Cookie cake with banana and kiwi. Cookie cake with bananas and kiwi without baking. Cake with kiwi and banana - general principles of preparation

1. Turn on the oven to warm up at 150-180 degrees.
2. Separate the whites from the yolks so that not a single drop of yolk gets into the whites. In order for the whites to beat well, add a small pinch of salt or a teaspoon of lemon juice, I do both. Taste with salt. Beat until stable peaks form with the whisk of a blender or mixer.
3. Beat the yolks with a mixer or blender with sugar until light in color.
4. Add whites to the yolks (NOT the other way around, because the whites are lighter than the yolks, otherwise the whites will settle).
5. Using a blender, beat at least 2-3 yolks with whites. Put away the mixer (blender), we won’t need it anymore!))
6. Sift the flour 2 times (it’s better to do this in advance), add to the bowl with the whites and yolks in a thin stream in parts, do not beat!!! Only with a silicone spatula, as if saturating the flour with oxygen, carefully in one direction, lifting and stirring with a spatula). Add 1 packet of vanillin or 2 packets of vanilla sugar. The dough will turn out like thick sour cream with many pimples. This is very good. Immediately pour the dough into a mold (I have a mold with a diameter of 24), cut parchment according to the mold and place it on it, grease the entire mold a little with sunflower oil (don’t be afraid that the dough will settle, if you do everything correctly, the sponge cake will turn out fluffy and tall). The oven must be preheated!!!
7. Bake at 180-200 degrees. Do not open the oven for the first 20 minutes, otherwise the biscuit will settle. Bake the biscuit for 25 minutes to 40 minutes (you can check the doneness with a toothpick).
8. After baking, cut the biscuit into 3 biscuits (or 4, depending on your preference). It is advisable that the biscuit rest overnight. Or cut it in the morning (this is even better), the main thing is not to leave it in the air so as not to dry out.
9. Cream. Beat homemade sour cream with 200 gr. powdered sugar. Add a jar of condensed milk, add a bag of vanilla sugar. Place in the refrigerator. I don’t add gelatin and don’t recommend it, it’s better to buy heavy cream, but I still make it with thick sour cream, it’s tastier))) I also make this cake with chocolate cream (black chocolate, drained butter and condensed milk, but more on that next time))
10. Cut bananas and kiwi into slices.
11. Make the impregnation, boil water with sugar (5 tablespoons each) in a plate, let the syrup boil a little and cool. It must not be warm otherwise the sour cream will flow.
11. Pour the impregnation onto the sponge cake, then spread it with cream (more)), then fruit completely over the cake, alternate bananas with kiwi). Do this with all the cakes, the last cake can be decorated with mastic or icing. I don’t focus on decoration in this recipe!
12. Last thing))) The cake turns out to be 2 -2.5 kg))) Even if you have a small family, it’s not scary, you’ll eat it in a few days and want more))) Eat the cake the next day so that it is soaked. I won’t talk about its amazing taste, try it and you’ll understand for yourself))) I’ve been baking cakes for a long time, so the recipe has been tested by me with time and experience. Bon appetit!!!))

And again in the kitchen we are greeted by children - the daughters of my friend, who have long gone beyond the basics of cooking (one, which had the lion's share of their help, for what it's worth) - with a dessert of cookies and fruit! This amazing cake with bananas and kiwi will definitely delight everyone with its taste. The dessert is easy to prepare, does not require too much expenditure, and is a great help in a situation where a kid wants a little celebration, but adults (if absent) do not have time to bake a cake.

And the children who come to visit will be at a loss until they are told that the basis of this culinary creativity is cookies, and they will definitely want to “order” this dish for sweets again and again. Surprisingly tender, with cookies soaked in sour cream and natural fruit juices of bananas and kiwi, the cake prepared by children will please even the most picky person. And all I had to do was take photos and watch the process, relaxing after experimenting the other day with and.

Dish ingredients:

  • Cookies "Animals" (or "Fish" - unsalted) - 1 pack,
  • sour cream - 700 gr,
  • bananas and kiwi - a couple of pieces each,
  • sugar - at least a glass.

Making a cookie cake with sour cream, with photo

Pour sour cream into a large plate, add a glass of sugar, mix well with a spoon (mixer), and taste. The sour cream should be sweet enough to suit your taste. If it seems that there is not enough sugar, add more until the sweetness is satisfactory. Set aside the sour cream for a while to completely dissolve the sugar.

While the mixture “reaches”, let’s start cutting the fruit. After washing the kiwis under water, peel them and bananas, cut them into circles and carefully place them on a large dish.

When the fruit slices are ready, check to see if the sugar has dissolved in the sour cream. If not, we use the mixer again and bring the dissolution process to its logical conclusion. Pour the entire packet of cookies into a plate. Mix the latter well with sour cream and place it in the refrigerator for a while until the cookies are saturated with this lactic acid product and become soft and tender. Typically, impregnation takes from half an hour to 60 minutes.

When the cookies reach standard, we begin to form the cake itself. Place 1-2 rows of already soft cookies on a plate with a spoon and level them.

On top of it we lay a layer of one of the fruits - bananas, for example.

Spread the cookies on top with a spoon again in a couple of layers, then a layer of kiwi.

You can repeat the layer of cookies and fruit again, but the girls only settled on cookies.

Coat the last layer of cookies and the sides of the cake with the remaining sour cream from the plate. Top with fruit.

The cookie cake will be completely ready when it is well soaked in the juice of the layered bananas and kiwis. To do this, you need to leave it in the refrigerator for 40-60 minutes.

If there are cookies soaked in sour cream left, you can make small cakes with pieces of fruit on top - children really like this delicacy. Or you can let them (or adult aunts) finish it with spoons. Enjoy your tea!

Hello, our dear readers!

Today we will prepare a sponge cake with bananas and kiwi.

The recipe is so simple that not just a beginner, but even a child is guaranteed to cope with it. Guaranteed to succeed for everyone!

All ingredients are simple. The fruits in the cake combine very well. The recipe with butter cream requires the presence of condensed milk and butter, but ours will be sour cream.

Be sure to try making this simple, delicious cake that everyone will love without exception.

So, let's get started with the step-by-step recipe.


  1. For the biscuit:
  2. Chicken eggs - 3 pcs.
  3. Sugar - 1 glass
  4. Flour - 1 cup
  5. For cream:
  6. Sour cream (any kind, but the fattier it is, the thicker the cream will be) - 250 g
  7. Sugar - 50 g
  8. For the layer:
  9. Bananas - 1-2 pcs. Take only not too ripe ones, because overripe ones are harder to cut for layers.
  10. Kiwi - 1-2 pcs.
  11. Chocolate - 90 g

Cooking method:

By the way, you can decorate the top of the cake in your own way if you are tired of the simply chocolate-drenched option.

Can be perfect for bringing your ideas to life THIS pastry syringe. Experiment, and you will definitely come up with something original and beautiful!

If you liked the recipe with photos, be sure to share it with your friends! And also subscribe to updates to cook other different dishes with us!

I don't say goodbye, I hope to see you soon!

A simple but very tasty cake for banana and kiwi lovers!

This biscuit recipe has been in my family for a long time; it was passed down to me from my mother, for which I thank her very much. This is a classic test that always works. And I change the options for impregnation, cream, layer and decoration - there are a lot of options. Today I'm making my favorite biscuit with banana and kiwi!

A difficult recipe for sponge cake with kiwi and banana step by step with photos. Easy to prepare at home in 2 hours
. Contains only 239 kilocalories. Author's kitchen recipe.

  • Preparation time:
  • Cooking time: 2 hours
  • Calorie Amount: 239 kilocalories
  • Number of servings: 5 servings
  • Occasion:
  • Complexity: Not an easy recipe
  • National cuisine: kitchen
  • Type of dish:
  • Peculiarities:
  • Cooking technology:
  • We will need:

Ingredients for twelve servings

  • For the biscuit:
  • Wheat flour 2 cups. (200 ml)
  • Sugar 2 cups. (200 ml)
  • Eggs 6 pcs.
  • For impregnation:
  • Sugar 5 table. l.
  • Water 5 table. l.
  • For cream:
  • Boiled condensed milk 270 gr
  • Sour cream (20%) 400 gr
  • For the layer:
  • Kiwi 5 pcs.
  • Bananas 2 pcs.
  • For sprinkling:
  • Shortbread cookies 100 gr
  • Coconut flakes 30 g

Step-by-step preparation

  1. The set of ingredients for a sponge cake is very simple: eggs, sugar and flour. For a small cake I reduce the proportions by 2 times
  2. Beat eggs with sugar
  3. Beat until strong foam, or they say until the mass doubles. It turned out very airy and bubbly.
  4. Carefully add flour. Opinions differ here: everyone argues that you can’t beat with a mixer, because in this case the air mass can settle. I say the opposite - the recipe has been tested hundreds of times in our family and this has never happened when whipped with a mixer. But of course you can do as you are used to - the main thing is your good mood
  5. Whisk literally just a little bit, just so that the flour mixes into the total mass.
  6. As you can see in the photo, the mass continues to bubble
  7. Cover the pan with baking parchment and grease with vegetable oil.
  8. Pour the dough into the mold. Bake at 180 degrees for 40-50 minutes depending on your oven. It is very important not to open the oven for the first 30 minutes - this can actually cause the biscuit to fall off.
  9. After 45 minutes, my sponge cake is ready - check readiness with a wooden stick or toothpick
  10. These are the remaining ingredients that will be needed for our cake: sour cream and boiled condensed milk, crumbs of any cookies and coconut flakes, water and sugar for syrup, and, of course, bananas and kiwi
  11. For impregnation, make a syrup - mix water with sugar, heat in the microwave and stir until the sugar dissolves
  12. Cut the completely cooled sponge cake into 3 layers.
  13. Soak in the resulting syrup
  14. Set the soaked cakes aside for a while
  15. For the cream, combine sour cream with boiled condensed milk
  16. Beat a little with a mixer, just to mix the ingredients well, but I think at this stage you can do without it
  17. For the cake layer, cut banana into slices
  18. We clean the kiwi
  19. Cut into thin slices
  20. And now the most interesting thing - we will collect our cake
  21. Coat the first cake well with cream
  22. Arrange banana and kiwi slices on top
  23. Cover with the second cake layer and also coat with cream and place our fruit on top
  24. Coat the finished cake on all sides with the remaining cream.
  25. Decorate with kiwi slices. I deliberately did not put bananas on top, because they darken quickly
  26. Gently sprinkle with a mixture of cookie crumbs and coconut flakes. The cake is ready, it just needs to soak for a couple of hours! Ideally, leave it overnight!
  27. In the morning, cut off a piece and enjoy!
  28. I want to say that the next morning the kiwis released their juice and gave off their sourness. The cake turned out moderately sweet, very tender and rich. We really liked it! I will definitely be making this again and again! Prepare it - I'm sure you'll like it too!

Fruit cake is not only a tasty, but also a healthy dessert. It can be prepared with pineapples, oranges, pears, but it is especially delicious with bananas and kiwi. Of course! They are so tender and fragrant!

Cake with kiwi and banana - general principles of preparation

All cakes with bananas and kiwi can be divided into 2 categories: with baked cakes and without baking, they are also called lazy. In any variant, only fresh fruits are used; they should not be subjected to heat treatment. You need to choose ripe, but not soft fruits. No-bake desserts are prepared using jelly or cookies, store-bought cakes, waffles or gingerbread.

Classic shortbread cakes are always smeared with cream. They are usually prepared from dairy products, adding butter and vanilla. All desserts require time to soak, usually at least 4-5 hours, so they need to be prepared in advance.

Kiwi sponge cake

Recipe for a tender and sweet kiwi sponge cake. Fruits give the dessert a fresh note and make it lighter. Cream with condensed milk, you can take white or boiled milk.


1 tbsp. flour;

0.22 kg butter;

1 tbsp. Sahara;

1 b. condensed milk;


1. Before kneading the dough, set the oven to heat up to 180 degrees.

2. Break the eggs. If they are small, that is, the second category, then we use six things. Beat with a mixer for two minutes.

3. We begin to add granulated sugar in parts, beat further until the grains dissolve and the mass increases well. The mixture should be very fluffy and white, with no egg layer at the bottom of the bowl.

4. Add flour to the main mass, you can add a little vanilla. Stir with a spatula and pour into a baking dish.

5. Bake. The oven must not be opened for the first 15 minutes. As soon as the cake is browned, open it slightly and check readiness with a toothpick, sticking it into the central part. If it remains dry, turn off the oven, let the cake stand with the door ajar, then remove the pan. Let cool.

6. To prepare the cream, add condensed milk to the softened butter and beat. Kiwi is used as a layer. Peel the fruit and cut into thin slices.

7. Layer the baked sponge cake into 3 parts. If the mold was large in diameter, then you can make two.

8. Lubricate the layers one by one with cream, place kiwi pieces in the layers. We use fruits for decoration; you can additionally sprinkle the cake with coconut flakes.

Jelly yogurt cake with kiwi and banana

A simple no-bake kiwi and banana cake recipe. There are no special requirements for the taste of yogurt; you can use any, but it must be combined with the main fruits.


0.2 kg of cookies;

80 g sugar;

2 bananas;

70 g drained butter;

0.5 liters of yogurt;

4 tsp. gelatin;

80 ml boiled water;

1 packet of instant jelly (any light);

1 spoon of lemon juice.


1. Pour boiled, but not hot water over gelatin, leave for a while to swell.

2. Mix crushed cookies and softened butter. The mass should be sticky.

3. Place a piece of parchment in a springform pan, then add cookie crumbs and form into a crust. Place the base in the refrigerator for half an hour until it hardens.

4. You can start making yogurt. Add granulated sugar and melted gelatin to it and stir.

5. Peel bananas and kiwis. Cut about 2 kiwis into slices. Cut the remaining fruits into cubes or slices of arbitrary size.

6. Pour fruit into yogurt with gelatin. If desired, you can add more sugar to it, adjust it to your taste.

7. Take the cake base out of the refrigerator, pour yogurt with gelatin and chopped fruit on top, level the layer.

8. Let the cake harden for 4 hours, the yogurt layer should set so that the fruit does not fall through.

9. Mix the jelly, cut 2 kiwis into thin slices. Or we make curly pieces, as you like.

10. Place the fruit on the frozen yogurt, pour in the jelly and leave the dessert for another 3 hours.

Cake with kiwi from ready-made cake layers “Lakomka”

A variant of a very tasty and juicy kiwi cake, which requires one package of ready-made sponge cakes. Usually there are three pieces in it. Cream with gelatin is prepared from sour cream, hardens well and does not flow.


1 pack of cakes;

160 g powdered sugar;

1.5 tsp. dry gelatin;

450 g sour cream;

40 g sugar;

A little vanilla;

40 g coconut flakes.


1. Add water to gelatin, 40 ml is enough. Let it brew and swell.

2. Meanwhile, combine sour cream and powdered sugar and stir.

3. Mix sugar with 60 ml of boiled water, you can add a little cognac or just vanilla. This will be impregnation.

4. Melt the gelatin, pour into sour cream, stir and cool in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

5. Peel the kiwi, cut into slices or any other pieces, but they must have the same thickness among themselves.

6. Take out the cakes. Soak with a small amount of syrup, spread sour cream and scatter pieces of fruit. Forming a classic cake.

7. Sprinkle with coconut flakes, decorate with fresh fruit and leave in the refrigerator for 4 hours to soak. You can wait longer, but in this case you need to decorate the dessert with fresh fruit before serving.

Curd cake with kiwi and banana

Another version of jelly cake with kiwi and bananas, but it is made from cottage cheese. 1 sponge cake is used as the base; you can use a store-bought one.


2 tbsp. l. gelatin;

700 g cottage cheese;

400 g sour cream or yogurt;

1 tbsp. Sahara;

100 ml water;

3 bananas;


1. Combine gelatin with water and leave for the time specified in the product instructions.

2. If the cake does not fit the springform pan, then it must be cut with a sharp knife. Then we put it inside. Instead of a sponge cake, you can make a cookie base, as in one of the recipes above.

3. Grind cottage cheese with sour cream and sugar, season with vanilla. You can put everything in a bowl and beat it with a blender, it will turn out even better.

4. Heat gelatin, add to cottage cheese, stir.

5. Cut the kiwi and bananas, peel them first.

6. Apply a layer of curd cream onto the sponge cake and arrange the kiwi.

7. Now add a layer of cream again, add a layer of bananas.

8. Pour the rest of the mixture on top, scatter pieces of fruit mixed in.

9. Place the curd cake in the refrigerator for 5-7 hours so that it hardens well.

10. Remove the split ring and carefully transfer the dessert to a plate. If desired, garnish with fresh fruit, mint leaves, and sprinkle with almond petals.

Sour cream cake with kiwi, banana and chocolate

A kiwi cake option for chocolate lovers. The cakes are prepared with sour cream and are juicier than a classic sponge cake.


Two eggs;

A glass of sugar;

Bar of chocolate;

4 spoons of sour cream;

2 kiwis and bananas;

1 spoon of cocoa;

5 g soda;

A glass of flour;

500 g sour cream;

140 g of powder into cream.


1. It is convenient to knead the dough with a mixer. Break a couple of eggs into a large bowl and beat for two minutes. Then add sugar and beat again. Also add sour cream and beat for a couple more minutes.

2. Combine flour with cocoa powder. You can take 10 g of baking powder. Beat for a couple of minutes together with the main mass and pour into the mold. Any diameter. But the larger the shape, the lower the cake will be.

3. Bake one cake at 180 degrees. Cool and layer into 2-3 pieces, depending on height. It's better to do three.

4. Grate the chocolate and divide in half.

5. Mix sour cream and powder, add half of the chocolate chips.

6. Grease the cakes with cream. Arrange layers with fruit. If there are three cake layers, then put bananas on one, kiwi on the other. If you only get two, then mix them up.

7. Coat the cake with cream on top, decorate with pieces of fruit and cover with the remaining chocolate chips.

Kiwi cake “Emerald Turtle”

A very beautiful and impressive cake that is cooked in a frying pan. Kiwi is used for decoration, so it may take a little more or less, on average about 5-6 medium-sized pieces.


A can of condensed milk;

500 ml milk;

A glass of sugar;

1 tsp. soda;

0.2 kg butter;

500 g flour;

Three large eggs;


1. Prepare the custard. To do this, beat eggs (2 pieces) and sugar, add 2 tablespoons of flour and all the milk (whole). Stir, brew on the stove and cool.

2. Add softened butter to the cooled cream, stir, add a bag of vanilla and put it in the refrigerator, let it thicken.

3. Prepare the dough. Beat a can of condensed milk with an egg, add a pinch of salt and add slaked soda. Add flour and roll out the dough with a rolling pin. Divide it into eight lumps.

4. Roll out each dough into a flat cake and bake in a dry frying pan on both sides. The flatbreads are prepared quickly.

5. Grease the cake in the usual way, stack the cakes on top of each other.

6. Now take a plate, place it on top and cut off all excess. Give the turtle a rounded shape. The trimmings can be chopped, mixed with cream, and formed into a head, legs and tail.

7. Coat the top of the cake with cream too.

8. Cut the kiwi into circles, lay out the emerald shell. Ready!

If the cream turns out to be liquid, there is no need to spread it on the cake and spoil the dessert. It is better to immediately add a special thickener or a small amount of dissolved gelatin.

All kiwi cakes go great with coconut, almonds, fresh strawberries, cherries, bananas and pineapples. Are you still thinking about how to decorate the cake?

How to choose a delicious banana? You just need to smell it through the peel. If the fruit is of high quality and tasty, it will exude an exotic aroma. If a banana doesn't smell like anything, then you shouldn't expect any taste from it.