Omelet in a bag. Boiled omelet in a bag tastes like cream cheese. With cauliflower

Omelet is a traditional “morning” dish, very tasty, healthy and low in calories. Having high nutritional value with a minimum of calories, it gives strength, but does not harm the figure. Boiled omelette in a bag has a particularly delicate taste.

The benefits of omelette in the pact and its differences from the traditional dish

Traditional versions of omelettes are prepared in a frying pan, in the oven, in a double boiler or a slow cooker. Few people know that you can make a boiled omelette in a bag. Meanwhile, the unusual dish differs from the classic one, and significantly.

An omelette prepared in this strange way contains no oil at all. There is no need to fry it, so a crispy crust that would be inappropriate for an omelette does not form. It is harmful and even dangerous to health. Adults can make decisions on their own, but children’s bodies need to be protected. Therefore, an omelette in a bag is ideal for baby food.

In addition, the unusual cooking method solves the most important problem of a real appetizing omelette: it makes the dish tall and airy without any flour or semolina. It is very difficult to achieve this in a frying pan or slow cooker. Even if a piece of a lush, beautiful omelette lands on the plate, a humble egg scone often makes it to the table.

An omelette in a bag is guaranteed to turn out fluffy, maintaining a pleasant fullness even after cooling in a plate. Considering the ease of preparation, this is a pleasant bonus to the undoubted benefits. There are other advantages: the dish cannot burn in boiling water and does not require special supervision when cooking.

Like a regular omelette, an unusual boiled one can be complicated. For example, add meat, chicken, herbs, vegetables and other ingredients to it.

Omelet in a bag: general principles of preparation

The omelet base is prepared in the same way as for preparing a classic omelet. Milk is beaten with eggs and salt using a hand whisk, mixer, blender or the old fashioned way, by hand. Everything is very simple, and provided the proportions are respected, the taste of the dish will remain unchanged.

The technology for thickening a boiled omelette in a bag is special. Here's what you'll need to get an excellent tasty dish:

Pot of boiling water;

A thick food bag (it is best to take special plastic bags for freezing food, they are stronger and guaranteed not to tear);

Stationery eraser.

Here, in fact, is the entire simple set that is needed for a culinary experiment. Place the omelette mixture inside the bag, tie it tightly and lower it into boiling water.

Boiled omelet recipes in a package

The first experience of making an omelette in a pact should be pleasant, so it’s worth mastering the classic recipe. In the future, you can move on to more complex versions of the dish.

Classic omelette

Minimal ingredients make this recipe an ideal base for breakfast or dinner. You can combine an omelette prepared according to the classic recipe with anything: ham, fresh vegetables, cheese, meat.


Three chicken eggs;

160 ml fresh milk of regular fat content;

One and a half liters of water.

Cooking method:

The eggs must first be washed. The shell may be stained with dirt, particles of dirt and feathers. All this must be washed off with running water, and then blot the eggs with a dry cloth.

Break the eggs into a completely dry bowl.

Pour in the amount of milk.

Beat everything vigorously by hand or with a mixer.

Add salt and beat again.

Open the thick plastic bag and place it in a deep plate so that you don’t have to worry about the fate of the egg-milk mixture, that is, you don’t have to be afraid that it will spill out.

Pour the omelette base into a bag.

Twist the edges tightly and secure with an elastic band.

Place a small saucepan on the fire, pouring enough water into it.

Place the bag with the future omelette in water and bring it to a boil.

Cook the omelette for ten minutes until completely thickened.

The readiness of the omelet is determined by its consistency. As soon as the boiled omelette in the bag becomes dense, it is ready.

Remove the package with the finished dish from the boiling water, place on a plate and let cool slightly.

Cut off the top of the bag along with the elastic, being careful not to burn your hands.

Place the fluffy, very tender omelette on plates and serve.

Omelet in a bag with cauliflower

A more complex omelette recipe in a package includes various components. For example, cauliflower. It contains many vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to the body, it helps fight skin problems, and is indicated for diabetes and gastritis.


One hundred grams of cauliflower;

Three eggs;

140 ml milk;

Greens (optional).

Cooking method:

Cut the cauliflower into thin slices.

Chop the dill as finely as possible with a knife.

Break the eggs into a bowl, mix with salt and milk and beat thoroughly until dense foam bubbles appear.

Add cabbage and herbs to the omelette base.

Carefully pour into the bag as described above.

Cook the omelette after boiling for about half an hour.

Remove from boiling water, cut the bag and place on plates.

Sweet boiled omelette with berries

Surprise and delight your child with a sweet berry omelet - what could be better to start a new happy day? Any berries are suitable as a filler for the egg-milk base: raspberries, sliced ​​strawberries, blueberries. If the berry miracle is prepared on a low-calorie diet, you don’t have to put sugar in it. But you don’t need milk for this dish.


Two eggs;

Two spoons of sugar;

A handful of berries;

A pinch of salt;

Half a teaspoon of lemon juice.

Cooking method:

Separate the whites from the yolks and beat until a thick mass is obtained.

Squeeze the lemon juice and add to the whites along with sugar and salt. Beat everything again.

Pour in the yolks and mix gently with a whisk.

Wash the berries, dry lightly on a paper towel and place in a bag.

Pour in the omelette base.

Tie the bag and cook for twenty minutes.

Omelet in a bag with meat and tomatoes

You will get a very tasty and satisfying dish if you cook an omelette with tomatoes and pieces of meat. This omelet can replace a full dinner. It cooks quickly, which is especially nice after a busy day at work. The meat can be anything. Boiled beef or poultry, a piece of baked pork, and high-quality store-bought ham will do. If desired, you can add your favorite spices to the dish.


Three eggs;

Half a glass of milk;

One hundred grams of boiled meat;

One small tomato;

A tablespoon of chopped greens;

Cooking method:

Cut the meat into small cubes. If it is too wet, place it on a paper towel to absorb the moisture.

Chop the greens and tomatoes.

Beat eggs, milk and salt until bubbles appear.

Throw the meat and herbs into the bowl with the egg base and stir.

Pour into a bag and cook according to the basic recipe for about half an hour.

Boiled omelet can be varied with shrimp, meat, vegetables, herbs and even berries. For a sweet version of an omelet, dried fruits are suitable: they do not add excess liquid. You can prepare a sweet dish for your child by simply adding a teaspoon of sugar instead of salt.

By the way, it’s convenient to make a boiled omelet in the morning, getting your child up after sleep. While the package with the omelet base boils independently and completely safely in the pan, you can wash the baby, dress him, and tidy up the bed. When the morning chores are completed, all that remains is to take the finished omelette out of the bag and arrange it on plates.

Instead of freezer bags, you can take two regular plastic bags to protect yourself from trouble. First tie one tightly, then the second. This design is unlikely to break. In addition, be sure to check the thick freezer bag for holes.

You can only lower the bag into boiling water if you are sure of its strength. The bags, resistant to thermal changes, will safely survive bathing in boiling water. If you are not confident in the strength of the bag, it is better to immerse it in warm water.

Cutting the bag can cause severe burns. Therefore, you need to act very carefully so that the steam jet does not damage the skin.

Boiled omelette, prepared according to any recipe, is a light, tasty, healthy dish. It fits perfectly into the concept of children's, sports and dietary nutrition and is suitable for everyone who follows a healthy diet.

Omelet is a dish with a delicate structure and stubborn character. How much nervous energy was spent by the cooks trying to prevent the omelette from falling off. They whipped it, flavored it with cream, kept it in a water bath, and read spells over it - the omelette shook its lush cap approvingly while it was being cooked, but as soon as the omelette was served to the table, it immediately turned into a skinny egg pancake. And all this happened because in the arsenal of cooks there was no one magical means of taming the obstinate, namely a plastic bag. In the package, the omelet behaves quietly, like a graduate of a cadet school. It does everything it’s told to do: it bubbles and fluffs up regularly, and when removed from the bag and laid out on a plate, it retains its original shape even after it has completely cooled. Without a single gram of flour! And not a drop of oil. The dish turns out to be the most dietary. An omelet in a package is suitable for both those on a diet and those who want to lose weight. There are few calories, more than enough benefits and inner lasting nobility. For complete clarity, I have removed the step-by-step recipe with photos.

Ingredients for 2 servings:

  • Raw chicken eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Milk 1.5-3.5% fat - 160 ml.
  • Salt - to taste.

You will also need a food grade plastic bag and a rubber band. It is most convenient to use special plastic bags for freezing; they are resistant to temperatures and are noticeably denser than ordinary plastic bags, which allows them not to tear during the cooking process. Such bags can be bought at any supermarket.

Step-by-step recipe for making an omelet in a bag

Mix eggs with milk in a bowl.

Beat everything thoroughly with a hand mixer or a regular whisk. Add salt to taste.

To make it more convenient to pour the omelette into the bag, place it in a deep bowl and pour the omelette mixture into it, this way we free both hands for convenience.

Twist the edges of the bag tightly and secure with a rubber band.

Pour approximately 1.5 liters of water into a small saucepan. Place the bag in the water, bring to a boil and cook over low heat for about 8-10 minutes (the more eggs you used, the longer it will take - a five-egg omelet will cook in the bag for about 25 minutes). As soon as the mass inside the bag becomes dense, the dish is ready.

Carefully remove the package with the finished omelette from the pan and let it cool slightly.

Carefully remove the elastic from the bag or simply cut off the top with scissors to make it easier. Try to do this carefully so as not to get burned by the hot steam. The omelette in the bag turns out very tender and airy, not at all like an omelette cooked in a frying pan or, for example, in the microwave.

Transfer the omelet from the bag to plates and serve for breakfast or lunch. Bon appetit!

A cooked omelette in a bag will appeal to all those who lead a healthy lifestyle or for other reasons need to avoid eating fried or baked foods. This method of preparing an omelet will help students, and the tasty dish can be given to a child without fear.

It is very easy to prepare an omelette with vegetables boiled in a plastic bag. You can cook the dish in a regular saucepan, in a multicooker bowl, or even steam it. You can prepare a similar delicacy in the microwave.

The beauty of a boiled omelet is that vegetables are not the only filling, and they can be replaced with cheese and cottage cheese, sausage, boiled chicken or fish without loss of quality. The taste, of course, will change, but this replacement will not be able to interrupt the splendor and tenderness of the dish. You can also prepare an omelette in a bag without additional ingredients or only from proteins, and also replace the milk with cold water.

Step-by-step video recipe

Having “conjured” the recipe, the delicacy can be made sweet or turned into a full-fledged dessert by mixing eggs with pieces of baked pumpkin, apple or steamed dried fruits. Undoubtedly, most of the substitutions will turn a dietary dish into a very high-calorie product, but if you want something unusual with a minimum of time and products, then such an omelet is exactly what you need!

Absolutely any housewife can handle preparing the delicacy. A simple step-by-step recipe with photographs will help you see firsthand how easy it is to prepare the dish yourself at home. Make this dish once and it will become your favorite, and you don’t even have to write down or bookmark the recipe, because it’s very simple.


  • chicken egg
    (2 pcs.)
  • Cow's milk
    (3.2%, 100 ml)
  • Frozen vegetables
    (1 handful)
  • Fresh herbs
    (1 tbsp.)
  • Radish
    (for decoration)
  • Ground black pepper
    (to taste)
  • Table salt
    (to taste)
  • Water
    (for cooking, 2 l)

Cooking steps

Prepare all ingredients. Wash chicken eggs thoroughly with baking soda in warm water, and then wipe dry with disposable towels.

Pour cold milk into a deep plate, then add chicken eggs. Season the mixture with ground black pepper and salt to taste.

Beat the resulting mixture with a mixer at low speed for about three minutes until it becomes liquid sour cream.

Add frozen vegetables and herbs, and then mix the egg-milk mixture thoroughly with a spoon.

Pour the mixture into a plastic food bag and tie a knot near the top, leaving most of it empty. In order to easily remove the bag of hot omelette from boiling water at the end of cooking, make a small loop over the knot. If the bag is thin, then before tying it, put another bag on the workpiece, and only then knit the top.

Pour cold water into the pan and then place the container on the fire. When the water boils, carefully lower the bag of egg and vegetable mixture into it.

Making a fluffy omelet can be a difficult and confusing process. You can simplify it by using a plastic bag and boiling water. An omelet in a bag is a simple and original way to make breakfast without the hassle.

Subtleties of preparing an omelet in a bag

If you decide to try cooking an omelette using a bag, you need to follow some nuances:

  • the cooking bag must be perfectly clean and intact;
  • For this dish, both a regular cellophane bag and a special zip-lock bag, as well as one intended for baking, are suitable;
  • Before putting the bag with the prepared egg mixture into the water, make sure once again that all the air has been removed from it;
  • if you cook according to a classic recipe, then, on the contrary, you must leave some free space, since such an omelette will increase in volume during cooking;
  • Dip the bag only into boiling water, do it carefully so as not to scald your hands;
  • if you do not want to get food poisoning, strictly adhere to the omelette cooking time specified in the recipe;
  • one edge of the bag should always be on the surface of the water;
  • use only fresh and high-quality products;
  • After you remove the bag from the boiling water, open it a little and let the excess steam escape.

You can prepare an omelette in a bag according to the classic recipe, as well as with various additives and fillings.

Pros of cooking an omelet in a bag:

  • no need to worry that your omelette will burn or not cook well;
  • You can cook an omelet in a bag in boiling water even while traveling;
  • this dish is ideal for people who are contraindicated in fried foods;
  • You can use leftover finished products for the filling.

Classic boiled omelette in a bag: recipe with photo


  • chicken eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • pasteurized milk 2.5% fat - 1/3 cup;
  • Dutch cheese - 100 g;
  • table salt;
  • 2 plastic bags.


An omelet prepared according to this recipe is a very healthy and dietary food, since it does not contain oil. If you doubt the benefits of this dish due to the use of plastic bags, you can cook this omelet in a regular jar.

Appetizing omelette with filling, cooked in a bag


  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • 2 champignons;
  • ½ tbsp. grated cheese;
  • 1 tbsp. l. finely chopped onion;
  • 2 tbsp. l. finely chopped tomato;
  • ham - 2 slices;
  • 1 tbsp. l. adzhiki.


  1. Take a special omelette bag and install it as indicated in the previous recipe.
  2. Beat in the eggs and close the zipper of the bag tightly, making sure that no excess air remains.
  3. Shake vigorously and knead the bag with your hands until the eggs are well beaten.
  4. Unpack and add the remaining finely chopped ingredients to the egg mixture.
  5. Remove excess air and seal the bag.
  6. Boil water in a large saucepan.
  7. Place the bag in boiling water. You can make several types of omelettes in a bag using 1 pan of boiling water.
  8. Boil the omelette for about 30 minutes. After this, take out the bag and place the finished dish on a plate.

Boiled omelette in a bag with cheese and squid


  • chicken eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • cream cheese - 50 g;
  • milk - 1/2 cup;
  • canned squid - 100 g;
  • salt;
  • green.


  1. Grate the cheese on a fine grater.
  2. Cut the squid into small cubes or slices, as desired.
  3. Beat eggs into a bowl, add milk and salt. Beat thoroughly with a whisk or fork until smooth.
  4. Pour the grated cheese and squid into a bowl and mix with a spatula.
  5. Pour the mixture into the bag. Remove excess air and fasten tightly.
  6. Carefully place the bag into a pan of boiling water.
  7. Cook our omelette over low heat for 25 minutes.
  8. Take the finished omelette out of the bag and place it on a plate. Serve to the table, first garnished with herbs.

Boiled children's omelette with quail eggs and vegetables

Very often it is difficult to persuade children to eat healthy and necessary foods. But here you can use a little trick. Most kids enjoy eating an omelette for breakfast, so why not make it with these healthy ingredients? This omelet can be prepared for children aged one year and older.


  • 6 quail eggs;
  • boiled corn - 50 g;
  • boiled broccoli - 50 g;
  • boiled cauliflower - 50 g;
  • milk - 1/3 tbsp.


  1. If the vegetables are raw, they should be boiled before preparing the omelette.
  2. Corn from a young cob is cooked for about 20 minutes after the water boils. Cauliflower - from 10 to 15, and broccoli - about 5-7 minutes. But the best option would be if you steamed the vegetables.
  3. Beat the eggs into a bowl and stir with a fork until smooth, no need to beat.
  4. Add milk and mix everything again.
  5. Chop the vegetables into small pieces, salt everything moderately.
  6. Take the baking sleeve and check its integrity.
  7. Place the boiled and chopped root vegetables in a bag and distribute the contents evenly.
  8. Pour the milk-egg mixture over the vegetables and close the edge of the bag, securing tightly with a clip. Leave some space in the bag as the contents will expand during cooking.
  9. Place the bag in boiling water and cook for about 15-20 minutes until tender over medium heat.
  10. The readiness of the omelet can be determined by sticking the sleeve out of the water a little and checking for the presence of liquid in it.
  11. The finished omelette must be removed from the bag and placed on a plate. It is best served with light vegetables and bread. The hot omelette can also be sprinkled with finely grated cream cheese.

The milk included in this recipe is indispensable for small children. You can select the filling at your discretion, replacing it, for example, with boiled potatoes, chicken or fish.

It is very easy to prepare a boiled omelette in a bag. This dietary and at the same time tasty and healthy dish will conquer your whole family. Eat right and be healthy!

A tasty and tender omelette can be fried not only in a frying pan. A quick breakfast can be easily prepared in the oven, slow cooker or microwave. You can also cook an omelet in a bag! This interesting way of cooking is simple and very convenient. You don't have to constantly watch to make sure the omelette doesn't burn or worry about it falling off. I poured the egg mixture into a bag, put it in boiling water and forgot for 25 minutes - the omelette will be ready on its own!

Another undeniable advantage of the recipe is that the omelette is prepared without a drop of oil, that is, it turns out to be low-calorie and completely low-fat. It contains only 86 kcal per 100 g, so it is suitable for those who are losing weight and adherents of a healthy diet. Well, most importantly, the omelette in the bag is delicious, tall, fluffy and incredibly tender.

Like any other dish, the recipe for a boiled omelette in a bag has its own little secrets and preparation nuances.

  1. It can easily be ruined if you take a bag that is too thin or torn - the egg mixture will simply spill out and flow into the water, leaving you without a hot breakfast. Therefore, the cooking bag must be tight, without the slightest holes, and even better, to be on the safe side, take two at once to be completely sure that they will not let you down.
  2. You need to tie the bags as tightly as possible, and be sure to put them in boiling water, not cold water, so it’s better to put a pan of water on the fire in advance.
  3. As soon as the omelette is cooked, under no circumstances should you open the package immediately, otherwise you may get burned by the steam! It’s better to let it sit for a while and only then open the package and start breakfast.

In general, the recipe for an omelet in a bag is simple and straightforward. Having mastered all the basics, you can complicate the preparation, add new ingredients and thus diversify the taste of the dish. For example, you can cook an omelet with herbs - to do this, you just need to add finely chopped dill, parsley, basil, oregano or any other herbs that you like to the egg mixture. Or diversify the taste by adding vegetables, boiled meat, seafood or mushrooms. For example, an omelet with boiled cauliflower or broccoli, shrimp or tomatoes will turn out delicious. Or maybe you like a sweet omelet? Then you can simply add some fresh seasonal berries to it and cook according to the same principle. Whatever additives you choose, they should be added to the egg mixture only after it has been beaten, mixed very carefully and poured into a bag.

If you like a tender and fluffy omelette, this recipe is created especially for you, and the step-by-step instructions will help you prepare the omelette perfectly! But know: there is no way to achieve a golden crust, so if you prefer a golden-brown omelette, you will still have to abandon the idea of ​​a package, resort to traditional cooking and fry it in a frying pan.


  • chicken eggs 3 pcs.
  • milk 0.5 tbsp.
  • salt 1-2 chips.

How to cook an omelette in a bag

An omelet cooked in a bag turns out to be very tender, fluffy and dense, and holds its shape well both when warm and after it has completely cooled. You can serve it immediately, supplemented with lettuce, fresh or canned vegetables, and your favorite sauce.


  • All ingredients for preparing an omelet in the bag should be at room temperature. Milk can be slightly warmed in the microwave - 20-30 seconds at maximum power. It is better to remove the eggs from the refrigerator in advance so that they warm up a little.
  • If you don’t have a mixer, you can beat the eggs with milk using a blender with a whisk attachment or by hand.
  • You can add any spices to your omelet to suit your taste.