Discharge from the female breast. Discharge from nipples. The structure of the glands is quite interesting

The color of discharge from the mammary glands can be of different colors (clear, yellow, green, etc.), and the consistency varies from liquid to mucous.

  • Green - mainly discharge is observed with mastitis. Such discharge is accompanied not only by breast enlargement, but also by pain, redness and peeling;
  • Transparent - if such a discharge is in a middle-aged woman, then this is ductectasia. It is considered normal if they appear before menstruation or during sexual arousal;
  • Yellow - most often encountered by women in and lactation. If yellow discharge appeared after a chest injury, then this indicates that the healing and recovery process is proceeding safely. But when in the 2nd phase of the menstrual cycle a yellow liquid oozes from the nipples and chest pain is felt, then these are the first signs of fibrocystic mastopathy;
  • Fluid discharge - discharge appears either spontaneously or when you press on the nipple. The liquid comes out both from one and immediately from 2 breasts. If pressing on the nipple of the mammary gland, fluid is released, but the woman does not breastfeed the baby, then this may indicate an oncological disease;
  • Brown discharge - signal damage to the vessels from which bleeding occurs into the milk tubules. Such secretions are caused either by the growth of a cancerous tumor, or by the manifestation of a cystic form of mastopathy;
  • Bloody - such discharges most often inform about tumor processes in the ducts, since the neoplasm, increasing, compresses the blood vessels, and thereby causes internal hemorrhage into the milk ducts;
  • Whites - the cause of such discharge is galactorrhea. The peculiarity of such a disease is the secretion of colostrum from the breast. In many women, against the background of galactorrhea, the menstrual cycle is disturbed;
  • Dark - discharge is an indicator of numerous diseases. Often a dark color indicates the presence of blood in the substance. Such a symptom signals the development of a benign or oncological neoplasm in the mammary gland;
  • Dark green - basically, such discharges are observed during or during inflammatory processes in the mammary gland, complicated by the addition of staphylococci, streptococci and Escherichia coli (microbes that penetrate the wound cause inflammation and suppuration);
  • Light - a light liquid is released from 2 glands at the same time. Has no smell. If the discharge is not related to the interesting position of the woman, then it is definitely galactorrhea.

Causes of discharge

The causes of discharge from the mammary glands are either physiological or pathological processes.

Physiological processes of discharge from the chest:

  • During pregnancy - "training" formation of milk in the mammary glands and its periodic excretion. It begins in the third trimester and is provoked by an increased tone of the uterus, which stimulates discharge from the chest from both mammary glands. Mostly a cloudy white or yellowish liquid is released. Does not affect well-being;
  • Lactation after an abortion - the duration of the discharge depends on which month of pregnancy the interruption occurred (varies from several days to one month);
  • Taking combined oral contraceptives - since there is a hormone that stimulates lactation, the fluid that is released from the nipples will stop being released if you change the drug or completely cancel it.

Pathological processes of discharge from the chest:

  • Ductectasia is an expansion of the sub-reolar canals of the breast, resulting in a blockage of the glands, which leads to inflammation and coacervation of the fluid exiting through the nipples of the mammary glands. Usually women over 40 suffer from this disease;
  • Mastopathy is a benign disease of the mammary gland, which affects the pathological proliferation of connective tissue;
  • Mastitis is an inflammatory breast disease that develops actively after childbirth. This disease is accompanied by pain in the chest, redness and enlargement of the mammary gland, and there is also discomfort during breastfeeding and fever;
  • Cancer is a malignant tumor that forms imperceptibly as a result of the chaotic and uncontrolled development of body cells. A sign of this disease may be bloody discharge from one or 2 breasts, as well as a sharp increase in the mammary gland;
  • Eczema-like cancer - a type of cancer that forms in or around the nipples, the fight against such a disease is carried out only by surgery;
  • Vaginitis, syphilis, cystitis and other diseases of the genital organs;
  • External and internal chest injuries (bruises, blows);
  • Irritation of the nipples after breastfeeding;
  • Intraductal papilloma is a small benign formation that is located in one of the ducts of the mammary gland. With this disease, blood impurities are present in the secretions. A woman detects their presence by traces on a bra or by palpation in the nipple area;
  • Galactorrhea is the secretion of milk / colostrum from the nipples, which is caused by long-term use of hormonal drugs. It has nothing to do with breastfeeding;
  • Taking antibiotics and heavy drugs.

These are the most common causes of sudden onset of discharge from the chest, although there are many other factors involved. It is possible to establish the root cause of the appearance of fluid only after a comprehensive medical examination, supported by analyzes and other types of medical research.

Diseases in which discharge from the breast is observed

The discharge of a pregnant woman is primarily due to the pathology of the development of the fetus, and secondly, to the exacerbation of chronic diseases that existed before pregnancy.

With a disease of the thyroid gland and pituitary gland, discharge can occur from the chest, because these organs have a glandular structure, secrete their secret into the blood and are involved in the regulation and stabilization of the hormonal background. And they also concentrate prolactin in the blood.

Discharge from the nipples in a state of functional tension of the thyroid gland, in which the level of hormones is within the normal range or a hormonally active tumor of the anterior pituitary gland, which produces an excess amount of prolactin, is consistent with the normal production of milk by the female body, under the influence of hormones.

In addition to lactation, one can note a violation of the time interval from the beginning of one period to the beginning of the next, up to their complete completion.

Endocrine disorders can be caused by:

  • Bad habits (smoking, alcohol abuse);
  • Unhealthy lifestyle (non-compliance with the regime of the day, inadequate rest, malnutrition);
  • Long-term use of medications that affect the hormonal background in the body,
    SARS, etc.

But the discharge from the chest, which arose due to neoplasms, the characteristic symptoms can be very different. This, first of all, depends on the type and, its location and other factors:

  • The discharge comes from only one breast and is of a thick consistency;
  • In the secreted fluid, an admixture of blood is very clearly visible;
  • The chest loses its symmetry - the mammary gland, from which the fluid is released, visually increased in size, and nodules are recognized on its surface not only visually, but also when probing;
  • There is a change in the shape / color of the nipple - the lines of the areola and skin are fuzzy, the nipple is "drawn" inward, the pigmentation of the areola and nipple increases / decreases.

Tumor diseases (, cancerous neoplasms, etc.) can develop for the following reasons:

  • Smoking;
  • Alcohol;
  • Unfavorable ecological situation;
  • lack of sleep;
  • Little rest;
  • Unbalanced diet;
  • abortion.

Today, the main cause of the development of tumor diseases is considered to be hereditary predisposition to cancer.

What to do if there is a discharge of the mammary glands

Noticing discharge from the breast, there is no need to panic. You just need to contact a mammologist as soon as possible, who will prescribe you a blood test and ductography to make a diagnosis. After making a diagnosis, the doctor will select the appropriate treatment for you.

Discharge from the mammary glands on pressure

In pregnant women and those who are breastfeeding, it is considered normal when fluid is released by pressing on the nipple of the breast. If the discharge does not occur during breastfeeding, then you need to consult a specialist, because there is a risk of developing dangerous diseases.

Discharge from the mammary glands during pregnancy

Discharge from during pregnancy (colostrum) can occur almost from the first days of an interesting situation. Such secretions are considered to be just as normal as their absence.

Discharge from the mammary glands and menstruation

If discharge from the mammary glands appeared before the menstrual cycle, then you should not panic in advance, because before menstruation there are often discharges from the chest that have a physiological character. But still it is worth consulting a mammologist on this issue.

Treatment of secretions from the mammary glands

There are a huge number of circumstances due to which fluid can be released from the mammary glands, and that is why it is so important to contact a mammologist as soon as possible. The doctor selects an individual treatment for everyone - it is either conservative therapy, which is carried out by biological, physical and chemical methods, or surgery in severe cases. And before the doctor selects the treatment, it is necessary to undergo a diagnosis.

If you use modern and effective treatment in time, then there is a huge chance to achieve positive results.

In the case of ductectasia, surgery is required to remove the affected duct in the breast.

For the treatment of purulent diseases of the mammary glands, the doctor prescribes antibiotics or prescribes an operation to help open the accumulation of pus in the tissues.

Treatment can be either conservative or surgical. It depends on what stage the disease is.

Intraductal papilloma is treated only by surgical intervention, during which the affected tissue is removed. After the operation, the removed material is sent for histological examination to exclude the malignancy of the neoplasm.

In the case of a mammologist, a mastectomy is prescribed - an operation during which both mammary glands are removed, in rare cases only a formation in healthy tissue is removed.

So, discharge from the mammary glands in is quite a common occurrence, since milk is secreted. In other cases, the discharge should alert you, due to the fact that they are considered dangerous. In order to find out the cause of their appearance, it is necessary to be fully examined.

The liquid can stand out independently, and when you press the nipple. Often a woman discovers them when:

  • Wears ;
  • Takes psychotropic drugs;
  • Jumps constantly pressure;
  • There is a hormonal imbalance in the body.

If you find a seal during palpation of the chest, or you are worried about pain in it, be sure to inform the doctor about this. The more detailed you answer the doctor's questions, the faster he will be able to diagnose you.

The fluid released from the nipples is one of the signs of breast disease, unless, of course, the woman is carrying a child and is not breastfeeding him.

But it’s not worth sounding the alarm ahead of time, because the nature of the organ is such that it produces a natural secret throughout life, and discharge from the mammary gland when pressed can be observed even in healthy women.

What should be remembered in this situation, and in what cases should you immediately contact a medical institution?

The mammary glands of women consist of glandular tissue through which many channels pass, and the nipples have about 10 holes through which milk is secreted.

Outside of the period of bearing a child and breastfeeding, fluid may appear from one or more tubules for a variety of reasons.

The likelihood of its occurrence increases in older and giving birth women, but sometimes a similar phenomenon is observed in very young girls and even in men.

A woman cannot independently determine the factors that cause discharge from the nipples, so she should pay special attention to their color, consistency and other characteristics.

Any discharge from the nipples in newborn girls is a variant of the norm - after the birth of the mammary glands, they undergo a kind of “training”, which consists in engorgement and the production of a fluid similar to colostrum, sometimes with an admixture of blood.

Why does fluid come out of the chest?

The main cause of discharge from the chest is pregnancy. Sometimes fluid appears in the first weeks after conception, when other signs of an “interesting position” are absent. Closer to the third trimester, the amount of discharge increases, and after the birth of the baby, the breast begins to fully produce milk.

The following cases also apply to the norm:

  • the period after the end of lactation (sometimes up to 2-3 years);
  • treatment with hormonal drugs and antidepressants;
  • wearing too tight underwear;
  • use of oral contraceptives;
  • a recent mammogram;
  • serious physical activity.

By themselves, single discharges from the chest do not pose a danger, but in this case, consultation with a doctor is still necessary, especially if they are accompanied by other signs (reddening of the skin, engorgement, pain, etc.).

According to statistics, most breast cancers occur without discharge from the breast, so most often this symptom indicates a local inflammatory process or benign tumors.

Highlights on click

When detecting discharge from the nipples, a woman needs to pay attention to factors such as the nature of the appearance of fluid (when pressed, on its own, moderately or intensively), the color of the discharge and the phase of the menstrual cycle.

The appearance of fluid when you press the nipple is characteristic of a number of diseases and pathologies of the mammary glands.

Among them:

  1. Milk duct ectasia. A disease that most often develops in older women and is characterized by deformation of the milk ducts.
  2. Fibrocystic mastopathy. One of the most common causes of discharge from the nipples is one or more cysts appear in the breast, that is, hollow formations with a liquid secret inside.
  3. Hormonal imbalance(excess production of the hormone prolactin). This condition is called galactorrhea and most often develops as a result of long-term use of oral contraceptives.
  4. The appearance of papilloma in the milk duct. Papilloma is a benign formation that can appear both on the surface of the skin and in the tissues of the mammary gland.
  5. Mastitis or abscess. Inflammatory or purulent-inflammatory process that develops in the chest due to infection.
  6. Mechanical trauma of the mammary glands. With bruises or blunt mechanical injuries of the chest, discharge from the nipples may appear, and their nature and intensity depend on the severity of the injury.
  7. Cancer diseases. The most dangerous cause of discharge from the nipple, which requires surgical intervention, and if left untreated, can lead to sad consequences.

It is very important to pay attention to additional symptoms that accompany discharge: changes in the shape of the mammary gland or skin color, pain and discomfort in the chest, the presence of formations or seals.

In inflammatory processes and hormonal disorders, the most intense release of fluid from the nipples is observed in the second phase of the menstrual cycle, and after the end of menstruation, they may disappear altogether. In the case of cancerous tumors, the discharge is usually not associated with the menstrual cycle.

What might be the selections?

The fluid that is released from the nipples during diseases and pathological conditions can have a different color, from transparent or light yellow to bloody and dark brown.

The shade of secretions, as well as their consistency and smell, play an important role in determining the cause that caused this phenomenon.

Allocations can be of the following nature:

  1. Transparent highlights. In most cases, a clear liquid that is released in small drops when the nipple is pressed does not entail any serious consequences. A woman needs to undergo a routine examination and carefully monitor her body.
  2. White discharge. If white discharge is not associated with pregnancy or lactation, then most often they are a sign of a disorder called galactorrhea, or spontaneous outflow of milk due to excessive production of prolactin. In addition to hormonal disorders, other causes of this phenomenon include ovarian and pituitary tumors, kidney failure, and abortion.
  3. Yellow discharge. A yellow-colored liquid is secreted from the chest with galactorrhea and other diseases listed above, but if it has a greenish color and resembles pus, then we are most likely talking about an inflammatory process - mastitis, abscess, ectasia of the milk ducts.
  4. Bloody issues. Fluid with impurities or blood clots is a warning sign that should not be ignored. It usually appears after a chest injury, but may indicate the presence of an intraductal papilloma or a malignant tumor.

Discharge from the nipples is a common phenomenon among women, which should not be a reason for panic, but a reason for carefully monitoring your well-being and consulting with a specialist.

The color and consistency of discharge is an important criterion in making a diagnosis, so a woman must definitely tell the doctor about them.

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The natural process of the appearance of discharge from the chest is considered the period of lactation. They can be observed in the last days of pregnancy, which is also considered the norm. But discharge from the mammary glands with pressure may indicate the development of pathology.

The beautiful half of humanity has already known since school that breast milk should be released during breastfeeding. However, often girls from different age categories experience discharge when pressing on the mammary gland, especially during pregnancy or lactation.

When pressed, such secretions have a different character, abundance, texture and color. They can be yellow, green, transparent, and even mixed with blood clots. Is this the norm? This question can only be reliably answered by a mammologist after examination.

This is what yellow discharge from the nipples looks like

It is quite natural that a specialist / doctor refers such cases to the normal state, transparent discharge from the mammary glands when pressed is considered normal. This type of fluid may appear on the eve of menstrual bleeding or excessive sexual arousal. In other cases, this sign signals an injury to the gland or the development of pathology.

If a clear liquid is secreted from the breasts in middle-aged women, then this indicates an expansion of the ducts, known as ductal ectasia (ductectasia, plasmacytic mastitis, ductectasia).

Generally speaking, discharge from the nipples with pressure may appear due to the influence of various factors. Depending on the nature of such secretions, a mammologist can accurately diagnose the development of a particular pathology. The reasons for the appearance of discharge from the chest can be:

  • Violation of the concentration of hormones;
  • Constantly wearing an inappropriate and restrictive bra/bra
  • Enlargement of the ducts that produce breast milk;
  • The appearance and development of malignant neoplasms;
  • Development of inflammatory acute and chronic processes in the mammary gland;
  • Prolonged, and most importantly, incorrect use of oral contraceptives;
  • breastfeeding;
  • The presence of papilloma polyps inside the milk ducts;
  • Long-term use of pharmacological antidepressants;
  • chest injuries;
  • The development of mastopathy.

As for taking antidepressants, not all drugs can lead to the appearance of chest secretions. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that only a mammologist, on the basis of an examination, can identify the exact cause of the appearance of excretions that are pathological in nature.

yellow discharge

As medical practice shows, many women of childbearing age notice discharge from the mammary gland with a yellowish tint. There is no reason to be afraid if such a liquid appears during pregnancy or immediately during lactation.

If such discharge appears in any other period, there is no need to consider this as a sign of the development of pathology. It is possible that the channels are cleared by secretion. The norm is the arbitrary disappearance of the secret within 3-4 days.

Read also:

  • Breast pain before menstruation
  • Yellow discharge during pregnancy

During breastfeeding, such discharge becomes thick. If such a liquid appeared as a result of an injury, then for a girl this is a sure sign of the complete and proper healing of damaged mammary glands. If a yellowish discharge is associated with pain, then it may signal the presence of a fibrous or cystic neoplasm.

white highlight

Due to a violation of the level of hormonal concentration, water may appear in the nipples, which has a white saturated color. Its texture resembles colostrum. If such a symptom does not appear during pregnancy or breastfeeding, then perhaps the body develops a disease such as galactorrhea. It is the white discharge that is considered the main symptom of this pathology.

These signs should be considered as the main signal for contacting a mammologist. Due to improper functioning of the mammary glands, the menstrual cycle may also go down.

With the development of pathological processes in the body of a woman, when pressed from the nipple, a liquid of a greenish, brownish hue and even the color of blood can be released. Such signs are not the norm. This may indicate the development of such serious diseases as malignant tumors, Paget's disease, abscess, etc.

Paget's disease is manifested by the formation around the nipples or directly on it of tumors of a malignant type. These are bloody secretions from the glands, which are considered the primary symptoms. As practice shows, the pathological appearance of oozing fluid from the nipples is often combined with pain and redness of the entire gland or part of it, the formation of fillings or bruising of the nipple inside.

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Diagnosis and treatment

The appearance of discharge of any type and color from one or both mammary glands is considered a mandatory reason for visiting a mammologist, especially if it is not related to feeding. The attending specialist will conduct a visual examination, palpation and carefully listen to the patient's complaints. To determine the pathology and the exact formulation of the diagnosis, it is necessary to make a number of diagnostic procedures, in particular:

  • Ultrasound diagnostics;
  • Mammography;
  • Magnetic resonance therapy;
  • Cytological laboratory examination of the secreted fluid to determine the presence of bacteria and pathological viruses;
  • Blood test to determine the concentration of prolactin and hormones produced by the thyroid gland;
  • Ductography.

You should immediately contact a medical facility if the discharge from the chest is contaminated with blood. The method of treatment is determined solely in accordance with the diagnosis. As practice shows, most malignant tumors are removed only through surgery. Benign tumors may be susceptible to conservative treatment, in particular pharmacological agents for hormone replacement.

With the development of the inflammatory process of the breast, a specialist in treatment may prescribe vitamins, antibiotics, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs. It all depends on the reason that caused the appearance of such an ailment. If the discharge is the result of constant squeezing from a tight top or bra, in most cases it will disappear on its own, you just need to purchase a bra that is one size larger. And to maintain the body, the doctor may prescribe fortified preparations.

After birth, this organ undergoes a "training" called breast engorgement and ends after a week. During such a clarification of the possibilities, the glands work, producing a kind of colostrum, sometimes with an admixture of blood. Then comes peace - until the onset of puberty, when the milk ducts intensively branch out inside the female organ. However, the mammary glands reach their final development only in the postpartum period.

However, the nature of the mammary gland is such that some secretions may be present outside the "pregnancy - lactation" period. They can appear on their own, and discharge from the mammary glands may appear when pressing on the chest. Some of them are described as "watery", others are dark, yellow and even bloody. In which cases it can be considered physiology, and in which it is a disease, specialists such as a mammologist, gynecologist and oncologist can say for sure. We will consider the main causes and symptoms so that a woman is "savvy" before visiting one of these specialists.

Discharge from the nipple as normal

Discharge from the mammary glands is normal if it is milk:

  • in pregnant women - in a small volume, with pressure on the gland;
  • nursing;
  • for some time after the end of lactation (up to 2-3 years). Moreover, the duration of this period depends on the age of the lady and the number of pregnancies.

A certain amount of sterile fluid is constantly formed in the mammary gland, which must be brought out. A woman may notice small amounts of clear discharge from one or both breasts if:

  • strong pressure on the chest;
  • taking hormonal drugs;
  • treatment with antidepressants;
  • wearing a tight bra;
  • significant physical activity.

An opaque liquid will be released from the nipple after ductography is performed - an X-ray examination with the introduction of contrast into the mammary gland.

Pathological discharge

The unpleasant smell of secretions and a color that differs from transparent, most often, will occur in pathology. It is worth doing regularly in order to be prepared for possible violations. We list the main types and characteristics of the secret of the mammary gland.

Ectasia (expansion) of the ducts of the gland

The Milky Ways are expanding under the influence of thick secretions, which can be of different colors, even green and black. If such a blockage of the ducts is not accompanied by their inflammation, then apart from the strange discharge, the woman is not bothered by anything.

The disease is treated only by surgery, taking anti-inflammatory drugs and warm compresses only temporarily improves the condition.

chest injury

If the mammary gland was injured without violating the integrity of the skin (simulator, steering wheel, in the crowd), then within 48 hours bloody fluid may be released from the nipple. In addition, pain will be felt at the site of the injury.

Papilloma within the lactiferous duct

This is the name of a benign tumor, similar to those found on the skin. At the same time, it develops not under the influence of the papilloma virus, but for unknown reasons.

This tumor appears in the duct near the nipple, manifesting itself as thick discharge of different colors, sometimes with an admixture of blood. The discharge usually appears when the nipple is stimulated. The treatment of pathology is surgery.

Abscess and mastitis

An abscess is a capsule-limited accumulation of pus in the mammary gland, while it is an inflammation of a gland area that does not have clear boundaries. Both of these pathologies usually occur either during lactation, or as a result of a penetrating wound of the gland with an infected object.

Both diseases are accompanied by discharge from the nipple of pus that has a yellow or green color and an unpleasant odor, as well as fever, pain in the mammary gland, a hardening determined by touch (with an abscess it will be delimited), which will be very painful and hot.

Both pathologies are treated with antibiotics, which is carried out simultaneously with the opening and drainage of purulent cavities.


This term refers to the secretion of milk from the mammary glands of a nulliparous and non-pregnant woman. The reason for this condition is an increase in the level of the hormone prolactin due to one of the reasons:

  • frequent nipple stimulation;
  • pituitary tumor, consisting of prolactin-synthesizing cells;
  • decrease in the inhibitory effect of the thyroid gland;
  • taking contraceptives.

For the purpose of diagnosis, thyroid hormones are determined in the blood, as well as magnetic resonance and X-ray examination of the cranial cavity, for the existence of a pituitary tumor. Treatment is prescribed depending on the data obtained as a result of the examination.

Fibrocystic mastopathy

This is a condition that is considered dangerous in terms of degeneration into, characterized by the appearance in the chest of small cysts and areas of tissue resembling scar. Usually, mastopathy is manifested not only by discharge from the nipple, which can be greenish or black, but also by pain and swelling of the mammary glands before and during menstruation. In the period after menstruation, the woman is not disturbed by anything, the general condition is not disturbed.

breast cancer

With this life-threatening pathology, discharge from the nipples of a different nature may appear: transparent, yellow, bloody. If a woman noticed such discharge from only one gland, while her condition did not change, but there are also:

  • nipple retraction;
  • painless lump in the chest;
  • enlargement and density of lymph nodes in the same or opposite armpit;
  • chest deformity.

How to identify pathology

If any discharge from the mammary gland appears in the period when the woman is not a nursing mother, it is imperative to contact a mammologist. Only this specialist, on the basis of his knowledge and complaints made by a woman, can make a preliminary diagnosis and refer her to such additional studies as:

  • Ultrasound of the mammary glands;
  • mammography;
  • the study of discharge from the glands by the cytological method, as well as its sowing for microflora;
  • ductography;
  • MRI of the brain, in particular - the region of the Turkish saddle (the pituitary gland is located there);
  • blood test for prolactin, sex hormones, thyroid hormones.

An immediate examination by a mammologist is a condition when discharges are found only from one gland, or if their character is bloody.


Therapy of the disease is prescribed depending on the diagnosis. Independently, at home, you can neither heat the glands, nor take antibiotics, nor use folk methods (compresses, tinctures, lotions). So you can only aggravate the process by improving the spread of pus or cancer cells deep into the gland.

The appearance of discharge from the nipples should alert the woman. Discharge from the mammary glands may appear as a result of natural physiological processes, but may be a sign of various diseases. It is of great importance what color and consistency they are, whether there are any additional complaints, the age of the woman. Early detection of breast disease is important for cure. Therefore, the appearance of secretions cannot be ignored, especially if there is a change in the shape or size of the glands. Only a doctor can determine whether there is cause for concern in this case.


Causes of discharge from the chest

In some cases, the appearance of clear discharge from the mammary glands is considered normal. The formation of milk occurs in the alveoli located in the lobules of the mammary gland. Through the milk ducts, it is brought from the lobules to the nipple. In the absence of lactation, the ducts are filled with fluid, which can be released outside only in isolated cases, for example, before menstruation, when the gland is tense and swells, during intercourse, or in case of strong pressure on the chest.

The appearance of colostrum (a clear yellowish liquid) occurs during pregnancy when the mammary gland swells before milk production begins.

Unusual is the appearance of milky discharge, not associated with breastfeeding, a change in color and an increase in the intensity of fluid formation. Attention should also be drawn to the occurrence in one or both glands of pain simultaneously with discharge from the nipples, an increase in body temperature.

The reasons for unusual discharge may be:

  1. hormonal disorders associated with diseases of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, ovaries, brain tumors;
  2. taking hormonal contraceptives;
  3. treatment of any diseases with the use of hormonal drugs;
  4. taking certain other medicines, such as antidepressants;
  5. benign or malignant tumors of the mammary glands;
  6. squeezing with tight linen;
  7. chest injury.

Types of secretions

The color of the discharge can suggest what the cause of the anomaly is. The diagnosis is clarified by additional examination.


Volume and shades (from white to light brown) may vary. In the form of a few drops, they appear as a result of strong squeezing of the mammary gland, since there is always a liquid in the ducts that prevents the walls from sticking together and blocking the ducts.

After stopping breastfeeding, milk discharge continues for several more months with a gradually decreasing intensity. This is a natural process. If the volume does not decrease, the discharge is observed for more than six months, then it is necessary to consult a doctor, as this may be a symptom of a pathology.

White discharge from the glands also occurs in the presence of diseases associated with hormonal disorders, increased levels of prolactin. Milky-white liquid is discharged from the nipples after an artificial termination of pregnancy. It is also associated with hormonal changes in the body.


Such discharge can be a symptom of an abscess, a purulent process inside the ducts. An abscess requires urgent treatment with antibiotics, special compresses. In some cases, an opening of the focus of inflammation is required to clean it from pus.


The appearance of such secretions from the mammary glands may indicate a benign or malignant neoplasm, which involves small vessels located in the glandular tissue.

dark green

They appear as a result of inflammation of the milk ducts, which are filled with a thick black-green liquid.

Discharge from the nipples during pregnancy

During pregnancy, changes in the ratio of hormones occur in the woman's body, prolactin begins to predominate, which stimulates milk production. The chest swells, the milk ducts expand. Even slight stimulation of the nipples increases the release of fluid. Gradually, it thickens, and by the end of pregnancy it turns into colostrum, a thick yellowish mass, sweetish in taste and nutritionally superior to breast milk. For some women, colostrum appears immediately after childbirth, for others - in late pregnancy. The time of appearance of colostrum does not affect subsequent lactation.

Recommendation: There is an opinion that if you express colostrum, then there will be more milk later. In fact, this has no effect on lactation, but stimulation of the nipples can cause uterine contractions. A miscarriage may occur.

Diseases in which there is discharge from the chest

Most breast diseases in women occur against the background of hormonal abnormalities that occur as a result of age-related changes or dysfunction of other organs.


The intensity and duration of lactation is regulated by the hormone prolactin, which is produced in the pituitary gland. Galactorrhea is an abnormal milk production that does not stop 5-6 months after the baby is weaned and is associated with an excess level of this hormone in the body. An increased content of prolactin is typical for women aged 45-50 years. The cause of an abnormal increase in the level of the hormone can be head injuries, brain tumors, diseases of the ovaries, adrenal glands or thyroid gland, liver.

Galactorrhea can occur due to stress experienced by a woman. There is the concept of "idiopathic galactorrhea", that is, the release of milk for no apparent reason. As a rule, this disease is accompanied by a violation of the menstrual cycle, a decrease in libido. Facial hair growth is also a sign of elevated prolactin.

Video: Causes and manifestations of hyperprolactinemia

Milk duct ectasia

This is an inflammatory disease of the milk ducts, which is characterized by the appearance of black-green discharge from the mammary glands. Usually the cause is hormonal changes that occur at the beginning of menopause. This disease is treated with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agents. Sometimes the affected area is surgically removed.

Video: What is milk duct ectasia

Intraductal papilloma

A benign disease associated with the appearance of growths on the walls of the ducts, extending to the nipple area. It is dangerous that degeneration of cells of damaged glandular tissue and the occurrence of cancer is possible. The discharge from the nipples is thick, with an admixture of blood. It is more common in women over 35 years of age.


Abscess, a purulent inflammation that most often occurs in lactating women. The reason is the cracks that appear on the nipples due to damage to the delicate tissue when the baby sucks milk. In this case, an infection enters the milk ducts. Suppuration of the ducts is accompanied by an increase in the size of the gland, redness, fever, and the appearance of pus in the milk. In this case, breastfeeding is completely stopped, antibiotic treatment is performed or the milk duct is opened to remove pus.


A benign disease that occurs due to the growth of breast tissue (glandular and connective). Yellowish or clear spotting with mastopathy appears in the second phase of the menstrual cycle. At the onset of menstruation, they disappear. The appearance of fluid from the nipples is accompanied by pain in the mammary glands. For treatment, drugs are prescribed that restore the normal ratio of hormones in the blood. Large nodes formed during mastopathy are removed surgically.

breast cancer

The discharge may be bloody, clear, or thick. In this case, the nipple is retracted due to the tumor. In the chest, dense areas with uneven edges are groped. They grow together with the skin, which takes on the appearance of a lemon peel. More often, discharge appears in one breast affected by a tumor.

Examination for unusual discharge from the nipples

When any unusual discharge from the mammary glands appears, an examination by a gynecologist, mammologist, endocrinologist, oncologist is necessary to determine their cause and timely diagnosis of the disease.

The examination usually consists of external examination and palpation of the breast, mammography, ultrasound, blood tests. The examination is carried out in order to detect tumors and determine their nature, as well as to determine the level of hormones in the blood.