Vertical and horizontal structure of the organization. Which shuttle is better? There are vertical and horizontal types

Many people believe that a career is a process of constant promotion. From junior to senior specialist, from assistant to top manager. But what if you don’t want to manage anyone, take responsibility for budgets and wear formal suits?

There are actually two main principles for career growth. They are called vertical and horizontal career types. Each type has its own pros and cons. Let's tell you more about them.

Vertical career type

This is a career in the generally accepted sense: from the lowest position to the highest. For example, you come to a company to work as a courier, and become the head of the logistics department. Or you start as a junior secretary, and then head the administrative and economic department. Typically, growth occurs within the same company or in the same area. Along with the position, the employee’s responsibility and salary level increase.

It is a mistake to think that the vertical type of career is the only one The right way develop at work. This opinion is especially common among middle-aged and elderly people, largely because promotion is always noticeable from the outside.

Pros of a vertical career type

  • In the minds of most, such a career is synonymous with success.
  • You solve ambitious problems, have great responsibility, manage other people and make financial decisions.
  • You are the person of the department (or department, or regional office).
  • These are great opportunities for the development of both you as an individual and the business you are involved in.
  • High salary.
  • Good for extroverts.
  • Vertical growth is possible in any company, in any professional field.

Disadvantages of a vertical career type

  • Sometimes the responsibility is too much. This can lead to overwork or burnout.
  • You will 100% have to live in a busy schedule, get up early and go to bed late.
  • The more responsibilities you have, the more difficult it is to maintain a work-life balance.
  • Often, vertical career growth requires participation in office intrigue in order to obtain the desired position.
  • The higher your position, the more attention you receive. Expect office gossip and negativity from subordinates.
  • A vertical career always has a ceiling. It will be much more difficult to get to the next job level.

Horizontal career type

This is an extension of an employee's responsibility within one department. In a sense, this is the natural path of professional development. You start as a young specialist, in the process of work you “pump up” your skills, learn new things, concentrate on a specific topic and become a professional with a narrow specialization.

Such a professional can be responsible not only for his own work, but also for the work of others: delegate responsibilities, advise, accept or not accept work. Such an employee’s responsibilities increase, his salary increases, and his functionality expands. But this most likely happens within one department.

The most obvious examples of a horizontal career type: designer - art director, copywriter - senior editor, junior programmer - technical director.

Horizontal growth includes increasing ranks, categories, and awarding a scientific degree.

Pros of a horizontal career type

  • You upgrade your skills and become a valuable professional in your field. The narrower your specialization, the higher your price will be. The opinion of narrow specialists is more valued as comments in the media and scientific works, if your specialty is of interest to the general public, you will be invited to give lectures and conduct master classes, that is, to share your knowledge.
  • You are in the process of constant self-education. And you can pass on your knowledge to others.
  • Your salary grows along with your skills.
  • You do mainly what is related to your specialty. Or you teach others. You won't have to deal with budgets, hiring, and other administrative issues that managers traditionally handle.
  • A horizontal career involves a smaller area of ​​responsibility. You are only responsible for the consequences of your decisions.
  • The horizontal type of career has no “ceiling”. It all depends on your professional goals and aspirations.
  • A horizontal career suits introverts.
  • Most often, horizontal careers are chosen by people in creative professions: designers, editors, journalists, illustrators.
  • People who have chosen a horizontal type of career can calmly maintain normal relationships with colleagues without participating in intrigues and competition for positions. You compete for results, not for positions.
  • You have more freedom of action than a person in a leadership position. Most likely, you will not need to “look presentable,” negotiate with top managers, or “measure up to the level.”

Disadvantages of a horizontal career type

  • Your authority in the department may increase, but you will not receive a promotion.
  • The horizontal vector of development is more suitable for specialties that require a lot of applied skills: editors, designers, programmers. If you work in HR or in the administrative department, this type of career probably won't be right for you.
  • Your mother is sad that she cannot brag about your career achievements to her friends.

We have described two types of careers in their pure form, as if they exist separately from each other. In reality, everything is more complicated: very often one type of career cannot exist without the second. It is unlikely that it will be possible to build a vertical career without having a sufficient professional base accumulated over the years of “horizontal growth” - otherwise the manager will not have enough experience to make decisions and bear responsibility for them.

Imagine that you need to quickly choose a cupcake.

What do you think is the most attractive option for displaying the assortment on the screen?

Or vertical:

Each of us faces both on a daily basis. Everyone around us: from supermarkets to online stores, attacks us with different options for presenting products:

But which one is better? And can this factor really be important and influence anything?

Maybe. And in this article you will learn about which product presentation is more effective and when.

First, we see the world horizontally. We have binocular vision, and the eyes are located horizontally, due to which we have access to a wide horizontal view - approximately 190 degrees.

This is why computers and monitors are made wider (not taller).

Secondly, horizontal scanning is physically easier.

Due to the peculiarities of the human muscular structure, horizontal eye movements are easier to perform. Our head naturally tilts slightly forward, which makes moving our eyes up and down more labor-intensive.

In 2016, a study was conducted in which subjects were offered two options for the placement of lollipops. To study the pattern of eye movements of the participants were used. It was possible to find out that the pattern of eye movements corresponded to the type of product presentation. The eyes made movements in the horizontal plane when the goods were presented horizontally and in the vertical plane when the goods were presented vertically.

But more importantly, because horizontal movements are easier to make, people covered more objects per second with horizontal presentation (3.26 for horizontal and 2.77 for vertical).

3. Horizontal product assortment seems more diverse

Since a person can see more items at a time, he erroneously concludes that there is a wider choice of goods.

4. Horizontal display increases the likelihood of selection

In turn, a wide choice is a factor facilitating the completion of a transaction. Customers have a natural desire to seek variety, which is why they prefer product ranges that meet this criterion.

Plus, it takes people longer to browse through a more diverse selection. As a result, people view more items and have a wider pool of options available to choose from (consider purchasing more options). Unsurprisingly, horizontal presentation ultimately leads to more purchases (and more purchases of several items at once).

A few caveats

1. Use vertical view on vertical screens

Product presentation on smartphones should not be horizontal. It's just reasonable. No other explanation is required here.

2. Use vertical presentation when you need to reduce product variety

Horizontal presentation is effective because the range of products presented this way appears to be broader.

But sometimes a wide choice can be counterproductive.

If customers know exactly what they need, they are unlikely to want to browse through too many products.

Take Amazon for example.

This is right. When people are “just watching,” variety is good.

However, if you pay attention to the search results - the area where people are looking for a specific product - you will notice that here the products are presented vertically.

If users are looking for a specific product, you should reduce the apparent variety and simply help them find the product they need. Therefore, vertical presentation is most preferable.


Horizontal presentation of products is good because it increases the breadth of choice and creates the impression that the product range is more diverse. However, if your goal is to reduce and speed up selection, use a vertical view.

You can follow the example of Amazon or even Walmart. On the latter’s website, if you are not looking for a specific model of a certain product, but make a request for all categories (for example, humidifiers), the proposed results will be presented horizontally.

And this is also correct. Walmart understands that the person searching for such a generic term is in the early stages of the sales funnel, where a wide selection is an advantage, and horizontal product presentation does just that. But if you search for a specific product, the search results will be presented vertically.

Vertical presentation focuses the buyer's attention on a specific product of interest. In addition, these products will occupy the most advantageous place on the page—that’s where the buyer’s eye will fall first.

Concept of organization and structure

An organization is a group of people who purposefully interact with each other. All participants in the organization subordinate their work to the general goals of the enterprise (organization) in which they work.


Organizational structure represents the formal rules that managers develop to divide labor and formal responsibilities among individuals and groups.

There is a vertical and horizontal structure of the organization, which are necessary in order to correctly determine the scope of control of managers and subordination in the company.

The vertical and horizontal structure of an organization is characterized by the coordination of a set of functions so that the company is able to act as a single whole.

The vertical and horizontal structure of the organization are different kinds organizational structures that managers resort to to externalize their ideas in the form of structural organizational charts.

The vertical and horizontal structure of the organization is presented in the figure, where you can see their main features.

Vertical organizational structure

Most businesses operate through organizational structures that are more consistent with the principles of a vertical organizational structure.

The vertical structure of an organization is the management structure of a company in which there is a certain hierarchy, that is lower levels management is subordinate to the highest levels.

In practice, any organization in its structure, regardless of its type and form, has an element of verticality. Company employees most often obey to CEO directly or through their direct managers.

The vertical structure of an organization can be characterized by the number of levels of subordination and the existence of one manager for each employee.

Features of the vertical structure

The vertical and horizontal structure of an organization is different from each other. The vertical structure is often called bureaucratic or hierarchical. This type of management structure has a high degree of centralization in decision making.

At the head of enterprises that operate in accordance with the vertical organizational structure, there is one person or group of people (board of directors). The manager is directly subordinate to the other heads of divisions (departments), as well as employees. At the same time, in most cases, all strategic decisions in the operation of the enterprise are made by the manager alone.

The vertical structure of the organization, on the one hand, provides high level control of processes occurring at the enterprise, and on the other hand, significantly contributes to expanding the manager’s area of ​​responsibility, thereby increasing the load on him.

Horizontal structure of the organization

The horizontal structure is inherent in companies that carry out decentralized coordination of the actions of certain units (workers, employees) of the relevant functional units in the course of performing common tasks.

The creation of a horizontal management structure at an enterprise in practice is the most common and significant trend in the modern business world.

The horizontal management structure has competitive advantage in comparison with other management structures, which consists in the possible flexible and quick response to any changes in the conditions for carrying out its activities.

A horizontal management structure, regardless of its form, has a decentralized nature of decision-making through its transfer to groups that include specialists from various departments.

Examples of problem solving


Exercise Highlight the features that are inherent in the horizontal structure of the organization:

1) Increased likelihood of conflicts,

Vertical type of growth - the skull grows in height, a long elongated face, dolicocephalic. The vertical type of growth may be due to mouth breathing. In patients with vertical growth type, short upper lip, the tone of the lips is impaired, the lips often do not close, and muscle changes become more and more aggravated every year.

What you should pay attention to when treating vertical growth type:

  • With a vertical type of growthit is important to prevent extrusion of molars, while the SNMP angle there will be even more. Extrusion of molars can occur due to incorrect or excessive use of elastics.
  • If at the treatment stage a situation arises that the lateral teeth do not close temporarily, then it is recommended to apply onlays to the lateral teeth, which will prevent the extrusion of the molars.
  • Moving teeth is always easier.
  • Often, orthodontic treatment involves the extraction of teeth and subsequent mesialization of molars, as a result of which the angle SNMP decreases, rotation occurs lower jaw, which invariably entails a decrease in facial height.

Horizontal growth type - stocky, brachiocephalic, wide face.

Features of treatment:

  • Molar extrusion is acceptable.
  • Disconnection in the anterior region with bite-sized braces leads to extrusion and an increase in facial height.
  • Treatment with removal is a rare case.
  • The movement of teeth is a little more difficult than with the vertical type of growth.

Other articles

Features of working with the Damon braces system

  • Possibility of using weak forces in orthodontic treatment.
  • When treated with the Damon system, metal ligatures and chains are placed under the arch.
  • If a metal ligature is used to bind teeth, then after installing the arch, it is pressed against the arch with a scaler for more effective hygiene.
  • Chains are placed on upper jaw with a wide step, on the lower jaw - a medium step (the usual size of a clinical crown).

Transversal anomalies

The amount of space in each jaw is assessed separately on the anterior and lateral areas. In this case, in the anterior section, three main options are mainly distinguished (Fig. 1). The anterior portion of the teeth in the lower jaw is assessed in a similar manner. Comparison of the symmetry of each jaw is very easy to do by determining the midline of one jaw

Open bite. Causes of open bite. Types and diagnosis of open bite.

Open bite. Causes.

Dentoalveolar form:

  • sucking habits that persist after 3-4 years and have a significant duration: pacifier sucking; thumb sucking; duration more than 6 hours a day (data from the Proffit textbook)
  • tongue protrusion, for example with early loss of baby teeth.

If you are going to buy a sewing machine, it is very important to know what type of hook the sewing machine has. Which shuttle is better, vertical or horizontal? Or maybe it’s better to buy a sewing machine with an oscillating shuttle? How are they different and which shuttle to choose?

Even if you have already bought a sewing machine, still read this article to know exactly what types of hook a sewing machine has and how they differ. If you are “seriously” interested in tailoring, it won’t hurt to also learn how a sewing machine works. Including how the rotary shuttle differs from the “bullet” shuttle and why the Soviet shuttle in Chaika constantly needs to be adjusted. It is even possible that this will help you avoid many breakdowns of the sewing machine and perform minor repairs and adjust the shuttle stroke yourself.

The swing shuttle is the most common type of shuttle (see photo) and has been used for many decades in the production of most household sewing machines. This is exactly the type of shuttle found in the “Soviet” sewing machine “Chaika” and in almost all brands of machines of the “Podolsk” type. During operation, the shuttle does not rotate in a circle, but oscillates like a pendulum. He will remove the thread from the needle, bring it to the reset position and again return to its original position.

It is quite difficult to adjust the precise operation of such a shuttle. Many parameters must be taken into account simultaneously so that the stitch is formed without gaps, breaks or looping of the thread. This is especially difficult to do for the Chaika sewing machine. Excessive “exit” of the hook nose (more than 4 mm) beyond the needle to the left leads to looping, insufficient output leads to gaps, etc.

The operation of the shuttle is also influenced by its condition. The nose and surface of the shuttle should not be jagged. And they can appear if you pull the fabric by hand while sewing. The needle moves along with the fabric and the nose of the shuttle, falling into the needle, becomes dull.
There are other “little things” that affect the operation of the shuttle, a description of which can be found on the pages of our website.

Modern sewing machines using an oscillating shuttle type no longer have these disadvantages. Almost all nodes have a reliable fixed position, which cannot be moved spontaneously. Therefore, there is no need to adjust the operation of the pumping hook for such sewing machines. But this often has to be done with Chaika sewing machines. Due to excessive load, the rods of shafts that do not have a saw cut for fastening the screw can rotate. It is this design feature of the Chaika that becomes main reason constant disruptions in its operation.

Sewing machines with a Seagull-type swinging hook have an undeniable advantage. The shuttle shaft, in almost all models of sewing machines, is connected to the main shaft by metal levers, the connections of which are securely fastened. This allows the sewing machine to withstand significant loads during sewing. For example, machines with a vertical shuttle use a shaped belt instead of levers, which can slip “by a tooth” and even break due to excessive force.

The operating speed of sewing machines with an oscillating shuttle is slightly lower than machines with a different type of shuttle. But such machines are more reliable, durable and, most importantly, cheaper.
As a rule, all economy-class sewing machines have a swinging hook.
The increased noise level and vibration during sewing, a limited range of stitches and operations, and low speed are fully compensated by the acceptable, inexpensive price of the machine.

Higher-end sewing machines, for example the Japanese Brother sewing machine, often use a vertical, circularly rotating shuttle, also called a rotary shuttle or a double-fitting shuttle. What are its advantages and are there any disadvantages? In my opinion, this is the ideal type of shuttle. It is the vertical shuttle that is used in many industrial sewing machines. And even the Soviet-era German sewing machines Veritas 8014 used exactly this type of shuttle. Therefore, many of them still work, and their owners have no complaints against them.

In this video you will see how the vertical hook interacts with the needle of the Juki 510 sewing machine, and you will also learn how to adjust it. The video is in English, but you can select subtitles in the language you need.

One of the advantages of using this type of shuttle is the high speed of the sewing machine. In factories, sewing machines sew at such a speed that even the needles melt in the literal sense of the word. Chaika's swinging shuttle would have shattered into pieces with just one full press on the electric drive pedal of an industrial machine.
Stitch skips, thread looping, and breaks are practically eliminated if all the manufacturer’s recommendations are followed. And even if they appear, they can be quickly eliminated, since the position of the shuttle stroke in relation to the needle is easy to adjust. And most importantly, the shuttle stroke can be securely fixed with as many as 3 screws securing it to the shaft (see photo).

The vertical rotary shuttle does not need to be disassembled and should never be disassembled. The only thing it needs is lubrication. Look carefully at how the shuttle works and lubricate all the parts rubbing inside with a small amount of oil. Just don’t get carried away, otherwise excess oil during sewing can get to the top along with the lower thread and ruin the fabric.

The vertical shuttle shaft on many household sewing machines is connected to the main shaft by a shaped (with ribs) strap, which prevents the machine from being used for sewing fabrics and materials not specified in the instructions. Any sewing machine is designed for sewing certain fabrics; read the instructions first before hemming jeans in 9 layers.
This drive belt cannot be tightened too much, otherwise there will be a “heavy” drive and increased noise from the machine. Strong belt tension leads to premature wear of parts, so it is in a slightly weakened state. In addition, if you try too hard, the belt may jump one tooth due to excessive effort. Then all settings are automatically lost, and the machine requires a master. This is, of course, an extreme case that occurs very rarely, but it clearly illustrates what can happen if you do not follow the factory instructions.

Prices for sewing machines with vertical shuttle stroke are higher than economy class machines. We can say that sewing machines with a vertical rotating shuttle are more suitable for those who sew a lot, using various fabrics and materials for sewing. Such sewing machines usually have a wide range of fabrics that can be sewn, including leather. There are many types of stitches available and the set includes many additional presser feet. An automatic method for sewing buttonholes, etc. is often provided. But, like swing-hook sewing machines, they have a bobbin case into which the bobbin is inserted.

3. Horizontal shuttle type

The horizontal hook does not have a bobbin case; the bobbin is inserted directly into the hook, which is extremely convenient and simple. And most importantly, you can see how much thread is left on the bobbin, what color it is, and even how the thread is removed from the shuttle. Such a machine works much quieter, softer and does its job very efficiently. As a rule, she does not have any skipping, looping or other problems. It’s just inconvenient to adjust the tension of the lower thread, since it is adjusted by a small screw in the side plate of the shuttle. But this needs to be done infrequently, so you don’t have to mention it. But the fact that the horizontal shuttle is made of especially durable plastic should be a warning for those who like to sew everything indiscriminately.

You should only use threads that are specified in the instructions, elastic and thin. No "thirties" and "forties" from grandma. The plastic shuttle will quickly wear out from such threads and then the machine will start making skips and loops and thread breaks. No adjustments will help here, only replacing the shuttle completely. Fortunately, the cost of a horizontal shuttle is not very high and it is easy to remove and replace even on your own.
You can buy a horizontal shuttle at any sewing store, or order it from an online store. But it’s better to immediately, when buying a sewing machine, buy it in reserve.
And yet, the silent operation of the machine is achieved through the use of a belt drive for the shuttle drive and sometimes, in addition to the shuttle, plastic is used for the production of other parts. Therefore, you need to treat the machine with respect and not try to sew “roofing iron” on it; this is not the “Singer” of the century before last.

And this is what the “bullet” shuttle looks like on a Singer sewing machine from the century before last. According to legends and myths, you can sew anything you want on such a machine, with high quality and without gaps. This is actually a myth. The machine is completely outdated and even if you have it, do not try to find a technician and repair it. It is much easier to buy a new machine for 5-6 thousand rubles of the same Singer brand.

Which shuttle should you choose when buying a sewing machine? I think there is no definite answer to this question. If you need a simple and reliable machine for rare use, the swinging type of shuttle is the best suitable solution. Inexpensive and reliable.
If you are an experienced “pro,” then you yourself know what kind of machine you need. But I think you should opt for a vertical rotating shuttle.
If you like to sew a lot, but “for yourself,” consider a horizontal shuttle. Careful and careful handling of such a machine guarantees its impeccable operation for many years.
Which sewing machine to buy
Modern sewing machines can be divided into two types: electronic and electromechanical. This is the first thing that distinguishes sewing machines. The second and very important difference is what type of shuttle is used on the sewing machine.

Many companies still produce sewing machines with a swinging shuttle type. This is due, first of all, to the low cost of the machine. The reliability of the machine is much higher than other types of shuttles; only the speed decreases and the noise increases when operating such a shuttle. This article provides a review of an economy-class sewing machine from the Janome brand, with a swinging shuttle type.

It is best to clean the sewing hook with a stiff glue brush or an old toothbrush. In some cases, you can sand the shuttle walls special paste. This is necessary if there is a strong coating on the walls that prevents the thread from freely “bypassing” the shuttle.

Externally, the bobbins of almost all sewing machines are similar. But, for each type of shuttle, “its own” bobbins are usually used. Transparent plastic bobbins are used for the horizontal shuttle. They are more convenient because you can see the amount of thread remaining. For the swinging shuttle, metal bobbins or opaque plastic bobbins are often used. Industrial shuttles have only metal bobbins and are much narrower (thinner) than household bobbins.