Personally, the prosecutor of Chuvashia, Sergei Legostaev, promised an inspection to the civilian citizens who approached him at a reception regarding land and housing and communal services. Legostaev Sergey Valentinovich Prosecutor of the Ryazan region received a letter from the governor

Today, at the extraordinary 29th session of the State Council of the Chuvash Republic, the candidacy of prosecutor from the Ryazan region Sergei Legostaev for the post of prosecutor of Chuvashia was approved.

It is clear that Legostaev was appointed, but the general “approval” of the Chuvash parliamentarians is a complete arctic fox. They say they are satisfied and happy with such a candidacy, he is an honest person and so on and so forth...

And Legostaev is an interesting guy, it turns out. With a double or triple bottom. For example, he has the unofficial title of “Black Prosecutor”, which he was awarded on January 9, 2009 at the next meeting of the Ryazan Public Council “Civil Alternative”. He became the third person involved in the “Black Book of Ryazan”. The basis for the listing was deliberate inaction in a situation of illegal eviction of a historical and architectural museum-reserve from its occupied premises.

Sergey Valentinovich Legostaev was born in 1963 in the village of Aladevo, Kolpyansky district, Oryol region. In 1989 he graduated from the Kharkov Law Institute. He began his professional career in the prosecutor's office as an intern at the prosecutor's office of the Zavodsky district of Orel. At various times, Legostaev worked as a senior investigator, prosecutor of the department for supervision of investigation, inquiry and operational investigative activities of the Oryol Region Prosecutor's Office, and prosecutor of the Verkhovsky District of the Oryol Region. Before his appointment as prosecutor of the Ryazan region, Legostaev held the position of deputy prosecutor of the Oryol region.

Legostaev has a trail of scandals behind him, and his appointment as prosecutor of Chuvashia can be called exile. They changed it, as they say, for good reason.

For example, ex-prosecutor from Ryazan Vladimir Churbakov, fired in 2010 for the confiscation of slot machines in an underground casino, claims that his former boss, the prosecutor of the Ryazan region Sergei Legostaev, signed a dismissal order, which included non-existent provisions of the law. Thus, according to Churbakov, all references to the law mentioned in the order are erroneous. In particular, the document refers to clause “c” of Part 1 of Art. 43 Federal Law "On the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation". At the time of signing the order, this article of the law did not have parts numbered: it contained only paragraphs and subparagraphs. Absolutely the same situation - with references to all other regulations that allegedly guided Mr. Legostaev. However, this is not even surprising: the order easily passed all the checks on Churbakov’s complaints about illegal dismissal, right up to Deputy Prosecutor General Alexander Buksman. Apparently, the notorious honor of the uniform and corporate solidarity turned out to be much more important for department employees than the letter of the law, and all checks were of a formal nature.

Last year, journalists from the Ryazan edition of Novaya Gazeta published documents according to which the family of the Ryazan region prosecutor Sergei Legostaev owns two plots of land with an area of ​​about 50 acres on the banks of the Oka, in the protected natural landscape zone of the State Museum-Reserve S.A. Yesenina. The plots, according to the documents, belong to the wife of the region’s chief lawyer, Tatyana Legostaeva, and are located in a cottage community under construction between the village of Ivanchino and the village of Novoselki, where, according to the publication, construction is prohibited. The newspaper also publishes a photograph of a house built on the land. At the same time, the publication claims that the prosecutor’s neighbor is the deputy director of the Federal Penitentiary Service, Major General Nikolai Kolesnik. During the Media Forum of independent regional and local media, which took place at the end of April 2014 in St. Petersburg, the editor-in-chief of the Ryazan edition of Novaya Gazeta told Vladimir Putin about the situation with the construction of Yesenin’s places, and he promised to look into this situation. Then the president called the governor of the Ryazan region on the carpet.

And there is plagiarism in the biography of the Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation, Honorary Worker of the Prosecutor's Office Legostaev. In the work of the prosecutor, borrowings on 40 pages were found from two dissertations defended in 2002: “Criminological characteristics and prevention of violent crimes committed by convicts against staff of correctional colonies” (Eremkin M.P., 2002) and “Disorganization of the activities of institutions providing isolation from society (problems of legislative regulation)" (Druzin A.I., Ph.D. in Law, Head of the Penitentiary System of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation for Moscow, Chuchaev A.I., Doctor of Law, Professor, Moscow State Law Academy , 2002). The prosecutor stole other people's thoughts from the prosecutor. In this regard, Novaya Gazeta noted that prosecutors have a pretentious oath. The Law “On the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation” states that the prosecutor must be “an example of moral purity and modesty,” and “violation of the oath is incompatible with further tenure in the prosecutor’s office.” And then the publication asks the question: “Is it possible to simultaneously be a “model of moral purity and modesty” and have a dissertation containing fragments and pages from other people’s scientific works without references to the authors? Regulatory acts require independent writing of a dissertation, the presence in it of references to the author and the source of borrowing materials or individual results."
It is highly doubtful that there will be any order with this prosecutor.

The fact that the prosecutor of Chuvashia, Sergei Legostaev, conducted a personal on-site reception of citizens in the Tsivilsky district is reported in its official information by the most important supervisory authority in the republic.
It is reported that citizens were eager to find justice and violated, in their opinion, the rule of law at a personal meeting with the prosecutor of the republic on specific “issues of violations of land, housing legislation, legislation in the field of housing and communal services, non-execution of a court decision, as well as disagreement with procedural decisions.”
Based on the official narrative of the prosecutor's office of Chuvashia, the prosecutor of Chuvashia listened to a specifically unnamed number of citizens, on some of the requests he gave the petitioners comprehensive explanations, and on others he ordered “verification measures” to be carried out.
Actually, these same “verification activities,” judging by the official narration of the Chuvashia prosecutor’s office, have already “begun.”
It was promised that citizens who contacted the prosecutors of Chuvashia would receive official notifications “within the period established by law” about the “prosecutorial response” measures taken by the most important supervisory body.
The prosecutor's office of Chuvashia does not specify how many appeals were received to the prosecutor of the republic in the Tsivilsky district of Chuvashia.
Let us note that according to the official narration of the prosecutor's office of Chuvashia about the personal reception of citizens held by the current prosecutor of Chuvashia in the Tsivilsky district of Chuvashia, they are practically no different from the previous official narrations of the most important supervisory body in the republic about the personal on-site receptions of citizens held by the former prosecutor of Chuvashia Vladimir Metelin.
For example, back in August 2013, the prosecutor’s office of Chuvashia officially reported on an on-site personal reception of citizens in the Shumerlinsky district conducted by the then prosecutor of Chuvashia Vladimir Metelin.
“On August 20, 2013, the prosecutor of the Chuvash Republic received citizens with a visit to the Shumerlinsky district.
The bulk of the requests received during the reception are related to violations of legislation in the field of housing and communal services in the city of Shumerlya.
Citizens filed complaints about the inaction of bailiffs, regarding issues of disagreement with the decision of the arbitration court of the Chuvash Republic, unlawful disposal of property, etc.
Currently, verification activities are being carried out on received applications; the results and prosecutorial response measures taken, if there are grounds, will be reported to applicants within the time period established by law,” the Chuvashia prosecutor’s office said in its official statement then.

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Former Prosecutor of the Chuvash Republic


Legostaev S.V. born in 1963 in the Kolpnyansky district of the Oryol region


In 1989 he graduated with honors from the Kharkov Law Institute



Putin appointed prosecutor of Chuvashia

CHEBOKSARY, June 18, 2017, 18:24 - REGNUM Vasily Poslovsky, who previously worked as the prosecutor of Adygea, became the head of the prosecutor's office of the Chuvash Republic. The corresponding decree was signed by Russian President Vladimir Putin. The document is posted on the legal information Internet portal.

Vasily Poslovsky was appointed prosecutor of the Chuvash Republic for a five-year term. The head of state signed the decree on the appointment on June 17, releasing Poslovsky from his previously held position.

As REGNUM previously reported, in March deputies of the State Council of Chuvashia unanimously supported the candidacy of Vasily Poslovsky, who headed the prosecutor's office of Adygea for more than five years, and previously was the deputy prosecutor of the Tula region for nine years. He has been working in the prosecutor's office for more than 30 years. Let us remind you that the previous prosecutor Sergei Legostaev, who worked in Chuvashia for less than two years, was relieved of his post on March 9, 2017.

The prosecutor of Chuvashia “shudders”: the situation in the region

The situation at the Tractor Plants (KTZ) concern is “very difficult”, “specific”. Wage debts are growing, and debts to pay for energy resources have “reached a critical size.” “Just the mention of the tractor plant makes you shiver,” said Sergei Legostaev, the prosecutor of Chuvashia, at a press conference today, August 5th. Chuvash Broiler is also in a “very difficult financial situation”, where a prosecutor’s investigation is currently being carried out to “see if this is also related to the activities of the company’s management,” reports a REGNUM news agency correspondent.

The prosecutor of Chuvashia is surprised that officials are repeating mistakes

The prosecutor of Chuvashia, Sergei Legostaev, at a press conference commented on the initiation of a criminal case against the head of the administration of the Cheboksary region, Georgy Egorov, who, according to the investigation, spent budget money in the wrong place “where it was prescribed,” a REGNUM correspondent reports. “We have not only the Cheboksary region, I can give many examples of officials when they believe that they can,” said, in particular, the prosecutor, promising that “there will be more cases.”

The assets of the tractor concern may be transferred to the ownership of the Russian Federation

The next meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Chuvashia began with a discussion of the situation at the Tractor Plants (KTZ) concern, which the government considers “the most difficult topic” for the entire republic. The situation will be resolved by the Russian government, the assets of the concern may be transferred to the ownership of the Russian Federation. As a REGNUM correspondent reports, the head of Chuvashia, Mikhail Ignatiev, announced this today, August 24.

Black prosecutor

At the regular meeting of the Ryazan Public Council “Civil Alternative” on January 9, a decision was made to include the prosecutor of the Ryazan region, Sergei Legostaev, in the “Black Book of Ryazan”. The press service of the Ryazan coalition “The Other Russia” reported this to Sobkor®ru on January 11.

The prosecutor of the Ryazan region did not agree to prosecute the rally participant

At the same time, the case was sent for a new trial to the same judge Tarasov, who was forced to dismiss both cases, since the regional prosecutor Sergei Legostaev refused to give his consent.

Sergei Legostaev became the prosecutor of the Ryazan region

Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Yuri Chaika appointed senior justice adviser Sergei Legostaev as prosecutor of the Ryazan region, according to a message on the website of the Prosecutor General's Office.

Vice-Governor Sergei Filimonov congratulated employees of the prosecutor's office on the 290th anniversary of the department

On January 18, a solemn event dedicated to the 290th anniversary of the Russian prosecutor’s office took place in Ryazan. It was attended by Vice-Governor of the Ryazan Region Sergei Filimonov, Prosecutor of the Ryazan Region Sergei Legostaev, Chairman of the Regional Duma Arkady Fomin, Head of the Ryazan Administration Vitaly Artemov, heads of law enforcement agencies of the region, and employees of the prosecutor's office.

Sergey Legostaev: “We try to respond to complaints as efficiently as possible”

On November 30, a joint press conference of representatives of law enforcement agencies of the Ryazan region on the results of work in 2011 was held at the press center of the Oka State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. The head of the investigative department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Ryazan region, Vladimir Makhleidt, the prosecutor of the Ryazan region, Sergei Legostaev, and acting Head of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Ryazan Region Igor Semiokhin. During the press conference, the issue of the supervisory functions of the regional prosecutor's office was raised.

Regional prosecutor did not allow Yabloko activist to be arrested

The prosecutor of the Ryazan region, Sergei Legostaev, refused to agree to bring Yabloko party activist Konstantin Smirnov to administrative responsibility. Magistrate Alexander Tarasov was forced to dismiss the case against the oppositionist.

The prosecutor of the Ryazan region received a letter from the governor

Prosecutor of the Ryazan region Sergei Legostaev was awarded a certificate of honor from the governor on Tuesday, January 17. The award was presented by the head of the region Oleg Kovalev before a meeting of the presidium of the regional government, the press service of the government of the Ryazan region reported. The governor congratulated all employees of the prosecutor's office on their professional holiday and the 290th anniversary of the Russian prosecutor's office. He noted that employees of the prosecutor's office successfully perform the functions of protecting the constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens and complying with legislation in the fight against crime.

Ryazan anti-gambling activist not allowed to see Chaika

As Rosbalt wrote earlier, Vladimir Churbakov tried to stop the activities of an illegal gambling club in the spring of 2010 and was fired by his boss, regional prosecutor Sergei Legostaev with the wording: “For creating obstacles in the implementation of business activities by an economic entity.” Oktyabrsky District Prosecutor Alexander Ratner wrote on the report of his subordinate assistant: “Inspections of illegal activities related to gambling do not fall within your official powers.”

Sword of the state, shield of the citizens

As the head of this department in the Ryazan region, Sergei Legostaev, noted, among the priority areas of prosecutorial supervision is ensuring social security of the population. The prosecutor's office is not only the punitive sword of the state, but also a reliable shield that, first of all, protects citizens from lawlessness.

– Behind every case – criminal, civil, administrative – there is a person who, when contacting the prosecutor’s office, knows that a fair, legal solution to his problem will be ensured. In addition to competence, our work requires courage, integrity, and responsibility. After all, not only people’s faith in the power of the law, but also the authority of the prosecutor’s office workers depends on its results,” said Sergei Legostaev.

The prosecutor's office of the Ryazan region found out how the national project 'Affordable and comfortable housing for Russian citizens' is being implemented in the region.

According to the prosecutor of the Ryazan region, Sergei Legostaev, since the issue of relocation of citizens from emergency and dilapidated housing stock is one of the areas of the priority national project “Affordable and comfortable housing for Russian citizens,” last year the regional prosecutor’s office organized a corresponding inspection.

An ombudsman for children's rights will appear in the Ryazan region

The governor's permanent representative in the Ryazan Regional Duma, Irina Blem, reported on the legislative initiative put forward by the governor Oleg Kovalev and the regional prosecutor Sergei Legostaev. On the eve of the meeting, they submitted to the regional Duma deputies a bill on the Commissioner for Human Rights and the Commissioner for Children's Rights in the region. According to Irina Blem, such institutes were previously absent in the Ryazan region. The bill was developed taking into account the experience of other regions and the practice of the Supreme Court. As Irina Blem stated, at the next meeting of the regional Duma the bill will be considered in the first reading.

The crisis situation observed in the economy today may provoke an increase in drug crimes in the Ryazan region

On Friday, January 23, the department of the federal drug control service for the Ryazan region held a meeting dedicated to summing up the work of the department for 2008. The meeting was attended by acting Head of the Federal Criminal Investigation Service of the Russian Federation for the Ryazan Region Viorely Savin, Prosecutor of the Ryazan Region Sergei Legostaev, Head of the Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee at the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation for the Ryazan Region Vladimir Makhleidt, Head of the FSB of Russia for the Ryazan Region Anatoly Zagryadsky, Chairman of the Accounts Chamber of the Ryazan Region Nikolai Makarikov, First Deputy Head Internal Affairs Directorate for the Ryazan Region Vladimir Tsepkov, Head of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia for the Ryazan Region Ivan Zelenyak, as well as other representatives of the government structures of the city and region and employees of the Federal Drug Control Service for the Ryazan Region.

The Ryazan region will help South Ossetia with construction materials.

On August 12, Governor Oleg Kovalev held a regular meeting of the Government of the Ryazan Region. It was attended by Chairman of the Regional Duma Vladimir Sidorov, Regional Prosecutor Sergei Legostaev, First Deputy Head of the Internal Affairs Directorate Vladimir Tsepkov, reports the press service of the Government of the Ryazan Region.

The Parliament of Chuvashia today approved the candidacy of Sergei Legostaev for the post of prosecutor of the republic. Deputies made inquiries about him both in the Oryol region, where Legostaev is from, and in the Ryazan region, where he headed the prosecutor’s office for the last 8 years. They found out that “the guy is normal.” This is a verbatim quote. The candidacy was approved unanimously, but the State Council session almost turned into a reception with the prosecutor. Several people's deputies considered it their duty, directly from the podium, to outline the tasks that, in their opinion, Sergei Legostaev needs to solve first. Olga Petrova observed the approval procedure.

An extraordinary session of the State Council was convened precisely in order to approve Sergei Legostaev as prosecutor of Chuvashia. The procedure is now as follows: the candidate is nominated by the Prosecutor General of Russia, the decree on the appointment is signed by the president of the country, but only after agreement with the head of the region and the local parliament. The deputies managed to meet Legostaev yesterday and today they didn’t ask him anything, but they had questions for the head of the department of the Prosecutor General’s Office of Russia in the Volga region. He was just introducing the candidate.

Why did the employees of the republican prosecutor's office not deserve the respect of becoming the prosecutor of the Chuvash Republic? – asked Deputy of the State Council of Chuvashia Viktor Ilyin.

In the reserve for nomination to the position of prosecutor of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation there are 2 people from among the employees of the prosecutor's office of Chuvashia - Grigoriev and Sakharov. If the Prosecutor General’s Office decides to appoint them to any subject of the Russian Federation, then they will be appointed,” answered the head of the department of the Prosecutor General’s Office of Russia in the Volga Federal District, Vadim Antipov.

There is a rotation of personnel in the prosecutor's office system. The former head of the department, Vladimir Metelin, was appointed to Chuvashia from Tatarstan. Legostaev is from Ryazan, and the prosecutor of the Tula region will take his place there. By the way, many of the republic’s power structures - the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Drug Control, the Migration Service - are also headed by non-local people.

The fact that rotation is happening is very good,” says Sergei Semyonov, deputy of the State Council of the Chechen Republic from the A Just Russia party. - Everything must rotate, everything must change.

Nevertheless, the hall was suddenly filled with a feeling of patriotism. And on this wave, Deputy Knyazkin drew the attention of his colleagues to a detail that the majority would never have noticed.

Three flags hang in front of the entrance to the Ministry of Internal Affairs: Russian, departmental and Chuvash. And only one flag flies over the Prosecutor's Office - the Russian Federation. I would like to ask - is this the order throughout the country or is this an oversight by the economic service of our prosecutor's office? – Deputy of the State Council of Chuvashia Oleg Knyazkin asked a question.

Moreover, local parliamentarians do not approve the candidacies of other security officials, but Chuvash flags hang over their departments. Deputy Molyakov, right from the podium, decided to outline the range of his priority tasks for the future prosecutor; Deputy Kulagin went further and handed him a folder with documents that, according to the people's representative, required an immediate prosecutorial response. In general, the candidacy of Sergei Legostaev was supported by all factions. Some parliamentarians, through their channels in Ryazan, made inquiries about the prosecutor and today shared information directly from the podium.

I asked my classmates who work in law enforcement agencies in the Ryazan region, the reviews are good. They described him as follows: “a normal guy,” said Deputy of the State Council of Chuvashia Viktor Ilyin.

I fully support what was said positively about Sergei Valentinovich, according to my colleagues. When I was in the Ryazan region, I saw him in person, but there were no other connections. Just from the words of my colleagues, he is a worthy candidate for prosecutor of Chuvashia,” noted the deputy of the State Council of the Chechen Republic from the United Russia party: Kiyametdin Miftakhutdinov.

I heard all the speakers, and this once again confirms that patriots of their region live on Chuvash soil, people who are deeply concerned about the state of affairs in the republic,” said Sergei Legostaev, a candidate for the position of prosecutor of the Chuvash Republic.

Other news

Fire in the churchyard: as a result of “improvement”, a rural cemetery in the Batyrevsky district turned into a landfill and ashes

Residents of the village of Polevye Bikshiki, Batyrevsky district, contacted us. They say: today the rural cemetery looks truly creepy - charred trees lie between the graves on the scorched earth.

16.07.2019 19:55

The head of the republic and the rector of the Moscow Polytechnic University presented diplomas to the best graduates of the university

176 graduates, 18 of them are excellent students. Students of the Cheboksary branch of the Moscow Polytechnic University were awarded diplomas of completion of their studies. But the matter was not limited to the holiday.

The reason for the resignation of the Chuvash prosecutor general was numerous attempts his suicides

The bullets were getting closer! After the suicide of the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Mari-El, Major General Vyacheslav Buchnev, the chief prosecutor shot himself Astrakhan region, Lieutenant General Oleg Dupak.

Of course, no one will suspect the impeccable officers that they were afraid of being imprisoned for protecting a casino or for some other corruption. On the contrary, having all the information, they apparently could not stand the scale of corruption that they had to fight and chose to shoot themselves

The same situation has developed in Chuvashia. While working with documents, faithful orderlies more than once knocked the golden pistol of the Chuvash Prosecutor General General out of his hands right at his temple

The prosecutor has only recently been in office, but has already turned gray and pins his tie higher with a diamond pin so that the strangulation grooves from attempts at self-hanging are not visible.

But it’s not just corruption that the prosecutor has to deal with. Once he called him in for questioning and asked him in detail how he set himself on fire on Red Square. After the guards took the human rights activist away, the general doused himself with expensive whiskey and flicked a platinum lighter encrusted with diamonds.... Only by wrapping him in a Persian carpet of the 11th century were his faithful adjutants able to extinguish the fire.

Ishutov before, and now he was lying with Legostaev.

The only reason the honest prosecutor survived is that he did not want to bring joy to the prosecutor, who deliberately puts in all the new data about corruption in the yawls.

Old employees of the prosecutor's office explained that by pretending to be a lover of truth, Kostya is simply aiming for his place! Know, Kostya, if anything happens to Sergei Valentinich, you yourself will go along the 110th - driving an official to suicide! If you were to find really large-scale crimes, there would be one little thing, like a wrong comma, and the prosecutor would be obliged to imprison an official for it!

It is symbolic that the Chuvash prosecutors, exactly a year after the flight of the Ukrainian Prosecutor General Pshonka, who amazed the Ukrainians who burst into him with interiors the size of which were not inferior to the Louvre itself.
We do not know what kind of house his Ryazan colleague will have; the secret of the life of the Chuvash prosecutors is still shrouded in darkness.