What diseases does a neurologist treat? What does a neurologist treat in adults? What does a neurologist do

Neurologist- a doctor who deals with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system.

The central nervous system is represented by the brain and spinal cord, the peripheral nervous system is represented by various structures connecting the central nervous system with various organs and tissues. The nervous system regulates the activity of all body systems and responds to changes in the conditions of the internal and external environment.

The science of neurology studies diseases of the nervous system, and a neurologist diagnoses neurological diseases and prescribes methods for their treatment. The human nervous system is involved in the development of many diseases, which aggravates their clinical picture. It is for this reason that many doctors refer their patients to a neurologist to adjust their prescribed treatment.

What does a neurologist treat?

Diseases of the nervous system are very diverse. They are based on:

Most often, a neurologist is treated for migraines. This disease is characterized by bouts of severe headache, which is often unilateral. More than 75% of residents of large cities regularly face such a problem.

Also a very common problem are diseases of the autonomic nervous system. They manifest as jumps in blood pressure, chest pain on the left, chronic fatigue, dizziness, anxiety and fear. More than half of the population of our planet complains about these phenomena.

In addition, a neurologist treats intervertebral hernias, osteochondrosis, radiculitis and vegetative-vascular dystonia; pinching of nerve fibers; concussions and their consequences. People who suffer from epilepsy, cerebrovascular insufficiency, strokes, memory disorders, neuritis and polyneuropathies also turn to this specialist.

Another field of activity of a neurologist is the complications of osteochondrosis, encephalitis of various origins and neoplasms in the brain and other parts of the nervous system. They turn to a neurologist about degenerative conditions of the NS, such as senile dementia, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease.

What are the symptoms to see a neurologist?

What diseases does a neurologist treat?

How is an appointment with a neurologist

During the initial visit to a neurologist, the specialist will need to ask the person in detail about complaints, that is, to collect an anamnesis of the disease. An experienced doctor can already assess the patient's condition only by gait and movements. But, a careful examination is necessary: ​​visual, tactile and with the help of tools to make a diagnosis. To assess some reflexes, the state of the muscles will require you to remove some clothing. So, how is the appointment with a neurologist:

The specialist examines the patient's appearance for the presence of asymmetry of the face, body.
To study the work of the optic nerve, you will need to follow the movements of the malleus without turning your head.
The doctor can check the reflexes with the help of your facial expressions. The neurologist will ask you to wrinkle your forehead, stick out your tongue, or say "A".
You can check the sensitivity of the face with a needle. Do not be afraid, you will need to concentrate as much as possible and answer the neurologist's questions about whether you experience the same sensations during injections in symmetrical zones.
To determine the condition of the muscles, their tone and reflexes, the doctor will be asked to shake his hand, to resist when trying to bend the elbow. Evaluation occurs by assigning points from 1 to 5.
Deep reflexes of the arms and legs are tested by hammer blows on the tendons.
Surface reflexes are checked by irritating the skin of the abdominal wall with a needle.
A deep examination of the muscles and joints is carried out when the patient's eyes are closed, and the doctor takes his finger to him in different directions, and asks him to name exactly in which direction he is doing this.
Drawing various figures, letters and numbers on the skin of the patient's back helps to determine the state of the spinal nerves and paravertebral pain points.
Coordination of movements is checked by the Romberg pose. The patient is standing, legs together, arms extended forward, eyes closed. The neurologist will ask you to slowly bring your index finger to your nose (each hand). In this study, the person ideally should not stagger to the sides.
It may be necessary to answer specific questions about counting or dates to evaluate memory.

What diagnostic methods are used by a neurologist

  • examination of cerebrospinal fluid;
  • electrophysiological testing of muscle potentials (electroneuromyography);
  • radiography of the skull and spine, other parts of the body;
  • angiography of cerebral vessels;
  • electroencephalography;
  • ultrasound (Doppler) examination of cerebral vessels;
  • CT scan;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging.

What treatments are used by a neurologist

The methods of treating a patient with a neurologist, as with any doctor, can be divided into medical, surgical, additional. The drugs used in the pathologies of the nervous system are different, depending on the cause and mechanism of the disease. Antibiotics, corticosteroids, anti-inflammatory drugs, antihistamines, which improve blood circulation and microcirculation, affect memory, sleeping pills, antidepressants, tranquilizers, antipsychotics, sedatives, and many others are used.

Neoplasms of the nervous system are surgically removed, in addition, neurosurgeons perform operations on altered vessels. Additional methods of treatment include numerous methods of physiotherapy. Many illnesses require psychotherapy. Also, neurologists use very effective acupuncture, various types of massage (vacuum massage, acupressure), physiotherapy exercises.

Neurological diseases are not yet fully understood by medical science and practice, the causes and mechanisms of development of many of them are unknown to specialists. However, a wide range of methods of influencing the nervous system often makes it possible to cure a disease or significantly improve the patient's quality of life.

Questions and answers on the topic "Neurologist"

Question:Symptoms - at night, I wake up from anxiety, accompanied by trembling in the body. If you do not take the medicine, it gets stronger, I take afobazole 2 tons * 3 times, less does not help. I take a month. In the afternoon there is a sudden staggering after some physical activity, the strength has become sharply limited. What was easy is now hard to do. What drug can you try? They prescribed Atarax, Glycine from them excitability, increased heartbeat.

Answer: Hello. You need to find a psychotherapist who focuses on psychotherapy, and does not try all the pills on you just in case.

Question:hello, I am 59 years old, my legs swell in the ankle area, the cardiologist said that these are not cardiac edema, but there is a hernia in the vertebral region, who should I contact?

Answer: Therapist, phlebologist.


Answer: It is necessary to determine the cause, and for this you should contact a neurologist and a phlebologist in person.

Question:Hello. I can not fall asleep. I wake up due to lack of air, a feeling of fear, panic begins. strong and rapid heartbeat. Light chills.

Answer: Possibly a panic attack. Internal consultation of the psychotherapist is necessary to you.

Question:Hello! I am 46 years old, major of the fire department. Half a year ago, I noticed difficulties in writing, namely, it became problematic to write two or three words. After a minute or two there is pain in the middle of the hand and from the wrist to the elbow. According to read on the internet, according to the description it is "Writing spasm". What should I do and how can I fix this?

Answer: You need to start with a face-to-face consultation with a neurologist to carry out the necessary diagnostic measures, make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment. Diseases with similar features: myotonia, ulnar nerve injury, carpal tunnel syndrome, radicular syndrome, herniated disc.

Question:I am 42 years old, every day my arms go numb to the elbow, then they start to ache, I can’t do anything around the house. I feel dizzy, and most importantly, what prevents me from living: when walking, it seems to me that I am stepping on something soft, I feel that someone is pushing me to the sides, I am falling somewhere, there is a feeling that I am on a ship and I shakes. Nobody says anything, don't know what to do.

Answer: Make an MRI of the cervical region, ultrasound of the vessels of the cervical region and the brain, and with the results of the examination, contact a neurologist and a chiropractor.

About 3 thousand years ago BC, for the first time, information flashed that the healers of those times had identified a disease in which paralysis of varying severity and a violation of sensitivity were found. They began to pay attention to the fact that patients have fainting, anxiety without any reason, nervousness, etc.

Since ancient times, such ailments as epilepsy and migraine began to appear and be investigated (as far as possible).

In the modern world, as a rule, there have been few changes and symptoms such as fainting, the inability to be in stuffy rooms, nervousness is a reason to worry seriously about your health and, first of all, seek advice from a neurologist.

In order to become a neurologist, it is not enough just to pass the entrance exams, You must have completed higher education in one of the following specialties:

  • Pediatrics.
  • Medical business.

Neurology- a rather complicated and difficult profession in which the doctor must know all the subtleties of his activity. The doctor must more than carefully know the causes of damage to the nervous system, symptoms, signs of diseases.

You should know all the subtleties of the nerve endings of the spinal cord and brain, the peripheral system and understand all the subtleties quite well

These include:

  • Seizures.
  • Sharp and sharp pains.
  • Paralysis.
  • Loss of sensation in the limbs (numbness).
  • Movement inconsistency.

If the doctor is experienced, he should be able to do the following:

  • Examine the patient.
  • Interrogate him thoroughly.
  • Determine which tests should be given to the patient for a more accurate diagnosis.
  • Make the right choice of treatment.
  • Determine which procedures need to be prescribed to the patient.
  • To be able to talk with the patient, explain to him the cause of the disease, explain how to treat.
  • Have experience in profiling the nervous system.

Surgical intervention procedures are not the responsibility of a neurologist, this work is entrusted to the neurosurgeon.

What diseases are treated by neurologists?

A neurologist diagnoses and treats diseases that are directly related to the nervous system.

Among the ailments of this stage, the following stand out:

  • Neuralgia.
  • Epilepsy attacks.
  • The formation of a tumor in the brain or spinal cord.
  • Strokes.
  • Violation of the blood circulation of the brain of the head.
  • encephalopathy.

The main part of such ailments requires the involvement of neurologists, since they arise in close connection with changes in the mental state of the patient

Diseases that specialists closely deal with are closely related to the following disorders:

  • Paralysis.
  • Loss of sensation.
  • Seizures.
  • Headache.
  • Pain in the face.
  • Loss and impairment of consciousness.
  • Stroke with consequences.
  • Injuries that occurred in the back, head and consequences after them.
  • Pain in the back area (hernia, osteochondrosis, sciatica, and others).

What symptoms should be referred to a neurologist?

This specialist should be contacted in many cases, namely:

  • If you experience frequent, severe and unreasonable headaches.
  • Migraines.
  • With dizziness.
  • The occurrence of tinnitus.
  • With sleep disorders (frequent awakening at night, insomnia).
  • Memory loss.
  • Movement coordination is markedly impaired.
  • With numbness of the hands or feet.
  • Fainting.
  • Manifestation of pain in the back.
  • Tingling.
  • Disorders of consciousness.

How is an appointment with a neurologist?

During the examination of the patient, the doctor clarifies in detail with him, the following nuances:

  • Age.
  • Having a family.
  • Place of work and features of labor activity.
  • Investigation of health complaints.
  • Determination of reasons for contacting medical institutions.
  • hereditary predisposition.

The doctor studies the history of the disease in great detail, then thoroughly examines the patient, examines the state of the nervous system.

At the first examination, an experienced doctor determines what additional studies will be needed to identify a more correct diagnosis. Thanks to the results of the tests, the patient is determined by a detailed and correct treatment.

The tactics of treatment is selected on an individual basis, based on it, it is revealed what kind of treatment the patient needs - surgical or medical

Methods of examination in neurology

The doctor examines the patient's condition, paying attention to various points, as a rule, he evaluates and checks the following:

  • Examines and gives a qualified assessment of the activity of all organs and systems in the human body.
  • Thoroughly examines the condition of the skin.
  • Determines what body type.
  • The specialist peers into the shape, size and symmetry of the head.
  • The condition of the neck is diagnosed and the stiffness of the muscles at the back of the head is checked.
  • Thorough examination of the chest.
  • The organs of the peritoneum are carefully palpated.
  • The spinal system is examined.

The doctor conducts an examination in detail and carefully, pays attention to the following:

  • Checking the state of vision and the presence of various disorders.
  • Examination of how the patient can be defined in space, time and own activities.
  • Brain function is assessed.
  • The functions of the cranial and cerebral nerve endings are being studied.
  • It is checked how freely the patient can move in space.
  • Checking the reflex system.

The nervous system performs many functions in the body, controls the work of the whole organism. Therefore, based on the patient's condition, his complaints, the examination can last from 15 minutes to several hours.

How qualified a specialist is when registering a patient, this plays a very important role

Causes of nervous diseases

The nervous system is the most vulnerable place in the human body, even minor disruptions in its activity significantly worsen the patient's life.

Illnesses can be an important impetus for the development of cardiovascular diseases and the gastrointestinal tract, so ignoring the signals that the body gives is simply a crime. Even when the first symptoms appear, it is a reason to immediately contact a specialist.

The causes of the lesion can be very different, any of the symptoms can cause their manifestation:

  • Vascular disorders.
  • received infections.
  • Consequences of the defeat of all kinds of poisons and toxins
  • Injuries received.
  • The defeat of the body with both infectious and colds.
  • Fatigue from physical labor and mental stress.
  • Transferred stress.
  • Heredity.

Classification of nervous diseases

Recently, the problem of the occurrence of vascular lesions of the nervous system has been quite acutely felt.

Such ailments appear more and more often, age is getting younger, and mortality will increase, many patients do not fully recover after illnesses, hence the maximum number of disabled people.

These types of diseases include stroke and cerebrovascular insufficiency chronic nature. Doctors consider hypertension or atherosclerosis to be the main causes.

Distinctly characterized by high fever, vomiting, nausea, impaired motor function.

An injury that entails a severe bruise, a concussion of the brain, can quite seriously affect the nervous system in a negative way and lead to a disorder of consciousness and memory, headaches, insomnia, very frequent awakening at night, bouts of vomiting and nausea.

Quite often there are diseases of a peripheral nature.

These include: sciatica, neuritis, plexitis - they all occur for one reason - hypothermia, various intoxications, past infections. They are expressed in frequent dizziness, nausea, pain in the head is quite strong.

The treatment and rehabilitation procedure is quite long. It can require a lot of time from the patient, doctor and relatives of the patient, mostly patience. Only an experienced doctor can prescribe a treatment technique, and quite often a council meeting is required to help choose which treatment may be required.

What does a neurologist treat? A neurologist, or, in the old way, a neuropathologist, is a specialist in diseases and traumatic injuries of the nervous system - central (the brain and spinal cord and membranes that protect the brain) and peripheral (all nerves responsible for communicating all organs and tissues of the human body with the brain). It can be said in another way - a neurologist deals with disorders of the somatic and autonomic nervous system.

The somatic nervous system is a part of the human nervous system, which includes areas of the central (CNS) and peripheral (PNS) nervous system responsible for the coordinated work of those actions that we can consciously control - the activity of the skeletal muscles, sensory organs.

The autonomic nervous system (ANS) also consists of certain areas of the CNS and PNS, but it has other functions - it controls the coordinated activity of organs and systems that proceeds independently of our will.

What are

Neurologists are:

  • for children - doctors who treat diseases of the nervous system in children;
  • manual therapists - treating neurological disorders using manual techniques;
  • treating diseases of certain organs and systems:
    • otoneurologist - a specialist in neurological hearing impairment;
    • angioneurologist - deals with problems of cerebral blood supply;
    • vegetoneurologist - a doctor who treats diseases of the autonomic nervous system;
    • neurologist-somnologist - a specialist in various sleep disorders.

Neurologists treat only those disorders that do not require surgery. Surgical diseases of the nervous system are dealt with by other doctors: neurosurgeons and vertebroneurologists - specialists in neurological disorders caused by diseases and injuries of the spine.

A neurologist takes a long time to study his profession: in order to master the specialty, the future doctor first comprehends the general course of medical sciences at a university for six years, after which he studies his specialty in an internship residency for another 1-2 years.

A neurologist's consultation can be obtained both free of charge - in a state medical institution, and for a fee - in a private clinic.

What diseases does a neurologist treat?

Here is an incomplete list of diseases treated by a neurologist:

A pediatric neurologist, in addition, deals with the treatment and correction of impaired functions:

  • with a lag in mental and physical development of a neurological nature;
  • with congenital anomalies in the development of the spine and skull;
  • with cerebral palsy.

Rehabilitation after injuries, surgical interventions, serious illnesses affecting the nervous system is also carried out under the supervision of a neurologist.

For treatment, the neurologist prescribes medications (including in the form of blockades - injections of an anesthetic into the muscles, peripheral nerves, epidural space in order to treat neurological pain), physiotherapy, massage, physiotherapy exercises.

When is it necessary to consult a neurologist?

An appointment with a neurologist should be made if the following symptoms occur, which may indicate a neurological disease:

A neurologist should also be consulted for injuries to the head, neck, and back.

Additional reasons to show the child's neurologist:

  • in infancy:
    • disproportionate increase in head size;
    • frequent causeless regurgitation;
    • incorrect positioning of the fingers when lifting to the feet;
  • at an older age:
    • causeless prolonged state of capriciousness, lethargy or, conversely, increased excitability;
    • stuttering;
    • recurring episodes of nosebleeds.

Consultation of a pediatric neurologist is required for children of any age group if signs of a violation of physical or mental development are found. Healthy preschool children also need regular check-ups by a neurologist for preventive purposes.

  • diabetes;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • neoplasms of the central and peripheral nervous system;
  • some congenital diseases of the nervous system (for example, cerebral palsy);
  • progressive neurological diseases - parkinsonism, Alzheimer's disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, multiple sclerosis.

How a neurologist diagnoses

Diagnosis of neurological diseases includes neurological examination, laboratory and instrumental studies.

Neurological examination

The appointment of a neurologist begins with listening to the patient's complaints, collecting an anamnesis. After a conversation with the patient, an examination is carried out, which includes several stages.

The scope of research is determined individually.

Instrumental and laboratory research

To establish a diagnosis, a neurologist can give direction to certain additional studies:

  • computed or magnetic resonance imaging;
  • dopplerography to assess the state and functions of large vessels;
  • electromyography - the study of muscle function;
  • electrocardiography - the study of brain impulses for the diagnosis of epilepsy.

To clarify the diagnosis, the neurologist may also refer the patient to other narrow specialists.

Treatment is prescribed after the diagnosis is established. If a neurologist has identified or suspected a surgical disease of the nervous system, or conservative treatment has not brought satisfactory results, the patient is referred to a neurosurgeon.

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Symptoms and treatment of subluxation of the cervical vertebra

A subluxation of the cervical vertebra is called the displacement of the vertebrae, without rupture of the ligamentous apparatus. The first 7 vertebrae belong to the cervical region, and this injury is inherent in nearby couples. Each vertebra contains small openings that together form the intervertebral canal.

This canal protects the blood vessels involved in cerebral circulation and the processes of the spinal nerves from external mechanical damage.

How does a neck injury occur?

The most unstable position for the vertebrae is the tilt of the head forward, here the vertebrae are held, mainly due to the adhesion of the joints and cervical muscles, so mechanical action in this position can lead to subluxation or even dislocation of the cervical vertebra.

This can happen when hitting the ball with your head, or when your head hits the windshield or steering wheel of a car in an accident, as well as when falling headfirst, even from a small height.

Warning symptoms that may indicate subluxation

Subluxation of the cervical vertebrae is far from always accompanied by pain, and the symptoms appear gradually, and it is often difficult to relate them to each other due to their qualitative differences. It can be:

  • dizziness;
  • severe headaches;
  • deterioration in the quality of sleep;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • severe irritability;
  • muscle weakness develops;
  • noise in ears;
  • numbness and pain in the limbs;
  • loss of sensation in certain parts of the limbs;
  • tingling in the shoulder girdle, convulsions are possible;
  • visual impairment;
  • back pain;
  • unilateral paralysis may develop.

Diagnostic steps to identify trauma

Diagnosis begins with an initial examination, the doctor will ask the patient to make several movements, depending on what symptoms led to the examination, followed by a probing of the neck and a specialized diagnostic analysis. For the diagnosis of subluxation of the cervical vertebrae, various types of radiographic studies are used.

  1. Spondylography - allows you to see the condition of the vertebrae and intervertebral joints and discs. If this is not enough, then other types of radiographs are used.
  2. Oblique radiographs - necessary for better visibility of the articular processes, intervertebral foramens. It is performed with the head tilted to the side by about 45 ⁰.
  3. X-ray through the mouth - only this type of study gives an overview of the first 2 vertebrae, this is important for the diagnosis of rotational subluxation of the atlas, the first vertebra.

Features of subluxation in children

Many injuries in children and adults differ in course and causes. Subluxation of the cervical vertebra in a child is not uncommon due to the immaturity of the joints and tendons, and the elasticity of the muscles, and can occur even with minor mechanical stress. May occur due to abnormal course of childbirth.

In children, there are three types of subluxations:

  1. Kienböck's subluxation is a subluxation of the first vertebra, caused by a violation of the integrity of the second vertebra, occurs infrequently, but has serious consequences for the health of the child. The mobility of the neck is lost, accompanied by pain.
  2. Rotational subluxation is a fairly common type of injury that occurs with sharp turns of the head, nodding, rotation of the head. The main manifestation of rotational subluxation of the cervical vertebra is the formation of torticollis, i.e. baby tilts head to relieve pain.
  3. Active subluxation (pseudo-subluxation) - occurs with excessive muscle tone, and often resolves on its own, without leading to special consequences.

Parents are not always aware of the injuries that the child receives, and the development of such pathologies as scoliosis, or inattention, poor memory is in no way associated with injuries of the cervical vertebrae. Of particular difficulty with birth injuries, symptoms may begin to appear only after a few years.

Proper treatment for a neck injury is the key to a speedy recovery.

First aid

Timely and correctly provided first aid will greatly facilitate the process of reduction and subsequent rehabilitation. At the slightest suspicion of an injury of this kind, it is necessary to immobilize all cervical vertebrae. Without a special corset, this is easier to do by laying the victim on a flat surface.

After this, splints should be applied in order to avoid the slightest movement of the head and neck. After all immobilization procedures have been carried out, in order to avoid swelling, cool the affected area with any cold compress.

It is highly undesirable to transport the victim on your own, it is better to wait for an ambulance.

That. all first aid comes down to 2 points:

  1. immobilization;
  2. cold.


A number of techniques have been developed to reduce the vertebrae, the use of one or another depends on the presence of complications, the age of the patient, and the type of injury.

  1. The Vitiug method is applicable for subluxations that are not accompanied by complications. It consists in local anesthesia, as a result of which the pain syndrome is eliminated and muscle tone returns to normal. And there is either a spontaneous reduction of the vertebra, or with little effort, manually the doctor returns the correct position.
  2. With the help of the Glisson loop - the patient lies on a hard surface with a slight inclination, so that the head is higher than the body. A fabric “loop” is put on the chin, to which the load is attached (its weight is calculated individually). The load is hung and there is a gradual stretching of the cervical vertebrae. Such a reduction is very long and not always effective.
  3. Lever method - instantaneous reduction of structures. Perhaps with the use of painkillers, or without them.

After reduction of any subluxation, it is necessary to immobilize the damaged area for some time (at least 1 month).

It is convenient to do this with the help of Shants collars, they are made in various sizes, so everyone can find the most convenient for themselves.

Such conservative treatment of subluxation of the cervical vertebra provides an increase in cartilage and muscle tissue, which will prevent the incident from happening again.

For a speedy recovery, a number of additional procedures are resorted to.

  • Medical help. To restore or maintain an optimal level of cerebral circulation, a number of drugs are prescribed, including B vitamins. And drugs are also prescribed to stimulate the formation of chondrocytes (cartilage cells).
  • Various physiotherapy procedures:
  • massage - will help relieve tension from the muscles of the neck, improve blood circulation in them.
  • thermal procedures - all kinds of warm compresses to relieve muscle tension;
  • ultrasound therapy - its principle is the deep penetration of waves into the tissues, there is a "micromassage" of tissues, which has a positive effect on the recovery process;
  • electrophoresis is its function in local heating, i.e. effect as in thermal procedures;
  • magnetotherapy - leads to local expansion of blood vessels, stimulates the enrichment of the brain with oxygen, speeds up the metabolism, which favorably affects the recovery time.

The danger of self-medication

  • an attempt to self-reposition may result in a rupture of the ligaments, or a complete dislocation;
  • self-administration of medicines - lead to disruption of the functions of many organs, because each drug is selected individually! And it is not enough to read the instructions - the insert, you need to know about compatibility with other drugs, etc.;
  • the wrong time and type of physiotherapy can cause the opposite effect.

But the best treatment is prevention, so it is better to follow safety precautions when playing sports, at work, and monitor the safety of playgrounds. Eat protein foods and exercise regularly so that your body is less prone to such injuries.

If you are often tormented by unreasonable anxiety, you have become very nervous, the inability to be in stuffy rooms, are prone to fainting, then you need to pay close attention to your health. Such complaints, even from small loads, are a reason to turn to a neurologist.

Who is a neurologist

Before contacting a medical institution, you need to figure out who a neurologist is and what he treats. This doctor may need both an adult and a child. The specialization of a neurologist is diseases of the autonomic system and disorders of the functioning of the nerves of the spinal cord and brain. He is engaged in careful consideration of complaints, subsequent treatment of identified diseases. Such a specialization can only be obtained by a person who has a diploma from a higher medical institution.

Among the diseases that this doctor treats are the following: neuralgia, tumors of the brain or spinal cord, neuritis, strokes, circulatory disorders, convulsions, head and back injuries, sciatica, Alzheimer's disease, migraine, tremor in newborns, impaired concentration, motor disorders, mental disorders and others. Often, to stabilize the condition of such patients, it is required to involve a psychiatrist and a psychotherapist.

What does

A neurologist deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases associated with the functioning of nerve fibers. It reveals the primary causes of diseases, their impact on the general well-being of a person. A good doctor quickly, effectively prescribes competent treatment, which can significantly improve the quality of life of the sick person. A neurologist - who treats chronic overwork, is the most sought-after doctor in modern medicine.

Neurology is a science that studies the connection between the nervous system and human well-being. Neuropathology is the object of study, the study of all neurologists. Absolutely with all diseases associated with impaired performance of nerve fibers, you can contact this doctor. Neurosurgery is a branch of surgery that deals with the surgical treatment of such diseases.

What diseases are treated by a neurologist and a neuropathologist

Is there a difference between these specialties? In fact, a neurologist and neuropathologist treats diseases of the nervous system. Just the term "neurologist" was used in the 80s of the last century. In domestic medicine, these concepts are identical. But in foreign practice, a neuropathologist specializes in the pathomorphology of the nervous system, and a neurologist is engaged in the identification and treatment of diseases of a nervous nature.

What is watching

A neurologist looks at the functioning of the nervous system. Makes a primary examination, checks unconditioned reflexes. The examination also includes visual examination, palpation. The main task is to identify deviations in the sensitive or motor activity of a person. With visible violations, he prescribes an additional examination or treatment.

What tests are ordered

When assessing the patient's condition and to facilitate the diagnosis of the disease, the neurologist prescribes tests. An eye or hearing test may be needed to accurately determine the disease. The following types of analyzes can be assigned by a specialist:

  • general blood analysis;
  • ultrasound dopplerography of the neck, head;
  • electroencephalography;
  • brain MRI;
  • electroneuromyography.

What complaints are addressed to a neurologist

This doctor establishes a causal relationship between the nervous system and the pathological condition and prescribes treatment. Sometimes you just need to adjust a person's lifestyle to achieve the desired effect. The abundance of stressful everyday situations, poor environmental conditions are important factors in the manifestation of neurological diseases. The most common complaints people come to a neurologist with are:

  • fast fatiguability;
  • frequent dizziness;
  • poor concentration;
  • constant bad mood;
  • conduct disorders;
  • mental disorders;
  • sleep quality disorders;
  • constant feeling of fear, anxiety.

What are the symptoms of a neurologist

The most important thing is to detect early symptoms in yourself, this will prevent the development of serious diseases. The combination of negative factors affecting a person, with an untimely appeal to a specialist, can aggravate the situation. A neurologist is consulted for symptoms such as:

  • regular bouts of headache;
  • soreness in the chest on the left;
  • fluctuations in blood pressure;
  • increased nervousness;
  • migraine;
  • disorders of the sweat glands.

What problems are being dealt with

The reasons for contacting a neurologist are a deterioration in the quality of human life. Chronic fatigue and overexertion in everyday life causes disorders of the cardiovascular system. This leads to hypotension (low blood pressure), hypertension (high blood pressure). It is fraught with the development of various metabolic disorders. The most important thing is to consult a doctor in time for help. The specialist will prescribe professional therapy, medication.

human nervous system- a subtle thing and not fully understood, dysfunctions occur in adults and children of different sex and age, often turn into a chronic form. A neurologist is engaged in identifying the causes of the development of disorders and their elimination.

Neurology examines everything related to the CNS

What does a neurologist treat?

Neurologist or neurologist- a specialist who deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases associated with lesions of the nervous system. The doctor's duties include examining the patient, prescribing drugs in accordance with the diagnosis, monitoring the effectiveness of therapy, and identifying possible complications. At the doctor's appointment, you can get recommendations on methods for preventing pathologies, rules for preventing the recurrence of diseases.

What diseases does a neurologist treat?

  • osteochondrosis - damage and destruction of the intervertebral discs provokes compression of the spinal nerves;
  • other pathologies of the spine- intervertebral hernia, infringement of the spinal nerve, sciatica, spondylosis;
  • ischemic, hemorrhagic stroke- against the background of a violation of the blood supply to the neurons of the brain, their death occurs;
  • insomnia - most often occurs with nervous strain, emotional trauma, accompanied by mental disorders, neuroses;
  • encephalopathy - dysfunction of the brain;
  • meningitis, myelitis, poliomyelitis;
  • migraine, neuralgia, multiple sclerosis;
  • Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's;
  • hydrocephalus, increased intracranial pressure;
  • myopathy;
  • spinal cancer, brain tumors.

Migraines are often neurological in nature.

In some clinics, a neuropathologist-epileptologist, a narrow specialist, studies epilepsy, prescribes drugs to treat the disease, prevent relapses, and teaches the patient and loved ones the rules of first aid during attacks.

Pediatric neurologist

A pediatric neurologist examines children immediately after birth to identify abnormalities and assess the state of the nervous system. When diagnosing cerebral palsy, the child is registered, gives recommendations to parents about the features of care, prescribes drugs, physiotherapy.

What does a pediatrician treat?

  • Down syndrome, phenylketonuria;
  • infectious diseases - encephalitis, meningitis;
  • disorders that occur against the background of poisoning of the body with pathological jaundice in a child;
  • consequences of birth injuries of the brain and spinal cord;
  • hypoxic injury.

In children and adolescents, there are atypical forms of epilepsy that require a special approach in diagnosis and therapy. When diagnosing a pathology in a child, it is necessary to contact a pediatric epileptologist.

When to contact a neurologist?

Symptoms of neurological diseases are quite diverse, many patients get an appointment with a neurologist, surgeon, ENT.

Reasons to see a doctor:

  • constant or recurrent pain in the neck of a aching, pulling, acute character - appears with damage to the cervical spine or spinal cord;
  • discomfort in the lower back, upper back - occurs with problems in the lumbar, thoracic spine, pain radiates to other parts of the body;
  • discomfort in the limbs - signal damage to the spinal, peripheral nerves;
  • a feeling of numbness, tingling, crawling in certain parts of the body - paresthesia occurs at the initial stages of the development of many serious neurological diseases;
  • loss of tactile, pain, temperature sensitivity of the skin in certain areas - a sign of a stroke, destruction of a peripheral nerve, damage to the spinal cord;
  • muscle weakness, complete loss of mobility of the limbs, spine, convulsions, tremor of the limbs - occurs when neurons are damaged in the brain, spinal cord;
  • dizziness, fainting;
  • impaired hearing, taste, smell, a sharp deterioration in vision, flickering circles before the eyes, periodic shutdown of visual functions;
  • insomnia or drowsiness;
  • memory impairment, panic attacks.

At the appointment, the doctor performs palpation of parts of the body to identify the nature of pain.

How the inspection takes place:

  1. - palpation of various parts of the body and face to determine painful areas.
  2. Percussion- tapping allows you to assess the state of excitability of peripheral nerves.
  3. Temperature measurement- an increase in indicators indicates the presence of infectious lesions of the central nervous system, meningitis, encephalitis.
  4. Blood pressure measurement- hypertension, hypotension are often accompanied by headache, increase the risk of stroke.
  5. Tapping with a neurological hammer- the study of tendon reflexes, their nature changes with damage to the central or peripheral nervous system.
  6. Hearing assessment with a tuning fork.
  7. Study of the movement of the eyeballs- the patient fixes his gaze on the handle or hammer, the doctor moves the object in different directions. Normally, the eyeballs move simultaneously, smoothly and evenly.
  8. Evaluation of reaction to light- in the absence of brain pathologies, the pupils reflexively narrow in bright light.

The doctor examines, assesses the condition of the spine, skin, bones, muscles, joints, notes signs of atrophy. The neuropathologist checks the muscle tone - the patient sits down, relaxes, the doctor bends the arm at the wrist and elbow, manipulates the other limb, bends and unbends the legs at the knee joint.

A certificate from a neurologist is required to obtain a driver's license, a permit to carry a weapon, to register guardianship, to enter educational institutions and to apply for a job.

What diagnostic methods does it use?

One of the main methods for diagnosing diseases of the nervous system - MRI, CT - during the examination, the monitor displays detailed information about the structure and functioning of the brain and spinal cord.

MRI is often used as a research method.

The study of cerebrospinal fluid- biological material is taken with the help of a puncture, a puncture is made in the area of ​​the lumbar spine under local anesthesia. The analysis allows you to identify the presence of bacterial and viral pathologies, neoplasms, signs of stroke, increased intracranial pressure.

Additional diagnostic methods:

  • clinical blood test- to determine the degree of the inflammatory process, to exclude anemia;
  • general urine analysis- allows you to exclude diseases of the kidneys, urinary tract;
  • blood chemistry- shows the state of the kidneys, liver, pancreas;
  • hormone tests;
  • serological research methods allow to determine the type of pathogens of infectious processes.

To assess the work of the brain, echoencephalography is performed, if a stroke is suspected, a brain tumor is done by positron emission tomography. Cerebral angiography helps to obtain a clear image of the vessels of the brain, to detect the presence of stenosis, blockage of the carotid artery - Doppler scanning.

The nervous system is very vulnerable, various factors can negatively affect its functions, so it is necessary to regularly engage in the prevention of neurological pathologies.

How to avoid nervous diseases:

  • lead an active lifestyle - long walks, regular sports have a beneficial effect on the state of blood vessels, brain function;
  • give up addictions - alcohol, nicotine, narcotic drugs destroy neural connections in the brain, worsen the elasticity of blood vessels;
  • eat right, minimize the consumption of junk food, strong tea, coffee;
  • eliminate stress, master meditation and other techniques that relax the nervous system;
  • treat all infectious diseases in a timely manner.

To prevent nervous diseases, you need a full-fledged relaxed sleep for 8 hours.

A full 8-hour night's sleep in a well-ventilated room is one of the best methods for preventing diseases of the nervous system.

Stress, lack of sleep, sedentary lifestyle, bad habits, beriberi are the main causes of neurological diseases. Correcting the lifestyle is much easier and cheaper than treating pathologies of the brain and spinal cord.