Seltsovsky Petr Andreevich birthday. Petr Seltsovsky was elected general director of IDGC of the North Caucasus. I. general characteristics of work

On June 18, at a meeting of the Board of Directors of IDGC of the North Caucasus OJSC, Petr Seltsovsky was elected to the position of General Director of the network interregional distribution company.

The meeting, which was attended by Oleg Budargin, General Director of Rosseti JSC, was chaired by Vladimir Shukshin, Chairman of the Board of Directors of IDGC of the North Caucasus JSC.

“The issue that was put on the agenda was supported by the Minister of Energy of Russia. We understand the complexity of achievements, we understand that there are still many opportunities, unrealized ideas and tasks, but the hour has come when we have the right to approve and confirm support for the policy that is being pursued today in IDGC,” Oleg Budargin said in his welcoming speech.

According to the Chairman of the Board of Directors of IDGC of the North Caucasus OJSC Vladimir Shukshin, the issues brought up at the meeting are the most important for any joint stock company, acquiring special significance for IDGC of the North Caucasus. The head of such a significant company for the region, taking into account the specifics of the North Caucasus Federal District, must be not only a production worker, a manager, a decision maker on which the energy supply of seven constituent entities of the Russian Federation depends, but also a politician. The head of IDGC, taking into account the situation in each region of the North Caucasus, must first of all ensure the implementation of the tasks set by the leadership of the Russian Federation and Russian Grids.

According to Vladimir Shukshin, Pyotr Seltsovsky, having been acting general director for six months, has proven himself on the positive side.

The issue of approving Pyotr Andreevich Seltsovsky to the position of General Director of IDGC of the North Caucasus was preliminary considered at a meeting of the HR and Remuneration Committee of the Board of Directors of IDGC of the North Caucasus. Speaking about the conclusions made by the members of the committee, Deputy General Director - Chief of Staff of IDGC of the North Caucasus Gennady Dzyuba announced the decision made: to recommend Pyotr Andreevich Seltsovsky for election to the position of General Director of IDGC of the North Caucasus OJSC for a period of three years until June 17, 2016. The candidacy of Pyotr Seltsovsky was proposed for nomination to the position by the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the company, Vladimir Shukshin.

Having heard information about the activities of Pyotr Seltsovsky in the position of Acting General Director of IDGC of the North Caucasus, the Board of Directors of the company unanimously voted for the decision to elect him to the position of head of the network company.

At the end of the meeting, Oleg Budargin, General Director of Rosseti OJSC, noted that the elected head of the company not only retained the accumulated experience, but also introduced new effective methods into the management of the electric grid complex of the North Caucasus.

short biography

Seltsovsky Petr Andreevich was born in 1961 in Moscow. Graduated from the Donetsk Higher Military-Political School of Engineering Troops and Signal Corps of the USSR Ministry of Defense (1983), the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation - diploma with honors (2000), Higher Academic Courses for the Management of the FSB of Russia at the Academy of the FSB of Russia (2004). ). Candidate of Political Sciences, Doctor of Sociological Sciences. Since October 2010, he has been an associate professor at the Department of Philosophical and Socio-Political Disciplines at Moscow State University for the Humanities. M.A. Sholokhov.

From 1983 to 1992 served in the Armed Forces of the USSR and Russia in officer positions. From 1997 to 2009 continued military service in the FSB of Russia, rank - major general.

Awarded state awards: two Orders of Courage (2002, 2005), Order of Military Merit (2003), 5 medals.

In 2009-2010 - Vice-Governor of the Sakhalin Region.

Since May 2012, he has held key positions in IDGC of the North Caucasus OJSC.

Since September 2012, he has been acting as General Director of IDGC of the North Caucasus OJSC.

On June 18, at a meeting of the board of directors of IDGC of the North Caucasus OJSC, acting. The head of the organization, Petr Seltsovsky, was elected to the position of General Director of the network interregional distribution company.

The meeting, which was attended by Oleg Budargin, General Director of Rosseti JSC, was chaired by Vladimir Shukshin, Chairman of the Board of Directors of IDGC of the North Caucasus JSC.

"The issue on the agenda was supported by the Russian Minister of Energy. We understand the complexity of achievements, we understand that there are still many opportunities, unrealized ideas and tasks, but the hour has come when we have the right to approve and confirm support for the policy that is being pursued today in IDGC,"- noted Oleg Budargin.

According to Vladimir Shukshin, the head of such a significant company for the region, taking into account the specifics of the North Caucasus Federal District, must be not only a production worker, a manager, a decision maker on which the energy supply of seven constituent entities of the Russian Federation depends, but also a politician. He emphasized that the head of IDGC, taking into account the situation in each region of the North Caucasus, must first of all ensure the implementation of the tasks set by the leadership of the Russian Federation and Russian Grids.

Vladimir Shukshin noted that Pyotr Seltsovsky, having been acting general director for six months, has proven himself to be a positive asset.

The issue of approving P. Seltsovsky as General Director of IDGC of the North Caucasus was preliminary considered at a meeting of the HR and Remuneration Committee of the company's Board of Directors. Speaking about the conclusions made by the members of the committee, Deputy General Director - Chief of Staff of IDGC of the North Caucasus Gennady Dzyuba announced the decision made: to recommend Peter Seltsovsky for election to the position of General Director of the company for a period of three years - until June 17, 2016. His candidacy was proposed for nomination to the position of Chairman of the Board of Directors of the company Vladimir Shukshin. The Board of Directors voted unanimously for this decision.

Pyotr Andreevich Seltsovsky was born in 1961 in Moscow. He graduated from the Donetsk Higher Military-Political School of Engineering Troops and Signal Corps of the USSR Ministry of Defense (1983), the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation (2000), and the Higher Academic Courses for the Management of the FSB of Russia at the Academy of the FSB of Russia (2004). Candidate of Political Sciences, Doctor of Sociological Sciences. Since October 2010, he has been an associate professor at the Department of Philosophical and Socio-Political Disciplines at Moscow State University for the Humanities. M.A. Sholokhov.

From 1983 to 1992 served in the Armed Forces of the USSR and Russia in officer positions.
From 1997 to 2009 continued military service in the FSB of Russia, rank - major general.
In 2009-2010 - Vice-Governor of the Sakhalin Region.
Since May 2012, he has held key positions in IDGC of the North Caucasus OJSC.
Since September 2012, he has served as the company’s CEO.

Original of this material
© The Moscow Post, 01/16/2014, Photo: "MK"

The energy king of the North Caucasus lies worse than Khlestakov about the successes of the state-owned company entrusted to him

Nikolay Ignatiev

Gogol's "The Inspector General" is more than one and a half centuries old, and "Dead Souls" is a little younger. But pictures from the legacy of the classic of Russian literature are still being played out today in the electric power industry of the North Caucasus.

Dead Souls

“Feats” of the head of JSC IDGC of the North Caucasus a little more than a year ago Peter Seltsovsky quite worthy of the pen of a classic of Russian literature. The pictures would be colorful lordly life at the resort and stories with “dead souls” in the executive office and the Moscow representative office of the company. In the building alone, which is occupied by IDGC of the North Caucasus, at least nine people are fictitiously “working,” whose existence and production successes are known only to the manager, the personnel officer, and the accounting department. Not surprising: staff salaries are transferred to card accounts, so you don’t even need to come to the company to collect them. Five more of the same “employees” are on the staff of the Moscow representative office of the company.

And the security block, which grew to fantastic proportions under Pyotr Seltsovsky, to the amazement of the team, generally became a haven for very strange personalities. For example, an aerobics trainer, listed as a leading specialist, comes to work twice a week. But she has many responsibilities elsewhere: she simply lives in a house that IDGC of the North Caucasus rents for its general director, although she is not related to him. We are adults, and therefore we understand perfectly well what exercises she learns with her benefactor (50 thousand rubles a month as a leading specialist - what a blessing!). The question of whether Pyotr Andreevich’s fifth wife knows about this will be left for discussion in a narrow family circle. We, as consumers of electricity, only care about one thing: who do they take us for, shamelessly including the entertainment of the energy baron in the payment for electricity?

An energy company needs a taekwondo coach like air, says Pyotr Seltsovsky. So the athlete develops the strength, endurance and reaction of a large group of security fighters. And electricity consumers pay him at least 50 thousand rubles monthly. However, the services of one of the newly minted employees of the Moscow representative office, who previously had nothing to do with the energy sector, but who had risen to the rank of colonel, were valued three times more expensive.

Greyhound puppies

Pyotr Seltsovsky’s Gogolian plots are at every step. In addition to Chichikov’s know-how with “dead souls,” the experience of Judge Lyapkin-Tyapkin from “The Inspector General” in the field of receiving bribes with greyhound puppies is successfully used.

During his work in the Caucasus, Pyotr Seltsovsky succeeded, perhaps, only in building a system of extortion from contractors and subordinates and selling cushy positions.

The implementation of the program for the long-term development of accounting systems in the networks of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, Kabardino-Balkaria, North Ossetia and the Stavropol Territory became, under the leadership of Pyotr Seltsovsky’s deputies Alexander Valuev, Oleg Dementyev and Sergei Cheremisinov, a large-scale money laundering epic. Calculated for 2012-2015, it provides for the development of a tidy sum in 2013 - 265 million rubles. The work needs to be completed, but here’s the problem: at the beginning of December, the completion barely reached 30-35%, and there is no need to talk about automation of electricity metering. And therefore, in retrospect, in the first days of January of the coming year, frantic efforts are being made to record on paper 95 percent completion - the minimum value of the key performance indicator, below which it is impossible to fall: they will not pay a bonus to top management based on the results of the year.

The work to be performed by the contractors selected through the competition involves the staff of IDGC of the North Caucasus branches in Kabardino-Balkaria, Karachay-Cherkessia, North Ossetia and the Stavropol Territory - more than 450 people in total. People work even on weekends; they have already forgotten when they were engaged in their work provided for by their job responsibilities - operating networks. Construction equipment of network divisions is involved. They work for nothing: no one was going to conclude contracts with employees - tens of millions of rubles went and will continue to go into the pockets of Pyotr Seltsovsky and his associates. As well as the millions raised from the sale of positions. For purchases, the amount of “gratitude” from suppliers is set at 10 percent. More is possible - less is not possible!

But these are banal kickbacks, the reader will say, where are the greyhound puppies?

And here are the puppies: for Power Engineer’s Day, branch managers brought gifts worth about one and a half million rubles to IDGC of the North Caucasus - iPads, iPhones, watches and other expensive little things. So that Pyotr Andreevich does not show up empty-handed to visit the right people before the holidays. The order was announced directly at the conference call, like a directive. As you know, there are many holidays in our country, so tribute orders often arrive in the regions...

Yours on the BOARD

A year ago, many knowledgeable people looked at each other mysteriously when they heard the story of how the Dagestan “daughter” of IDGC of the North Caucasus OJSC - Dagenergoset OJSC - transferred 100 million rubles received from Makhachkala City Electric Network OJSC to the accounts of a dwarf private company – Dagestan United Grid Company LLC (DOSC LLC). This LLC “unites” four substations and two high-voltage lines with a length of just over 100 km, and received money by court decision. At the same time, Dagenergoset OJSC, whose financial situation is far from brilliant, missed the deadline for paying salaries to its own staff.

Firms like DOSC are little-known, but very useful for their owners: the piece of networks that they allegedly operate is like a piece of the state border. Electricity flows through this piece, bringing hard cash into the owner’s pocket as payment for its transit, and this piece of wire actually requires no operating costs.

Makhachkala City Electricity Network, on the contrary, is a company in the republic known for its scandals due to debts for electricity received from IDGC of the North Caucasus, amounting to hundreds of millions. Unexpectedly for many, the awakened desire to reduce the debt to actually the largest interregional electric grid company in the North Caucasus ceased to surprise when it turned out that the entire amount was transferred through the accounts of Dagenergoseti to DOSC. Knowledgeable people claim that this operation could only be carried out on the command of the head of IDGC of the North Caucasus, and recall the phrase of another Russian classic: “Well, how can you not please your dear little man!..”

In the Caucasus, you often can’t figure out kinship, and the author of the classic phrase is not Gogol, the reader will object.

Yes, a different classic: not Gogol, but Griboyedov. But they were peers and described the painfully familiar realities of Russian life. And zeal, as you know, costs money. So what if it’s not native? But yours is on the BOARD...

You already know about kickback percentages, right?..

Again kickbacks, again kickbacks...

Pyotr Andreevich's entourage is a match for him. In fact, it’s simply impossible without your faithful assistants!

For example, Deputy General Director of IDGC of the North Caucasus for logistics and logistics Oleg Lvovich Dementyev, a colorful personality. The company's official website sparsely describes the career path of this top manager: active military service, then nine years of work as a driver. From 1999 before joining the electric grid company, he “held senior positions in various commercial organizations.”

It is difficult to determine exactly when Oleg Lvovich completed his studies at the North-Western Academy of Civil Service with a degree in personnel management - while sitting behind the wheel of his father’s car, Pyotr Andreevich Seltsovsky, or later, when he worked as a senior chairman in pharmaceutical companies controlled by the same father. One thing is clear: the accumulated work experience fully allows a certified personnel officer to quite professionally manage logistics and logistics in the largest power grid company in the North Caucasian Federal District.

True, at first, for constantly aimlessly walking along the corridors of IDGC of the North Caucasus and visiting during working hours the wine and vodka department of the store, which is opposite the company’s office, they began to call him “connecting rod” behind his back, but recently the wits fell silent, and Oleg Lvovich finally got used to the new status.

Judge for yourself.

In October 2013, the company decided to streamline the placement of fiber optic communication cables on power transmission towers. Zenit LLC was contracted to implement this large-scale project, with which a corresponding agreement was signed. Evil tongues claim that the signature of a representative of IDGC of the North Caucasus under it cost the contractor 10 million rubles. Those who are kinder, having assessed the degree of good deed, agree with the evil ones: Oleg Lvovich did not undercut himself and dealt with the mediation services successfully.

From another company, gratitude in the amount of 6 million rubles. Mr. Dementyev received for the fact that she was recognized as the winner of the competition for concluding CASCO motor vehicle insurance contracts for the company for the next year: the three other contenders accidentally turned out to be just front companies.

Having violated all regulatory procedures, IDGC of the North Caucasus purchased 10 thousand single-phase digital electricity meters “NUR-M” from LLC “Energia Plus” from Grozny at a price of 3,600 rubles. for every. Experts say that devices with similar characteristics on the market are much cheaper: 800-900 rubles each. In the purchased batch, about a quarter of the devices turned out to be defective.

“Oh, what a passage!” - one of the heroines of Gogol’s “The Inspector General” would exclaim. And to brighten up the disappointment and annoyance from such a passage, Dementieva was brought 5 million rubles as a consolation.

To paraphrase the living classic of bard song Alexander Gorodnitsky, I would like to recite: “Again kickbacks, again kickbacks - I wish I could send them to the address!..”


Bulgakov’s professor Preobrazhensky once exclaimed in his hearts: “Don’t read Soviet newspapers!” The same words come to mind when you read about the exploits of Pyotr Seltsovsky in the field of electric power engineering. Then he appropriates the statement of the movie character customs officer Vereshchagin: “I don’t take bribes and I won’t allow others!” In the press, however, they do not quote his saying addressed to the heads of the regional distribution zones from some regions of Dagestan, who were obliged to supply cognac to the court of the boss-lord. Giving another indication of the size of the batch, he always adds: “Yes, from the barrel where the cognac is for the court of His Imperial Majesty!” Cognac – why not Gogol’s “greyhound puppies”? But in addition to them, there is also a monthly tribute for the heads of the Distribution Zone. With money.

And then suddenly some associates of the energy king of the North Caucasus begin to describe in superlatives his activities in the Federal Migration Service of Russia and as vice-governor of Sakhalin. The leadership of the department in the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation for the current head of IDGC of the North Caucasus ended at a dizzying speed with an equally dizzying failure, and regarding his activities on Sakhalin, journalists asked the question: “What does Vice-Governor Seltsovsky get paid for?” Yes, we still haven’t found an intelligible answer to it.

Against the backdrop of miracles with money “dissolving” in the right direction, the thimble game with indicators of the level of electricity losses seems like a child’s prank with the correction of “one” in the diary to “four”.

In March 2013, the head of IDGC of the North Caucasus with pathos announced the start of a program to reduce electricity losses from network branches called “25-20-18”. The numbers are the starting points: from the 25% level in March, losses must be reduced to 20% by the beginning of May and to 18% by the beginning of June. Judging by the reports and reports, the program was successfully completed, but other figures began to emerge in the press, strikingly larger than in the “up” reports.

The fact is that between the network and sales companies of the North Caucasus there are significant discrepancies in the volumes of services provided, and, consequently, in the volumes of compensation for electricity losses. Networkers insist on those outlined in the “25-20-18” plan, but sales people do not agree: it turns out that colleagues are asking sales to write off the difference as non-payments.

At a time when sales companies in the region were controlled by networks, there was a single center of responsibility for specific work results. Today it is difficult, if not impossible, to understand what the real non-payments are and how high the losses of electricity are.

It is in this confusion that the spirited reports of the General Director of IDGC of the North Caucasus about victory over losses sound. With clearly Khlestakov's pathetic notes.

But the apotheosis of this Khlestakovism was the messages published in some publications after a meeting of the government commission led by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, which examined the problems of the development of the fuel and energy complex in the North Caucasus. There were announced figures for the collapse of debts for electricity in the last couple of years. The next day, unexpectedly for Seltsovsky and his team, the chairman of the board of Rosseti, Oleg Budargin, flew to Pyatigorsk and gave the leaders of IDGC of the North Caucasus a harsh scolding, which ended with the removal of two directors of the company’s branches from their posts. Not surprising: could the head of the world's largest electric grid company - a professional and responsible leader - be satisfied with the disastrous results of his subordinates? Knowing about his strong-willed qualities, we must expect that he will not stop at the personnel decisions already made.

But as a result of this meeting, the Pyatigorsk office of IDGC of the North Caucasus released a message to the press that the work of the North Caucasus “daughter” of Rosseti in eliminating non-payments... was set as an example to other companies! This, of course, is not to correct the grade in the diary! Here one involuntarily recalls the phrase of Dr. Goebbels: “The more monstrous the lie, the faster they will believe it.”

How will these Gogol stories end? I would like it not only to be a silent scene, as in the famous “Inspector General,” but also to restore order and publicly punish the perpetrators.

So that in future the Chichikovs and others like them will be discouraged!