Homemade pancho cake with cherries. Pancho cake with cherries step by step recipe with photos. Pancho cake with cherries step by step recipe with photos

Pancho Cake

4 hours 30 minutes

245 kcal

5/5 (19)

Kitchen appliances and utensils: oven, mixer, 2 deep bowls, flat dish or plate, glass (240 ml), tablespoon and teaspoon, knife, small saucepan.

List of ingredients


Sour cream:

  • 800 gr. sour cream 20-26% fat;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 200 gr. pitted cherries (canned);
  • 0.5 cups walnuts.

Chocolate glaze:

  • 3 tbsp. l cocoa;
  • 3 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 3 tbsp. l. milk;
  • 30 gr. oils

Judging by the name of the cake, you might think that it came to us from Spain or Latin American countries, but meanwhile the recipe for Pancho cake with cherries (also known as Sancho Pancho cake and Don Pancho cake, some even call it Sancho Panza) invented by Moscow culinary specialists. For a long time the recipe was considered “secret”, but experienced housewives guessed its composition based on taste. After all, Pancho's cake includes chocolate sponge cake, sour cream with cherries and nuts and chocolate glaze.

Even a housewife who is just taking her first steps in cooking can handle the preparation of this juicy and soft cake, which has a characteristic combination of cherry sourness and chocolate flavor. This is facilitated not only by the simplicity of the recipe for Pancho cake with cherries, but also by a detailed description with a photo, which you will find below. Is it possible to bake a Pancho cake with sour cream at home so that it turns out no worse than the branded one? Well, it’s not that the preparation was easier than steamed turnips, but I’ve seen and prepared more complex baked goods. Check it out and see for yourself.

Product selection

I read in many recipes on the Internet verbose discussions about the importance of natural and fresh products for preparing desserts and more. I think no one will argue with this, and in the store, by default, everyone chooses fresher and more natural products. I'm not an exception. Since the products we need are the most common and widespread, just follow the production and sales dates on the packages.
When choosing sour cream, consider: the higher the fat content of sour cream, the thicker your cream will be.

Note! The quantity of ingredients is given for a large cake when you need to treat many guests. For a small homemade tea party, you can easily reduce the amount of ingredients by half. Just don’t skimp on the cream (the more of it, the softer the cake will be).

Step-by-step recipe for Pancho cake with cherries

Preparing the biscuit

Preparing the cream

If you purchased high-fat sour cream, then you can just thoroughly beat with sugar using a mixer ( 5-10 minutes).

If the sour cream seems runny to you, it is better to “weigh” it first to get rid of excess whey. To do this, place gauze folded in two layers in a colander and pour sour cream into it. Leave the whey to drain for a minimum for 2 hours, or better yet longer. Therefore, take care of this in advance. Add sugar to the weighed sour cream and beat until a fluffy, thick, homogeneous consistency is obtained. A cake covered with such cream will be white, like a snow-capped northern cliff.

Preparing the glaze

To prepare the chocolate glaze, combine sugar, cocoa and milk in a small saucepan. Over low heat, stirring, bring the mixture until smooth condition.

After this, remove the glaze from the heat and add butter to it. Mix thoroughly until smooth.

Assembling the cake

Cake recipe video

To take an even closer look at all the nuances of making a cake, I suggest watching this video recipe. I liked it because the author of the video suggests assembling the cake using a bowl, in which all the pieces and berries are placed, covered with a cake bottom and the finished cake is turned over onto a plate. That's the whole assembly. See for yourself:

Cake decoration and serving

Remove the cooled cake from the refrigerator and decorate chocolate icing, applying it to the surface of the cake using a spoon with careless movements in a random order. Then we put the cake in the refrigerator again so that the cakes are properly soaked in the cream. The longer, the tastier the cake will be. It is convenient to prepare the cake in the evening and place it in the refrigerator overnight.

I always advise remove the cake from the refrigerator approximately one hour before serving so that it comes to room temperature (unless it's an ice cream cake, of course). At room temperature, the flavors of the cake are best revealed.

Serve Poncho cake for the holiday or just on the occasion of the weekend. Seeing the happy faces of children devouring your cake on both cheeks - what reward could be greater for a mother and housewife? Traditionally, unsweetened drinks are served with the cake to enhance its taste. Black, green, floral, herbal tea, coffee, unsweetened compote (I like apple compote), cranberry juice (dilute it more strongly), milk and even unsweetened drinking yogurt are suitable. It is better not to serve packaged juices (they contain a lot of sugar and their own rich taste and smell, which will interrupt the taste of the cake).

Cooking tips

  • You can replace the soda in the recipe with baking powder - you will need a little less of it.
  • You don’t have to cook the chocolate glaze yourself - you can melt a ready-made bar of dark or milk chocolate and mix it with butter.
  • The more cocoa powder you add, the richer the flavor will be. Feel free to add or subtract a spoonful of cocoa, depending on your taste preferences.
  • To make the cake less sweet, you can reduce the amount of sugar in the dough (1 cup will be enough).
  • Before adding nuts to the cake, it is better to lightly fry them in a frying pan or in the oven, their taste will become more noticeable.

Possible other cooking options and ingredients

You don't have to make Pancho cake with chocolate sponge cake. Many housewives use two biscuitsblack and white (without cocoa). The recipe often includes cherries and walnuts, but there are also options with a variety of berries, peaches and even canned pineapple. I want to highlight separately, because Using the same technology, you will get a cake with a completely different taste. helped many housewives decide to make this delicious, but not the easiest cake to prepare. Roasted hazelnuts or almonds will add an interesting nutty flavor to your cake.

Try it, experiment. Please write in the comments which combination of ingredients seems most successful to you. Perhaps you have invented a new recipe?

We are glad to offer you the recipe for this well-known sponge cake with airy sour cream or butter cream. The exact recipe for this cake is kept secret, but despite this, many pastry chefs and skilled housewives know how to make it. In this article we will look at the main options for preparing the famous dessert. In the Pancho cake you will find: chocolate or white sponge cake, delicate butter cream and fruit. Cherries are often added to the classic recipe, but you can also choose bananas, strawberries, canned pineapples and peaches, and a variety of berries. In addition, it would not be a bad idea to supplement the Pancho cake recipe with nuts; roasted hazelnuts or walnuts are best suited to taste; almonds will also perform excellently.

Cherry cake “Pancho” with nuts

Almost a classic version of the famous dessert. The cake is made quickly: it is quite simple to make; only the original assembly of the cake will take time. Pieces of biscuits will be dipped in cream and placed in a heap on the cake, and they will need to be covered with chocolate icing on top.


For the test:

  • 6 eggs
  • 3 tablespoons cocoa powder
  • 200 grams of flour
  • 250 grams of sugar
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder

For cream:

  • 200 milliliters cream 33% fat
  • 400 milliliters sour cream 20% fat
  • 150 grams of sugar
  • 80 grams of walnuts
  • 200 grams frozen cherries
  • 1 tablespoon powdered sugar

For the glaze:

  • 30 grams butter
  • 50 grams dark chocolate

Cooking method:

First, take some time to make the sponge cake. This is a pretty important step because your cake should be fluffy, airy and soft. It is important that it does not settle during baking. So, the sponge cake recipe: first, beat only one egg with a mixer at high speed, for at least 5 minutes. When the mass becomes fluffy and thickens, begin to gradually add sugar, whisk until it is completely dissolved.

Separately sift the bulk ingredients: flour, baking powder and cocoa. At this stage, the mixer can be turned off and put aside. According to the technology for preparing sponge cakes, flour is always added only with a spoon. Slowly and carefully mix the delicate dough, rotating it in a circle, carefully kneading the lumps with a spoon. The dough should be airy and seem to “breathe”. Line a round pan with parchment and grease the sides with butter. Place the dough into it, smooth it over the surface and bake in the oven (temperature 180 degrees). Your Pancho cake crust will spend about 35 minutes in the oven. Turn the finished biscuit out onto a wire rack and cool for an hour.

Defrost the cherries, even better if they are in season and you can buy fresh ones. Remove the seeds and strain off excess liquid (do not pour out). Dip cherries in powdered sugar. Crush the walnuts using a rolling pin or cut into pieces. Now is the time to make the cream: in a dry bowl, whip the cream until thick. Separately, mix sour cream with sugar and also beat to give the final fluffiness. When the sugar has melted, mix the cream and sour cream into a single mass.

Now you need to assemble the Pancho cake, this step is one of the most important in this recipe. The sponge cake needs to be divided into two unequal parts, one of which will be the base of the cake. The height of the base will be approximately 1 centimeter - this will be quite enough. Cut the rest of the biscuit into cubes approximately 2 centimeters in size. Place the base of the cake on a flat dish, soak it with the cherry juice remaining after straining the cherries. Then the cake is greased with sour cream, then place half a portion of cherries and part of the nuts on the cream.

Place the cut pieces of cake into a bowl with sour cream, roll them thoroughly so that each one is soaked. Then place these pieces in a heap, layer the biscuit layers with cherries and nuts. Decorate the cake with chocolate glaze, the recipe for which is very simple: break the chocolate into pieces, put it in a saucepan along with butter and place it in a water bath. Once the ingredients have melted, stir until smooth. Pour this glaze into a pastry syringe; if you don’t have one, then a thick plastic bag with the tip cut off will do. Decorate the cake as you wish and place it in the refrigerator for 3 hours until it is completely soaked.

Cherry cake “Pancho” with pineapples


  • sour cream (400 milliliters for cakes and 600 for cream)
  • eggs - 2 pieces
  • sugar (1 cup for cream and 2 for dough)
  • flour - 320 grams
  • soda - 1 teaspoon
  • pineapple (diced) - 1 can
  • walnut - 50 grams
  • handful of fresh cherries
  • vanillin (in cream)
  • cocoa - 2 tablespoons
  • chocolate - 50 grams
  • vegetable oil - 10 milliliters
  • butter - 50 grams

Cooking method:

It’s always more convenient to start mastering a cake recipe by preparing the biscuit dough. This time is no exception. The sponge cake will not be the same as usual, but baked with sour cream. Such pies are also called “sour cream”. So, beat sour cream with sugar, add eggs 1 piece at a time. While stirring with a whisk, add flour and one teaspoon of soda to the dough. The acid from the sour cream will be enough to cause a reaction with the soda powder.

Cover the mold with paper, lightly grease it with oil and lay out half the portion of the resulting dough. Add cocoa powder to another part of the dough, mix everything and also place in the prepared pan. Keep both cakes in the oven for about 30-40 minutes. Then, after checking doneness with a wooden stick, remove from the oven and turn onto a wire rack to cool. Cut one cake layer (any color) so that you get a base for the cake at least 1 centimeter in height. Cut or tear the rest of the sponge cake, as well as the second cake layer, into pieces. You are already familiar with the recipe for sour cream: it is a whipped mixture of sour cream, sugar and vanilla. The cream should thicken during whipping and become stronger.

Now comes the assembly stage: place the set aside cake layer on a flat plate - this will be the base for the Pancho cake. Grease it with sour cream. Meanwhile, open a jar of canned pineapples and place the pieces in a colander; when the water has drained, drain it, and place some of the fruit in a layer on top of the cream. Remove the pits from the cherries and place some of them, along with the nuts, next to the pineapples. Place pieces of biscuits dipped in cream on top; after each layer, do not forget to add fruits and nuts. Try to maintain the cone shape, because this is the main feature of the Pancho cake. Spread cream on top and garnish with pineapples and cherries. Place the cake in the refrigerator and let it stay there for several hours.

We recommend decorating it immediately before serving. A universal option for this is chocolate glaze. Let us remind you of her recipe: break half a chocolate bar and, together with a piece of butter, send it to melt in a steam bath. When the ingredients melt, stir them with a spoon until smooth. It is most convenient to apply this glaze to the cake using a regular plastic bag, fold it into it and cut off a corner. This way, without any special equipment, you get the opportunity to decorate the cake with beautiful chocolate designs. You can even make inscriptions. After this, the cake is considered completely ready - call the guests, set the table, and treat it.

Cake "Pancho" banana-cherry

Here the biscuits will be of two different colors - white and brown - and, you guessed it, one will have a vanilla flavor, the other will be chocolate. Try using bananas as a filling, and, of course, cherries!


For the crust:

  • 450 milliliters sour cream
  • 2 eggs
  • 350 grams of sugar
  • 320 grams flour
  • teaspoon baking soda (can be replaced with baking powder)

For cream:

  • 500 milliliters of sour cream (medium fat content, best 20%)
  • 1 bar of dark chocolate
  • 150 grams of sugar
  • bananas - 2 pieces
  • cherry - half a liter jar

Cooking method:

Sponge cake recipe: whisk sour cream, add sugar and add eggs one at a time, stirring constantly. Separately, sift the flour with soda (or baking powder) and add to the dough, stir so that there are no lumps. Divide the finished dough into two equal parts, adding vanillin to one and cocoa powder to the other. Bake each cake in a separate pan at 180 degrees in the oven. This will take about half an hour.. Once the cakes have cooled, remove them from the pans and cut each one in half. The most convenient way to do this is this: cuts are made on the sides in a horizontal plane with a knife, and then the cake is cut in half using a thread. Using this method, you will always divide your cake evenly. Leave half of one cake for the base, break the other half into pieces.

To prepare, use this recipe: beat the sour cream manually using a whisk, adding sugar little by little. The mixture should thicken well and stick to the whisk. Pour sour cream over the biscuit pieces and stir (save a little clean gravy for the top of the cake). Soak the base of the dessert with cream, then lay out pieces of bananas and pitted cherries, then place biscuits in layers, alternating them with fruit. This cake needs to be stacked, so be careful to get the desired shape. Grease the finished cake with an even layer of cream. Grate the chocolate bar on a coarse grater and generously sprinkle the resulting shavings over your confectionery masterpiece called “Pancho.” Now he needs to stay in the refrigerator for at least 8 hours.

Cake "Pancho" with condensed milk

We are pleased to present you a wonderful cake and a completely independent recipe. If you follow it strictly, don’t change anything or add anything unnecessary, the result will exceed your expectations. Don't be alarmed that the cake contains a lot of condensed milk; it turns out not very sweet and not at all cloying.


For the test:

  • 4 eggs
  • 2 tablespoons cocoa
  • 2 cups of flour
  • 1 can of condensed milk
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • vanillin

For cream and filling:

  • 900 milliliters sour cream (20% fat)
  • condensed milk - to taste
  • canned peaches
  • canned pineapple
  • cherries - 300 grams
  • chocolate topping for decoration

Cooking method:

This cake will consist of two different sponges - chocolate and vanilla. The dough recipe is designed for the entire amount of ingredients at once, so make a general batch, and then add cocoa to one half and vanillin to the other. Beat the eggs for about five minutes, then pour the contents of one can of condensed milk into them. Sift the flour and baking powder separately and add to the dough. Divide the latter, make sure that each part has its own taste. Bake each cake separately in the oven (temperature 180 degrees, time 30 minutes). At the end of the process, remove the cakes and cool on a wire rack. Cut each one lengthwise into two pieces so you have 4 biscuits in total. One of them will be the base of the cake, the others need to be broken into pieces.

Cream recipe: mix condensed milk (choose the quantity arbitrarily, approximately half a jar) with sour cream and refrigerate - you need it all to harden a little. Start assembling the cake with the base: place it on a large flat plate, cover with a layer of cream. Open cans of canned fruit, drain excess liquid, cut into pieces. Place pineapple and peach slices on top of the cream. Next, dip each sponge piece into white cream and place it in a cone on the cake in this way: the “floor” of the cake is a layer of fruit. And so on until all the components are gone. Decorate the top of the cake with cherries, pour over chocolate topping and refrigerate. This cake needs at least 3 hours to soak properly. Bon appetit!

Cake "Pancho" poppy seed

We offer you a recipe for another “Pancho”, only this time the cake will be poppy seed. It turns out very aromatic, tasty and tender with a cherry layer and banana pieces. And the airy poppy seed cake makes it simply unique. Try it!


For the biscuit:

  • sour cream - 200 milliliters
  • eggs - 3 pieces
  • sugar - 200 grams
  • flour - 320 grams
  • 1 glass poppy seeds
  • juice of half a lemon
  • zest from 1 lemon
  • soda - 1 teaspoon (quench in lemon juice)

For cream:

  • powdered sugar - 200 grams
  • 500 milliliters sour cream
  • butter - 50 grams

For the glaze:

  • cocoa powder - 2 tablespoons
  • milk - 50 milliliters
  • butter - 50 grams
  • sugar - 4 tablespoons

For filling:

  • 2 bananas
  • a glass of fresh or frozen cherries

Cooking method:

Start working on your cake by creating a poppy seed cake. Beat the eggs with sugar, when the mass increases slightly in size and becomes homogeneous, add sour cream and soda slaked in lemon juice. Beat everything again. Add lemon zest and a glass of poppy seeds to this mixture, and then just add the flour. Line a baking dish with paper, transfer the poppy seed dough into it and leave in the oven for 45 minutes (temperature 180 degrees).

When the biscuit is completely baked, remove it from the oven and cool. Then divide into 3 equal layers. Cut only the top part into cubes, that is, 1 cake. To prepare the cream, beat sour cream with powdered sugar and add soft butter. Select the seeds from the cherries, peel the bananas and mash the pulp with a fork. Now you can assemble the cake: Place the poppy seed cake on a flat dish, soak it in a little cherry juice, arrange the berries, followed by a layer of sour cream and a second cake layer. Place mashed bananas on it and another layer of cream. Dip the cut pieces of biscuit in sour cream and place on top of the banana layer.

The cake should be at room temperature for several hours - this way it will soak in better - and the rest of the time in the refrigerator. If there is some cream left, save it, then cover the cake with a fresh layer of sour cream just before serving. But that's not all. We almost forgot about the chocolate glaze. This time we will cook it, let us remind you of the recipe: mix cocoa powder with sugar, add warm milk and put it on the fire. When the sugar has melted, add a piece of butter, stir and remove from heat. Apply warm glaze to the cake and wait a bit until it hardens. Enjoy your tea!

Cake "Pancho" in a slow cooker

Especially for the lucky owners of such a wonderful technique as a multicooker, we have prepared a separate recipe for Pancho cake, taking note of which you can easily prepare the well-known dessert.


For the biscuit:

  • wheat flour - 180 grams
  • sugar - 180 grams
  • egg - 6 pieces
  • citric acid - 1/2 teaspoon
  • vanillin - 1 teaspoon
  • starch - 1/4 cup

For cream and filling:

  • 800 milliliters sour cream (15%)
  • 170 grams of sugar
  • cream thickener - 2 sachets
  • cherry - 0.5 kilograms
  • cognac - 20 milliliters
  • dark chocolate - 100 grams

Cooking method:

After adding citric acid, beat the whites in a dry deep bowl until stiff foam. Without stopping the mixer, gradually add sugar (half the specified amount). Grind the yolks with the rest of the sugar, add vanillin. The mass should lighten and the sugar should completely dissolve. Sift the flour along with the starch into a separate container, mix with the yolks, and then gradually add the whipped whites into the dough, stirring gently each time.

Grease the multicooker pan with butter, transfer the dough into it and turn on the “Baking” mode for 60 minutes. When the time is up, do not open the lid; let the pie remain in the oven for 15 minutes on the “Keep Warm” mode. Then remove the future cake from the pan and place it on a plate. The biscuit in the slow cooker turns out quite tall.

Separate the cake base, about 1-2 centimeters high, and cut the rest of the dough into pieces. Now you need to prepare the cream. To do this, simply beat sour cream with granulated sugar, add a cream thickener. Remove the seeds from the cherries and place the berries in a colander, collecting the juice that has drained from them. Mix cherry juice with cognac - this will be a syrup for soaking the biscuit.

It's time to assemble the Pancho cake: place the base cake on a flat plate, soak it in cognac syrup (if you plan to give this dessert to children, there is no need to add alcohol), place a layer of cream, and cherries on it. Dip the cut biscuits into sour cream and place them on the next “floor”, alternating with cherries. Do this until you run out of all the cake ingredients. Remember that the shape of “Pancho” should be cone-shaped and resemble a slide. Decorate the surface of the cake with melted dark chocolate. Hide the dessert in the refrigerator for several hours - it definitely needs to soak and harden.

In conclusion, I would like to say that many housewives know and love to cook the cake under the original name “Pancho”. It is also known by other names, for example, “Pinscher”, or, found in Ukraine, “Curly-haired boy”. Although the names are different, the cooking principle, components and technology are the same.

This cake can often be purchased at various pastry shops, cafes and supermarkets. But now you know that you can also - and without much difficulty - prepare it at home. And, believe me, your cake will be much tastier than store-bought, more natural and fresh. The recipes presented in this article are quite simple to prepare, and even if you are a novice housewife, you can easily cope with cherry “Pancho”.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated


- chicken eggs - 4 pcs,
- granulated sugar - 250 gr,
- flour - 200 gr,
- baking powder - 1 tsp,
- cocoa - 3 tbsp,
- salt - a pinch.

- sour cream (homemade or fat content from 20% - 600 g,
- sugar - 250 gr,
- vanillin - a pinch,
- cherries (canned or frozen) - 150 g,
- cherry juice - 50 ml.


- dark chocolate - 90 gr.

How to cook with photos step by step

Mix the dry ingredients in one bowl: cocoa, sifted flour and baking powder.

Beat chicken eggs into a deep bowl or mixer bowl, add a pinch of salt and granulated sugar.

Beat at maximum mixer speed until fluffy foam is obtained and the sugar is completely dissolved. This will take approximately 5-7 minutes. The time will depend on the power of your mixer.

Combine the two mixtures carefully and slowly, so as to maintain the airiness of the dough.

Line a baking pan with parchment on the bottom and sprinkle the sides with flour or grease with butter. Bake the biscuit in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for 40-45 minutes. Again, baking time will depend on your oven. Check the readiness of the chocolate biscuit with a toothpick or wooden skewer.

While the sponge cake is baking, you can prepare the cream. Mix thick sour cream with granulated sugar, add a pinch of vanillin and refrigerate. The cream will thicken a little in the refrigerator.

Leave the finished chocolate cake to rest for several hours. If you don't have that much time to wait, leave it for at least half an hour to cool.

Cut the cake about 1.5 centimeters from the bottom of the sponge cake. This will be the base of the cake. Cut the remaining part into small cubes, approximately 2 centimeters wide.

Place chocolate cubes in a deep, large bowl.

And pour ¾ of the cream. Stir until everything is well coated with sour cream.

Thaw the cherries in advance (if you use frozen ones), drain the resulting juice into a separate bowl.

Using a pastry brush, saturate the cake base with cherry syrup.

Then lubricate with cream.

And lay out the chocolate biscuit cubes in a heap, and sprinkle each layer with cherries.

At the end, pour the remaining cream over the cake.

To decorate, melt one bar of dark chocolate and randomly pour it over the top of the cake. Ready to put in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. This time is enough for it to soak well. And you can enjoy tea with your family.

Bon appetit!

Now let's prepare Don Pancho cherry cake, recipe with photo. Make the sponge cake. Take your time, as preparing a fluffy, airy, soft sponge cake is not difficult, but it is responsible.

To prevent the cake from settling when baking, do the following: take a mixer and beat one eggs at high speed. This should take you about five minutes. The mass should become fluffy, thick, and uniformly whitish in color.

Start gradually adding granulated sugar to the eggs, continue beating until the mixture turns completely white and the sugar has completely dissolved.

In a separate bowl, mix dry ingredients - baking powder with flour and cocoa. Sift these ingredients through a sieve first - this will make the dough more airy.

Add flour to the liquid mixture with a spoon and gently knead the dough, using top-to-bottom movements. You need to stir slowly and carefully until all the lumps of flour disappear.

The dough should turn out airy, tender and you should see that there are air bubbles in the dough. Such a “breathable” dough should not be left in the bowl for a long time.

Take a round baking pan and line it with parchment. The walls need to be lubricated with oil.

Place the dough in the mold, level the surface and place in the oven to bake at 180 degrees. Keep the cake in the oven for 30-35 minutes.

Remove the finished cake from the mold and leave to cool for an hour.

Let's start preparing the filling. You can use defrosted and fresh. The seeds need to be removed, just strain off the excess liquid, but do not pour it out. Sprinkle the cherries with powdered sugar or roll them.

Now take the walnuts and chop them. This can be done using a rolling pin or knife or mortar.

Let's prepare the cream. In a dry bowl, beat the cream with a mixer until stable peaks and a dense mass. Separately, you need to mix sour cream with sugar and beat until the sour cream becomes fluffy and airy. When the sugar has dissolved, mix the cream with sour cream.

Let's start assembling the cake. This step is the most important. Divide the biscuit into two parts, one of them should be 1 cm thick. Chop the rest of the biscuit into cubes approximately 2 by 2 cm in size.

Take a flat dish and place a 1 cm thick base crust on it. Make a soak using the cherry juice that remains after you strained the cherries. Place the cream on top in a thin layer and place cherries and nuts on it, but not all.

Take a bowl of sour cream and place pieces of chopped biscuit in it. Stir until each piece is coated with cream. Then start placing our sponge cake on top of the cake, alternating it with cherries and nuts.

Make the chocolate frosting. To do this, you need to chop the chocolate into small pieces and melt it in a water bath along with butter. Once the ingredients have melted, they can be combined into a smooth, homogeneous mass. Decorate the cake with this frosting as you wish. The cake needs to be placed in the refrigerator for 4-5 hours, or better yet for the whole night, so that it is very well soaked and becomes juicy and full of flavors.

The cake is ready! A great solution for a holiday dessert or a quiet family tea party!

Let us share with you options for preparing such a delicious cake:

  • Instead of cherries and nuts, you can use other products, for example, bananas, pineapples. You can only add cherries.
  • Even ordinary packaged cherry juice is suitable for impregnation.
  • You can assemble the cake differently; to do this, you need to take a spherical mold and cover it with cling film. Grease the film with a thin layer of sour cream, then mix the sponge cake with cherries and nuts with the cream and place in the mold. Cover this mass with the base cake on top and press down well; if the diameter of the cake is larger, then trim off the excess. Then turn the pan over and leave in the refrigerator for several hours. When the cake has hardened, you can remove the mold and cling film, so you will have a sour cream sphere on the sponge cake. You can decorate the top as you wish, but the classic version involves using the same sour cream, which can be distributed in a chaotic manner over the surface of our sphere. Sprinkle some grated chocolate on this cake and it looks amazing!
  • You can also combine two types of cake layers - regular white and chocolate. Then the cut of the cake will be even more interesting, and the chocolate taste will not be so rich. To find out what this Don Pancho cake with cherries looks like, look at the recipe with photos.
  • When preparing the cream, you can only use sour cream and sugar. This way the cream will be less greasy.
  • Instead of walnuts, you can use any other available nuts.
  • Before you start kneading the biscuit dough, you need to carefully sift the flour with baking powder and cocoa (in this case). Thus, the bulk ingredients of the sponge cake are saturated with oxygen and then, when you mix them with eggs, the dough will “breathe” and the sponge cake will ultimately come out tall and beautiful.
  • No other types of dough are suitable for this cake. Only the sponge cake can be completely saturated with cherry juice (or other liquid impregnation), which makes the base of the cake tender, juicy and melting in your mouth. Therefore, it is better not to experiment here.
  • In addition to cherries, the cake filling also includes bananas (the cake turns out sweeter), strawberries, raspberries, and other berries. But it is cherry that is classically used. It is better to choose juicy semi-sweet berries; the Shpanka variety is excellent.

You've probably heard about this cake, but have you ever wondered why it was called Don Pancho? Sometimes this cake is called Pinscher, or Curly Pinscher. Many people confuse the origin of the name of the cake and think that it is somehow connected with the hero of Cervantes’ book, Sancho Panza. However, the true origin of the name of this culinary work is, unfortunately, unknown.

There are many recipes for the cake of the same name in a wide variety of interpretations. We have already tried the cake recipe, and today we will look at a dessert with cherries and walnuts.

The well-known and quite popular “Pancho” cake with cherries and walnuts, many housewives may know it under the name “Cherry Pancho”. At the same time, the essence of its amazing taste does not change, and it is very simple and quick to please your guests and family with a delicious delicacy!

The Fili-Baker company promoted the Pancho cake on the Russian market, and made it very popular at the level of the Prague cake or the classic Napoleon. However, the recipe is not the know-how of the confectionery factory; nevertheless, they had to fight to promote the dessert, as one of the co-founders of the company Stanislav Gavrilov says.

The production of Pancho cake on a large consumer scale started in 2002, and according to Stanislav, the demand for the dessert grows by 50% every year. By 2007, the scale of cake production reached 200 thousand per month, but the company took a long time and purposefully to reach this figure. Now, virtually every large and small store in Moscow has a “Pancho” cake on the shelves, and before this, managers had to persuade retailers for almost a year to include the product in the assortment as one of the main positions.

It is interesting that at the beginning of the release of Pancho, the founders of the confectionery company often had to travel to retail stores on their own in order to buy the dessert of the same name to convince the demand.

Ingredients for 10 servings

To create a biscuit base, prepare:

1 cup good quality flour

2 pieces of chicken eggs

½ (180 grams) can of condensed thick milk

1 cup granulated sugar

1 teaspoon of soda (slaked) or baking powder (baking powder)

3 tbsp. spoons of cocoa powder (which is brewed, not dissolved in hot water)

For the cream we will use:

800 grams of sour cream (high fat content)

6 tbsp. spoons of crystal sugar

150 grams of nuts (I’ll take walnuts - they have the most pronounced taste)

1 ½ cups pitted cherries (can be fresh, canned or frozen)

For the glaze (optional, if desired):

1 tbsp. spoon of cocoa powder

1 tbsp. spoon of granulated sugar

2 tbsp. spoons of milk




form for baking



can opener

How to make Pancho cake with cherries

At the beginning of the process, turn on the oven so that it accepts the sponge cake for baking at 180°.

In a separate bowl, mix the dry prepared ingredients for the dough: cocoa powder, flour and baking powder (baking powder).

Combine the dry mixture and milk-sugar mixture and mix until completely homogeneous.

Pour the finished mixture into a baking pan and load it into the oven (preheated).

After baking the biscuit, let it cool.

Only then will we divide the cake into two parts, where the lower base should be about 1 or 1.5 cm thick, and the upper part will be cut into cubes.

For the cream, you need to beat sour cream with granulated sugar, and how to do this successfully, read the recipe for making sour cream.

Assembling cherry dessert Pancho

Putting together a Pancho cake with cherries and walnuts is very simple and even interesting. The process can be shared with the kids so that everyone has fun and entertainment.

Spread a small layer of cream on the main cake layer.

Chop the walnuts using a knife or grind the mixture in a blender.

Place our cherries on the greased crust.

Sprinkle cherries and cream with nuts.

Place biscuits cut into cubes, previously dipped in cream, on top.

“Hide” cherries and nuts under a sponge cake with cream

We layer each layer with cherries and nuts. We coat our mound with cream on top and compact it a little with a spoon.

Leave the cake to soak for a couple of hours in the refrigerator. At this time we will cook. Mix milk, cocoa and sugar in a container and bring to a boil over low heat, stirring constantly. Let the mixture cool.