Reserves and National Parks of Russia: Russian Natural Wonders. National parks of the world

Bali Barat is a national park in the north-west of the island of Bali, which received the status of a nature reserve in 1917. In 1941 it became an Indonesian national park.

On an area of ​​760 sq. km are tropical forests, jungles, dry savannas, mangrove swamps, as well as acacia thickets and alpine forests. In the north of the park is the protruding Prapat Agung peninsula. It is surrounded by protected beaches and coral reefs, as well as the small coastal island of Menjangan, a popular diving destination. There are several extinct volcanoes in the east. The highest of them are the Patas Mountains (1,412 meters) and Merbuk (1,388 meters).

One hundred and sixty bird species have been recorded in the park, including the nearly extinct Balinese starling. First of all, it was for him that the park was created. In 2001. in the world there were only six individuals of this bird, and they were all in this park.

The fauna is represented by deer, black monkeys, flying foxes, wild boars, macaques, squirrels, snakes, reef herons, black Indian cuckoos, etc.

90 percent of the territory is closed to the public, and only a few routes are accessible to tourists accompanied by official guides.

The most popular route through the tropical jungle is the climb of Mount Gunung Klatakan. In addition to the stunning scent emanating from the many orchids, the path will be decorated with black monkeys, hornbills and even flying foxes.

Equally popular are the water routes along Gilimanuk Bay through the mangrove forests that line the coast. Several dainty dark gray Pacific reef herons can be spotted here.

Nature has created natural corners where peace and complete balance reign. There are many such places on Earth and they are all beautiful and interesting in their own way. Anyone who can feel this beauty and harmony has the right to consider himself truly happy. Keeping the integrity of nature and leaving it intact is becoming more and more difficult. Man and his economic activity upset this balance. Those corners that have remained untouched are protected and called reserves. The most beautiful nature reserves in the world are presented in this article.

Yellowstone preserve

This place on Earth can be called one of the most beautiful. Yellowstone Nature Reserve is located in the USA. For a long time, the existence of such a corner on the planet could not be believed. Then the lands of North America were not yet fully explored. This reserve includes 3000 geysers of incredible beauty and height. These are two thirds of all sources in the world. There are also about 300 waterfalls, the height of which exceeds 4.5 meters.

The reserve is located among two huge canyons. Here you can find a large number of representatives of flora and fauna. Such parks and reserves of the world are included in the UNESCO list of natural World Heritage Sites. This unique park is striking in its beauty. Rivers, ravines, waterfalls, rocky mountains, thermal springs - all this together constitutes a magnificent ensemble created by nature. The largest geyser is located here, which is called the Steamer. One of the sources, Old Faithful, is distinguished by the regularity of its eruptions. The height of the pillar reaches 40 meters. The most beautiful waterfall in the Lower Reserve is 94 meters high, which is twice as high as Niagara. The largest lake has an area of ​​350 square meters. Its depth exceeds 115 meters.

Karst lakes of Croatia

Natural reserves of the world are unusual and amazingly beautiful places. Plitvice is one of the unique corners of the planet created by nature. It consists of a vast forested area with 16 interconnected lakes. The park is located in the karst mountainous region of Croatia. The territory of the reserve is 297 square kilometers. The lakes are located on the Plitvice plateau between two mountains.

Lakes represent two groups that are interconnected by flows. The total area of ​​the lakes is 2 square kilometers. There are dams between the lakes, created by nature. Plants and bacteria accumulate to form barriers. These natural barriers are growing at a rate of 1 centimeter per year. The lakes have an unusual color, from azure to blue. Their color can change depending on the incidence of sunlight and the activity of microorganisms. Like many nature reserves in the world, this park is included in the World Heritage List.


Snowdonia National Park of Great Britain is an amazing corner of our planet. On its territory, with an area of ​​2 square kilometers, is the highest mountain in Wales - Snowdon. Places unique in their beauty do not leave indifferent any tourist. 2381 kilometers of trails have been laid on the territory of the park. 264 kilometers of them are intended for walking, horseback riding and cycling. The fauna and flora of the reserve amazes with its diversity. Very rare birds and animals can be found here.

Serengeti National Park

The Serengeti National Park is located in the area. It is located between two attractions: Lake Victoria and Kilimanjaro Volcano. All in all, the Serengeti is the most beautiful pearl in this necklace.

The uniqueness of this park lies in the fact that a large number of animal species are represented here, including unique ones. It is considered very rare if a buffalo, lion, giraffe, elephant and leopard are found on the territory. During the rainy season, herds of hundreds of thousands of zebras and wildebeests gather in the savannas in the east of the park. looking for water and food in such quantities is an unforgettable and majestic sight. The landscape in the park is also varied, from desert lands to green hills and wooded areas. The reserves of Africa are among the oldest on Earth.

Canadian Park of Canada

Banff National Park of Canada is one of the most beautiful places on earth. There is everything here: rocky mountains, eternal glaciers, picturesque landscapes, turbulent rivers with crystal clear water, coniferous forests, mountain lakes, and many representatives of flora and fauna. The nature here is virgin and untouched by man. Therefore, animals here feel free and safe. The park is located in the eastern slopes of the Rocky Mountains.

This is the largest nature reserve on the American continent. Its area is about 6.6 thousand kilometers. Rocky mountains of various origins alternate with deep valleys, which are covered with glacial formations. Three climatic zones are subdivided here: forest mountainous, alpine and subalpine. In every corner of this park, beautiful landscapes open up that delight the eyes of a tourist. All reserves in the world can be called unique in their own way. These are corners, untouched by man, in which their own laws and rules reign.

My publication is a response to the topic "25 photos of amazing places that are worth seeing at least once in your life."

Gentlemen! Love your homeland first of all! Explore its history, nature, get acquainted with the unique, inimitable beauties and protect them !.

I did not set myself the task of showing and describing the well-known national parks and reserves of Russia. It is impossible, and it is not necessary here on the site. But I would like to remind, introduce some of them, interest them, attract attention, and then you yourself ...


In Russia, there are just over a hundred nature reserves and national parks. This is hardly enough for such a vast territory as Russia, since some species of plants and animals continue to disappear. To draw attention to the problem, 2013 was declared the year of environmental protection in Russia. Within the framework of the program, it was planned to equip about two dozen more nature protection zones.

Every Russian region, from Kaliningrad (Curonian Spit with a dancing forest) to Kamchatka (hills and volcanoes), has something to surprise.

Studying the nature of Russia is a very exciting experience. Eh, we practically do not know anything about our Motherland, and at school, too little attention is paid to our unique nature. It is unlikely that anyone will set out to visit all the national parks of Russia, but when traveling around the country, it is worth looking into these natural corners. Delving deeper into geography, you can find out that Manpupuner is, it turns out, not an overseas curse, but a wonder of the world in the Komi Republic, Tanais is a disappeared trading city in the Rostov region, Krasnoyarsk and Lena pillars are not pillars at all, but amazing rocks. And many more discoveries await those who want to learn more about the amazing nature of our country.

Zabaikalsky National Park is one of the few national parks in Russia that fully comply with the UNESCO recommendations for this category of specially protected natural areas.

Zabaikalsky National Park is located within a typical mountain taiga region. The relief is mountainous. Within the boundaries of the park, large orographic units are distinguished: Svyatonosky ridge, Barguzinsky ridge, Chivyrkuisky isthmus and Ushkany islands.

On the territory of the park in the direction from the north-east to the south-west, two mountain ranges stretch: the Barguzinsky ridge - gradually decreasing from the Barguzinsky reserve to the lake. Barmashovoe (the highest mark of the ridge within the boundaries of the park is 2376 m above sea level) and the Sredinny ridge of the Svyatoy Nos Peninsula (the highest mark is approximately in the middle part of 1877 m), gradually decreasing to the north and south. The Chivyrkuisky Isthmus connects the Svyatoy Nos peninsula with the eastern shore of Lake Baikal. The Ushkany Islands (Bolshoy Ushkany Island and Malye Ushkany Islands) are the peaks of the Akademichesky Ridge, which divides the Baikal depression into two basins - northern and southern.

Altai Nature Reserve is a UNESCO World Natural Heritage Site since 1998. Included in the World Network of Biosphere Reserves of the UNESCO Man and the Biosphere (MAB) Program - May 26, 2009. It is included in the list of "Global-200" (WWF) - virgin or little changed ecoregions of the world, in which 90% of the planet's biodiversity is concentrated.

The territory occupied by the Altai Reserve includes five physical and geographical regions of three natural provinces. In the spectrum of altitudinal zonality, almost all natural belts of Gorny Altai are distinguished: taiga low mountains and medium mountains, subalpine and alpine meadow medium mountains and high mountains, tundra-steppe high mountains, tundra medium mountains and high mountains, glacial-nival high mountains. Forests cover 34% of the total area of ​​the main zone. They are located in the lower and middle parts of the mountains, on the steep slopes of the valleys, as well as on the lower parts of the sloping ridges. The lower border of the forest begins at 436 meters (the level of Lake Teletskoye), and the upper one is different in different parts. So, if in the southeast it is at an altitude of 2000–2200 m above sea level, in the northwest it drops to the level of 1800–2000 m.

The unique grove of the relict peaked yew on the island is of particular value in the protected area. Petrov, thickets of endemic cross-paired microbiota, populations of such rare animals as the Amur goral, the Amur tiger, and the Ussuri sika deer.

The Lazovsky Reserve is located on the southern spurs of the Sikhote-Alin, in the interfluve of the Kievka and Chernaya rivers. The Zapovedny ridge divides the territory of the reserve into two parts - the northern continental and the southern seaside. The average height of the mountains is 500-700 m, some peaks reach 1200-1400 m above sea level. The slopes of the mountains have different steepness, on average 20-25 degrees, their ridges are narrow, but flat. Large areas are occupied by stony placers. The height of the spurs decreases in the east towards the sea, the watershed ridges turn into small hummocks up to 100 m high.

The territory of the reserve includes two small islands - Petrova and Beltsova, located at the southern border of the reserve. The islands are covered with forest.

The very first reserve of the Far East and one of the oldest reserves in Russia, formed to preserve and study the undisturbed liana coniferous-deciduous forests of Southern Primorye, unique for Russia, characterized by a high proportion of rare and endemic species of flora and fauna. The reserve and its surroundings are the only place in Russia where the Far Eastern leopard lives.

In 2004, the Kedrovaya Pad Nature Reserve received the status of a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve.

The most valuable are black-fir-broad-leaved forests or black fir forests, the Far Eastern leopard; on Mount Chalban, there are common plants that are very rare in other parts of the Far East - the currant-leaved bloom, the Komarov currant. In the reserve, for the first time (on Mount Chalban), a rock primrose was found and species new to science - the Far Eastern violet and the Ussuri corydalis - were described. The Kedrovaya River flows on the territory of the reserve - its length does not exceed 25 kilometers. It is she who is the ideal of a clean river for scientists all over the world.

The Samarskaya Luka National Park was created in 1984 by the decision of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR, and is one of the first three national parks in Russia.

Samarskaya Luka is a unique area formed by the bend of the largest European Volga river in its middle reaches and the Usinskiy Gulf of the Kuibyshev reservoir. The Volga in this place makes a large arc facing east, and then turns to the southwest. Its length is more than 200 km. Highly elevated ancient carbonate rocks here form a kind of island.

The unique forms of relief, the peculiar microclimate, the amazing beauty of the mountains, the blue necklace of the Volga that surrounds them, the unique flora and fauna have won the Zhiguli and Samarskaya Luka as a whole world fame.

An unusually high concentration of monuments of almost all the cultures of the European forest-steppe known to science, from the Bronze Age and the Early Iron Age to the present. There are about 200 natural and historical monuments on the territory of Samarskaya Luka. It is also rich in archaeological finds.

The national park "Smolenskoe Poozerie" was formed on the territory of Demidov and Dukhovshchinsky districts of the Smolensk region in 1992 "to preserve natural complexes for recreational, educational, scientific and cultural purposes." In November 2002, it was awarded the status of a biosphere reserve by the UNESCO Man and the Biosphere (MAB) program. The name "Smolenskoe Poozerie" is due to 35 large and small glacial lakes located in the park. Each of these lakes is beautiful and unique in its own way.

According to the configuration, the territory of the park is almost a regular rhombus. The maximum distance from west to east is 55 km, from north to south - 50 km. The geographical center of the park is located in the area of ​​the village. Przhevalskoe. The total area of ​​the park's territory within the boundaries approved by state acts is 146,237 hectares. The protected zone is 500 m of the territory adjacent to the border of the park.

The Curonian Spit National Park is located in the Kaliningrad region bordering Lithuania on a narrow strip of land between the salty Baltic Sea and the freshwater Curonian Lagoon. The northern borders of the park run along the Russian-Lithuanian border.

The natural uniqueness of the territory of the national park lies in the fact that it is the largest sand dump in the world. The dune landscapes of the spit are distinguished by their exceptional beauty and aesthetic impact on humans and represent a unique object for the development of ecological tourism.

The Curonian Spit has been hailed as “an exceptional example of a landscape of sand dunes and constantly threatened by natural forces such as wind and water. After the destructive intervention of a man who threatened the existence of the spit, through the stabilization and protection work begun in the 19th century and continuing to this day, it was restored. " Currently, the territory of the Curonian Spit is officially protected by the UNESCO Convention on the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage.

National Park "Valdai" was formed with the aim of preserving the unique lake-forest complex of the Valdai Upland and creating conditions for the development of organized recreation in this area. The basis for the creation of the park was the unique combination and richness of natural components, the degree of their preservation and the ability to maintain ecological balance, the enormous aesthetic impact of natural landscapes. A differentiated regime of special protection has been established on the territory of the park, taking into account its natural, historical and cultural characteristics. In accordance with this, the following functional zones have been identified: reserved, specially protected, recreational, regulated use zone around lakes and rivers, as well as a visitor service area.

The national park is located in the northern part of the Valdai Upland, its length from north to south is 105 km, from west to east - 45 km. The boundaries of the Park approximately correspond to the boundaries of the catchment basins of the Borovno, Valdai, Velie, Seliger lakes and the upper reaches of the Polomet River.

The state natural reserve Baikalo-Lensky is located on an area of ​​659.9 thousand hectares. It is located on the territory of the Kachugsky and Olkhonsky districts of the Irkutsk region. The reserve stretches from south to north along the western coast of Lake Baikal for about 120 km with an average width of 65 km.

The total length of the coastline of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Zapovednoye Pribaikalye" is about 590 km and covers the western coast of Lake Baikal from the village of Kultuk in the south to Cape Elokhin in the north. In December 1996, the Baikal-Lensky Nature Reserve (along with the Barguzinsky and Baikalsky) was included in the list of UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage sites.

At present, the process of uniting the Baikal-Lensky Reserve and the Pribaikalsky National Park has been completed into a single nature conservation, scientific and tourist complex: the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Zapovednoe Pribaikalye".

One of the oldest reserves in Russia, formed in 1920 to preserve unique mineral deposits. Since 1935, it has been transformed into an integrated reserve for the preservation and study of mineral resources, flora and fauna of the eastern macroslope of the Southern Urals. In 1991, the historical and archaeological branch "Arkaim" (currently the forestry "Stepnoye") was added to the reserve to preserve and study a unique monument of the early urban civilization of the Bronze Age - the settlement "Arkaim" and the archaeological complex in the Bolshekaragan valley. The reserve is the only mineralogical reserve in the country and one of the few mineralogical reserves in the world.

Karadag reserve

Not far from Feodosia there is an amazing reserve with which many legends are associated. Kara-Dag ("Black Mountain") is a volcanic massif, the last eruption of which occurred 150 million years ago. The very same Karadag reserve, covering an area of ​​more than 2870 hectares, was founded in 1979. Moreover, part of its area falls on the Black Sea.

The wonderful landscapes of Kara-Dag attracted tourists in ancient times. So that the unique nature was not destroyed, it was decided to establish a nature reserve. Walking in this area is allowed only when accompanied by employees strictly along the "ecological path".

Since its foundation, the fauna and flora of the Karadag reserve have been restored to a significant extent. 125 species of animals living on the slopes of the mountain range, 79 species of plants are included in the Red Book.

According to the legends, in one of the underwater caves near the Kara-Dag there is a giant Karadag monster that looks like a snake.

Alien species of Kara-Dag are the result of the work of sea waves, sun, wind and time. A rock in the form of an arch, which is born directly from the water, is recognized as the symbol of the reserve. She is called Shaitan-Kapu, which means "Devil's mouth". Other rocky ledges have also earned unusual names - "Dragon", "Ivan the Robber", "King" and others.


The Ural Mountains ... more than 200 million years ago they proudly stood on the young planet Earth and witnessed many grandiose events. Over the course of millennia, water and wind gradually destroyed them. And today the Ural Mountains are one of the lowest in the world. But there were places in the Urals where nature could not cope with the stone. One of them is known to us as Manpupuner.

First of all, under the influence of the environment, soft rocks were destroyed, and the harder ones were able to survive to this day. Geologists call them outliers. On Manpupuner, the remnants are huge stone pillars with a height of 30 to 42 m.

This place is truly mystical, because the Weathering Pillars, as the outliers are also called, are so ancient that even the Mansi worshiped them during the pagan period, and translated from their language, Manpupuner means “small mountain of idols”. Mansi, unlike geologists, know the true origin of stone pillars.

Russian North Park

Vologodskaya Oblast.

Located in the north of the Russian plain, the Russian North became one of the first national parks to appear fully officially on the territory of the Russian Federation.

The peculiarity of this protected area is that in a relatively small area in this area of ​​the Russian Plain, it was possible to simultaneously collect the most complete "collection" of plants and trees, comfortably accommodate a huge number of mammals, fish and birds, many of which have long been included in the list of endangered species not only on the territory of the Russian Federation, but also on a global scale.

As for the historical and architectural monuments, their number in the Russian North National Park cannot but amaze. First of all, among other buildings, several monasteries built during the 14-15 centuries of Russian history are of particular importance.

Barguzinsky reserve

The oldest in Russia, the Barguzinsky Nature Reserve is located on the northeastern coast of Lake Baikal, on the western slopes of the Barguzinsky Ridge. His task was to preserve and study the sable. The reserve is known for 39 species of mammals, 243 species of birds. Permanent inhabitants of the reserve: sable, Siberian weasel, lynx, fox, wolf, bear, reindeer, elk, squirrel, hazel grouse, stone grouse nutcracker, Baikal seal.

Here you can see all the high-altitude belts of the Barguzinsky ridge, trace the change of vegetation from the coast of Lake Baikal to high-mountain lakes.

Great Arctic Reserve

The reserve is located beyond the Arctic Circle - on the Taimyr Peninsula and small islands, where there is permafrost, where you can only get there by air, and even then in summer weather. But even one trip will definitely last you a lifetime.

In the Great Arctic Reserve, a relatively new type of ecological tourism is gaining popularity in Russia - birdwatching and bird watching.

Reserve "Ubsunurskaya hollow"

The unique state natural biosphere reserve "Ubsunurskaya Kotlovina" is one of the key territories of the Altai-Sayan ecoregion. Which, in turn, is included in the "Global 200" list - a list of virgin or little-modified ecoregions of the world, in which more than 90% of the planet's biodiversity is concentrated. Simply put, this is one of the few places on the planet where you can feel like 500-1000 (or even more) years ago.

The Ubsunur Basin is characterized by the rarest combination of various fauna elements; 83 species of mammals are found here. The Red Book of Russia and the reserve includes the red wolf, snow leopard (irbis), Altai mountain sheep (argali) and dzeren. In 2003, the basin was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Caucasian State Biosphere Reserve

Organized in 1924, one of the largest not only in the Krasnodar Territory, but also in Russia. The reserve was established to protect the unique natural complex of the Russian subtropics, to restore the number of animals and birds living on its territory. The reserve is home to many species of southern plants, including fruit; Above 1900-2000 m above sea level, there are subalpine meadows, characterized by a large number of flowers, which make this area especially beautiful. The most valuable species of animals, birds and plants living in the reserve are listed in the Red Book. Any human economic activity on the territory of the reserve is prohibited.


The Kivach Nature Reserve is one of the oldest in Russia, it was created in 1931. It is formed around the waterfall of the same name, which is its main attraction. A visit to the reserve and the waterfall is included in almost all excursions in Karelia.

Derzhavin, the first Olonets governor and an outstanding poet, wrote the famous ode "Waterfall", after which Kivach occupied a prominent place in the work of many poets, artists, prose writers. The waterfall is beautiful at any time of the year: the waters of the r. Suns from an eight-meter height fall down with heavy cast streams, forming a powerful whirlpool in scraps of foam and making an impressive noise. The most famous visitor to the waterfall is Emperor Alexander II. On the occasion of his arrival in 1868, a good road was laid to Kivach, a gazebo was built on the right bank and a lodging house on the left, and below the waterfall there is a bridge across the Suna River.

Klyuchevsky natural park

Klyuchevskoy natural park (Kamchatka region) is located on the territory of the forest fund of the Klyuchevskoy forestry enterprise. The territory of the natural park is unique in its relief and has no analogues in the whole world: on an insignificant territory there are 13 volcanic structures of different ages, among which rises the most active in the world and the highest in Asia active volcano Klyuchevskoy with an absolute mark of about 4800 meters above sea level. Its height, due to frequent eruptions, is constantly changing due to solidifying lava flows.

Krasnoyarsk pillars

Krasnoyarsk Pillars is a state natural reserve located in the spurs of the Eastern Sayan Mountains, on the right bank of the Yenisei. The local rocks are named with pillars because of their shape. They are tall - from 60 to 600 meters - and narrow. The age of the pillars is worthy of respect: according to various sources, from 450 to 600 million years have passed since their inception. According to scientists, the pillars were formed due to the powerful pressure of magma, which was never able to break through to the surface of the earth. And their bizarre outlines were formed due to the influence of the wind of atmospheric precipitation.

The reserve has about a hundred pillars of gray-pink granite, each of which has its own name. The names were not assigned by chance, but depending on what or who this or that stone looks like. One of the most famous is the Grandfather Pillar, as it resembles a formidable old man with a huge bushy beard. Next to him are his relatives - Great-grandfather, Granddaughter, Grandmother, Gemini. There are also animals, birds and anything else. For example, Chinese Wall, Feathers, Lion's Gate, Tusk.

Call of the Tiger National Park

Located in the Primorsky Territory.

The national park was established in 2007 in the southeastern part of Primorsky Krai, and the main purpose of its creation was to preserve the population of the Amur tigers, which are under threat. Of course, other rare animals also live here - the Far Eastern forest cat, sika deer, goral, roe deer, red deer, Himalayan and brown bears.

its landscape is mountains and valleys, so that the height difference can reach more than 1700 km. The mountains alone are more than a kilometer in height on the territory and on the borders of more than 50. Thanks to the difference in height, an amazing diversity of the flora of the park is achieved, which has no equal in the whole world. Here you can see many plants listed in the Red Book, dense spruce and tundra forests, as well as relict plants. Lianas (lemongrass, wild grapes), which are entwined with coniferous trees, give a unique look to the landscapes of the park. Here you can also find many medicinal plants and flowers: lilies, peonies, shoes and so on.

In the park "Call of the Tiger" there are about 250 different species of birds and more than fifty mammals. There is nothing like this in Russia anymore.

The diversity of wildlife is the guarantee of our well-being.

The nature of our planet is amazingly rich and diverse. The world is full of amazing creations. Where man does not interfere, nature lives and is formed according to the perfect laws established by the Creator. But with the advent of civilization, everything changes. Unfortunately, since time immemorial, man has killed animals and cut down forests. Over time, people populated almost the entire planet. As a result of human activity, many plants and animals have lost their habitats or even disappeared from the face of the Earth.

The goals of creating national parks.

The main goal of creating national parks and reserves is to protect living organisms balancing on the brink of extinction. Without protected areas, elephants, rhinos, bison and bison would have remained only in zoos, and some animals, for example, the Komodo dragons - giant lizards that live only in the Komodo National Park (on the island of the same name), would have disappeared altogether. However, despite their common name, each national park was created for its own specific purpose.


1. The purpose of creating national parks

2. Rationale for the choice of topic

3. The main idea of ​​work

4 Main part

  • National parks of the world
  • Paanajärvi National Park
  • National Park "Taganay"
  • Zabaikalsky National Park
  • Olympic National Park
  • Yellowstone national park
  • Monteverde National Park

5. Information sources

Main part

A national park is an area where human activities are limited in order to protect the environment.

Unlike nature reserves, where human activity is almost completely prohibited (hunting, tourism, etc. are prohibited), tourists are allowed on the territory of national parks, and economic activities are allowed on a limited scale.

There are over 1000 national parks in the world. There are 29 of them in Russia.

Paanajärvi National Park. Russia.

Paanajärvi National Park is located in the north-west of the Republic of Karelia, in its most elevated part. Paanajärvi National Park was established on May 20, 1992 by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation. The area of ​​the national park is 104,473 hectares.

The flora is the main attraction of the park. Its originality is determined by three factors - the low-mountainous nature of the relief, the presence of carbonate rocks (dolomites) favorable for the growth of many calciphilic plants, and, finally, the presence of large natural massifs untouched by man.

In the area of ​​the national park, 217 species of vertebrates are registered: 36 species of mammals, 160 species of birds, 3 species of amphibians and reptiles, 17 species of fish and 1 species of cyclostomes.

The pearl of the park is Lake Paanajärvi, characterized by its small size (1.5 x 24 km) and exceptional depth (128 m). There are many rapids on the rivers, there are significant waterfalls. The reservoirs abound in valuable species of fish.

The natural and historical value of the park is unique. Beautiful landscapes, rich flora and fauna, the opportunity to relax in pristine silence, rich fishing - all this attracts tourists, scientists, researchers, photographers, and many nature lovers to visit the park. Currently, the national park receives about 2.5 thousand visitors a year. It is planned to increase the number of tourists in the next three years to 6-8 thousand per year.

National Park "Taganay" (Russia)

Taganay National Park was established in 1991. It is located in the western part of the Chelyabinsk region, on the territory of the Zlatoust and Kusinsky administrative districts. The length of the park from north to south is 52 km, from west to east on average 10-15 km.

The Taganai National Park is located in one of the most unique corners of the Southern Urals - in the Taganai mountainous area, just north of the ancient Ural city of Zlatoust. Many valuable ecological systems - mountain tundra and meadows - have been preserved here almost intact.

The flora contains about 800 species of higher vascular plants, of which 28 are rare and endangered. Roe deer, wild boar, elk, beaver, brown bear, lynx, wolf, marten, ermine, weasel, otter live.

On the territory of the national park there are ancient mineral mines, the riches of which are presented in the collections of many mineralogical museums both in Russia and abroad. swampy swamps, tundra and small taiga, the place is perhaps one of the most beautiful in the South Urals.

Zabaikalsky National Park (Russia)

The Zabaikalsky National Park was founded in 1986 on the territory of the Republic of Buryatia in order to preserve the unique natural complex of the Lake Baikal basin. The national park is located on the east coast of the lake. Baikal, in the central part of the Republic of Buryatia, on the territory of the Barguzinsky district. In the north, the territory of the Barguzin State Natural Biosphere Reserve adjoins the border of the national park.

The flora includes many endemic, rare and relict plants. According to preliminary estimates, the flora of the park is more than 700 species of vascular plants. Habitats of many species listed in the Red Data Book of the Russian Federation, 19 endemic species, 9 rare species on Lake Baikal are noted here.

On the territory of the national park, 291 species of terrestrial vertebrates are registered: 44 species of mammals, 241 - birds, 3 - reptiles and 3 species of amphibians. The most common types of mammals of medium and large sizes: white hare, squirrel, muskrat, sable, ermine, brown bear, red deer, elk. 49 species of terrestrial vertebrates found in the park are listed in the Red Data Books of the Russian Federation.

Olympic National Park. (USA)

Olympic National Park is located in the northwestern part of the United States, in the state of Washington, famous for its amazing nature. The total area of ​​the park is 350,000 hectares. Here, in the Pacific fog that envelops the coast and forest, large trees and a broken coastline hide. The climate of this area is one of the wettest on the planet. The park has mountains with snow-capped peaks and slowly sliding glaciers, as well as rain forests, as mysterious and dark as the rainforests in the Amazon region.

In 1788, an English captain named the highest of these mountains (its height is almost 2,500 meters) Olympus in honor of the legendary home of the mythical gods of Ancient Greece. And in 1938, in order to preserve the integrity of the virgin nature of these places, the Olympic National Park was created.

Virunga National Park (Africa)

Virunga is one of the oldest national parks in Africa. It is located in the northeast of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. For 300 kilometers, the park's border coincides with the state borders of Rwanda and Uganda. The year of official birth of Virunga Park is 1929. Then it was named Albert and Kivu National Park. In 1969, a separate Virunga National Park was allocated from a single nature conservation object Albert and Kivu.

Currently, the park is bordered by the lands of the Ruzvenzori National Park in Uganda and the Volcano National Park in Rwanda. Several years ago, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Rwanda and Uganda launched an initiative to establish a transboundary biosphere reserve in the border area, which was to include Virunga National Park.

The area of ​​Virunga National Park is 790 thousand hectares. The landscapes in the territory of the national park are very diverse. Here you can find grassy and woody savannas, low-growing constantly wet forests, bamboo thickets, swamps, meadows and glaciers.

Yellowstone National Park (USA)

Yellowstone National Park - Founded by the US Congress in 1872, it became the first national park in the country. The park covers almost 900 thousand hectares and is located mainly on the lands of Wyoming.

The main attractions of the park - geysers and Mammoth hot springs - make a huge number of tourists from all over the world flock here.

In terms of their grandeur, the Yellowstone geysers are considered unsurpassed. The colossal power of the geysers is hard to imagine - some of them throw out about 5 thousand tons of water at a time to a height of up to 100 meters. Each ejection lasts for several seconds, then the water column falls and the geyser dies down until the next time.

Another attraction of the park is the Mammoth Hot Springs. Over the centuries and millennia, hot waters, saturated with various chemical impurities, have formed deposits of complex and varied shapes - streaks, stepped terraces, pyramids and even something like stalactites that suggest a cave located on the surface of the earth.

Most of the park is occupied by coniferous forests, in which many animals close to extinction in other areas have found refuge.

Here you can find black, bison, elk and deer, as well as many smaller animals and a huge number of birds.

Monteverde National Park (Costa Rica)

In the 1960s, a group of scientists and local residents founded the Cloud Forest Sanctuary in Monteverde, which eventually included the watershed zone. Since then, the reserve has expanded several times, and now it covers approximately 10,500 hectares.

This reserve is one of the most attractive locations in Costa Rica. Every year, about 50,000 tourists climb the steep, winding dirt road to get to Monteverde. Numerous birdwatchers and naturalists come here to observe all kinds of birds, animals and plants that have taken refuge in the reserve and surrounding areas.


In the 20th and 19th centuries, environmental pollution has become a real problem for almost the entire planet. Waste can enter underground water systems and cause serious harm to human and animal health. "We don't know what to do with all the chemicals produced by modern industry," admitted a Hungarian scientist from the Budapest Institute of Hydrology. "We can't even keep track of them."

Our goal is to preserve unique geothermal phenomena, herb prairies, unique glaciers, spectacular views, an abundance of life forms.

Information sources

  3. Discs - Golden Globes “US National Parks
  4. Dorysheva V. A. "National parks and reserves"
  5. Zaikin S. N. "Wonders of the World"
  6. Marchenkova A. V. “This wonderful world”
  7. Shcherbakov V. I. "National parks of the world"

By the end of the 19th century, people began to understand that if they did not protect the environment, but only mercilessly exploit it, then in a fairly short time they would have time to destroy many species of animal and plant life. Some of this dirty work has already been done. In addition, our beautiful and diverse planet may lose its unique natural formations forever. For this reason, reserves and national parks of the world have appeared. Each state that has national parks strives to preserve their natural splendor and diversity. At the same time, the forms of national parks may differ in different countries, but they are all devoted to the general idea of ​​nature conservation for future generations who could be proud of their country. According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature, there are now 6,555 national parks in the world.

1. Greenland National Park

The world's largest national park (972,000 sq. Km) is also the northernmost one. Its area exceeds the area of ​​163 countries of the world! It was founded in 1974. Apart from the staff of the national park, there are no other residents here. About 10 thousand musk oxen also live here, which is 40% of all these animals remaining in the world. Other inhabitants of the park are reindeer, polar bears, walruses, arctic hares and ermines. The sparse vegetation is represented by mosses and lichens, and only here and there dwarf willows and birches can be seen.

2. Kruger (South Africa)

In the national park them. The Kruger is home to the wilderness typical of South Africa. This is not only a very popular nature reserve among foreign travelers, but also a profitable business that brings considerable income. This is the oldest national park in South Africa, included in the UNESCO heritage, was founded in 1898 in the north-east of the country. Its area is 19,000 sq. km, and from end to end the distance is 340 km. It consists of three parts located in the valleys of the Oliphants and Sabi rivers. A curious kind of "unarmed" African safari is practiced in this reserve. In the huge national park, most of the animals are grouped in its central part. Among them: elephants, hippos, crocodiles, giraffes, white rhinos, leopards, 17 species of antelope and over 400 species of birds.

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3. Serengeti (Tanzania)

The Serengeti National Park is one of the largest (15,000 sq. Km) and the most famous on the planet, it has an almost complete ecosystem. This oldest nature reserve in Africa dates back to 1929. Its territory is home to almost 500 species of birds and 3 million of the largest mammals. Every year, impressive migrations of millions of wildebeest herds, hundreds of thousands of zebras and gazelles take place here, these living rivers cover a distance of more than 3000 km. The migration of zebras and wildebeests is explained by the fact that in the north of the park a drought begins, burning the grass, and in search of food, herbivorous ungulates rush to the cooler and wetter south. On the contrary, when the rainy season begins, the herds return to the north and west.
The Serengeti also boasts the largest lion population in Africa. Its inhabitants include elephants, hyenas, gazelles, rhinos and hippos. In the Maasai language, the name of the park means "endless plains" - and in fact, the vast savannah extends here mainly.

4. Yellowstone National Park (USA)

Located in the northwestern United States, Yellowstone National Park is very famous in the world, especially in recent years. It includes the territories of several states at once: Montana, Idaho and Wyoming. The national park was founded here in 1872, as there are a huge number of geysers and thermal springs. The large alpine Lake Yellowstone is located in the crater of America's largest supervolcano. A long time ago, this volcano has already erupted, so the surrounding area is covered with ancient lava.
Yellowstone is home to two-thirds of all geysers in the world - almost 3000, among them the largest in the world - "Steamer". The Old Faithful geyser is very famous for its regular eruptions, which throws boiling water to a height of 40 meters at intervals of 45-125 minutes. There are only five geyser fields in the world, located in Yellowstone, Kamchatka, Chile, Iceland and New Zealand. Yellowstone is densely packed with various thermal springs, of which there are about 10,000 (that is, half of those in the world), there are mud volcanoes and sources of hydrogen sulfide.
The national park is home to hundreds of species of mammals, reptiles, fish, birds and approximately 2000 species of vegetation.

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5. Snowdonia (UK)

This national park is located in the north of Wales. This is one of the first reserves in England and Wales, it was created 60 years ago. It was named after the highest peak in Wales - Mount Snowdon, which has a height of 1085 m. The territory of the Snowdonia National Park lies not only on state but also on private lands. It is home to 26,000 people, and the number of tourists visiting it per year reaches 6 million. For them, the park has 2381 km of open hiking trails, there are also 264 km of trails for horse and hikers and 74 km of other routes. So, anyone can climb to the top of Snowdon by funicular or along a picturesque hiking trail that has a length of 13 km. Also on the territory of the park there are old railway tracks.

6. Plitvice Lakes (Croatia)

For the first time the term "Plitvice Lakes" was mentioned in the documents of 1777. In 1949, this place became a national park, and 30 years later, UNESCO added it to its heritage list. On its territory there are 16 large karst lakes, 20 caves and 140 waterfalls. This place is unique in that every year new waterfalls appear here and in general the landscape is constantly changing. The water in the lakes here has an amazingly beautiful azure color, so the photographs here turn out to be unusually spectacular. Along the 18 km long hiking trails along the shores of the lakes, wooden decks are arranged, from which it is convenient to observe the surrounding beauty and take pictures of it.
Several hiking trails are laid through the park, the journey along which can take either a couple of hours or 8 hours. There is a boat cruising on the lakes, and you can look at the mountains from an electric train with special carriages adapted for a better view. But it is forbidden to swim in the local lakes, bring dogs here, and have picnics with bonfires. Plitvice Lakes are also famous for their unique coniferous and beech forests, which have been growing here for many centuries and are able to recover.

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7. Fiordland (New Zealand)

This is the name of New Zealand's largest national park, which occupies most of the southwestern highlands on the South Island. The deepest lakes of the country and quite high and picturesque mountains reaching 2,746 m are located here. And now Fiordland remains an inaccessible area. There are many beauties here: fast-flowing rivers with waterfalls, picturesque fjords, rich and unique flora and fauna. The local dense forests are home to beautiful birds such as cockatoo parrots. In the local waters of the Pacific Ocean, you can find penguins or bottlenose dolphins.
The famous British writer Rudyard Kipling made the local Milford Sound famous by calling it "the eighth wonder of the world." Along its entire 18-kilometer stretch, the bay is framed by high peaks of mountains. This place is one of the dampest on the planet - it rains here every two days out of three.

8. Transboundary reserve Kavango-Zambezi

This reserve is unique in many ways. Spread over a vast area of ​​444,000 sq. km, it captures the territories of five countries at once: Botswana, Angola, Namibia, Zimbabwe and Zambia. There are no borders on the territory of the reserve itself, so animals can move freely throughout its territory. This largest African reserve includes a number of parks of individual states, for example, the Okavango Delta and Chobe.
In addition to the rich fauna, the territory of this reserve is home to world-famous sights, for example, the magnificent Victoria Falls. A transboundary reserve appeared recently - in 2011. The most important task of the five countries that organized it set the provision of opportunities for free migration for animals. But it has also become a very important and profitable tourist destination, because literally every day a new tourist group appears in this or that place of the endless reserve. First of all, travelers here are attracted by African elephants, which are home to almost half of all savannah elephants living in Africa. Over 600 species of flora also grow on the lands of the reserve, including unique ones, and in the sky above the magnificent landscapes you can see 300 species of birds.

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9. Papahanaumokuakea Marine Sanctuary (USA)

This reserve is located in the middle of the Pacific Ocean in the Hawaiian archipelago, including a group of its small islets and atolls. It has an area of ​​approximately 360,000 sq. km, making it the world's largest protected marine reserve. The Papahanaumokuakea nature reserve was founded recently - in 2006. On its islands there are exotic animals and plants, but not only these living objects living on land are valuable, but also luxurious coral reefs hidden under a layer of water, which form a unique system.
This name of the reserve did not appear immediately, but only a year after its formation - this is how they decided to celebrate the married couple of nature patrons - the local gods Uakea and Papakhanaumoku. For the indigenous people of Hawaii, these places have been sacred since ancient times, according to their beliefs, the souls of their dead relatives were sent here.
Archaeologists have investigated these islands and found that some of them were inhabited by humans in prehistoric times. For example, on the islands of Nihoa and Makumanamana, the remains of ancient settlements, in which people engaged in agriculture, lived. Within the Papahanaumokuakea, there was a tenth of the tropical shallow-water coral reefs belonging to the United States.

10. Limpopo Transboundary Park

This park also covers the territories of several African countries - South Africa, Mozambique and Zimbabwe. Its area is currently about 37,000 square meters. km, 10 different zones are distinguished on it. To date, the final boundary of the reserve has not yet been established, especially since its expansion is almost three times ahead. This transboundary park appeared only in 2000, and a year later the first animals appeared in it. Now elephants, giraffes, cheetahs, spotted hyenas and other African animals already live there.