Start in science. Organization of social protection of the population in the regions of Russia: main problems and modern technologies Problems of the activities of social protection services

Moscow Finance and Law University MFUA


state, population, social protection, social security, social guarantees

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The article is devoted to the pressing social problems of the population in the regions of modern Russia. The chronology of the emergence and development of social protection in Russia is carried out, an analysis of the number of people living on the territory of the Russian Federation from the period of the collapse of the USSR to the present is carried out, and appropriate conclusions are drawn. The article talks about the directions and methods of organizing social protection of the population, announced federal laws. In conclusion, the most acute social problems of the population are listed and proposals are made for their resolution.

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In modern economic literature there is no generally accepted definition of the category "social protection", in accordance with which it would be possible to present the interpretation of the socio-economic content of the category "social protection of the population". Social protection of the population according to E.I. Single - is a set of socio-economic activities carried out by the state and society and ensuring the provision of optimal living conditions, satisfaction of needs, maintaining life support and active existence of the individual to various social categories and groups, as well as a set of measures aimed against risk situations in the normal life of citizens, such like sickness, unemployment, old age, death of the breadwinner. It represents a set of measures to ensure a state-guaranteed minimum level of material support for socially vulnerable segments of the population during the period of economic transformation. Social protection of the population is a historical phenomenon that is subject to constant changes. The evolution of social protection takes place in close connection with the economic evolution of the state and society. In any society - feudal, capitalist, socialist, there are always risks to which every person is exposed. These are the risks of deprivation of livelihood, disability due to illness or injury, old age, unemployment and many others. In society and the state, a system of measures has been formed in one form or another, which is designed to mitigate these risks. In the XX century. the traditional capitalist society was actually transformed into a new socio-economic system - a socially oriented market economy. With this transformation, powerful systems of social protection of the population have developed, covering both society as a whole and individual enterprises, firms, joint-stock companies, cooperatives, labor organizations, etc. Social security arose in Soviet Russia in the 20s of the twentieth century, at that time there was still no concept of "social protection", and meant the creation of a state system of material support and services for elderly and disabled citizens, as well as families with children at the expense of the so-called public consumption funds. This category is identical to the category of social protection, but the latter applies to a market economy. In addition to pensions (for old age, disability, etc.), social security included benefits for temporary disability and childbirth, for caring for a child under the age of one, assistance to families in the maintenance and upbringing of children (free or on preferential terms, nurseries, kindergartens, boarding schools , pioneer camps, etc. ), family allowances, maintenance of the disabled in special organizations (nursing homes, etc.), free or concessional prosthetic care, provision of vehicles for the disabled, vocational training for the disabled, and various benefits for the families of the disabled. With the collapse of the USSR, during the transition to a market economy, the social security system in modern Russia has largely ceased to fulfill its functions, but some of its elements have become part of the modern system of social protection of the population. For the first time the term "social protection" was used in the United States in 1935 in the law on social protection, according to which old-age pensions and unemployment benefits were legalized, and a little later, additions were made to help the poor, the disabled, orphans. After that, this term began to be widely used by other countries, as well as by the ILO international labor organization, denoting a system of measures that protect any resident of the country from economic and social infringement due to unemployment, loss or a sharp decrease in income. A complete understanding of the meaning of social protection is provided by an approach that combines scientific categories and practical significance. An example is the understanding of social protection by Professor G.I. Osadchay. In her understanding, social protection is a system of social relations, measures and legal guarantees that protect any member of society from economic, social and physical degradation due to a sudden and sharp deterioration in the conditions of his well-being, a threat to health and life, the impossibility, for reasons beyond his control, to realize his labor and civic potential. The term "social protection of the population" in modern Russia appeared in socio-political practice relatively recently. In 1991 The Ministry of Social Security of the RSFSR was reorganized into the Ministry of Social Protection of the Population of the Russian Federation, its functions and powers were expanded, its structure was changed, etc. The new ministry did not have time to fully implement the function of social security - the appointment of pensions and benefits, because. the country began a global transformation. In the same 1991, the population of Russia received the first blow from the state, which inherited from the collapse of the USSR, and, with the transition from the socialist system of the country to capitalism, left its people to the mercy of fate. Citizens of the new Russia at one moment, as a result of the default, lost all their savings accumulated over the previous decades in conditions of stability; state guarantees and social support created by the former regime. In the shortest possible time, most of the population, in the face of the emergence of market relations. Potentially vulnerable categories of the population appeared, the number of which increased rapidly: the unemployed, refugees, internally displaced persons, the homeless, the marginalized, alcoholics, drug addicts; as well as categories of citizens who, at the transitional stage of development, did not find adequate support from the state and society: pensioners, the disabled, the creative intelligentsia, and adolescents. Against the backdrop of a general misunderstanding of the situation in the country, in the hope of the state in resolving personal problems, during the current economic crisis, the population missed the second blow from the state in 1992, in the form of a “voucherization of the country” created by Chubais. As a result, ownership of state-owned enterprises in Russia has been concentrated in the hands of a small handful of nouveau riches. The population of Russia received the third blow from the state in August 1998, as a result of another default. A radical change in the specifics of socio-economic relations in Russia in the 90s of the last century led to the need to form a system of social protection of the population on new principles, capable of solving the complex tasks of the new state social policy. Social protection of the population is a mechanism for resolving social problems in the implementation of the main directions of social policy. In accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, adopted in 1993, the Russian Federation was proclaimed a social state. According to Art. 7 of the Constitution “The Russian Federation is a social state whose policy is aimed at creating conditions that ensure a decent life and free development of a person (Article 7., Clause 1.). And also in the Russian Federation, labor and health of people are protected, a guaranteed minimum wage is established, state support is provided for the family, motherhood, fatherhood and childhood, the disabled and the elderly, a system of social services is being developed, state pensions, benefits and other guarantees of social protection are being established ( article 7.p.2.). The Constitution of the Russian Federation also establishes that the coordination of issues of family protection, motherhood, fatherhood and childhood, as well as social protection, including social security, is under the joint jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and the subjects of the Russian Federation. Federal and regional legislation distinguishes the following categories of the population protected by certain legal acts, since they may find themselves in a difficult life situation without certain protection measures: - elderly citizens who live alone and live alone; - disabled veterans of the Great Patriotic War and families of fallen servicemen; - people with disabilities, including people with disabilities since childhood, and children with disabilities; - citizens affected by the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and radioactive accidents in other places; - unemployed; - forced refugees and migrants; - orphans, children left without parental care and the families in which they live; - children with deviant behavior; - low-income families; - large families; - single mothers; - citizens infected with HIV or suffering from AIDS; - persons without a fixed place of residence. For these categories, social protection is seen as a system of state-guaranteed permanent or long-term measures that provide conditions for overcoming a difficult life situation. These measures are aimed at creating protected categories of the population equal opportunities with other citizens to participate in the life of society. These include social assistance and social support. For workers, social protection involves the provision of guarantees and compensation, the creation of conditions for normal life and employment. Guarantees and compensations should allow a person to exercise the right to work, to choose a place of work, profession, specialty. Thus, all the above guarantees are implemented through the system of social protection of the population. The basis of state social guarantees are minimum social standards - that is, the minimum levels of social guarantees established by the laws of the Russian Federation or decisions of representative bodies of state power for a certain period of time, expressed through social norms and standards, reflecting the most important human needs for material goods, public and free services, guaranteeing the appropriate level of their consumption and designed to determine the mandatory minimum budget expenditures for these purposes. As for the social protection of the population, at the present stage it is the most important and priority direction of the social policy of the Russian Federation, being a system of principles, methods, legally established by the state social guarantees, measures and institutions that ensure the provision of optimal living conditions, satisfaction of needs, maintenance of life support and active the existence of the individual, various social categories and groups; a set of measures, actions, means of the state and society directed against risk situations in the normal life of citizens. The social protection of the population by the state is made up of funds that come to households in the form of direct payments and the provision of services from the healthcare, education, and culture sectors, which are paid from the financial resources of the budget system and state targeted insurance funds. The social protection system is based on generating income from those who have not been affected by social risks and the redistribution of income to those who have already experienced this risk. In addition, the social protection system forms measures to prevent the onset of social risks, compensate or minimize the consequences of the onset of social risks, which also contributes to the normal reproduction of the labor force and the achievement of economic balance. The economic content of social risks leads to contradictions between the employee and the employer, the employer and the state, the employee and the state, the employee exposed to risks and employees not exposed to risks. Social protection makes it possible to achieve a balance between these contradictions. The sources of financing of social protection of the population are the state off-budget social funds: the Social Insurance Fund, the Pension Fund, the State Employment Fund, the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund. Non-state pension funds operate independently of the state pension provision system. The payment from these funds is carried out along with the payment of state pensions. The transfer by employers and employees of funds to non-state pension funds does not relieve them of the obligation to make mandatory contributions to the State Pension Fund and other off-budget funds. The goals of social protection of the population: - worthy social existence of a person, respect for his honor and dignity; - provision of material assistance to the population in extreme conditions; - assistance in the adaptation of socially vulnerable groups of the population to the conditions of a market economy. Statistics of the population of the Russian Federation in need of social protection. Social protection of the population and the mechanism for its implementation are based on the relevant constitutional and legal guidelines. At present, there are four main areas of social protection of the population in the Russian Federation. 1. Social protection of children, childhood and adolescence - is focused on creating conditions for the life and development of children that allow all children, regardless of which family they were born and live in, to have the best opportunities for maintaining health, material well-being, free accessible education, preschool and school education, harmonious spiritual and moral development, realization of one's abilities. In fact, the rights of orphans are being violated. After the age of 18, orphans are relocated to housing that is not of the appropriate quality (emergency, shared room), sometimes they are not put on the waiting list for housing at all. Another facet of the problem is juvenile justice imposed from the West - a specialized judicial and legal system that is being created in Russia to protect the rights of minors, which is capable of destroying the institution of the family and provokes corruption on the part of officials. Juvenile justice does not just offer new views on the rights and possible behavior of a child, but is aimed at fundamentally changing Russian society, at breaking down traditional concepts and ideas about raising a child and parental rights. 2. Social protection of the able-bodied population - is designed to provide for the creation of conditions that ensure a balance of rights, duties and interests of the employee and the employer. In fact, in connection with the transition to the capitalist system in the Russian Federation, many state-owned enterprises, in connection with privatization, passed into private hands. The salary in many regions of our country, in most cases, is currently divided into "white" - the minimum part and "gray" - the main part, for the company to avoid taxes. The worker is put in a deliberately “slave position”, because in a signed employment contract between an employer and an employee, only a “white salary” is indicated. The “gray” salary is handed out in an envelope. By contacting the labor inspectorate, in case of infringement of their rights, the employee automatically loses his main salary (“grey salary”). This is especially widely practiced in small and medium-sized commercial organizations. It happens that the complainant is created such conditions by the former employer that he runs the risk of not finding work at all in his region in the future. Often people in the outback of the country have to work without an employment contract for the so-called "private traders", because. As people get older, it becomes more difficult to find a job. In this case, there is a risk of fraud on the part of the employer in the full payment of wages to the employee. An additional disadvantage is that the employee in such conditions does not officially receive seniority, which negatively affects the amount of the pension accrued to him in the future. 3. Social protection of disabled citizens - should be aimed at the humanization of all spheres of life of these people. It is unacceptable that any of them feel like an extra person, burdening loved ones, society. Implemented with the help of: In fact, throughout the country there is a mass dissatisfaction of pensioners in many regions of Russia (the category of disabled citizens, according to the Federal Law of December 15, 2001 No. who are not enough to live. The pension is enough only to pay for housing (constantly growing utility tariffs) and partly for medicines, the cost of which has become very high. The increase accrued to the pension instantly "eats" the annual inflation. The pension system has long been associated among the people as a charlatan. 4. Social protection of the family, which should ensure effective prevention of social risks. In fact, in the conditions of unemployment in the country, the low standard of living of the population, women's emancipation, instilling in Russia a "Western lifestyle", on average, 15% of young families in the country get divorced after one year of marriage. As a result, the number of single mothers is growing, the number of which is currently close to 30% in Russia and amounts to about 10 million women. Benefits for receiving social services are one of the most demanded sides of state assistance by single mothers. According to the Federal State Statistics Service, which deals with statistics on the number of marriages and divorces, the number of registered marriages and divorces in Russia is as follows: Statistics on the number of marriages and divorces in Russia: Year Registered marriages Number of divorces 2010 1 million. Based on these data 215 thousand 639 thousand 2011 1 million 316 thousand 669 thousand 2012 1 million 213 thousand 644 thousand 2013 1 million 225 thousand 668 thousand , we can conclude that the number of registered marriages has practically remained at the same level for five years, only in 2011 there is a jump of 100 thousand. If we calculate the number of marriages per 1000 people, we get about 8.5. Divorces also show that within 5 years, the number of divorces ranges from 600 to 700 thousand. If we calculate the number of divorces per 1000 people, we get 4.7. Dynamics of marriages and divorces in the past decades: Based on the statistics on marriages and divorces, it can be seen that half of the marriages that have been concluded break up. The statistics are very disappointing and this trend is becoming familiar to Russia. Here are some federal laws with the help of which social protection of the population should be carried out: State social assistance Federal Law of July 17, 1999. No. 178-FZ "On State Social Assistance". This Federal Law establishes the legal and organizational framework for the provision of state social assistance to low-income families, low-income citizens living alone and other categories of citizens provided for by this Federal Law. Federal Law No. 388-FZ of December 29, 2015 “On Amendments to Certain Acts of the Russian Federation Regarding Accounting for and Improving the Provision of Social Support Measures Based on the Obligation to Comply with the Targeting Principle and Apply Need Criteria.” Pension provision Federal Law of December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ “On insurance pensions”. Separate chapters of the federal law dated December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ “On labor pensions in the Russian Federation” are valid if they do not contradict the Federal Law “On insurance pensions”. Federal Law No. 166-FZ of December 15, 2001 (rev. 07/03/2016) "On state pension provision in the Russian Federation". This Federal Law establishes, in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the grounds for the emergence of the right to a state pension provision and the procedure for its appointment. Social protection of persons with disabilities Federal Law of November 24, 1995 No. 181-FZ (as amended on December 29, 2015) “On the social protection of persons with disabilities in the Russian Federation”. Social protection of families Federal Law No. 81-FZ of May 19, 1995 “On State Benefits for Citizens with Children”. Federal Law No. 256-FZ of December 29, 2006 “On Additional Measures of State Support for Families with Children”. Social protection of the population is organized by the state with the help of: 1. State bodies of social protection of the population. The Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation is the main federal executive body that conducts state policy and management in the field of labor, employment and social protection of the population. Carries out its activities in cooperation with other federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments, public and other associations, as well as other organizations, regardless of their organizational and legal form. 2. Executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. In different regions, subjects of the Russian Federation, the bodies of social protection of the population of the region, the region are called differently, for example, Departments, Offices, Divisions, Committees, Ministries, but the main tasks and functions of these bodies are the same. The bodies of social protection of the population of the region, territory are in double subordination - they are subordinate to the administration of the region, territory, as well as to the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation. 3. At the municipal level, including at the level of district (city) bodies of social protection of the population. Ensure the implementation of state policy in the field of pension provision; labor and labor relations; social guarantees and social support for elderly and disabled citizens, families, motherhood and childhood, development of a system of social services for the population. In conclusion, it can be noted that in the current economic conditions, at present, in many regions of Russia, measures are not properly taken to mitigate the negative consequences associated with a sharp drop in the standard of living of the population. Federal laws are often not enforced by the executive bodies of the subjects of the federation and local governments. District administrations of district centers and rural settlements often do not respond to complaints and appeals from local residents, and are engaged in replies. Often, local authorities do not take into account the interests of residents, but solve their own problems. Residential buildings in urban centers are illegally declared "dilapidated and dilapidated housing", in fact, areas are being vacated for the construction of elite houses. Residents of such houses, mostly pensioners, are forcibly relocated to the suburbs, to new, disadvantaged areas with a lack of infrastructure. The main social problems in the regions of the country: The problem of pension provision. The effectiveness of the Pension Fund is very weak, because pension reform continues and is constantly being modified. The minimum pension for pensioners is sometimes not enough for life, because. prices for essential products are constantly rising, and annual indexation of pensions is instantly eaten up by inflation. There is a constantly growing budget deficit of the Pension Fund of Russia. Today, the PFR budget is heavily dependent on the federal budget, receiving about half of its finances in the form of pension transfers. This indicates the insufficiency of the formation of pension provision only through contributions, although the indicators of insurance contributions to the pension fund are increasing every year. Housing problem. The current state of housing and communal services in Russia is absolutely critical. Depreciation of networks is 60%, and 40% of all houses that are in the Russian Federation are in need of major repairs. Management Companies in a number of regions of the country set rather high utility bills, the tariff of which sometimes exceeds the salaries and pensions of the population (Jewish Autonomous Region, Khabarovsk Territory - rent is 10-12 thousand rubles / month). There are many complaints from residents about compulsory contributions for capital repairs, which in most cases are not carried out by housing and communal services, or are carried out with violations of technical conditions. Also, residents are forced to pay for general household needs, which also raises a lot of questions. Health problem. In many regions of Russia, due to the general decline in education, there is a shortage of personnel - qualified narrowly focused specialists. Young specialists refuse to go to regional rural settlements because of low wages and poor living conditions there. Pharmacies have become part of private health care, cheap medicines have disappeared from the shelves, and the prices of medicines have risen. Often there is a replacement of the necessary drugs prescribed by a doctor with substitutes offered in pharmacies, which often do not give the desired effect in the treatment of the disease. Unemployment problem. Currently, due to the current difficult economic situation in the country, enterprises continue to be closed and plundered. The population in the regions loses jobs, or agrees to the terms of the employer to reduce wages. Many people, after reaching the age of 40-50, it becomes difficult to find a job. Kindergartens are being closed, as a result - long queues for enrollment in the remaining ones, young mothers lose their jobs, because. no one to leave to take care of the children. It is difficult for young professionals who have graduated from a university, as well as men who have served in the army, to find a job due to their lack of experience. Having lost their jobs, many citizens lose control over their life situation and imprudently take loans in the hope of improving their social status in the future. As a result, credit bondage arises for those who could not adapt to new living conditions. Road problem. In spring and autumn, during the rainy season and mudslides, roads in the regions of the country (excluding federal highways) become unusable. Particularly poor quality of roads in rural areas, where asphalt pavement on the roads is often absent altogether. In such cases, transport links between settlements are terminated. In many regions, commuter trains have been canceled during the day, which is a great inconvenience for rural residents, both retirees and working citizens and students, since the railway remains the most efficient, fastest and most economical way to move the population. The state is obliged to participate in the organization of social protection and solution of urgent problems of the population of Russia. It is necessary to restore industry and agriculture in the regions. Such a recovery of the economy in the country will return jobs to the population and improve their financial situation. The executive authorities of the Subjects of the Federation and local self-government must also perform their functions in relation to the problems and issues of the population in a quality, efficient and without delay. The legislative framework needs further development, which would include new legal acts regulating certain types of compulsory social insurance.

In order for a society to be confidently called civilized and cultural, it is necessary to attach importance to such a complex area as the social system. Issues of social protection of the population should be a priority. The stability of society and the sustainability of its development directly depend on the state of the social sphere.

Definition 1

Social protection is called the system of social guarantees of the state, addressed to its population. These guarantees involve assistance provided to maintain the minimum acceptable standard of living for an individual in case of loss of his ability to work.

Main problems of social protection

The social policy of the state is inextricably linked with public views and economic policy, and largely depends on them. In this case, the state acts as an institution of the political system. The activities of social institutions and citizens are aimed at individuals who are elements of the public sphere and represent a model of social interactions between people.

  • Lack of clear legislation: at the moment in Russia there is no legislative framework that could clearly regulate the provision of state support in the framework of social protection of the population;
  • Questionable prospects for the development of the pension system: the current system does not cope with the functions assigned to it, and there is no worthy alternative today. Various proposals have been put forward to solve this problem. For example, raising the retirement age, abolishing the insurance part of savings, switching to a voluntarily accumulated pension;
  • Support for people in difficult life situations: a range of social assistance is provided by categories of individuals. The provision of social protection should be limited to the assessment of property and income in property, the need for housing;
  • Dependent attitudes in society.

Measures to resolve the problems of social protection of the population

From world practice, a number of measures can be distinguished that are successfully used to solve the problems of social protection of the population. For example, the modernization of the labor market, for which the infrastructure should be everywhere. New industries will help develop human capital. Families with children, especially those with many children, need intensive support. Such support is maternity capital, the provision of land plots for free use, as well as various subsidies for utilities.

The elderly need a comprehensive social protection program. First of all, it is necessary to provide adequate medical care. The health care system for the elderly must comply with modern world realities. In addition, it is required to modernize the healthcare system as a whole, and guarantee the provision of medical care free of charge.

In general, state social protection should be improved, bringing social protection closer to the population. It is necessary to note such a fact as the equalization of all citizens. This action is inadequate and ineffective. It must be remembered that only the objective framework of social protection has a positive effect on the individual's ability to work.

Remark 1

Being a special institution of the modern state, social protection is an indicator of confidence in the future. Citizens know that each of them is an indicator of confidence in social guarantees. It is necessary to be sure that when social risks occur, the individual will not be left without a source of livelihood, if social risks occur.

GOU VPO Russian Economic University
them. G.V. Plekhanov

Department of Labor Economics and Personnel Management
Department of Mathematical Methods in Economics
Department of Investment and Innovation Management

Interdisciplinary coursework
on the topic:
"Problems of social protection of the population in modern conditions"


Antonova Elena Vladimirovna
Faculty General economic

Group No. 1341

Scientific supervisors:

k. e. in Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics of Labor and Employment ___________________________
A.V. Petropavlovskaya

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Mathematical Methods in Economics________________ Yu.A. Kovalevsky

Assistant of the Department of Investment and Innovation Management __________________ __
E.N. Nemchikov

Moscow 2011
Section 1. Theoretical foundations and current problems of social protection of the population, analysis of the existing mechanisms for the formation and implementation of social protection of the population in Russia.

      The essence of social protection of the population _____________________ _6
1.2 Principles and functions of the system of social protection of the population ____9
1.3 Features and problems of the system of social protection of the population in Russia________________________ ____________________________19
1.4Main state programs to improve the system of social protection of the population for 2011________________26
Section 2. Study of the dynamics of payments of material benefits focused on social support at CJSC PC "Extra M"_33
Section 3. Dynamic modeling of socio-economic processes

The relevance of the topic I have chosen is determined by the following:
Russia, having crossed the threshold of the new millennium, began its ascent into a fundamentally new phase of its development. This phase is marked by cardinal changes in the structure of the productive forces of society: the place of obsolete industrial technologies is increasingly confidently being occupied by high-tech, knowledge-intensive industries based on the latest achievements in electronics, computer science, cybernetics, and automation of labor processes. A society that possesses such production exhibits a higher economic profitability, has better opportunities for social protection of the population and a steady increase in the level of its well-being and culture. Together with topics , as noted in many information sources, such phenomena as anti-humanism and social insecurity of the population are rapidly growing. In the context of the development of market relations, the problem of developing a mechanism for regulating social tension, which reveals the growth factor of national wealth, which contributes to improving the living conditions of the population, is relevant. Such specialized mechanisms include social protection. The very emergence of social protection is due to the need to resolve an important contradiction in the reproduction process between the natural needs of each individual and his real opportunities to ensure his own well-being.
In connection with the social situation that has developed in the transforming Russian society, there is an urgent need for a purposeful sociological search for new approaches to the formation of the social policy of the state, which could direct the activities of all institutions and services in the social sphere to eliminate emerging social problems. The development and large-scale implementation of active programs of social protection of the population is required, aimed at improving the quality of life and strengthening the motivation of labor activity in order to independently ensure personal well-being.
However, it should also be recognized that so far our country has not developed a coherent, theoretically substantiated and resource-provided system of social protection of the population, which organically combines the principle of social justice with market competition and the struggle for the survival of each social subject. The role of the state as a reliable guarantor of the social protection of the population has not yet fully manifested itself.
The purpose of my research is to reveal the essence, content and mechanism of social protection of the population in terms of minimizing social risks, and to develop the main directions for improvement.
Realization of the set goal predetermined the need to solve the following tasks:
- to state the essence of social protection of the population;
- identify and characterize the main forms, types, principles of formation and functioning of the system of social protection of the population;
- to conduct an organizational and economic analysis of the existing mechanisms for the formation and implementation of social protection of the population, as well as identifying problems, the functioning of the system of social protection of the population;
- research features of the social protection system in Russian society;
- to propose the main directions for increasing the effectiveness of social protection of the population aimed at improving the system of social protection of the population.
The information base of my course work was scientific work in the field of economics, development and organization of the social sphere of such Russian as: Yu.A. Vasilchuk, S.I. Grigoriev, S.A. Gromov, V.I. Dolgov, E.N. Zhiltsov, T.N. Zaslavskaya, V.T. Kondrashov, Yu.V. (2008-2020).

Section 1. Theoretical foundations and current problems of social protection of the population, analysis of the existing mechanisms for the formation and implementation of social protection of the population in Russia.

      The essence of social protection of the population.
The transition of Russian society to market relations, which exacerbated the social problems of the general population, required the creation and development of a new social institution - the social protection of the population (SPS), making it the center of public opinion. The social protection system should be focused on the general population, but its actual implementation in relation to various social strata and groups is differentiated: healthy, able-bodied, active members of society, it should help to receive equal opportunities in the field of education, mastering a profession, inclusion in the system labor relations, entrepreneurship, and for disabled and socially vulnerable strata and groups of the population (disabled people, pensioners, large and single-parent families, children, etc.) - to provide a range of social services (depending on the state) at the expense of the state, to guarantee the receipt of benefits established by law and benefits, i.e. create the necessary conditions for life.
The system of social protection is currently understood as a set of legally established economic, social, legal guarantees and rights, social institutions and institutions that ensure their implementation and create conditions for maintaining the livelihood and active existence of various social strata and groups of the population, primarily socially vulnerable.
In Russia, the right of citizens to social protection is guaranteed by the Constitution and regulated by law. Social protection is carried out at the expense of the federal, local budgets, specially created non-state funds.
The SZN system can be viewed as an institution of social protection. The formation and development of such an institution takes place on the basis of the emerging legislative and regulatory framework, the creative use of historical experience, under the influence of the political, socio-economic, spiritual and moral situation in society, existing ideas about the nature and forms of social assistance to people. The development of the SZN system as a mechanism for regulating the entire set of socio-economic, political, spiritual and moral relations in society is influenced by numerous factors: political, economic, ideological, moral and psychological, etc. Below I will consider them in more detail.
political factors. The need for political stabilization in society to a decisive extent determines the transformation of the system of social protection of the population into an element of the country's national security, a subject of special concern for the legislative and executive authorities. They are taking specific measures to counteract many potential and real threats to which Russia's vital interests are exposed: to overcome poverty, slow down the decline in the living standards of the population, social differentiation of society, and eliminate various types of emergencies. Among these measures are the monitoring and forecasting of social processes, proactive adjustment of decisions of state authorities that can worsen the social situation, the development of social benefits and social services.
Social protection influences the level of savings and investment, the demand and supply of labor, the nature of enterprise management and management strategy.
The growth of savings and investment in social protection makes it possible to carry out decent unemployment insurance and pension insurance, material support for disabled citizens, strengthen the material and technical base of social service institutions; reducing labor turnover and securing it at enterprises with social protection measures is a reflection of the influence of economic factors on the state and development of the social protection system.
Ideological factors play an important role in the formation of the institution of social protection.
Ideological factors reflect the economic life of society through a system of public views and ideas, actively influence its development through the activities of the state, public associations, parties, groups and strata of society. Their influence on the performance of the emerging institution of social protection is also real.
Moral and psychological factors throughout the history of social protection are the most important regulators of relations that arise in the field of human social protection. Moral and psychological problems arise frequently and manifest themselves in all areas of social assistance and support for a person - in the interaction of a social worker and a client, in the family, in the activities of social service institutions, etc. Social workers, for example, constantly face the problems of manifestation of social and political inequality, the humiliation of human dignity, the loss of human values. Therefore, the task of the institution of social protection is to contribute to the restoration of social justice, the legal rights of the client, to achieve the realization of his basic needs, respect for human values.
Thus, the development of the SPP system is actively influenced by factors related to its deeper impact as a regulatory mechanism. Their influence is expressed in the setting of specific goals and objectives for the social protection of a person in functions that implement the main goal of the social protection system: to provide assistance to a person or group of people in a difficult life situation.
1.2 Principles and functions of the system of social protection of the population.
The SZN system is based on the principles that make up its scientific basis. Principles are scientifically substantiated provisions expressing the nature of the requirements for its content, forms and methods for the social protection of people. Based on the principles, the SZN system most fully and effectively implements its functions.
The main principles include:
1. The principle of social expediency. According to him, the contingent of the protected in society should be strictly limited to those categories of the population who are completely or partially deprived of the ability to work and self-sufficiency. Violation of this principle leads to the weakening and complete extinction of labor motivation and the growth of the army of dependents.
2. The principle of economic efficiency. It is expressed in the optimal ratio of the volume of social expenditures and the amount of deductions for their financing. The amount of social benefits should not create a situation where receiving benefits is preferable to receiving wages.
3. The principle of economic justice. It is expressed in the economic protection of both entrepreneurs, active participants in the economic process, and those who, for objective reasons, are outside the production and market activities.
4. The principle of priority of state principles in the social protection of the population.
According to this principle, in our country, it is the state that acts as the main guarantor of the economic provision of a socially acceptable standard of living for those who cannot achieve this on their own due to objective reasons.
5. The principle of economic independence of local authorities.
It is implemented on the basis of the delimitation of economic powers of subjects of the federal and local levels. Social benefits and other payments at the federal level should be guaranteed at a minimum level, and all payments beyond that should be made from the local budget and local social insurance funds.
So, on the principles listed above, the social protection of the population is built as a system penetrating all levels of the state: from federal to local.
For the effective implementation of these socio-economic principles, it is necessary to determine the economic methods of social protection as ways to achieve social goals based on economic principles.
The main economic methods include the following:
1. Introduction of a system of minimum social guarantees. The determining factor here is the legislative establishment of the minimum wage and the living wage.
2. Indexation of income as a mechanism for automatic adjustment of income in accordance with the increase in the cost of living, established by law or by decision of the executive branch.
3. Compensation of expenses - reimbursement of expenses of representatives of various social groups of the population by the authorities in connection with the expected or upcoming price increase.
Social protection, in my opinion, must be considered in three aspects:
1) social institution;
2) the state organizational and management system;
3) activities to achieve social security.
Social protection at the same time meets all the signs of a social institution:

it is a stable reproducing form of social interaction, due to which each society practices its own forms of social protection, depending on the level of its development;
it has its own developed normativity, i.e., a system of legislative acts, as well as moral norms and ideas that have developed in society;
it has professional and personnel certainty: people specially trained for this work in the system of social protection, there are institutions for special training, etc.
the internalization of social norms and expectations is determined: both the people who carry out social protection and those to whom it is directed have established attitudes and stereotypes about this social phenomenon.
Humanism and social justice are also the most important principles of social protection.
To be humane and fair in the implementation of social protection means to recognize the inherent value of the human personality, its right to freedom, the development of one's abilities, a decent, full and happy life, regardless of national, racial, religious and other individual or social characteristics. This is the creation of disinterested relationships between people based on mutual assistance, mutual understanding and kindness.
To be fair and humane in social protection is to be able to correctly assess the personal potential of a person, his internal resources, to be aware of the main causes of life's difficulties and to determine ways out of them. This is also an assessment of a person in terms of the ability to carry out specific activities for self-defense, to show initiative, entrepreneurship.
Justice and humanism in social protection is the provision on a legal basis to all members of society, all strata and groups of the population of equally accessible protective guarantees and benefits, taking into account the labor contribution. The system of social protection is based on the principles of consistency and complexity. Comprehensiveness is closely related to the consistency in the organization and content of social protection, i.e. ensuring close unity of the whole range of measures of an economic, social, legal and other nature to ensure a state-guaranteed minimum level of social protection.
Complexity is ensured by:
    unity of goals, principles and directions of activity;
    a combination of historical experience and traditions with modern practice of helping people;
    a comprehensive study of the object of social protection (individual, social group, territorial community, labor collective);
    coordination and consistency of actions of subjects of social protection;
    control over the implementation of measures to provide assistance and support to people.
Of great importance is the principle of preventive measures for social protection, which means that the causes of social ill-being should be prevented, revealed at the very initial stage of formation and eliminated. Prevention is, first of all, the creation of such conditions when people themselves can cope with a difficult life situation, use personal resources in case of social risks: old age, illness, unemployment. Prevention of social risks is carried out through:
    assistance in finding work for a pensioner, a disabled person; development of home work;
    support of non-state systems of social insurance;
    formation of the private sector on the basis of voluntary contributions from citizens and other means;
    development of various forms of participation of the population in the financing of social programs, for example, through the development of mortgage lending, support for the activities of medical insurance companies (assistance to a family or an individual in choosing a medical institution, doctor, necessary types of medical services);
    a combination of paid and free services, which contributes to ensuring the reproductive opportunities of social protection subjects, creates additional systems for the accumulation of monetary savings by the population. And this means the emergence of new opportunities for the implementation of methods of self-defense and the satisfaction of social needs in the education and upbringing of children, strengthening their health, improving living conditions, etc.;
    maintaining the amount of cash income at a level not lower than the subsistence level, which is ensured by a combination of various forms of social assistance, participation in the formation of the labor market, the use of public works, etc.
The most important principle of social protection is its targeting, i.e. implementation of a set of measures to support decent living conditions for specifically needy people who find themselves in a difficult life situation, taking into account their individual needs and the possibilities of satisfying them in accordance with established criteria. It should be noted that in modern conditions, the provision of livelihoods to old, sick people, as well as people who find themselves in a difficult life situation, is not always targeted and fair: benefits are often not paid to those to whom they should be allocated in the first place; the length of service of citizens is fully taken into account, the list of social services is narrow, etc.
Targeted assistance should be provided primarily to the following groups of the population:
    disabled people of the 1st and 2nd groups;
    single pensioners and single married couples who are not capable of self-sufficiency;
    senior citizens aged 80 and over;
    orphans, graduates of orphanages, boarding schools;
    families raising children of preschool age and children with disabilities;
    large and incomplete families;
    families of the unemployed;
    persons in extreme situations (refugees, homeless people, internally displaced persons, persons affected by natural disasters, etc.);
    persons who cannot receive a sufficient amount of labor income for objective reasons (care for a disabled family member, disability, etc.);
    persons who do not have relatives who are required by law to support citizens who are unable to self-service, etc.
The principle of adaptability of the SPP system means that it should provide for a proactive review of social standards in the face of inflation and economic instability, and a decrease in employment; timely development of the legal base of organizational structures; updating methods of implementation, etc. The adaptability of the SPP system means its ability to self-improve, develop protective activity and initiative of the social actors themselves.
The principle of social protection is its multisubjectivity. The most important subject of SZN is the state, social protection of the population is one of its main functions. Realizing its most important functions - goal-setting and organizational impact on social processes in society, effective regulation and control of the social sphere - the state provides a minimum level of social guarantees, creates socially guaranteed conditions for people's life, maintains optimal relations between the incomes of the active part of the population and disabled citizens, minimum wages, pensions, scholarships, social benefits and the subsistence minimum, creates conditions for strengthening the health of the population, increasing its education and culture, and solving housing problems.
The state influences the functioning of the SPP system by approving the state budget, as well as the budgets of other state-owned sources of funding (in Russia, these include off-budget social funds - pension, social insurance, compulsory health insurance and employment).
Another subject of social protection is employers. They provide mandatory conditions for social assistance and support for employees (minimum wages, mandatory pension, social, medical, unemployment insurance according to established standards, social payments and compensations attributable to the wage fund, etc.). The possibilities of employers as active subjects of social protection are far from being used to the full extent. With significant financial resources, many of them can create jobs at their enterprises, develop social infrastructure, provide various social benefits - free trips, meals, issuance of long-term interest-free loans, etc.
The modern concept of social protection proceeds from the fact that social protection should not be reduced to free assistance and encouragement of its passive expectation. Its essence should be to revive and encourage the feeling of a master in a person, to form motives for highly productive work and involve him in such work, to create relatively equal “starting opportunities” in society for all its members. That is why the most important subject of social protection is the person himself, realizing his potential and strength, protecting his vital needs and interests.
Functions are relatively independent, but closely related types of activities for the social protection of a person who finds himself in a difficult life situation. The most important of them are:
    psychological and pedagogical;
    organization of work and leisure, etc.
In the process of development of the SPS system, the functions change, are filled with new content due to innovative technological methods, the complexity of the services provided and the expansion of their scope, and the increase in the professionalism of specialists. This reflects the process of mastering the new content of social protection activities.
Social service is a wide range of socio-economic, medical-social, psychological-pedagogical, social-legal, social-domestic and other social services and material assistance, adaptation and rehabilitation of citizens who find themselves in a difficult life situation.
Priority directions for the development of the system of social protection of the population in modern conditions:
    activation of the development of the theory of social protection, theoretical substantiation of its goals and objectives, methods of activity and organizational structures, legal norms of activity;
    strengthening of social policy in the field of social security by concretizing political decisions in the field of assistance and support to socially vulnerable groups of the population and, above all, families;
    concentration of material, financial, intellectual resources to ensure constitutional and legislative social norms, the implementation of social guarantees at all levels;
    improvement and comprehensive strengthening of the social service system as the most important area of ​​social protection, including its legal, financial, organizational and managerial, personnel, material and technical, scientific, methodological, information and analytical support; support for the development of social services in non-stationary institutions of various types: comprehensive service centers, institutions for social services for families and children, specialized departments of social assistance at home; assistance in expanding the range and improving the quality of social services; technologization of social work, the formation of complete social technologies in work with socially vulnerable groups of the population; ensuring a differentiated approach to the implementation of social protection for various categories of those in need; implementation of the principle of the family approach, concern for strengthening the potential of the family, its maximum implementation in order to fulfill its basic functions; ensuring targeting in the implementation of social assistance; the introduction of additional regional measures of targeted social assistance to the population after the provision of the established federal social guarantees in full, financing of activities, programs and maintenance of institutions for social protection of the population; activation of public participation in the development and implementation of federal and regional targeted programs for the social protection of socially vulnerable strata and groups of the population, expansion of active forms of social assistance.
1.3 Features and problems of the system of social protection of the population in Russia.
I. Housing Improvement Policy.
In Russia, providing the population with housing and improving the consumer qualities of the living environment has been and remains one of the most acute social problems - it is enough to compare the number of square meters per citizen in Russia and, say, in Germany and the United States: 19.6 m 2 versus 35 and 70 m 2, respectively, not to mention the difference in the quality parameters of average housing.
At least 15% of the country's population huddles in housing unsuitable for life, and 12% - in principle, do not have communal amenities. In relatively prosperous - by domestic standards - living conditions, that is, in a separate house or apartment with all amenities, at the rate of 18 m 2 per person, a quarter of the population of Russia lives.
The national project "Affordable and Comfortable Housing for the Citizens of Russia" was largely focused on the fact that people would take mortgage loans and buy apartments. Alas, in the current conditions, the majority of citizens who counted on a mortgage will not be able to take it. Many banks have stopped issuing loans or have changed the terms of contracts, as there is an unstable situation in the financial markets and there is a problem of low liquidity.
According to experts, under the most favorable circumstances for the development of mortgages, no more than 7-8% of the population of Russia will actually be able to use this financial and economic instrument. The number of those who have improved their living conditions has been falling rapidly since 2006 as a result of the rampant growth in real estate prices: in 2006 this figure was 14%, in 2008 - 10%, in 2009 - 7%. 4.43 million families (8.6%) are on the waiting list to improve their living conditions; the waiting time in the queue for receiving social housing by low-income citizens is 15-20 years. The number of those wishing to improve their living conditions is 61% (31.6 million families). The total need for housing is about 1.57 billion m 2 (55% of the available fund).
Due to the sharp differentiation of the population in terms of income, the solution of the housing problem for the majority of those who wish is more than difficult. At the same time, not only the poor are in line, but also those who are able to independently purchase housing using a loan or with partial state assistance. Sociological surveys show that 85% of Russians would like to improve their living conditions. But only 5-6% can do it right away at the expense of already accumulated savings, without applying for a loan or a loan. Most of the population, due to lack of savings, cannot buy a new house or apartment, and are forced to postpone such a purchase for many years.
II. Policy in the field of pension provision regulation.
Revenues of the Pension Fund of Russia in 2010 increased compared to 2009 by 40.2% and amounted to 4.17 trillion. rubles. The total volume of expenditures in 2010 amounted to 3.3 trillion. rubles. The total revenues of the Fund's budget in 2011 are projected at 5.14 trillion. rubles, total expenses - in the amount of 4.82 trillion. rubles.
In 2011, the size of the labor pension will increase twice from February 1 - by 7% and from April 1 - by 0.5%; in 2012 - from February 1 by 6.5% and from April 1 - by 1.4%; in 2013 from February 1 - by 6% and from April 1 - by 2.3%.
State pensions will be indexed as follows: in 2011 from April 1 - by 7% and from July 1 - by 1.3%; in 2012 from April 1 - by 6.5% and from July 1 - by 1.8%; in 2013 from April 1 - by 6.0% and from July 1 - by 2.4%.
As a result of the implementation of these measures in 2011, the average annual labor pension will amount to 8412 rubles. The average annual labor pension in 2013 will increase by 1.8 times compared to 2009. The ratio of the size of the old-age labor pension and the average wage in the Russian Federation in the forecast period will be maintained at the level of 39%; the size of the old-age labor pension and the subsistence minimum for a pensioner - at the level of 182%; the average size of the social pension is at a level not lower than the subsistence minimum for a pensioner.
The costs of making a monthly cash payment to certain categories of citizens are determined taking into account the indexation of its size in 2011 by 6.5%; in 2012 - by 6.0%; in 2013 - by 5.5%.
III. Health policy.
However, social services and social assistance do not have a significant impact on the general financial situation of pensioners. There are more and more pensioners, their number is growing by 600-700 thousand a year, the number of disability pensioners is growing especially intensively, which speaks not only of the aging of the population, but also of the quality of life in general. Pensioners make up a significant part of the population, savers and investors. The state, even in its own interests, should pay attention to their social well-being. In the healthcare sector, the practice of paying for medical services is becoming more and more common - in recent years, every second family has had to pay for them on their own, this is not only about the traditional private dental practice, but also about paying for diagnostic examinations and doctor's consultations. Paid treatment is compulsory: the level of well-being of families who are forced to pay for medical services is not the highest, and in conditions where the expansion of the scale of paid medicine takes place against the background of falling incomes of the population, many refuse treatment for financial reasons. Over the years of reforms, medicines have ceased to be in short supply, but for many they are not affordable due to high prices. The pharmaceutical market is currently characterized by instability, sharp fluctuations in drug prices and their growth, with prices rising for both imported drugs and domestic ones. The structure of sales has changed towards cheaper medicines, the average check in pharmacies has fallen in price, consumer demand for medical products, life-enhancing products, care products and others has decreased. Up to 35% of patients are forced to refuse to buy prescribed drugs.
The state has introduced benefits for the free purchase of medicines, but due to the lack of financial support, this right for the majority of "beneficiaries" turned out to be formal. The situation is deteriorating, which is reflected in the gap between the officially proclaimed state guarantees for the provision of medical care to the population and real funding, in the incompleteness of healthcare reforms, and in the unsatisfactory coordination of all structures responsible for the situation in this area. The share of the population's funds in paying for medical services is constantly growing, today it is equal to the share of the state. The most difficult situation with state financing is in small towns and villages, where there is no broad tax base.
The priority national project "Health" assumed the reorganization of the healthcare system in 2 years in such a way that a standard set of high-quality medical services is provided to all those in need. Unfortunately, the long queues of patients at the doors of city polyclinics, which are now gathering long before they open, indicate that this idea has not been implemented in 2 years. For most healthcare professionals, little has changed. In this regard, the practice has developed when the patient is actually forced to pay the doctor for the opportunity to gain access to free medical care. And if we take into account that about 20% of Russians are below the poverty line, this means that a significant part of the population is actually deprived of the opportunity to receive medical care under their medical insurance policy.
The infant mortality rate in Russia for the period January-February 2010 was 8.2 per 1,000 live births. At the same time, the decrease in infant mortality occurred in all federal districts. All this was the result of the Birth Certificate program, which currently covers 92.7% of women and newborns. In 2005, before the introduction of certificates, the infant mortality rate was 11 per 1,000 live births.
According to the Ministry of Health and Social Development, there has been significant progress in this area, and, according to the director of the Department for the Development of Medical Care for Children and the Obstetrics Service of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia, Valentina Shirokova, the successes in pediatrics are more significant and noticeable than in other areas of healthcare. The state invested in obstetrics in 2010 - 17.5 billion only for birth certificates, and in 2011 allocated 18 billion rubles. 188 maternity hospitals received an increase in the salaries of specialists and 8,000 pieces of equipment. 22 perinatal centers were built in the regions of Russia.
IV. Policy in the field of regulating the level of unemployment and employment.
General unemployment in Russia in 2010 averaged 5.6 million people, or 7.5% of the country's economically active population, in 2009 it averaged 6.3 million people, or 8.4%, Rosstat said on Wednesday.
"The level of the economically active population of the country averaged 67.7% in 2010. The level of the employed population amounted to 62.7%. The average unemployment rate in 2010 was 7.5%," the Rosstat report says.
In 2010, Russia's economically active population aged 15 to 72 was 75.4 million, including 69.8 million employed and 5.6 million unemployed.

In 2010, the number of employed people decreased by 144 thousand people, or 0.2%, the number of unemployed increased by 151 thousand people, or 2.9%. The total number of unemployed, classified in accordance with the ILO criteria, is 3.0 times higher than the number of unemployed registered with state employment services. At the end of 2010, 1,790,000 people were registered as unemployed in state institutions of the employment service.

One of the reasons for such deviations is methodological differences in terms of coverage of population categories. Persons under the age of 16 who are taking a full-time course of study in educational institutions, pensioners by age, length of service or on preferential terms cannot be recognized as unemployed in institutions of the employment service. When conducting a population survey on employment problems, these categories of the population can be classified as unemployed if they did not have a job during the surveyed period, were looking for work and were ready to start it, i.e. met the criteria for classifying them as unemployed according to the ILO methodology. The average age of the unemployed in 2010 was 33.5 years. Young people under 25 make up one third of the unemployed, including those aged 15-19 years old - 9.3%, 20-24 years old - 23.7%. Compared to the beginning of 2010, the number of unemployed at the age of 15-19 increased by 117.4 thousand people (or by 30.8%), at the age of 20-24 - by 204.4 thousand people (or by 19. 2%), 25-29 years old - by 53.1 thousand people (or by 7.1%).

A high level of unemployment is noted in the age group of 15-19 years old (32.0%) and 20-24 years old (15.4%).

On average, among young people aged 15-24, the unemployment rate at the end of 2010 was 18.0%, including among the urban population - 17.0%, among the rural population - 20.5%. The coefficient of exceeding the unemployment rate among young people on average in the age group of 15-24 years compared with the unemployment rate of the adult population aged 30-49 years is 3.4 times, including among the urban population - 4.0 times, the rural population - 2 .5 times.
Among the unemployed, 37.0% are persons whose period of stay in a state of job search (unemployment) does not exceed 3 months. 27.0% of the unemployed have been looking for work for one year or more (long-term unemployment).
Among rural residents, the share of long-term unemployment is significantly higher than among urban residents, and at the end of 2010 amounted to 33.4% and 23.3%, respectively.
The lowest level of unemployment, which meets the ILO criteria, is noted in the Central Federal District, the highest - in the North Caucasus Federal District.

Due to a significant increase in unemployment, limiting the maximum amount of benefits leads to the fact that the amount of monthly payments to the unemployed is 1.5-2 times lower than the level that would allow maintaining an acceptable standard of living for the population who is not able to find a job.
1.4Main state programs to improve the system of social protection of the population for 2011.
"Modernization of the system of social services for the population"

The purpose of the program: generalization of existing experience and acquisition of new knowledge in the field of social services for the population.

Implementation methods:
    Formation and effective use of resources in social services for the population of the region.
    Socio-economic content and structuring of social service resources.
    Improving the efficiency of providing social services to the population.
    Program approach to resource saving management.
    Factors influencing the efficiency of social service institutions.
    Improving the quality of life of the elderly and disabled through the introduction of innovative technologies of social services.
    Optimization of the existing network of social protection institutions.
    Development of the non-state sector for social services for the elderly and disabled.

The state system of social protection in Russia includes pension benefits, unemployment benefits, benefits for large families, sickness benefits, childcare benefits and housing subsidies. There are no explicit poverty benefits; instead, there are numerous categories of benefits, both in cash and in kind, but they provide little or no targeted assistance to the poor. In addition, there are informal sources of support ranging from household plots where food is grown to family support from friends and relatives. The current system has proved unable to fully cope with the demands of the transition and, despite numerous structural changes, still does not adequately protect the poor and vulnerable. With such a system, a number of problems arise:

Insufficient benefits

low targeting,

inadequate resources,

The system does not effectively meet the needs of the employed poor.

Politically engaged encouragement, together with paternalism, has led to a large-scale number and great relevance in the social protection of the Russian population of various benefits. These benefits have actually become the equivalent of material types of social support for certain groups and strata of the population. Currently, over 70% of Russians have a variety of benefits for various reasons. This situation has led to an unreasonable burden on the federal and local budgets, benefits have become burdensome for the state. In Russia, the issue of modernizing the policy of benefits has acquired acute relevance and has become central to reforming the system of social protection of the population. At present, an attempt at a valuntorist departure from state obligations to fulfill this category of social guarantees is obvious. However, the implementation of such an approach will cause social tension, but will not lead to the expected economic and socially positive results.

Since 2005, during the ongoing reform, most of the benefits have been replaced by cash equivalents. The complete deprivation of benefits will lead to a significant deterioration in the financial situation of many pensioners, the disabled, families with children and other socially disadvantaged, vulnerable segments of the population. This most complex economic and ethical problem can be solved only in conjunction with other problems: income and expenditure of the population, and, above all, in the sphere of income from labor activity; reforming the pension system; streamlining medical and pension insurance; compliance by the state with constitutional and other regulatory and legal guaranteed social obligations; creating a market for social goods and services, protecting the population from unscrupulous producers of social goods and services; education of the culture of the population in the aspect of market relations in the social sphere.

The two main elements of the state system of social protection in Russia are the State Pension Fund and the Federal Employment Service, another channel of assistance is housing subsidies and compensations. The medium-term social protection strategy in Russia should support reforms and economic growth: the strategy should include protection against the risk of loss of income (prevention and alleviation of poverty), as well as promote the efficient functioning of labor markets and thus contribute to the process of enterprise restructuring. Since there is limited scope for increasing social protection funds, the challenge is to determine how best to use existing resources by streamlining/closing programs, targeting benefits to the most needy, and using the resulting savings to increase benefits to more realistic levels.

1. Poverty benefits. The primary objective is to provide adequate poverty benefits to the most vulnerable segments of the population, especially the employed poor. Currently, there is no consistent system of social assistance in Russia. Instead, there are a large number of special-purpose allowances and benefits. But none of these programs are adequately funded, and most are universal, that is, they are conditional, non-contributory and non-verifiable. Many of these allowances and benefits are administered by the federal government but remain unfunded or only partially backed by appropriate reserves. Targeting and consolidating benefits should be seen as key elements of a poverty reduction strategy. It appears that targeting will lead to a greater tangible increase in the efficiency of spending on social needs than any other budgetary measures.

2. Unemployment benefits. The purpose of unemployment insurance should be to return the labor force to the labor market (change of employment), however, without involving high tax rates for participants and without creating negative incentives for work. In Russia's system of unemployment benefits, none of these conditions is met. The tax rate is modest, and the small benefits do not encourage job change or create disincentives, but at the same time, they do not protect workers from poverty due to job loss. Moreover, the current system confuses the principle of insurance with the principle of poverty reduction. By extending benefits to those workers who have never paid insurance premiums or have not paid them recently, this system is likened to a social assistance program. Finally, the current system is characterized by an inefficient redistribution of funds from the employment fund between regions with a budget surplus and deficit, which often leads to non-payment of benefits.

Under the current conditions, unemployment benefits actually serve as another poverty benefit - insufficient in size and with insufficient funding. It seems fair to raise the question of the advisability of further maintaining this type of benefits. Wouldn't it be better to include these funds in the general category of poverty benefits. As a last resort, the system of unemployment benefits can be simplified by establishing a flat benefit only for workers who contributed to the unemployment insurance fund at their last place of work. The amount of this benefit will be determined by the availability of funds, but with stricter eligibility rules, the flat benefit amount may be increased. This possibility should be considered if it appears that, at least for a limited period, this method of insurance will contribute to the restructuring of enterprises. Additional financial resources can be released by replacing implicit wage subsidies in enterprises with explicit forms of time-limited assistance, by making better use of the Employment Fund, and by additional restrictions on the eligibility and duration of benefits. The Government is already taking steps in this direction and should be encouraged.

3. Pensions. There are two pension systems in Russia: a general one, which covers the bulk of employees whose pensions are financed from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, and a privileged one, which guarantees a high level of pension provision for professional military personnel, employees of internal affairs bodies, tax police, customs service, prosecutors. investigators, civil servants, judges, deputies and some others whose pensions are paid from the budget. Moreover, the pension in the latter case is 5-10 or more times higher than that which is assigned on a general basis. A truly social and economically prosperous state can hardly afford such a thing. There is no doubt that in Russia it is necessary to revise the current state pension system.

The current demographic situation, the established retirement age and the likely path of development of the country's economy indicate that in the near future the system will enter a period of chronic and growing deficit. There are few opportunities to increase the size of contributions to the pension fund, and increasing their collection, although an important task, as such does not overcome the fundamental imbalances in the system. This will require addressing important structural issues such as retirement age and special benefits. Otherwise, it is not possible to solve the problem of low pension benefits in Russia.

Raising the standard retirement age for women from 55 to 60, or introducing incentives in the pay-as-you-go pension system to encourage women to work longer, and removing subsidies implicit in early retirement provisions would make the medium term much easier Pension Fund, ensuring the excess of income over expenses until about 2025.

The reform should achieve at least the following: create conditions for the transfer of part of the income of working years to old age through savings or other means; redistribute additional income in favor of the elderly who were in the category of the poor throughout their lives; provide insurance against the many risk factors to which the elderly are particularly exposed. It is also desirable that the existing state pension system support the economy as a whole, that is, be sustainable and not impose an excessive burden on the budget. These conditions are currently not met. At the same time, the Pension Fund initiative to introduce an individual worker account system to keep accurate records of contributions can be expected to strengthen, as workers see it, the link between contributions and benefits and increase incentives to comply with payroll payment requirements by pension goals.

In the area of ​​pensions, a highly commendable approach is the social solidarity inherent in Russia's current state system of paying pensions from current income (the pay-as-you-go system) and the creation of special funds that promote economic growth.

4. Social insurance fund. Although the Social Insurance Fund performs a number of important functions, in particular, provides sick leave payments and maternity benefits, attention should be paid to the role of this fund. An analysis of the performance of the fund for financial management, as well as an analysis of its key functions, is currently being carried out. This could provide a good basis for revisiting the role of this fund, including the development of appropriate legislation for it, as well as a potential reduction in its share in the payroll tax.

Although the social protection strategy is primarily aimed at providing assistance to the needy, the restructuring of the system is also caused by the need to support economic reforms, in particular, enterprise restructuring. One of the most important elements of a successful transition to the market is the restructuring of enterprises, which involves the release of unproductive resources in the past for their use in more productive areas of the economy, and an important aspect of this process is the elimination and creation of jobs. In countries that are successfully reforming, this has already happened. In Russia, however, these changes have so far been implemented only on a limited scale, due to the persistence of most of the so-called soft budget constraints in the enterprise sector and the reluctance to use the insolvency law to restructure or liquidate enterprises. The main reasons include: the dominant role of business leaders among shareholders; tough labor laws that prevent layoffs of workers, as well as the high direct costs of downsizing (heavy severance pay and wage arrears); a system of social benefits provided by the enterprise, which increases the cost of replacing wages and benefits for employees.

Lack of an adequate social safety net to keep laid-off workers out of poverty and make it easier to find new jobs: the low level of unemployment benefits virtually excludes them as a means of support in the interim period, the reference and advisory service of employment centers is poorly developed. In this regard, the government is reluctant to take measures leading to the reduction of employees of state structures and enterprises, and the workers themselves are unenthusiastic about the risky prospect of finding new opportunities.

In connection with the existing problems, it is necessary to solve a number of complex tasks, of which the main and fundamental is the improvement of the legal system that regulates economic relations in Russia. The preparation of the reform of labor legislation is very important, since it lays the foundation and creates conditions for the formation of a market economy and effective mechanisms for ensuring market relations. The new labor legislation should specifically provide for such measures to promote the restructuring of enterprises through the creation of new jobs, such as reducing the costs associated with hiring and firing workers. To facilitate downsizing and dismissal of workers, and therefore to encourage the hiring of new employees, labor laws should provide for more flexible conditions for dismissal, including the use of current vacancies to hire an employee who performs work that is no longer needed, as well as abolition of the current requirement to coordinate dismissals with trade unions.

Thus, an important conclusion is formed - in Russia, to date, there has been no formation of sufficiently clear approaches to reforming the existing system of social protection, which is characterized by an extremely high paternalistic role of the state and extremely poorly defined public institutions. In recent years, the social protection of the population of Russia has been focused on targeted operational solutions to the most acute, crisis, life problems of certain categories of citizens on a declarative basis. At a certain stage, this path was the most realistic for the practical solution of problems in this area and seemed to be successful. However, time has shown that this approach does not give a long-term effect, since it is not aimed at preventing the recurrence of crises, at the long-term social protection of each individual and the population as a whole.

The reforms taking place in the country, aimed at streamlining all spheres of life, require changes in the social sphere, including the creation of a highly effective, society-oriented, system of multidisciplinary targeted social protection of the population, which should provide comprehensive multifaceted assistance to a person in solving various social problems that cause the need for social protection, problems throughout his life - starting from the period of bearing a child by the mother and ending with a worthy burial of a person. In this regard, social protection should be considered as protection against social risks of loss or limitation of economic independence and social well-being of a person.

We single out the following main areas of social protection in Russia and approaches to reforming them:

1. Social protection of children, childhood and adolescence should be focused on the creation of conditions for the life and development of children, allowing all children, regardless of what family they were born and live in, to have the best opportunities for maintaining their health, material well-being, free accessible education , preschool and school education, harmonious spiritual and moral development, realization of one's abilities.

Particular attention should be paid to orphans and children from dysfunctional families. We must learn to take care of these children so that they do not feel superfluous, alienated from society, and the state would not seem to them something abstract, useless, and even hostile.

It also seems expedient to create a Federal Board of Trustees of orphans. It is necessary to take all measures to protect and protect children in especially difficult conditions, including those left without supervision, homeless, subjected to economic and sexual exploitation, suffering from socially caused diseases, including acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, refugee children, as well as those in imprisonment.

However, the problems of children in especially difficult conditions do not exhaust the numerous concerns of the state about all Russian children. The difficult situation of women in everyday life and at work, the destruction of family ties between generations led to the practically uncontrolled and undirected development of children, including by mothers, fathers, grandparents, and other older family members. The school has practically ceased to play any significant role in these processes. We need to change the status quo. To this end, it is necessary to conduct an examination (departmental and independent) of the existing multi-level legal and policy documents relating to children's problems, to identify the state of implementation and the need to adjust these documents.

It is necessary to streamline the process of commercialization of services for children in the areas of education, health care, children's art, physical education and sports, and identify institutions where this is appropriate.

Legal and organizational gaps in addressing children's problems should be eliminated. The future of Russia is in our children. This should be the goal of all efforts aimed at the social protection of children, childhood and adolescence.

Social protection of children, childhood and adolescence should effectively protect children of all age groups, as well as periods of development, from social risks:

III causing: stillbirth and pathological childbirth; congenital and birth defects, injuries and diseases; starvation and irrational nutrition for children; neglect and vagrancy, economic and sexual exploitation; addiction to bad habits (alcohol, smoking, drugs, etc.); negative psychological impact, discrimination based on nationality, gender, property or any other criteria; involvement in political activity and military operations; living in an ecologically unfavorable environment, involvement in inhumane religious and cult organizations and movements.

Ø hindering: health protection; stay of the child in the family; education and spiritual and moral education; the formation of a comfortable psychological climate for each child in the family, children's groups, in the region of residence, in the country; development of potential professional, creative and other socially useful abilities; familiarization with cultural values; physical culture and sports; creating conditions for games, other forms of reasonable entertainment and safe recreation; choice of religion; purposeful use of allowances and cash savings intended for children, property interests of children.

At the state level, one should unambiguously decide on the issue of the ideology of child allowances: either unequivocally give the status of these benefits as poverty benefits, and then the family income will become the criterion for their payment, or such benefits should be considered as a manifestation of the state policy of supporting the domestic gene pool and fertility, and therefore the payment of benefits should not depend on the wealth of the family the child belongs to.

2. Social protection of the able-bodied population should provide for the creation of conditions that ensure a balance of rights, duties and interests of citizens, when a person can fully realize the ability for economic independence, while not infringing on the interests of fellow citizens and participating in social assistance to people in need. Labor, its remuneration and, as a result, monetary savings, acquired securities and real estate should become the main sources of income and social well-being of a person, and no one has the right to encroach on them.

Social protection of the able-bodied population should include mechanisms that provide citizens of the Russian Federation with protection from social risks that prevent:

Ш effective employment of a person;

Ø provision of regulated additional employment guarantees to certain categories of the population who need special social protection and experience difficulties in finding work, including: youth; single and large parents raising minor children or children with disabilities; persons of pre-retirement age; military personnel transferred to the reserve; former soldiers - participants in military conflicts; disabled people; persons affected by man-made and natural disasters, as well as victims of military conflicts; persons who have been unemployed for a long time; persons serving a sentence or who were in compulsory treatment by a court decision.

Ш payment and receipt of wages and all types of social benefits in the amounts and terms provided for by Russian legislation;

Ш protection of workers' health and prevention of unfavorable working conditions;

Ø providing and receiving material and other assistance to persons in crisis material and social situations;

Equality of women in all matters of social life. First of all, we are talking about complete actual equality in wages, promotion, access to education, scientific activities, culture and sports. Special measures should be developed to increase the participation of women in government bodies of all branches and levels, in the work of municipal structures, the activities of public organizations, the media, and to promote their involvement in business activities. Particular attention must be paid to mothers and those preparing to become them. For these women, multiple social risks increase many times over, and this should be provided for in their social protection;

Ø realization by young people of their potential in the educational, scientific, cultural and sports terms.

3. Social protection of disabled citizens should be aimed at the humanization of all spheres of life of these people.

The protection of the rights of a disabled or disabled person in Russia is still at a very low level. It is necessary to create a legislative and regulatory framework to involve persons with disabilities in the normal process of society, provide them with jobs and ensure participation in public life.

Social protection of disabled citizens should include mechanisms to ensure:

Ø to all persons permanently residing in the territory of the Russian Federation, full social security, regardless of race and nationality, gender, language, place of residence, type and nature of activity in a variety of forms of ownership and other circumstances;

Ø full pension provision in old age, in case of illness, disability, loss of a breadwinner, in other cases provided for by law, regardless of the territory of which state the right to pension provision was acquired, as well as the payment of state benefits to families with children;

Ø strict implementation of the legislative regulation of pension provision, avoiding under any circumstances delays in the payment of pensions, both state and otherwise;

Ш implementation of measures for preferential pension provision of disabled people, as well as measures aimed at preventing disability, ensuring social protection of disabled people, creating the conditions necessary for them to exercise their rights and legitimate interests, develop their creative abilities, unhindered access to social infrastructure, medical, professional and social rehabilitation;

Ш And also: living in a family; preservation of monetary savings and securities; property interests; decent provision of funeral services.

Today, the legislation of the Russian Federation entitles every disabled or disabled person to an individual rehabilitation program, according to which the state guarantees the provision of such essential needs of a disabled person as rehabilitation, education and employment.

4. Social protection of the family as a fundamental pillar of society and the state provides for the need to fully support the institution of the family. It is the family that is able to preserve society and its values. Therefore, family policy, focused on providing people with decent conditions for the creation, preservation and development of a family, is an integral part of the social protection of the population.

Forms and methods of social protection of a person must be differentiated, but necessarily accessible, full-fledged, not degrading to human dignity, maximally focused on prevention and ways of positively resolving complex critical situations by an individual.

The development of a mechanism for the functioning of a system of multi-profile targeted social protection of the population of Russia should be carried out in the following areas:

Ø determination of the role and place of social protection of the population in the social development of the country and regions;

Ø legal support of social protection, clearly defining social risks, the consequences of which are subject to correction, guaranteed by the state;

Ø development of state standards for services in health care, education, culture and social services for the population (taking into account regional and local conditions for the reproduction of the labor force and the population) for their targeted use in planning social spending and their gradual increase;

Ш normative-legal regulation of the prevention of the fulfillment of social risks;

Ø development of strategic scenarios for the development of the social complex;

Ø delimitation of powers between federal bodies and authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on social issues;

Ø development of a structural reform of the public administration of the social complex, including legal support for its development;

III institutional and organizational transformations of the social complex: demonopolization; infrastructure development; privatization of social facilities; regulation of paid social services.

Ш investment policy in the social sphere;

Ø determination of priorities for the development of the social sphere;

Ш innovative policy of social technologies;

Ш formation of federal social programs focused on the management of social processes;

Ш formation of federal-regional, interregional and regional programs of social development, including social protection of the population;

Ш creation of a system of information support for the population on the legal, labor and other regulation of society, with a focus on the active independent solution of their problems by people, as well as a reliable, simple and accessible definition of the role of the state in this process.

Particular importance should be given to the development of state social standards. The question of minimum standards becomes a cornerstone. In legal terms, minimizing assistance to a person who needs it is abstract, and in moral and ethical terms, in many cases it is absurd. It is necessary to introduce another concept into the legal field - minimum state social guarantees, clearly formulate their interpretation and implementation mechanism.

The adequacy of the financial resources allocated for these purposes to the needs of people will be of decisive importance in the success of solving the problems of social protection. The existing state centralized financial support has led to an exorbitant burden on the state budget and failure to fulfill state obligations for the social protection of the population, which causes dissatisfaction among citizens and social tension in society. To change this situation, it is necessary to create a mechanism for the financial provision of this sphere on the principles of differentiated social taxation and social compulsory and voluntary insurance, while maintaining social assistance only to those who cannot be helped otherwise than through social paternalism. Legislation should clearly define the criteria for social tax and social insurance contribution (mandatory and voluntary), as well as the procedure for their calculation, collection, accumulation and use. It is necessary to gradually move away from state subsidies for certain social areas and introduce state orders for solving specific social problems. All interested legal entities and individuals should be involved in the implementation of the social order on a competitive basis. Such an approach will make it possible to streamline, purposefully direct financial flows, make them manageable and controlled by the relevant state bodies and the public.

Solving the problems of social protection of the population of Russia, ensuring the above priorities, will require a serious analysis of the state of the social sphere, the existing forms and methods of social assistance to the population, an assessment of the existing health services, education, social protection, employment, migration and other responsible structures.

In many regions of Russia, it is necessary to modernize social protection institutions. This is especially true for social hospitals. Decent living conditions should be created for those who, for various reasons, are in boarding schools, specialized boarding houses, and neuropsychiatric hospitals. The number of places in these institutions should correspond to regional or interregional needs.

In Russia, the problem of social assistance to people who find themselves in difficult living conditions (the homeless, refugees, forced migrants and migrants) is topical. It is necessary for the territorial bodies of social protection, jointly with other interested services, to solve the problems of organizing overnight stays, social shelters and hotels. There should be no cases of refusal to help people who find themselves in extreme situations.

In different territories of Russia, there are striking differences in the financial situation of workers in the non-productive sphere. This situation requires the most careful study and the search for an adequate solution.

The state's obligations under its social guarantees must be fulfilled at all levels. In those situations where this is not possible, it is necessary to clearly explain to people the causes and possible solutions to the problem.

5. Social protection of disabled citizens should be aimed at the humanization of all spheres of life of these people.

It is unacceptable that any of them feel like an extra person, burdening loved ones, society. Everyone should preserve the desire and ability to live in a family for as long as possible, actively participate in the economic, political, cultural development of society, enjoy all its benefits and, if possible, increase them. The leading role in solving the problems of these citizens belongs to social services and pensions, which require reform.

Social protection of disabled citizens should include mechanisms that provide: all persons permanently residing on the territory of the Russian Federation, full social security, regardless of race and nationality, gender, language, place of residence, type and nature of activity in a variety of forms of ownership and other circumstances; full pension provision in old age, in case of illness, disability, loss of a breadwinner, in other cases provided for by law, regardless of the territory of which state the right to pension provision was acquired, as well as the payment of state benefits to families with children; strict enforcement of the legislative regulation of pension provision, avoiding under any circumstances delays in the payment of pensions, both state and otherwise; implementation of measures for preferential pension provision of disabled people, as well as measures aimed at preventing disability, ensuring social protection of disabled people, creating the conditions necessary for them to exercise their rights and legitimate interests, develop their creative abilities, unhindered access to social infrastructure, medical, professional and social rehabilitation; homestay; preservation of monetary savings and securities; property interests; decent provision of funeral services.

Thus, in Russia, to date, there has been no formation of sufficiently clear approaches to reforming the existing system of social protection, which is characterized by an extremely high paternalistic role of the state and extremely poorly defined public institutions.

The main reform challenge is to determine how best to use existing resources by streamlining/closing programs, targeting benefits to the most needy, and using the savings thus generated to increase benefits to more realistic levels.

Targeting and consolidating benefits should be seen as key elements of a poverty reduction strategy.

Problems of social protection of the population (on the example of the Department of Social Protection of the Population of the Administration of the Taimyr Dolgano-Nenets Municipal District)





them. A.S. Pushkin"

Faculty of Economics and Investments

Department of Economics and Law


Problems of social protection of the population. (on the example of the Department of Social Protection of the Population of the Administration of the Taimyrsky Dolgano-Nenetsky Municipal District)

St. Petersburg

social protection population Taimyr region


Chapter I. Theoretical foundations of the management of social protection of the population

1.2 Social protection system: stages of formation and models

3 Evolution of state policy and management of social protection of the Russian population

Chapter II. Improving the organization of social protection of the population on the example of the Department of Social Protection of the Population of the Administration of the Taimyrsky Dolgano-Nenets Municipal District

1 The role of local governments in the social protection of the population of the Taimyrsky Dolgano-Nenetsky municipal district

2 Problems of social protection of the population

3 Ways to solve the problems of social protection of the population



Annex 1. Questionnaire "Problems of social protection of the population of the Taimyr Dolgano-Nenets municipal district"

Appendix 2


Relevance of the topic. At the end of XX - beginning of XXI centuries. social protection of the population has become the main attribute of the social policy of any civilized state. The goal of most social protection systems is to maintain income stability, provide equal access to health care and provide essential social services. As an organized system, it exists in many countries of the world. In economically developed countries, social protection is the most important part of the national economy, the costs of which today account for more than a quarter of the gross domestic product. The countries of the European Union have the most developed systems of social protection. It was in them that the first social programs appeared and were developed. Thanks to social protection systems, modern European economies have been called socially oriented.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation states that Russia is a legal social state. The word "social" emphasizes the fact that such a state is called upon to implement a policy aimed at ensuring a certain level of well-being of all its citizens, supporting socially weak groups of the population and establishing social justice in society. An integral part of the welfare state is the system of social protection of the population, which is necessary for the realization of the material well-being of citizens, the promotion of social harmony and solidarity in society. Russia is faced with the task of creating such a system of social protection that would be able to quickly and efficiently raise the standard of living of socially disadvantaged groups of the population and at the same time not have a restraining effect on the development of the economy. The solution to this problem can be found in the creation of flexible social protection programs capable of quickly adapting to new economic conditions, based on the best world achievements and taking into account national developmental characteristics.

The task set in Russia to create a socially oriented market economy requires an understanding of the nature of development and the specifics of the functioning of social protection systems in other countries. Such reflection can help to determine the ways of further development of this institution in Russia. The transitional state of the social protection system of our country opens up favorable opportunities for using the most successful and effective examples from the experience of the socio-economic development of individual countries.

In the current situation, it is necessary to increase the role of local governments in solving the problems of financing social protection by increasing the degree of responsibility for organizing social protection at the level of municipal programs, as well as reorienting resources to local budgets in order to finance social protection measures.

The degree of development of the problem. Studies of the problems of social protection of the population as one of the complex systems of a developed market economy occupy an important place in the work of numerous scientists and practitioners in economically developed countries, in the activities of the International Labor Organization, the European Union, the Council of Europe, international financial organizations such as the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development , International Monetary Fund. The International Social Security Association deals exclusively with social protection issues. The closest attention to the problems of social protection falls on the 1970s - early 1980s, when the issues of social policy and social protection were considered as one of the most important elements of the theory of the welfare state. This was due to a significant increase in social spending in the overall structure of the GDP of many European countries, so many experts considered this indicator to be the main one in building theories of the "welfare state". This contributed to the development of social protection systems in these countries, based on the relationship between the individual elements of the social protection systems themselves, as well as taking into account the specific socio-economic situation. And, despite the fact that the national systems of social protection in all countries with a market economy are still far from perfect, their development is not least determined by a fairly high level of professionalism of specialists who are involved in the formation of policy in this area.

Research in the field of social protection cannot be called traditional for domestic science, which can be explained by the fact that at present a scientific direction is just beginning to take shape, which is characterized by a comprehensive study of the organization, financing and management of the social protection system in Russian conditions. This was reflected in the works of such leading experts in this field as Babich A.M., Egorov E.V., N.N. Gritsenko, V.I. Dobrenkov and others.

We can single out the following directions in the study of the problem of social protection of the population. Models of social protection systems were considered in the works of V.V. Antropova, F.E. Burdzhalova, A.V. Skinner and others.

Various areas of social protection of the population (social insurance, pensions, family support, etc.) were covered in the works of A.A. Dregalo, A.A. Koshcheeva, L.F. Lebedeva, G.V. Suleimanova and others.

The works of I.Z. Bazoeva, I.S. Berezina, L. Zubova, V.V. Kulikova and others.

Despite the existence of works devoted to the problems of social protection of the population, the domestic experience of social protection has not been studied enough. Thus, despite the availability of research in this area, the problem of studying the domestic experience of social protection and problems in this area should be recognized as insufficiently developed, which predetermined the choice of the topic of the thesis research "Problems of social protection of the population. The role of local authorities (on the example of the Department of Social Protection of the population of the Administration of the Taimyr Dolgano-Nenets Municipal District).

The object of the study is the social protection of the population.

The subject of the study is the role of local authorities in the social protection of the population.

The purpose of the study is to study the problems of social protection of the population of the Taimyrsky Dolgano-Nenetsky municipal district and determine ways to solve them.

Research hypothesis: improvement of social protection of the population of the Taimyrsky Dolgano-Nenetsky municipal district is possible subject to the development and implementation of additional measures for social protection of the population by local governments.

Determine the content of the concept of "social protection of the population" and the need for social protection in a modern market economy.

To study the stages of formation and models of the social protection system.

To study the evolution of state policy and management of social protection of the Russian population.

To study the role of local governments in the social protection of the population of the Taimyr Dolgano-Nenetsky municipal district.

Identify and analyze the problems of social protection of the population.

Suggest ways to solve the problems of social protection of the population.

Research methods: document analysis, comparison method, observation method, questioning method.

The research base is the Department of Social Protection of the Population of the Administration of the Taimyrsky Dolgano-Nenetsky Municipal District.

The practical significance of the study. The practical significance of the work lies in the possible use of its results for the further development of theoretical provisions concerning the issues of social policy and social protection of the population of the Taimyr Dolgano-Nenets municipal district.

The structure of the work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of references, an appendix.

In the introduction, the relevance of the research topic is substantiated, the goal and objectives are defined, a hypothesis is put forward, the methods and practical significance of the research are presented, and the structure of the thesis is characterized.

The first chapter presents the theoretical foundations of social protection of the population: the concept and factors that determine the need for social protection of the population are considered; the stages of formation and models of the social protection system are considered; the analysis of the Russian features of social protection of the population is presented and the ways of improving the latter, taking into account the experience of developed countries, are considered.

The second chapter presents an analysis of the organization of social protection of the population in the Taimyrsky Dolgano-Nenetsky municipal district, identifies problems and suggests ways to solve them.

The conclusion contains conclusions and proposals for optimizing the social protection of the population on the territory of the municipality.

The list of references is represented by 70 sources, including legislative acts of the federal, regional and municipal levels, textbooks, monographs, articles on the problem of social protection of the population.

The annexes contain two questionnaires, the purpose of which is to identify the problems of social protection of the population in the territory of the Taimyr Dolgano-Nenets municipal district.

Chapter I. Theoretical foundations of the management of social protection of the population

One of the key areas of state regulation of the economy is the social sphere and its development. The state of this sphere largely determines the processes of reproduction of labor resources, their quantity and quality, the level of scientific and technical development of the productive forces, the cultural and spiritual life of society. Basic components of the social sphere: health care, education, culture, social security and social protection systems, housing and communal services.

Social protection of the population is a fairly new concept that appeared in the domestic economic literature relatively recently, with the beginning of Russia's transition from a planned economy to a market economy. Analysis of the category of social protection allows us to conclude that, firstly, the understanding of social protection in Russia and abroad is often politicized and depends on the specific socio-economic situation. Secondly, despite the development of social protection in modern Russia, it has not yet been accepted by public consciousness as an independent social institution. For this reason, to date, the content of the concept of "social protection" has not received a final definition. This is manifested in the instability and inconsistency of approaches to solving this issue in the domestic literature.

As a subject of social protection, it is necessary to consider, first of all, social risks. With the help of a system of various measures included in the system of social protection, the state manages social risks in order to compensate for damage, helps to reduce or prevent their impact on the process of expanded reproduction of the population.

Thus, social protection of the population is a system for managing social risks in order to compensate for damage, reduce or prevent their impact on the process of expanded reproduction of the population. As a socio-economic category, social protection is a relationship for the redistribution of national income in order to ensure the established social standards of life for each person in the face of social risks.

Most social protection systems include the following main building blocks:

pension insurance (for old age, disability, loss of a breadwinner);

· health insurance;

insurance against accidents at work;

Unemployment insurance.

In foreign and domestic research literature, such systems are referred to as social insurance systems. However, according to the author, this name seems ambiguous, since not all parts of social protection systems are based on the principle of social insurance. The system of social protection, along with the above elements, also includes social assistance and social transfers within the framework of housing, education and family policy. In real practice, there are all the listed types of social protection of the population, but the defining form of them in a market economy is compulsory social insurance.

The need for state social protection is determined by a number of factors. First, it is a feature of the organization of the modern market economy, in which a significant number of its members are employees. Therefore, in contrast to the pre-industrial agrarian economy, temporary or long-term disability in a society organized on the basis of a market division of labor and professional specialization can lead to the loss of livelihoods for workers. Secondly, the impossibility of the modern family, due to the small number of its members, to serve as an informal institution of protection against social risks. Thirdly, the impossibility of satisfactory social support from church, communal, public or charitable organizations. Of course, the existence of such institutions operating at the local level can be considered as an additional, but not the main type of social protection. Fourth, reducing social risks through voluntary personal insurance is impossible for most citizens, since such insurance provides for rather high insurance premiums. Unlike voluntary personal, compulsory (state) social insurance covers the majority of the population with different income levels. Fifth, insurance against risks not always covered by private programs, such as unemployment and inflation, is extremely important in today's economy. For this reason, government social programs may be the only ones able to withstand cyclical fluctuations. The last factor that determines the need for state social protection is that the absence of compulsory risk insurance leads to economic costs that inevitably arise in the event of the existence of uninsured persons, to whom society is forced to provide social assistance in the event of an insured event.

1.2 Social protection system: stages of formation and models

The formation of a social protection system includes several stages.

Selection of target groups from the entire population - persons in need of social protection. To do this, control mechanisms and criteria for determining family income are applied.

The choice of methods that ensure the targeted nature of assistance. For this purpose, assistance is tied to specific regions of the country or social groups of the population.

An assessment of the standard of living necessary for the correct identification of target groups. To do this, a survey of family budgets is carried out, taking into account all income received in cash and in kind.

In order to determine the targeting of social assistance, the concept of the minimum required level of consumption is applied. At the same time, the so-called minimum consumer basket includes a set of necessary goods and services with its subsequent expansion. Consumption norms are applied that correspond to the actual structure of consumption of low-income people.

The choice of methods for providing benefits, subsidies, benefits. They can be provided in cash or in kind. The use of food or clothing stamps ensures that the aid is used for the intended purpose.

There are two models of social policy - centralized (Soviet) and Western.

The ratio of different types of social protection for both models of social policy was characterized by the dominant position of social security and social insurance. As for state charity, it plays a subordinate role.

As F.E. Burdzhalov, “in the process of historical development at the turn of the XXI century. the center of gravity in social policy is shifting from social charity to social security and social insurance, from a differentiated approach to generality (universality). Although this is associated with considerable resource costs, with an increase in the volume of financial resources of the state budget, however, in social terms, excessive social stratification of the population by property status is overcome, and the poorest stratum of the population is reduced. This contributes to social stability and the unity of society at the cost of significant government spending. The economic growth achieved in the post-war years in many developed countries made it possible to guarantee to all members of society a minimum level of consumption, that is, such a set of consumer goods that ensured normal living conditions. Moreover, in the 1950s and 1960s, there were very optimistic views of scientists and politicians not only on the level, but also on the quality of life, the possibility of a transition to rational and optimal consumption, i.e. establishing the most favorable volume and structure of consumption for a person”.

Excessive focus on egalitarian values, when all members of society receive equal benefits, and the requirements of social justice of both centralized and Western models of the social system, until the mid-1970s, were expressed in the strengthening of costly areas of social policy.

The volume of the social budget of the state has reached a level that has become limiting in terms of the degree of the tax burden. With the increasing importance of the social and tax functions of the state, the process of bureaucratization of the social protection system intensified, and the costs of organizing the work of the public service in the social sphere increased.

The developed system of state guarantees of social protection has given rise to such negative social phenomena as chronic dependence of the majority of the population.

In the 1970s and 1980s, economic opportunities for solving social problems narrowed. The crisis of both models of social policy has come.

The crisis affected those models of the social system that were distinguished by an excessively high degree of socialization. Social security as a direction of social policy was predominant in comparison with social insurance and assistance. In addition, under a centralized system, a large part of social spending was assumed by enterprises. However, dependence on the state budget eventually increased the burden on centralized finance. Stronger state guarantees of the centralized model compared to the Western model gave rise to even greater social dependency. But the crisis of the centralized model of the social system, just like the crisis of the Western model, preserved the positive humanistic potential of the former social system.

As evidenced by the Declaration of the World Summit for Social Development (Copenhagen, 1995), the vector of social development in the XXI century. will be determined by the commitment of all countries to the concept of focusing the economy on the interests of the person, on a more effective satisfaction of his needs, on the consideration of social development issues from the standpoint of respect for human dignity, equality and social justice. Consequently, the concept of considering a person not as a means, but as a goal of socio-economic development retains its relevance in the future.

Investments in human capital are the most effective, and the quality of human potential is the most important factor in economic progress and the level of socio-economic development of the country. If we line up all the countries of the world according to the level of economic development and classify them according to the rating of the human development index, we will see that they will be directly dependent on the quality of human potential. Moreover, the pace of scientific and technological progress, the level of organization, culture and labor productivity are derivatives of human capital.

Therefore, in the strategic plan, investments in people are the most effective investments with the highest returns.

The underestimation of market regulators in optimizing growing needs and limited resource and financial opportunities has been a common cause of the crisis of both social systems in the past 20 years. Therefore, a natural turn of the socio-economic development of the civilization of the latest period, i.e. within the framework of the medium-term cycle, there is a bet on strengthening the role of the system of labor and entrepreneurial motivation, on the individual principle of earning one's material well-being by effective work, on overcoming leveling, dependent tendencies.

3 Evolution of state policy and management of social protection of the Russian population

Historically, social policy in Russia has been associated with the Orthodox religion and its principles: an orientation towards mercy and charity. In fact, until the 19th century social protection was considered mainly within the framework of charity. Christianity contributed to the development of charity, which received a theoretical justification in the form of the Christian doctrine of love and mercy. The main trends in social protection during this period of time were associated with princely (later - royal) protection and guardianship and with monastic and church forms of charity. The development of measures of public charity into a certain system belongs to Peter I, under which, for the first time in the history of Russia, measures taken in the field of social protection were systematic and consistent. The formation of the state (“public”) management system of social assistance to the population is associated with the provincial reform of Catherine II. The first half of the 19th century is distinguished by the interaction of state, church, public and private charity.

A new era in the life of the country opens with the bourgeois reforms of the 1860s and 1870s. On March 6, 1861, the first legislative act was adopted that introduced elements of compulsory insurance in Russia (the Law “On the Mandatory Establishment of Auxiliary Partnerships at State Mining Plants”). The formation of social insurance in pre-revolutionary Russia is connected with the influence of the German experience. At the beginning of the XX century. In Russia, a system of social insurance was developed and began to be implemented. After the February Revolution of 1917, the Provisional Government came to power, which from the first steps of its activity began reforms in the field of social protection.

The coming to power of the Bolsheviks and the establishment of Soviet power were turning points in the history of Russia. The transition to a socialist state was not at all easy, it actually turned into a social catastrophe and massive marginalization of the country's population. After the October Revolution of 1917, a new structure was created in Russia, which took up the liquidation of the existing aid agencies with the redistribution of funds and property for the needs of the state. At first it became the Ministry, and over time - the People's Commissariat for State Guardianship. Among the liquidated institutions were charitable organizations and societies for helping the disabled, the entire previous system of guardianship was destroyed. From April 1918, targeted state support for needy citizens began to be carried out as a means of implementing social policy, the People's Commissariat for Social Security was formed. Gradually, the administrative system of Soviet social protection also took shape. In the 20-30s of the XX century. in the history of the USSR there was a big breakthrough in social policy, which was based on the positive ideas of reform. The main idea of ​​socialism was that citizens work for the benefit of society, which in turn provides everyone with the proper level of well-being, social security and security. Social security, health care, education, a wide range of public services are provided to all equally free of charge, in accordance with the fundamental socialist principle of equality. This ideal model of socialism was not without contradictions - there was a colossal distance between the promoted policy and the real state of affairs, there was a discrepancy between the proclaimed slogans and reality. In the early 1930s there was a complete nationalization of the social system, inevitable in the formation of a totalitarian state. Social insurance in the country was transferred to the trade unions, and the insurance funds, the financing system and everything connected with this system was liquidated. There was a complete reorganization of the social sphere management system and the network of social security institutions.

The system of social protection in the USSR, despite numerous economic shortcomings, contained one important advantage - it provided absolutely all categories of citizens with the minimum necessary subsistence level of consumption. Each member of the society was guaranteed a job in accordance with the education and qualifications received. There was officially no unemployment. The level of departmental social protection was high. However, social services were of poor quality.

In modern political and sociological literature, a position has appeared, according to which an autocratic welfare state was created in the USSR. However, the social security system in the USSR cannot be defined using the typology traditional for Western countries (neoliberal, social-democratic and conservative options) due to the absence of a market economy. Although the Soviet system combined the features of universalism and corporatism characteristic of social states, this model of social security is ranked by Western researchers rather as a “non-welfare state”.

With the entry of the country into market relations, due to the beginning of perestroika, economic conditions were created when the state could not be fully responsible for the social security of citizens. The market mechanisms of private entrepreneurship that replaced the planned organization of the economy demanded the formation of market forms of pension provision.

We see that, due to several sharp turns in social policy, a stable tradition of social security has not developed in Russia. The social policy of the Russian Empire and the Soviet state were fundamentally different. During the years of Soviet power, the social situation gradually stabilized. The population got used to the paternalistic model of social protection, which, despite its often low quality, covered all segments of the population. The mechanisms and practices of social protection, formed in Western countries and based on the ideas of civil society, a market economy, the rule of law, seriously diverged from the practices of the "society of victorious socialism." Large-scale transformations that affected the fundamental foundations of the life of Soviet people in the economy, politics, and social sphere were too unusual for the population. People were not ready for such changes, which led to the failure of domestic policy reforms that did not take into account the culture, psychology, and consciousness of people who had been directly dependent on the state for many years.

Since the early 1990s The leadership of the country has chosen a liberal course of social policy. In the 1990s, the Russian state began to shift the responsibility for maintaining minimum living standards to the citizens themselves, proclaiming a transition from state paternalism and dependency to the formation of a socially active person, allowing him to realize his potential. This period was marked by two trends: an excessively rapid withdrawal of the state from the social sphere, and the reduction of social protection of the population to the protection of only certain categories of the population. The system of social protection that took shape in the initial period of economic reforms (in the 1990s) was of a peculiar nature. On the one hand, there were active attempts to form a liberal model of organizing social protection, aimed at providing assistance exclusively to representatives of the poor, and for these purposes some financial mechanisms and elements of the regulatory and legislative framework were formed. The rest of the population, as expected, should intensify their efforts to improve their situation and improve their standard of living. On the other hand, the approaches to social protection that were implemented in the pre-reform period were preserved and even to some extent consolidated, which resulted in an increase in the number and volume of benefits in kind, provided not on the basis of need, but on the basis of belonging to certain socio-demographic and professional categories of the population, those. by category <> . During the reform of the social and economic sphere of the 1990s. the former system was destroyed, but a new socio-economic policy in the full sense of the word was never developed.

Since 2000, a course has been taken to build a "subsidiary welfare state." The policy of strengthening the vertical of executive power to some extent also affected social policy. In the 2000s the following social strategies of the government have been implemented: introduction of a flat scale of personal income tax; introduction of a unified social tax (UST) instead of insurance payments to the pension, social, and mandatory medical fund; introduction of a funded component into the labor pension system; monetization of benefits, i.e. compensation of benefits with cash payments; reforms were partially implemented in the sectors of the social sphere: health care, education, housing and communal services. However, all these reforms did not allow solving the bulk of social problems and building a consistent strategy for protecting the population.

The success of social policy is largely determined by the state management system and its effectiveness. Many transformations in Russia run up against problems of management efficiency. The obvious need to deal with these problems of the administrative system of social policy management forced the government to move to administrative reform. However, the reform did not achieve its goals. While the first stage of the reform can still be recognized as accomplished, the second stage clearly failed to improve management efficiency. The administrative apparatus has not become smaller, while it consumes much more resources, its effectiveness is currently in doubt, and the management system itself is unlikely to become optimal. The transfer of part of the functions of the state in the public sector to contract execution by private structures, the introduction of business approaches to public administration, real deregulation, decentralization and deconcentration have not been carried out. The reform took place within the narrow framework of institutionalization. First of all, steps were taken to restructure the federal and regional governments. But this is only one part of the problem. This is clearly not enough - it is necessary to control the operation of the apparatus by civil society.

The prospects for a way out of the current situation and the formation of an effective system of social protection of the population are associated with a fundamental change in social policy. Due to the ineffectiveness of the universalist approach, the focus in solving the problem of social assistance was shifted to ensuring targeting, which implies the abolition of categorical benefits and subsidies.

The development of standards and the managerialization of social services in Russia is also part of the general state policy, largely due to the ideology of neoliberalism, which seeks to rationalize relations between the state and citizens. The development of the infrastructure of social services and their modernization are associated with the transfer of powers to provide services in the field of social protection to the regional level, the orientation of social services to the poorest segments of the population, the reduction of administrative costs, and the development of social standards for services. One of the key concepts for the development of social protection management has become the "New Social Management". The development of standards and the managerialization of social services in Russia is also part of the general state policy, largely due to the ideology of neoliberalism, which seeks to rationalize relations between the state and citizens.

The development of the infrastructure of social services and their modernization are associated with the transfer of powers to provide services in the field of social protection to the regional level, the non-discriminatory orientation of social services to the poorest segments of the population, the reduction of administrative costs, and the development of social standards for services. However, the sphere of social services was practically not affected by market transformations, which led to a decrease in the quality of many social services, inefficient use of resources, and ignoring the needs of certain groups of the population. In addition, in most regions there is no practice of monitoring the effectiveness of social assistance. The lack of formation of markets for social services in Russia is also due to the insufficient participation of non-governmental organizations in this area of ​​activity.

When determining the strategy of social management, the Russian government cannot do without Western experience to build its effective policy. The bureaucratic traditions of the Russian state make it important to analyze the experience of European states, especially when building a welfare state. But, at the same time, one cannot ignore the advanced experience of the United States and new trends in management policy, which are fully reflected in the features of social policy management throughout the developed world. The marketing approach is a new promising direction in the evolution of the social policy management system. It becomes obvious that further progress towards the formation of a civilized market is practically impossible without solving the accumulated social problems and contradictions, without the marketization of social sectors.

Chapter I Conclusions

Summarizing the above, we can draw the following conclusions.

Social protection of the population is understood as a system for managing social risks in order to compensate for damage, reduce or prevent their impact on the process of expanded reproduction of the population.

The main stages in the formation of a system of social protection of the population:

There are four periods in the evolution of state policy and management of social protection of the population of Russia:

until the 19th century social protection was considered mainly within the framework of charity;

from 1860-1917 - the formation of the social insurance system;

1917 - 1991 - Soviet period - purposeful state support for needy citizens as a means of implementing social policy;

since 1991 - modern period.

Chapter II. Improving the organization of social protection of the population (on the example of the Department of Social Protection of the Population of the Administration of the Taimyr Dolgano-Nenets Municipal District)

1 The role of local governments in the social protection of the population of the Taimyrsky Dolgano-Nenetsky municipal district

Functions in the field of social protection of the population of the Taimyr Dolgano-Nenetsky municipal district are carried out by a structural subdivision of the Administration of the municipal district - the Department of Social Protection of the Population. The activities of the Department of Social Protection of the Population of the Administration of the Taimyrsky Dolgano-Nenetsky Municipal District are regulated and carried out on the basis of the relevant Regulations.

The main task of the Department, in accordance with the Regulations, is the execution of certain state powers transferred to local governments of the municipal district in the field of social support and social services for the population, guardianship and guardianship in relation to persons recognized as incapacitated or limited in capacity, as well as adult capable persons in need in guardianship for health reasons, providing compensation to certain categories of citizens, exercising the powers of local self-government bodies of the municipal district for providing pensions to certain categories of persons.

Management in accordance with the task assigned to it, performs the following functions:

Within the limits of the state powers transferred to the local governments of the municipal district, organizes and implements the provision of social support measures for labor veterans, war veterans, the disabled, persons affected by political repression, veterans of military operations, parents and widows of war veterans, family members of military personnel, persons with honorary rank, families with children, families with many children, non-working pensioners, low-income citizens, persons in case of a difficult life situation, as well as other citizens who have established social support measures in accordance with applicable law.

Pays and recalculates monthly additional payments to pensions to persons who held public positions in the Taimyr (Dolgano-Nenets) Autonomous District, pensions for long service to civil servants of the Taimyr (Dolgano-Nenets) Autonomous District, as well as to persons who held municipal positions and municipal employees of the municipal district.

Provides subsidies to the population for housing and utility bills.

Carries out the provision of social benefits for burial and reimbursement of the cost of services for the burial of certain categories of citizens in accordance with applicable law.

Organizes the provision of compensation for the costs of lawyers for the provision of free legal assistance to certain categories of citizens.

Organizes and carries out activities for guardianship and guardianship in relation to persons recognized as incapable or limited in capacity, as well as adult capable persons in need of guardianship for health reasons.

Organizes and implements activities within the framework of targeted programs in the established field of activity.

Conducts reception of citizens, carries out timely and complete consideration of oral and written appeals of citizens in the established field of activity, makes decisions on them and sends answers within the period established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Keeps records of citizens entitled to social support measures, social services, provision of compensation, as well as families and children in a socially dangerous situation, persons recognized as incapacitated or limited in capacity, adult capable persons in need of guardianship for health reasons.

Carries out the acceptance of documents for issuing certificates (certificates) granting the right to receive social support measures, and issuing them to citizens in accordance with the legislation on vesting certain state powers.

Carries out the issuance of consultations and certificates to citizens within the competence of the Office.

Coordinates the activities of social service institutions operating in the territory of the municipal district.

Accepts documents, calculates the amount of compensation payments for housing, utilities and other types of services to family members of the dead (deceased) military personnel, compensation payments to citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the Chernobyl disaster, and submits lists of citizens to the relevant authorities for making these payments.

Performs other functions for the provision of public services in the established field of activity, if such functions are provided for by federal laws, regulatory legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation, the Krasnoyarsk Territory and the municipal district.

The department has the rights of a legal entity, has separate property in operational management, an independent balance sheet, a stamp seal and other seals with its name necessary for its activities, its own forms and stamps, as well as accounts opened in the prescribed manner.

The department is headed by a chief appointed and dismissed in accordance with the charter of the municipal district.

Head of Department:

) bears personal responsibility for the fulfillment of the tasks and functions assigned to the Department in the established field of activity;

) manages the activities of the Department;

) distribute duties among his deputies;

) allocates duties between the structural subdivisions of the Administration and approves regulations on the structural subdivisions of the Administration;

) in accordance with the established procedure, appoints and dismisses employees of the Department, applies incentive measures to employees of the Department and imposes penalties;

) acts without a power of attorney on behalf of the Department, represents its interests in the executive authorities of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, local authorities, public and other organizations, in judicial bodies, concludes contracts, agreements, agreements, issues powers of attorney, opens accounts in banks and treasury bodies;

) manages, in accordance with the current legislation, the property and funds assigned to the Department in accordance with the approved budget estimate;

) issues orders, instructions within the limits of its competence;

) performs other functions in accordance with the current legislation and municipal legal acts of the municipal district.

Financing of the Department is carried out at the expense of the district budget of the municipal district, as well as at the expense of subventions from the budget of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, allocated to the municipal district for the implementation of certain state powers.

The Department is the manager and recipient of budgetary funds provided for its maintenance and the implementation of certain state powers, the powers of the municipal district.

The structure of the Department includes the following departments: regulatory and methodological work, economic analysis, forecast and statistics; organization of social work and social payments; housing subsidies; financial support, budgetary accounting and reporting; social work in the Khatanga settlement; social work in the settlement Karaul.

2 Problems of social protection of the population

In its activities, the Department of Social Protection is guided by the Law of the Krasnoyarsk Territory "On Social Support for Citizens Living in the Taimyrsky Dolgano-Nenetsky Municipal District of the Krasnoyarsk Territory".

The law is aimed at maintaining the level of social support for citizens living in the Taimyrsky Dolgano-Nenetsky municipal district, achieved before the formation of a new subject of the Russian Federation - the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

The law establishes guarantees and compensations for the reimbursement of additional material and physiological costs to citizens in connection with work and residence in the Far North with extreme climatic, geographical, socio-economic and medical and biological conditions, as well as measures of social support for certain categories of citizens living in in the municipal area.

The law provides for the following types of social support for citizens of the Taimyr Dolgano-Nenetsky municipal district:

guarantees of the right to rest;

Relocation related guarantees

guarantees of medical care;

· Measures of social support for orphans and children left without parental care;

additional measures of social support in education;

measures of social support for certain categories of citizens living in the municipal district;

· additional measures of social protection of certain groups of citizens living in the municipal district, for special services to the municipal district;

· measures of social support to pay for housing and utilities for certain categories of citizens working and living in rural areas, urban-type settlements;

· subsidies provided to citizens taking into account their income, and regional standards of the normative living space used to calculate subsidies, the cost of housing and communal services and the maximum allowable share of citizens' expenses for housing and utilities in the total family income;

· additional measures of social support for certain categories of citizens living in the municipal district;

· Guarantees of the rights of the indigenous peoples of the North.

Guarantees and compensations, measures of social support established by this Law are expenditure obligations of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and are financed from the regional budget.

Today, in the activities of the Department of Social Protection of the Population of the Administration of the Taimyr Dolgano-Nenetsky Municipal District, the priority direction of social policy is social support for the elderly, the disabled and families with children. Since 2005 benefits in kind (except benefits for payment of housing and communal services) have been converted into cash. Since 2006, housing and utility subsidies have been provided in the form of a personalized payment to the recipient.

The activities of the system of social protection of the population are aimed at maintaining an acceptable level and quality of life for low-income and needy residents, mitigating the negative impact of socio-economic instability on their livelihoods.

An analysis of the reports of the Department of Social Protection for 2010 shows that as of January 1, 2011, the number of socially unprotected citizens was 12.3 thousand people, or 31.5% of the total population of the municipal district, of which:

§ pensioners - 8.6 thousand people, or 22.0% of the total population (of which 6.0 thousand people are old-age);

§ Disabled people - 1.7 thousand people, or 4.5% of the population (including children with disabilities - 0.213 thousand people);

§ large families - 0.559 thousand units.

On the territory of the municipal district there are 4 institutions of social protection:

§ an enterprise of stationary social services for the elderly and disabled for 29 places;

§ an institution for children in need of social rehabilitation and found themselves in a socially dangerous situation for 20 places;

§ institution for work with disabled people and families with disabled children;

§ an institution of general profile working with citizens in need of home-based social services, as well as those who find themselves in a difficult life situation for 18 places.

In 2010 social institutions served about 11 thousand people. 0.201 thousand people are on home-based social services (growth by 2009 - 17.54%), incl. in the village 0.075 thousand people.

More than 30% of the population receive social support from budgetary funds, more than 20% of the population have an income below the subsistence level, of which 42% are people of working age. In relation to January 2009, the number of social support recipients increased by 8.8%, which is undoubtedly due to the most complete coverage of citizens with monetary forms of social support.

In 2009, there is an outpacing growth in pension provision in relation to the growth in the subsistence minimum per capita, established in the territory. Nevertheless, social support for the low-income population among the elderly and disabled is essential for them and amounts to up to 50% of the pensioner's income, because. The average pension in the Taimyrsky Dolgano-Nenetsky municipal district is 13,622.41 rubles and provides 59.56% of the subsistence minimum set per capita.

Special attention is paid to social support for families with children. So since 2009, the monthly allowance paid to a low-income family has been set at 360 rubles. Currently, 3.7 thousand children live in low-income families, in comparison with 2008, the number of recipients of child benefits has decreased by 17.2%. Families with many children are provided with additional social support in the form of cash payments, benefits for paying for the services of preschool institutions.

An important place in the system of social protection of the population is occupied by social services provided by social service institutions.

The main goal of social protection of the population today is to provide social guarantees, the availability of social services provided to socially unprotected categories of the population of the municipal district, the introduction of new service technologies and improve their quality, and increase the effectiveness of social assistance to the population by strengthening its targeting.

To achieve this goal, the comprehensive program provides for the implementation of the following activities:

§ introduction of new forms of social services for the population;

§ strengthening the material and technical base of social service institutions;

§ advanced training of personnel;

§ Creation and use of unified information data banks on citizens (families) in need of social support.

One of the most important areas in the field of social protection of the population is work with minors. In order to analyze the activities of the Department in this area, as well as to identify problems in the field of social protection of minors living in the territory of the Taimyrsky Dolgano-Nenetsky municipal district, we organized a survey among employees of the Department of Social Protection. 20 specialists of the Department took part in the survey.

The results of the survey, as well as graphical data, are presented below.

According to the respondents, the priority tasks of the state in social protection of the population today are:

Reducing social tension in society - 20 (100%);

providing social assistance to families, individual citizens who find themselves in a difficult life situation - 18 (90%);

adaptation of the population to new socio-economic conditions - 0 (0%);

social rehabilitation of citizens, including minors, who are disabled - 12 (60%);

creating favorable conditions for people in need of stationary social services, as well as temporary shelter - 17 (85%);

Fig.1. Priority tasks of the state in social protection of the population

The most significant areas in the field of social protection of the population, according to the survey, today are: reducing social tension in society, protecting the rights and interests of children and adolescents left without parental care, neglected children, and preventing juvenile delinquency. They were noted by 100% of respondents.

The respondents believe that in working with children, the activities of the social protection authorities should first of all be aimed at:

maintaining their health - 5 (25%);

ensuring material well-being - 20 (100%);

provision of free accessible education, preschool and school education - 0 (0%);

ensuring harmonious spiritual and moral development, realization of children's abilities - 0 (0%).

Fig.2. In working with children, the activities of the social protection authorities, in the first place, should be aimed at

According to the majority of respondents, the main task of the social protection authorities in working with minors is to ensure their material well-being. 25% of respondents believe that the task of the social protection authorities is to preserve the health of children. Probably, this refers to measures for medical insurance or the improvement of children in specialized sanatorium-and-spa institutions. Ensuring free accessible education, preschool and school education and ensuring harmonious spiritual and moral development, the realization of children's abilities are not functions of social protection bodies. These issues are included in the introduction of the Department of Education and Culture.

Respondents noted in the list proposed by them the categories of children with whom the Department of Social Protection works:

orphans - 20 (100%);

children from low-income families - 20 (100%);

children from dysfunctional families - 20 (100%);

children from large families - 20 (100%);

disabled children - 20 (100%);

children left without supervision - 20 (100%);

children in prison and released from places of deprivation of liberty - 2 (10%).

From the proposed list, the interviewed specialists of the Department of Social Protection of the Population indicated almost all categories of children: orphans, children from low-income families, children from disadvantaged families, children from large families, children with disabilities, children left without supervision. These categories were marked by all respondents. The category of children in prison and released from places of deprivation of liberty was indicated by 10% of the respondents. This is explained by the fact that the Department does not work with children in prison and released from places of deprivation of liberty, however, when they are released from places of detention, the Department of Social Protection provides them with some assistance together with guardianship and law enforcement agencies. The main areas of work of the Department for the Social Protection of Minors and Families in a Socially Dangerous Situation:

Identification and analysis of the causes of family problems - 0 (0%);

interaction between various organizations and institutions of the municipal district that ensure the identification of families and minors who are in a socially dangerous situation - 20 (100%);

organization of work with children and their families - 0 (0%).

As the answers of the respondents show, the Department of Social Protection of the Population does not identify and analyze the causes of family distress (as a rule, these functions are carried out by law enforcement agencies), does not organize work with children and their families (as a rule, such activities in the municipal area are carried out by educational and cultural institutions). However, the Department of Social Protection provides all possible assistance to organizations and institutions of the municipal district that ensure the identification of families and minors who are in a socially dangerous situation.

Rice. 4. The main directions of work of the Department for Social Protection of Minors and Families in a Socially Dangerous Situation

According to the respondents, the most promising areas of work today are:

social support for pregnant women - 12 (60%);

social support for families in connection with the birth and upbringing of a child - 20 (100%);

social support for low-income families - 16 (80%);

social support for large families - 20 (100%).

Rice. 5. The most promising areas in the work of the Department of Social Protection of the TMDNR

The most promising areas of work in the field of social protection of the population in the municipal district today, according to respondents, are: social support for families in connection with the birth and upbringing of a child and social support for large families.

In our opinion, these answers are related to the policy pursued by the Government and the President of the Russian Federation. This is the Federal Law "On additional measures of state support for families with children", related to the provision of funds to women who have given birth to a second child. The creation of a unified database fits well into the Concept of e-government, the work of which was supposed to begin as early as January 1, 2011. However, as practice shows, electronic government practically does not function on the territory of the municipal district.

As follows from the analysis of the activities of the Department of Social Protection, as well as according to a survey of employees, social protection of the population in the territory of the municipal district is carried out in accordance with the law and covers almost all socially unprotected categories of citizens.

The most priority direction in the field of social protection of the population is the reduction of social tension in society. The activities of local governments - the Department of Social Protection of the Population of the Administration of the Taimyr Dolgano-Nenetsky Municipal District - are aimed primarily at ensuring the material well-being of socially unprotected strata.

However, the specialists of the Department have identified categories of children whose social protection work is not being carried out enough. Among them are children who are in prison and released from places of deprivation of liberty.

The specialists of the Department consider work with families with children to be the most promising areas for social protection of the population. This is due to the state policy of the Russian Federation in the field of demography.

Evaluation of the activities of the Department of Social Protection of the Population would not be objective enough without taking into account public opinion. In this regard, in order to improve the work of local governments for the social protection of the population of the Taimyr Dolgano-Nenetsky municipal district, we conducted a survey of 20 residents of the city of Dudinka.

Questionnaire questions were developed on the basis of a sociological study among the population of the Bredinsky municipal district on improving the work of social protection institutions of the population of the Chelyabinsk region, the results of which were published on the website of the Ministry of Social Relations of the Chelyabinsk region.

According to the survey, residents of the city rate their family's standard of living as:

High - 0 (0%)

medium - 6 (30%)

low - 12 (60%)

below the poverty line - 2 (10%).

Rice. 6. How do you assess the standard of living of your family?

An analysis of the social well-being of the population of the city of Dudinka showed that 30% of the surveyed residents assess their family's standard of living as average, but 60% of respondents noted that their standard of living is low, and 10% live below the poverty line.

The respondents rated their state of health as:

Excellent - 1 (5%);

good - 4 (20%);

satisfactory - 11 (55%);

severe - 4 (20%).

As we can see from the survey results, less than half of the respondents consider their health to be excellent (5%) or good (20%). 20% rated the state of health as severe, which indicates the need for regular social support for these respondents. Such support is periodically necessary for those who rated their health as satisfactory (55%).

Rice. 7. How do you assess the state of your health?

To the question “Do you apply for help to the social protection authorities?” Distribute your answers as follows:

Yes - 18 (90%);

no - 2 (10%).

Rice. 8. Do you apply for help to the social protection authorities?

The majority of respondents (90%) seek help from the Department of Social Protection of the Population.

To the question “Do you receive assistance from the social protection authorities?” respondents answered as follows:

Yes - 18 (90%);

no - 2 (10%).

Rice. 9. Do you receive assistance from the social protection authorities?

Also, 90% of the respondents receive assistance from the social protection authorities.

In 2011, the respondents were provided with the following types of social support:

Social services (transport, utilities, medical, etc.) - 15 (75%)

financial assistance (allowances, additional payments, material assistance, etc.) - 12 (60%)

spa treatment - 3 (15%)

in-kind assistance (food, food packages, clothing, etc.) - 4 (20%)

not provided - 2 (10%)

your option is 0 (0%).

As you can see, the measures of social support for the population in the Taimyrsky Dolgano-Nenetsky municipal district are quite diverse. The most popular measure is the provision of social services to the population: transport, utilities, medical, etc. In 2011, they were used by 75% of respondents. There is a fairly large category of respondents (60%) who receive financial assistance: allowances, additional payments, material assistance, etc. In 2011, 20% took advantage of such a measure of social support as in-kind assistance: food, food packages, clothes, etc.

Rice. 10. What kind of social support did you receive in 2011?

According to the respondents, the most urgent problems of social protection in the municipal district today are:

the problem of social support for family and childhood - 20 (100%)

providing citizens with subsidies for paying for housing and utilities - 16 (80%)

organizing the appointment and payment of state social benefits and compensations - 2 (10%)

the problem of social support for the disabled - 16 (80%)

the problem of social support for veterans - 16 (80%)

the problem of organizing social assistance - 16 (80%)

your option is 0 (0%).

Rice. 13. What problems in the field of social protection of the population are the most relevant today?

So, a survey of residents of the city of Dudinka showed that 60% of respondents assess their standard of living as low, and 10% of respondents live below the poverty line. 90% of the respondents regularly apply to the social protection authorities for the provision of this or that social assistance. The most demanded measures of social protection of the population are social services (transport, utilities, medical, etc.) and financial assistance (allowances, additional payments, material assistance, etc.). The most urgent problem, according to respondents, is the problem of social support for families and childhood.

Thus, the results of the study allow us to draw the following conclusions. The bodies of social protection of the Taimyrsky Dolgano-Nenetsky municipal district carry out quite comprehensive activities, covering almost all categories of socially unprotected strata of the population. However, the following issues need to be addressed:

low standard of living of the population of the municipal district;

the need for further development of social protection measures for families with children.

3 Ways to solve the problems of social protection of the population

The low standard of living of the population of the Taimyrsky Dolgano-Nenets municipal district necessitates the adoption of additional measures for the social protection of the population by local governments. This requires the development of municipal programs for the protection of socially vulnerable categories of the population and, accordingly, an increase in the expenditure items of the municipal budget for social payments. When developing targeted programs for social protection of the population, special attention should be paid to such unprotected categories of the population as children in prison and released from places of deprivation of liberty and families with children, especially large families.

In order to develop the main directions for improving the social protection of the population in the Taimyrsky Dolgano-Nenetsky municipal district, we undertook an analysis of the experience of other regions of the Russian Federation.

In the course of the analysis, in connection with the identified problems, our attention was drawn to the Law of the Tyumen region "On the social adaptation of persons released from penitentiary institutions." It spells out specific mechanisms for the return of former offenders and their full-fledged arrangement in society. The need to develop this law was due to a fairly high level of recidivism in the Tyumen region.

The law of the Tyumen region "On the social adaptation of persons released from institutions for the execution of sentences" establishes the basis for the legal regulation of issues of providing assistance to persons released from places of deprivation of liberty, determines the principles and main directions of activity of the bodies and institutions of the system of social rehabilitation of these persons. A comprehensive system of social adaptation of persons released from institutions provides for the creation of specialized social service institutions: centers for social adaptation and rehabilitation, shelters, night and temporary stay houses for temporary accommodation of former prisoners; referrals of disabled people, men and women of retirement age, at their request, to homes for the disabled and the elderly. In addition, the law provides for the provision of assistance to former prisoners in employment and their professional training, including through the organization of paid public works, the organization of medical care, including in specialized medical institutions. It provides for the registration of social benefits and payments to persons released from places of deprivation of liberty, assistance to women from among them and those who have small children with them in their placement in kindergartens.

The Law separately prescribes measures in the field of social adaptation of minors released from penitentiary institutions. The measures being implemented include the identification and registration of parents and legal representatives left without care, the organization of individual preventive work with young offenders, the organization of leisure and employment, and the creation of conditions for their patriotic, spiritual and moral education. Assistance is provided to families in the upbringing of adolescents released from places of deprivation of liberty.

As measures of social support for minors released from places of detention, the so-called "social backpack" is provided. The "Social Backpack" is a large travel bag filled with various belongings: there are 34 items on the list, from soap, a toothbrush, to a cell phone and a watch. There is a complete set of things for all seasons, hygiene products, bed linen, towels. In order for clothes to fit teenagers in size, their size and height data are first clarified. The cost of the set being released is 15,000 rubles. Together with things, former pupils receive the so-called "Start in Life" upon release. It contains a greeting from the head of the municipality where the child returns after release and information booklets with the necessary addresses. The formation of a “social backpack”, delivery and handing over to a released convict is carried out by the Autonomous Institution of Social Services for the Population of the Tyumen Region “Social Rehabilitation Center”.

The "social backpack" is not only a measure of support, but also the prevention of recidivism and delinquency. The preparation of the inmates of the colony for release is aimed at eliminating the main negative consequences that may prevent the released person from becoming on the path of an honest working life.

The adoption of a similar law in the Taimyrsky Dolgano-Nenetsky municipal district, in our opinion, will allow public associations, citizens, legal entities to contribute to the social adaptation of persons released from penitentiary institutions. And the executive authorities of the municipal district will have the opportunity to combine the efforts of all structures interested in the prevention of recidivism and the placement of former prisoners in a normal society and coordinate their work. Financial support for measures for the social adaptation of persons released from institutions of the penitentiary system will be carried out at the expense of the municipal budget as part of the implementation of long-term programs.

As one of the problems, we identified the need for further development of social protection measures for families with children, especially families with many children. At present, there are no specially developed programs and regulatory legal acts on the territory of the municipal district aimed at supporting this category of the population (as a rule, families with many children fall into the group of low-income families).

Our attention was drawn to the experience of social protection of large families in the Novgorod region. In order to implement additional measures of social support for large families in 2010 in the Novgorod region, a law was adopted "On measures of social support for large families living in the territory of the Novgorod region, and on vesting local governments with certain state powers." The law applies to families with three or more children.

A similar law could also be adopted in the Taimyrsky Dolgano-Nenetsky municipal district and financed from the municipal budget.

By analogy with the Novgorod region, additional support measures for large families may look like this:

Of course, the implementation of these laws and targeted programs needs sufficient funding. In addition to budgetary funds, funds from charitable foundations, private entrepreneurs and organizations can be attracted as additional sources.


So, as a result of the study, we came to the following conclusions.

The analysis of theoretical documents made it possible to formulate the following definition of the term "social protection". Social protection of the population is a system for managing social risks in order to compensate for damage, reduce or prevent their impact on the process of expanded reproduction of the population. The need for state social protection is due to a number of factors:

a feature of the organization of a modern market economy, in which a significant number of its members are employees;

the impossibility of the modern family, due to the small number of its members, to serve as an informal institution of protection against social risks;

the impossibility of satisfactory social support from church, communal, public or charitable organizations;

reducing social risks through voluntary personal insurance is impossible for the majority of citizens, since such insurance provides for rather high insurance premiums;

extremely important in today's economy is the insurance of risks that are not always covered by private programs, such as unemployment and inflation;

the lack of compulsory risk insurance leads to economic costs that inevitably arise in the case of the existence of uninsured persons, to whom society is forced to provide social assistance in the event of an insured event.

The main stages in the formation of the system of social protection of the population:

selection of target groups from the entire population;

the choice of methods that ensure the targeted nature of assistance;

assessment of the standard of living necessary for the correct identification of target groups;

choice of ways to provide benefits, subsidies, benefits.

The main feature of the Russian system of social protection of the population is that the provision of social support is carried out only to the most vulnerable groups of citizens with increased funding for social programs from extrabudgetary sources, as well as an increase in the share of personal funds in paying for social services.

An analysis of effective foreign experience under the conditions of its adaptation to Russian conditions allows us to identify the following areas for modernizing the domestic system of social protection of the population:

completion of the formation of the national system of social protection, since effective protection against social and professional risks can be provided in the context of the interconnection of all types of social protection;

strengthening insurance mechanisms for financing social protection, since the construction of a social state depends on how the insurance principles will be implemented in the system of pension, medical insurance, unemployment and other sectors of social protection;

the formation of a domestic model of social protection must be carried out taking into account Russian specifics and successful world experience in social protection, especially in the states of the European Union;

the development of social protection involves the adaptation of existing social mechanisms to market relations and their development in new conditions;

development of social protection systems built on the principle of targeting individual social programs (for example, social assistance programs) as a way to resolve financial difficulties in the organization of social protection.

An analysis of local regulatory legal acts of the Administration of the Taimyrsky municipal district showed that the main task of the Department of Social Protection of the Population is the execution of certain state powers transferred to local governments of the municipal district in the field of social support and social services for the population, guardianship and guardianship in relation to persons recognized as incapacitated or limited in capacity, as well as adult able-bodied persons in need of guardianship for health reasons, providing compensation to certain categories of citizens, exercising the powers of local self-government bodies of the municipal district to provide pensions for certain categories of persons.

An analysis of the activities of the Department of Social Protection of the Population, as well as a survey conducted among the employees of the Department, made it possible to identify the following problems:

Low standard of living of the population of the municipal district;

insufficient work of local self-government bodies in the field of social protection of children in prison and released from places of deprivation of liberty;

the need for further development of social protection measures for families with children.

The solution of these problems is possible subject to the development and implementation of targeted programs and laws to support socially vulnerable groups of the population with the involvement of both the municipal budget and additional sources of funding, which may include charitable foundations, private entrepreneurs and organizations.

In particular, we suggest that local governments of the Taimyrsky Dolgano-Nenetsky municipal district develop and implement the Law “On the social adaptation of persons released from penitentiary institutions”, in which it is necessary to separately prescribe measures in the field of social adaptation of minors released from penitentiary institutions. The law will not only provide material, social and psychological support to minors, but will also contribute to the prevention and, possibly, the reduction of crime among young people.

Additional measures to support large families can be developed within the framework of the relevant law. We offer the following additional support measures:

compensation in the amount of 50 percent of the established payment for housing and communal services and electricity;

free travel on intracity (bus) and suburban public transport for students of educational institutions;

free provision of medicines for children under 6 years of age;

priority admission of children to educational preschool institutions.

So, improving the social protection of the population of the Taimyr Dolgano-Nenetsky municipal district is possible subject to the development and implementation of additional measures for the social protection of the population by local governments.

Consequently, the research hypothesis was confirmed, the goal was achieved, the tasks were solved.


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Attachment 1

Questionnaire "Problems of social protection of the population of the Taimyr Dolgano-Nenets municipal district"

Dear employees of the Department of Social Protection of the Population of the Administration of the Taimyr Dolgano-Nenets Municipal District!

We invite you to answer the questionnaire. The survey is conducted in order to identify the current problems in the field of social protection of the population of the municipal district, in particular - the social protection of children and adolescents.

Instructions: for each of the questions, you must select one or more answers that reflect your opinion.

Which of the tasks outlined below are, in your opinion, the priority in the activities of the state for the social protection of the population?

reduction of social tension in society;

providing social assistance to families, individual citizens who find themselves in a difficult life situation;

adaptation of the population to new socio-economic conditions;

social rehabilitation of citizens, including minors, who are disabled;

creating favorable conditions for people in need of stationary social services, as well as temporary shelter;

protection of the rights and interests of children and adolescents left without parental care, neglected children, prevention of delinquency among minors.

In your opinion, in working with children, the activities of the social protection authorities should primarily be aimed at:

maintaining their health;

ensuring material well-being;

ensuring free accessible education, preschool and school education;

ensuring harmonious spiritual and moral development, the realization of the abilities of children.

The Department of Social Protection of the Population of the TMDNR Administration works with the following categories of children:


children from low-income families;

children from dysfunctional families;

children from large families;

disabled children;

children left without supervision;

children in prison and released from places of deprivation of liberty.

What kind of work is carried out by the Department of Social Protection in relation to minors and their families who are in a socially dangerous situation?

identification and analysis of the causes of family problems;

the interaction of various organizations and institutions of the municipal district, ensuring the identification of families and minors who are in a socially dangerous situation;

organization of work with children and their families.

Which, in your opinion, of the areas indicated below are the most promising in the work of the Department of Social Protection of the TMDNR?

social support for pregnant women;

social support for families in connection with the birth and upbringing of a child;

social support for low-income families;

social support for large families.

Thank you for your participation!

Annex 2

Questionnaire "Problems of organizing social protection of the population in the Taimyr Dolgano-Nenetsky municipal district"

Dear residents of the city of Dudinka!

We invite you to take part in the survey, the purpose of which is to identify problems in the field of social protection of the population of the Taimyr Dolgano-Nenets municipal district.

For questions 1-4, 6, select one answer, for questions 5-6 - one or more answers.

1. How do you assess the standard of living of your family?

below the poverty line.

How do you assess the state of your health?



Do you seek help from the social welfare authorities?

Do you receive assistance from social welfare authorities?

What type of social support did you receive in 2011?

social services (transport, utilities, medical, etc.)

financial assistance (allowances, additional payments, material assistance, etc.)

Spa treatment

in-kind assistance (food, food packages, clothing, etc.)

not rendered

your option __________________________________________

What problems in the field of social protection of the population are the most relevant today?

the problem of social support for family and childhood

providing citizens with subsidies for housing and utility bills

organizing the appointment and payment of state social benefits and compensations

the problem of social support for the disabled

the problem of social support for veterans

the problem of organizing social assistance

your option _______________________________

Thank you for your participation!

We hope that your answers will help in improving the work of social protection institutions.