Home bar rack from beer covers with their own hands. Unusual Bottle Covers Tabletop (17 photos) Bar rack from beer

A man collecting covers from glass bottles For a long 5 years, when they became enough, he decided to take up the long-planned business. It turns out that, from childhood, a man dreamed of bar stand In his own house looked like in a pub, where his father went to watch football with friends.

Finally, he managed to fulfill his dream. In this difficult case, a man helped friends, they also collected for him metal covers during several years.

How to decorate the surface of the bar rack using the covers

One of the most difficult tasks was sorting by colors. This participated the whole family.

At first, the man planned to fold them into some beautiful drawing, but then came to the conclusion that, if it was properly decoring the lids in colors, then the bar rack would look much more effectively.

And in this matter faithful friends did not throw him. For several days, they diligently selected elements that would be profitably looked in different colors.

When figure from covers I was ready, friends poured it with 5 layers of epoxy resin.

If, in some places, air bubbles have been formed, they solved this problem with construction fabric.

When all the painstaking work was done, friends saw in front of her such beauty.

Before you, the next proof is that by including fantasy, you can make something unique and unique. Now it is a favorite place in the house.

One guy came up with and made a tabletop of covers from beer bottles, it will make any kitchen unique.

He and his family friends for 5 years collected 2530 beer traffic jams specifically for this project.

"The initial concept was to lay out a certain image of the covers", he says. "Then, encountered with reality, we chose a much simpler option, we decided to create a gradient effect."Chose the sequence of colors like Rainbow - every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits.

At least 4 hours passed until they sorted them in shades. "Initially, I highly equalized the covers, pickled shades, and the like. In the end, we decided to introduce entropy. " Then all this was covered with epoxy resin in 5 layers and voila! An ideal surface for any home party.

One creative man decided to change his kitchen, a unique countertop made her impressive.

He and his friends gathered 2530 covers for 5 years, and that's what happened

The process began with sorting covers on a shade: red, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple.

"Two large sheets of high-quality plywood 15mm thick" Formed the basis of the table top.

"Painted matte black paint. Several cans left. Coloring should not have been perfect, since the tabletop will be covered with epoxy resin »

"... [But] it should be perfectly smooth, how much is possible, otherwise epoxy resin can flow in low places"

"The initial concept was to lay out the image of beer covers, but in the end we stopped at a simpler version - gradient"

"This resin fills any available airspace. The resin had to pour slowly, form thin layers. "

"It took 5 layers to fully cover the covers."

"We visually felt that it was more interesting to mix a little covers to add color bursts."

"Here you can see how we laid off the covers, letting them flow into each other and not have clear color borders."

"I am so proud of this project that we did together with your own hands"

Not everyone in our society is always conservative to the last. This is confirmed by dozens of wonderful ideas when it seems like from ordinary things it is something extraordinary. This is another such example will be given in our article when tubes from beer bottles are used for the table top. Such tubes are stacked in a pre-prepared tray, and poured with epoxy resin.
In the self, you can talk about it, but you have to see at least once to understand how everything happens and how it all is done. Just about it, then.

One of the most important and responsible missions in making countertops using traffic jams is a question of finding such a number of traffic jams. Well, if you and your friends love to drink beer on weekends, and perhaps you or someone from close works in the bar. If not, in order to generate such a number of traffic jams from an alcoholic beverage, you will have to seriously undermine your health. So, traffic jams in stock ...

Now about the table top. In essence, it is a blank of plywood, which was framed by the bars in order to fix the boundaries of the plugs and create flights for the resin, which will be poured inside.

So that the countertop is under the color, paint it. Also painting will make it more resistant to moisture.

Now the painstaking process begins. Corks must be laid out all over the area of \u200b\u200bthe table top. Perhaps in your mind matures some kind of silhouette or drawing to bring it to life. If so, then think about it in advance and put the plugs according to it.

So the plug to the plug will be laid out the entire surface.

Now it is necessary to prepare an epoxy resin solution. Such a resin consists of two main components, this is the resin itself and thickener. Depending on how much thickener you added to the resin, all the solution will grab in time, that is, hardens. We will not advise anything here, read the instructions for the resin better.

Next, the resulting solution fill the plugs. It is not necessary to pour a lot, since it is possible that the appearance of bubbles, and in addition, the thin layer will not allow to emerge traffic jams. That is, pour a thin layer, without bubbles and wait until he ride a little.

Then there is still a layer and still until the resin comes with the sideboard sides.

Also keeping not bubbles and emptiness. After hardening, the resin can be grinding on top of the machine.

This will allow you to get a smooth and brilliant surface.

As a result, the table top looks very original and stylish. However, it is here to say, this is so seen from our photos.

It remains to say that such a tabletop will look unmatched if in the kitchen besides her, still make a apron from wine plugs. It seems like

Agree, a real beer lover will give half of the opportunity to have a house such a gorgeous bar counter! But, alas in our apartments do not often appear space for a full kitchen, such as this New York Guy Chris. Chris somehow managed to convince all his family to collect covers from each beer, which they drank over the past 5 years, and then he used these covers for building a home bar. As you will see from the images below, it clearly worth it. Here's step by step Guide to create a home bar rack from beer covers:

At first, Chris collected all his covers and with the help of the family sorted them in color.

There is nothing better than a little child labor to complete the tedious tasks!

Finally, in a few days, all beer covers were sorted by color.

Then Chris built a bar and painted it black.

When the paint dried, he set the bar counter in his new kitchen.

Then long and patiently laid out the beer covers on the worktop. Beer clearly helped to brighten the process.

Laying beer covers in the form of a holistic picture of the picture demanded several attempts.

If you find ridiculous inscriptions inside the covers, they were distributed evenly over the entire worktop.

When the picture was collected, it was time to seal with an epoxy resin table top.

The epoxy resin was dried by a construction hairdryer, so that it does not froze with small bubbles.

The idea was that the colors of beer covers as it were "flowed" into each other.

It took a lot of work, but we think you will agree that the results look very impressive!

One of the most pleasant things in the house is what you did with your own hands, thereby demonstrating your interests, values \u200b\u200band individuality.

You can paint the walls of the room into your favorite color, hang works art that "say" with you and about you or simply put the furniture as you like.

The guy wanted to revive her too boring cuisine, with a lot of tiles and granite, a splash of color. Therefore, he decided to make such a central part of this room, which not only instantly attract the attention of any, but will make meals more enjoyable.

Fortunately, at his disposal there was a rather large collection of bottled covers, as well as ready to install the top panel of the new kitchen.

Covers for bottles have long been a favorite material of homemade masters. These products are often forgotten, but they are actually tiny works of art.

To create table tops from bottle covers, thorough sorting, planning and laying were required. But, in the end, the guy managed to create a truly unique countertop, which added bright colors and individuality of his kitchen.
When Remitor ThePassionofthechris decided that his kitchen lacks a little color, the guy remembered the huge collection of bottled caps, which he collected over 5 years.

To sort them according to colors, it took quite a long time. Fortunately, he had free assistants.

The covers are sorted, so now it is about known how much of each color is available.

Meanwhile, the hand-made tabletop looked forwarded when it was started to decorate.

First of all - painting black, giving a product a finished look.

The table top was installed in the kitchen and thoroughly aligned to avoid the appearance of problems when pouring epoxy resin.

After a long thought over the surface design, a simple color gradient was chosen.

The covers were laid according to colors and carefully "mixed" with each other. The process was rather difficult, because the lids tried to "take away" all the time, so it took some samples and errors, including work with glue in the form of spray.

Some of the inscription covers on the inside were inverted.

It has come time to fill with a two-component epoxy resin.

The guy has applied an epoxy resin with several thin layers, due to which the final surface is smoother, there are fewer air bubbles in it, plus it helped prevent the caps of the covers, which could destroy the entire project!

5 layers of epoxy resin completely covered covers. This is how the tabletop looks beautiful!