Ginseng tincture for bodybuilding. Ginseng and other adaptogens Ginseng tincture use in sports

Oh ginseng, you are a sport, or how natural stimulants affect strength and endurance

The healing effects of ginseng on the body are well known to everyone, but not many have heard about its effect on physical abilities and success in sports. Meanwhile, this “root of life” is a powerful natural catalyst that activates hitherto dormant resources of the entire organism.
Considering the barely subsiding, constantly flaring up doping scandals surrounding the Olympic Games and professional disputes in general, the use of by no means prohibited natural adaptogens by athletes can be called a very pressing issue. Let's take a look at the effect that ginseng has on the condition of professional and semi-professional athletes.

The effect of ginseng on the athlete's body

The root, as well as all tinctures and all preparations developed on its basis, are absolutely safe and, moreover, useful and promising adaptogens. Perhaps it would not be superfluous to say that not only people who have dedicated their lives to sports, but also everyone else who cares about their body can and should be interested in it, as a natural stimulant.

As a plant with a broad spectral effect, ginseng, as a tool for the prevention of treatment of diseases, including the central nervous system, heart and blood vessels, vision, intestinal tract, lungs and genital organs, has become the subject of many voluminous scientific publications. However, we are primarily interested in its use to improve the body’s athletic performance.

The result of systematic use by athletes, in one form or another, cannot but impress:

  • stamina reserve;
  • increased performance and resistance to harmful effects on the body;
  • accelerated replenishment of strength and energy that occurs after physical exertion and emotional outbursts;
  • increased adaptability to time zone changes;
  • increased results of physical activity under unfavorable conditions, be it high or low temperature, or anxiety and stress;
  • good mood and increased concentration.

In other words, with the help of root tincture, athletes can indeed achieve results for which they would previously have needed to resort to the use of prohibited doping substances. The structure of action of a natural adaptogen is much more suitable for the human body than the harsh test of using artificial stimulants. It does not exhaust natural resources, but, on the contrary, cuts off the impact of all adverse effects.

The use of the tincture can be indicated for representatives of almost every sporting discipline: from strength athletes such as bodybuilders and weightlifters to sprinters. With this will inevitably come a steady, permanent increase in endurance, a readiness to endure significant loads, opening the way to achieving new records.

Among bodybuilders, natural stimulants based on ginseng are often used as pre-workout complexes and as fat burners. In addition, the tincture is a good cure for fatigue, successfully coping with the body’s fatigue that occurs after intense training. And yet, first of all, you need to consult with a specialist.

What can you expect from taking ginseng for sports purposes?

In Russia, scientific research aimed at identifying the benefits of the spine on a practical basis was carried out in the context of training professionals in certain sports. The task set for the coaching staff and sports doctors was extremely specific, and consisted of increasing the functionality of the athletes’ bodies on the eve of the competition. And the progressive increase in the intake of natural stimulants ultimately resulted in a steady increase in indicators, and also brought forward the prospect of further use of natural adaptogens in those disciplines that are associated with anaerobic exercise.

Here is a list of effects recorded by experts:

  • a change for the better in the composition of the blood, its dilution and, as a result, the activity of the circulation of blood cells carrying oxygen and useful elements;
  • reducing cholesterol levels;
  • cleansing the intestines of toxins;
  • improvement of metabolism;
  • decreased heart rate during physical activity;
  • increased efficiency of cleansing the body of lactic acid;
  • antihypoxic effect, or increasing the resistance of organ tissues to oxygen deficiency during exercise;
  • growth of immunity.

All this clearly proved the usefulness of athletes using ginseng as a natural stimulant, which compares favorably with safety and usefulness compared to synthetic doping, and also pointed to the importance of continuing research into the root of life in this direction.

Everyone knows about the health benefits of the “root of life,” but few people know how ginseng affects athletic performance. Meanwhile, this plant is the most powerful natural adaptogen (a biologically active substance that stimulates all body systems).

Given the recent Olympic doping scandals, the use of legal natural stimulants by athletes is a particularly pressing issue. Let's consider what effect the adaptogen ginseng has on the condition of people involved in active sports.

How does ginseng affect the athlete's body?

Ginseng root, as well as tinctures and preparations based on it, are not only useful and safe, but also very promising in terms of improving athletic performance. Not only sports professionals, but also ordinary amateurs are interested in improving the functionality of their body and finding new reserves.

Ginseng is a plant with a wide spectrum of effects. Hundreds of scientific papers and books have been written about its preventive and therapeutic benefits. It has a positive effect on the central nervous system, heart and blood vessels, metabolic processes, vision, digestion, breathing, and sexual functions.
But we are interested in the effects of improving sports parameters. The results of regular use of this adaptogen by athletes are impressive.

Athletes who used the adaptogen ginseng as a natural stimulant experienced the following results:

  • increasing endurance;
  • increasing the body's performance and resistance;
  • rapid restoration of strength and energy after physical and emotional stress;
  • rapid adaptation of the body when changing time zones;
  • improving the results of training and competitions in unfavorable conditions (heat, cold, stress);
  • improved mood and mental concentration.

That is, with ginseng, athletes really achieve more without any prohibited or questionable drugs. The effect of natural doping is milder, safer and longer lasting than the effect of synthetic substances (the same Meldonium and its analogues). Ginseng does not deplete a person’s natural reserves, but rather neutralizes the influence of any unfavorable factors.

Its use is recommended for both strength sports athletes (bodybuilders, weightlifters) and representatives of speed and team disciplines. The most noticeable effect that everyone who took ginseng tincture or based on it felt was a persistent increase in endurance indicators.

With ginseng, athletes can withstand greater amounts of stress during training and performances. This means that they are subject to new achievements and records.

In bodybuilding, adaptogens of plant origin are simultaneously used as pre-workout complexes and effective fat burners. In addition, ginseng is an excellent remedy for relieving fatigue after intense training.
Before using the root, it is advisable to talk with a specialist about possible contraindications.

Prospects for the use of ginseng in sports

Practical studies were conducted in the Russian Federation to find out the benefits of using ginseng using the example of training professional biathletes. Coaches and sports doctors were given a specific task - to increase the functionality of the athletes’ bodies before important competitions.

The planned use of natural supplements based on ginseng led to a stable improvement in performance and opened up prospects for the further use of plant adaptogens in disciplines associated with prolonged anaerobic exercise.

The list of real positive effects from the use of ginseng includes the following points:

  • improvement of blood composition and fluidity (the ability of blood cells to carry oxygen and nutrients has increased);
  • cleansing blood vessels from “bad” cholesterol;
  • removing toxins from the intestines;
  • stimulation of metabolic processes and microcirculation;
  • decreased heart rate during exercise;
  • accelerated removal of lactic acid from the body (which is especially important for restoring strength at key stages of competition);
  • antihypoxic effect (tissues and organs have become more resistant to lack of oxygen during exercise);
    increasing the immune status of the body.

The program showed that the adaptogen ginseng can and should be used by athletes who want to achieve more using safe and legal methods. It is also advisable to conduct further scientific research regarding the effectiveness of adaptogens as natural stimulants.

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In Chinese medicine, ginseng has been known for many centuries, because with the help of this “root of life” people’s health has been significantly improved and their lives have been extended. But besides medicine, this medicinal and widespread plant is also used in sports. Only few people know about this.

Ginseng and sports

Firstly, this “root of life” will be very useful for runners, especially long-distance runners. But bodybuilders take it to increase their physical endurance.

Herbal experts are confident that it is ginseng that significantly inhibits the onset of fatigue, and this happens due to the fact that during training the muscles begin to use their energy more efficiently. Let us just remember that this is the opinion of unofficial medicine, therefore there are multiple contradictory hypotheses.

However, it has been scientifically proven that this root is actively used in sports as a major energy drink. At the same time, the “golden root” has anti-doping properties, as it is capable of maximally adapting to the human body in terms of heavy loads. Experts recommend taking ginseng-based medications during enormous physical and psychological stress.

If you need to increase your physical endurance, then you should choose only a standardized drug based on ginseng. To improve health and combat fatigue, take 100-250 milligrams of the root daily. Taking such drugs begins with small dosages, gradually increasing the volume.

Useful properties of ginseng

This “root of life” has a number of beneficial properties. Namely, it helps people recover from illness, relieves fatigue, stress, regulates blood circulation and blood pressure.

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The root of life, ginseng, having traveled a century-long path, has become a popular drug in bodybuilding. It has established itself as an excellent fat burner, an excellent adaptogen used as a pre-workout complex, and after training to restore the nervous system as a whole.

Beneficial features

Ginseng root is rich in microelements, vitamins and many beneficial substances that have a beneficial effect on the entire human body. Contains essential oils, nicotinic and folic acid, peptides, saponins, resins, manganese, zinc, phosphorus and much more.

The root of life is considered the most natural and effective adaptogen, readily used by bodybuilders. It increases the body's resistance to various adverse factors. These may include physical, chemical and biological hazards in strength sports.

Ginseng and bodybuilding

Ginseng increases strength, reaction, increases the supply of oxygen in the body, helps to increase the supply of oxygen in the body and its rapid absorption. In bodybuilding, it is prohibited to use alcohol-based adaptogens; during training and during competitions, ginseng is used on a water basis. Therefore, athletes can freely take the tincture; it will not be considered doping.

In strength sports, a natural adaptogen can help demonstrate the following qualities:

  • Increase your stamina
  • Increase the fatigue threshold
  • Accelerate the restoration of the regenerative process
  • Activates metabolism
  • Eliminates physical and emotional fatigue
  • Increases mental focus
  • Improves mood
  • Increases energy reserves
  • Increases appetite, but without the deceptive feeling of hunger.

Everyone knows that stress leads to obesity, weak muscles and bad mood. During times of stress, the hormone cortisol is produced in large quantities. Thanks to the use of the tincture, blood sugar is normalized, blood pressure is stabilized, mood improves, and stressful situations are easily tolerated, namely for drying purposes, taken with others.

Any athlete wants to have beautiful muscles, but this increases the whole body’s need for vitamin supplements, which exceed the norm by 3 times. All this can be provided by a natural adaptogen. In addition, ginseng root strengthens the bone skeleton, triggers biochemical processes that help the rapid growth of muscle tissue and muscle preservation.

Ginseng has the property of retaining fluid in the body, and therefore neutralizes the desire for thirst. The entire respiratory system will work better, thanks to the enrichment of blood with oxygen and its rapid delivery to the cells of the whole body. It is able to protect the athlete from overload during training, prevent cell destruction, and reduce physical and mental fatigue.

Mode of application

During administration, the dosage should be strictly observed. A 40% alcohol tincture is taken three times a day, half an hour before meals, for a month. Then you need to take a month's break. Dosage 10-15 drops. If you have problems sleeping, you should not take the tincture in the evening. It is most effective to use in autumn and winter. In the summer, during the heat, the body will receive a strong load.

Ginseng– one of the most famous adaptogens in the world of bodybuilding. The root of this plant contains biologically active substances - panaxosides, panaxic acid, essential oil, resins and vitamins, iron, copper, zinc, amino acids and others. In bodybuilding, ginseng is used as a pre-workout complex and a fat burner. Ginseng is also very well known in medicine; it is used as an anti-inflammatory agent, it has a positive effect on carbohydrate metabolism and the cardiovascular system, and increases potency in men.

Ginseng is recommended to be taken for stress, diabetes, Botkin's disease, etc. Taking ginseng normalizes blood pressure, reduces heart rate, and increases gas exchange. This plant was used in ancient times in China, and then spread throughout the world.

The effect of taking ginseng tincture in bodybuilding

  • Neutralization of fatigue;
  • Increased strength;
  • Treatment of the central nervous system;
  • Neutralization of the feeling of thirst;
  • Improving the functioning of the respiratory system;
  • Improved appetite and improved gastrointestinal function;
  • Improving the body's performance;
  • Improving the quality of restoration processes;
  • Helps to postpone competitions in unfavorable conditions (cold, heat).

Ginseng acts slowly and gradually, so it is often very difficult to determine the effectiveness of use - it affects different people differently. A single dose of ginseng (double or triple dose) can reduce fatigue and increase an athlete’s performance, which is why ginseng is often used once during competitions. The effect of taking increased dosages can be noticed by improving mental performance.

Ginseng does not keep the central nervous system excited for a long time, unlike synthetic drugs of similar action, and in this it is superior to them, since its effect on the athlete does not cause side effects and does not deplete the body's natural reserves. In bodybuilding, ginseng tincture is often used against stress, during which there is a surge of catabolic hormones (), which contribute to the destruction of muscle tissue, so it is very important to prevent this. Taking ginseng at a critical moment will give you an extra boost of energy and strength.

Taking ginseng

The greatest effect from taking it will be brought to you by 3% tincture of ginseng in 40% alcohol. The market also very often sells a 10% tincture, which consists of 70% alcohol, but in this case it will not be as effective, since in this tincture not all the active ingredients of ginseng are extracted from its root. It is recommended to take ginseng in a 3% tincture 3 times a day half an hour before meals for a month; after a month's course, you should take a month's break. Standard dosages are 30-35 drops or individually as prescribed by a doctor. Overdose of this drug can cause dizziness, fever, bleeding and other disorders. The experience of experienced athletes shows that it is most effective to take ginseng for bodybuilding in the fall or winter.