Compatibility by date of birth 311. Compatibility by elements

This section of our website is dedicated to the topic of compatibility, which is important and relevant at all times. This astrological project invites you not only to evaluate your compatibility with your partner - whether it is good or bad - but also gives a description of various aspects of the relationship. Therefore, here you will find answers to all your questions on the topic of relationships and compatibility: about the quality of communication, about love, about sex, about mutual understanding... Just, please, do not be alarmed or upset if you find any shortcomings in the analysis of your relationship. Nothing is perfect in this world. We all dream of beautiful, strong, carefree love. But in reality you always have to face some difficulties. But this is precisely what makes life more interesting, this develops us and makes us stronger and wiser. Harmony in relationships is most often not a gift of fate, but the result of working on oneself. We all learn to love, learn to give in and understand each other. Our horoscope is not a reason for excessive criticism or discarding “less than ideal” candidates. Our compatibility horoscope is an interesting tool with which you can find weak and problematic areas in a relationship in order to take the situation into your own hands and change everything for the better by working a little on yourself. You may be interested to know: the experience of many astrologers who closely study the topic of love and relationships shows that the complete absence of conflicts and tension in a couple is not a very good factor for the duration of a relationship. When everything is always good and calm, it’s too boring! And quarrels and the danger of separation sometimes remind us so well of how dear our partner is to us. Moreover, it’s always so nice to make peace! Therefore, appreciate love - it is a great gift - appreciate those who are close to you. And if you have not yet met your soulmate, then our compatibility horoscope, we really hope, will help you with this. We wish you love and harmonious relationships!

Synastry, Compatibility of partners.

The article was written based on the book by S. Shestopalov “Astrology of Relationships”.

One of the most important problems that concern all people. In order not to harm the child, parents must know the specifics of their interaction with him. Spouses want to understand whether the differences that arise are serious or temporary. In business life, people carefully choose their business partner. In solving these problems, such a section of astrology as synastry will help, i.e. partner compatibility.

You can MAKE A HOROSCOPE of compatibility yourself on the page


According to research, the most stable unions are:

Aquarius man – Taurus woman, only 9% of divorces

Aquarius men – Gemini women, only 10% of divorces.

The most unstable:

Taurus men – Cancer women, 47% of divorces

Gemini men – Cancer women 42% of divorces

Virgo men and Aquarius women – 42%

Scorpio men – Gemini women 42%.
Compatibility chart of zodiac signs with each other. Research conducted by S. Shestopalov, using synastric principles

Table taken from the site

Considering the section of synastry, compatibility between a man and a woman, we can highlight several main points influencing the union:

1. Conflict.

2. The seal of happiness, the seal of unhappiness in relationships

3. Sexual, sensual compatibility.

5. Gender, external compatibility.

6. Formula of love.

7. Benefit or damage from the partner.

8. Formula for one person causing physical harm to another

4. Psychological compatibility.

Psychological compatibility is expressed by sincerity, mutual understanding, tenderness, and mutual care. It is determined by the participation of the following pairs: Venus and the Moon of one person with Venus and the Moon of another, the Sun of one with the Sun of another. Venus is responsible for affection, sympathy, sympathy, the Moon gives kindness, care and attention, the Sun - general views on the world, mutual understanding. With harmonious aspects, these planets speak of people’s friendly disposition towards each other. The disharmonious influence of the planets does not lead to serious contradictions and ruptures, although it can darken the atmosphere.

5. External (gender) interaction.

This external manifestation of sexuality allows us to evaluate the interaction between a man and a woman, taking into account their gender, the manifestation of femininity and masculinity in the presence of a partner. This block examines the interaction of male planets - the Sun and Mars with female planets - the Moon and Venus.

With good interaction between these planets, a man and a woman are externally perceived by others as a couple, a single whole. If the interaction of these planets is intense, then the appearance of the partners may contradict each other. People around them may perceive them as complete strangers to each other.

6. Formula of love.

Here we are talking about the elements of the V and VII fields of the horoscopes of a man and a woman. Interaction may not be created by sexual planets. The analysis is done based on studying the natal charts of partners. The lords and planets of these houses are considered as elements, as well as the sexual planets acting as elements of these houses. The harmonious interaction of these fields leads to marriage, and tense aspects can indicate a long-term union without registration.

7. Benefits and damages from the partner.

The Black Moon is a fictitious point in space and a special element of the horoscope. The Black Moon is about gains and losses. Its harmonious influence on the partner’s planets brings material benefits, and disharmonious aspects indicate financial damage due to the fault of the partner. Often one of the spouses in a marriage lives at the expense of the other; this does not mean a bad union or a failed relationship. In the case of a business partnership, the negative aspects from the Black Moon cannot be neglected.

The Ascending Lunar Node has to do with the karmic component of relationships. Harmonious aspects of the Lunar Node to the partner’s planets indicate that the former is a conductor of good karma, and tension may indicate that the partner is worsening karma and may be its instrument. However, it does not affect the strength and feeling of happiness in the union.

8. Formula for causing physical harm.

In the formula for causing physical harm, when the abscissars (elements of the VIII house) of one subject affect the hylegs (elements of the I and X fields) of another. Such interaction suggests that the first subject can cause harm and cause the death of another, intentionally or through negligence.

An unhappy union should not be maintained against common sense,

it can have a bad impact on your mental and physical health. Preserving a family for the sake of children is a delusion; in fact, intense conflict situations traumatize the child’s psyche. In addition, a conflict union can end in tragedy, do not tempt fate.

If the alliance turns out to be unsuccessful, there is no need to look for those to blame. Perhaps individually these two people are wonderful people, they are just not compatible with each other. Each person has the prospect of a new union with a more suitable partner who fits you like a picture in a puzzle, everyone has a chance to become happy.

So let's summarize the topic we are considering - synastry, compatibility of partners.

For a stable union in compatibility, the following are important:

1. Lack of increased conflict.

2. In a married couple - sexual compatibility

3. Psychological interaction

4. Having a seal of happiness

5. Gender compatibility

Destroys the union:

1. Increased conflict

2. Seal of misfortune

3. Lack of sex and mutual understanding worsens relationships, but does not lead to the final disintegration of the union

Knowing the dates, places and times of birth (at least approximately) of two people, you can build a compatibility horoscope by date of birth. This joint horoscope (called Synastry in astrology) will be as individual as possible. It allows you to identify all the problematic issues in a relationship and show all the positive things that exist and/or can exist between partners.

Decoding such a horoscope (its textual interpretation) gives specific practical advice(including from the point of view of astropsychology) to smooth out the negative aspects of relationships and maximize the positive ones.

3 compatibility options by date of birth:

    1. There are no negative aspects at all or significantly fewer of them than positive ones. In this case, there are practically no problems in the relationship, at least at first: everything is easy and pleasant. BUT! In such relationships there is no what is called “spark”. And unfortunately, despite all their ease and problem-freeness, after some time they will exhaust themselves, people will become like strangers to each other. Strange as it may seem, but in such cases it is recommended to emphasize the negative aspects of the relationship, possibly causing conflicts and disputes and even scandals, but definitely adding “spark.” Especially if the relationship has been going on for quite a long time. This will keep the relationship alive and long lasting.

  1. There are many negative aspects, but less than positive ones. This is the most promising relationship. Negative aspects will provide energy for the constant renewal of relationships, bringing in that very “spark” that is sometimes so lacking with positive aspects alone. BUT! Negative aspects sometimes require a rather long and difficult so-called. working through, when you and your partner, as they say, get used to each other, learn to understand and accept each other as they are. And in this case, knowing exactly what exactly your problems in the relationship are can help a lot. And after working through , after some time, negative aspects ALWAYS become positive, and with great potential and energy. People begin to live, as they say, soul to soul.
  2. There are many negative aspects, more than positive ones. This is perhaps the most difficult type of relationship. Both you and your partner will have to work very hard to work through the negative aspects of the relationship. You will most likely have a lot of disagreements and disputes, leading to a scandal. In this case, it is simply necessary that each partner clearly recognizes and understands the roots of all conflicts and actively acts to smooth and mitigate them. After some sufficiently long time, this will certainly bear fruit and the relationship will become even more harmonious than in the second option. Unless, of course, the partners break up for good after another quarrel.

In any case, building relationships is incomparably easier when you know that difficulties with your partner are not caused by his intentionally negative attitude, but simply by aspects of your compatibility horoscope. Especially if your partner also strives to work through all the negative aspects with you, achieving true harmony. Perhaps this is true happiness! 🙂

Synastry is built automatically FOR FREE. It stores all information about the past, present and future of your relationship in encoded form.

If you do not know the exact time of birth of one or both partners, indicate 12:00 and then look at all aspects in the interpretation, except those in which one of the aspected planets is the Moon and Mercury. According to them, most likely, the advice will be inaccurate. For all other planets, the correspondence will still be quite high.

To calculate and build your compatibility horoscope by date, please fill out the data of both partners in the form below.

Date of birth year
Time of birth min.
City of birth
Latin letters
Date of birth January February March April May June July August September October November December year
Time of birth 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 hours min.
City of birth
Latin letters

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Partners are attracted to each other and want intimacy. If they receive it, then this is accompanied by significant satisfaction, since both partners “speak the same language” and understand well what each other needs. Their passions may coincide at the most necessary moments.

Seal of happiness for a man

A woman makes a man happier. This can be expressed in completely different ways, but one thing is clear - a man enjoys the company of this woman, since at the right moment she can cheer him up, give advice, and even (not uncommonly) please him with some kind of gift. She is ready to support his endeavors in many ways. This is a very good aspect.

Non-conflict union

With this combination, the man and woman do not oppose each other. They are tactful where necessary, and their actions are also quite coordinated and do not affect the interests of their partner. Even if a clash occurs (which is rare), then in almost any case they can sooner or later find a compromise.

A man and a woman go well together in appearance. Their gender roles fit well together, resulting in the “flourishing” of the woman and the “masculinity of the man.” This can be expressed, for example, in the same taste in clothes, in the same lifestyle, in the same facial features or compatible build. This aspect is very good for theater actors or dance partners - they can be similar in appearance and in their “habits”.

Psychological Understanding

Examples of intimate compatibility horoscope:

intimate satisfaction

Partners are attracted to each other and want intimacy. If they receive it, then this is accompanied by significant satisfaction, since both partners “speak the same language” and understand well what each other needs. Their passions may coincide at the most necessary moments.

Intimate dissatisfaction

Partners are attracted to each other, and there may even be a connection, but it cannot become strong after a while. It will be difficult for them to get satisfaction from each other, since in the compatibility horoscope there are no common points of contact, as if they “speak” different languages.

Excellent intimate compatibility!

A man and a woman can truly enjoy each other, being on the same wavelength of sensations and pleasant impressions. This is exactly the compatibility horoscope that gives the best picture - partners “charge” each other with positivity, which greatly strengthens their union.

No intimate crossings

In this case, it is more of a negative situation than a positive one. Partners need a certain core of the relationship, attraction, satisfaction with each other, which will keep them together and not allow them to look at other, more interesting candidates. It's quite difficult to get it here. Especially in the long term.

Examples of the level of happiness in the compatibility horoscope:

Seal of happiness

A woman makes a man happier. This can be expressed in completely different ways, but one thing is clear - a man enjoys the company of this woman, since at the right moment she can cheer him up, give advice, and even (not uncommonly) please him with some kind of gift. She is ready to support his endeavors in many ways. This is a very good aspect in the compatibility horoscope.

Seal of happiness

A man makes a woman happier. He treats her more favorably than women with whom he does not have this aspect. This can be expressed in completely different ways, but the essence is the same - he is generous to her, ready to support and please her in every possible way. He is ready to answer her “Yes” more often to her various endeavors, requests and even whims. This is a very good aspect in the compatibility horoscope.

Mutual seal of happiness!

This is a unique case - both partners make each other happier. Couples with this combination are very happy due to the fact that the partners mutually support each other and treat each other with warmth. With this combination and in the absence of other negative aspects in the love horoscope, they can survive almost any adversity, which in ordinary couples creates a difficult mood and disunity.

Examples of the level of unhappiness in the compatibility horoscope:

A sign of misfortune for a man

A woman suppresses a man. This is a very negative aspect in the compatibility horoscope, which overshadows the effect of other harmonious aspects. In this case, the woman treats the man very strictly, dryly and perhaps even cruelly. In her presence, he clearly feels this on himself: an outflow of strength, a drop in mood and motivation. Married couples with such aspects in the compatibility horoscope are rarely formed, but if they are formed (for example, forced circumstances), then the man then suffers from the woman’s attacks, unless he is accustomed to matriarchy from childhood or loves the woman so much. A woman should pacify her demands on a man and try to treat him more gently and kindly.

A sign of misfortune for a woman

A man suppresses a woman. This is a very negative aspect in the compatibility horoscope, which overshadows the effect of other harmonious aspects. In this case, the man treats the woman very strictly, dryly and perhaps even cruelly. In his presence, she clearly feels this on herself: an outflow of strength, a drop in mood and motivation. Married couples with such aspects are rarely formed, but if they are formed, the woman then suffers from the sometimes unreasonable harsh attitude of the man. This is fraught with depression on her part. A woman should not take a man’s harshness to heart and try to maintain a good mood.
(please check the accuracy of the entered time of birth of both partners - this aspect may disappear if the correct time of birth is entered)

Mutual seal of misfortune!

Both partners suppress each other. This is the most negative celestial combination that can be encountered in life. Couples with this aspect live in discord. Living in harmony and a healthy state of mind is very difficult. Usually such couples are formed due to forced circumstances.
(please check the accuracy of the entered time of birth of both partners - this aspect may disappear from the compatibility horoscope if the correct time of birth is indicated)

Examples of the level of conflict in the compatibility horoscope:

Non-conflict union

With this combination, the man and woman do not oppose each other. They are tactful where necessary, and their actions are also quite coordinated and do not affect the interests of their partner. Even if a clash occurs (which is rare), then in almost any case they can sooner or later find a compromise.

Conflict alliance

With this combination, a man and a woman oppose themselves to each other. There come times when they are tactless where necessary. It happens that a conflict arises out of nowhere: they become aggressive, stubborn or principled, believing that they are right, while refusing to apologize or take the blame. Failure to agree often leads to disunity, distance, and often the breakdown of relationships. If there are 3 such aspects in the compatibility horoscope, then good intimate compatibility is necessary, so that there is “something to forgive for”, so that there is affection.

Examples of external compatibility in a horoscope:

"External" compatibility (nice addition)

A man and a woman go well together in appearance. Their gender roles fit well together, resulting in the “flourishing” of the woman and the “masculinity of the man.” This can be expressed, for example, in the same taste in clothes, in the same lifestyle, in the same facial features or compatible build. This aspect in the compatibility horoscope is very good for theater actors or dance partners - they can be similar in appearance and in their “habits”.

Minor "external" incompatibility

A man and a woman may not be exactly alike. This can be expressed, for example, in different tastes in clothing, different lifestyles, different facial features or different builds. In itself, this aspect in the compatibility horoscope does not cause any trouble.

Examples of psychological compatibility in a horoscope:

Psychological Understanding

A man and a woman understand each other well psychologically. With such aspects it is quite easy for them to communicate, share impressions and experiences. Perhaps a general sense of humor. The ability to understand your partner’s mood and adapt to the wave. Or sympathy for the partner’s inner world.

A little psychological misunderstanding

In this case, difficulties may arise in understanding one partner by the other. There are situations when it is difficult to convey your mood or experience so that your partner gets into it or at least understands what we are talking about.

02.07.2016 11:20

Many treatises on synastric astrology, dedicated to the compatibility of partners, consider many different factors, all planets, nodes, lots. If you use this entire cumbersome arsenal, it turns out that there cannot be completely harmonious unions. On the other hand, this approach does not make it possible to unambiguously answer such a question, for example: will this marriage end in separation or not? Because you can always find some positive indications along with the negative ones. But life shows that there are happy unions and unhappy couples. So what exactly determines this?

Which planets are the most influential in the fate of the union?


Determines the interaction of people at the level of understanding, at the level of ego-consciousness. It is important what sign the man has and what sign the woman has. That is, for example, the pair Capricorn Woman and Aries Man is not the same as Aries Woman and Capricorn Man, and so on for all other signs.

For clarity, let’s draw a table showing which signs get along better/worse with whom.


Good combination

Problematic combination

Aries man

Libra, Leo, Aries

Scorpio, Cancer, Taurus, Pisces, Gemini, Sagittarius

Aries woman

Aries, Aquarius

Libra, Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio, Sagittarius

Taurus man

Capricorn, Pisces, Libra

Cancer, Taurus

Taurus woman

Aquarius, Capricorn, Cancer

Taurus, Gemini, Aries

Gemini man.

Capricorn, Aquarius, Scorpio

Cancer, Taurus, Sagittarius

Gemini woman

Aquarius, Cancer

Scorpio, Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aries

Cancer man

Taurus, Cancer, Gemini

Libra, Aries

Cancer woman


Taurus, Gemini, Aries, Sagittarius

Leo man



Leo woman

Libra, Aries

Leo, Virgo, Aquarius

Virgo man


Aquarius, Leo, Scorpio

Virgo woman

Capricorn, Pisces

Sagittarius, Libra, Aquarius, Scorpio

Libra man


Gemini, Virgo, Aries

Libra woman

Aries, Pisces, Taurus


Scorpio man

Pisces, Sagittarius

Gemini, Aquarius, Aries, Virgo

Scorpio woman

Pisces, Gemini

Aries, Capricorn, Virgo

Sagittarius man

no stable alliances

Gemini, Virgo, Aries, Cancer

Sagittarius woman

Capricorn, Leo, Scorpio

Aquarius, Gemini, Aries

Capricorn man

Taurus, Sagittarius, Virgo, Capricorn

Gemini, Scorpio, Pisces

Capricorn woman

Gemini, Taurus, Capricorn


Aquarius man

Taurus, Gemini, Aries

Sagittarius, Virgo, Aquarius, Leo

Aquarius woman


Virgo, Scorpio, Aquarius, Pisces

Pisces man

Libra, Scorpio, Virgo, Pisces

Aries, Aquarius

Pisces woman

Scorpio, Taurus, Pisces, Virgo

Aries, Capricorn

Summary: the characteristic of compatibility according to the Zodiac Sign is a probabilistic thing; one can talk about the increased problematic or favorable nature of the union, but in this particular case one can never draw an unambiguous conclusion. That is, focusing on the signs of the Zodiac, it is impossible to give a specific answer about the prospects of relationships.


Responsible for the emotional and sensual side of a person’s life, his mental organization. If the Moons of two people are in harmonious aspect with each other (conjunction, sextile, trine), then we can say: they live in perfect harmony. This is a good emotional perception of each other, empathy, good contact at the level of simple bodily and daily needs (dishes, food, drink, ways to achieve emotional and bodily comfort). This is a favorable interaction at the level of the subconscious, inexpressible deep emotional movements.


The planet is the least serious in compatibility astrology; no special problems ever arise, even if the Mercury partners are in a tense (square, opposition) aspect to each other. Mercury is responsible for communication skills, interaction at the level of a specific practical mind, at the level of speech. Of course, if two people have Mercury in a tense aspect, then they can argue, but all this is superficial, all this does not in any way affect their feelings for each other. There is a saying: " dear ones scold - just amuse themselves". This is about Mercury. There are a lot of couples in which the spouses do not talk to each other at all, except through an argument. And nothing, they live long and even happily. They perceive this normally, they even consider these squabbles to be something like an intellectual game, This does not lead to any destructive consequences.


Responsible for the feeling of sympathy between people. This is the level of acceptance: like it - don't like it. As they say: " she's not my type" (or vice versa). If Venus is in a harmonious aspect (conjunction, sextile, trine), then people sympathize with each other. They like each other. But this interaction is devoid of sexual overtones. This is precisely a feeling of sympathy. Very often harmonious Venus meets in friendly relations .


Energy of action. Naturally, it is best if Mars does not damage any planets in the partner’s chart, since in tense aspects Mars is a very aggressive, conflict-ridden planet. If two Mars in the horoscopes of partners are in a tense aspect (conjunction, square, opposition), then this is conflict on the physical level. I'm tempted to give it to him in the ear! Conflict at the level of specific actions and the use of physical force in relation to each other. Such partners can throw some object at each other or hit each other. It still depends on how aggressive Mars is in the chart of one and the other partner (they are bad/good by sign in the natal chart, have/don’t have harmonious aspects). In the worst case scenario, this can result in very serious injuries.

By the way, there are very rarely cases when Mars of one partner did not damage at least some planets in the chart of the other partner. But some damage can be ignored, while others can be very dangerous. If one person's Mars afflicts another person's Mars, Jupiter, Saturn or Pluto, then this is a serious problem. Also very serious, when Mars damages a partner’s Moon, one (whose Moon) may literally cry from the other (whose Mars). Mars offends the Moon to the point of tears, screaming and hysterics to the point of sobbing. Other damage from Mars can be ignored. For example, one person’s Mars damages another’s Sun, no big deal. You can live with this.


Another conflicting planet. In synastric astrology, Jupiter works as a conflict planet. The intense interaction of two Jupiters (square, opposition) means conflict, but, unlike Mars, it manifests itself differently. Disturbance. An outburst of indignation when one is outraged by the behavior of another. The partner may slam the door and leave the house. He gets indignant and leaves (and Mars gets indignant and punches him in the eye).

Harmonious aspects of Jupiter to the partner's Sun or Moon provide very good compatibility. This is the aspect of happiness. The Sun or Moon feels happy under the influence of Jupiter. In astrology, this aspect has a special name - “The Seal of Happiness”. Especially if this situation is mutual - for example, Jupiter of one partner makes a trine to the Sun of the other partner, and Jupiter of the second partner makes a sextile to the Moon of the first partner.

When the situation is one-sided, then one person may give a feeling of happiness to the other, but he himself may not be very happy in such a partnership.

In this case, what does Jupiter give to one person’s Moon or Sun to the partner? Joy, optimism, healing influence.

So, looking at a person’s Jupiter, we look at its aspects to the partner’s conflicting planets - to the partner’s Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto. If there is no damage, then everything will be fine.


Also a very important planet for synastric astrology. Saturnian conflict is, of course, different from Mars and Jupiter. If Saturn is damaged by the partner’s conflicting planets, then this manifests itself as a wall of alienation and silence; the person does not talk to his partner, and may not talk for a long time, several months, thereby punishing the partner for a long time and cruelly for some “offences.”

The aspects of Saturn to the partner’s Sun and Moon are also very important. It is very important that Saturn does not damage the Sun or Moon of the partner, otherwise we have a situation opposite to the harmonious aspects of Jupiter. Saturn in conjunction, square or opposition to the Sun or Moon of a partner is the so-called “Seal of Misfortune”.

What does this mean? Saturn suppresses the individuality (Sun) or psyche (Moon) of another person, humiliates and gets on the nerves. The victim (the one whose Moon or Sun) feels as if he has been driven over like a roller - a very unpleasant pressure that cannot be gotten rid of. Moreover, the one with Saturn can be a completely good person, a smart guy, a fun guy with a bunch of friends, but this is exactly how he acts on this particular partner. The partner (whose Sun or Moon) seems to be under pressure; this is a purely individual reaction. This situation is perceived especially dramatically when the suppressed person (whose Sun or Moon) is the same age or even older than the person who has Saturn. And then the suppressed person cannot come to terms with the “domination” of the other, and, moreover, this domination actually does not exist.


Paradoxically (which, however, is in the style of Uranus), but this planet does not play a significant role in synastric astrology. It can introduce elements of surprise and eccentricity. Relationships can be very original and with their own twist.

Uranus, as the planet of divorce, works in the natal chart, but at the level of interaction of two cosmograms, no significant influences were found.


Neptune can give charm and disappointment, misconceptions about the object of love. a feeling of fabulousness of what is happening, a state of painful dependence on a loved one - “love like a dream.” But, to A It turned out that this planet does not provide any noticeable effects in terms of conflict or compatibility of partners.


It is of great importance in synastric astrology as a conflict planet. If Pluto damages the partner’s conflicting planets (conjunction, square, opposition), then serious conflict situations arise. Pluto's conflict manifests itself as intransigence, the art of manipulation and control. Not a step back! Victory or death! Not an inch of our native land! Until the last drop of blood! Pluto does not concede an iota, fights until victory (or until death), the last point in the conflict must be his, the last word must be his, at all costs. And this is understandable, because Pluto is responsible for a person’s global self-affirmation in life. Pluto strives to conquer other people, but not two or three, but a crowd, a nation, or all of humanity at once.

Used literature: S. Shestopalov

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