Effective ointment for treating laying out at home in lying patients. The most effective ointments from laying out for lying sick cream from bedside with silver

Ointment from laying out for lying patients can be real panacea, especially in the early stages of muscle atrophy. The benefit that today there is a huge selection of such funds, and everyone can choose the drug for the desired composition, price and efficiency.

Advantages and disadvantages of using ointments

Prolesidery is redness or ulcers on the skin, which develop as a result of long personality. If an absolutely healthy and physically active person about the need to change the position during sleep or long-term seating is reminded by signals to the brain from the nerve endings, then there are no such beacons for patients with patients. As a result, on the areas where the largest pressure of body weight is made, redness is formed, which can continue to go into ruptures, necrosis of tissues and bones.

To prevent the development of such complications, doctors recommend starting treatment when identifying the first symptoms. One of their effective and affordable care products are special pharmacy ointments. They affect the organism as follows:

  • weaken the smell of trophic ulcers;
  • inhibit the growth of microbes and bacteria;
  • gently and quickly purify wounds;
  • improve tissue regeneration;
  • provide an painful effect;
  • moisturize skin covers.

In addition, creamy medicines can be bought at any pharmacy at a completely deocratic price. However, in the most launched forms of ointments and creams are absolutely not effective. Usually, in the late stages of development, preference is given to stronger drugs and surgical interference.

When buying one or another efficient ointment from beds, you need to consult with your doctor. Often there are cases when some of the cream components are absolutely not comparable to other medicines or can cause an allergic reaction and only aggravate the problem.

Review of drugs

The choice of various medicines in pharmacies today is simply unreasonable. It is not surprising that a simple town center is difficult to understand the composition of the drugs, remember all the names and determine the choice. However, it is not necessary to fully rely on the advice of pharmacists, acquaintances and girlfriends. Only a doctor based on the diagnosis and individual characteristics of a sick person may find the best and efficient tool. Consider which drugs are prescribed most often.


The drug is produced in the form of ointment, cream or spray and is very effective when skin wounds. The means is based on the active substance - pantothenic acid, which takes part in metabolic processes inside the tissues. Under the influence of Panthenol ointment, wound healing and active cell regeneration occurs. Doctors recommend alternating the use of ointments with the processing of wounds with soap-alcohol solutions.


The base of the cream is an anti-inflammatory antibiotic sulfatiasis, which inhibits the growth of pathogenic microbes and reproduction of bacteria. Silver ions are protruding as an additional auxiliary. They, in turn, strengthen the therapeutic effect and at the same time reduce the possibility of allergic reactions.

This ointment from silence with silver has analogues:

  • Sulfargin;
  • "Dermazin";
  • "Argosulfan cream".


The effect of the drug occurs due to antibiotics and active collagenase enzymes, as a result of which the following effects can be observed:

  • destruction of dead tissues and cells without negative effect on healthy skin sections;
  • cleansing of a breakdown wound from bacteria and mucus;
  • disintegration of necrotic tissues;
  • suppression of the growth of bacteria.

The ointment is applied to the skin previously purified by alcohol solution twice a day until the wound healing.


The main component of the ointment is the exhaust from the blood of calves, pre-deprived protein. The drug contributes to the saturation of tissues and cells with oxygen, improves blood flow, prevents the formation of coarse scars and new blood vessels. The tool is intended for external use with insufficient supply of soft oxygen tissues.

Hydrogel "Intrasayt"

The transparent and sterile gel consists mainly of water, propylene glycol and cellulosoglycolic acid. Hydrogel moisturizes the skin around the wound, purifies tissue from necrotic lesions and fibrin, stimulates active cell regeneration and healing. The ointment itself is very viscous, which allows it to be easily held on the skin surface.

Those who have experience gains to be seriously ill people know that one ointment will not be enough to stop the development of the pathogenic process. At home, the underlying patient needs to ensure proper skin care, organize a variety of vitamin diet and contribute to the vulnerable sections it turns out as less pressure as possible.

It is better to prevent the emergence of wounds than to treat the lying patients. So do the doctors argue and recommend adhere to the following rules for the care:

  • To try as often as possible to change the position of the body of the patient: a minimum every 3 hours.
  • Several times a day, especially before applying ointments, wipe the skin with a 10% camphor alcohol solution, soapy alcohol water or vinegar.
  • If the breakdowns have already been formed, then the injured areas must be additionally handled by a solution of manganese.
  • So that the strags do not arise, under the pelvis in the sacrum area put a rubber circle, covered with sheets, and under the head, elbows and heels - gauze circles.
  • If during the treatment of laying ointments is used in the form of a dressing, then make sure that they are not too tight or free, otherwise the folds formed can aggravate the problem.

Also, the appearance of layers can prevent special beds, mattresses and bed linen for lying patients.

Summing up, it is worth noting that the breakdown is an unpleasant process, but quite reversible. All funds described in this article were tested for many years not one hundred people and deserve attention. However, before making a final decision when choosing ointments, it is recommended to consult with the attending physician.

People with severe diseases, due to which there is a long time to spend lying in bed, it is often formed painful, difficult-scale beds. They can lead to serious and dangerous complications - necrosis fabrics. To avoid the development of necrosis follows at the very first symptoms bass treatment. The most efficient means in the early stages is outflows from breakdown. It must be remembered that in the launched cases, this type of treatment will be ineffective.

Anti-Rubber Mazi.

The choice in pharmacies of drugs of this direction is very large. Buy the ointment follows from the individual characteristics of the person they are intended and the stages of the disease. It is not necessary when buying funds from laying out solely on feedback. It is best if the drug will be picked up by a competent doctor. Most often prescribed drugs that are shown below.


The preparation includes antibiotics and a collagenase enzyme. Collagenase enzyme without damage to healthy cells removes fabrics subjected to destruction, and the antibiotic helps to clean the wound, which contributes to rapid skin regeneration. Ointment should be applied to a clean gauze bandage, then gently apply it to a breakdown and fix the bandage. The bandage is updated daily. The course should be not more than 10 days. After the treatment, a two-week break is made, and then the course continues, but only another means. It is necessary to exclude the addiction of the organism to ointment.


The drug healing and antibacterial action must contain silver contained in it. In addition, the ointment removes pain and burning in the wound. Before applying the drug, the affected area should be treated with an antiseptic, and then dried. After that, apply a thick layer of ointment. The body area with breakdowns should be covered with a cream completely. If part of the affected skin opens, you need to apply another layer of the drug.

Zinc ointment

The drug, in addition to anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect, dry and protects the wound from unfavorable environmental impacts. Apply an ointment on a thin layer of no more than 6 times a day. Course - two months.


The basis of the drug is the blood of dairy calves. Due to this component, the ointment is able to stimulate regeneration processes in tissues. Also, this drug creates when applied to the skin indistinguishable film. It protects cells from destruction, which arises due to the impact of negative factors. It is recommended to apply in the treatment of dry wounds. Ointment is applied twice a day to the surface treated with an antiseptic. The drug is applied up to complete recovery.


At the heart of this ointment from the layers - antimicrobials of Levomycetin and sulfadimetoxin, the wound-healing component of methyluracil and local anesthetic Trimkain. Due to the high ability to remove excess moisture with the layers, the ointment quickly cures the affected skin area. The use of the drug allows you to clean the wounds from pus and dead cells, quickly restore fabrics. Ointment is applied every day. It is applied to a pre-cleaned surface and covered with dressing material. In purulent cavities is introduced using a syringe.


The medicinal product includes chloramphenicol and methyluracyl. Ointment improves the regeneration of skin and is a good antiseptic. Suitable for the treatment of infected beds.

It should be remembered that the treatment of ointments from the layers will not give the desired result, if not observed prevention measures. During treatment, it is necessary to carefully ensure that the person is not in one position for more than two hours. It is necessary so that the load is evenly distributed to all parts of the body. That the process of skin destruction has not resumed, should be purchased special mattress. It is also necessary to inspect the body every day and wipe the skin of the camphor.

If the breakdowns appeared, you never need to begin treatment yourself. Just contacting the qualified doctor You can get comprehensive reliable information on the treatment of this ailment.

From this article, you will learn how and how to handle breakdowns from lying patients at home, which local means (for example, ointment from laying ones for lying patients) will help to cope with the problem at different stages of the process faster, what features are broken Wounds, as well as about modern effective ways of treating leather lesions and soft tissues in lying patients.

What is lying? In fact, it is the wounds of various areas and depths that arise on the body in a patient deprived of the opportunity to move. They not only cause a sick of suffering, even more limiting its mobility, but also are an entrance gate for an infection, a deadly for a weakened organism. With deep damage, the wound constantly occurs the decay of the tissue, which leads to chronic poisoning, oppression of immunity, deterioration of all organs and systems. A chronic loss of blood is also observed, a protein deficiency is developing associated with massive cell death.

In order to understand how to properly handle breakdowns at home, it is important to understand that they provide damage to the skin and driving tissues that appear in sedentary patients. These are not just wounds arising from injuries, cuts, etc. The point is that lead to their development act much slower than in the case of other damage.

For example, such a key factor in the development of brooded wounds, as a pressure that has a solid surface on the patient's speakers, leads to damage only after two hours (and often later) after the start of its action. Other factors such as humidity, displacement, friction also lead to the development of layers through a rather long period of time.

Therefore, the main rule in addressing the issue, as and how to treat the lying sick, is extreme attention to the slightest changes in the skin in a sedentary patient and the timely detection of the first signs of damage. After all, it is much easier to cope with the process in stage 1, when there are only minor changes in skin cells than in a situation where extensive necrosis (cell death) of muscle tissue is observed. You can read more about the stages of the breakdowns.

It is very important that even at home, the process of treatment of the Russian Academy of Sciences occurs under the control of the attending physicianwhich can competently evaluate, choose the necessary means for processing laying out. After all, there are often the situation when visible damage is small, and massive cell death occurs in deep-livet tissues. This happens, for example, in patients with severe injuries and diseases of the nervous system, when the extensive decay of muscle tissue is associated with the disorder of the nervous regulation of cell power. Incompute diagnosis and treatment in such a situation is fraught with the development of infection and patient's death.

The doctor can also be able to not only recommend than to handle breakdown at home, but, if necessary, to solve the question of hospitalization of the patient in a timely manner. Because at home, you can only exercise care for minor damage. Trying to independently cope with deep wounds and non-kind ulcers arising in 3-4 stages of the process, as well as in the case of development in the wound of the infectious process, is very dangerous.

To answer the question "what to treat breakdown at home?", It is necessary to determine at what stage is the development of a breakdown wound. At different stages, different processes requiring different approaches occur. Next, we consider the funds that are used to treat skin damage and soft tissues at various stages:

  1. Tools for toilet (processing) damage - They are used to eliminate contaminants (sweat, urine, etc.), which can have an irritating effect, as well as to prevent the addition of infection. It is they who are basic means in solving the issue, how to treat beds in the stage 1 (when the processes in the skin are also reversible and the death of the cells did not occur).

    For this purpose, it is not recommended to use, so-called, ion exchange preparations, which include iodine and chlorine, since these means violate the protective properties of cell membranes. As a result, the depression of local immunity occurs, immune cells die, penetrating the damage to the control of dangerous microbes. Thus, favorable conditions are created for the development of an infectious process.

    Also, the treatment of laying on the house should not be carried out using funds that have a busting effect on the skin, such as potassium permanganate (manganese) or diamond green (green). These drugs also have a damaging effect on the top layer of the skin, accelerating the development of necrosis (cell death).

    Ppm Dibirov (Department of Surgical Diseases and Clinical Angiology MGMS. A.I. Evdokimova) recommends the processing of the zone of the lesion by conventional salinewhich can be bought at the pharmacy or prepare at home. To do this, it is necessary to dissolve 1 h / l of salt in a liter of boiled water.

    After processing the place of damage to the physiological solution, it is recommended to use cream from laying out for lying patients. The minutes of conducting patients with proligeses (the document on which employees of medical institutions are focused upon care for lying patients) It is recommended to use conventional nutrient and moisturizing cosmetic creams.

    Also as a means to care in the early stages of development of lesions, Bepanten can be used - cream against laying ones, diarmions, various irritations on the skin. It has a soothing effect, speeds up the processes of regeneration (recovery) of the skin.

  2. Preparations stimulating the processes of blood supply in the affected area.
  3. Antimicrobial effects, There are drugs to protect the damaged area from the invasion of infection. If in the early stages, when the cell death did not yet occur or the minimum damage (1-2 stage), to prevent infection of the patient's care during breakdowns, it may be limited to the processing of the affected area with saline and camphor alcohol, then in the presence of a brooded wound, more efficient antimicrobials are needed. funds.

    Due to the overall weakening of the body and the energy deficit of microvibration, the patient deteriorates the state of both the general and local immunity. Therefore, the risk of infection as microbes falling into a wound from an external environment and, so-called conditionally pathogenic flora: we are talking about bacteria and mushrooms, which constantly live in the human body, but in normal operation of immunity do not show their pathogenic properties. Therefore, the care of proligeses implies both the use of overall antibiotics and the use of local funds with antimicrobial effects:

  4. Dehydrating (drying) local means. Their use is relevant in the phase of vascular reactions when the fluid is the yield in the wound. Such phenomena are observed when the imprucial process affects the skin on all layers and affects the lying deeper fabric (3 stage). The most common means for drying the wound is a zinc ointment from the bedding.

    When it is used, the amount of fluid in the wound decreases, which reduces the risk of infection. Also, the ointment with zinc from the bedrooms has a slight anti-inflammatory effect, forms a film on the wound surface that protects it from exposure to external factors.

    Zinc is part of such a local agent as a cream of Songs from bedside. It can be used to care for patients at the initial stage of damage development, for skin treatment in intimate areas, in the zones of increased sweating, in which the risk of development of breakdown wounds is increasing due to excessive humidity.

  5. Anti-inflammatory means. As a rule, it is used in 3-4 stages of development of laying out in the phase of vascular reactions accompanied by inflammation. Also used in the case of attachment of inflammation caused by the invasion of infection. Depending on the severity of inflammation, various groups of anti-inflammatory agents are applied - non-flame and hormonal. Mazi based on hormones should be used very carefully, since their use leads to a decrease in local and general immunity. It is possible to use them only in those situations where the benefits of their application outweighs harmful side effects. For example, if there are durable wounds, ulcers that are entrance gates for infection, poor treatment with other means. In any case, it is necessary to solve the question of how to handle breakdowns - hormonal or non-corporal drugs - should decide the attending physician!
    • Hectepoid (non-nonal) anti-inflammatory drugs. Used with minor manifestations of inflammation. What can be used by anti-inflammatory ointments from laying out? Names can be different, however, a limited spectrum of active ingredients is used as part of the funds: ibuprofen, diclofenac, indomethacin, nimesulide, etc.
    • Hormonal anti-inflammatory funds.As a rule, they are resorted to their help when it comes to extensive lesions, impressive ulcers that do not heal for a long time. The mechanism of their action is similar to the action of adrenal hormones (glucocorticoids), which have anti-inflammatory, anti-refective, anti-allergic effect. The hormonal anti-inflammatory local means include ointment based on prednisolone, hydrocortisone, dexamethasone, etc.

      However, it is important to understand that these funds belong to the category of drugs with a whole range of side effects - local and common. In addition, when using drugs of this group, the production of own adrenal hormones is reduced, so their sharp abolition often causes a serious deterioration in the state of the patient.

      Therefore, it is necessary to solve the question than to handle the breakdown, which ointment to choose and how to apply it correctly, should the doctor.

  6. Necrolitic preparations that help get rid of dead cells. The use of these funds is relevant in the phase of cleansing the wound from dead tissues. It is necessary when the foci of necrosis (cell death) is observed in the wound, which corresponds to 3-4 stages. In order to help the body, to clean the wound, special ointments are used from bedding: the list includes a variety of enzyme preparations of local action, such as trypsin, chymotrypsin, deoxyribonuclease, collagenase (these actors are part of various ointments). They stimulate the splitting of dead cell proteins and speed up the wound cleansing process.

    However, it is necessary to remember that patients with reduced immunity and deficiency of microvibration energy in the body (and the decrease in the microvibration background in lying patients almost inevitably) the body's ability to dispose of (processing) dead cells from the foci of their death is significantly violated. therefore it is necessary to apply ointment from laying back with microvibration therapy:in such situations, the process of cleansing wounds from dead tissues is faster.

    It is also important to understand that during the breakdowns 3 and, especially, 4 stages, when there are extensive foci of necrosis (cell death) of local means to eliminate dead fabrics, it is very often not enough. In many cases, surgical intervention is necessary for their removal. Therefore, treatment of such wounds is carried out in the hospital.

  7. Stimulants of reparative (restoration) processes.Their use is recommended in the regeneration stage (recovery), after it was possible to cope with inflammation, infection, clean the wound from the dead cells. The task is to speed up the formation of granulation (young connective) fabric, which fills the lumen of the wound, protecting it from injury and infection. To local drugs that stimulate recovery processes include a whole range of a wide variety of funds:

    To activate regeneration processes, not only gel or ointment can be applied, but also spray from bedside. The name of the drug may be different, it is important to pay attention to the composition: it may be extracts and oils of plants with invalid properties (plantain, sea buckthorn), pharmacological substances, such as panthenol, etc.

    Depending on the composition, the spray from the layers for lying patients can have additional impacts: reassure inflammatory processes, suppress the development of infection, reduce painful sensations, form a protective film on the skin. To choose the best tool for local processing will help the attending physician.

In modern medicine, bandages from laying out for lying patients are considered not only as a way to protect the wound from exposure to external factors, a barrier from infection and pollution, but also as an active medical agent. Today, in the treatment of wound processes, including brooded wounds, ordinary gauze and bandages are practically not used.

Professor MD Dibirov (Department of Surgical Diseases and Clinical Angiology MGSU. A.I. Evdokimova) In his work "Putting: Prevention and treatment", indicates that when processing breakdowns, it is desirable to give preference to frothy semi-permeable dressings. Due to the transparent basis, they allow you to observe the processes occurring in the wound without separating the bandage from the damaged surface, to notice the signs of inflammation and attachment to infection on time.

Also widely used bandages, on the surface of which various drugs are applied. So, Professor Dibirov at 3 stages recommends using hydrogel dressings with an actovegin. Apply bandages from lying with silver and other substances.

The dressings can be made of a variety of materials: there are hydrogel, hydrocolloid, algae (alginate) bandages, which can provide a dry effect, absorbing the liquid formed in the wound, to create a favorable medium for purification and wound healing. Learn more about what bandages are on the breakdowns, you can read.

Napkins from bedside

Among local means that are used to treat skin damage and soft tissues in sedentary patients, napkins are used to treat bass. They can be used for hygienic procedures - with an antiseptic napkin on a nonwoven-based basis allow you to carefully carry out a daily toilet wounds.

Also used napkins impregnated with various therapeutic substances that are applied to the wound: it can be napkins from lying with silver, with antibiotics, enzymes, wound-healing means. They are applied to the wound after its toilet and are fixed with dressing material.

Tools such as a napkin or a plaster from laying ones can be considered as auxiliary treatment. For their use, it is necessary to consult with the attending physician.

Caring for breakdowns - algorithm

After the review of the funds that are used for local treatment of soft tissue damage in sedentary patients, it is important to deal with what drugs and in what sequence at different stages and at different stages of the wound process are handling the bedding. The actions algorithm is presented in the table.

  • Daily processing of the affected area with saline (it is possible to use hygienic napkins with an antiseptic).
  • Processing camphoring alcohol to activate blood circulation at the place of education.
  • Treatment of the area of \u200b\u200bthe resulting breakdown by moisturizing, nutritious cream. It is possible to use Bepanten cream and its analogues.
  • Funds that improve blood circulation in the affected area.
  • Antibacterial and antifungal drugs in the signs of attachment of infection.
  • Preparations stimulating the processes of regeneration (recovery) of the skin.
  • Bandages on a hydrogel, hydrocoleloid basis.

Stage of inflammation, phase of vascular reactions (edema development):

  • Anti-inflammatory local drugs (nectepoid or hormonal, depending on the severity of inflammation and in accordance with the recommendations of the doctor).
  • Dehydrating (drying) ointment from bedside for lying patients
  • Absorbing dressings on a hydrogel, hydrocoleloid basis.

The stage of inflammation, the wound cleansing phase

  • Necrolitical (contributing to the rejection of dead tissues) drugs on an enzyme basis.
  • Anti-inflammatory means.
  • Drinking drugs.
  • Antibacterial and antifungal agents.
  • Bandages.

Stage of regeneration (restoration) and scar formation

  • Preparations for improving blood circulation.
  • Means for accelerating regeneration processes.
  • Bandages.

The departure algorithm is the same as in the 3 stages, however, in the 4 stages we are talking about deep wounds (up to bones and joints) and extensive foci of necrosis that need to be removed surgically. Therefore, such patients (like most patients with 3 stages) should be treated in the hospital. At home, treatment can be carried out only when the wound is in the stage of regeneration and forming a scar.

It must be said about such an important factor in the development of bedding - a shortage of biological muscular cells. confirming that continuous fluctuations of muscle fibers, as much as necessary for the body as air, water, food and warmth, spent at the end of the twentieth century known physicist V.A. Fedorov together with the group of doctors (more about this can be found in the book). Why do these muscular abbreviations need, which are registered even when a person is in immobility or sleeping? Mikrovibration energy is necessary to maintain many processes in the body:

  • To ensure metabolic processes in the intercellular space. When the microvibration level decreases, the transport of nutrients into the cells is disturbed.
  • To ensure venous blood flow, allowing the blood to move to the heart contrary to the earthly attraction. The deficiency of microvibration leads to a lip of fluid in tissues, edema.
  • To ensure that it is achieved through the maintenance of the work of the lymphatic system and such bodies of the discharge, as a liver and kidney. With a decrease in the level of microvibration, the dead cells and poisons accumulate in the body, poisoning it.
  • whose activity is directly related to the function of the lymphatic system. The insufficient level of the microvibration deteriorates the body's ability to adequately respond to the invidence of the infection, to detect and neutralize cells with hazardous mutations (cancer).

The microvibration background of the body directly depends on the physical activity of a person. The more intense the muscles are working during the day, the higher the level of microvibration, which allows you to maintain health and preserve youth. And, on the contrary, a sedentary lifestyle leads to a deficiency of microvibration energy, diseases and early aging.

That is why the lack of ability to independently movement not only contributes to the development of layers due to the actions of the above factors, but also causes a pronounced deficit of microvibration. And the reduced microvibration background, in turn, increases the risk of tissue damage and creates conditions for the development of breakdown wounds:

  • Violation of metabolism in the intercellular space exacerbates nutritional deficit in cellscaused by transmission of vessels and nerves, and accelerates cell death (necrosis).
  • Because of the microvibration energy deficit, the function of venous valves suffers, and edems are developing in the tissues, reinforcement of vessels and nerves
  • The deficiency of microvibration affects the activity of the processes in the phase of the wound cleansing from the dead fabrics. Reducing the function of the lymphatic system, liver and kidneys contributes to the accumulation of damaged and dead cells in the field of proligene, which negatively affects the healing rate. In addition, the deceased cells become a nutrient medium for pathogenic microbes, which contributes to the attachment of infectious complications. Poons and slags are also accumulated as a result of cells and microbes, poisoning organism.
  • Reducing immunity due to a violation of the work of the lymphatic system also reduces the ability of the body to fight dangerous microbes. It creates prerequisites for the distribution of infection in the body and the development of the most dangerous complication - sepsiswhich is the most common cause of the death of patients with prladle!

Thus, breakdown, which always occur in patients with limited mobility (or completely devoid of movement to move), always go hand in hand with a progressive deficit of microvibration energy. That is why, in contrast to RAS, related to other reasons, changes in tissues in such patients can be much more pronounced and (despite the fact that they often develop more slowly). For the same reason, the impodent wounds are more often at risk of infection, more likelihood of spreading infection by the body.

Also, microvibration energy deficit leads to the fact that the healing of breakdown wounds in laying patients most often happens much slower and requires great effort. This must be taken into account when solving the issue than to handle the breakdown and how to build the tactics of the care and treatment of such patients. That is why, in addition to local and common events aimed at combating brooded wounds, it is so important to take measures to improve the level of microvibration: it helps to solve this task.


How to properly care for idle at home? It is important to understand that it is not just damage to the tissues on a particular plot that can be eliminated only by using any local means. In the treatment of such patients, it is always necessary to take into account the specifics of the disease or injury, which led to the limitation of mobility.

So, if we are talking about the defeats of the nervous system (injuries, strokes, tumors), or exchange disorders, no, even the most efficient, local action drugs will not solve the problem. Since the mass death of cells in these cases is associated with internal processes (disruption of nervous regulation, blood supply, etc.). In these cases, only an integrated approach, including treatment of both the underlying disease and breakdown wounds, will solve the problem.

It should also be remembered that the use of funds aimed at local treatment must be combined with other measures to combat breakdowns:

Learn more about the complex approach to getting rid of breakdown ulcers can be found in the article. It is also important to remember that even at home the treatment of patients should be carried out under the supervision of the doctor. So, despite the measures taken, the progression of the broken process occurs, non-heaven wounds are observed, and new foci of lesion appear, it is necessary to consult a doctor at a request. Otherwise, the likelihood of infection and development is high, including sepsis (blood infection), which can lead to the patient's death.

Also, along with the treatment of already existing wounds, it is important to remember the preventive measures to form new bedding. After all, the damage is even more limiting the patient's mobility, which creates conditions for the appearance of new lesions. Read more about preventive measures can be found in the article dedicated.

Frequently asked Questions:

What to smear starting breakdowns?

In the stage of the process of developing the process, when there is only redness (edema can also be observed and "sinusia"), which does not pass after the pressure stop, but there are no signs of damage to the skin, the main tasks of local treatment are the elimination of irritant substances on the skin (sweat, urine etc.), as well as the restoration of blood circulation in the damage zone.

Thus, in the initial stage of the process, the care of the proligenesses at home should include regular and thorough treatment of the area of \u200b\u200bdamage to saline, the use of camphor alcohol for stimulating blood circulation in the development zone. In addition, in the initial stage, it is recommended to use moisturizing and nutrient cosmetics, as well as ointments and creams that reduce irritation, for example, bepanten. Simultaneously with the use of local funds, it is necessary to carry out resource support for the body using: This will help prevent the progression of the brooded process.

When considering the issue than to smear the breakdown from a lying patient, it is necessary to understand that there is no universal means that will help to quickly cope with the existing problem. At each stage, various tasks must be solved using various local means. So, at the initial stage, the main tasks is the rapid reduction of blood circulation in the affected area, elimination of skin irritation with a thorough toilet and the use of appropriate creams and ointments.

At the later stages, when the wound was already formed, the ointment for the treatment of layers in the lying patients should also be selected depending on the situation: anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, dried, healing means, etc. are used. In order to competently choose the medicine for local exposure, it is necessary to consult With your doctor.

Vibroacoustic therapy may be considered as a universal means at all stages of the defeat: the use of beneficially affects both the healing rate of already existing damage, and allows you to prevent the appearance of new lesions. In addition, this positive effect on the whole organism allows,.

List of references:

  1. Akhtyamova N.E. Treatment of laying out of sedentary patients / RMW. 2015 №26.
  2. Baskov A.V. Features of surgical treatment of laying out of different localization of neurosurgery them. Academician N.N. Burdenko, Moscow, 2002
  3. Bogachev V.Yu., Bogdnets L.I., Kiriyenko A.I, Brystkov A.Yu., Zhuravleva O.V. Local treatment for venous trophic ulcers. / Consilium Medicum. 2001, No. 11.
  4. Vorobev A.A. Treatment of breakdown in spinal patients / bulletin of the Volgograd Scientific Center of the RAM. - 2007 - № 2.
  5. Dibirov MD Prolesidery. Prevention and treatment / Medical Council, №5-6, 2013
  6. Klimiashvili A.D. Prevention and treatment of laying / Russian medical journal. - 2004 - T. 12, No. 12.
  7. Kuzin M.I. Kosutenok B.M. "Wounds and wound infection." Guide for doctors / Moscow. "Medicine", 1990
  8. / "Doctor" №7 / 2014
  9. Protocol for maintaining patients. Prolesidery. / Appendix to the order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated 17.04.02, No. 123.
  10. Fedorov V.A., Kotenov A.Yu., Loginov G.N. et al. / St. Petersburg: Speclit, 2012

You can ask questions (below) on the topic of the article and we will try to answer them qualifying!

Sweesess are one of the most difficult problems in lesing patients. They are a consequence of forced location in the same position for a long time. Prolesiders are often formed in patients who are in resuscitation departments, in comatose states, with spinal paralysis, during the post-instructional and post-rally rehabilitation.

The neurotrophic changes in tissues are called the neurotrophic changes with a solid lie or another surface. This phenomenon is expressed in denervation, violation of lymph circulation, weak blood supply to the skin, muscles, subcutaneous tissue. Already after 2 hours of stay in complete immobiles in the "sitting" and "lying" parts of the body, problems with blood flow begins due to squeezing of small vessels. Lying patients are in the stationary state much longer, and some are constantly, therefore they have disturbed persistent pathological character.

The second reason why destructive processes occur in tissues - vascular microtravis from friction arising when a patient with a clarice is moved to change the position and as a result of power stretching from under lying wet linen.

Factors contributing to the emergence of layers are divided into 2 groups:

Significantly increase the probability of additional factors:

  • diabetes;
  • dehydration;
  • bread and cheese;
  • intolerance to the care of the care;
  • smoking;
  • sweating at hyperthermia;
  • spinal lesions and brain injuries.

How to determine the prisoners

In young patients who do not have severe chronic diseases and in consciousness, there are rarely and develop slowly. With proper care, their appearance can be prevented. Weakened patients are subject to rapid progression of pathology.

The prevention algorithm for lying patients provides a mandatory inspection of all risky zones, taking into account the forced position (sitting on the side, on the back, on the stomach):

In case of inspection, the starting pathology is characterized by a stagnation of liquids, pronounced blue erythema without certain limits, similar to a bruise, as well as by having lunned by an epidermal layer with bubble elements or without them.

Manifestations of venous erythema are:

  • the normal temperature of the affected focus, in contrast to inflammatory hyperthermia;
  • with a finger pressure, the skin on the hyperemic section pale is pale, while the hematoma does not change the hue.

Subjectively, patients in themselves make the following complaints:

  1. Tingling caused by lymphosistan and compression of capillaries supplying peripheral endings in the potential proligence zone.
  2. The feeling of numbness arising in a couple of hours of immobiles.

Prolesidery develops in stages, starting with stagnation of blood circulation and ending with necrotic processes in the tissues. In weakened patients having congestion foci on the background of cardiovascular pathology, the transition from one stage to another can occur in a matter of hours.


The main danger of laying back - necrotic processes with the addition of infection. For the patient, it may end:

  • amputation legs;
  • excision of extensive sections of soft tissues, as a result - denervation and weak blood supply to the adjacent zones;
  • the development of periostite, osteomyelitis when spreading necrosis on bone tissue and periosteum;
  • depletion of immunity;
  • complicing the treatment of the underlying disease.

The severity of the consequences of layers in many ways depends on the type of pathological changes in the tissues:

  1. Dry necrosis has a protracted flow with a long-term recovery period of the wound surface.
  2. Willing necrosis occurs with the cavity infection by pathogenic microbes (staphylococci, streptococci and others). Purulent inflammation leads to the formation of phlegmon, faces, gas gogren. These processes are characterized by symptoms of intoxication of the body, high temperature, the formation of fistulas. The focus of the suppuration is local or spilled, glossy, hyperemic, more hot or cold in comparison with the surrounding skin. When the wounds of the wounds of Klostridy, inflammation increases by the type of grinding with the development of gas gogren. With this pathology, the skin acquires a gray shade, the wound looks not wet and makes a strong smell. If you spend on an affected place, a characteristic crisp sound occurs.

The logical continuation of the purulent breakdown is sepsis: the infected exudate from the wound cavity penetrates into the blood. Blood infection at the current level of medicine is a rather rare phenomenon. But it is likely at the late beginning of antibiotic therapy, the patient's body resistance to the drugs used, with the immunodeficiency condition of the patient.

At the initial stage of development of the proligest specific treatment is not required. Events aimed at eliminating stagnant phenomena are held: massage without aggressive impact on the affected areas, the use of anti-infrastructure devices, thorough hygiene, the use of preventive and therapeutic external means.

The first stage of treatment laying

The appearance of wound cavities, especially infected, requires the premises of the patient to the hospital with the appointment of antibacterial therapy and surgical treatment:

  1. Emptying wounds from purulent content.
  2. Ensuring the outflow of the accumulating exudate.
  3. Removing edema and inflammation.
  4. Suppression of the life of microbes.

Purification of the flap from purulent cells and dead tissues is carried out in a surgical hospital, then drainage is installed. Further treatment is permissible to exercise at home. It is important to regularly fill the cavity with napkins or high-quality bandages (dense, not scattered on the thread) with medicinal impregnations, to change them in a timely manner.

How to handle breakdown in lying patients:

For washing the wounds approved the use of new generation antiseptics:

  • iodopyron solution at a concentration of 0.5%;
  • dioxidine solution 1%.

In their absence, irrigation of hydrogen peroxide, furacilin, boric acid solution is allowed.

Also for adsorption of pus is used enzymotherapy. Wound is introduced proteolytic clean enzymes (chymotrypsin, trypsin, ribonuclease) or as part of Ointment (Iruksol, Iruksovetin).

In addition, physiotherapy methods are used:

  • Uz-cavitation;
  • laser irradiation;
  • impact of vibrophone;
  • barocamera, etc.
The second stage of therapy

After cleaning the wound, it is necessary to achieve healthy tissue growth. At this stage, Strap should appear - the thin crust of the granulation tissue. Young connecting fabrics are important to protect against inflammation, damage and stimulate to development. How to treat the lying patients at the healing stage:

  • anti-inflammatory drugs Levomecol, methyluracyl, throksevazin ointment, bepanten and other external means;
  • for protection, softening and regeneration - oils from fruits of sea buckthorn, rosehip, juice of fresh leaves Aloe, Calanechoe extract;
  • for active epithelization of tissues - laser impact.
Third stage of treatment

The latter phase of therapy impose in full regeneration and scarring the wound surface. The main task is to maintain an active epithelization process, for which complex vitamins, immunostimulants, wound-healing ointment EDAS 201As. The introduction of antibiotics is shown at all stages of treating purulent bedding.

An important meaning in the treatment of the patient has the patient's nutrition. The diet must be saturated with rich vitamin and microelement makeup with focus on iron sources, zinc, vitamin C:

Leather treatment

Skin treatment is an important part of the treatment and prevention of the stoles. It consists of three stages:

  1. Hygiene: cleaning of the skin from dirt, physiological discharge, maintenance of normal humidifier, mitigation. There are special means of care for lying patients: lotions, emulsions, creams.
  2. Prevention: Care, Warning Formation of cracks, stimulating local blood circulation, restoring sensitivity. To prevent breaking down, a solution of ammonia (0.5%) is used, a tannin alcohol solution (1%), diluted camphor alcohol (2%), 1% salicylic alcohol. Skin on sites in contact with the surface of the bed, the chairs must wipe 2 - 3 times a day.
  3. Treatment: the use of drugs in pharmacy for external use (ointment, powders, solutions, etc.).
  • magnesium sulfate in 25% concentration;
  • sodium chloride solution with chymotrypsin;
  • chlorhexidine, diluted with water;
  • napkins Multifers, creating a healing wound coating of polymer material and an enzyme complex.

The solutions of mangarteean, iodine, diamond greenery should not be applied, as they have a drying effect.

Regular proper care for the stationary patient is the key to a successful warning of bedding. It is the errors in hygiene are the main cause of stagnant phenomena and tissue damage.

The prevention algorithm for lying patients includes systematic behavior of a number of events:

  • the patient's position should be changed every 2 hours;
  • to support the limbs, the formation of gaps between the body and the bed is recommended to use special rollers;
  • the headboard bed must be below or at the level of the surface of the bed;
  • hygienic procedures and humidification of the skin should be carried out at least 2 times a day;
  • to care for the patient, it is better to use specially designed pharmacy cosmetics;
  • bathtub of immobilized patients can be in a warm bath, hot water under the ban;
  • the consequences of uncontrolled defecation and urination to remove as soon as possible;
  • it is impossible to use a oilcloth, polyethylene as lining, for this there are absorbent "breathable" diapers, gaskets, diapers, disposable pants;
  • it is necessary to get moisture from the surface and in the skin folds (sweat, water, other liquids) with the help of adsorbing napkins, a soft cotton veto;
  • bed linen must be changed often, as contaminated;
  • capture a bed at least twice a day, straightening all the folds and irregularities;
  • gently put and clean the ship;
  • do not pull out from under lying wet underwear;
  • the intensive massage is prohibited, "overclocking blood" is allowed with light stroking movements without pressure and friction;
  • for lying patients, it is advisable to purchase an anti-strike mattress with pumps to correct the density and level of various zones;
  • wheelchairs must change the posture hourly;
  • to maintain the body and limbs sitting there are special winds with air, gel and foamed filler;
  • to protect the tired skin of the lower extremities, the sacrum can be applied by a hydrocoleloid bandage Comfil plus;
  • caring for the sick need to use latex gloves without dubbing.

To facilitate the care and prevention of lying patients in the pharmacy, you can purchase specialized products of Seni brands, menalind: diapers, absorbing pants, diapers and napkins, body detergents, including washing without water, protective creams with zinc oxide, moisturizing oils and lotions, headwall hats without shampoo, etc.

- These are spaces on the skin, where, as a result of the existence of various circumstances, the loss of surface tissues associated with stopping blood circulation in these departments began.

People who have forced for a long time are in the same position, from long-term body contact with the bed plane, there is a violation of the blood circulation of certain sections of the skin.

Because of this, the tissue does not receive a sufficient amount of oxygen and valuable substances, which always leads to their death. Especially often they arise in places where bone tissue is close to the skin surface. If you do not take any actions, it will be able to expand to a greater depth, which leads to severe destruction of coating fabrics. If the patient is located on the back, then breakdowns have every chance to appear:

  • In the field of blades;
  • Along the spine;
  • On the occipital part of the head;
  • On the elbows of the hands;
  • On the protrusion of the bones of the pelvis;
  • On the heels of foot.

Factors causing the occurrence of the disease.

The occurrence of layers occurs under the following circumstances:

Signs of the disease.

Depending on the severity of the destruction of the tissues, a number of degrees of development of bedtime are distinguished:

  • I degree: The appearance of bedsores is found in the form of resistant skin redness. Inflammation does not disappear even after eliminating the impact on these places;
  • II degree: typical of the visible defects of the skin cover, in the image of a long non-healing surface ulcers with the propagation of the subcutaneous tissue;
  • III degree: There are different sizes, peptic surfaces with necrotic bottom and purulent separated. The destruction of the skin reaches the muscular layer with the further propagation in the muscular fabric. Sweese itself looks like a wound;
  • IV degree: Painful changes are moving into deep necrosis with the exposion of bones, tendons and muscles. The bottom of the wound is partially covered with dead cloths or lap. Failure and decomposition of tissues are so heavy that they can become a source of general blood infection.

Necessary treatment.

The main thing, in the therapy of layers, prevent the development of the inflammatory reaction and the appearance of disorders in the upper layers of the patient's skin.

To do this, it is necessary to carry out the restraining formation of bedding:

  • Every day, conduct hygienic measures of problem areas using children's soap;
  • Take care so that the patient is not in one pose over 2 hours;
  • Every day to carry out a light massage, restoring blood circulation;
  • Processing with alcoholic solution of camphore, identified areas with pale skin, to stimulate capillary blood circulation.

The most affordable and effective method of treating initial forms of beds, is the use of various ointments. Their use allows you to improve the current well-being of patients.
With proligenesses of III-IV degree, the main method of cure - removal, operating path, not viable tissues.

Effective ointments from bedside, for fixed patients.

Having preferred one type of ointment, you should consult with your doctor and take into account the stage of the disease, as well as the current state of the patient, since various reactions of the body for treatment are likely.

Dosage forms using solicossile.

The substance is prepared, according to special technology, from the blood components of calves. The active ingredient of this medication has a wound-healing effect, stimulates cell regeneration, increases the use of blood oxygen cells.
For therapy, the following samples of this agent are used:

Mazi with silver ions .
Popular medicine, with long non-delayed, infected wounds, are preparations, which contain silver ions:

Medicinal for cleansing wounds.

The preparation contains proteolytic components to purify the wound from the dead fabrics. Produces enzymatic splitting of dead tissues without affecting viable epithelium, granulation and muscle tissue:

Mazi with antibacterial action.

In most cases, contain an antibiotic leftomycetin in its composition. The majority of bacteria causing the suppuration, the presence of the purulent discharge does not reduce its effectiveness:

Tools with protective and drying effect.


In treatment, the main prophylaxis is valid in the treatment. It is much easier to prevent the development of the disease than to eliminate its consequences. It is necessary to pay increased attention to activities that prevent their appearance. Let's just say: the best and efficient ointment will not bring the desired result, if you do not provide a patient with proper care and care for his health. Relocation from the emerging beds, in domestic conditions, is associated with considerable difficulties that are due to the absence of necessary training. We must be able to competently carry out the necessary procedures:

  • Maintain pure skin condition;
  • Periodically change bed and underwear;
  • Change the positive position of the patient on the bed every 2 hours.

Special attention should be paid to the patient's nutrition. In the proposed dishes should take the first place rich in proteins of food. The fluid consumption must be at least 1.5 liters per day.