Egyptian folk tale. Egyptian tale "The Kite and the Cat" § Tales of the Cat Timothy The Kite and the Cat Egyptian tale read

There once lived a kite born on the top of a mountain tree. And there lived a cat born at the foot of this mountain. The kite did not dare to fly away from the nest for food for his chicks, because he was afraid that the cat would eat them. But the cat also did not dare to leave for food for her kittens, because she was afraid that the kite would carry them away. And then one day the kite said to the cat:

Let's live like good neighbors! Let us swear before the great god Ra and say: “If one of us goes to fetch food for our children, the other will not attack them!”

And they promised before the god Ra that they would not back down from this oath. But once a kite took a piece of meat from a kitten and gave it to his kite. The cat saw this and decided to take the meat from the kite. And when he turned to her, the cat seized him and plunged her claws into him. The kite saw that he could not escape, and said:

I swear by Ra, this is not your food! Why did you sink your claws into me?

But the cat answered him:

Where did you get this meat from? After all, I brought it and brought it not to you!

Then the kite said to her:

I did not fly to your kittens! And if you begin to take revenge on me or my brothers and sisters, then Ra will see that the oath that you took was false.

Then he wanted to take off, but the wings could not carry him back to the tree. As if dying, he fell to the ground and said to the cat:

If you kill me, then your son and your son's son will die.

And the cat didn't touch him. But then the kite found his chick on the ground, and anger seized him. The kite said:

I will take revenge! This will happen when Retribution returns here from the distant lands of the land of Syria. Then the cat will go for food for her kittens, and I will attack them. And her children will become food for me and my children! However, for a long time the kite could not seize the time to attack the cat's house and destroy its entire family. He watched every step of the cat and thought about his revenge.

And then one day the cat went for food for her kittens. The kite attacked them and carried them away. And when the cat came back, she didn't find a single kitten.

Then the cat turned to the sky and called out to the great Ra:

Recognize my grief and judge between us and the kite! We made a sacred oath with him, but he broke it. He killed all my children!

And Ra heard her voice. He sent heavenly power to punish the kite that killed the children of the cat. The heavenly force set off and found Retribution. Retribution sat under the tree where the kite's nest was. And the heavenly power conveyed to Retribution the command of Ra to punish the kite for what he had done to the children of the cat.

Then Retribution made it so that the kite saw one Syrian who was roasting mountain game on coals. The kite grabbed a piece of meat and took this meat to its nest. But he did not notice that burning coals stuck to the meat.

And then the kite's nest burst into flames. All his children were roasted and fell to the ground at the foot of the tree.

The cat came to the tree where the kite's nest was, but did not touch the chicks. And she said to the kite:

By the name of Ra, you hunted my children for a long time, and now you attacked and killed them! And even now I don’t touch your chicks, even though they are fried just right!

Stranger, we advise you to read the fairy tale "The Kite and the Cat (Egyptian Tale)" to yourself and your children, this is a wonderful work created by our ancestors. There is a balancing act between good and bad, tempting and necessary, and how wonderful that every time the choice is right and responsible. Surprisingly easily and naturally, the text written in the last millennium is combined with our present, its relevance has not diminished at all. Here, harmony is felt in everything, even negative characters, they seem to be an integral part of beingness, although, of course, they go beyond the boundaries of what is acceptable. An important role for children's perception is played by visual images, with which, quite successfully, this work abounds. All the heroes were "honed" by the experience of the people, who for centuries created, strengthened and transformed them, devoting great and profound importance to children's education. The plot is simple and old as the world, but each new generation finds in it something relevant and useful for itself. The fairy tale "The Kite and the Cat (Egyptian Tale)" to read for free online will be fun for both children and their parents, the kids will be happy with a good ending, and moms and dads will be happy for the kids!

There once lived a kite born on the top of a mountain tree. And there lived a cat born at the foot of this mountain.
The kite did not dare to fly away from the nest for food for his chicks, because he was afraid that the cat would eat them. But the cat also did not dare to leave for food for her kittens, because she was afraid that the kite would carry them away.
And then one day the kite said to the cat:
Let's live like good neighbors! Let us swear before the great god Ra and say: “If one of us goes to fetch food for our children, the other will not attack them!”
And they promised before the god Ra that they would not back down from this oath.
But once a kite took a piece of meat from a kitten and gave it to his kite. the cat saw this and decided to take the meat from the kite. And when he turned to her, the cat seized him and plunged her claws into him, the kite saw that he could not escape, and said:
“By Ra, this is not your food!” Why did you sink your claws into me? But the cat answered him:
Where did you get this meat from? After all, she brought it
I didn't bring you!
Then the kite said to her:
— I did not fly to your kittens! And if you begin to take revenge on me or my brothers and sisters, then Ra will see that the oath that you took was false.
Then he wanted to take off, but the wings could not carry him back to the tree. As if dying, he fell to the ground and said to the cat:
“If you kill me, then your son will die and
your son's son.
And the cat didn't touch him.
But then the kite found his chick on the ground, and anger seized him. The kite said:
- I will take revenge! This will happen when Retribution returns here from the distant lands of the land of Syria. Then the cat will go for food for her kittens, and I will attack them. And her children will become food for me and my children!
However, for a long time the kite could not seize the time to attack the cat's house and destroy its entire family. He followed every step of the cat and thought about his
to sweep.
And then one day the cat went for food for her kittens. The kite attacked them and carried them away. And when the cat came back, she didn't find a single kitten.
Then the cat turned to the sky and called out to the great Ra:
- recognize my grief and judge us with a kite! We made a sacred oath with him, but he broke it. He killed all my children!
And Ra heard her voice. He sent heavenly power to punish the kite that killed the children of the cat. The heavenly force set off and found Retribution. Retribution sat under the tree where the kite's nest was. And the heavenly power conveyed to Retribution the command of Ra to punish the kite for what he had done to the children.
Then Retribution made it so that the kite saw
one Syrian who roasted mountain game on coals. The kite grabbed a piece of meat and took this meat into his
nest. But he did not notice that burning coals stuck to the meat.
And then the kite's nest blazed. All his children were roasted and fell to the ground at the foot of the tree.
The cat came to the tree where the kite's nest was, but did not touch the chicks. And she said to the kite:
“By the name of Ra, you hunted my children for a long time, and now you attacked and killed them!” And even now I don’t touch your chicks, even though they are fried just right!

There once lived a kite, born at the top of a mountain tree. And there lived a cat born at the foot of this mountain.
The kite did not dare to fly away from the nest for food for his chicks, because he was afraid that the cat would eat them. But the cat also did not dare to leave for food for her kittens, because she was afraid that the kite would carry them away.
And then one day the kite said to the cat:
- Let's live like good neighbors! Let us swear before the great god Ra and say: “If one of us goes to fetch food for our children, the other will not attack them!”
And they promised before the god Ra that they would not back down from this oath.
But once a kite took a piece of meat from a kitten and gave it to his kite. the cat saw this and decided to take the meat from the kite. And when he turned to her, the cat seized him and plunged her claws into him, the kite saw that he could not escape, and said:
- By Ra, this is not your food! Why did you sink your claws into me? But the cat answered him:
Where did you get this meat from? After all, she brought it
I didn't bring you!
Then the kite said to her:
- I did not fly to your kittens! And if you begin to take revenge on me or my brothers and sisters, then Ra will see that the oath that you took was false.
Then he wanted to take off, but the wings could not carry him back to the tree. As if dying, he fell to the ground and said to the cat:
- If you kill me, then your son will die and
your son's son.
And the cat didn't touch him.
But then the kite found his chick on the ground, and anger seized him. The kite said:
- I will take revenge! This will happen when Retribution returns here from the distant lands of the land of Syria. Then the cat will go for food for her kittens, and I will attack them. And her children will become food for me and my children!
However, for a long time the kite could not seize the time to attack the cat's house and destroy its entire family. He followed every step of the cat and thought about his
to sweep.
And then one day the cat went for food for her kittens. The kite attacked them and carried them away. And when the cat came back, she didn't find a single kitten.
Then the cat turned to the sky and called out to the great Ra:
- find out my grief and judge us with a kite! We made a sacred oath with him, but he broke it. He killed all my children!
And Ra heard her voice. He sent heavenly power to punish the kite that killed the children of the cat. The heavenly force set off and found Retribution. Retribution sat under the tree where the kite's nest was. And the heavenly power conveyed to Retribution the command of Ra to punish the kite for what he had done to the children.
Then Retribution made it so that the kite saw
one Syrian who roasted mountain game on coals. The kite grabbed a piece of meat and took this meat into his
nest. But he did not notice that burning coals stuck to the meat.
And then the kite's nest blazed. All his children were roasted and fell to the ground at the foot of the tree.
The cat came to the tree where the kite's nest was, but did not touch the chicks. And she said to the kite:
- By the name of Ra, you hunted my children for a long time, and now you attacked them and killed them! And even now I don’t touch your chicks, even though they are fried just right!

There once lived a kite, born at the top of a mountain tree. And there lived a cat born at the foot of this mountain.
The kite did not dare to fly away from the nest for food for his chicks, because he was afraid that the cat would eat them. But the cat also did not dare to leave for food for her kittens, because she was afraid that the kite would carry them away.
And then one day the kite said to the cat:
- Let's live like good neighbors! Let us swear before the great god Ra and say: “If one of us goes to fetch food for our children, the other will not attack them!”
And they promised before the god Ra that they would not back down from this oath.
But once a kite took a piece of meat from a kitten and gave it to his kite. the cat saw this and decided to take the meat from the kite. And when he turned to her, the cat seized him and plunged her claws into him, the kite saw that he could not escape, and said:
- By Ra, this is not your food! Why did you sink your claws into me? But the cat answered him:
Where did you get this meat from? After all, she brought it
I didn't bring you!
Then the kite said to her:
- I did not fly to your kittens! And if you begin to take revenge on me or my brothers and sisters, then Ra will see that the oath that you took was false.
Then he wanted to take off, but the wings could not carry him back to the tree. As if dying, he fell to the ground and said to the cat:
- If you kill me, then your son will die and
your son's son.
And the cat didn't touch him.
But then the kite found his chick on the ground, and anger seized him. The kite said:
- I will take revenge! This will happen when Retribution returns here from the distant lands of the land of Syria. Then the cat will go for food for her kittens, and I will attack them. And her children will become food for me and my children!
However, for a long time the kite could not seize the time to attack the cat's house and destroy its entire family. He followed every step of the cat and thought about his
to sweep.
And then one day the cat went for food for her kittens. The kite attacked them and carried them away. And when the cat came back, she didn't find a single kitten.
Then the cat turned to the sky and called out to the great Ra:
- find out my grief and judge us with a kite! We made a sacred oath with him, but he broke it. He killed all my children!
And Ra heard her voice. He sent heavenly power to punish the kite that killed the children of the cat. The heavenly force set off and found Retribution. Retribution sat under the tree where the kite's nest was. And the heavenly power conveyed to Retribution the command of Ra to punish the kite for what he had done to the children.
Then Retribution made it so that the kite saw
one Syrian who roasted mountain game on coals. The kite grabbed a piece of meat and took this meat into his
nest. But he did not notice that burning coals stuck to the meat.
And then the kite's nest blazed. All his children were roasted and fell to the ground at the foot of the tree.
The cat came to the tree where the kite's nest was, but did not touch the chicks. And she said to the kite:
- By the name of Ra, you hunted my children for a long time, and now you attacked them and killed them! And even now I don’t touch your chicks, even though they are fried just right!

Egyptian tales.

There once lived a kite, born at the top of a mountain tree. And there lived a cat born at the foot of this mountain.
The kite did not dare to fly away from the nest for food for his chicks, because he was afraid that the cat would eat them. But the cat also did not dare to leave for food for her kittens, because she was afraid that the kite would carry them away.
And then one day the kite said to the cat:
Let's live like good neighbors! Let us swear before the great god Ra and say: “If one of us goes to fetch food for our children, the other will not attack them!”
And they promised before the god Ra that they would not back down from this oath.
But once a kite took a piece of meat from a kitten and gave it to his kite. the cat saw this and decided to take the meat from the kite. And when he turned to her, the cat seized him and plunged her claws into him, the kite saw that he could not escape, and said:
“By Ra, this is not your food!” Why did you sink your claws into me? But the cat answered him:
Where did you get this meat from? After all, she brought it
I didn't bring you!
Then the kite said to her:
— I did not fly to your kittens! And if you begin to take revenge on me or my brothers and sisters, then Ra will see that the oath that you took was false.
Then he wanted to take off, but the wings could not carry him back to the tree. As if dying, he fell to the ground and said to the cat:
“If you kill me, then your son will die and
your son's son.
And the cat didn't touch him.
But then the kite found his chick on the ground, and anger seized him. The kite said:
- I will take revenge! This will happen when Retribution returns here from the distant lands of the land of Syria. Then the cat will go for food for her kittens, and I will attack them. And her children will become food for me and my children!
However, for a long time the kite could not seize the time to attack the cat's house and destroy its entire family. He followed every step of the cat and thought about his
to sweep.
And then one day the cat went for food for her kittens. The kite attacked them and carried them away. And when the cat came back, she didn't find a single kitten.
Then the cat turned to the sky and called out to the great Ra:
- recognize my grief and judge us with a kite! We made a sacred oath with him, but he broke it. He killed all my children!
And Ra heard her voice. He sent heavenly power to punish the kite that killed the children of the cat. The heavenly force set off and found Retribution. Retribution sat under the tree where the kite's nest was. And the heavenly power conveyed to Retribution the command of Ra to punish the kite for what he had done to the children.
Then Retribution made it so that the kite saw
one Syrian who roasted mountain game on coals. The kite grabbed a piece of meat and took this meat into his
nest. But he did not notice that burning coals stuck to the meat.
And then the kite's nest blazed. All his children were roasted and fell to the ground at the foot of the tree.
The cat came to the tree where the kite's nest was, but did not touch the chicks. And she said to the kite:
“By the name of Ra, you hunted my children for a long time, and now you attacked and killed them!” And even now I don’t touch your chicks, even though they are fried just right!