Presentation on the topic "safety measures during a thunderstorm." Rules for safe behavior during a thunderstorm Rules for safe behavior during a thunderstorm presentation

Sections: Primary school

Objective of the lesson: introduce children to the dangers that surround them in inanimate nature.

Lesson type: gaining new knowledge.

Equipment: presentation“Lightning, thunderstorm”, illustrations, tests for the lesson.

Lesson progress

I. Organizational moment.

II. Repetition of covered material.

A) Homework survey.

B) 3 students work using individual cards.

III. Lesson topic message. Explanation of new material.

Slide 1.

(The presentation for the lesson on the computer is turned on)

The song “Nature Has No Bad Weather” is played.

- Guys, not all weather is good. Many natural phenomena are dangerous to human health and life. Today we will talk about the dangers that inanimate nature can pose.

Among the first scientists to prove the electrical nature of thunderstorms were the great Russian scientist M.V. Lomonosov and his friend G.V. Richman. Slide 2.

You will find out which ones if you solve the riddle.

Attention to the screen (the presentation is turned on). Slide 3.

“It made some noise, made some noise, washed everything and left.”

And the gardens and vegetable gardens throughout the area were watered. (storm)

-What is a thunderstorm?

Storm- stormy weather with rain, thunder and lightning. Thunderstorms are associated with the development of cumulonimbus clouds, with the accumulation of large amounts of electricity in them. Repeated electrical discharges occurring in clouds or between clouds and the ground are called lightning.

A thunderstorm is always accompanied by peals of thunder and gusts of wind.

You can usually tell in advance that a thunderstorm is brewing: the sun is hot, moisture accumulates in the air, and it becomes quiet and stuffy. A cluster of powerful cumulonimbus clouds can be seen on the horizon. They quickly approach and soon occupy the entire sky, which begins to change in a special way and you can even feel a special – pre-storm – light. The wind begins to blow in gusts, abruptly changes direction, and then intensifies, raising clouds of dust, tearing off leaves and breaking tree branches, and can tear off the roofs of houses. Then a wall of torrential rain falls from above from an approaching cloud, sometimes with hail. Lightning flashes, deafening thunderclaps are heard

Slide 4

A student reads the poem by Z. Kovalev “And again about the thunderstorm”

I've never seen a thunderstorm like this before,
The house is shaking, as if on a volcano.
And the thunder thunders like the formidable God of War.
A thunderstorm, like grapes, throws drops into the ground.
It's impossible to sleep in such a thunderstorm,
The thunderclaps are so tireless.
And lightning will flash through my window,
I whisper, Lord, have mercy.

– How dangerous is a thunderstorm?

First of all, a lightning strike. A direct hit from it can end tragically for a person. Every year, about 3 thousand people die from lightning around the world.

Another danger is strong winds that break tree branches and damage buildings. This could cause a person to get injured.

And finally, heavy rain and hail. If you do not hide from it in time, it can also be dangerous to humans.

Rules of conduct during a thunderstorm.

  1. If there are signs of an approaching thunderstorm, wait it out indoors.
  2. Close windows, doors, chimneys. Turn off the TV, radio, electrical appliances, telephone.
  3. Stay away from electrical wiring, antennas, windows, doors.
  4. If a thunderstorm catches you outside, take shelter in the nearest building.
  5. If a thunderstorm finds you in a park or forest, do not take shelter near tall trees, especially such as oak or poplar.
  6. If you are on a hill, a cliff, in the mountains, immediately go down or seek refuge in recesses among a pile of stones.
  7. You should not be in open unprotected places, near metal fences, large metal objects, wet walls, lightning rod grounding and other objects that are likely to be struck by lightning.
  8. If a thunderstorm finds you in a body of water, immediately get ashore and move away from the water.
  9. If you feel your skin tickling and your hair standing on end, know that lightning will strike near you. Without hesitation, throw yourself face down on the ground - this will reduce the risk of your defeat.
  10. If you are caught in a thunderstorm while riding a bicycle or motorcycle, stop moving, leave it and wait about 30 meters away from the thunderstorm.
  11. If you are driving a car, stay in it. Close the windows, lower the car antenna and stop.
  12. If there is no shelter, you need to lie on the ground, preferably on dry sandy soil, away from the reservoir. If it is more comfortable for you to sit, then try to squeeze your knees together, clasp them with your hands, lower your head lower.
  13. Don't run during a thunderstorm.

A student reads Agnia Barto’s poem “The Thunderstorm”

A thunderstorm begins
It got dark at noon
Sand flew into my eyes
There are flashes of lightning in the sky.
The wind blows the flower beds
On the green square,
Drafts entered the house,
The doors opened.
Sisters to the room quickly -
Mom is not at home.
Maybe little Andrey
Be afraid of thunder!
A fire broke out in the sky,
The pines rustled;
Sisters are like watchmen
We stood by the bed.
But brother is quite calm -
Didn't notice the lightning
I pulled out my pens and was glad
And he lies there, satisfied.

- Guess the next riddle.

A red-hot arrow felled an oak tree near the village. (lightning) Slide 5.

The eagle bird flies, carries fire in its teeth, shoots arrows of fire, no one will catch it. (lightning)

Lightning– giant sparks appearing between areas of thunderclouds.

Lightning is a majestic and menacing natural phenomenon that involuntarily evokes a feeling of fear. For a long time, people were unable to explain the causes of thunderstorm phenomena. People considered the thunderstorm to be a punishment from the gods for their sins. The nature of lightning began to become clearer after research carried out in the 18th century. American scientist B. Franklin, Russian scientists M.V. Lomonosov And G. Richman.

Slide 6.

For humans, lightning poses a threat only when it connects heaven and earth (water). Lightning can cause a fire, damage power lines, and kill people.

A student reads M. Chikin’s poem “About Lightning.”

Lightning strikes a tall tree,
Our life has confirmed this more than once.
It destroys, does not warm, does not shine,
And she destroyed many great trees.

Data from recent years indicate that, on average, about 3,000 people die from lightning strikes in the world every year, and there are known cases of several people being killed at the same time

There is linear lightning. On the plains, as a rule, it strikes from a cloud into the ground or water. More dangerous are discharges that jump from the ground to the cloud. This happens on mountain peaks, exposed rock ledges.

Lightning typically strikes tall objects. The spiers of tall houses and churches, antennas and masts can serve as a lightning rod and focus an electrical discharge onto themselves.

– How to protect residential buildings from electric shock? Slide7, 8.

Lightning rods are an effective means. Even the ancient Greeks erected supports with gold-plated pins to protect against lightning, although they did not understand the mechanism of their action. The priority for the invention of the lightning rod belongs to the American Benjamin Franklin (1749). Somewhat later, in 1758, independently of him, the lightning rod was invented by M.V. Lomonosov.

Lightning protection is based on the ability of lightning to strike the highest and well-grounded metal structures.

– Why does the lower end of the lightning rod need to be buried deeper, where it is always humid? (The presence of moisture in the ground reduces and facilitates the passage of lightning into the ground.)

– In the vicinity of the lightning rod, a protection zone is formed, that is, a space within which the structure is protected from a direct lightning strike.

– Do you think it is possible to make a lightning rod yourself?

– An improperly designed and manufactured (or faulty) lightning conductor increases the risk of lightning strikes rather than providing protection. Therefore, you cannot make such a device yourself.

Rules of behavior during lightning.

Slide 9-11.

– What else attracts lightning? Water. If a thunderstorm finds you swimming or boating, get to shore immediately.

Single trees on plains and open areas also attract lightning. Therefore, being under tall trees during a thunderstorm is dangerous. A third of lightning victims took cover under trees.

Lightning, striking tall plants, most often affects deciduous trees - oak, poplar, willow, ash, as they contain a lot of starch.

Linden, walnut, beech, coniferous trees - spruce, fir, larch - contain a lot of oils, therefore they have high electrical resistance and are less likely to be struck by lightning.

The frequency of lightning strikes into a tree depends on its surface, the quality of the crown, bark, and their moisture content. Statistics show that out of 100 trees, 27% of poplars, 20% of pears, 12% of linden, 8% of spruce and only 0.5% of cedar are affected by lightning. A tree splits when struck by lightning.

A person can be struck by lightning not only from a direct hit. Lightning discharges from objects struck by lightning are dangerous. For example, a discharge may jump from a tall tree to a person or the wall of a house, if the latter are located next to the tree. Thus, the presence of a person during a thunderstorm near objects that are often struck by lightning (tall trees, masts, large metal objects, clayey and wet areas of the ground) poses a danger.

Being in a city during a thunderstorm is less dangerous than in open areas, since steel structures and tall buildings act as lightning rods.

Lightning that does not touch the surface of the earth sometimes also causes harm to people. In 1963, a Boeing 707 plane crashed due to a lightning strike, killing the entire crew. According to American scientists, lightning struck the Apollo 12 spacecraft twice with three astronauts on board and caused quite serious damage to the equipment.

Lightning can cause a fire, mechanical damage, and malfunction of instruments on an airplane. But since modern aircraft are all-metal, passengers are quite reliably protected from lightning strikes.

Linear lightning is quite often the cause of forest fires.

Slide 12, 13.

If the nature of linear lightning is clear and its behavior is predictable, then the nature ball lightning is still not fully understood, and her behavior does not always find an explanation. Such lightning is formed when the “channel” of ordinary lightning breaks up into separate sections – “rosaries”. Glowing balls of blue, green, yellow or red colors can last for several seconds and explode upon collision with some object. One of the tragic cases of Russian science is associated with the appearance of ball lightning. To study atmospheric electricity, Lomonosov and Professor Richman equipped special “thunder machines” in their apartments, which were connected by chains to high poles placed on the roofs. In 1753, during a thunderstorm over St. Petersburg, a bluish ball suddenly appeared from an iron rod in Richman’s apartment lightning, and the scientist died. Ball lightning can suddenly appear anywhere, even indoors. There have been cases of it appearing from a telephone handset, an electric razor, or an outlet. Eyewitnesses claim , that ball lightning can penetrate into a room through narrow cracks, pipes and even a keyhole. The width of a zipper can range from several centimeters to several meters. Usually it easily floats or rolls above the ground, sometimes jumps. Ball lightning can appear and disappear without causing harm. Or it could leave behind a hole in the door and could explode. Statistics say that in 80% of cases the explosions were not dangerous, serious consequences occurred in 10% of the explosions.

– What to do if such lightning flew into your house?

First of all, you should not make sudden movements, much less run away: you can cause an air flow through which a clot of energy will fly purposefully after you.

– To protect yourself from lightning, you must follow certain rules. Let's get to know them. (presentation slide)

IV. Questions on the topic.

– Lightning most often strikes trees that have large roots that penetrate deep into the soil. Why? (Thick roots are better conductors than small ones - they contain more moisture and have a larger area of ​​contact with the ground.)

– How to say correctly: lightning rod or lightning rod? (Lightning rod, because it protects from lightning strikes, and not from thunderclaps.)

– What is a lightning rod used for? (Lightning rod is designed to protect buildings and other structures from lightning strikes.)

– Why does lightning split trees? (The flow of electric current is accompanied by the release of heat, very rapid evaporation of moisture and expansion of water vapor.) - Do you know?

– Using a mobile phone on the street during a thunderstorm poses a serious threat to life and health due to the danger of being struck by lightning, British doctors testify. As an example, doctors cited the medical history of a 15-year-old girl who was talking on a mobile phone while in a London park during a thunderstorm. The lightning strike caused severe damage to internal organs. The girl was rescued, but a year after the incident she remains wheelchair-bound and suffers from numerous physical and mental health problems. A lightning bolt passed through the ear to which the phone was attached, causing a ruptured eardrum, permanent deafness and brain damage, doctors testify.
According to doctors, similar cases were also recorded in China, South Korea and Malaysia: three residents of these countries died from a lightning strike while talking on a mobile phone.

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Slide captions:

Rules of behavior for people when approaching and passing a thunderstorm front Prepared by primary school teacher T.I. Peremyshleva.

Formation of a thunderstorm front LIGHTNING is a spark discharge of an electrostatic charge of a cumulus cloud, accompanied by a blinding flash and a sharp sound (thunder).

Danger Lightning discharge is characterized by high currents, and its temperature reaches 300,000 degrees. A tree, when struck by lightning, splits and can even catch fire. Splitting of wood occurs due to an internal explosion due to the instantaneous evaporation of the internal moisture of the wood. A direct lightning strike for a person is usually fatal. About 3,000 people are killed by lightning around the world every year. Where does lightning strike? Static electricity discharge usually follows the path of least electrical resistance. Since the distance between the highest object, among similar ones, and the cumulus cloud is smaller, the electrical resistance is also smaller. Therefore, lightning will primarily strike a tall object (mast, tree, etc.).

Recommendations for the population during the passage of a thunderstorm front and basic rules for safe behavior during a thunderstorm. If you are in the house during the passage of a thunderstorm front, then: if possible, close windows, chimneys and ventilation openings; it is also not recommended to light stoves, because The smoke coming out of the chimney has high electrical conductivity and can attract an electrical discharge. For the same reason, during a thunderstorm, the fire should be extinguished. You should not be on the roof or near the down conductor or grounding conductor during a thunderstorm. During a thunderstorm, turn off the radio and television. Avoid using the telephone, including mobile phones. Do not use electrical appliances or touch metal objects. If your radio or television receiver has a personal antenna on the roof, it should be disconnected from the devices.

How to behave during a thunderstorm when you are at home If you are in the house when a thunderstorm front passes, then: if possible, close windows, chimneys and ventilation openings; it is also not recommended to light stoves, because The smoke coming out of the chimney has high electrical conductivity and can attract an electrical discharge. For the same reason, during a thunderstorm, the fire should be extinguished. You should not be on the roof or near the down conductor or grounding conductor during a thunderstorm. During a thunderstorm, turn off the radio and television. Avoid using the telephone, including mobile phones. Do not use electrical appliances or touch metal objects. If your radio or television receiver has a personal antenna on the roof, it should be disconnected from the devices.

If a thunderstorm finds you in an open area: turn off your mobile phone and other devices; it is also not recommended to use an umbrella; in the steppe, field, or in the absence of shelter (buildings), do not lie on the ground, exposing your entire body to electric current, but squat down in a hollow, ravine or other natural depression, clasping your legs with your hands.

If a thunderstorm catches you on the water Do not be in a body of water or on its shore. Move away from the shore, go down from a high place to a low place.

If a thunderstorm finds you in the forest, try to meet the thunderstorm in a clearing, do not look for protection under the crowns or separate trees, do not lean against their trunks, do not sit near the fire: a column of hot air is a good conductor of electricity, do not climb trees. Avoid shelter near tall trees, especially pine, oak and poplar trees.

If a thunderstorm finds you in the mountains, while on vacation in the mountains: immediately leave the danger zone, stop moving, avoid body contact with wet rocks, tight crevices, awnings and caves, if possible, isolate yourself from wet ground and rocks, using shoes with rubber soles, dry tent, sleeping bag, backpack, rope, tree trunk. Try to keep clothes, shoes, equipment, food, and medicines dry. Place metal objects at a distance of 15-20 meters from the location of people. In a tent: place the tent at a distance of at least 2 meters from the tree trunk and its branches, additionally secure the tent, cover it with waterproof film, place metal objects at a distance of 10-15 meters from the tent. Close all openings tightly, including the entrance, put on dry clothes and lie down. In a thunderstorm zone, you can weave a copper tape into the tent canopy and ground it using a metal rod driven into the ground.

Thunderstorm while driving a car If a thunderstorm finds you in your car, do not leave it, while closing the windows and lowering the radio antenna.

First aid for lightning strikes The main injuries from lightning strikes are: electrical trauma, paralysis, burns, loss of vision and hearing. Often these are accompanied by accompanying injuries: bruises, fractures, depression, stress. Despite short-term exposure to lightning, a person’s brain and heart can be paralyzed, and severe burns and death are common. There is a misconception that a person struck by lightning must be buried in the ground for a while. DO NOT DO THIS UNDER ANY CASE! Such actions worsen the victim’s condition and can hasten his death. Important!!! If there is a person next to you who is struck or shell-shocked by lightning, do not be afraid to touch him - there is no charge left in the victim’s body. We must remember that not every lightning strike is fatal! You can help a person by providing first aid: - quickly determine the condition of the victim - immediately carry out resuscitation measures: artificial respiration, chest compressions - warm the victim - treat burns and associated wounds - give analgin or solpadeine, give an anti-shock drug - urgently take the victim to a hospital institution.

A thunderstorm is an atmospheric phenomenon in which electrical discharges - lightning - accompanied by thunder occur inside clouds or between clouds and the earth's surface. Typically a thunderstorm
formed in powerful cumulonimbus clouds and associated with showers
rain, hail and strong winds.
Thunderstorm is one of the most dangerous phenomena for humans associated with
weather: based on the number of registered deaths only
flash floods cause greater loss of life

How to behave during a thunderstorm When a thunderstorm front forms at any point on the horizon, powerful cumulonimbus, tower-shaped

should be closely monitored
development of cloudiness. At the same time it is necessary
remember that the wind does not give
correct idea about
direction of movement of the thunderstorm. Thunderstorms
often go against the wind!

The distance to an approaching thunderstorm can be determined by counting the seconds separating the flash of lightning and the sound of the first clap of thunder:

a second pause means that a thunderstorm is at a distance of 300400 m,
three second - 1 km,
four-second - 1.3 km, etc.

What is lightning Lightning is an electrical discharge of high voltage, enormous current, high power and very high

temperatures occurring in nature.
Electrical discharges arising between cumulus
clouds or between cloud and earth,
accompanied by thunder, heavy rain, often
hail and heavy winds. Types of lightning
there are many. In the middle zone the most
The most common types are linear and ball lightning. They
different in appearance, but equally dangerous
for a person.

First, during a thunderstorm you should avoid open areas. Lightning is known to strike the highest point, lonely man

in the field - this is the one
dot. If for some reason you are left alone in the field
alone with the thunderstorm, hide in any possible way
recess: groove, hollow or lowest place
fields, squat down and bow your head, they advise

Secondly, during a thunderstorm, avoid water, as it is an excellent conductor of current. A lightning strike spreads around a body of water in

radius of 100 meters. She often hits
shores. Therefore, during a thunderstorm it is necessary to stay away
Move away from the shore; you cannot swim or fish.

Thirdly, it is very dangerous to talk on a mobile phone during a thunderstorm. It is best to turn off your cell phones during a thunderstorm.

There were cases when incoming
the call was caused by lightning.

During a thunderstorm, it is advisable to get rid of metal objects. Watches, chains and even an umbrella open over your head are potential

strike targets. Known
cases of lightning strikes located in
pocket a bunch of keys.

Help for a lightning strike victim To provide first aid to a person struck by a lightning strike, he should immediately

move to
safe place. Touching the victim is not
dangerous, there is no charge left in his body. Even if
it seems that defeat is fatal, it may
turn out to be actually not the case.
If a lightning victim is unconscious,
lay him on his back and turn his head to the side,
so that the tongue does not fall into the respiratory tract. Necessary
without stopping for a minute, do artificial
breathing and heart massage before medical arrival

According to statistics, the probability of a person being struck by lightning is not so high - about 3,000 to 1. But in the Guinness Book of Records

there is registration
the fact that lightning struck one and the same
the same person is neither more nor less - 7 times!

Roy Sullivan was born in 1912 in the American city of Green County, Virginia. As an adult, he worked as a caretaker

Shenandoah National Park, where
in 1942 it was struck by lightning. Sullivan at that time
was on the observation tower. He got off quite easily:
an electric discharge tore off his big nail

The second time he was struck by lightning was 27 years later. At that time, Roy Sullivan was driving along a mountain road, and his eyebrows were burned by lightning,

and lost consciousness from shock.
In 1970, Roy was struck by lightning while he was in his own meadow.
In 1972, lightning again found its old “friend” - Roy’s hair caught fire, and
After that incident, he always carried water with him.
In 1973, lightning found him again - his hair caught fire and his shoes were torn off his feet.
In 1976, lightning injured Roy Sullivan's ankle.
Sullivan was injured for the seventh time in 1977, when he was on the
fishing... After being struck by lightning, Roy was hospitalized with severe burns to his abdomen and
It's hard to say who Roy Sullivan was - a lucky guy or a chronic loser?
Sullivan's life ended tragically, but lightning had nothing to do with it. In September 1983
71-year-old Roy committed suicide by shooting himself in the stomach. By
rumors that because of unrequited love. This is how the life of the “lightning rod man” ended.

Slide 2


Unlike our ancestors, we know that a thunderstorm is not a punishment for sins, but a completely common natural phenomenon, and we also know that it is not thunder that we should be afraid of, but lightning. And although statistics indicate rare cases of death, this danger cannot be underestimated.

  • Slide 4

    Prohibited during a thunderstorm

    • Stay close to metal structures, pipes and bodies of water
    • When moving, lean against rocks and steep walls.
    • Stop at the edge of the forest.
    • Walk and stop near bodies of water.
  • Slide 5

    During a thunderstorm it is also prohibited

    • Hide under rock overhangs.
    • Wear wet clothes.
    • Take shelter near lonely trees (lightning strikes oak and larch more often than other trees)
    • If you are moving in a car, you need to stop.
    • Locate camp on convex landforms
  • Slide 6

    If you are in the building

    • Electrical appliances must be turned off.
    • Don't stand in front of open windows
    • Do not hold metal objects.
    • Close windows and doors.
  • Slide 7

    Signs of increased danger are

    • Hair moving.
    • "Buzzing" of metal objects.
    • Discharges at sharp ends of equipment.
    • St. Elmo's lights on ship masts.
  • Slide 8

    It should be remembered

    • The wind does not give the correct idea of ​​the direction of movement of a thunderstorm (thunderstorms often go against the wind).
    • Immediately between the onset of a thunderstorm, there is usually calm or the wind changes direction.
  • Slide 9

    It should be remembered

    • The distance to a thunderstorm can be determined by the time between a flash of lightning and a clap of thunder (1s. - 300-400 meters, 2s. - 600-800 meters, 3s. - 1000 meters).
    • Wet clothing and body increases the risk of being struck by lightning.
    • Sandy and rocky soil is safer than clay soil.
  • TOPIC. Behavior algorithm during thunderstorms and hurricanes

    GOAL: to introduce children to natural phenomena: thunderstorms, hurricanes; rules of conduct during a thunderstorm or hurricane. Develop the ability to find solutions in complex emergency situations, cultivate a caring attitude towards life and health.

    EQUIPMENT: posters, photographs depicting lightning, hurricanes; pictures depicting clouds, hurricanes; memos.



    1.Guessing riddles:

    It will rattle, boom, hoot,
    It will make noise, knock, bang,
    He will try his best
    Cloud will be surprised too... (Thunderstorm)

    The eagle bird is flying,
    Brings fire in his teeth
    Fires arrows,
    Nobody will catch her. (Lightning)

    This wind is so strong

    That he fells trees

    And the roofs are torn off houses.

    Have you heard about this wind? (Hurricane)

    What will we talk about during class?

    What do you think you will learn about these natural phenomena?

    Right. In our class we will get acquainted with such natural phenomena as thunderstorms and hurricanes. We will draw up an algorithm for behavior during thunderstorms and hurricanes.


    1. Conversation

    What is a thunderstorm? ( Storm- an atmospheric phenomenon in which electrical discharges occur inside clouds or between clouds and the earth's surface - lightning, accompanied by thunder.)

    When can you see lightning?

    That's right, most often lightning occurs in spring and summer during thunderstorms.

    2. Teacher's story

    “I love a thunderstorm at the beginning of May,” admitted the poet F. F. Tyutchev in his famous poem and admired the state of nature during a thunderstorm. “Nature has no bad weather,” the song says, but not all weather is good. Many natural phenomena are dangerous to human health and life. Thunderstorms are also dangerous.

    Do you think it is possible to understand in advance that a thunderstorm is approaching?

    I will try to introduce you to the signs of an approaching thunderstorm.

    A thunderstorm is approaching if:

    a) a light breeze is blowing;
    b) it becomes quiet and stuffy;
    c) the sun is very hot;
    d) an accumulation of powerful cumulonimbus clouds on the horizon;
    e) moisture accumulates in the air;
    f) light rain is drizzling;
    e) air temperature decreases;
    g) the wind blows in gusts and abruptly changes direction;
    h) the wind raises clouds of dust;
    i) the sun shines, but does not warm.

    What danger do you think a thunderstorm poses?

    3. Algorithm of behavior during a thunderstorm.

    Rules of conduct during a thunderstorm.

    1. If there are signs of an approaching thunderstorm, wait it out indoors.

    2. Close windows, doors, chimneys. Turn off the TV, radio, electrical appliances, telephone.

    4. If a thunderstorm catches you outside, take shelter in the nearest building.

    5. If a thunderstorm finds you in a park or forest, do not take shelter near tall trees, especially such as oak or poplar.

    6. If you are on a hill, a rock, in the mountains, immediately go down or seek refuge in recesses among a pile of stones.

    7. You must not be in open unprotected places, near metal fences, large metal objects, wet walls, lightning rod grounding and other objects that are likely to be struck by lightning.

    8. If a thunderstorm finds you in a body of water, immediately get to the shore and move away from the water.

    9. If you feel your skin tickling or your hair standing on end, know that lightning will strike near you. Without hesitation, throw yourself face down on the ground - this will reduce the risk of your defeat.

    10. If you are caught in a thunderstorm while on a bicycle or motorcycle, stop moving, leave them and wait out the thunderstorm at a distance of about 30 meters from them.

    11. If you are driving in a car, stay in it. Close the windows, lower the car antenna and stop.

    12. If there is no shelter, you need to lie down on the ground, preferably on dry sandy soil, away from the reservoir. If it is more comfortable for you to sit, then try to squeeze your knees together, clasp them with your hands, lower your head lower.

    13. Do not run during a thunderstorm.

    14. When encountering ball lightning, remain calm and do not move. Do not approach her, do not touch her with anything, do not run away from her.

    Each child is given a reminder.

    To protect their homes, people install lightning rods

    What is a strong wind called?

    Why are hurricanes dangerous?

    4. Algorithm for behavior during a hurricane

    Let's remember all the new concepts we learned in class.

    Stormy weather with rain, thunder and lightning.
    Giant sparks appearing between sections of thunderclouds.

    Wind of destructive force.

    5. Game “Yes, no”

    And to make sure that you remember the rules of conduct during a thunderstorm and hurricane, I suggest you play the game “Yes, No.”

    1. A thunderstorm is dangerous, first of all, due to a lightning discharge. (Yes).
    2. A thunderstorm is accompanied by thunderclaps and gusts of wind. (Yes).
    3. If a thunderstorm finds you in the park, take shelter under the crown of a tall tree. (No).
    4. If ball lightning has flown into your house, you should not run away or make sudden movements. (Yes).
    5. Being in a city during a thunderstorm is dangerous; it is better to wait out the thunderstorm in an open area. (No).

    6. During a storm warning, you can go for a walk outside. (No)

    7. During a hurricane, all windows and doors should be closed. (Yes)


    What natural phenomena were we talking about today?

    What new did you learn?

    Today in class we talked about natural phenomena: thunderstorms, hurricanes. I hope that if you have to encounter these natural phenomena, you will not be afraid, remember the rules of behavior during a thunderstorm, hurricane, follow them, and will not put your life at risk.