Examination of intracranial pressure in adults treatment. Signs of intracranial pressure in adults. Causes of increasing intracranial pressure

The intracranial pressure in the norm can vary in the range from 7.5 to 15 mm Hg. Art. In children, normal indicators are somewhat lower than adults. Increasing the values \u200b\u200babove the norm (), as a rule, is secondary and is a pathological condition that can occur in adults and children and lead to the development of adverse effects. With values \u200b\u200bof more than 30 mm RT. Art. It is possible an irreversible lesion of brain tissues, including leading to death.

What is it - intracranial pressure?

The pressure inside the skull is due, first of all, the pressure of the spinal fluid (liquor) contained in some structures of the brain, partly the blood pressure in the vessels, and in some cases - tissue fluid.

What is dangerous to increase it? The fact is that the brain is in the cranial box, i.e. it is rigidly limited to bone structures. Increased pressure in such a closed space leads to squeezing of cerebral structures, which causes neurological disorders, first of all, headache. A long existing intracranial hypertension may cause severe complications.

A long-term increase in pressure inside the skull, as a rule, acts as a clinical sign of a disease, and not independent pathology.

The pressure inside the skull, in contrast to the arterial, cannot at home independently, for this, special instrumental methods are used. How to understand that a person has a high cranial pressure? Usually, its presence indicates the characteristic triad of the signs:

  1. Headache.
  2. Vomiting.
  3. Stagnant eye bottom (determined by an ophthalmologist).

What is the increased intracranial pressure

Usually intracranial hypertension occurs with an increase in the volume of spinal fluid, tissue fluid (brain edema), blood (venous stagnation), as well as in the formation of neoplasms in the brain (cyst, tumor,).

A short-term increase in cranial pressure occurs in healthy people when coughing, sneezing, slopes of the body, stressful situations, excessive physical stress, etc. However, in such cases it quickly returns to normal.

A long-term increase in pressure inside the skull, as a rule, is a clinical sign of a disease, and not independent pathology, i.e. is secondary. The cause of persistent increase in intracranial pressure is the cranial injuries, the brain inflammation and its shells (meningitis, encephalitis), neoplasms in the head, stroke, hydrocephalium. Less often - intoxication with salts of heavy metals, poisonous gases, methyl or ethyl alcohol.

A long existing intracranial hypertension may cause severe complications.


To form a diagnosis, data obtained by collecting complaints and anamnesis, examination of the patient, in particular, ophthalmic are used. The research of the eye dNA makes it possible to detect the characteristic small hemorrhages on the retina, an increase in the blood vessels of the eyeball, the swelling of the optic nerve. Detection of such signs in the presence of a characteristic clinical picture allows you to establish an increased cranial pressure.

For the detection of primary disease, a survey is carried out, including laboratory and instrumental methods (computer or magnetic tomography, electroencephalography, etc.).

The choice of this or that method of measuring the pressure inside the skull depends on the age of the patient and the features of the course of the disease. Children of the first year of life are usually applied neosonography and echoorefalography. You may need puncture of the ventricles of the brain (or the lumbar spine) with pressure measurement. Puncture performs another role - it allows to carry out a laboratory diagnosis of the spinal fluid during suspected infectious or tumor nature of pathology. When measuring, cyclic changes of the indicator should also be taken into account, which makes it possible to obtain more information than when determining a separate average.

During the diagnosis, edema can be detected, an increase in or decrease in the volume of brain ventricles, hemorrhage, neoplasms, an increase in the space between the brain shells, the discrepancy of the seams of the skull, the displacement of the structures of the brain and other changes in the structure of the brain and surrounding tissues.

Vomiting in this case is not related to meals. It also often appears in the morning, can be multiple. After it, the intensity of headaches decreases.

Differential diagnosis is carried out with epilepsy, migraine, metabolic diseases, psychosomatic disorders (psychosomatics in medicine - the development of somatic, i.e., bodily diseases under the influence of psychological factors).

How to treat intracranial hypertension

What to do with the increase in cranial pressure? How to get rid of it? Treatment goes to two main areas:

  1. In order to eliminate squeezing of brain structures and painful symptoms of pathology.
  2. Elimination of the cause of intracranial hypertension, i.e. treatment of the main disease.

Depending on the results of the survey, both conservative and surgical methods can be applied.

The primary goal of conservative, and in complex cases and surgical treatment is to reduce the pressure of the spindy fluid.

The research of the eye dNA makes it possible to detect the characteristic small hemorrhages on the retina, an increase in the blood vessels of the eyeball, the swelling of the optic nerve.

Surgical treatment is resorted by the ineffectiveness of drug therapy or according to life indications. It consists in shunting, creating an artificial path for the outflow of cerebrospinal fluid. An excess of the spinal fluid on a special inserted tube will pump from the ventricles of the brain into the abdominal cavity or into the space between the brain shears at the base of the brain. If the shunt is set to a child, it may be necessary to lengthen it several times as the child grows.

In addition, surgical treatment is carried out in the treatment of some neoplasms - aneurysms, hematomas, cysts, tumors.


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Brain fabric is very sensitive to mechanical effects. Therefore, nature placed the human brain in addition to the bone box (skull) into a protective liquid medium (subarachnoid liquid spaces) and supplied it with internal liquid cavities (ventricles). Thus, the brain is actually weighed in liquid - liquor (other names - cerebrospinal fluid or CSW). Likvor is in the skull cavity under certain pressure. It is the pressure of the lycvore on the brain and is called intracranial pressure .

The normal level of intracranial pressure is very important for human well-being. Increased intracranial pressure is not an independent disease, but a symptom of many neurological diseases.

Causes of increasing intracranial pressure

All liquid spaces and ventricles are bound by ducts. Likvor is constantly circulating. In some parts of the brain, it is distinguished, and then flows through the liquor ducts to other brain departments, where it is absorbed into the bloodstream. The full update of the liquor occurs on average 7 times a day.

Excessive accumulation of the liquor causes an increase in its pressure on the brain substance. This is called an increase in intracranial pressure (intracranial hypertension).

Three frequent causes of chronic increase in intracranial pressure:

1. The liquor is allocated too much;
2. The liquor is not fully absorbed;
3. Violated the passability of liquor circulation paths.

The increase in intracranial pressure and hydrocephalus leads:

  • card-brain injury (even very long, right up to generic injury, brain shaking, brain bruises);
  • meningitis or encephalitis;
  • congenital features of the structure of the central nervous system (anomaly of Arnold-Kiaari, idiopathic intracranial hypertension, etc.);
  • poisoning (including medication and alcoholic);
  • circulatory disorders in brain vessels (for example, ischemia, encephalopathy, osteochondrosis of the cervical spine);
  • hypoxia;
  • intracranial volumetric processes (brain tumors, brain shells, brain hemorrhage and intracranial hematomas).


If intracranial pressure is increased significantly and quite a long time, the liquid brain cavities can expand - this expansion is called hydrocephaly . Since the cavity of the skull is a closed space, the expansion of the liquid cerebral cavities occurs due to a decrease in the mass of the brainstab. This process may adversely affect health.

MR-tomogram of a normal brain. Gray depicted brain substance, white - lying. The normal magnitude of the liquid brain spaces (they slightly). The ventricles are visible inside the brain. Subarachnoid spaces are white border around the brain.

MR-tomograms with intracranial hypertension and hydrocephalus. The result of insufficient treatment of increased intracranial pressure. It can be seen an excess cluster of the liquor inside the brain (in the form of a butterfly) and the outside of the brain (wide white border). The volume of the brainstant is reduced - the atrophy of the brain on the pressure of the liquid.

Symptoms of increasing intracranial pressure

Increased pressure on the brain substance can disrupt the work of the central nervous system. Hence the characteristic symptoms:

· Heaviness in the head or headaches growing in the morning or in the second half of the night;
· In severe cases, nausea and / or vomiting in the morning;
· Vegeth-vascular dystonia (sweating, drop or increase blood pressure, heartbeat, pre-real states, etc.) - almost obligatory symptom;
· Fatigue, "redemption", easy deprivability in work or studies;
· Nervousness;
· "Bruisies" under the gases (if the skin under the eyes in the area of \u200b\u200b"bruise" is visible extended small veins);
· It is possible to reduce sexual attraction, potency;
· If the human body is in a horizontal position, the liquor is more active, and is slower, therefore, the intracranial pressure and its symptoms have a property to reach a peak in the second half of the night or by morning;
· Intracranial pressure is higher than the lower the pressure of the atmospheric, so the deterioration of the state is associated with the change of weather.

The diagnosis of intracranial hypertension and hydrocephalus is established by doctors on the basis of characteristic symptoms and on the basis of these special studies, such as tomography of the brain.

Diagnostics in suspected increase in intracranial pressure (intracranial hypertension), hydrocephalus

You can directly measure intracranial pressure only by introducing a skull in liquid cavities or a special needle spine with a manometer connected to it. Therefore, the direct measurement of intracranial pressure due to the invasiveness of the procedure does not apply.

Signs of changes in intracranial pressure in children and adult patients are found in the following examination procedures:

  • neurological examination
  • MRI brain
  • inspection of the eye dna
  • carrying out lumba puncture
  • radiography of bones skull
  • Rag (reoeczephalography)

On the increase in intracranial pressure, it is safe to speak based on the following data:

Expansion, convulsion of the Eye DNA - an indirect, but reliable sign of increasing intracranial pressure;
- expansion of liquid cerebral cavities and brainwater cutting along the edge of the brain ventricles, clearly visible in computer x-ray tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance tomography (MRI);
- Violation of the outflow of venous blood from the skull cavity, installed using ultrasound vascular studies.
- Reducing the pulse wave on the Rag of the study (on the reophiecephalogram)

As far as the brain suffers from increasing intracranial pressure, it can be judged according to EEG.

The Golden Standard of the Tool Survey of Patients is an assessment of symptoms, data tomography of the brain and the painting of the eye bottom and EEG.

Echoorecephalography (ECHO-EHO) gives indirect and not always reliable data on increasing intracranial pressure, it is less reliable than CT and MRI, therefore this method is rarely used.

Intracranial hypertension. Hydrocephalus - Treatment

The human brain under the influence of overpressure cannot work normally, moreover, slow atrophy of the white brain substance occurs, and this leads to a slow decrease in intellectual abilities, impaired nervous regulation of the operation of the internal organs (hormonal disorders, arterial hypertension, etc.). Therefore, it is necessary to take all measures to the speedy normalization of intracranial pressure.

In the treatment of increasing intracranial pressure, it is important to reduce the selection and increase the suction of the liquor. Traditionally, it is customary to appoint diuretic drugs for this purpose. However, the continuous use of diuretic drugs is not always acceptable for the patient.

Treatment methods are applied to normalize intracranial pressure without drugs. This is a special gymnastics to reduce intracranial pressure (applied by the patient yourself), individual drinking mode and small changes in nutrition, unloading the venous bed of the head with the help of methods of soft manual therapy, acupuncture and physiotherapy.

Thus, a steady decrease in intracranial pressure is achieved without constant reception of diuretic drugs, after which unpleasant symptoms gradually decrease. The effect is usually noticeable in the first week of treatment.

Increased intracranial pressure can be cured only with the treatment of the disease that caused this symptom.

Surgical treatment of hydrocephaliya

In very difficult cases (for example, a liquor unit after neurosurgical operations or a congenital liquor unit) applies surgical treatment. For example, a tube lusion technology has been developed (shunts) to remove excess liquor.

PS: Dehydration of the body (vomiting, diarrhea, large blood loss), chronic stress, vegetative-vascular dystonia, depression, neurosis, diseases, accompanied by circulatory disordering in brain vessels (for example, ischemia, encephalopathy, cervical osteochondrosis ).

Intracranial pressure is a symptom that suffer both adults and small children and even infants. Therefore, it is very not surprising when people, especially parents, having heard the diagnosis of "intracranial pressure" begin to panic and worry. But this cannot be done in any case, since it is precisely in such situations a pressure increases. First of all, it is necessary to understand that it provoked a symptom and how to determine intracranial pressure to start immediate treatment to avoid possible undesirable consequences.

What is the pathology

In medicine, intracranial pressure (VFD) is known as a state that is not independent pathology, but by syndrome indicating the development of a certain disease.

In the cavity of the human skull there is a parenchyma (brain tissue), intraceragular fluid and blood-circulating blood-circulating on vessels - these structures create intracranial pressure, which, depending on the specific situation, can be reduced or increased. The syndrome is accompanied by unpleasant sensations, discomfort, worsens the quality of the patient's life. This diagnosis is not rarely posed by adults, there are cases of GFF in small children and even newborns.

In order to detect or eliminate dangerous pathology on time, it is important to know the causes and symptoms of the development of the state in adults, children and infants, as well as methods for measuring intracranial pressure at each age. Unfortunately, today it is not possible to measure the HFD independently at home - such a procedure is available only in clinics where there is special equipment, devices and qualified specialists.

Methods for measuring in adults

The intracranial pressure in adults is expressed by the high pressure of the liquid (cerebrospinal fluid) in the skull. In a healthy person, all elements located in the brain, work stably and balanced. If one of the organs increases in size, the balance is violated because it begins to put pressure on other organs in the skull, thereby creating intracranial pressure.

Symptoms in the development of GFF in adults:

  • frequent headaches;
  • heart palpitations;
  • sharp blood pressure jumps;
  • vomiting and nausea in the morning;
  • fatigue, excited and nervous state;
  • dark circles under the eyes;
  • in some cases, the reduction in potency.

In medicine there are two forms of intracranial pressure. The acute form suffer from people who have suffered severe injuries of the skull, stroke, a risk of aneurysm. In this case, a fatal outcome is possible without quick medical care. To reduce intracranial pressure, surgical intervention is required - craniotomy. The operation is to remove certain sections in the skull area.

Chronic form is the result of neurological disorder. In this case, hypertension can flow for quite a long time, develops without special reasons or due to the injury of the skull or long-term reception of medical drugs.

Attention! The chronic form of the GFD is dangerous in that it can lead to partial or complete loss of vision. Such a state is difficult to treat.

How to measure

Today, there are two ways to measure the HBF in adults who are the most accurate and reliable:

  1. The first method is to introduce a special catheter in the side stomach of the brain, where the spinal cord liquid is located.
  2. The second method is used very rarely, only in case of exception, when the medical testimony requires. In the skull, the trepanitative hole, the specialist inserts a subdural screw, measuring the pressure in this way. Before conducting the procedure, it is necessary to shave the hair on your head, and the place of the outbreak should be treated with an antiseptic. When a specialist will make a cut, he moves a little toward the skin, exposes the cranial box and enters the sensor.

Attention! In a healthy person, HBD does not exceed 5-7 mm Hg. Art. Indicators exceeding the specified norm signals the development of pathology, violation of certain organs and systems.

To determine the HCD adult, the doctor may assign a computer or magnetic resonance tomography.

Why increase the GFF in young children?

Intracranial pressure in infants causes a lack of liquor (intracranial fluid) or, on the contrary, its excessive amount. It is impossible to measure the ICD in infants independently - such procedures are carried out only in clinics where there are special measuring instruments.

Causes and symptoms

Newborn children are very gentle and sensitive, their body acutely reacts even to minor negative factors that are able to lead to the development of pathology. In most cases, the causes of the ICF in infants are:

  • long, severe childbirth;
  • continuous, painful toxicosis of the mother during the period of the fetus;
  • oxygen starvation of the fetus in the womb as a result of entrying umbilical cord;
  • rapid ripening or peeling the maternal placenta during the field of fetus
  • pathology of ways to be transported by liquor;
  • diseases (encephalitis, hydrocephalus, intracerebral hemorrhage, skull injuries, brain swelling, malignant and benign tumors, meningitis, slow-down splicing of cranial bones).

Important! According to statistics, in most cases, the VGD in infants develops due to generic injuries, severe pregnancy, hypoxia of the fetus, intrauterine infections. Among many reasons, the main place is occupied by hydrocephalus.

The symptoms of this pathology in a child depend on its age. In addition, the condition is often accompanied by signs of the underlying disease provoked an increase in intracranial pressure. In medicine, the symptoms of the HFD differ in the age category of children.

Children under the year who have a pathology, suffer:

  • nausea, vomiting;
  • frequent and abundant swelling;
  • concern;
  • constantly cry (loud);
  • under the scalp, the venous network is pronounced;
  • the cranial box is increased in sizes;
  • breasts refuse feeding;
  • lower weight.

Children suffering from intracranial pressure are lagging behind their peers in psycho-emotional and physical development. Often they have a symptom of Gref, which is characterized by a violation of the work of the nerve endings responsible for the motor function of the eyeballs.

Interesting! The symptom of Gref is known as the "symptom of the setting sun".

Several other signs are manifested in children after one year. Among them can be allocated:

  • vomiting, nausea;
  • feels painful syndrome behind the eyeball;
  • two and appearance of "flies" before eyes, ribbons or flashes;
  • headache at night and evening;
  • irritability, anxiety;
  • plasticity;
  • restless, disturbing sleep.

As soon as the parents noticed such symptoms in a child, it is necessary to urgently seek help from a specialist who will appoint a corresponding test of the baby and find out the cause of its condition.

Methods for measuring young children

More recently, the puncture of the spinal cord was considered the most accurate method for the diagnosis of intracranial pressure in small children. Today, despite the accurate diagnostic results, this method is applied in rare cases, since there are other equally efficient and safer methods for measuring GFF in children.

Noticing the first signs of symptom, the parents first of all should appeal to the children's pediatrician, which will give a direction to the examination to the neurologist. The doctor will be able to make a diagnosis after inspection of the head of the child, "Rodnichkov", taking into account complaints from parents. It will also require a test of the kid from an ophthalmologist. Changes in the eye bottom and disk of the optic nerve, extended veins, painting arteries will be able to indicate the development of the HBD. If the child suffers from the symptom of Gref, the doctor will be able to determine it after inspecting the baby.

In most cases, neurosonography are prescribed in most cases. She is held until the "Spring" on the head is completely closed. The study of ultrasound will help determine the size of the slot between the hemispheres of the brain, the size of the ventricles, their pathology or deformation, are not shifted by the brain structures on the parties, there is no volume formation in the brain.

Senior children are prescribed computer or magnetic resonance tomography.

If a small child suffers from the PCD, urgent treatment is necessary. But first of all, it is necessary to determine the cause provoking the development of the symptom. After the examination, the doctor will appoint appropriate treatment and will tell about the methods of prevention in order to prevent relapse.

Head of Functional Diagnostics

Neurologist of the highest category, specialist in the field of extrapyramidal pathologies, doctor of the highest category

Headache, weakness, fatigue, reduced performance - these features may indicate as a change intracranial pressure. It should be understood that it varies depending on the physiological and psychological state of a person, therefore there is a wide range of indicators of the norm. At home, it is impossible to measure it, so when the first symptoms appear, it is worth contacting for a full diagnosis. In the Clinical Institute of the Brain there are all conditions for checking intracranial pressure, and the staff of specialists who will appoint effective treatment in the detection of pathology. The late health care is dangerous for health, since in the conditions of insufficient blood supply to individual sections of the brain, the level of operation is gradually decreasing.

Physiological norm and definition of intracranial pressure

A human skull is a cavity in which the brain is located. For its protection against injuries, as well as to maintain its normal operation, there are departments filled with liquid. First of all, the liquid fraction is presented with blood, which is in the vessels. Also here is a liquor (spinal, or spinal fluid). It is synthesized in special vascular plexuses and enters the skull through the spinal channel, then in the brain ventricles and is removed through venous sinuses. This liquid is necessary for the transport of oxygen and nutrients, which are used by brain cells to maintain performance.

Intracranial pressure is a comprehensive value that consists of several factors:

  • brain pressure (normally it takes no more than 85% of the skull space);
  • blood - up to 8%;
  • spinal liquor - up to 7%.

Blood and liquor are in constant motion. If the blood circulates along the vascular channel, then the spinal fluid moves through the ventricles of the brain and on the cerebrospinal channel. These fractions are continuously synthesized, enter the cranial box and move further along the vascular bed. When they are in the skull, they put pressure on the inside of the vessels and ventricles of the brain. For this reason, intracranial pressure is present in each person, and its value can change every minute. An increase or decrease in this indicator may indicate both pathology and normal physiological processes in the human body.

Causes of pressure rate violation

In the CIS countries, elevated intracranial pressure is a common diagnosis. It is put in various violations of the central nervous system to adults and children, and a simple complex of therapeutic procedures allows you to quickly normalize the state and maintain it in the future. However, the change in the indicators of the PCF is in reality is a symptom of a number of dangerous diseases that are not treated at home. When diagnosis, it is important to pay attention to the patient's complaints, collect a full picture and determine whether the pressure inside the skull is really reduced or elevated and threatens human health. In most cases, if the ICF is really increased, a patient has a number of additional clinical signs, for which serious impairment of nervous activity can be determined.

Increase intracranial pressure

Increased intracranial pressure is a dangerous phenomenon. It accompanies diseases that threaten the life of the patient. These include:

  • inflammatory diseases of the shells of the brain, including infectious origin (meningitis);
  • serious poisoning to toxins - while there is an increase in the amount of blood in the brain vessels and its stagnation;
  • traumatic brain tissue damage (closed brain injuries);
  • various neoplasms in the skull cavity;
  • hematomas located between the shells of the brain;
  • hydrocephalus - a dangerous disease, which is characterized by a violation of the outflow of the spinal fluid and its accumulation in the ventricles of the brain;
  • heavy metabolic disorders (launched forms of diabetes).

In children under the age of 10-11 years, any signs of intracranial hypertension often associate with generic injuries. Indeed, this history factor can provoke hypocia of the brain and various neurological disorders. However, it is important to exclude the likelihood of hydrocephalus development - this disease is manifested at an early age and is characterized by a rapid increase in the scope. Since the anatomical rate may differ in children (a large head is not a reason for concern), then the diagnosis is made on the basis of frequent measurements of the circle of the head and the analysis of its growth. Signs of increasing intracranial pressure in adults - this is an occasion to pass the examination and eliminate the likelihood of neoplasms in the skull cavity.

Reduced pressure

Reducing intracranial pressure is less dangerous state. This indicator decreases in certain situations that can be corrected by a complex of procedures or reception of drugs. Operational intervention will not need. To reasons for its reduction can be attributed:

  • development of a spinal fluid in an insufficient amount or accelerating its inverse absorption into blood;
  • an increase in the permeability of the barrier, which provides the exchange of liquid between the cells of the central nervous system and the bloodstream;
  • reducing the tone of blood vessels;
  • diseases of the spinal column, especially on the intracranial pressure indicator of the cervical department;
  • any states that are accompanied by pathological dehydration of the organism: poisoning, diuretic reception, allergic reactions and others.

In some diseases there is a decrease in blood circulation rate along the brain vessels. They may also be a consequence of generic injuries, vascular pathologies, congenital abnormalities of the brain structure. In case of untimely treatment, this condition may also cause dangerous complications.

Signs of pathology

The change in intracranial pressure affects the general condition of the patient. Often this is preceded by injuries or head blows, complications during childbirth, as well as diseases of the brainstools. In this case, the patient can not lead the familiar lifestyle, and the symptoms of increasing or decreasing the HCB are not bought by the reception of drugs. Such patients are treated under a hospital. Do not notice the pathological changes in this indicator in children is also impossible. In addition, in the absence of reason, the pressure can not increase or decline and stop on a child's critical for a child - for this requires serious grounds.

The physiological basis of painful sensations with rising or decreased pressure, as well as other signs - is the insufficient blood flow in the brain and various violations of its circulation. If the fluid is delayed in vessels and brain ventricles, tissues are under constant pressure, which can provoke gradual necrosis (motion) cells. Hypoxia is also observed (insufficient oxygen flow) and nutritional deficiency is the cause of brainal impairment or loss of reflexes, depending on the localization of the damaged section of the brain tissues.

At elevated pressure

Increased pressure is manifested by a pronounced complex of symptoms that affect all processes of vital activity. They can be combined with additional clinical signs characteristic of a particular disease. The symptom complex indicating the increase in the HCD includes:

  • painful sensations in the head that have a pressureful nature and apply to all areas often occur immediately after waking up and strengthen during the day;
  • sleep disorders, insomnia;
  • the inefficiency of standard drugs against headaches;
  • nausea and vomiting, decreased heart rate;
  • a sharp decline in view, inability to focus on small objects, deterioration in memory and concentration of attention.

With a headache, which arises due to serious pathologies of intracranial pressure, the patient complies with bedding. In physical activity, bouts of dizziness, loss of consciousness, failures in memory may occur. Peripheral vision disorders periodically appear, the appearance of dark spots and "flies" in the field of view is a consequence of permanent fluid pressure on the visual nerve. When aggravating the situation worsens, can partially disappear normal reflex responses to stimuli.

Children often associate behavioral problems and hyperactivity with an increase in intracranial pressure. However, these diagnoses may not be interconnected. At the increase in VGF in children of breasts, such symptoms as the peerness is indicated, the rapid increase in the head of the head, the discrepancy of the cranial box bones. Another disturbing symptom is too slow spring. If these signs are manifested in a complex with common apathy or excitability, poor sleep, the lack of congenital reflexes is a pathological pressure of fluid inside the skull.

Under reduced pressure

Reduced intracranial pressure can also be determined by clinical features. Symptoms are not expressed as bright as with increasing this indicator, but also affects the well-being and performance of the patient. If the pressure inside the skull does not comply with the standards, this leads to the following consequences:

  • headaches that are particularly enhanced when picked up;
  • frequent mood changes, lethargy, apathy, irritability;
  • simultaneous decrease in blood pressure, if the syndrome is caused by the total fluid deficit in the body;
  • headache, dizziness, fainting may be observed after minor physical exertion;
  • reducing visual acuity, the appearance of dark spots before eyes;
  • nausea, abdominal pain;
  • possible painful sensations in the field of hearts that apply to the chest.

First aid with a sharp decrease in intracranial pressure is to take the right position. Lying on the back with the omitted head outflow of the fluid makes it difficult, so the pressure is partially restored. This factor may also have a diagnostic value - when climbing the head and in the sitting position, the pain is enhanced, and it decreases a little lying on the back.

Diagnostic methods

At home, it is impossible to measure intracranial pressure. The only one who can help the patient - to detect symptoms in time and consult a doctor for detailed diagnostics. It is worth understanding that the procedures for measuring HBD complex, require special equipment and sufficient qualifications of medical personnel. All these conditions are in the Clinical Institute of Brain, which specializes in the problems of diagnosis and treatment of pathologies of nervous activity.

The only way to accurately determine the intracranial pressure indicator is the puncture of the spinal fluid. Invasive technique and applies only in difficult cases. For this, it is necessary to make a puncture in the area of \u200b\u200bthe belt (in the spinal cord channel) or the ventricles of the brain. Likvor, which constantly circulates in these spaces, will begin to flow, and it will be possible to measure its pressure. The value is measured in mm water column, and its norm ranges from 60 to 200 mm. These data are indicative if the patient is in the lying position.

There are also additional diagnostic techniques that allow us to assess the condition of the brain, its ventricles and the vascular bed without invasive intervention. These include:

  • The ultrasound of the brain - the procedure is carried out only by children who did not have a splitness of the spring, and in adults it is impossible due to the density of the bones of the skull;
  • CT or MRI brain - analysis can be done at any age, while the data is quite informative and allow to obtain a full three-dimensional image of any studied area;
  • echoHelatefalography is a type of ultrasound examination, with which it is possible to determine the degree of filling and pulsation of the brain arteries.

Diagnose increased intracranial pressure only on the basis of a clinical picture is impossible. However, all this data must be provided with a doctor with a primary inspection. At their base, the specialists of the Clinical Institute of the Brain will prescribe all the necessary stages of diagnosis that will allow fully assessing the patient's condition.

Treatment and forecast

Therapeutic measures are appointed according to the results of diagnosis. First of all, it is important to get rid of the cause that provokes excessive fluid pressure on the cranial box. If this phenomenon is caused by the cranial and brain injuries, the patient is shown the complete peace, gentle food, the reception of anti-inflammatory drugs. In some cases, operational intervention is necessary (in the presence of a hematoma between the shells of the brain, as well as in the presence of damage that require surgical treatment). The operation is also assigned to the detection of various neoplasms in brain tissues prone to rapid growth.

A separate set of measures is carried out in the diagnosis of hydrophicia in a child. To remove the extra liquid, the shunt is installed through which it flows into the abdominal cavity, and the pressure is normalized. The operation is carried out again as the child grows, and the patient is constantly under supervision. In some children, the need for artificial removal of fluid gradually disappears.

Drug therapy in the pathologies of the ICF is secondary. However, drugs are prescribed to eliminate symptoms and to facilitate the health of the patient. The following drugs may be useful:

  • hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • neuroprotectors and substances for stimulating blood circulation in the brain - the effectiveness of this group is not proven despite its widespread use;
  • loop diuretics (diuretic) - medicines that stimulate the removal of excess fluid;
  • osmodiuretics - including reduce the products of the spinal fluid.

The clinical institution of the brain specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the central nervous system. Increased intracranial pressure is not a separate disease, but a symptom indicated by a number of pathologies. Experienced specialists will definitely determine the cause of such a violation, as well as its severity and possible consequences. It is worth understanding that only timely appeal to medical care can guarantee successful treatment and return to the usual lifestyle without headaches.

Increased intracranial pressure may occur not only in older people. A significant part of the newborn has increased pressure indicators. For this reason, they are prescribed special drugs. In some patients, pathology may remain for life. In this case, it is important to know than to treat intracranial pressure in both the infants and an adult patient.

Patients with elevated intracranial pressure often suffer from headaches, attacks migraine, the feeling of pulsation in the head, which leads to unbearable discomfort. High intracranial pressure is formed due to the increased pressure of the liquor - the spinal fluid, which circulates in the cranial box. If the pressure of the liquor is increased, then patients suffer from characteristic signs of pathology that need to be treated without delay.

Features of the child's treatment

For the first time about elevated intracranial pressure, the infants can be found already at the reception at the neuropathologist, which inspects the kids a month after birth. Already the first inspection of specialists speaks of the need to normalize intracranial pressure indicators for kids, since in the future children will not be able to develop properly, neuropathology and other disorders will appear.

The first thing that is done after diagnosis is dealt with the cause.

If the reasons for increased pressure do not threaten the life of the baby, then you can treat intracranial pressure at home, taking medication tools. In difficult situations, when there is a need for surgery, doctors resort to the surgical way to solve the problem - create workarounds for eliminating the liquor and normalization of intracranial pressure. The choice of treatment techniques is determined after the careful diagnosis of the child's body.

Medical treatment of pathology is the appointment of various groups of medicines:

  • preparations for stimulation of blood flow - Actovegin, Somazin, Cinnarizin, Pantogam;
  • for output, the excess fluid from the body is prescribed diakarba or triampur;
  • neuroprotective preparations, for example, cerakson.

For removal of the swelling, weak hormonal or anti-inflammatory drugs can be used, the means of glycine and magnet B6 will also be useful.

Treatment with physiotherapeutic methods

If intracranial pressure (VCHD) is not accompanied by severe pathologies, but is a benign process, then pathology can be successfully cured by physiotherapeutic methods.

Typically, patients prescribe the following procedures:

  • Electrophoresis with Euphillin. Recommended course from ten procedures, the duration of each procedure is at least fifteen minutes. Eufillin, introduced into the collar zone, contributes to the activation of cerebral nutrition, blood circulation, since with the head of the brain, it suffers significantly from lack of oxygen. After the normalization of the vessels of the vessels, cerebral liquid is absorbed and reaches the brain, which lowers intracranial pressure.
  • Applying a magnet to the collar zone. With the help of a magnetic field, the vascular tone decreases, the sensitivity of the tissues to oxygen starvation decreases. Also, the use of a magnet makes it possible to remove the edema of the tissues, improve the condition of the nervous tissues.
  • Very often, on the recommendation of the attending physician, a cerhing-collar zone massage is carried out. This effective remedy helps to establish an outflow of intracranial liquor, reduce the muscle spasm of the collar zone, relax the muscular corset. All this contributes to the outflow of the cranial fluid. The course of massage is to carry out fifteen sessions. After that, patients can independently master the massage technique and make it twice a day for fifteen minutes.
  • It will help to eliminate the symptoms of increased intracranial pressure therapeutic physical culture, and the best way to swim. In this form of physical activity, all muscle groups work. Swimming as much as possible unloads the body, tones the muscles of the cerhinganeous department. It is useful to swim two or three times a week at thirty-forty minutes a day. If the swimming is impossible for any reason, it is replaced with aquaaerobics or therapeutic physical culture with an emphasis on the cervical.
  • With elevated intracranial pressure, good results give acupuncture. Treatment by this method allows you to normalize metabolic processes in the body, eliminate vascular spasm, restore the functioning of the nervous system damaged at elevated intracranial pressure. Acupuncture does not apply as an independent technique of therapy, only complements the main treatment.
  • Circular shower is another effective way to cure elevated intracranial pressure. With the help of a jet of water, shower installation affects certain neck areas, which allows you to activate sensitive receptors, increase muscle tone, normalize blood circulation and ensure the outflow of the liquid from the cranial box.

With physiotherapy, uncomplicated cases of intracranial pressure can be cured, but with more difficult situations, specialized drug treatment is shown.

Medicia treatment

Several groups of drug drugs are used to treat intracranial high pressure. Diuretic preparations are aimed at reducing the production of liquor, since the transportation of chlorine ions is depress. Among this group are the most famous for Dapacarb, Furosemide. Dapacarb is predominantly appointed for the child, including infants, but furosemide is used in adults.

Potassium-containing drugs - these means activate electrolyte exchange and normalize the balance of electrolytes in the body. Due to the use of drugs of this drug group, the nutrition of the brain is improved, it comes in a larger amount of oxygen. Typically, drugs are prescribed in difficult conditions. For example, crank-brain injuries, in which brain edema provoked increased intracranial pressure. The most famous representative of this group is asparkov.

Corticosteroid drugs - this group of drugs is used in diagnosed meningitis, brain tumors, as well as severe intoxication or the development of an allergic reaction accompanied by a brain edema. Effective drug of this group - dexamethasone.

It is worth noting that the studies of recent years have shown: previously appointed drugs from the HBD do not have the necessary effects. Therefore, doctors today are not recommended to take such medicines: Notta, Cavinton, Sermion, Nootropyl, which do not give a healing effect.

Operational intervention

If the cranial pressure does not manage to reduce the cranial pressure, the decision to conduct operational intervention is made. In patients with severe congenital pathologies, severe injuries or tumors, the operation may become the only way to save their lives.

For treatment, various types of shunting are applied. In this case, a hole is made in the cranial box where the catheter is put. In one end, it is immersed in the ventricle of the brain, and the second end is removed into the abdominal cavity or other suitable zone. Despite the progressiveness of such an operation, patients experience some inconveniences:

  • there is always a risk of clogging the valve, because of what the intervention has to do;
  • for young children, a series of surgical interventions will have a series of operational interventions, because when the body heights, you need to reinstall the catheter.

The second version of the removal of the liquid from the brain is puncture. In this form of intervention, a cut of soft tissues of the skull is made. A catheter is introduced into the incision to a small depth, which is fixed to the sterile tank. The excess of the spinal fluid will be collected in it. The lack of such interference is complications, as well as the need for a re-procedure in fifty percent of cases. If a lumbar puncture is made, the liquid is removed from the spinal channel, after which the intracranial pressure is normalized.

Endoscopic operation is carried out in the form of perforation of the bottom of the third ventricle. A set of tools for endoscopy under the control of video equipment is carried out the necessary manipulations, allowing you to create a channel for intracranial fluid outflow. As a rule, such operations are used in adult patients. The operation has a favorable outcome in most cases. Complications after it practically do not occur.

Popular treatment

Additionally, the main methods of therapy can be treated with folk remedies. Useful for patients will be a decoction of silk branches. The dried thin twigs are cut through one and a half or two centimeters, two cutlery of the twigs are poured with four glasses of water and boil twenty minutes on small heat.

The resulting decoction should be strain and drink one glass three times a day.

The course of therapy with such a means - three weeks. Improving the health of patients occurs due to the unique composition of the resulting liquid. It contains antioxidants, ascorbic acid, tocopherol, manganese, zinc, choline and many other active substances and trace elements, useful for both adults and a child.

Helps with elevated intracranial pressure and a mixture of alcohol tinctures. For treatment it is necessary to take the following components:

  • hawthorn, mother-in-law, Valerian - 4 parts;
  • eucalyptus and pepper mint - one part.

All tinctures for cooking need to be purchased at the pharmacy, and then connect in the right proportions. In the resulting liquid, ten sticks of the carnation are added and for two weeks are left to appease. Take fluid you need twenty-five drops along with sugar. Drink medicine before eating three times a day. The resulting mixture eliminates venous spasm, which resists the normal current of the liquor.

To treat increased intracranial pressure is needed as quickly as possible, already when the first signs of pathology is discovered. Otherwise, patients threatens to stop the brain circulation (ischemic stroke), squeezing brain tissues, damage to stem structures. Epileptic seizures and vision problems become serious consequences.