate of a girl named Nadezhda

How could the fate of a girl named Nadezhda very soon unfold? First of all, she will please her family with her choice of specialty. Most often she gives preference to such professions.

If you looked here, it means you want to learn more about the meaning of the name Nadezhda.

What does the name Nadezhda mean?

The name Nadezhda means hope (glory)

The meaning of the name Nadezhda is character and destiny

A woman named Nadezhda has a strong character, strong will, and good endurance. She is emotional, but keeps all her emotional impulses within herself. She is reserved, does not chat for hours with her friends, although she is moderately sociable and cheerful. She clearly understood the principle of “time for work, time for fun” and firmly adheres to it. In relationships with men, a woman named Nadezhda is very serious - if she falls in love, it is deeply and for a long time. Before marriage, she experiences romances with violent passions, disappointments and new hopes, but in marriage she is only occupied with her family. Nadezhda is rarely tender and affectionate, but she is always attentive and helpful to her husband. In her youth she is funny and cheerful, after marriage she becomes sedate and moderate in the expression of feelings, and she also strives to choose a serious man with a developed sense of duty, reliable, and who can be easily controlled as her husband. Hope is stingy and selfish. So, if she marries a widower, then his children should know in advance that they will not receive a crumb from their father’s inheritance. Nadezhda will skillfully arrange it so that her husband will give everything only to her, completely forgetting about the children from his first marriage. Remorse never torments her. But a woman named Nadezhda takes care of her children like an eagle. She lives only for them, for their sake she is even ready to do unseemly things. It is difficult to recognize the true character of this woman; she is secretive and shows it only if there is no other way out.

Meaning of the name Nadezhda for sex

Her man will be the one who can penetrate her inner world and truly understand her. Nadezhda is sentimental, loves to remember intimacy with her partner, and recall details. Often a woman named Nadezhda feels very lonely, especially having been defeated sexually. Nadezhda gains confidence when communicating with a timid, doubting partner. She is excited by the process of her partner overcoming his complexes. "December" Nadezhda, under favorable conditions, can be an excellent lover. She is emotional and impulsive in sex, but prefers to control herself and her partner. In her intimate life, Nadezhda is an altruist and more often thinks about her partner’s satisfaction than about her own. The lack of relaxation negatively affects her health, she becomes susceptible to nervous breakdowns and depression.

The character and fate of the name Nadezhda, taking into account the patronymic

Name Nadezhda and patronymic....

Nadezhda Alekseevna, Andreevna, Artemovna, Valentinovna, Vasilievna, Viktorovna, Vitalievna, Vladimirovna, Evgenievna, Ivanovna, Ilyinichna, Mikhailovna, Petrovna, Sergeevna, Fedorovna, Yuryevna cunning, smart, practical. She has a high opinion of herself, tends to teach everyone, give advice, and impose her opinion. Unceremoniously interferes in the lives of loved ones, loves to gossip. I tend to see only flaws in people. She is selfish and knows how to extract personal benefit from everything. At first glance, Nadezhda is sympathetic, full of good intentions, but she won’t lift a finger if she knows in advance that she will not receive any benefit for herself. And if he helps someone, then you can be sure: he gets decent commissions. However, she has many good qualities: she is a wonderful, zealous housewife, an unusually devoted wife and mother. Her husband’s interests may be in the background for Nadezhda, but she will do everything to prevent him from having the desire to leave his family. For the sake of her children, she is ready to make any sacrifice. She finds it difficult to get married; if she cannot win a man in the first minutes of meeting, then later it is no longer possible. Men are usually afraid of such women. Nadezhda is not too temperamental and values ​​platonic relationships more than intimate ones. She is capable of loving selflessly, but first she must be convinced of her partner’s feelings. She gives birth to sons.

Name Nadezhda and patronymic....

Nadezhda Aleksandrovna, Arkadyevna, Borisovna, Vadimovna, Grigorievna, Kirillovna, Maksimovna, Matveevna, Nikitichna, Pavlovna, Romanovna, Tarasovna, Timofeevna, Eduardovna, Yakovlevna is quick-tempered and often irritable even for no apparent reason. All her actions and decisions depend on her changeable mood. He likes to argue and always insists on his own. She is bossy and tries to lead everyone. Such Nadezhda is quite temperamental and sexy, which attracts representatives of the stronger half of humanity, but she fails to hold their attention for a long time, her obsession frightens and repels them. As soon as such a Nadezhda has at least once been in a close intimate relationship with a man, his phone will start ringing with calls. She will find an opportunity to find out everything about him and will bore him both at home and at work. And if, God forbid, he is married, he will interfere in his personal life, ruin it and achieve victory. After marriage, Nadezhda calms down, acquires sedateness, becomes more balanced, but she will never get rid of the desire to lead everyone, irritating both her husband and children. Her first marriage can only be unsuccessful if her husband drinks heavily. In other cases, Nadezhda will try with all her might to save the family and will never decide to divorce, because she is very afraid of loneliness. In old age she becomes stingy, grumpy, and intolerable. Her daughters are born.

Name Nadezhda and patronymic....

Nadezhda Bogdanovna, Vladislavovna, Vyacheslavovna, Gennadievna, Georgievna, Danilovna, Egorovna, Konstantinovna, Makarovna, Robertovna, Svyatoslavovna, Yanovna, Yaroslavovna too energetic and excitable. She doesn’t know how to manage her emotions, she’s an alarmist. Fussy, noisy. An idealist and a dreamer. Living next to her is not easy, she is intrusive, demanding, and domineering. She is curious, loves gossip, and is the first to know all the news. At the same time, she is charming and has good appearance, which attracts the attention of men. Nadezhda with such middle names gets married without difficulty, and, as a rule, successfully. She is cheerful, cheerful and witty. And often men believe that all women have their shortcomings; this is an unchangeable female attribute. And they are quite happy with her: such Nadya knows how to make friends and love, she is a faithful wife, a caring mother. She never forgets about her parents, knows how to establish warm relationships with her mother-in-law, and is always friendly. She is stingy and stingy when it comes to running a household, but her practicality and enterprise are enough for everyone, as long as her household has time to complete all her tasks and instructions. Thanks to Nadezhda’s efforts, the family has wealth, the children receive a good education, and the husband achieves success in his professional field. Often she herself manages to make a good career. Her sons grow up well-mannered, thrifty, and know how to provide for themselves. Hope is an undeniable authority for them.

Name Nadezhda and patronymic....

Nadezhda Antonovna, Artemovna, Valerievna, Germanovna, Glebovna, Denisovna, Igorevna, Leonidovna, Lvovna, Mironovna, Olegovna, Ruslanovna, Semyonovna, Filippovna, Emmanuilovna stubborn and persistent. She is very talented and loves art. Cheerful, cheerful, the soul of any noisy company. Sociable, cannot live without friends. Artistic, cunning, resourceful, adventurer. With great ingenuity he removes rivals from the road. She loves herself very much, and everything she does for others turns out to be beneficial for her. However, she is not at all envious. She enjoys great success with men, especially with those who are completely opposite in character. She tries to marry a man who has made a successful career in science or art that is far from commerce. She can do business very well on her own. Quite happy in marriage. Such Nadezhda completely protects family members from household chores and takes on all the worries. She gives birth to children of different sexes, but more often sons. She raises her children herself and instills in them a sense of respect for women from childhood. Her children grow up to be real men; the example of consent and calm in their parents’ relationships greatly influences their personal lives.

Name Nadezhda and patronymic....

Nadezhda Alanovna, Albertovna, Anatolyevna, Arnoldovna, Veniaminovna, Vladlenovna, Dmitrievna, Markovna, Nikolaevna, Rostislavovna, Stanislavovna, Stepanovna, Feliksovna endowed with a complex character. In addition to increased emotionality, hot temper, and lack of restraint, she is also selfish, domineering, willful, and unyielding. She's hard to please. She has difficulty getting married due to her big demands and high demands on men. She strives to find a husband who already has or promises to make a fast career, has high material wealth, and a good position in society. Men are drawn to her because Nadezhda is sexy and temperamental. Before marriage, one whirlwind romance gives way to another, passions burn, but not a single lover can be sure that Nadezhda values ​​him, does not know how strong her feelings are. She keeps them in constant tension and ignorance, which is especially intriguing for thrill-seekers. As a rule, such Nadezhda manages to get married successfully and create a friendly, strong family. Her sons are always organized, disciplined, and good assistants to their mother.

Numerology of the name Nadezhda

Don't share your secret with people.

After all, you don’t know which of them is mean.

What do you do with God's creation?

Expect the same from yourself and from people.

Omar Khayyam

The meaning of the name Nadezhda: The name is borrowed from the Old Church Slavonic language, in which it appeared as a tracing paper from the Greek name Elpis (“hope”). The Old Russian form of the name is Nadezha.

Memorial Days: 30.09, 04.02, 14.03.

Personality. The embodiment of hopes.

Characteristics of the name Nadezhda by letters:

N - selectivity of sympathies;

A - hard work;

D - commitment, discipline;

E - patronage of heaven, Zeus;

F - aestheticism, pedantry;

D - repetition, strengthening of the properties of the letter: diplomacy, tact, sense of duty;

A - repeat.

What does the name Nadezhda mean in numerology?

HOPE = 6156851 = 5 (Jupiter).

The purpose of life of a person with the name Nadezhda is determined by the planet of happiness, wealth, success in great endeavors. Lord of gods and men.

What does the name Nadezhda mean in astrology:

6-1 (Venus - Sun) - optimism, honesty, strong feelings, but also whims, inappropriate generosity;

1-5 (Sun - Jupiter) - exaggerated opinion of oneself, selfishness, indiscipline, the need to develop patience;

5-6 (Jupiter - Venus) - aesthetics, generosity, friendliness, popularity, luck with money;

6-8 (Venus - Uranus) - love at first sight, change of mood, fixation on the same situations;

8-5 (Uranus - Jupiter) - a huge circle of friends, acquaintances, hospitality; This is the line of the White magician; life in the present for the sake of the future, occult abilities.

Karmic lessons named after Nadezhda:

2 (Moon) - it is necessary to learn to play “in a team”, not to isolate yourself, to learn to make the right choices.

3 (Mars) - pronounced self-criticism, pessimism, sometimes inappropriate seriousness; you need to learn to manage your mood.

4 (Mercury) - chaos in public affairs, confusion in plans, lack of method;

7 (Saturn) - lack of will and patience necessary to realize your best qualities.

9 (Neptune) - it is necessary to use the enormous potential of the individual to serve society.

Characteristics of the name Nadezhda, taking into account the analysis

Hope is kind, merciful, hospitable, can achieve (and achieves) success in such fields as pedagogy, philosophy, psychology, medicine, and linguistics. Can become a white magician.

Her disadvantage is that she thinks little about herself, about her capabilities in order to develop and improve them. She does not know how to work with cash flows; the banking and economic spheres are not for her. In love. Often it is love at first sight, and even more so at the second! She is an esthete by nature, sometimes capricious, and ambitious.

In sex she is boring, pragmatic, down to earth. Marriages are often unsuccessful. She raises her children with care. In general, this name seems to carry a “code of bad luck.” This usually affects your personal life. The names of men suitable for her, taking into account the meaning of the name: Nikolai, Andrey, Alexander, Anton, Kirill, Dmitry, Ivan, Igor, Evgeny, Fedor, Oleg.

Names: origin and forms

Hope- (from Slavic) hope.

Old: Hope.
Derivatives: Nadezhdushka, Nadya, Nadya, Nadena, Nadekha, Nadyukha, Nadyusha, Nadyura, Nadyusya, Nadina, Dina, Dinusya, Nadisha.

Directory of Russian names

Hope(from Old Russian).

Hardworking. Diverse in behavior. Uncontrollable and active in everything. Inventive due to natural looseness and some adventurousness. They can be tough and demanding. They do not accept effeminacy and cowardice. True to their word, reliable. They love selflessly.

The mystery of the name

Hope- hope (Old Slavonic).
One of the legendary family of martyrs. The name was and is given to girls quite often.
Zodiac name: Scales.
Planet: Saturn.
Name color: orange.
Talisman stone: coral
Auspicious plant: maple, calendula.
Patron name: hedgehog
Happy day: Friday.
Happy time of year: autumn.
Diminutive forms: Nadya, Nadya, Nadena, Nadyukha, Nadyusha, Nadina, Dina.
Main features: hard work, emotionality.


Nadezhda Rimskaya, young woman, martyr, September 30 (17). She, at the age of 10, and her sisters Vera, 12 years old, and Lyubov, 9 years old, one after another, after suffering for the faith of Christ, were beheaded before the eyes of mother Sophia.


See name Vera.


Nadenka is emotional, overly stubborn, and cheerful. She is musically gifted, sings and dances well. Loves noisy games, fun activities - swings, carousels. At school she is patient, persistent, and hardworking. She is all focused on the future, dreams of a happy adult life. She has many girlfriends, she strives to be the first among them in everything - in knowledge, the ability to sew, knit, play an instrument, be better at skating, riding a bicycle. She does all this with great willingness, easily and joyfully.

After school, she strives to quickly start an independent life, leaving, for example, to study in another city. She often falls in love, commits rash acts, and the experiences of her youth remain in her heart for the rest of her life.

Nadezhda is outwardly attractive, has good abilities, and is often inclined towards humanitarian professions, although an accountant, technologist or conductor of some kind of production is also not excluded.

She is conscientious, active, and reliable in her work, but does not make a significant career. She is very emotional, constantly ready to cry and at the same time secretive and aggressive. She is very proud and internally independent, always trying to prove to everyone that everything is fine with her and she is happy.

However, she is rarely happy, although with age she gains some stability in life. Nadezhda's family life does not always go well. Often she gets married early and soon gets divorced, left alone with the child and forever erasing his father from their lives. If everything is in order in the marriage, life will still find something to “reward” Nadezhda, the name is passive.

Nadezhda is easily enraged by the most innocent joke. True, she quickly calms down. Nadezhda is a person of mood, her behavior is often unpredictable. Gradually, with age, she becomes more restrained in expressing her feelings.

Nadezhda needs simple family happiness. She becomes a good housewife, no longer lives only in the future, but enjoys every day today. She manages her husband, but does it tactfully. She is hardworking, enjoys working in her dacha and cultivating the beds. Nadezhda’s children are well-mannered and recognize their mother’s authority. Nadezhda is a little selfish, tries to bring more to the family, strives for material well-being.

If her husband shares her aspirations, Nadezhda is quite happy. Her successful marriage with Alexander, Vitaly, Egor, Konstantin, Yuri.


Nadezhda Ivanovna Zavela-Vrubel (1868-1913) - an outstanding opera and chamber singer. She graduated from the St. Petersburg Conservatory and began her theatrical career at the Kiev Opera Theater I.Ya. Setova. And wherever she later performed - in Tiflis, Kharkov, in other cities - everywhere they wrote about her lyric-coloratura soprano of some special, crystal-clear, inexplicably charming timbre.

According to M.F. Gnessin, her voice was “incomparable, even, even, light, tenderly pipe-like and full of colors or, more precisely, changing tints of one particular color, extremely expressive, although flowing completely calmly. It seemed like nature itself , like a northern shepherd boy, plays or sings on this animated musical instrument...

And what a look! Was it possible, once seeing this creature, not to be seduced by it for the rest of my life! These widely spaced fabulous eyes, a captivatingly feminine, invitingly perplexed smile, a thin and flexible body and beautiful, long arms..."

When he first met Zabela, composer Rimsky-Korsakov was struck by her originality. At first it seemed to him that the poetic charm that seemed to radiate from the artist was explained by the amazing correspondence of his artistic images to the singer’s natural abilities. Zabela was especially good at playing the roles of fantastic, fairy-tale creatures: the Volkhovs, the Snow Maidens, the Pannochkas, and the Swan Princess. But later Rimsky-Korsakov was no less delighted with Tatyana Larina, performed by Zabela, with her wildness, her isolation from the world of the Petushkovs and Buyanovs. No matter who Zabela played - princesses, mermaids or earthly girls - her heroines invariably captivated with their spirituality.

The flowering of Zabela-Vrubel’s creativity was associated with the private opera of S.I. Mamontova. It was here that such masterpieces of Rimsky-Korsakov as “The Pskov Woman”, “May Night”, “The Snow Maiden”, “Sadko”, “The Tsar’s Bride”, “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”, “Kashchei the Immortal” with the participation of Zabela-Vrubel were staged . No wonder she was called the “Korsakov singer.” One of Zabela's best roles was Volkhova in the opera "Sadko".

After the premiere, Rimsky-Korsakov wrote to the artist: “Of course, you created the Sea Princess by creating her image in singing and on stage, which will forever remain with you in my imagination...” Zabela prepared the part of the Snow Maiden together with the composer and also received the highest praise from Rimsky-Korsakov, who wrote to her husband, the artist M. Vrubel: “I have never heard the Snow Maiden so sung as Nadezhda Ivanovna.” Contemporaries called Zabela a singer of a woman's soul, a woman's quiet dream, love and sadness, noting the crystal purity and tenderness of her voice, the crystal transparency of timbre. All this corresponded to the musical and stage image of Marfa (“The Tsar’s Bride”) - one of the most expressive in Rimsky-Korsakov’s operatic palette. Zabela's operatic repertoire was not limited only to the music of this composer. She was a magnificent Antonida in Ivan Susanin, soulfully sang Iolanta in the opera of the same name, and Mimi in La Bohème. And yet, the best images of women she created were in the operas of Rimsky-Korsakov; his romances formed the basis of Zabela’s chamber repertoire.

Nadezhda Ivanovna was married to the greatest artist - Mikhail Alexandrovich Vrubel. Almost on the very first day of meeting him, he proposed. Subsequently, he told his sister that if she had refused him, he would have committed suicide. But Zabela did not hesitate for long, and after two months they became engaged, and in July 1896 they got married.

Vrubel was very musical and took a close part in learning Zabela’s roles; she always listened to his advice. He designed all her costumes and makeup himself. Zabela became the artist’s muse; her fantasy portrait, painted in the year of her marriage, was called “Muse.”

Nadezhda Ivanovna’s personal life was sad - the early death of her son, her husband’s mental illness. Her creative theater career itself was short. For just over five years she shone on the stage of the Moscow private opera, then followed by failures on the imperial stage. Only the chamber evenings of Zabela-Vrubel still attracted the attention of listeners. Her last concert took place in June 1913. At it she performed works by her favorite composer.

The fate of Zabela is sadder than the fate of Vrubel. The artist left behind his paintings. The singer's voice disappeared along with her, who outlived her husband by only three years. Now Zabela lives only in Vrubel’s paintings. Here she is, the Sea Princess - at the rising of the month she stands among the thickets of reeds, wearing a crown of pearls; and here is the Swan Princess in magically shimmering plumage, in a high kokoshnik covered in pearls with an airy veil and shining precious rings on her thin fingers. Vrubel painted not only “fantasy portraits of his wife, but also portraits of her from life.” The treasury of Russian art includes portraits of Nadezhda Ivanovna Zabela-Vrubel from 1898 in a dress with a wide belt and a hat, against a background of birch trees (1904), after a concert (1905), relaxing on a couch, near a burning fireplace. She is wearing one of those extraordinary concert dresses that Vrubel invented for her - a dress made of several transparent covers of different colors, like an exotic flower...

Published with the kind permission of the Oculus project - astropsychology.

The name Nadezhda is borrowed from the Old Church Slavonic language. This name came to Rus' with Orthodoxy and, unlike most other names, became widespread in the literal translation: “everything will be fine.”

The holy martyrs Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia lived in Italy in the year 137 and openly professed faith in Christ. Having learned about this, Emperor Hadrian wanted to force them to sacrifice to the goddess Artemis, but the young virgins steadfastly endured the most severe torment, without betraying the Christian faith. Sofia, having buried her daughters, died three days later at their grave. These holy women are highly revered in Rus', and the day of September 30 is celebrated among the people as “all-world women’s name days.”

The meaning of the name Nadezhda

As a child, the owner of the name Nadezhda loves noisy games, dancing, music, but this does not prevent her from studying well and being an example for everyone. Growing up, Nadezhda becomes more restrained, more organized, and more calculating. She is very hardworking. Her house is always in perfect order, the children grow up obedient and well-mannered. Nadezhda is a faithful wife and a good housewife. In the family, Nadezhda usually occupies a dominant position and sometimes even commands her husband, but she does this very unobtrusively, so that often he does not even notice it.

The name Nadezhda gives its owner a huge charge of patience and expectation of something good. Nadezhda has sufficient firmness and thoroughness in business. These qualities begin to manifest themselves in Nadya’s character from childhood. She is quite assiduous, patient, sometimes overly serious and stubborn. The energy of the name gives her significant optimism and makes her cheerful.

Usually Nadya’s whole life is a persistent progress towards some goal: be it career growth or a furnished home. It is unlikely that it will be wasted on trifles. Nadezhda has a good family, she is kind and graceful.

Nadezhda takes her work seriously; she can be a doctor, teacher or engineer.

Symbols of Hope in the natural world have become maple, calendula and hedgehog.

According to numerology, The name Nadezhda corresponds to the number 5, symbolizing spiritual freedom and independence of action. People of this type tend to value their own experience more than outside advice. They are smart and often unpredictable, they hate long and painstaking work, they love travel and adventure.

Patron Planet of Hope: Saturn.

A favorable color for the owner of the name Nadezhda: yellow-green.

Favorite colors of Nadezhda: white, orange.

Talisman stones of Hope: opal, amber, agate.

Famous in the history of Hope

Nadezhda Durova is a cavalry maiden and writer. The daughter of a hussar captain from an early age had boyish inclinations and habits - such traits are sometimes possessed by women named Nadezhda, “... a horse, weapons and regimental music were my first toys...” she wrote in her memoirs. At the age of nineteen she was married off, but family life did not work out, and, dressing in a man’s dress, she entered service in the Uhlan regiment in 1806. By personal order of the sovereign, she was allowed to be called by the male surname Alexandrov. Nadezhda Durova took part in the battles of Gutshad, Friedland, during the Patriotic War of 1812 in the battles of Smolensk and Borodino, was awarded the soldier's George for bravery and retired, yielding to her father's requests, only in 1816 with the rank of headquarters captain. In 1836, her “Notes of a Cavalry Maiden” were published, about which Pushkin spoke enthusiastically.

In the 20th century, the name Nadezhda was strongly associated with Lenin’s wife and comrade-in-arms, Nadezhda Krupskaya. A student at the Higher Women's Courses, Nadezhda Krupskaya, began actively attending Marxist circles in the 1890s. For propaganda activities among workers in 1898, she was sentenced to three years of exile in the Ufa province, which, at her request, was replaced by exile in Shushenskoye, where she married Lenin. From then on, she became his constant companion and assistant. She worked as secretary of the Central Committee of the party in St. Petersburg, taught at the party school in Longjumeau, and in 1917 returned with Lenin from emigration to Russia. After the October Revolution, she was involved in organizing a new education system and participated in the development of the first Soviet law on schools. With the participation of Krupskaya, a decree of the Council of People's Commissars on the elimination of illiteracy of the population of the RSFSR was developed and adopted, and in July 1920 the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission for the Elimination of Illiteracy was created. After the death of Lenin, Krupskaya, despite the fact that she represented a living symbol of the Lenin era, found herself practically isolated from public life and could do little to help the thousands of people who turned to her for advice and help. Her protest against placing the leader’s body in the Mausoleum was not taken into account either. During these years, she wrote “Memories of Lenin” and 11 volumes of pedagogical works.

The first poems of the poetess Nadezhda Pavlovich were published in 1911, and in the 1920s the poetry collections “The Shore” and “Golden Gate” appeared in print. Her poems are in some ways subtly similar to the poems of Nadezhda Lvova.

But not only poetesses glorified this name. Ballet fans will certainly remember Nadezhda Pavlova, who began her performances on the stage of the Perm Theater in 1972. With great success, she performed the roles of Juliet, Aurora, and Curie, and three years later Pavlova became the prima of the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow. Her dance technique is distinguished by natural grace, spirituality, flexible, free lines. Nadezhda Pavlova played the main role in the Soviet-American film “The Blue Bird”. It should be noted that Nadezhda, who works in the field of art, is very artistic and graceful.

Nadezhda Plevitskaya (Vinnikova) - pop singer, soprano, performer of Russian folk songs and romances; since 1920 - in exile.

Nadezhda Obukhova is a singer, mezzo-soprano, soloist of the Bolshoi Theater.

Nadezhda Alliluyeva - Stalin's wife, who voluntarily died in 1932.

Nadezhda Puchkovskaya - Soviet ophthalmologist, academician.

Nadezhda Babkina is a folk singer, creator and artistic director of the Russian Song ensemble.

Nadezhda Rumyantseva is an actress who starred in the films “The Unyielding,” “Girls,” and “Queen of the Gas Station.”

Nadezhda Chizhova is an athlete, 1972 Olympic champion in shot put.

Nadia Comeneci is a Romanian gymnast, world and Olympic champion.