When to replant plants according to the lunar calendar. When is the best time to replant indoor flowers? What day? Unfavorable days for replanting indoor plants

Caring for house plants necessarily includes regularly changing the soil in which they live. Over time, the nutritional properties of the soil in the pot run out, and the plant stops developing.

The earth compacts, and the roots fill all the space allotted to them. It's time to replant! Read on to learn how to carry out the moving process carefully, and most importantly, in harmony with natural cycles.

Transplantation rules

It's better to cross over transplant your flowers Twice a year. The plant may need more space to continue to grow. The new home for the flower should easily accommodate the old pot. You can leave the original container if there is no salt deposits on the walls, or if the plant’s root system is damaged.

Turn the pot on its side, carefully grasp the plant at the base and pull. Assess the condition of the soil in the pot when you have already removed the plant from it:

  • if the soil is knocked down and gray, replace it with fresh soil, carefully clearing the rhizomes of the old soil;
  • you can do the same procedure, leaving part of the soil in the roots;
  • It is also possible to add only the layer of soil that covers the plant (filling with soil).

Before boarding create drainage about 1.5 cm high. This can be a layer of charcoal, coarse sand, pebbles or expanded clay. Pick up soil substrate depending on the type of plant you have. After replanting, it is good to sprinkle the top layer of soil with a little sand or line it with moss to prevent overflow.

The transplantation is completed with abundant watering and spraying. But be careful! It is better to give plants with rotten roots, as well as cacti and orchids, a rest for a while so as not to cause the development of mold in the soil.

After such stress, the houseplant is not fertilized, pruned, or moved to another place for a month.

Calendar and Moon

Over the course of a year, the Moon repeatedly changes its position relative to our planet. The water of the Earth begins to move at this time. The gravitational forces of the Moon act on the water in the cell sap of all plants, including domestic ones.

And since Moon position relative to the Earth, it is constantly changing, the intensity of the “ebbs” and “ebbs” inside the plant stem is variable. When the Moon subsides, the water is drawn closer to the roots, which become elastic and strong during this period. When the waxing Moon is observed from Earth, all the moisture collects in the crowns of plants. It's off to a good start time for transfer.

Moon observations

The Moon orbits the Earth during a period called a lunar month. For orientation, it is enough to observe the time of growth of the Moon, its full moon, the time of aging and the new moon. So, for example, when the full moon hangs in the sky, plant growth accelerates by 20%. And vice versa, the birth of the Moon is a time of rest, the dying off of unnecessary shoots and leaves.

Also, the Moon passes through all the Zodiac Signs every 27 days. Through observation, it was possible to establish that the position of the satellite in space has an impact on earthly life. It is recommended to engage in agricultural work when the Moon is in the signs of Water and Earth.

Various combinations of lunar phases and celestial Signs made it possible to compile care recommendations for house plants.

Let's take a closer look at the best days to transplant “green friends”.

Best days to transplant

This year, some days are specifically marked on which it is useful to move plants, plant new ones, replant them in other soil and propagate in various ways. This calendar is suitable for indoor plants living in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan.

Florist's lunar calendar

For each calendar year are compiled indications of favorable and unsuitable works depending on the behavior of the Moon relative to the Earth. Hours of calm from work occur during the full moon and new moon. On the previous and subsequent days, you can remove diseased stems and disinfect the soil from mold. During the waning phase of the Moon, it is worth planting bulbous house plants, such as upstart, lilies, and indoor hyacinth. During the waxing moon, water your plants generously. You can plant and replant flowers with a long stem (xanthosoma, tillandsia, amaryllis), decorative-flowering (violets, azaleas, pelargonium) and decorative-leaved (chlorophytum, alocasia, euonymus).

For 2016, astrologers calculated the periods during the year and gave their recommendations.

Favorable time

Replant flowers It is best when the Moon is growing and at the same time is in a fertile Sign. These include Pisces, Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio.

At the beginning of January, when the Moon is growing and at the same time enters the constellation Aquarius, it is a good time to loosen the soil in pots, as well as remove excess plants.

In mid-June (the waxing Moon in Libra) you can divide and replant flowers.

Spring and early autumn are generally a good time for replanting, pruning, and forming the crown of a plant: from March 12 to 17, mid-April, from May 7 to 11, early September).

When the Moon rises in the Sign of Virgo (May, early August), on these days it is advised to renew the soil of indoor flowers, propagate by shoots or plant new plants.

Unfavorable time

At the beginning of the year, while the waning Moon is in Capricorn, it is better do not reproduce houseplants layering or cuttings.

If the Moon passes through the constellation Aries and grows, you should not sow or replant ornamental plants (mid-January, February).

If the Moon is aging or emerging, it is better to provide the plants with a gentle regime. Water them, try to improve their living conditions, for example, in cold weather, add light by installing a lamp above them.

Taking it as a guide moon calendar, remember that the appearance of a plant is the surest signal that it needs help.

Inspect your pets periodically, remove dry leaves and shoots, and faded flowers. Take care of your flowers on the advice of the moon, fertilize and water on time, and let your indoor plants delight you all year round!

It is unlikely that you will be able to find at least one corner of our planet that is devoid of those who like to grow indoor flowers and ornamental plants. It’s not surprising, because bright green bushes, especially flowering ones, fill the house with comfort and a positive atmosphere, give an unusual aura, and heal the body and soul of the owners.

Everyone, even a novice gardener, knows that the most favorable periods for transplanting and planting indoor plants are autumn and spring. Even here, not everything is as clear as it seems. Each individual culture needs specific conditions and care measures that should not be forgotten. When compiling the lunar calendar of indoor plants for 2016, astrologers set themselves the task of determining those most favorable and unfavorable periods for transplanting, sowing, etc. So, when replanting indoor plants, it would be worth focusing on several important facts.

  1. The best periods for such a process on the waxing Moon
  2. It is worth replanting only if the plant really needs it (tight pot, etc.), in other cases it is better to leave the procedure until the next favorable period
  3. When choosing a day for a transplant, you should focus on the zodiac signs of Earth, not Water. The ideal days are when the Moon is in Virgo.
  4. In February, April and June, indoor plants should not be replanted at all.

The lunar calendar provided below contains processed and structured information about successful periods for manipulating indoor plants for gardeners in the CIS countries.

Lunar calendar for indoor plants for 2016, table

Sowing flower seeds Planting tuberous and bulbous plants Planting climbing Rooting cuttings Transplantation
January 18, 22 3-5, 29, 31 2 18, 22 13-14, 18
February 14-15, 18-19 5-6, 25-26, 28-29 16-17 14, 18-19 9, 14, 28
March 12-13, 17, 21 4-5, 13, 26 14 5, 12, 17 12-13, 21
April 13, 17-18, 20 1, 27-28 11, 20 9, 13, 20 9, 17-18
May 10, 15, 17-19 25 17-18 10, 17-18 13
June 7, 13-14, 18 2-3, 20 13-14 7, 13-14 11, 16-17
July 8-9, 11, 16 28 11, 30 11, 17, 28 8-9, 13-14, 17, 28
August 5, 7-8, 12-15 23-24 7-8 7-8, 14-15 5, 9, 14-15
September 3-4, 8, 11 19-20 3-4 3-4, 11 6-7, 11
October 6, 8 28 20 8 3-4, 13
November 2, 4-5 24-25 - 4-5 4-5, 9-10
December 2, 11 - - 2, 11 2, 6, 11

Unfavorable days in 2016 for planting or replanting indoor plants

Caring for indoor plants is a science that is no less complex and painstaking than growing agricultural crops. After all, flowers and other ornamental plants are incredibly sensitive not only to the microclimatic characteristics of the room and the emotional situation in the house, but also to the lunar phases. The 2016 indoor plant calendar will allow housewives to carry out all the work on caring for plants for future use, avoiding unfavorable days.

Planting and caring for flower crops should be done at the allotted time and days, which are scheduled in the gardener’s (lunar) calendars. On what day is it better to replant indoor flowers, loosen them or fertilize them - the lunar calendar will give you the answers. It is believed that on such days the plant adapts well to a new place and conditions, and quickly takes root.

At first, the fact that the moon affects the growth and development of flowers was just a guess. Later, scientists proved that there is a relationship between plants and the moon. After this, lunar calendars appeared, based on which gardeners know exactly when it is better to replant indoor flowers and when to cut them.

Those who follow the calendar know which moon is best to replant indoor flowers:

  • Plants with tall stems and wide leaves are recommended to be replanted during until the full moon. During this period, the plant’s sap is directed upward from the root, so minor damage to the root during the replanting process will not affect the general condition of the plant;
  • It is better to trim flower buds at waning moon;
  • According to the lunar calendar, the time when it is best to replant indoor flowers falls on waxing moon or full moon.

Important! You should never make a transplant on a waning moon. This can lead to the plant taking a long time to adapt to a new location or even die.

Beans, onions, potatoes, gladioli and other bulbous plants are best sown on waning moon. Then they sprout quickly and take root well.

What time of day is best to replant indoor plants?

In order for indoor flowers to grow and bloom well, you need to remember a few subtleties, when it is better to replant indoor flowers, and at what time.

When is the best time to replant indoor flowers?

  • The most favorable time is the period from 4 pm to 8 pm;
  • The best days The first or second day after the formation of the new moon is considered for transplantation;
  • You should not replant flowers in the morning (when the plants are still sleeping) or at midday.
  • Most favorable seasons The best time to replant flowers is in early spring and autumn.

Flower transplant calendar 2016

The 2016 lunar calendar for summer residents and gardeners shows exactly the dates in which month it is best to replant indoor plants, on which days to sow vegetable crops, and when they need to be pruned and loosened.

I focus on the calendar and, following it, I can achieve good germination and high yields.

Lunar calendar for replanting indoor flowers

Unfavorable days for planting and replanting indoor plants (flowers) in 2016

When caring for any seedlings or flowers, it is worth taking into account not only the best days for replanting, but also unfavorable ones.

We figured out what day it is better to replant indoor flowers, now a little about unfavorable days. There are bad days from five to ten per month.

Unfavorable days for replanting indoor plants

Whether or not to focus on the moon when planting and replanting plants is everyone’s business. But the fact that the moon affects the growth and development of plants is a proven fact that you cannot argue with. It was not for nothing that our ancestors revered and respected lunar predictions.

Many gardeners know that there are the most favorable days for replanting indoor plants. Flowers in the house not only create coziness, but also help reduce the overall background of human exposure to ultraviolet radiation from electrical appliances.
People who are passionate about plant growing know that not only lighting and proper watering are important for normal growth, but also the correct planting time.

How to replant indoor plants

When replanting indoor plants, certain rules must be followed. For example, a pot that seems small at first glance is not always too small for a plant. On the contrary, a flower can feel cozy.

How to determine when it’s time to replant a plant? Before checking whether replanting is necessary, water the plant well and give the soil time to absorb the water. Then carefully lift it out of the pot along with the soil. If the roots are tightly entwined with the ground in the shape of the pot and the soil is practically invisible, then it’s time to replant. If there is still a lot of soil, and the roots are inside, then the flower feels comfortable and can be safely returned back to the pot.

It is best to start planting flowers in spring or early summer, when the home flora is in an active growth phase. In autumn and especially in winter, due to the short daylight hours, growth is most often insignificant.

Before landing, you need to make sure that you have everything you need on hand:

  • land (suitable for this type);
  • a pot that is slightly larger than the size of the previous pot (if you choose a pot that is much larger in size, then for quite a long time the growth of the plant will be completely concentrated on increasing the root system, which will lead to a slowdown in the growth of the stem, flowers and leaves);
  • fragments of broken bricks, pots or purchased expanded clay for flowers.

If planting pots that previously contained other flowers are used for replanting, it is strongly recommended that they be treated before replanting new ones. Before disturbing the plant, water it generously and wait about an hour until it saturates the soil, then pull out the flower along with the soil (if the vessel fits too tightly, you can hold it against the wall with a knife, only very carefully so as not to damage the roots).

A little filler (clay fragments or expanded clay) and a little earth are poured into the bottom of the new pot, after which the voids around the edges of the vessel are filled and a little sprinkled on top.
The soil around the stem must be compacted with your hands so that the plant does not squint and grows vertically. Water thoroughly and leave in the shade for several days.
After about a week, the flower can be transferred to its original place.

What days are favorable for replanting indoor plants?

When can you replant indoor flowers? Favorable days for planting indoor plants can be determined using the lunar calendar. This is a reliable and proven way to determine the planting day after which growth will be most active.

A lunar calendar for replanting indoor plants is compiled every year and is used by gardeners around the world. Many flowers (bulbs) have their own specific preferences for the seasons.

Days in 2017 when planting flowers is most favorable:

  • January: 1-11, 28-31;
  • February: 1-10, 26-28;
  • March: 1-11, 28-31;
  • April: 1-10, 26-30;
  • May: 1-10, 25-31;
  • June: 1-8, 24-30;
  • July: 1-8, 23-31;
  • August: 1-6, 21-31;
  • September: 1-5, 20-30;
  • October: 1-4, 19-31;
  • November: 1-3, 18-30;
  • December: 1, 2, 18-31.

Days when planting flowers is least favorable:

  • January: 13-27;
  • February: 12-25;
  • March: 13-27;
  • April: 12-25;
  • May: 12-24;
  • June: 10-23;
  • July: 10-22;
  • August: 8-20;
  • September: 7-19;
  • October: 6-18;
  • November: 5-17;
  • December: 4-17.

Replanting indoor plants according to the lunar calendar is prohibited:

  • January: 12;
  • February: 11, 26;
  • March: 12;
  • April: 11;
  • May: 11;
  • June: 9;
  • July: 9;
  • August: 7.21;
  • September: 6;
  • October: 5;
  • November: 4;
  • December: 3.

The effects of lunar activity have nothing to do with magic. Depending on how close the Moon is to the Earth, the speed of movement of fluids in all organisms changes. This is why knowledge of the days when the Moon is in the most favorable position for planting flowers is so necessary.