Catabolic and anabolic hormones and their characteristics. ★★★FITNESS LIVE★★★Sports nutrition. #5 Testosterone and anabolic steroids

As part of your familiarization with this section, you may be interested in the following articles:

  1. – material about the main male hormone. We talk about the manifestations of high and low testosterone. Learning to influence testosterone levels. We grow muscles without additional effort in the gym.
  2. – why has modern women’s bodybuilding turned into a freak show? We create an alternative female bodybuilding without male hormones!
  3. – we talk about the dangers of alcohol from a hormonal point of view. Why does alcohol turn a man into a woman?
  4. – an objective conversation about the dangers and benefits of anabolic steroids.

Hormones are special chemicals that regulate the functioning of the body. Hormones are responsible for hundreds of body functions, including:

  • Fighting various diseases. Disruption of the hormonal system leads to hundreds of different diseases that cannot be eliminated without interfering with the secretion of hormones.
  • “Switching” from a state of joy to a state of depression, the ability to feel happiness and any emotions. The so-called happiness hormones are responsible for this.
  • to achieve any goals. A person who has problems with hormones becomes lethargic and apathetic, loses goals and guidelines in life. A person with a high level of “action hormones” becomes enterprising and active.
  • Muscle gain. The answer to the question lies in the low concentration of the hormone “testosterone” in girls. Testosterone is the main male hormone. When it is deficient, it slows down significantly or stops completely.
  • Sexual desire, sexual performance. Men and women with certain hormonal imbalances may not experience attraction to the opposite sex. This is a hormonal problem that can lead to more serious illnesses. With age, sexual desire decreases due to a deficiency of essential hormones.
  • Possibility of losing weight. Excessive amounts of stress hormones stimulate appetite, which leads to diet failures and overeating after a mistake. This is also a function of hormones. Without proper hormonal levels, losing weight becomes difficult.
  • Influence on a person's appearance. Facial features are formed under the influence of hormones. There is no need to even talk about the fact that hormones affect the clearness of the skin and can provoke the occurrence of acne.
  • Influence on human behavior. Character is formed under the significant influence of hormones. A soft, flexible man is a person with a hormonal background similar to that of a woman. He has male functions, physically he is a man, but his biochemistry contains a lot of female hormones and not enough male hormones. A tough, rude, domineering woman is the owner of a typically male hormonal background. Testosterone in a gentle man will be below the lower limits of normal. For a rude woman - above the upper limit.

Since hormonal levels regulate sexual desire, most women find it difficult to feel sympathy for a man with low testosterone levels. Most men will avoid a rude woman who, due to a malfunctioning hormonal system, is a “man in a skirt.”

The ability to control hormonal levels is a skill to control your life!

Today we will look at the main types of hormones, understand their importance in sports, and also learn how to regulate hormones without outside help.

Anabolic hormones can be conventionally called “hormones of creation.” These are hormones that allow you to build muscle mass, maintain a good mood and function. Let's highlight the main anabolic hormones that are known to the athlete:

  • . The main male sex hormone, which allows you to build muscle mass and feel like a man. Testosterone is the hormone of energy and action. This is the hormone of male strength, the hormone of winners. The higher a man's testosterone level, the better he builds muscle mass, the more successful he is with women and the better he realizes himself in the outside world.
  • A growth hormone. An anabolic hormone that stimulates the growth of all body tissues. Artificial analogues of growth hormone are used not only by bodybuilders, but also in medicine, and for various purposes. HGH is the most popular hormone in the beauty industry. With the help of GH, it is possible to increase height in adolescence, which is actively used by medicine in developed countries. Growth hormone has one side effect that has changed the modern age - GH enlarges the internal organs, which leads to the appearance of large bellies that bulge ugly if you don't keep your abs tight. Bodybuilders of the "Golden Era" believe that the use of growth hormone is detrimental to bodybuilding.
  • Insulin. A transport hormone that has an anabolic effect. It allows you to significantly accelerate muscle gain, but is extremely dangerous if used incorrectly. Improper use of insulin can be fatal.

You can naturally increase your testosterone and growth hormone levels. To do this, use the following recommendations:

  1. Adjust your sleep-wake routine. The optimal time for sleep is from 21:00 to 5:00 or from 22:00 to 6:00. Our body works according to certain daily algorithms. The concentration of testosterone and growth hormone reaches its maximum values ​​with long-term (from 7 hours) high-quality sleep at night.
  2. Do intense strength and aerobic training. Intense training increases testosterone levels in men by 20-30%. Avoid overtraining, which has the opposite effect.
  3. Set up your nutrition. Change the percentage ratio B-F-U (proteins-fats-carbohydrates) to the marks 25-15(20)-60(55). The numbers are the percentage of calories that the body receives from each component. Avoid trans fats, which clog blood vessels and harm the hormonal system. Do not overeat in pursuit of muscle mass - overeating sharply drops testosterone levels and leads to slower muscle growth. Strict mass-gaining diets are justified only during hormone replacement therapy.
  4. Use healthy fats and cholesterol. Healthy animal and vegetable fats are the raw materials for the hormonal system. Cholesterol is the raw material for building the testosterone molecule. Athletes who throw away the yolks of their eggs are throwing their testosterone and progress into the trash, as well as getting rid of muscle mass.
  5. Win. Testosterone is the winning hormone. Maximum testosterone levels are only achievable if you win on a regular basis. The ideal option is to keep a diary, set goals and be inspired by your success. This increases testosterone levels more significantly than the previous points.
  6. Think positively. Unconstructive negative thoughts significantly reduce testosterone levels and reduce the potential of all the measures listed above.
  7. Regulate your work-rest schedule. “Work” includes not only professional responsibilities, but also self-development, sports, and other mechanisms that cause physical and psychological fatigue. Overtraining and overexertion at work reduce testosterone levels just as much as lack of activity.
  8. Use the principles and. With their help, you can increase energy and improve the functioning of the hormonal system.
  9. Adjust to achieve your goals. A correct worldview is the correct functioning of the hormonal system, the absence of hormonal disruptions and a high level of testosterone on an ongoing basis.
  10. Get rid of everything unnecessary. From unnecessary information, unnecessary people and habits that scatter your energy.

These recommendations are aimed at increasing the level of anabolic hormones. But hormones are not only anabolic, but also catabolic. The amount of anabolism is determined by the ratio of anabolic and catabolic hormones.

Catabolic hormones

Catabolism is a process that is the opposite of anabolism. The main catabolic agent is the stress hormone cortisol. The hormone glucagon is the opposite of insulin. Catabolic hormones in the human body perform the following functions:

  • Forced to act in unfavorable situations. Cortisol is a kick in the butt when you need it.

Example: a man is standing on the tracks and a train is rushing towards him. At the hormonal level, there is a sharp surge in cortisol and adrenaline (another stress hormone that allows you to do more work during training), as if the body independently jumps away from a dangerous place.

  • Affects the instinct of self-preservation. In the absence of cortisol and adrenaline, the instinct of self-preservation will weaken, and the situation will end in death.
  • Increases hunger. In the example above, catabolic hormones are beneficial. But high cortisol levels are not always good.

Example: a girl wants to lose weight, but the diet gives her discomfort. Cortisol levels increase. Since stress hormones increase appetite, the feeling of hunger increases significantly. The result is that a girl with high cortisol cannot lose weight.

  • Slows down muscle gain.

Another example: a man strives to gain muscle mass and gives 120% in the gym. But the hormonal balance is disrupted. High cortisol makes it impossible for the athlete to perform regardless of his efforts!

  • Reduce critical thinking ability. Under the influence of cortisol, a person tends to commit rash, incorrect actions. Stress hormones are the source of murders, suicides and many crimes that are committed without planning, under the influence of emotions. Cortisol is associated with depression, nerves and acne on the face, which appear as a result of nervousness in many girls. High cortisol levels are a constant stress that leads to the development of cardiovascular diseases.

Conclusion: in our interests keep cortisol levels low . Low cortisol means positive thinking, high energy and the absence of rash decisions. This means good health and long life. You cannot bring your cortisol levels close to zero - this negatively affects your ability to adequately assess reality and can lead to bad consequences.

  1. Work on yours. An incorrect worldview can cause such hormonal imbalances that no private advice can cope with this imbalance.
  2. Use to reduce stress hormones. Sports with friends, comrades and people who share your passion stimulate the production of oxytocin (the trust hormone) and reduce cortisol (the stress hormone).
  3. Use special procedures, which allow you to receive the necessary dosage of stress hormones. The body is configured to receive a certain dose of cortisol per day. These dosages can be obtained painlessly and with health benefits thanks to special procedures that produce not only stress hormones, but also happiness hormones:

- Contrasting douches.

— Swimming in the sea (river, cold bath) in winter.

- Cold and hot shower.

These are the most effective procedures that increase stress resistance.

  1. Create situations that you have complete control over.. The main source of stress is loss of control over the surrounding reality. Don't forget that life is unpredictable and you can't always maintain control. This understanding reduces the production of stress hormones when an unpredictable situation arises.
  2. Avoid unnecessary things. Things that do not bring happiness and cause stress need to be thrown out of your life. This rule also applies to people who regularly cause you to produce cortisol. Cohabitation with a mentally unstable woman (or man for women) can change your hormonal levels in such a way that only hormone therapy can restore balance. Cortisol levels rise to the limit and are “fixed” by the body at a certain level. The result is a loss of masculinity (femininity in women) and numerous diseases, the final outcome of which will be a heart attack and a reduction in life expectancy.
  3. Use special medications that reduce cortisol levels on an ongoing basis. A great example is Ashwagandha, which has many positive effects in addition to lowering cortisol. Various herbal preparations also have a positive effect on cortisol levels.
  4. Throw the TV out the window. Stop reading the news every day. When hundreds of negative events are constantly “loaded” into your head, they talk about tragedies, wars and accidents, the hormonal system begins to malfunction.

The hormonal background that allows you to live a fulfilling life is a combination of high levels of anabolic hormones and low levels of catabolic ones. Separately, low catabolism or high anabolism “do not work.”

Happiness hormones are a series of substances that are produced in the brain in response to biologically beneficial actions. By understanding the work of happiness hormones, you can manage your emotional state and regulate. The group of “happiness hormones” includes:

  • Endorphins;
  • Serotonin;
  • Dopamine.

The main properties of these substances:

  • Reward for performing biologically correct actions. Sex, an increase in salary, eating delicious food, achieving a goal - all actions that increase the wealth of the species reinforce our efforts with pleasure hormones. Without sex (procreation), money (food), and the desire for preservation and development, the human species would have ceased to exist long ago.
  • Motivation to perform biologically beneficial actions. Without hormonal support, a person has no motivation for sex, making money, pumping up muscles, losing weight, self-development and other “useful things”.
  • Improved mood, increased cheerfulness on an ongoing basis. A person who fulfills his biological role is happy on an ongoing basis due to the permanent release of happiness hormones.
  • Pain relief, increased performance. Some public figures solve dozens of problems a day, work seven days a week and never get tired. Thanks to the hormones of happiness that they receive in response to the implementation of their biological role, the feeling of fatigue is dulled, and their performance increases tenfold. And vice versa: a person who ignores his desires and does not strive to realize them is always passive, depressed and not energetic. Conventionally: the first one has enough energy for 20 hours of work. The second one is 2. This is how hormones of motivation and encouragement work.
  • Increased entrepreneurship. A person who has regularly received doses of hormones for performing biologically correct actions cannot simply lie on the couch and watch TV. Conventionally: a man receives 0.3 grams of dopamine for doing his favorite job. For watching TV – 0.003. The pleasure you get from watching TV seems petty and flawed to him. If you constantly nag such a man with phrases like “Darling, you’re so tired after work, let’s watch TV,” your TV will fly out the window.

Pleasure hormones create workaholics. The “skew” in the reward system leads to the fact that work is perceived as the most valuable thing in life. Conventionally: communication and sex with the woman you love leads to the release of 0.3 grams of dopamine. A successfully completed project provokes the release of 0.6 grams of dopamine. In pursuit of pleasure, a man can disappear for weeks at work. A woman and family will come second in his life. The TV, due to the minimum amount of happiness hormones that he will receive while watching TV, will fly out the window.

“TV” is a conditional role that can be played by any insignificant thing for such a person.

We regulate the work of the motivation and reward system

To get more happiness hormones, use the following recommendations:

  1. Give up things that give you pleasure but don't bring you happiness.. Every evolutionarily beneficial habit has a “cheap substitute” that also brings pleasure, but leaves a feeling of devastation after an undeserved reward. A prime example is video games. You take over the whole world as part of some strategy, conquering city after city. At this time, the brain considers you the best conqueror in the history of mankind, who really conquers the world, and even in one day. Against the background of this pleasure, everything else becomes insignificant. Gamers, under the influence of happiness hormones, live for days without food and then die from exhaustion. They DO NOT NOTICE the exhaustion. Huge dosages of happiness hormones cover the need for food, social fulfillment, sex and other evolutionarily beneficial things. Conventionally: from conquering the world in virtual reality, a gamer receives 3 grams of dopamine. From sex with a girl – 0.5 grams. From food intake – 0.1 grams. Over time, the sensitivity of dopamine receptors decreases. The brain still releases 3 grams of dopamine in response to play, but the desensitization of the receptors causes these 3 grams to be perceived as 1. The sensitivity of pleasure from sex with a girl is 0.2 grams. From food intake – 0.03 grams. From work – 0.01 grams. If you give up undeserved pleasure in time, then conditioned sensitivity to other biologically beneficial actions will increase. From sex with a girl - 1 gram of dopamine, from eating - 0.2 grams, from work - 0.4 grams. In total, the amount of pleasure will be the same for both a drug addict and a healthy person. The joy of receiving undeserved rewards is relative and short-lived. Giving up sources of undeserved pleasure leads to a healthier your motivation system and allows you to receive a similar amount of joy from the right actions.
  2. Give up bad habits. Alcohol, smoking and other bad habits that do not fit into. A person who makes alcohol the source of his happiness initially receives the same amount of pleasure hormones as a teetotaler. But a non-drinker does not feel empty in the morning. There is no addiction to the drug, as a result of which after 3 months a sober person gets much more pleasure from life than a drinker.
  3. Take action. The system of motivation and reward for many people is designed in such a way that it is very difficult to force oneself to act. But once you enter a certain mode, it is no longer possible to stop acting. Actions to achieve your goals are ten times more enjoyable than laziness.
  4. Do useful things from the point of view of human nature. Earning money, sex, communicating with friends and loved ones, development (physical and spiritual), fulfillment in your favorite activity (hobby), eating tasty food gives much more pleasure than virtual reality and bad habits.
  5. Do not stop. Don't give in to laziness, otherwise you will have to force yourself again. The exception is rethinking priorities, when a pause is indispensable.
  6. Use. Some healthy foods (bananas, for example) stimulate the production of happiness hormones

The most powerful male ligament is high testosterone, low cortisol and high levels of pleasure hormones (dopamine in this case). A man with such a hormonal background is courageous, attractive to the opposite sex and achieves his goals as quickly as possible. Hormones literally guide him through life. Leading in the right direction.

Maximum muscle growth is ensured by the high testosterone-low cortisol-high dopamine combination. Many bodybuilders refuse to perform all of the above actions and use pharmacology. All anabolic hormones can be obtained using a syringe. The production of catabolic hormones can be suppressed in a similar way. This is an ambiguous situation that leads to the following consequences:

  • Bodybuilders use overdoses of male hormones, as a result of which they achieve unnatural muscle development. Without the use of artificial hormones, the physique of a modern bodybuilder is unattainable. Even those figures that were built during the “Golden Era” of bodybuilding cannot be built without steroids.
  • Many amateurs who want to get a huge carcass against all odds start using chemistry.

Modern bodybuilding is impossible without the use of chemistry. This is reality. But the use of artificial hormones introduces an imbalance into the human hormonal system, as a result of which deviations develop in many body systems. The harm of steroids is largely exaggerated, but steroids (an analogue of testosterone) are only one of the components of modern bodybuilding. In an effort to become like Phil Heath, amateurs use the wrong combinations of steroids with the wrong dosages, use growth hormone, insulin and catabolic hormone blockers. Without control, without understanding the essence of how the drugs work, without awareness of the risks. This poses a great threat to the reputation of bodybuilding. Phil Heath's form is still unattainable for 99.9% of amateurs in "chemistry". But the harm to health is noticeable.

We suggest that you do not play with your own health, do not rely on the Russian “maybe” and do not destroy your hormonal system with drugs, the use of which does not pass without consequences even for professional athletes testing their health. Use the tips for building a masculine, anabolic hormonal profile that you received in this article. This is a natural aid that allows you to bring your hormones to the most effective state without harming your health.

Sport is a factor that affects the female hormonal system. Many girls have doubts about how the hormones that enter the bloodstream as a result of intense training will affect their health and appearance. Let's clarify some points:

  • Professional sports are harmful to the female body. - a professional is forced to sacrifice health in order to achieve results. Heavy training depresses the nervous system, leading to overtraining and hormonal imbalance. If your goal is to be as healthy, feminine and attractive as possible, then you need to avoid overexertion.
  • Amateur sports can harm girls for the following reasons:
  1. Wrong training. Incorrect execution technique, too frequent training. In this situation, the amateur girl loads herself like a professional. The consequences are similar.
  2. The use of analogues of male hormones. Female bodybuilders use analogues of male hormones to increase muscle mass. These are analogues of the main male sex hormone - testosterone, which is responsible for the ability to grow muscles. 99.99% of women have testosterone levels significantly lower than men. 99.99% of women cannot “pump up” regardless of their efforts. we see only “thanks to” women’s use of male hormones.
  3. The girl made a mistake in choosing a sport. It is impossible to weigh 40 kilograms while doing bodybuilding. A woman who rows full-time will have a powerful shoulder girdle. Before starting training, decide whether this sport meets your expectations.
  • Proper training changes the hormonal balance in a positive direction. Physical activity stabilizes the hormonal system, reduces the amount of stress in a girl’s life, makes her more feminine and attractive. While working out at the gym, you can release all the aggression, anger and dissatisfaction that makes you less feminine in everyday life.
  • Training changes you, makes you more sensitive and feminine outside the gym. A girl who regularly plays sports without exercise is, on average, more feminine than her “fat colleague” who screams about the “unfemininity of female athletes.”
  • with loved ones or friends also has a positive effect on female hormonal levels. It is better (not necessarily) to play sports in a company. The hormone oxytocin is produced, which is responsible for trust in the world and people, helps to build an emotional connection with the opposite sex, friends, relatives and the whole world. This hormone is responsible for the bond between mother and child. Low oxytocin - the diagnosis of “bad wife and mother” is guaranteed. One of the best ways to increase oxytocin is to be active together. Joint training and hiking take a girl’s femininity to a new level. Bottom line: a girl who leads an active lifestyle instead of giving up development in favor of caring for her husband and children does more for her family than the average passive woman. With a high level of oxytocin, the desire to conflict with loved ones decreases, and understanding within the family improves.
  • , and any other types of physical activity increase the level of pleasure hormones, which makes the girl more cheerful and cheerful. A girl who regularly plays sports has a “happier” hormonal system.
  • Amateur sports improves health, which affects all the factors listed above.

Bottom line: a girl who plays a sport she likes, does it correctly and for her own pleasure (do not confuse lack of pleasure with laziness), has a significantly more feminine hormonal background than untrained girls. Working on your hormonal system through physical activity will allow you to:

  1. Become a happier person.
  2. Significantly improve your appearance, get rid of skin problems, make your face more attractive.
  3. Come into a state of harmony with your body. Modern living conditions turn sweet girls into negatively thinking, embittered and aggressive women who cannot receive satisfaction from life. The reason is incorrect hormonal levels, which are followed by the introduction of false worldviews into the subconscious. Thanks to the site, you can get rid of not only physical, but also psychological problems by working on the hormonal system.
  4. Become more attractive to the opposite sex. Working on hormones through physical activity means a more feminine, attractive character and a more feminine figure. For girls with problems in their personal lives, this section can be a salvation.
  5. Start achieving goals that you constantly put off. “Delayed life syndrome” is a lack of certain hormones.
  6. Drastically change your life. Tired of “corrals” with self-esteem, problems with your personal life, at work, in the family - start working on yourself with the help of our recommendations. At first this path seems difficult, but the result will pleasantly surprise you.

The hormonal system is the basis of a person’s thoughts, actions and appearance. Now you know about it. Now everything is in your hands.

Do you know what makes muscles grow? Absolutely right anabolic hormones in bodybuilding play a huge role. Let's name them all: insulin, growth hormone, testosterone and IGF-1. Therefore, if you look at it through the eyes of a physician, weight training is a heavy-duty method of influencing your hormonal system so that it releases more anabolic hormones. In practice, this is true. Imagine for yourself, our body has only one way out: in response to heavy physical pressure, increase the secretion of all hormones. A large influx of anabolic hormones will cause the muscles to grow, the muscles will increase in volume and become stronger.

In addition, heavy physical training is not the only way to activate the hormonal glands and cause more anabolic hormones to be released. There are other methods to increase hormone production. In particular, such methods include a specialized diet, adequate sleep and nutritional supplements. If you combine all these methods, the growth of muscle mass will significantly accelerate. Let's look at the role of each of the anabolic hormones in more detail.

Anabolic hormones: testosterone

An anabolic hormone like testosterone has the greatest potential. However, the problem with the production of this hormone is that its production is influenced by a number of factors, and not all for the better. Here, and disturbances in sleep patterns, psychological stress, bad genetics, poor nutrition, nervous overload, poor ecology, etc.

Therefore, if we selectively measure testosterone levels in the blood of different athletes, we will get a wide range of results: from 300 nanograms per deciliter of blood to 1200 nanograms.

How to increase testosterone production?

Yes, it’s elementary, you just need to eat more fatty foods! The fact is that fats are the direct raw materials for the secretion of testosterone. When this raw material is not enough, it is obvious that the secretion of testosterone slows down.

It is worth noting that if there is not enough fat, not even the right diet will help. Scientists conducted an experiment on bodybuilders - they prepared a diet for them with an ideal ratio of carbohydrates and proteins, but testosterone levels were very low until a sufficient amount of fat was included in the diet. As a result, it was found that the athlete has the highest level of testosterone in the blood with 30 percent fat in his menu.

What will happen if you consume even more fat? Nothing good! Testosterone, on the contrary, will decrease.

Anabolic hormones: growth hormone

Growth hormone is very effective in terms of anabolism. You can, for example, remember how teenagers grow: after a month or two, they are almost unrecognizable. Bodybuilders who inject artificial growth hormone say: “Great! And how!” The peculiarity of growth hormone is that it makes everything grow. Yes, your muscle volume will increase, but at the same time your cartilage will grow. Just imagine, you will have size 45 ears! Or, large and knotty hands, like Dracula’s. For example, the lower jaw is supported by cartilaginous ligaments, which grow very well from this hormone. If you see a man with a face like the head of a flattened nail, then you know that he has taken too much growth hormone.

What follows from this? It is better to use natural ways to increase the level of growth hormone, since the body never harms itself. The best way is to get a good night's sleep. The first release of growth hormone into the blood occurs after 30-40 minutes. after you fall asleep, and then this is repeated every 2-3 hours. It’s a good idea to sleep for an hour during the day so that this hormone is released.

The second way to increase the secretion of growth hormone is to use amino acid stimulants. In first place is arginine in combination with lysine. Eat 1.5 grams of each at a time. If after 30 minutes a pleasant warmth spreads throughout the body and you want to sleep, it will work. If not? Then you need to increase the dosage.

The amino acid ornithine has a similar effect - take from 3 to 12 grams per dose (can be combined with lysine and arginine).

And the last way is to use the amino acid glutamine. It has become known that only 2 grams of glutamine diluted in Coca-Cola gives a very strong release of growth hormone. If you replace the amino acid glutamine with glutamic acid, then there is no effect!

Anabolic hormones: insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1)

IGF-1 is still poorly studied by medicine, but there is evidence that it is significantly more powerful than
testosterone. Those athletes who have been taking IGF-1 with sports supplements for a long time know very well that everything grows from it. The intestines grow especially strongly from it. It gets thicker and bigger. As a result, the figure athlete acquires a beer belly.

Again, natural and healthy methods of producing IGF-1 through diet are encouraged. Most of this hormone is produced when consuming 2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. If you eat less protein, then the secretion of IGF-1 will be less.

It is preferable to consume high-quality animal protein - eggs, beef, milk, chicken, fish. An excellent source of quality protein is whey protein powder. In the online sports nutrition store You can choose quality whey protein powder as well as other high quality sports nutrition.

You should not consume protein in excess of the norm. For the body, excess protein is poison. This has a bad effect on the kidneys and liver, and in addition, testosterone secretion decreases. The maximum single dose of protein is 30-35 grams.

Anabolic hormones: insulin

With this anabolic hormone, everything is much more complicated. As you know, insulin is needed to deliver glucose inside the muscles, the so-called energy of muscle cells. It seems that the more of this hormone, the more energy for the muscles. However, this is not true; muscle cells cannot use as much insulin as they want. That’s when all the excess insulin plays a bad role - it accumulates glucose in subcutaneous fat.

Everyone knows that carbohydrates are responsible for the secretion of insulin. Sweet foods, or as they are also called “fast” carbohydrates, cause the release of large amounts of insulin. But various cereals, such as oatmeal and buckwheat, cause a small release of insulin. From this we can conclude: when muscle energy is maximally depleted (for example, after a workout), it is better to eat “fast” carbohydrates. At other times, eat slow carbohydrates - various cereals, durum wheat pasta and vegetables. The diet should contain no more than 50 percent carbohydrates. Then insulin production is most optimal.

Natural Methods to Increase Anabolic Effects

1. Get at least 30 percent of your calories from fat.
2. Eat foods containing healthy fats (fish, plant foods).
3. If you lack healthy fats, then use flaxseed oil as a dietary supplement.
4. Eat at least 2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight every day.
5. Low-fat sources of protein are the most optimal (soybeans, chicken breasts, fish, beef, low-fat cheese).
6. Eat foods high in starch (brown rice, potatoes, oatmeal, beans, lentils, corn).

All hormones in the human body are classified according to their chemical composition into steroid, peptide, thyroid, and catecholamines. Steroid hormones are formed on the basis of cholesterol. This group of physiologically active substances includes sex hormones, glucocorticoids, and mineralocorticoids.

They are produced in different glands of the endocrine system and perform numerous vital functions:

Subgroup /
(Group of hormones)
GlandPrimary hormoneGeneral Features




Ovaries, placentaEstradiolSexual behavior, reproductive function


Ovaries, placentaProgesteronePregnancy, childbirth
(Glucocorticoids)Adrenal cortexCortisolRegulation of carbohydrate metabolism, anti-stress, anti-shock, immunomodulatory effects
MineralocorticoidsAdrenal cortexAldosteroneRegulation of water-salt metabolism

Biochemistry of steroid hormones

It is not only their chemical nature that unites steroid hormones into a common group. The process of their formation shows the biochemical connection between these substances. The biosynthesis of steroid hormones begins with the formation of cholesterol from acetyl-CoA (acetyl-coenzyme A is an important substance for metabolism, a precursor to cholesterol synthesis).

Cholesterol accumulates in the cytoplasm of the cell and is contained in lipid droplets, in esters with fatty acids. The process of formation of steroid hormones occurs in stages:

  1. Release of cholesterol from storage structures, its transfer to mitochondria (cell organelles), formation of complexes with membrane proteins of these organelles.
  2. The formation of pregnenolone, a precursor of steroid hormones, which leaves the mitochondria.
  3. Synthesis of progesterone in cell microsomes (cell membrane fragments). It forms two branches:
  • corticosteroids, from which mineralocorticosteroids and glucocorticosteroids are formed;
  • androgens, which give rise to estrogens.

All stages of biosynthesis are under the control of pituitary hormones: ACHT (adrenocorticotropic), LH (luteinizing), FSH (follicle-stimulating). Steroid hormones do not accumulate in the endocrine glands; they immediately enter the bloodstream. The rate of their entry depends on the activity of biosynthesis, and its intensity depends on the time of conversion of cholesterol to pregnenolone.

Mechanism of action of steroid hormones

The mechanism of action of steroid hormones is used in strength sports: weightlifting, bodybuilding, powerlifting, crossfit. It is associated with the activation of biological protein synthesis, which is important for building muscle mass.

Steroids alter the process of muscle regeneration. If for an ordinary person after strength training it takes 48 hours to restore muscle fibers, then for those who take anabolic steroids it takes about a day.

The peculiarity of the mechanism of action of steroid hormones is as follows:

  • active substances easily penetrate the cell membrane and begin to interact with specific cellular receptors, resulting in the formation of a functional hormone-receptor complex that moves into the nucleus;
  • in the nucleus, the complex disintegrates, and the hormone interacts with DNA, due to which the transcription process is activated (rewriting information about the structure of the protein from a section of the DNA molecule to messenger RNA);
  • at the same time, the process of ribosomal RNA synthesis is activated to form additional ribosomes (organelles in which proteins are synthesized), from which polysomes are formed;
  • Based on messenger RNA, protein synthesis is triggered in ribosomes, and polysomes allow the simultaneous synthesis of several protein molecules.

The effect of steroid hormones on humans

Adrenal steroid hormones perform important functions in the body:

  • Cortisol plays a key role in metabolism and regulates blood pressure. The popular name for this hormone is “stress hormone.” Worry, fasting, lack of sleep, excitement and other stressful situations cause increased secretion of this hormone in order to the body, under the influence of the active substance, could cope with stress.
  • Corticosterone provides the body with energy. It helps break down proteins and convert amino acids into complex carbohydrates, which are a source of energy. In addition, it helps produce glycogen as an energy reserve.
  • Aldosterone is important for maintaining blood pressure and controls the amount of potassium and sodium ions.

Hormonal regulation of the most important life processes is carried out not only by substances of the adrenal glands, but also by sex steroids:

  • Male sex hormones or androgens are responsible for the formation and manifestation of secondary sexual characteristics, the development of the muscular system, sexual behavior, and reproductive function.
  • In the female body. They ensure the formation and functionality of the female reproductive system and the manifestation of secondary sexual characteristics.

Excess and deficiency of steroid hormones

The intensity of the synthesis of steroid hormones depends on the level of metabolism, the general condition of the body, the health of the endocrine system, lifestyle and other factors. For normal functioning of the body, the amount of active substances in the blood must be within normal limits, their deficiency and excess over a long period of time causes negative consequences.

Steroid hormones are extremely important for women:

  • With an excess of corticosteroids, appetite increases, and this invariably leads to weight gain, obesity, diabetes, stomach ulcers, vasculitis (immunological inflammation of blood vessels), arrhythmia, osteoporosis, myopathy. In addition to the above diseases, acne, swelling appears, urolithiasis develops, and the menstrual cycle is disrupted.
  • Excessive amounts of estrogen manifest themselves in menstrual cycle disruptions, pain in the mammary glands, and emotional instability. causes dry skin, acne, wrinkles, cellulite, urinary incontinence, bone destruction.
  • An excessive amount of androgens in the female body causes suppression of estrogen, as a result, reproductive function is disrupted, and male characteristics appear (deepening of the voice, hair growth). A lack of male hormones causes depression, excessive emotionality, decreased libido, and causes sudden hot flashes.

In men, a lack of androgens leads to disorders of the nervous system, sexual functions are disrupted, and the cardiovascular system suffers. An excess of male hormones leads to a significant increase in muscle mass, the condition of the skin worsens, heart problems begin, hypertension often develops, and thrombosis occurs.

Excessive amounts of cortisol in representatives of both sexes negatively affect metabolic processes, leads to the deposition of fatty tissue in the abdomen, destruction of muscle tissue, and weakens immune defense.


Among the numerous means of pharmacology, synthetic steroid hormones in the composition of drugs have their own characteristics and are prescribed only after a thorough examination. When prescribing them, the doctor takes into account side effects and contraindications.

The most famous pharmacological agents:

  • Cortisone;
  • Hydrocortisone;
  • Estriol;
  • Dexamethasone;
  • Prednisolone;
  • Prednisol.

They have minimal side effects, these drugs are indicated during rehabilitation after severe, long-term illnesses, they are used in sports as doping:

  • activate tissue regeneration;
  • increase appetite;
  • reduce the amount of adipose tissue;
  • increase muscle mass;
  • promote the absorption of calcium and phosphorus by bone tissue;
  • increase performance and endurance;
  • have a beneficial effect on the activity of the cerebral cortex;
  • reduce the expression of fear.

Like any medications, these hormonal drugs have contraindications, which include:

  • young age;
  • diseases of the kidneys, liver, heart and blood vessels;
  • tumors of various origins.

Steroid medications should only be taken under medical supervision. During therapy, side effects may occur, which should be reported to your doctor:

  • acne;
  • acne;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • unmotivated instability of emotional state;
  • increased cholesterol levels and the development of atherosclerosis;
  • in men – erectile dysfunction, testicular atrophy, infertility, enlarged mammary glands;
  • swelling.

Anabolic steroid

The concept of anabolic steroids is well known in sports. Most of them are prohibited in our country, and such drugs are not sold freely in pharmacies. This list includes:

  • Boldenone;
  • Danabol;
  • Nandrolone;
  • Oxandrolone;
  • Anadrol;
  • Stanozolol;
  • Trenbolone and others.

These are pharmacological drugs whose action is similar to testosterone and dihydrotestosterone. Taking medications helps athletes improve their physical condition and show good results. Anabolic steroids are most in demand in strength sports, in particular in bodybuilding.

Anabolic steroids have two types of effects:

Additional effects when taking anabolic steroids include increased appetite, sex drive, and increased self-esteem. Taking anabolic steroids is accompanied by numerous side effects, which were mentioned above.

  • Use only as prescribed by a sports doctor (at least consult an endocrinologist and urologist)
  • do not exceed permissible doses;
  • avoid combinations of anabolic steroids, unless a special course provides for this;
  • do not exceed the duration of treatment;
  • It is not recommended for women to take anabolic steroids, with the exception of drugs with a high anabolic index (the ratio of anabolic to androgenic activity);
  • Under 25 years of age you should not take anabolic steroids ( produces its own testosterone, the risk of resistance is the cessation of production of its hormone);
  • After taking the drugs, it is necessary to carry out post-course therapy.


Excessive amounts of sex steroid hormones in the blood before the onset of puberty (or early puberty) in causes serious disturbances in the body and leads to illness. One of these diseases is called Albright syndrome, or more precisely Albright-McCune syndrome, named after the two eminent doctors who described it.

More often this pathology is recorded in girls. They have characteristic external features:

  • short stature;
  • round face;
  • short neck;
  • shortened 4th and 5th bones of the metatarsus and metacarpus;
  • muscle spasms;
  • changes in the skeleton;
  • delay in the appearance of teeth;
  • insufficient development of enamel.

In this case, mental retardation, endocrine disorders, and skin changes are observed. The disease is diagnosed at 5-10 years of age; it is rare and is inherited. Only with timely diagnosis and proper treatment is the prognosis favorable.

Treatment of Albright-McCune syndrome is problematic. Only hormonal therapy is used. With the help of progesterone, menstruation is stopped, but the rate of growth and development does not slow down; these measures negatively affect the functioning of the adrenal glands. During treatment, drugs are used that block the secretion of estrogen.

Patients suffer from thyroid dysfunction, pituitary hyperfunction(in addition to rapid growth, the development of acromegaly is possible). Synthetic hormones are used to suppress the excessive production of hormones from these glands.

Enlargement of the adrenal glands and their excessive secretion leads to obesity, cessation of growth, and fragility of the skin. In these cases, the affected adrenal gland is removed and excessive cortisol secretion is blocked. Children with Albright syndrome often have low phosphorus levels and develop rickets. Oral phosphate and vitamin D are prescribed.

Steroid hormones are important for vital functions. Deviations from the norm provoke the development of pathologies.

Today we will introduce you to one of the classes of hormones. This class is extremely important for us, since it is anabolic hormones that cause muscle mass to grow and increase the overall strength of the muscle fiber.

General principles

The general principle of action of this class of hormones is stimulation of synthesis and cell division, renewal of cellular structures and stabilization of homeostasis. These hormones are produced by the endocrine glands. And the synthesis of hormones is regulated by the hormones themselves, or rather by their levels in the blood - a vicious circle.

Several anabolic steroids

1. Insulin- a hormone produced by the pancreas. The function of this hormone is extremely important - it controls the level of glucose in the blood. With the intake of carbohydrates, the level of insulin in the blood also increases. Insulin is involved in the synthesis of glycogen, as well as in the synthesis of fats. The more insulin, the more fat and the less insulin is active. If a person’s diet is dominated by carbohydrates for a long time, the person leads a sedentary lifestyle, then the cells stop responding to insulin, and the risk of diabetes increases. In people who regularly exercise and follow proper nutrition, insulin levels are lowered, which means they are not at risk of diabetes.

2. Somatotropic hormone or growth hormone- It is produced in our brain, to be more precise in the pituitary gland. One of the functions that interests us most is that it causes a change in carbohydrate metabolism to fat metabolism, i.e. forces the body to use fat, which we hate so much, as a resource. The second property is that it enhances the growth of muscle tissue. The same regular physical activity helps stimulate the synthesis of this hormone.

3. Insulin-like growth factor– One of the representatives of anabolic hormones, poorly studied. But it has been proven that under its influence the amount of protein in the muscles increases and their mass increases. This hormone is synthesized during training, as well as during the rest period after it.

4. Testosterone– It seems that this is the most famous of the anabolic hormones. A steroid produced from cholesterol in men's testes and in small quantities in women's ovaries. An extremely active hormone, so there is a mechanism for blocking testosterone. Without this mechanism, uncontrolled growth would occur. Also, testosterone in the cell stimulates protein synthesis, which means an increase in cell size - a direct example is the hypertrophy of muscle tissue. Testosterone inhibits (slows down) the secretion of cortisol, which is responsible for the breakdown of muscle tissue. Sports training increases testosterone levels for a period of 2 to 5 hours. Including fiber in the diet also raises its level. Testosterone synthesis also improves vitamin E and C.

The role of anabolic and catabolic hormones in the formation of constitutional traits

Catabolic hormones and their role in the formation of constitutional traits

Adrenal hormones. The adrenal glands are small structures located above each kidney. They consist of an outer layer called the cortex and an inner part called the medulla. Both parts have their own functions, and in some lower animals they are completely separate structures. Each of the two parts of the adrenal glands plays an important role, both in normal condition and in disease.

Hormones of the adrenal medulla.

Adrenaline and norepinephrine are the two main hormones secreted by the adrenal medulla. Epinephrine is considered a metabolic hormone due to its effects on carbohydrate storage and fat mobilization. Norepinephrine is a vasoconstrictor, i.e. it constricts blood vessels and increases blood pressure. The adrenal medulla is closely connected to the nervous system; Thus, norepinephrine is released by sympathetic nerves and acts as a neurohormone (Mitskevich M.S., 1978).

Adrenaline is necessary for survival, as it provides a reaction to sudden danger. When it occurs, adrenaline is released into the blood and mobilizes carbohydrate reserves for the rapid release of energy, increases muscle strength, causes dilation of the pupils and constriction of peripheral blood vessels. Thus, reserve forces are directed to “flight or fight”, and in addition, blood loss is reduced due to vasoconstriction and rapid blood clotting. Epinephrine also stimulates the secretion of ACTH (i.e., the hypothalamic-pituitary axis). ACTH, in turn, stimulates the release of cortisol by the adrenal cortex, resulting in an increase in the conversion of proteins into glucose, which is necessary to replenish glycogen stores in the liver and muscles used during the anxiety reaction (Mitskevich M.S., 1978).

The adrenal cortex secretes the hormones cortisol and corticosterone. Cortisol takes part in the regulation of many metabolic (biochemical) processes and plays a key role in the body’s protective reactions to stress and hunger, i.e. performs an adaptogenic function. During fasting, for example, it ensures the maintenance of normal blood glucose levels, and during emotional or surgical shock it prevents blood pressure from falling below a dangerous level. Excess cortisol leads to serious metabolic disturbances, causing hypergluconeogenesis, i.e. excessive conversion of proteins into carbohydrates. This condition, known as Cushing's syndrome, is characterized by loss of muscle mass, decreased carbohydrate tolerance, i.e. reduced supply of glucose from the blood to the tissues (which is manifested by an abnormal increase in the concentration of sugar in the blood when it comes from food), as well as demineralization of bones (Mitskevich M.S., 1978).

Highly spiritual people have a significantly higher level of resistance of their bodies to a wide variety of diseases. It turned out that under stress, the body of highly moral people releases much less cortisol than those who do not particularly adhere to highly spiritual moral principles. In other words, the body of the former overcomes stress much more easily, remaining stronger in cases of external attack on the body. In addition, a significant release of cortisol reduces a person’s mental capabilities. This was announced by scientists from the University of California, Los Angeles (V.I. Morosanova, 1997).

Corticosterone regulates mineral metabolism and the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. High concentrations of this hormone in the blood are observed during stress. With insufficient function of the adrenal cortex, a decrease in the production of corticosterone, a serious condition develops - Addison's (bronze) disease. It is characterized by hyperpigmentation of the skin and mucous membranes (bronze tint), weakening of the heart muscle, arterial hypotension, increased fatigue, susceptibility to infections, and disturbances in water-salt metabolism (V.I. Morosanova, 1997).

In children of early, preschool and primary school age, the secretion of these hormones is reduced compared to adults. As the child develops, there is a gradual increase in the secretion of all cortical hormones. Before pubertal development, there is no significant difference in the excretion of 17-hydroxycorticosteroids in boys and girls; differences are detected only after the formation of the gonads (V.I. Morosanova, 1997).

It is important to emphasize that in boys during puberty, along with a high basal level of glucocorticoids, there is a decrease in the reserve capacity of the cortical substance; in girls these reserves are much higher. This determines their different reactions to stressful situations, including pathological processes (V.I. Morosanova, 1997).

At rest, adrenal medulla cells constantly secrete small amounts of epinephrine and probably norepinephrine. Under the influence of an external or internal stress factor, for example in situations requiring great physical or mental stress, as well as during infection and injury, the secretion of adrenaline and norepinephrine sharply increases; during stress, these hormones play an important regulatory role. They increase cardiac activity, cause vasoconstriction of internal organs and dilation of blood vessels supplying muscles. In addition, they inhibit gastrointestinal motility and cause dilatation of the bronchi. Those. when a person is in danger, continued digestion of food becomes unnecessary and the activity of the digestive processes may be reduced. At the same time, to fight or flee, muscles need oxygen and glucose, so dilation of the bronchi and vessels supplying blood to the muscles is required (A.G. Minchenko, 1982).

In general, in the human body the hypothalamus is the first and most intense to react to any external irritation. It sends signals to the pituitary gland, which releases hormones that are sensitively detected by many tissues and organs, primarily the adrenal glands. In response, they “release” (secrete) adrenaline into the body - the anxiety hormone. As a result, the walls of blood vessels narrow sharply, blood pressure rises, pulse and breathing become more frequent, muscle tension increases, and the blood sugar level increases (A.G. Minchenko, 1982).

People who produce a lot of norepinephrine in response to emotional stress quickly mobilize in stressful situations (which they sometimes create for themselves, not being able to gather themselves in normal, regular life), easily overcome them, and their performance in moments of testing can be envied. But they tend to “burn out” quickly, and it can be difficult to relax (A.G. Minchenko, 1982).

As soon as negative emotions, surprises, or emergencies appear that require decisive action and instant decisions, disruptions inevitably creep into the work of adrenaline-type people, they get lost and begin to make mistakes. But they work extremely effectively in conditions of stability, when everything goes according to plan. They are conscientious hard workers, but they know how to rest and relax (O.A. Danilova, 1983).

People of the mixed type, who have plenty of both the anxiety hormone and the stability hormone (norepinephrine), are distinguished by emotional instability. They react sharply to any event. They are characterized by sharp mood swings and often unpredictability of actions (O.A. Danilova, 1983).

Anabolic hormones and their role in the formation of typological personality traits

Testicular hormones. As it turns out, a lack of the male hormone testosterone in the blood can cause changes in the behavior of men, making them more irritable and causing them to experience bouts of depressed mood. But, unlike female menopause, depressed mood and attacks of irritability can affect a man of any age with a lack of testosterone in the blood (T.P. Bezverkhaya 1984).

Testosterone is a naturally occurring anabolic steroid. The higher level of testosterone in the male body compared to the female body provides a higher percentage of muscle mass in men. Any steroids that increase muscle mass cause masculine side effects (T.P. Bezverkhaya 1984).

Testosterone plays a very important role on the physical, sexual and emotional levels of the male body.

Testosterone is the most important male sex hormone. It is involved in the development of reproductive organs and secondary sexual characteristics, controls the ability to reproduce, bone structure, maintenance of muscle mass and muscle strength, and also plays an important role in maintaining the mental and physical performance of a man (T.P. Bezverkhaya 1984).

Normally, women have a small amount of androgen synthesis that occurs in the adrenal glands, ovaries, and (possibly) in the liver and skin. With an increase in the concentration of androgens, especially free testosterone (not bound to proteins), in the blood it can lead to the development of hirsutism (T.P. Bezverkhaya 1984).

Hirsutism is increased male pattern hair growth in women along the midline of the abdomen, face, chest and inner thighs. Amenorrhea (lack of menstruation) and infertility are possible (N.S. Kazei, 1988).

Ovarian hormones. Estradiol is responsible for the development of secondary sexual characteristics and determines the characteristic physical and mental characteristics of the body. In addition to the main effect on female sexual functions and characteristics, the hormone has a regulatory effect on the metabolism of the body as a whole: lipid metabolism, calcification and formation of bone matter, an increase in the secretory activity of the sebaceous glands, and a decrease in the intensity of hair growth (N.S. Kazei, 1988).

The hormone estradiol is a female sex hormone that, by analogy with testosterone, forms the body according to the “female type”. Synthesized by follicle cells in the ovaries. In men, it is synthesized in small quantities in Sertoli cells in the testes and in the adrenal cortex during steroid metabolism. Synthesis is controlled by the pituitary gland through gonadotropic hormones (FSH) (N.S. Kazei, 1988).