What is herpes zoster, its signs and treatment. Herpes Zoster: symptoms and treatment Who treats herpes zoster

In total, there are 8 different types of herpes virus. Herpes Zoster belongs to the third type. It is referred to as the varicella-zoster virus (VVO) or shingles. It is the last name of this disease that occurs most often. If a child becomes infected, chickenpox develops. Once having been ill, any infected person becomes a lifelong carrier of this type of viral disease, and the virus itself is localized in the tissues of nerve cells.

In most cases, the virus no longer bothers, but there are cases when it is active. With repeated manifestation, the clinical picture of Zoster's herpes is characterized by features of herpes zoster.

On a note! Chickenpox is the primary infection caused by the virus. In 90% of cases in children, the disease occurs before the age of 12. In childhood, the disease proceeds without complications, and in adults there is a risk of developing encephalitis or pneumonia.

Herpes Zoster is an acute viral disease, the main signs of which are rashes on the skin and damage to the nervous system. The causative agent is the Varicella Zoster virus. It is unstable to the effects of environmental factors - it dies after heating for 10 minutes, it is completely eliminated in the same short time by ultraviolet rays and antiviral agents. But low temperatures are a favorable environment for the virus, it does not die even when frozen.

Diseases caused by the Varicella Zoster virus are classified as an infectious group, since they:

  • are of viral origin;
  • carriers of the virus are infectious;
  • have severe symptoms similar to infectious diseases;
  • affect the nervous system.

The Varicella Zoster virus is transmitted by airborne droplets. It enters the pathways of the respiratory system, after which it spreads in the lymph nodes with lymph flow or blood flow, affecting the nervous system. Through sensitive nerve cells, the virus enters the skin and mucous membranes, after which inflammation appears on the affected surface.

Most often, Zoster's herpes appears in late autumn or winter. This is due to the fact that low temperatures and cold are favorable conditions for the spread of the virus.

At risk are elderly people 50-70 years old who have had chickenpox in childhood. A disease transferred in childhood does not give a 100% guarantee against re-infection, since persistent immunity does not develop to this type of virus.

Epidemiology of Zoster's herpes

On a note! When a child (who has not previously had chickenpox) comes into contact with a carrier of the virus, he will become infected with Zoster's herpes with a 100% guarantee. Clinical symptoms will begin to appear in 2 to 3 weeks. The child's illness will take the form of chickenpox.

The Zoster virus remains in the body in an inactive phase after infection with chickenpox and is localized in the dorsal roots of the spinal cord and intervertebral nerve nodes. But under certain factors, it can reappear in the form of shingles.

These factors include:

  • weak immunity;
  • frequent stress or depression;
  • severe injuries and damage;
  • hypothermia of the body;
  • transferred infectious or somatic diseases;
  • AIDS and HIV infection;
  • chemotherapy courses.

Symptoms of Zoster's herpes

As already noted, Zoster's herpes is characterized by 2 stages of infection: with primary infection, chickenpox develops, and the secondary one leads to the appearance of shingles. Therefore, you should consider their main symptoms separately.

Pathogenesis of herpes Zoster

A characteristic feature of Zoster's herpes disease is the gradual development of the disease in a phased manner.

Stage 1... Headache, chills and general malaise appear. The work of the digestive system is disrupted, the temperature rises slightly. After 1-2 days, itching, burning and painful sensations appear in the nerve trunks, where later the rashes are localized.

Stage 2... The body temperature rises sharply. Symptoms of body intoxication, muscle and joint pain appear, and appetite disappears. This stage is the active stage of the disease and lasts 3-4 days.

Stage 3... In the area of ​​the spinal nerve endings on the surface of the skin, rashes are formed that resemble spots of pink color 3-5 mm in size. Grouped serous vesicles appear on the sites of localization of rashes.

Stage 4... This is the stage of recovery. The bubbles burst and dry up, the swelling and redness of the skin go away. Crusts form at the site of the rashes, moderate pigmentation remains. The temperature is normalized, intoxication passes.

On a note! The average duration of the illness is 3 weeks.

Shingles can manifest in various other clinical forms with distinctive signs and symptoms. They are not so common, but you should familiarize yourself with their symptoms. Let's consider them in more detail using a table example.

Shingles shapeFeatures and symptoms
OphthalmicThe trigeminal nerve is affected. The place of localization of the rash is the orbit area. The danger is that the cornea may be affected
EarThe ganglia of the facial nerve are affected. The rash is localized on the auricle. The appearance of such a side effect as the inability to close the eyelids on the affected side is possible
NecroticThe deep layer of the skin is affected. There is a bacterial infection. The rashes do not go away for a long time and scars remain after them.
BullousThis form arises after the vesicles have fused together. Large bubbles with hemorrhagic contents are formed
HemorrhagicIt is diagnosed if the content of the formed bubbles is bloody.
GeneralizedThe rash is common throughout the body and mucous surfaces. Occurs when the body's immune defenses are weakened
AbortiveOnly papules are formed, no bubbles appear. It is considered the mildest form of the disease, which passes quickly and without complications.

Pain syndrome as a symptom of herpes Zoster

Herpes Zoster disrupts the work of nerve cells in the places where the virus spreads. Therefore, at the active stage of the disease, the sensitivity of the nerve endings increases. This leads to the fact that even light touches give the patient severe pain, which can be compared with the passage of an electric current.

Some characteristic features are inherent in such pain sensations:

  • they are burning, dull and boring;
  • amplified by any thermal or mechanical contact;
  • do not go away even after the healing of the rash, since they affect the nerve tissues.

Shingles heals by itself within 2-3 weeks and without treatment. But independent recovery is allowed only at a young age, when the general condition of the body has not undergone strong changes.

Treatment for shingles is mandatory if:

  • an infection develops or a disease worsens;
  • there is an immunodeficiency state of the patient;
  • the disease develops against the background of serious diseases of the internal systems.

The main objectives of the treatment are:

  1. Reducing the number of rashes.
  2. Elimination of the risk of complications.
  3. Accelerating the recovery process.
  4. Fight against intoxication of the body.
  5. Elimination of the risk of recurrence of the disease.
  6. Restoration of immunity.

The treatment is carried out with the appointment of drugs of various pharmacological actions:

  1. Antiviral.
  2. Anti-inflammatory.
  3. Pain relievers.
  4. Interferons.

Additionally, vitamin therapy and a balanced diet are prescribed.

Video - Herpes zoster

Antiviral drugs

Antiviral drugs are designed for both external and internal use.

For the rapid and effective elimination of severe symptoms of infection, drugs are prescribed in the form of tablets for internal administration.

A drugImageDosageApplication featuresA course of treatment
Acyclovir 4 tabletsFive times a day7 days
Valacyclovir 2 tabletsThree times a day7 days
Kagocel 2 tabletsThree times a day5 days
Famvir 1 tabletThree times a day7 days

External treatment with the use of antiviral agents is carried out at the stage of redness and swelling of the skin, and with the formation of blistering rashes. After the formation of erosion, they do not show effectiveness.

A drugImageApplication featuresDuration of admission
Acyclovir Apply to the affected area 5 times a day5-10 days
Zovirax 4-8 days
Panavir Apply 4-5 times throughout the day5-10 days
Fenistil Apply every 3-4 hours4 days

If erosion has formed at the site of the rash, it is necessary to use antiseptic agents:

  1. Brilliant green(called brilliant green). Shows bactericidal properties, quickly eliminating microbes. It should be applied to the erosion surface 2 - 3 times during the day. A 1% or 2% solution of brilliant green is suitable.
  2. Methylene blue... It has antiseptic and analgesic properties. Apply 2-3 times throughout the day. A 1% solution is suitable.

Anti-inflammatory drugs

Preparations of this drug group exhibit the following properties:

  • reduce pain syndrome;
  • eliminate inflammation and swelling;
  • relieve heat and high body temperature.
A drugImageDosageApplication featuresDuration of admission
Ketoprofen 100 mgThree times a day5 days
Ibuprofen 400 mgThree times a day5 days
Diclofenac 25-50 mgThree times a day5 days

Pain medications

Herpes Zoster is accompanied by severe pain, therefore analgesics are often used during treatment.

A drugImageDosageApplication featuresDuration of admission

Shingles, or herpes zoster, is a viral disease, the characteristic features of which is the reactivation of the herpes virus, manifested by general infectious symptoms, disorders of the nervous system and accompanied by specific skin manifestations.

It is important to identify the symptoms in time and start the correct treatment, this is the only way to avoid serious consequences for an adult. Next, we will consider what are the main causes and symptoms characteristic of shingles, why it is important to get diagnosed and start the correct therapy.

What is shingles?

Shingles (herpes) is a viral skin disease that manifests itself as unilateral rashes and is accompanied by severe pain. The causative agent of the disease is a virus - herpes zoster.

Shingles affects peripheral nerves in some areas of the skin, which leads to intoxication of the body, inflammation of the dorsal roots of the spinal cord and the appearance of a blistering rash. As a rule, adults and children over the age of 10 suffer from this infection, and it develops only in those individuals who have had chickenpox.

The activation of the virus can be triggered by:

  • severe stress;
  • mental or physical fatigue;
  • decreased immunity after viral and infectious diseases;
  • the presence of malignant tumors.

The causative agent is a virus from the Herpes viridae family. It is capable of causing two pathologies that are completely different in the clinical picture: and herpes zoster (versicolor). This virus is a nucleotide with an oval membrane, reaching a diameter of 30-50 nm. The most optimal temperature for its development and reproduction is 37 degrees Celsius.

Herpes practically does not affect children, the disease mainly diagnosed in an adult population and the elderly. Moreover, when a patient with shingles comes into contact with a healthy child, the baby develops typical chickenpox.


The following forms of shingles in an adult are distinguished:

  • The ocular form of manifestation leads to a disease of the trigeminal node. In this case, there is a danger to eye health.
  • Disseminated form of manifestation, it is also called common. It develops with the appearance of rashes over the entire surface of the skin.
  • Gangliocutaneous manifestation is the most common form. She has typical manifestations.
  • Meningoencephalitic form - an exacerbation of the virus proceeds in a severe form. Variety of manifestation of the virus initiates meningoencephalitis. The most dangerous manifestation of infection is fraught with serious consequences.
  • The ear form manifests itself as a rash in the ear canal, hearing may be lost.
  • Gangrenous - with black scabs, especially severe pain and the need for long-term treatment (the disease goes away after 3 months, scars remain on the skin);
  • Generalized - with external manifestations characteristic of chickenpox, more often it happens not in young people, but in the elderly.

The disease is distinguished by stages:

  • the first 1-3 days - the prodromal stage (the appearance of symptoms characteristic of the disease);
  • 3-20 days - acute stage;
  • starting from the 20th day and up to three months - convalescence (the period of restoration of damaged tissues);
  • stage of long-term consequences (can last up to three years).

Causes of occurrence in adults

The virus belongs to the category of neurodermatotropic, therefore, it is capable of infecting epithelial cells of the skin and nervous system. The virus is in all people who have had chickenpox or have been in contact with a sick person. With a decrease in the body's immunological resistance, the virus wakes up and reactivates.

Quite often, shingles appears in patients exposed to various types of effects that affect the immune system. These include:

  • leukemia,
  • neoplasms,
  • chemotherapy procedures,
  • long-term use of immunosuppressants and corticosteroids.

The risk factors that provoke the development of this pathology include:

  • pneumonia
  • poisoning with alcohol, arsenic or mercury,
  • flu,
  • cancer metastasis and HIV infection.

Most often, shingles is diagnosed in older adults with a noticeable physiological extinction of all body functions, including immune defenses. However, the appearance of herpetic eruptions on the body of a teenager is possible.

These statistical results are associated with the fact that in people after 50 years of age, the body's defenses are significantly weakened, and it is difficult to maintain control over the virus, which subsequently provokes its manifestation.

As a result of a decrease in the immune reactivity in humans under the influence of certain factors, the virus is activated, which causes inflammation mainly of the nerve intervertebral nodes and posterior spinal roots, which manifests itself in the form of shingles symptoms.

Factors leading to a decrease in immune defense can be:

  • general acute infectious diseases, hypothermia, hyperinsolation;
  • pregnancy;
  • or exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • sleep disorders and prolonged neuropsychic stress;
  • foci of chronic infections and intoxication of the body;
  • long-term use of immunosuppressants, cytostatic and hormonal drugs of the glucocorticoid series;
  • and oncological diseases;
  • carrying out x-ray therapy procedures, chemotherapy.

Is shingles contagious to humans?

Shingles is contagious and it is important to understand what are the ways of transmission of a dangerous viral pathology.

The following methods of infection are possible:

  1. By airborne droplets, in which the virus is localized in the mucous membranes of the carrier of the infection, from where it enters the air after coughing or sneezing. In the future, the virus remains in the form of an aerosol until a healthy person inhales the contaminated air.
  2. By contact, in which the virus enters the body of a healthy person after direct contact with the skin of an infected person.

How many days is shingles contagious? Exactly as much as bubbles with liquid appear and burst on the skin. As soon as they are covered with a crust, there is no need to be afraid of infection. The source of infection is the fluid that fills them, therefore, if a person with rashes touches them, and then - to objects accessible to other members of his environment - he exposes others to the danger of infection.

It should be borne in mind that the virus that causes shingles is very unstable, it is destroyed when exposed to solar insolation, disinfectants, and high temperatures.

Most often, outbreaks are recorded in autumn and spring.

  • With a mild form of the pathological process, skin nodules do not transform into vesicles.
  • At the same time, with a severe form of the disease, the vesicular vesicles are transformed into abscesses, which after a while begin to ulcerate. In this case, shingles becomes protracted and lasts up to one and a half months.

Symptoms of shingles in humans

With shingles, an erased course of the disease is often observed, which means that viral particles are present in the nervous system, which, under unfavorable conditions of the external or internal environment, can be activated and lead to the multiplication of the virus and the appearance of further clinical manifestations. The incubation period can be long - it can take several years from the moment of infection to the manifestation of the first symptoms.

After the activation of the virus in the body, even before the first external signs of the disease appear, the patient begins to feel the malaise characteristic of the flu or cold:

  • headache,
  • temperature increase,
  • fever
  • chills,
  • digestive disorders.

In places of future rashes, tingling, itching and neuralgic pains appear. Often the pains become burning and unbearable, aggravated by movement and the slightest touch. The process spreads along the nerve trunks, intercostal branches and trigeminal nerves.

If the virus is activated in the facial nerve, paralysis occurs, among the signs of which are:

  • asymmetry of the face;
  • the patient cannot puff out his cheeks, show his teeth;
  • a rash appears in the area of ​​the auricle.

In the vast majority of clinical cases, shingles begins acutely. This means:

  • an increase in body temperature of the order of 39 degrees, which is accompanied by the addition of general toxic reactions (in the form of chills, general malaise and headache).
  • At the same time, the zone of innervation of the spinal ganglia (one or more of them) is covered with characteristic skin rashes, whose appearance is also accompanied by certain sensations (pain, numbness, etc.).

The period of rashes. It begins after 2-4 days and depends on the form of the disease. Characteristic for each manifestation of the disease:

  • rashes at first look like pink spots up to 5 mm (see photo),
  • after that, groups of small bubbles with liquid contents begin to form on them, at first transparent, after 3-4 days becoming cloudy, sometimes with an admixture of blood.

in the photo: shingles from 1 to 12 days

After a few days, the contents of the blisters become cloudy, and the blisters themselves dry out and become crusty. When the crust falls off, a red pigment remains on the skin. After the chain of processes ends, the rash may recur.

Localization of rashes + photo

The rash is localized in the area of ​​the damaged nerve, it depends on which part of the nervous system is "captured" by the virus. A few days later, a blistering rash appears on the spot. The bubbles are small in diameter, the contents are usually transparent.

Most often, the rash appears in the following areas of the body:

  • area of ​​the trigeminal nerve on the face;
  • between the ribs;
  • upper and lower limbs;
  • groin area.

In the course of the appearance of the rash, an increase in the lymph nodes on the patient's body is observed.

A characteristic feature of shingles is the one-sided localization of the rash, that is, papules appear on only one side of the body.

With an uncomplicated form the duration is 3-4 weeks. Sometimes, in mild cases, in the absence of severe pain, herpes disappears in 12-14 days.

The final stage of herpes zoster (the rash begins to shrink and dry out)

Symptoms for different forms of shingles

Sometimes the disease gives an atypical clinical picture:

  • Abortive form - there is no stage of formation of watery blisters. Against the background of the absence of a skin rash, the pain is just as intense.
  • Bullous form - increasing in size vesicles merge, forming bubbles of large diameter.
  • Hemorrhagic form - deep destruction of tissues with damage to the capillaries of the skin leads to the filling of vesicles with blood. Healing occurs with the formation of scars and dimples in the skin.
  • Gangrenous form - deep ulcers form in place of the vesicles. Healing is delayed, as a result, rough scars form in their place.


The herpes virus, which provokes shingles, primarily affects the human nervous system. It significantly weakens the immune system and the general resistance of the body. Hence the many serious side effects this disease can cause.

It should be remembered that complications from improper treatment of the disease can persist for many years. In this case, there is severe pain that disrupts the patient's quality of life. To avoid the development of negative consequences, only a timely appeal to a specialist and the right treatment will help.

The most common ones are:

  • paralysis, manifested as a result of damage to the motor branches of the nerves;
  • , duodenum, bladder;
  • eye lesions of varying severity;
  • paralysis of the facial nerve and distortion of the face to one side.

Due to the risk of complications, doctors urge patients to abandon self-medication and seek help from specialized institutions in time.


Laboratory research plays a very important role, as it makes it possible to determine with 100 percent accuracy which virus is the source of the problem.

Tests for shingles:

  • Polymerase chain reaction.
  • Immunofluorescence analysis.
  • Serological method.
  • Lymphoblastic transformation test (for babies in womb).

One of the most common tests is the polymerase chain reaction, for which the contents of the vial and the patient's blood are taken. The analysis allows you to identify the exact type of herpes virus through the isolation of its DNA and antibodies to the virus.

Treatment for shingles in adults

How is shingles treated? Patients diagnosed with a severe form of herpes zoster are necessarily hospitalized in an infectious diseases hospital. This is due to the fact that for people who do not have immunity to the herpes zoster virus, they are sources of infection.

In the case when the patient is treated on an outpatient basis, he is assigned:

  • symptomatic therapy aimed at relieving pain syndrome,
  • and also shows the intake of antiviral drugs that prevent secondary infection through the serous contents of the vesicles.

Treatment for shingles has the following goals:

  • reduce the number and area of ​​blistering rashes;
  • reduce the risk of complications;
  • speed up the healing period;
  • reduce the general intoxication syndrome;
  • reduce the risk of relapse;
  • correct immunological disorders against the background of herpes viral infection.

Medicines for adults

The only effective pharmacological agent directed against the cause of the disease is antiviral drugs, which include:

  1. Acyclovir - taken for 7-10 days at 0.8 g. 5 times a day.
  2. Valacyclovir, which is a second generation acyclovir, is taken for 1 week, 1 g each. 3 times a day.
  3. Famvir (famciclovir) - 0.5 g for 1 week. 3 times a day.

If the effect of taking antiviral drugs is absent, antiviral therapy is continued until the appearance of new rashes stops.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs have the following therapeutic effects:

  • reduce pain (analgesic effect);
  • reduce inflammatory reactions (anti-inflammatory effect);
  • normalize body temperature (antipyretic effect).

For shingles, the following are usually prescribed:

  • Ibuprofen
  • Diclofenac
  • Ketoprofen
  • Piroxicam.

External treatment of lichen spots

To eliminate itching and swelling of the skin, ointments are prescribed - in the treatment of shingles, drugs released by Russian, German and British manufacturers have proven themselves. To relieve unpleasant symptoms, the patient can use drugs containing acyclovir, namely:

  • Zovirax;
  • Vivorax;
  • Herpetad;
  • Herperax;
  • Acigerpine.

In addition, lichen foci are allowed to be treated with Viru-Merz-Serol, which is effective in treating herpes rash, and Panavir gel, an antiviral immunomodulator.

In most elderly patients, shingles can be treated on an outpatient basis, but sometimes urgent hospitalization is required.

The indications for hospital stay are:

  • age over 75;
  • history of immunodeficiency; allergic reactions to drugs (especially
  • if the patient previously had anaphylactic reactions);
  • severe chronic diseases that can be exacerbated by taking certain medications (especially kidney and liver diseases).

It is unacceptable to irradiate patients with shingles with ultraviolet rays. It is known that under direct exposure to UV rays, the herpes virus dies, but when it is inside the irradiated organism, it is activated. This causes an increase in lichen symptoms and the development of unwanted complications.

In most cases, the prognosis for the development of the disease is positive. The active phase of the virus goes into a latent state. The person can feel quite healthy. Of the negative consequences, pains of a neurological nature are worried for a long time.

Folk remedies

Shingles can be treated with folk remedies, but only after the consent of a dermatologist. Some prescriptions have side effects, so check with your doctor before taking.

  1. Ash mixed with water helps soothe irritated skin and relieve itching and discomfort. It is best to use ashes from birch logs. To improve your well-being, 3-5 procedures are enough. Sore areas should be lubricated with gruel (keep the composition for 10-30 minutes).
  2. Prepare a healing ointment can be made from table salt and soda. They are taken in 1 tbsp. l. and after combining, supplemented with water to obtain a composition similar in density to sour cream. Skin processing is carried out 3 times. in a day. Relief should come in 3 to 4 days.
  3. It is recommended to treat shingles at home with birch tar. This agent is used to treat the affected foci of the epidermis. It also dries bubbles well and copes with itching with an ointment based on sulfur and glycerin.
  4. Mother-and-stepmother is a medicinal plant whose fresh leaves will help relieve symptoms. Before use, they need to be crushed to a gruel consistency. Apply to the affected area for 20 minutes. You can take mother-and-mahechu inside, take 2-3 drops of grass juice and pour 150 ml of water (3 times a day, 60 minutes before meals).
  5. Garlic oil. A clove of garlic is passed through a press, the prepared gruel is squeezed out with gauze, the resulting juice is mixed with a few drops of olive oil. This means that skin lesions of herpes are treated several times a day - garlic oil will relieve itching and speed up the healing process.
  6. Fight itching and inflammation the infusion of immortelle helps on the epidermis: 1 tsp. dry medicinal herb is poured with a glass of boiling water, insisted for at least an hour. The finished product is used to treat painful areas of the skin twice a day.


In the event that herpes is recurrent, and symptoms are already beginning to appear actively, you must adhere to the following tips:

  • if the disease is already developing, then you should swim as little as possible;
  • since it is already known whether shingles is contagious, it is imperative to use a mask in public places so that the disease does not begin to be transmitted by airborne droplets to others (ideally, the patient should be isolated from others);
  • as soon as possible, you need to start treating shingles in a person to avoid aggravating symptoms;
  • it is necessary to work on strengthening the immune system.

This is all about shingles in adults: what the disease looks like, what are its causes and symptoms, and treatment features.

Data Apr 10 ● Comments 0 ● Views

Doctor Maria Nikolaeva

In the treatment of Zoster's herpes, it is very important to focus on the clinical manifestations that arise in each individual person. Therapy for this disease involves the use of several groups of drugs at once. Each of the medicines affects certain links of the inflammatory process. Such an integrated approach to the treatment of shingles in humans can reduce the unpleasant manifestations of the disease, as well as prevent the development of complications.

  1. Therapist - the appearance of rashes, which are accompanied by moderate pain and itching.
  2. Dermatologist - if the rash covers more than one area of ​​the body. It is also worth seeking advice from a dermatovenerologist if it is necessary to carry out a differential diagnosis between herpes zoster and other diseases.
  3. Neurologist - a doctor's consultation is necessary for all people who are suffering. It is the neurologist who prescribes drugs that relieve severe pain and improve neuromuscular conduction. Shingles with a complication of serous meningitis should also be treated under the supervision of a neurologist.
  4. Neuroreanimatologist- specialist consultation will be required if shingles is complicated by encephalitis.
  5. Ophthalmologist - in case of damage to the eyeball, you need to seek help from this doctor.

When the first rashes appear, it is best to seek help from a therapist. If the doctor has any doubts about the disease, he will independently refer to a narrow specialist.

Quite often, shingles begins not with the appearance of rashes, but with pain in the intercostal nerves. In this case, first of all, it is necessary to seek the advice of a neurologist.

When do you need hospitalization?

Treatment of shingles can be carried out both at home, after the appointment of appropriate drug therapy, and in a hospital setting.

Usually, herpes zoster is fairly easy and requires the implementation of all the doctor's recommendations, as well as periodic monitoring - once a week you need to visit a doctor. To ensure the effectiveness of the selected therapy.

However, in some cases, the treatment of Zoster's herpes should occur exclusively in a hospital setting:

  • pregnant women;
  • adults whose families have children under two years of age;
  • shingles with any complications from the nervous system;
  • disease, with the development of complications from the eyeball;
  • disseminated form of the disease - affects all parts of the body;
  • severe shingles;
  • defeat of the first branch of the trigeminal nerve;
  • severe renal failure;
  • the presence of chronic diseases of the body in the stage of decompensation.

People with immunosuppression also require inpatient treatment. In particular, these are HIV-infected individuals and people with other acquired or congenital immunodeficiency conditions.

The question of where to treat the disease (outpatient or inpatient treatment) should be taken by the attending physician. This takes into account the form of the disease, the severity of its course, as well as the general condition of the body.

How is shingles treated?

There are several things to consider when treating shingles in adults:

  • severity of pain syndrome;
  • the number of rashes and their prevalence;
  • the presence or absence of complications;
  • body temperature;
  • the duration of the rash.

For the treatment of herpes zoster, drugs of several groups are used:

  • pathogenetic drugs;
  • pain relievers;
  • antipyretic medicines;
  • antihistamines.

To reduce neurological manifestations after the disappearance of the elements of the rash, a physiotherapeutic effect is used.

Video - treatment of herpes zoster.

General treatment regimen

In the treatment of shingles, drugs of several groups are used. The general treatment regimen for herpes zoster is as follows:

  1. The choice of an etiotropic drug - Acyclovir, Valacyclovir, Penciclovir.
  2. Dehydration agents - Furosemide, Acetazolamide.
  3. Disaggregant - Dipyridamole.
  4. Immunomodulators - Imunofan, Prodigiosan, Azoximer bromide.
  5. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - Diclofenac, Indomethacin.
  6. Antipyretic drugs - ibuprofen.
  7. B vitamins - Milgamma, Neuromultivitis, Mega-B Complex.
  8. Sedatives to improve sleep - Glycine.
  9. Detoxification therapy - Reopolyglyukin, Infukol - is carried out for parenteral rehydration in a hospital setting.

With complicated herpes zoster, the therapy regimen may change. The use of antiviral and anti-inflammatory drugs remains unchanged. But how to treat damage to the eyes or the nervous system is determined by a narrow specialist, based on specific clinical manifestations.

Herpes zoster or herpes zoster is a viral disease, not as common as or from genital herpes, and is always characterized by lesions of large areas of the skin.
This disease occurs both in men and in men directly, most often in the elderly, but this does not mean at all that herpes zoster does not occur in young people. The cause of the disease is the activity of the virus Varicella zoster (Varicella zoster).

  • Most often, this virus enters the human body in childhood, and causes a fairly common childhood infectious disease, chickenpox, among the people just "chickenpox". As you know, in children, chickenpox usually proceeds without complications, and the virus remains in the cells of the body itself in an inactive form for life.

However, when unfavorable conditions occur, which are accompanied by a decrease in immunity, the zoster virus reactivates and the development of a disease such as herpes zoster. Treatment will be long, aimed at solving several problems.

It is necessary to limit the circulation of the virus in the body, ensure its elimination and block reproduction. The factors influencing the reactivation of the virus and the spread of the disease are not well understood.

Shingles manifests itself in the form of massive rashes on the skin, which are quite painful blisters with a clear liquid. Treatment for herpes zoster always consists of the use of antiviral drugs, ointments and pills, in combination with pain relievers.

Main signs and symptoms

As noted above, shingles is caused by the activity of the Varicella zoster virus. Most often, infection with this virus occurs in childhood, causing the development of chickenpox. In all children, chickenpox usually clears up in two weeks, but the virus remains in the body.

He can be in cages for a long time the spinal cord of a person and at the same time do not manifest themselves in any way, being in an inactive state.

But when certain conditions occur that lead to a decrease in immunity (stress, physical fatigue, lack of vitamins, colds or other infections, injuries, etc.), the herpes virus "wakes up" and begins its vigorous activity, bringing with it the development of the disease.

  • In this case, the human nervous system suffers. The disease can be transmitted through contact from a sick person to a healthy person. Sometimes there are cases of illness in adults in contact with children with chickenpox. In this case, the disease directly manifests itself approximately 2 weeks after contact.

The herpes zoster virus is dormant in nerve cells. The exacerbation period consists of several stages.

  • Experts call the first stage the prodromal period. At this stage, severe pain of varying intensity occurs (usually moderate, but it can become burning and rather excruciating).

It may worsen at night or under the influence of certain irritants, such as cold or touch, and is localized along the nerve endings. Some also complain of headaches, the intensity of which may intensify when the head is turned. The condition is aggravated by general malaise, fever. The duration of the prodromal period is usually 1 to 5 days.

  • The second stage is the period of rashes, characterized by specific skin manifestations. With herpes zoster, spots of various shapes appear on the skin, localized along the nerve (one, less often several).

Occasionally, bubbles appear filled with a clear liquid. This form of the disease is called vesicular. In more severe gangrenous form of the disease, the contents of the vesicles may contain blood impurities or be black. Over time, the bubbles dry out, leaving behind dry crusts. This period takes approximately 1-2 weeks.

It should be noted here that the level of skin manifestations corresponds to the degree of damage to the structures of the nervous system. The higher the spread of the disease, the larger the area of ​​skin lesions. Sometimes, rashes, like chickenpox, can appear all over the body.

Severe cases of herpes zoster are accompanied by damage to the deep layers of the skin, as a result of which scars remain. This can lead to a long-term ongoing inflammatory process or a serious violation of the body's immune functions.

In patients with herpes zoster, there is a decrease in sensitivity in areas of the body covered with a rash and in places of scarring.

  • The disease proceeds against the background of symptoms of general intoxication of the body, which are manifested by weakness, dizziness, fever, weight loss, nausea.

It is worth noting that bubbles may not appear. In this case, only a neurological syndrome manifests itself - pain in the nerve without subsequent skin rashes. This form is called herpetic neuralgia.

In this case, difficulties arise in establishing causes of pain. Herpes zoster is mistaken for intercostal neuralgia, osteochondrosis or heart pain, prescribing the wrong treatment for herpes zoster, which does not bring results.

Possible complications

Complications that can provoke herpes zoster occur in cases where the treatment was carried out haphazardly, the patients self-medicated and sought medical help late, the disease was not diagnosed at the initial stages.

Most common inappropriate treatment for herpes zoster can result in the development of intercostal neuralgia. In all patients with this diagnosis, the slightest movement causes severe pain. If the intercostal nerves are severely damaged, treatment does not bring significant results. This once again indicates that it is not worthwhile to self-medicate at all, but to seek qualified medical help in a timely manner.

The disease is very difficult, in which the trigeminal nerve is affected. Its branches extend to the organs of hearing and vision. An ocular or ear form of herpes zoster develops. The development of the disease is accompanied by rashes in the eyelids, mucous membranes of the eyes, auricles and the ear canal itself. This can lead to varying degrees of hearing and vision damage.

Spread of infection can cause meningoencephalitis. In this case, inflammation of some parts of the brain occurs, which can lead to partial or complete paralysis.

Against the background of the disease, there is a general weakening the body's defenses directly, which can cause the addition of concomitant infections that cause various diseases, for example, pyoderma, with all the ensuing consequences.

Diagnosis of the disease

At the initial stages of the disease (at the stage of preherpetic neuralgia), diagnosing it and prescribing the correct treatment for herpes zoster directly, when the rash has not yet appeared, is quite problematic.

  • During this period, the symptoms of herpes zoster are similar to the symptoms of a number of diseases accompanied by pain syndromes. Depending on the area of ​​the lesion, the patient may be mistakenly diagnosed with cholecystitis, pancreatitis, kidney stones, angina pectoris or myocardial infarction, appendicitis, etc.

With the appearance of a characteristic blistering rash, spreading along the affected nerves, with the subsequent formation of dense black crusts, against the background of fever and intoxication, the diagnosis becomes obvious. If a diagnosis is made based on the general clinical picture, the attending physician may prescribe a study of tissue sites and their contents.

Effective treatment for herpes zoster

The severity of the course of the disease and its outcome will directly depend on how quickly the diagnosis was made and the appropriate treatment started. For the correct formulation of an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to contact a medical institution in a timely manner.

Treatment of herpes zoster is carried out jointly by several specialists: a dermatologist, an ophthalmologist (with an eye form), a therapist, and a neurologist. And remember that treatment must be started immediately, immediately after diagnosis, in order to avoid serious immediate complications!

In the process of treating herpes zoster, you can not swim, if possible, do not allow water to enter the areas affected by the rash, and alcohol is prohibited.

  • The following types of medications are used to treat herpes zoster:

- antiviral drugs;

- medicines to strengthen the immune system;

- medicines to alleviate the patient's condition;

- drugs aimed at eliminating concomitant diseases.

To combat the virus, special means are used that were invented relatively recently. One of the first drugs that made it possible to effectively fight the herpes virus was acyclovir.

For its development, the author was awarded the Nobel Prize awards. Before acyclovir, no drugs were known that could resist the development of the herpes virus. Today, along with Acyclovir, its derivatives Famciclovir, Valacyclovir, etc. are used.

  • Antiviral drugs used in the treatment of herpes zoster can stop the growth and reproduction of the virus and help eliminate it from the body. Special attention is paid to medicinal preparations of the group of recombinant interferons.

A typical representative of this group is Viferon, used for the complex treatment of herpes infections. The popularity of its use is due to its effective action aimed at reducing the duration of the period of rashes, reducing the symptoms of general intoxication, and reducing the risk of complications.

  • The use of Viferon increases the production and activity of immune cells (macrophages, leukocytes), increases the overall resistance of the body. This is due to the action of the main component of the drug alpha-2b interferon on the causes of non-specific and specific protection.

The permeability properties of cell membranes change, making healthy cells immune to the attacks of the pathogen. Form of Viferon for external use in the form of a gel or ointment, when applied, they create a barrier that provides protection against secondary penetration of viruses and the connection of pathogenic bacteria. Rashes from shingles, with timely proper treatment, disappear without a trace.

  • The drug Metisazone has proven itself well in the fight against the virus. The dose of methisazone is calculated from the ratio of 20 mg per 1 kg of body weight, always used orally for 6-8 days. The duration of the course of treatment with antiviral drugs is 8-10 days.

In the case of a severe course of the disease with severe intoxication, special detoxification therapy is performed. The patient is injected intravenously with saline, compensated, neocompensated, etc.

  • Other drugs used in the treatment of herpes zoster: Immunomodulators - drugs that improve the protective properties of the body, for example, Cycloferon or Genferon; non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Nemisil), brilliant green solution for lubricating bubbles, multivitamins.

The pain syndrome, which is characterized by herpes zoster, is removed with ganglion blockers, typical representatives of this group of drugs are Gangleron, Pirilen. The effect of the application occurs within 4-5 days after the start of treatment. To reduce pain, sedatives and hypnotics are prescribed.

Very common pain that occurs in the first stage the disease continues to manifest itself for a long time, even after several months, and sometimes years, after recovery. Analgesics will help to overcome pain, Analgin, Butadion, Aspirin, Indomethacin, Paracetamol are widely used.

  • If the pain syndrome is especially acute and does not go away for a long time, the doctor prescribes anticonvulsants, in particular, Diazepam or derivatives of gamma-aminobutyric acid (Gabapentin). Additionally, local physiotherapy may be required, for example, UHF.

With the direct treatment of herpes zoster, you should not get carried away, because, as already described above, antiviral therapy is needed. You can supplement the treatment with a decoction of peppermint and viburnum juice. These funds increase immunity and have analgesic properties.

The affected area requires special care on which bubbles or crusts have already formed. A gauze bandage will help protect the affected surface from the ingress of microbes and from external influences. It is not necessary to give up hygiene procedures, it is enough to exclude the use of aggressive chemicals.

Baby neutral soap can be used to cleanse the affected area. Antiseptic solutions will help dry wet areas, corticosteroid ointments will reduce inflammation and reduce local allergic reactions. Perhaps the appointment of analgesic (pain relieving) drugs with severe pain.


To prevent relapses after recovery, it is necessary to undergo immunotherapy courses twice a year.

Measures aimed at strengthening the body's defenses will help prevent disease: hardening, proper nutrition, an active lifestyle. It is also necessary to carry out timely treatment of chronic diseases, to seek medical help in time.

The skin, which acts as the body's defense against the negative effects of environmental factors, reflects the general state of health. The herpes-type virus, which provokes shingles, can infect large areas of the skin, causing soreness and itching. What is and how to overcome it using various methods, we will analyze further.

This disease has several synonyms:

  • shingles;
  • herpes zoster;
  • cutaneous herpes.

All of these definitions imply the same essence. The ailment is called a shingles because its localization is a certain area of ​​the skin, elongated along. The name "zoster" the disease takes from the kind of virus that provokes it.

The herpes virus itself is in the blood of half of humanity, but only a third of them experience serious consequences. For many people who did not have chickenpox in childhood, herpes zoster can cause serious diseases, the treatment of which has its own characteristics. If, in childhood, the body managed to develop the appropriate immunity, then the manifestation of herpes in adulthood does not pose a serious danger.

Once in the bloodstream, the virus is able to go into "sleep mode", becoming more active when the immune system is weakened by the disease. Such a fate haunts 95% of the world's population, so there is no need to panic when you find blistering neoplasms on your skin. Modern medicine has developed treatment regimens to prevent the widespread spread of the virus.

Herpes zoster is caused by the zoster virus, which is a type 3 virus that differs from the common herpes on the lips. This difference lies not only in the specificity of the penetration of foreign bodies into the blood, but also in the peculiarity of mutations that lead the skin to the stage of inflammation.


A viral skin lesion has several stages, the symptoms of which are somewhat different. The first (latent) stage is characterized by reddening of the skin, their itching, which intensifies when in contact with clothing. General weakness, fever and chills are also noted, accompanied by increased sweating.

The second stage of herpes zoster progression involves the appearance of fluid-filled bubbles on the reddened areas of the skin. They can be of various lengths and shapes, and also have several tiers. With any touch, acute pain is noted, which interferes with the normal implementation of natural processes.

The third stage is characterized by ruptures of the blastula, from which liquid erupts. The skin in this place is covered with a crust that can crack and bleed. The virus decay period ranges from 10 days to a month, and depends entirely on the method of treatment.

The inherent acute stage of the disease has its own separate signs, signaling a real danger to life. These include:

  • dizziness and loss of consciousness;
  • muscle pain, up to the impossibility of flexing the limbs;
  • confusion, hallucinations;
  • hearing impairment;
  • temperature rise up to 40˚С.

What is the danger of herpes zoster?

At a young age, the virus is extremely successfully suppressed using complex therapy. In this case, there is no danger to life. The exception is people with reduced immunity, who are not able to resist herpes on their own.

The lichen virus is able to penetrate the spinal cord and brain, making its own changes at the cellular level. This provokes not only inflammatory processes, but also such serious diseases as paralysis of the limbs, dystrophy of nerve endings and impaired brain activity. The most dangerous manifestation of the virus is considered in the respiratory tract, as a result of which a person can die.

Ailment affecting the eyeball can lead to complete or partial blindness, which cannot be eliminated. Gradually developing glaucoma that does not respond to treatment can also cause vision loss.

Also, herpes can actively develop in the tissues of internal organs, rendering them unusable. The first to suffer are the kidneys and liver, which have the greatest connection with the circulatory system.

The risk group includes people who:

  • do not have previously developed immunity (they did not have smallpox in childhood);
  • have congenital pathologies associated with the functioning of the immune system;
  • pregnant women;
  • have chronic venereal diseases;
  • suffer from cancer.

Consequences and complications

In the event that treatment is postponed, the virus is capable of infecting large areas of not only the skin, but also internal organs. As a result, the whole organism suffers, in which destructive irreversible processes begin.

Herpes can decompose cells in the liver, kidneys, and heart muscle. As a result, organ malnutrition may develop, resulting in slow death.

The most dangerous complication is impaired brain activity. The virus is able to change the qualitative and quantitative composition of brain cells, disrupting its activity. A person has dementia, which makes him disabled, unable to adequately assess the situation and give account of his actions.

Herpes zoster can cause cardiac and respiratory arrest, which is fatal. In order to prevent such situations, it is recommended to immediately take appropriate treatment measures without delaying this process. Also, the disease can provoke the following complications:

  • violations of the mobility of the limbs and spine;
  • problems with the excretory system;
  • frequent shortness of breath and loss of consciousness;
  • disturbances in the sensitivity of nerve endings;
  • insomnia;
  • pain and aches in the joints and back muscles.

Is herpes zoster contagious?

On the chest

This issue is second in importance after methods of treatment, since herpes of this type can be transmitted through contact with an infected person. A simple handshake is sometimes enough for the virus to enter the body and take its place, waiting for the right moment to activate. Also, herpes zoster can be acquired in the following situations:

  • during everyday contact: through things and personal hygiene items, doorknobs, public transport;
  • by airborne droplets - this option is inherent in people who have removed tonsils and often suffer from viral diseases;
  • visiting public places: baths, saunas, fitness centers, swimming pools.

Also, you can "pick up" the disease in any place where it is warm and humid. This also applies to seaside resorts where people go to improve their health.

Having had chickenpox in childhood, a person has this virus in the blood, which can manifest itself in all its glory during a period of decreased protective functions of the body. The secondary manifestation is not as dangerous as the primary one, since the body is able (albeit a small amount) to produce antagonists on its own, capable of resisting large-scale infection.


Many people in whom the virus has manifested itself by the extensive appearance of fluid bubbles prefer to exercise. This approach is extremely dangerous, since the external similarity of the disease with other similar ones can lead self-medication to a dead end, without giving any results.

Therefore, in order not to lose such precious time that can be spent with benefit for the body, it is recommended to seek help from specialists at the first symptoms. A correctly made diagnosis allows you to choose an individual treatment based on the personal characteristics of the body.

Treatment for herpes zoster is effective only if it is carried out in a timely and comprehensive manner. These two aspects play a key role in recovery. The principles of treatment can be roughly divided into several areas:

  • fighting the virus;
  • elimination of itching and reduction of rashes;
  • strengthening immune responses;
  • reduction of side reactions and removal of acute symptoms (muscle pain, fever, dizziness).

Let's take a look at each therapeutic option, highlighting the essential medicines that help fight the virus.

Antiviral drugs

Famciclovir tablets

Antagonist drugs are capable of suppressing the number of viral cells. They penetrate the virus cell, change its composition, making it most vulnerable to the internal environment, after which its death is noted. For these purposes, three of the most effective drugs are used:

  • Acyclovir;
  • Valacyclovir;
  • Famciclovir.

Medications are usually taken in the form of tablets, but in some cases, injections with antiviral drugs are possible, which are administered intravenously in a stream or drip.

The dosage and duration of treatment is prescribed individually, according to the treatment protocol, as well as the characteristics of the patient's body. On average, the course of taking antiviral drugs ranges from 7 to 15 days.

Skin care

During the formation of blastula with liquid, itching is noted, which can be eliminated by such ointments and creams as:

  • Acyclovir;
  • Gerpevir;
  • Boro-plus;
  • Panthenol.

In rare cases, in which the itching becomes unbearable, compresses based on lidocaine are used, which can reduce the sensitivity of muscle fibers to an irritant. Antihistamines (Diazolin, Finistil, Aleron, Claritin, Suprastin), which block hypersensitivity, will also help reduce the feeling of pain and possible scratching.

When the surface of the affected area is crusty, it is important to provide good hydration. To do this, add 1 drop of vitamin A and E to the above creams, which provide skin elasticity and nourish it.

To remove dead cells, it is enough to make a warm soda compress, and then remove the top layer with soft soaking movements. Soda disinfects the skin well, contributing to the speedy skin regeneration.

General strengthening of the body

To help the body fight the virus, you need to add a complex of vitamins and minerals that help to normalize all processes and release a sufficient number of immune cells. For these purposes, vitamin complexes are used, enriched with the following components:

  • Vitamins: A, B, C, E, PP;
  • Minerals: Zinc, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Potassium.

Such a complex helps to make up for the lack of components important for the body and to normalize its activity.

Elimination of side reactions

A huge selection of medicines for the treatment of herpes.

As the number of herpes cells increases, the body independently increases the temperature, which is destructive for viruses. It is necessary to reduce it only when it goes beyond 38.5˚С. Use drugs such as:

  • Ibuprofen;
  • Nurofen;
  • Panadol;
  • Aspirin.

They not only lower the temperature, but are also able to relieve pain that is localized in the muscles and joints. In the case when the temperature is kept for a long time, lytic intramuscular injections are used, which artificially reduce the protective functions, without affecting the work of internal organs.

When using antipyretic drugs, special attention is paid to diet and water balance. The patient is offered easily digestible meals rich in fiber and protein. It is better to abstain from fatty and sweet foods. As for the water balance, the patient needs to drink every 20-30 minutes, in small sips. The water should be at room temperature, but not cold. Its amount per day is at least 2 liters.

This treatment regimen for herpes zoster is most effective and speeds up the healing process several times. You need to understand that self-medication is dangerous and can have irreparable consequences for the body, therefore, taking medications should be completely under the control of the attending physician.


Experienced experts do not advise dealing with herpes zoster solely with the help of traditional medicine. However, as an auxiliary method, her recipes can be applied. There are several options to help relieve secondary symptoms:

  • compresses from decoctions of chamomile and string help relieve pain and itching of the skin;
  • tincture of nettle leaves, taken internally, helps the blood to renew itself, restoring its quality composition.

As for celandine, the juice of which many people mistakenly lubricate the skin, doctors are categorically against it. A poisonous plant can cause not only additional irritation, but also burns to areas of the skin already affected by the virus.

It must be remembered that the virus is extremely difficult. For these purposes, a special technique has been developed, including multidirectional treatment, which gives the first results already in the first days of therapy.

Recommendations for patients being treated for herpes zoster

  1. Wash hands often, especially after contact with affected skin.
  2. Avoid scratching rash areas, even when it is almost impossible.
  3. Frequently change underwear and bedding, which must be washed at high temperatures, after being disinfected with any solution.
  4. With the appearance of a crust (when all the bubbles burst naturally), compresses and wetting of the skin are stopped, allowing it to dry out in the open air.
  5. You can not peel off the crust, as this can provoke a relapse of the disease.
  6. When abscesses appear or ulcers slowly heal, special creams and ointments (with an antibiotic) are selected to eliminate this problem.

The serious consequences and complications of herpes zoster should push every person with a similar problem to a timely visit to the clinic. Early diagnosis will allow you to choose a comprehensive treatment and significantly speed up the recovery process. Treatment with folk remedies and at home should be completely under the control of doctors who are able to regulate the dosage and duration of therapy.

Who said herpes is hard to cure?

  • Are you suffering from itching and burning in the area of ​​the rash?
  • The sight of blisters does not add to your self-confidence ...
  • And it's somehow embarrassing, especially if you suffer from genital herpes ...
  • For some reason, ointments and medications recommended by doctors are not effective in your case ...
  • In addition, constant relapses have already firmly entered your life ...
  • And now you are ready to take advantage of any opportunity that will help you get rid of herpes!
  • An effective remedy for herpes exists. and find out how Elena Makarenko cured herself of genital herpes in 3 days!