Attention, work is underway to expand consciousness. Expansion of consciousness. Multidimensional expansion of consciousness through the practice of observation

“Life is consciousness, not years.” – Ernst Holmes.

Do you think expanding consciousness solves our current life problems or does it present them in a different light?

Or maybe the expansion of consciousness, how pushing the boundaries of vision, will add new problems to the existing ones due to the fact that they fall into our field of vision?

All these questions cannot be considered in the linear aspect of time and try to comprehend them only with logic. For expansion of consciousness- this is, first of all, larger capacity capacity through removing barriers of perception to accept greater truth. And this assumesthe ability of the mind to stretch, become plastic and accommodating, synthesizing and assimilating the acquired knowledge on the one hand, and including the heart in the processes of information processing, as an accurate relay of the senses (together with), on the other side.

In other words, the process cannot do without the union of head and heart - mind and feelings, which ultimately lead to - the process.


Surely everyone has seen the film trilogy “The Matrix”, the essence of which boils down to the illusion of existence in the world of third and fourth density on the one hand and a collective and programmable mind on the other.

Moreover, despite the fantastic plot and many surreal special effects and actions of the characters, the essence of the film is true.

In other words, man is a programmable and automatic (unconscious) creature on the one hand, largely due to general emotional conditioning, and creative(using the non-linearity of the future and past) – with another.

“By developing our being, we can achieve a higher state of consciousness.” - G. Gurdjieff.

And here is what Ra tells us in the Law of One about the connections between mind, consciousness and body through matrices: “In the totality of the mind, the Matrix of the Mind can be described as Consciousness. In the body, the Body Matrix can be considered as Balanced Work or Balanced Functioning. Please note that the matrix is ​​always active, it cannot be inactive. The potentiator of the body complex - the Body Potentiator - can be called Wisdom, since it is only through judgment - the ongoing activity and inclination of the body complex - that wisdom can be experienced in useful ways.” – Materials Ra. Law of One.

“According to Space Science, there is six mental spheres of consciousness, expanding vision beyond the three-dimensional horizon. Positivism accepts the three-dimensional horizon as the limits of the universe. But whatis behind him? If the Universe itself defines space and is finite, then what is beyond the Universe? Space? Or not space? How can we tell what it is? Is this the mind? Does mind exist outside of space?

The six mental spheres established by Cosmic Science are: preconscious (something like the subconscious or memory known in psychology - author), unconscious, conscious, continuous conscious, superconscious and sublimated.” - Jose Arguelles. Chronicles of Space History volume 2.


And if you consider consciousness and its expansion as a stepwise process of ascension from the limited desires of the individual to, dictated by the individual’s soul, then the following classification seems appropriate to me:

  • 1st stageI want– instinctive impulses and desires with a thirst for desire. Corresponds to popular culture and undeveloped consciousness/ignorance. Mass culture is the cult of squalor as a distant deity (light), its shelter through the cultivation of false/distorted values.
  • 2nd stageI know what I want - intellectual impulses driven by ambitious and ambitious aspirations. Awakening of Individual Consciousness.
  • 3rd stageI see, imagine, feel what I want - aspirations based on, revealingthe consciousness of the soul, which is only just awakening.
  • 4th stageI clearly understand and realize what I want, thanks to illuminated consciousness of the soul and intuitive (5 senses + mind that form consciousness).
  • 5th stageI, inspired by knowledge, create, create, help and evolve. Personal desire gives way to group consciousness of oneness with all things.
  • 6th stageI am free from any restrictions and feel unity in diversity, perceiving with the least distortion Divine/Universal Consciousness.


Expansion of consciousness not a one-time process. It's a state of perpetual change, which suggests certain effects accompanying this change.

In other words, expansion of consciousness- This is about possession of a certain degree of personal power , which contains the ability:

  • Accumulate and use information about yourself and your environment to effectively solve any life problems.
  • Include more and more life habits and mental states (emotions, feelings, reactions, thoughts, impulses, response patterns and behavior) into careful consideration and subsequent management.
  • Fortifications and and self-discipline. As the occult truth testifies: “The stages of expansion of consciousness are the result of transmitted training; they lead a person step by step until he reaches contact with his higher “I”, his Teacher, his egoic group (author - a group of “kindred” souls corresponding to one Ray on the subtle plane), the First Initiator, the One Supreme Initiator, until he comes into contact with the Divinity of his Ray and enters the bosom of his “Heavenly Father”. – A. A. Bailey. Letters on Occult Meditation.

    “The ability of consciousness to extend outward and become part of a whole, fully aware of that whole in a wonderfully spiritual way, is God's gift to all. By doing this, no one loses a single share of what is already his property and no one takes anything from anyone, thereby sharing the glory of God.” – Saint Germain.

    So let your individual consciousness, opening like a flower under the rays of the rising sun, go through all natural phases of flowering, with each new day more and more feeling harmony, unity and integrity in its unique diversity.

    As in the lines of Mirra Richard: “The result of creation is a detailed expansion of consciousness. When the vision of the whole and the vision of all the details are fused together in the active consciousness, the creation will reach its progressive perfection.”Satprem. Mother's Agenda.

    “Expand and contract your consciousness to feel not only the necessary inner sphere of existence, but also the outward expanding Universe, and you will find your consciousness leaping into the arms of the Eternal Alchemist himself.

    Master your consciousness by rightly directing its attention and thus gain possession of the key to the priceless storehouse of the eternal substance of God.” – Saint Germain. Alchemy course. DEVELOPMENT IN THE SPIRIT OR THE PATH OF THE SOUL?

Expansion of consciousness is one of the most important things you should develop. This is the key to almost everything. Blue and dark blue stones expand consciousness best. Wisdom is a state of mind when consciousness is expanded and connected to the consciousness of the Universe. This gives knowledge and awareness of many Truths. Pure and reliable information flows into you through the violet crown chakra and is deposited at the center of your being, in your personal Spirit crystal.

Mental- This is the mental layer in the human body. A layer of thoughts, emotions and mood. The mental layer communicates closely with the astral layer. Therefore, when we fall asleep, we receive information in the form of intricate, sometimes incomprehensible figures. As a result of the development of the mental, we easily find information, see the subtle plan, magical flows, control our lives, the future, can change the past, travel through past lives, parallel universes and alternative realities. The mental layer develops our magic. It is in this layer that Mana - magical energy - accumulates, and this is where it is spent, often not on what we need. The mental is closely connected with the chakras: Vishuddha, Ajna, Sahasrara, and a little touches on Anahata, when intuition and astral knowledge are required.

My favorite training, which has significantly increased my level, is viewing stereo images. These are children's pictures, sold in a book store called - a new dimension. It shows something unclear what is in the picture, but when you defocus your vision, that is, force it to double, then a picture appears, and even with a 3D effect. Elementary viewing of pictures every day, as well as training on simple objects, such as a glass on the table, developed my consciousness well. Now, when I eat or simply abstract myself (mentally remove myself from reality, turn off the internal dialogue), I see two glasses, two spoons, one and a half hands, and so on. Vision expands. The main thing is not to put it on automatic, otherwise it will blow your mind.

Visualization- that is, the representation of something. An excellent exercise for expanding consciousness. Many of the things you want to receive from the Universe are based on visualization. The Universe does not have letters, words, numbers in its base, but it perceives images and pictures. And the more accurately you imagine it, the easier and faster it will be. Start with a light visualization, for example, imagine a bicycle nut, feel its size, feel how it is: smooth, rough, new or used, clean or oiled. Smell it. Feel her weight, can you tell her weight? Next, imagine a bicycle wheel, feel every detail, strength, color, hardness, and so on. Then imagine the entire bike of the brand you want. Feel every detail of the bike, mentally sit down and ride it. Are you comfortable? You are satisfied with its weight, speed, and so on. Then go to the cycling center and compare your observations from the visualization with reality; if many details match, then you are on the right track!

Mental travel (flight) technique is based on copying your consciousness - creating a phantom - a copy of yourself and sending it where you need it. For example, to space, the Cheops pyramid or to China. Sit or lie down comfortably and relaxed, maybe in the lotus position. Close your eyes, take a couple of deep breaths (this will help you get into the desired state), if you want, turn on the music to enter the theta state (trance state). Remove internal dialogue from your thoughts. Breathe calmly and evenly, inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth. We breathe: belly-lungs, lungs-stomach. We mentally raise the energy from the bottom up and imagine that we are flying out through the top of the head. We establish a thought form - to visit a place. For example, a friend’s place of work, we ask ourselves questions, where am I, show me my friend, show me the room in detail, and so on; mentally fly around the place, if you see an image or outline, try to focus. At first everything will be like a fog, then blurry, you will begin to see light from windows or lamps. Next, you will begin to see clearly and in color. The most important thing is not to be upset that it didn’t work out the first time. Success lies in systematic training and testing your experience. They saw it, called a friend, asked if there was such and such a cabinet standing there, such and such a document was typed on the computer, and so on. Sometimes the layout of the terrain is the opposite. The window was seen on the left, but in reality it is on the right. This will all be calibrated.

Person search technique. Based on working through the astral-mental layer. The mechanism is very simple. We set the thought form on the received information (photo, thing, relative), focus, mentally ask ourselves the question: where is this person, show the place where he is now, in what condition, alive or dead. We use the technique of mental travel, becoming aware of the place where the object we are looking for is. We look around, write down what we see. We feel the aura of the object, perhaps we see colors or state of health. We request a location on the map or latitude-longitude. Some craftsmen may hear the name of a city or village. It may not work out right away. Unlike mental travel, this requires a lot of training.

The magic of thought

Space of options

In the space of options there are a million options for your life! These options are experienced by you in alternative realities. An alternative reality is another life of your being in a parallel world. We can succeed in this life by controlling time and space with the power of thought. A wonderful stone will help us with this - Lapis lazuli. This blue and beautiful stone not only gives wisdom and peace! It develops thinking with images, expands consciousness and teaches us to understand the operation of the space of options. A master of dimensions and time can teach you how to control this ability.

You are your own boss (wheel of fate)

Our reality is built under the influence of society, survival, learning and the transfer of experience. But it happens that this is sometimes so difficult to do. To do this, I recommend learning to manage your thoughts.

Not everyone will succeed at once and not everyone will be able to master it. Although we live in the era of information fields and technologies, we need to understand that any power or ability requires special attention and responsibility. To succeed, you need to clear your thoughts of garbage, learn to stop the dialogue in your head, and find emptiness or a state of vacuum. Seeing flows of information and energies in images.

Much of your success depends on training your thinking. Do not think that by wearing a stone you will immediately find success! The stone is a helper, but not your slave. He is not obliged to teach you, moreover, if you do not show your desire. How to show desire? It's easy! You have questions? Look for answers, dig up information, communicate with people or higher beings, practice. No one will tell you clearly and gradually what to do. Information is not a toy. The teacher gives you part of the information, you accept it, and look for the rest yourself. Important questions should be asked and answers recorded.

The mechanism for constructing reality itself is as follows:

Desire – Goal – Method of achievement – ​​Result – Retention

The construction of reality will influence the future. In fact, you will create your own future with your own rules. Don't forget to consider the Balance Keepers. They also influence the creation of a negative future. I hope to tell you that such a negative future is not necessary. Since the future is constantly changing, it will be necessary to hold onto your reality.

Create a wish– what we want to bring or receive, for example, this year. Mentally imagine the object of desire. This requires clarity and detail of the parameters. The more detailed, the better. If you want a car and it doesn’t matter what brand, then just a car. But, you need to see how you are already walking on it. Be sure to indicate that the vehicle is in good working order and works well. The first stage - creating desire - is the most important, I think. If you want a man or woman in your life, describe your character, appearance, height, weight, etc., type of activity. After you have described it, imagine that you have already met him in a month, a year, or whenever you want. Some people want to go faster, others need time to rest. Where will you meet him? Who will he be with at your meeting? If your desire was built incorrectly as a result, then it means you made a mistake in something. Try again or accept whatever you wish.

Next, we set a goal. This is necessary so that the desire does not just hang on the universe’s wish list, but that you yourself bring energy to fulfill your order. What is the purpose of your desire? Become more successful, richer, happier, help someone, start a family or something else. We can say that when we set a goal, we place a magnifying glass (focus) on our desire. We spiritualize it. We charge with our power.

Way to achieve the goal: you buy the car yourself, or they give it to you as a gift, or you win it in the lottery. If you just want a bike, then don't specify a way, just create a desire, set a goal and see how you already ride it. Because if you indicate that you want to buy, save up money and buy a bicycle, then it may happen that you will not find the money. But they can give you a bicycle! Friend, mother, company holding a promotion, etc.

Result. Imagine how you have already received your desire, feel everything to the smallest detail. See yourself rejoicing and enjoying desire.

Hold- the most difficult stage in building reality, because it is constantly changing and resists us. In addition, your acquaintances and friends can influence reality. In order for the desire not to look like tugging at the blanket, try to also take into account your loved ones. Retention: Mentally check your desire every week to make sure it doesn't change. Naturally, it is better to succeed with someone who knows how to look into the future. Because only by looking there can we check whether anything has changed. If yes, then mentally correct our desire. If not, we hold it.

A few words about mental healing using reality building techniques:If you want to help someone by changing their reality in order to help, they will not be able to get rid of karmic debts in this way. There are Supreme Beings monitoring this activity. Therefore, I recommend not to take money for this help. Because you will have problems. The technique of controlling the wheel of fate can be controlled only with the aim of making your life easier in one area or another. If you want to help someone with a reality building technique, for example, for the purpose of recovery: create a thought form where the person is healthy using the higher technique. It is also possible to defend yourself if you build a reality where you are not attacked or you have a strong defense.

Stones that help you master these skills: lapis lazuli. Moreover, Afghan dark blue with pyrite is better for building reality. And the Ural language is better for visioning the future.

What you think about is what you attract

Like attracts like! A few words about the power of mental attraction. Think positive, try not to be offended or offended. Resentment is the greatest evil that is difficult to remove over the years. Damage can be healed in a couple of days, a curse in a week, but you can’t remove the resentment from strangers. Resentment is your punishment. The sooner you remove it, the better. To understand and to forgive. And let go, thanking.

Negative thoughts create depression, apathy, a desire for death, scatter our attention and make us weak. You’re walking down the street like this and everything goes wrong, a bird craps on you, you stumble, you get yelled at, or something else. All wrong.

Positive thoughts create satisfaction with life, happiness, love of life, attract money, protection of the Higher powers, protection and care.

“Choose for yourself what you want!”

The topic of expanding consciousness has reached the peak of its popularity, although perhaps not, and the highest peak of its popularity is still ahead, but starting from the second half of the 20th century, this topic has become more and more interesting to humanity, and new proprietary methods are being created on the basis of yogic knowledge. Some of them will be discussed in this article.

Expanding consciousness: a practical technique

Expanding consciousness means going beyond the existing boundaries of perception. People are often interested in techniques for expanding consciousness, but it is worth noting that our consciousness is never in the same state. Its boundaries are not rigidly fixed, thus, almost any event in life can have such a strong impact on human perception that the boundaries of consciousness themselves go beyond the usual boundaries. It’s not for nothing that they say that when an unexpected event happens to a person, it can directly affect his attitude to reality, how he will perceive it.

An interesting question is the connection between consciousness and perception. Perhaps, here we can say that our consciousness directly depends on the way we perceive reality, but there is also an inverse relationship, when your perception depends on the breadth of consciousness. This statement leads us to the following conclusion: from whatever side you begin your development, from the side of changing the angle of perception or starting to work with consciousness, this will lead to the fact that the second element of this pair will also be subject to change and, perhaps, even transformation (the pair, as you already understood, is consciousness and perception).

The way in which consciousness can be influenced through perception can be illustrated by a quite popular invocation technique these days: we stop fixating attention on negative situations, in general we do not perceive negativity as negative, changing the perception of unpleasant situations or facts to positive, we choose the position of “crazy “an optimist who says that everything that is done is for the better, and we begin to live in this mode.

In this way, we develop a new outlook on life; the perception of reality, under the influence of the regular practice of boundless optimism, will gradually begin to change, and with it consciousness itself. At the same time, the more you are in a state of internal and external awareness, the more useful this practice will be for you, i.e. you not only do it mechanically, automatically, because you are ordered to do it, but you are fully aware of the events and your reactions to them.

Awareness of life, situations and existence in general can also be separated into a separate independent practice, to which not only dozens of books are devoted, but almost every real spiritual teaching assigns paramount importance to the practice of cultivating awareness. The development of mindfulness is considered as a cornerstone in the system of self-development embedded in spiritual teachings, therefore, mastering the practice of mindfulness is taught from the very beginning of the student’s immersion in a new system of knowledge. What is meant by mindfulness practice?

Multidimensional expansion of consciousness through the practice of observation

First of all, the multidimensional expansion of consciousness is not only awareness of your actions, but, above all, your reaction to them. Observation of emotion, tracking its appearance and extinction come to the fore. Ideally, this technique should be applied to any emotion that appears, so over time you will learn to track and even prevent the development and development of emotions, especially negative ones, into some kind of emotional explosion. To do this, from the very beginning you must disidentify with the emotion as such. Stop personifying your own “I” with a specific state. Many spiritual teachings, no matter how different in essence and direction they may be, at this point come to the agreement that the human “I” is not an emotion or a state, not to mention that it is certainly not an external image, like you understand.

Therefore, during the very initial stage of the emergence of an emotion, let’s say you begin to feel anger inside, you must switch from the object that caused this feeling to the feeling itself and try to feel it. It would seem that there is a contradiction in this, because you should not personify yourself with a feeling and at the same time, at the same time, you should feel it, immerse yourself in it. However, there is a big difference between awareness, feeling the emotion itself and the unconscious reactions caused by this emotion, under the influence of which you will respond to the challenge of reality or, in other words, react to the object.

Practice of expanding consciousness according to the method of Jose Silva

Many of you have probably heard about the method of expanding the boundaries of consciousness according to the Jose Silva method. In his method, the theory of brain wave activity comes to the fore, where

  • The beta rhythm is activated when we are awake and perform normal activities and work. The oscillation frequency can vary from 14 to 40 Hz.
  • The alpha rhythm begins to work when we are physically less active, or even if we continue to seem so, but internally we are much more calm, then the frequency of oscillations decreases. Characteristics of alpha level frequencies from 8 to 13 Hz.
  • Theta rhythm is primarily a sleep state, although for those who practice regular meditation, this rhythm of brain activity can be activated during meditation, which will indicate being in deep meditation. Oscillation frequency from 4 to 8 Hz.
  • The delta rhythm appears in a state of very deep sleep, and the vibration frequency ranges from 1 to 4 Hz.

Jose Silva was very familiar with meditation practices. On this he based his method of expanding consciousness, which later gained popularity under the name “wish fulfillment according to the Jose Silva method.” Silva explained the miraculous effect of his method in this way: when a person is in a state of consciousness in which beta rhythms are maximally active, he cannot hear/receive a message from the outside. External noise, too much mental activity (and we must not forget that our mind chatters incessantly) interfere with our own internal development. Thoughts themselves act as a barrier between the personality and the information that a person can receive from higher planes. The “background noise” of the thought process drowns out the vibrations of another level, which keeps a person from reaching another qualitatively new level of consciousness. Later, other directions and schools of self-development and spiritual practices will call such a transition of consciousness from one level to another a “quantum leap” for greater clarity.

Hans Berger's contribution to multidimensional expansion of consciousness

As we see, Jose Silva did not make any special discoveries hitherto unknown to humanity; his merit lies in the fact that the knowledge that was known to the ancients, including yogis and followers of Buddhism (which, however, does not contradict one another, after all, yoga as a spiritual teaching can be an integral part of certain schools of Buddhism) became known to the general public, and without going into the description of the specific terminology that schools of ancient teachings often use, Silva described what happens to a person using understandable metaphors such as “receiver " and "transmitter", comparing the human mind to a radio receiver, and also using the results of research of modern science.

For this we should be grateful to Hans Berger, the founder of the modern electroencephalogram, who was the first to record fluctuations in the electrical activity of the brain in the range of 8-12 Hz and immediately called them alpha waves, since they were the first to be discovered. Until now, official science cannot give an unambiguous explanation for the activity of these waves, while people who practice expansion of consciousness have long understood that alpha rhythms of brain activity lead to the removal of internal psychological blocks, which instantly opens up access to other knowledge , more extensive, not subject to the exact laws of logic, in a word, a state of consciousness in which a person turns out to be incredibly creative.

Creativity: techniques and methods for expanding consciousness

Creativity reaches unprecedented heights, and it is no coincidence that most masterpieces from the world of art and scientific discoveries were made precisely when the activity of beta waves was suppressed for some reason, as, say, in famous cases when discoveries were made in a state of half-asleep, that is, the idea came just at the time when the person dozed off (it is then that alpha rhythms manifest themselves with greater force). And is it not because by engaging in creativity, playing music, creating paintings, participating in choral singing, a person actually goes into a state of meditation, and this is precisely the state that is characterized by greater activity of alpha waves, sometimes with a transition to theta and minimal activation of beta waves? mode.

Now it becomes clear to us why often, when the question is asked about expanding the boundaries of consciousness, creative activities are recommended, because this automatically, without special exercises, without dedication and study of complex, unknown practices, changes a person’s consciousness, because during the creative process electrical brain vibrations change. Thus, when you do something creative, even creating crafts or sketching on paper, you yourself are immersed in meditation without realizing it. A similar state can be achieved during long-term immersive reading of literature.

Your brain still produces beta waves, but alpha waves are already beginning to overlap them. By the way, it is this state that is called the state of “increased learning ability.” If you can stay in it for a certain period of time, then you need to use it to your advantage. During this period, new material is best remembered; in order to remember something, several repetitions or the use of mnemonic devices will not be required. Information directly enters your consciousness because you have indeed expanded your consciousness.

Meditation as a method of expanding consciousness

The advantage of the new methods is that in them, without any preparation, a person is given some techniques with the help of which he can learn to immerse himself in the alpha state. But such methods are suitable for those who do not want to practice meditation in any way. For those who want to start practicing real meditation, perhaps even attend or are already practicing, no other methods will be required, because whatever the new method, it always contains the basics of meditation practices. Therefore, even from a practical point of view, it will be better to master real meditation than to devote time to its derivative products, which are merely adapted for the modern person who does not very often ask the question of where things came from.

Perhaps the most important thing that can be said on the topic of expanding consciousness is that the desire for it is unnecessary. If we remember the words of the Buddha, who said that every desire (or aspiration) gives rise to suffering, then the meaning of the above will become clear in the context of expanding the boundaries of consciousness. This is rather a desire of the ego, the “I,” for self-affirmation, rather than an internal need. Although even a need can come from false reasons, and it can again be based on internal dissatisfaction with one’s own life, hence the desire to manifest oneself on the other side.

In fact, consciousness will definitely evolve at the right time, if this is the plan that is destined from above, but it does not necessarily have to happen in this life. The very pursuit of something only indicates that a person is still looking for meaning in the external, even if we are talking about such a phenomenon as consciousness. Search and aspiration are the result of unsatisfied diverse desires that are sublimated, but never leave a person alone until the end, they are not eliminated. Try to generate fewer desires overall, and then everything that is required will come at the right time.

Instead of an afterword

Our reader has probably already understood that one way or another, methods of expanding consciousness are associated with spiritual teachings, the practice of meditation, concentration and awareness. Therefore, the time has come to decide for yourself whether you will delve further into this topic, following the path of ancient practices, or whether a superficial acquaintance with this area of ​​​​human knowledge will be sufficient for you. The choice is yours. Be in the flow.

Speaking about expanded consciousness, they often mean some kind of exceptional state that only psychics, soothsayers and clairvoyants can possess. But in fact, all people can expand the boundaries of their consciousness; this does not require any extraordinary gift.

What is our consciousness?

This is a conscious perception of the world around us through the senses or even special energy channels, if a person knows how to use them. The information received is studied and processed, but not all of it, but only the most necessary, that which is vital for us at a certain point in time. Everything else is ignored and eliminated. Why?

Our consciousness is limited

The actual volume of information that comes to us every second is millions of times greater than the volume that we are able to perceive. It is our narrow consciousness that is the reason that out of the total number of signals, we selectively perceive and pass through ourselves the smallest part.

But just imagine how much our horizons would expand if we could know, understand, perceive and feel tens, hundreds, thousands of times more?

Expanding the boundaries of our consciousness is possible

The volume and depth of a person's consciousness can change. And there are two ways for this: external and internal expansion of consciousness. Expansion of consciousness inward is detachment from the outside world and concentration on the inner world. These are the achievements of a state in which the senses are temporarily turned off and our consciousness, tuned to receiving information from the outside, switches to internal sensations. They, just like external signals, can give us strength, open knowledge about the world and ourselves, and help us achieve harmony.

Techniques for internal expansion of consciousness

The expansion of inner consciousness is achieved by spiritual practices - concentration or meditation, saying prayers or affirmations. However, only a very small part of people who use these techniques achieve tangible changes in the psyche and consciousness. This happens because they begin their development without a clear plan, without a systematic approach to classes.

And they should first prepare their consciousness for subtle techniques for expanding it, using meditations aimed at understanding themselves and increasing internal sensitivity, separating their “I” from external vanity and troubles, emotional instability.

Only then can you begin to realize your hidden reserves and sources of fears and anxieties, releasing accumulated grievances and disappointments, fears and anger.

And the final stage in the application of spiritual practices to expand consciousness will be its spontaneity, integrity and freedom from limitations.

Ways to expand consciousness outward

The second way is to overcome the limitations of consciousness through the development of all its components. Consciousness consists of what we feel intuitively and in reality, from abstract and logical thinking, intelligence and creativity, from human spirituality and morality. By improving each of these elements, we destroy the barriers that we ourselves have created in our heads. For example, we are convinced that the world does not depend in any way on our will, that it is not subject to our influence, but, on the contrary, subjugates us to itself - “being determines consciousness.” But a person has the kind of existence that he deserves, because it first of all corresponds to his consciousness.

If a person sets mundane goals for himself, based on the limitations of his consciousness, his life and he himself will not change in any way. Although we may wish for more, in order to realize these grandiose dreams, we first need to work on ourselves, on our consciousness.

By expanding the capabilities of his consciousness, a person gets the opportunity to create a new world around him. He sets different goals, strives for different prospects and expands the possibilities of his influence on his life and on the whole world.

PRACTICAL PSYCHOLOGY: METHODS OF EXPANDING CONSCIOUSNESS We must change not the world, but our consciousness. Expanding consciousness using self-development techniques and raising it to a higher level significantly improves the quality of life: it becomes calmer, freer, happier and longer. The discovery of new possibilities of our consciousness allows us to see the world differently, helps us get rid of old fears and enemies, unpleasant memories and stupid stereotypes. Such experience allows us to find hidden talents given to us by nature from birth. The new consciousness breaks the stereotypes of society, and by changing yourself, you change your environment. Like a chain reaction, just a single work on yourself can change the whole world. WHERE TO BEGIN? 1. FIND YOUR PURPOSE, YOUR PURPOSE. This is the first technique for expanding consciousness. Allen Ginsberg once said, “Follow your inner moonlight without hiding your madness.” To find yourself, first of all, you need to know yourself. The search for truth is the first significant experience that opens up the path to awareness. You are not who society made you, you are not who you made yourself. You are who nature created you to be. And the faster you return yourself to your original appearance, the faster your journey to your higher self will begin. The longer you hide your failures, fears and doubts from yourself, the longer you mark time, “sweeping dust under the rug.” 2. BECOME AN OBSERVER OF REALITY, do such practices of expanding consciousness every day. Have the courage and persistence to constantly observe and reflect on what you see. Most people choose to remain ignorant. 3. BECOME COMPASSIONATE. Compassion - the practice of expanding consciousness Consciousness expansion practices include compassion for other people. Compassion as a practice of expanding consciousness is one of the most powerful for increasing the level of awareness. It is even spoken about in sacred Hindu scriptures - in the Bhagavad Gita. Compassion is the ability to acknowledge the emotional state of others. Those who learn to be compassionate prepare their brains for all kinds of stress, which ultimately increases a person's resilience and courage. In addition, by communicating with a person and learning about his problems, we learn to find the same problems in ourselves, and by giving advice, we give them to ourselves too. After all, the practice of compassion is a powerful spiritual asceticism and a practice of expanding consciousness. 4. DON’T HOLD ON TO THE PAST AND DROP FALSE EXPECTATIONS. LIVING IN THE PRESENT MOMENT - a technique for expanding consciousness Another powerful technique for expanding consciousness is the practice of staying in the present moment 'here and now'. You need to live only in the present. You need to learn this art and it is not so easy. To do this, you need to know in person all your miserable feelings and negative emotions. Watch yourself until you find all the negative sides of yourself. Then start eradicating them. Without this practice it is impossible to achieve even partial awareness. To follow your illusions is to remain in ignorance, in darkness. Start doing things that bring you joy and happiness. Try to do something different this time than before. This requires effort, but sometimes just one step is enough to begin such a long and interesting path leading to the expansion of consciousness. 5. EGO CONTROL - practice of expanding consciousness Ego is the cause of all disasters in the world. Try to remain in constant control and ask yourself: “Does my ego want this or the real me?” “Is it selfishness, a sense of self-importance, speaking in me, or is it nature itself that dictates that I take such steps?” Believe me, ego can be eliminated. Spiritual teachers, yogis, enlightened ones, sages, they all reached a high level of consciousness because they conquered the ego. 6. DESTROY COMPLEXES. Complexes are barriers to self-knowledge and blocks to the practice of expanding consciousness. Each of us has “clamps” that block our consciousness, preventing it from moving to a higher level of consciousness. For example, such small habits as: - judging others, - inability to forgive, - dislike for yourself, - or vice versa, great pride come from events from the past that you could not cope with. These complexes are deposited in the subconscious and serve as barriers. Free yourself from inner dirt and you will automatically move to a new vibration frequency. 7. SPEND TIME ALONE. Solitude is a powerful practice for expanding consciousness. True life never turns out the way it was written or said by someone at some time. True life occurs when a person is alone with himself, erasing the boundaries of past, present and future. There is no practice more powerful for expanding consciousness than meditation. Many people are afraid of loneliness and avoid it. It seems to them that some kind of threat hangs over them when they are alone. However, alone time is like cleaning the house: each of us has to do it, otherwise fungi, dust, insects and dirt will accumulate more and more. Go for a walk in the park without listening to music or looking at your cell phone. Just listen to what nature and your inner voice are telling you. After a while, you will become immersed in your thoughts and begin to organize them. 8. GET OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE. The practice of expanding consciousness and self-knowledge through interaction with the world around us “Life begins where the comfort zone ends,” - Neil Donald Walsh. You will never know what awaits you where you have never been. If you stay in your comfort zone and think that the desired events will happen on their own, then you are mistaken. There is no point in expecting something new while repeating something old. Use your imagination and think about how you can break the boundaries of this comfort zone. Perhaps for some it will be a dangerous journey, but for others it will be an acquaintance with new people whom he was afraid of before. Even if you make a mistake and fail, you will learn a valuable lesson, and your consciousness will certainly rise to a higher level. 9. LOVE. Love as a practice and technique for expanding consciousness “Your task is not to look for love, but to find barriers within yourself that block love” - Rumi. Some say love is like driving fast. Others note that it is similar to an invisible vibration. There are many interpretations and parallels, however, everyone agrees that love cannot be described accurately. She is far more sacred than all the words spoken about her. Allow yourself to love and accept love. It's not about a specific man or woman, it's about everything in the world. It can be a spiritual or unspiritual being. When you learn to love, you will experience endless bliss in your heart. You will understand that love is the highest state of consciousness. In our spiritual heart the flame of love for the entire universe sparkles. 10. COMMUNICATE WITH NATURE. Practice expanding consciousness through interaction with nature Through observation, try to understand nature. Your impressions and experiences may be individual and secret, but your task is to become closer to the Universe. Listen to the birds singing and the rustling of leaves, inhale the smells of wildflowers, watch the clouds change their shape, and you will see that nature is in constant motion, it is more active than the largest metropolis on the planet. After some time, after you carry out this practice to expand your consciousness, you will feel that you have become closer to nature, and even realize that you are an inseparable part of it. This is one of the stages of awareness. 11. MEDITATE and practice exercises to expand your consciousness. Meditation opens the door between the soul and the higher realms of existence. Such exercises for expanding consciousness are necessary on the path of awareness. Even the simplest and shortest meditation will bring many benefits to your body, mind and soul. It will help you connect with your true Self and see your true, original self. In addition, meditation brings peace of mind and thoughts, reduces stress, it brings joy and optimism, expansion of consciousness.