King of Pentacles and 6 combination. Minor Arcana Tarot King of Pentacles: meaning and combination with other cards. Description by Sarah Barlet's method

The King of Pentacles symbolizes the business world in general, and indicates growth in business, success in any enterprise, a stable career and good prospects, especially in the development of long-term projects. This card is associated with such qualities as enterprise and insight, success, experience and competence, and the ability to manage. It may indicate the desire to receive money and acquire valuable property, achievements and authority, the advantage of possessing some resources. This Arcanum inspires to realistically assess the situation, actively implement what is planned and insure what has been achieved. He brings with him a spirit of the highest quality to everything he touches. This is often a harbinger of productive work and numerous purchases, when expensive exclusive items come into your hands.

The King of Pentacles is a recognized and experienced leader with considerable life experience behind him, a representative of business and financial circles, and a successful entrepreneur. He can provide support and encouragement, and give wise advice. He stands firmly on his own two feet and can tell you how to unravel the tangle of problems. This is a figure either indifferent or favorable towards the questioner, but never hostile. The remaining cards can either reveal his attitude or show what needs to be done to achieve his patronage. Its traditional meaning is a wealthy gentleman. This is a person from whom practical help will come, respectable, wealthy, and the personification of stability and reliability. Like all Kings, he personifies a competent and serious approach and a responsible life position.

The King of Pentacles can be the significator of a father, spouse, wealthy partner, practical mentor, financial advisor, sponsor.

In general, the card describes a stable situation and a solid foundation for any endeavor.

Representative and weighty. All Tarot Kings carry the spirit of representation, but in the King of Pentacles it is felt in a very special way. It is immediately clear that you are a serious person with whom you should do serious business. This card shows common sense, confident and practical problem solving, strengthening business skills, and expanding resources.

Traditionally, the King of Pentacles is the happiest and most contented of the Kings. He enjoys success, wealth, everything he has achieved, and all the benefits of earthly happiness. He usually acts in two directions: he tirelessly improves the talents given to him by nature, and also actively realizes himself in external activities. The King of Pentacles has an intuitive ability to properly control cash flows and wisely manage funds, including at a large-scale level. He has brilliant abilities in business, often in other areas, for example, medicine. If the King of Swords generates brilliant ideas out of the blue, and the King of Cups masters the art of evoking feelings and emotional states as if “out of nothing,” then the King of Pentacles also knows how to create money - literally out of thin air. In his thinking there is no such category as “no money”. They were, are and will be. Often the person described by this card is a successful banker, industrialist, or businessman. This is a realist and pragmatist of high flight... and a strong build. He is proud of his achievements and the loyalty of his subordinates. Majestic and relaxed, he accepts his position as both a merit and a duty. He knows how to defend his rights and firmly holds the reins of power in his hands, possessing an almost supernatural ability to always be one step ahead (a further development of the abilities of the Queen of Pentacles, for which the symbol of her suit already becomes almost a mediumistic tool). He may come across as a tough and unemotional person, for whom work is much higher than personal relationships. In fact, this is the archetype of the “enlightened monarch”, whose successes and personal qualities can be admired. He does not forget to think pragmatically, but sometimes rises to a completely different spiritual level. He knows the loneliness of a winner. He can be capricious and merciless in competition, although he never forgets his principles. Mature, brave, wealthy, this King is focused on his own gain, but in a very different way from the King of Swords. This is a powerful person, ready to support and sponsor gifted people and smart projects. Traditionally, he was considered a benevolent dictator, a patron of the arts and sciences, a philanthropist, the personification of a ruler equally powerful and cultured, capable of appreciating painting, music and literature and all kinds of pleasures in general (while the King of Swords traditionally understood mainly the language of fire and sword, and among pleasures he preferred war and mass). This is a master of health and abundance, a sybarite and a hedonist. As a rule (at least potentially), this is a faithful spouse and father of several children. Like the Emperor, he represents security, structure and order, authority and strength. This person has a great sense of the current situation and knows “which horse to bet on.” He has a brilliant, practically oriented mind, he is distinguished by a good instinct that allows him to recognize what is real and what is not, what business is worth doing and what is not worth taking on, and what the result will be.

The King of Pentacles embodies the fiery masculine aspect of the element Earth. He is truly passionate in his creative aspirations. Therefore, everything he touches becomes successful. He is talented and skilled in what he does, and he is destined to demonstrate the fruits of his efforts also through the prism of the Earth element, be it finances, buildings, collections, or his own body “molded” at the highest level... inscribed, moreover, in a high social status (image a well-known bodybuilder who successfully reached the post of governor of a prosperous state). Archetypally, the King of Pentacles is the ruler united in sacred bond with the High Priestess, the representative of the Great Goddess. He does this so that during his reign the land will bear fruit and the family will multiply.

Let us note how comfortably the King sits on his throne, how warmly he looks at his pentacle. The luxurious castle visible in the background is a symbol of royal grandeur, power and stability of his possessions. The creature trampled under the king's left foot means defeated enemies. In his right hand he holds a golden scepter, symbolizing his power. His clothes are decorated with a pattern of vines, and his throne is decorated with repeated symbols of bulls' heads, as an allusion to the zodiac sign Taurus, which rules this card. In some decks, on his throne you can see several mythical animals: a lion, a griffin, a bull and an eagle, which is associated with the tetramorphs of the Major Arcana. The King of Pentacles symbolizes enduring values.

Through this Arcanum we recognize the responsibility that comes with owning something. It is the King of Pentacles, with his sense of reality, who understands what the words “you are forever responsible for those you have tamed” mean. The King of Pentacles consolidates, protects, patronizes, preserves and sets boundaries.

The traditional meanings of the King of Pentacles are guessed by everyone practically without prompting, intuitively - success in business, high status, a prominent position, a responsible post, reaching the pinnacle of a career. Any Tarot King embodies a wise leader, but this wisdom is completely different in spirit. The King of Pentacles is a smart leader whose efforts are focused on acquisition, protection, accumulation, and protection. This is not what worries the King of Wands, who is ready to turn the world upside down for the sake of a “fiery idea”, not what really interests the King of Swords (from his point of view, matter is only a semi-abstract quintessence of some efforts, the possession of which can look like power ), and not what the King of Cups understands, reigning in the flow of his “metaphysical” reality. The King of Pentacles is a practical organizer of a level compared to which all other Kings have “seven Fridays a week.”

Of course, this card resonates most clearly with financial management, but it also patronizes industrial production, agriculture, food and other supplies, minerals-related businesses, construction, mechanics, and engineering. The King of Pentacles can be a financier, stock exchange broker, wholesale dealer, antique dealer, realtor, producer.

This is a card of undoubted success in money matters. If the querent takes responsibility for the use of his capital, he has every chance of achieving well-being and prosperity. Financial stability and confidence. Big win, inheritance, profitable deals. Stable income.

Advice: clearly manage material resources, do not leave the issue to chance. Focus energy on developing long-term projects. Take a calculator and calculate everything. Organize the results of your activities, understand their level.

Let: greed and hypocrisy, clinging to what has been achieved and unwillingness to expand one’s views to see the future.

Trustworthiness, maturity and responsibility in relationships, with an emphasis on protection, care and possession. As a significator, the King of Pentacles describes serious, long-term and mature connections between people who provide each other with development, well-being, social status and confidence in the future.

Here the power of passion and the instinct of possession, characteristic of even younger representatives of the earthly suit of Pentacles, is balanced and at the same time reaches full development. Usually the King of Pentals has very conservative views on gender relations. He values ​​constancy and love, but if things don’t work out, he will buy a proper attitude towards himself with money. Trophies of this kind don't bother him much. The typical portrait of the King of Pentacles is a healthy man who trusts his instincts, a gourmet and a hedonist. As with other Pentacle figures, personal devotion is very important to him. This card is a signifier of good potency and may indicate a conscious or unconscious desire to have a child. A life-loving epicurean, the King of Pentacles, like no other partner, is able to make it clear that life is worth living. Walking hand in hand with him, you can open your soul to him without hesitation. He is an adviser, not a vest, his mind is cold, but he is a reliable friend whom you can trust. This is a patriarch who defends family and traditional values. For him, the main thing is deeds, not words, dreams or good intentions.

The King of Pentacles is not so much emotional as it is sensual. He is not ashamed of his bodily pleasures, is in full contact with what he experiences, and vividly feels any natural needs. He really loves sex and sees no reason to be shy about it. The categories of inspiration and romanticism are not close to him, although, if necessary, he organizes their presence - just like the presence of caviar and champagne. It’s just that for him they always remain something like a foreign language, even if the grammar is mastered perfectly and the accent is practically invisible.

An excellent card for health, as well as a good prognosis for treatment and recovery. The card favors maintaining pregnancy.

The inverted King of Pentacles can “signal” about infertility or impotence, as well as developmental defects. This is a map of perverted physical nature, systemic disturbances and defects, decomposition. Also this is a map of age-related diseases and changes, arthritis, gout, prostatitis, etc.

It may indicate that the root of the problem is excess weight, intemperance in food, alcohol and other “bad excesses.”

The shadow side of the King of Pentacles: this is insatiable (and implacable) lust, hardened hucksterism or imposing idleness (the same “Oblomov within us”).

Common meanings of the reversed King of Pentacles are a dangerous person, a ruthless and dishonest competitor, a type of corrupt politician or businessman who uses dirty means to achieve his goals and strives for undivided power. The inverted King of Pentacles is cunning, greedy, and cannot be trusted in anything. With the inverted King of Pentacles there is always danger associated with walking on the edge. Moreover, either he himself is the source of the latter, or he is forced to encounter this due to his activities. In general, this spirit of danger and corruption, vice and greed, dubious honor and the use of any means to achieve one's goals evokes all the famous Camorra, 'Ndrangheta and Cosa Nostra. Their dark power, dirty dealings, emphasis on "family" and shadow wealth carry the energies of the reversed King of Pentacles. Here, too, there is a possibility of receiving the benefits of life, but the price turns out to be extremely high (these benefits will not be needed in the next world), and there can be no talk of any selflessness in this case.

Astrological equivalents: the same as in the direct chart, but the influence of Saturn is more pronounced, and the Eighth House is involved instead of the Second House.

The card will speak of the prematureness and futility of the situation expressed by subsequent cards. It can describe a situation of doubt and weakness, fear and despair (after stupid arrogance or self-will). This is an indication that the questioner is not the master of the situation. He may have a poor financial and business reputation or may be facing financial ruin. Sometimes, this card can indicate a narrow-minded pragmatist demonstrating a superficial, practical approach. Cruel and brazen exploitation of people and other resources, motivated by acquisitiveness and greed, ruthless usury. Corporate fraud for the sake of increased profits or avoiding a debt trap, problems with taxes, smuggling.

The inverted King of Pentacles is a stern, stingy and complex person, vulgar and uncouth, dissatisfied with what has been achieved and seeing no prospects of achieving anything else. He is capable of spitting bile on every occasion, and he does this without the intellectual “sparkles” characteristic of the King of Swords in such a situation. One of the ancient meanings of the card is senile bitterness, the figure of an old man who has directed all his life experience and mind towards his own selfish goals. He may be characterized by extreme materialism, arrogance and stinginess, an a priori rejection of spirituality and an imperious character (a sort of Marquis of Queensberry). Addressed to the inverted King of Pentacles, Bulgakov’s remark sounds: “Despot and tradesman, don’t break my hand!”

It can be said that in the reversed King of Pentacles there is a mixed influence of the signs of Gemini and Capricorn. The combination of the latter in astrology is considered as unstable, causing the stripes that a person is forced to go through on his life’s path.

Like the Queen, the reversed King of Pentacles can indicate betrayal, envy and jealousy, hurt possessiveness, danger and threat. This card can represent a sexually preoccupied boss, living in a world where everything is bought and sold and attracting everything that moves into their bed, almost regardless of gender and age. It is also a map of sexual connections between blood relatives. This map applies to any corporate environment where advancement occurs through sex with bosses and deliberately boorish and insensitive behavior is cultivated.

With Peace and the Six of Swords - go astray and waste your fortune (from an ancient interpreter)

King Midas

King Minos of Crete in the guise of a bull

Mokiy Parmenovich Knurov (“Cruel Romance”)

Philip Philipovich Preobrazhensky (“Heart of a Dog”)

The King of Pentacles is a card that symbolizes a strong personality, firm, sharp, tough. Most often, this is a greedy but self-sufficient man who is ready to do anything to achieve his own goals.

In the article:

King of Pentacles Tarot - meaning

The King of Pentacles card symbolizes a strong masculine personality, which is associated with the element of earth. His appearance in the layout indicates not only that a similar person appears in your life, but also symbolizes the desire to possess something, to be confident in one’s abilities, in the future.

For such a person, it is very important to understand the significance of real things, their value, not to have their head in the clouds and to coexist harmoniously with reality. Such an individual practically does not pay attention to words and dreams; for him, the main indicator of something is action.

If such a person does not have solid ground under his feet, he will feel very uncomfortable. The King of Denarii understands perfectly well what he needs to do, what result this activity will bring, what he should not undertake, what he can and cannot do.

Unfortunately, sometimes such individuals think for a very long time before making a decision, which can be extremely annoying to other people. The king does not like haste, is a symbol of carnal sensuality, loves life, and has fun. But even such a person has negative sides. He is obsessed with passion, lust, and sometimes can give way to total idleness.

Direct position of the king of coins

In the upright position, the king represents the fire of the earth, a self-sufficient person, a good and hospitable host. In combination with the King of Swords, the card speaks of an increase in property, the implementation of a plan, stability, and well-being.

Most likely, such an individual will work with money, or he is an agricultural worker, works in a large company that deals with real estate, and it is also possible that the person is a conservative.

Health is relatively good, but there is a possibility of excessive salt deposition in the body. In fortune telling, the answer will be positive. The card warns: you should enjoy life, but resting in the glory is risky.

King of Pentacles reversed

The inverted meaning of the King is far from the most prosperous, as it symbolizes laziness, stubbornness, and greed. Probably the person is slow-witted, unable to adapt to the rhythm of life, uses outdated methods of doing business, and so on.

Also, in combination with the card, it indicates the loss of a large amount of money or confiscation of property. Various problems are possible due to the laziness and stinginess of an individual; his tediousness and callousness combined with indifference will not bring a positive result. The card advises saving money and not giving in to temptation.

Meaning in relationships

The King of Pentacles in a personal relationship reading is a pretty good symbol, as it foretells good partnerships, reliable friends, warmth, and fidelity to a spouse. In fact, this individual really strives for sensuality, harmony, and security.

In some cases, in combination with positive cards, the King of Denarii indicates that the man is ready to start a family. If there are only negative cards around, this indicates strong jealousy, which can even lead to assault.

Work area

An individual extremely strives for financial stability and security. A permanent job with a 100% guarantee of profit is the key to a stable future for him. Work brings joy to a person, but often he begins to be lazy if he does not see the obvious fruits of his labor.

Usually the King of Pentacles has no problems with his financial situation, since he does not miss his chance to make money and is confident in what he is doing. Well, besides this, he immediately recognizes schemers and charlatans. Almost all people with this personality card prefer to work in a team, since when working alone they become very lazy.

King of Pentacles - tarot combination

In order to get the correct result of your fortune telling, you need to pay attention not only to the meaning of the King of Coins tarot card, but also to which cards are located next to it. Depending on this, the entire value of the magic attribute may change. King of Pentacles in combination with cards:

  • The jester is a shame;
  • Magician - receiving a sudden inheritance or profit that can be invested in the development of your own business;
  • The High Priestess is a philanthropist;
  • Empress - the more you invest, the more profit you will receive;
  • Emperor - career advancement;
  • Hierophant - large donations;
  • Lovers - a person faces a serious choice;
  • Chariot - things are not going as successfully as we would like;
  • Strength - you need to curb lust;
  • Hermit - bankruptcy;
  • Wheel of Fortune - a game with fate;
  • Justice - you will have to fight for your good name;
  • Hanged Man - you shouldn’t invest money, since you still won’t get a profit;
  • Death is a change in financial situation to the exact opposite;
  • Moderation - do not try to spend more than you can earn;
  • The devil is dishonest deals;
  • Tower - dismissal, illness;
  • Star - you have a chance to improve your position;
  • Moon - fraud;
  • The sun is a well-deserved success;
  • Court - making a big profit;
  • Peace is wealth.

The King of Pentacles Tarot is a very strong card, symbolizing a man who craves stability, is confident in himself and in what he does. The cards advise that if there is such a man in your society, then you should not break off relations with him, since in a difficult situation he will be able to come to the rescue.

"Money rules the world".

This map describes the world of business relationships. Minor Arcana Tarot card King of Pentacles (Denariev, Coins) can indicate a rise up the career ladder, success in any endeavor, prospects in long-term business projects. In this article we will look at the description and meaning in relationships of an upright and inverted card, interpretation and combination with other cards in layouts for love, health, career and work.

The King of Pentacles in layouts indicates a parent, husband, colleague, lover, father, spouse, comrade, business partner.

Description of the map

Let's look at the map and see how comfortably the King sits on the throne. The majestic and luxurious castle in the background symbolizes balance and strength. The creatures under the King’s feet are the enemies he defeated. The right hand holding a golden scepter indicates power. The clothes are decorated with bunches of grapes, and the throne is decorated with bulls' heads. The heads are a hint to the zodiac sign of Taurus.

The King of Pentacles is, first of all, material values, whatever they may be. This Arcanum shows how much humanity should value what it has, how responsibly it should approach the possession of something. This King will always help, protect, defend, preserve and maintain established boundaries.

General meaning of the King of Pentacles card

The card symbolizes business spirit and entrepreneurial activity. The Tarot King of Pentacles is experienced, far-sighted, insightful, successful and even wise. He always strives to establish as many profitable connections and contracts as possible, to gain authoritative partners, and to enlist the support of a reputable society.

It teaches you to evaluate everything that happens around you from a real point of view, inspires you to fulfill dreams aimed at obtaining tangible values, those that will make the surrounding life more comfortable and solid. Everything his hand touches becomes a “gold vein”. It attracts good luck, promising all kinds of material benefits. Expensive things naturally reach into his hands.

The King of Denariev is a man who leads the masses, a born and recognized leader, an experienced mentor, a representative of the financial stratum of society, and a skilled entrepreneur. Can support any undertaking, inspire serious actions, not forgetting to bestow wise advice. He stands confidently enough on his own two feet and will always help turn any problem into a “trifling matter.”

The figure of the King is rather detached, detached and neutral, but in no way hostile. The cards that appear nearby will tell you how to achieve the favor and patronage of such a wise and respectable gentleman.

Traditionally, the King of Coins is considered a wealthy man. He exudes stability, constancy, reliability, competence and responsibility not only to himself, but also to the people who love him. He is noble, majestic, generous, supportive, and has a stable moral position.

King of Pentacles Tarot, the meaning in the layouts for the situation suggests that your situation is stable, firmly standing, unshakable for any new idea.

Personal Description

This individual is not to be trifled with. He takes everything as seriously as possible. The King of Pentacles is characterized by sobriety of mind, rationalism, adequacy, prudence, strengthening of positive qualities, expansion of horizons. He treats everything he has accumulated and earned with reverence, enjoying his successes and material values ​​that make his life richer.

Positive features

He is a versatile person, in addition to constant personal growth, he improves in the implementation of his numerous projects. Possessing a natural instinct, he easily controls and manages large financial flows, being able to rationally manage funds and assets.

The King of Pentacles has the qualities of a natural leader and easily achieves success

In addition to his remarkable talent for entrepreneurship, the King of Pentacles also favors other areas of professional activity, such as medicine. Masters the art of making money out of thin air. In his reality, there is no such state of affairs in which he could earn only a piece of bread. He strives for more, for example, to have a country house. He always had finances, has them and will always have them. Usually he is a serious industrialist, successful businessman or banker.

A realist by nature, a pragmatist. He is proud of his significant achievements, does not fawn over his superiors, respects and never humiliates his subordinates. He treats his achievements with pride and trepidation, accepts everything achieved not only as merit, but also as responsibility. Knows what he's doing. He stands his ground firmly. Always one step ahead of others. The board holds the reins so tightly that from the outside it seems like a “monolith” and not a person.

A powerful person, focused on winning and achieving all his goals. But quite generous and kind. He is always ready to support new talents, interesting projects and, in general, sponsorship is in his blood. Patron of arts and science.

A person is actually the owner of a subtle mental organization, a connoisseur of everything beautiful: painting, music, poetry.

Potentially a faithful husband of the family, a good father, possibly with many children. Like the Emperor, he is a benefactor, patron, protector. The personification of structure and order, authoritarianism and strength. The King of Pentacles is always able to distinguish between right and wrong actions, a good undertaking from a bad one, thanks to his brilliant mind and excellent instincts.

Negative traits

Sometimes the Coin King seems cruel and unemotional, but this is not the case at all. This is the type that is called the Enlightened Monarch. People are always proud to meet such a person, because one can only admire his successes and incredible achievements and want to be like him.

Thinking rationally, he sometimes achieves spiritual enlightenment, rising to some other level of consciousness, unknown to the average person. He knows the loneliness of a winner very well. He is principled, but it happens that in competition he becomes merciless, irreconcilable and capricious. The King of Pentacles has courage, common sense, wealth, and strives for his own benefit.

On a deeper level

The King of Pentacles works with special frenzy. That is why everything that is not touched brings unprecedented profits. Possessing talents in various fields, he demonstrates the fruitful results of his efforts through the prism of the Earth element. He is like a sculpture who can mold out of nothing something that generations will be proud of.

Be it managing the state, organizing a financial corporation, spiritual self-realization of one’s “I”, creating a family, everything that the King of Coins puts his hand to becomes successful and has a beneficial effect, both financially and morally, on all participants in the action.

The meaning of the King of Pentacles in various layouts

For career and work

The position of the King of Pentacles should be high, the post should be responsible, and career growth should be rapid. This is a born leader, focused on creation, expansion, protection, accumulation and multiplication. He has reached a high level of self-realization that no one else can reach.

The card resonates best with financial flows that are directly related to commercial activities. But this is not the only thing he can control. The card can also patronize agriculture, food business, industry and even the production of minerals.

For finances and property

The King of Pentacles symbolizes the favorable outcome of any financial undertaking. A person who takes on certain obligations of a financial nature will undoubtedly reach unprecedented heights. Stability and confidence in the future are guaranteed. It is possible to receive an inheritance.

For love and relationships

King of Pentacles Tarot, meaning in relationships: fidelity, strength, stability, responsibility, generosity, trust. He emphasizes care, understanding, guardianship, attention, dedication. He is characterized by serious, long, mature relationships, without lies, mistrust, or conflicts. A connection between two loving people, which should help, create, ennoble, allow full development, maintain social status at the proper level in order to be confident in the future.

The King of Pentacles has conservative views. Harmony and balance between spouses are two important factors. He needs consistency and love. If all aspects do not come together, then he will simply buy love, and this will not bother him at all. A trophy like this would be taken for granted.

Handsome, thoroughbred, reliable, somewhere sweet, trusting his intuition. Will appreciate devotion. This card is a significator of good masculine power, which indicates deliberate or unplanned childbearing.

As cheerful as possible. Having become his companion, you can easily entrust everything secret to this person. He will always help, both financially and verbally. You shouldn’t whine, lament, or complain about life in his presence, he’s not a vest. The Coin King's mind is quite cold and impartial. For him, words are nothing, deeds are everything.

His sensitivity should not be confused with emotionality. He is self-sufficient and is not ashamed to express his intimate needs, whatever they may be. He loves sex and does not hesitate to admit it. He is not keen on romance, although if absolutely necessary he can arrange a rather inspiring romantic evening with strawberries and champagne. It’s just that for him it’s like Morse code, which is like a dark forest, but if he really needs it, he’ll definitely learn it.

For health status

This is a good card in a health reading. Indicates restoration of vitality and recovery from illnesses. During pregnancy, indicates a successful birth. The inverted King of Pentacles, on the contrary, speaks of infertility for women and impotence for men. This card signals a disruption in life cycles and inverted moral values. It may show the presence of age-related diseases: gout, impotence, prostatitis. An inverted card indicates an excess of bad habits: drugs, alcohol, nicotine, overeating.

You should wisely distribute your material resources, not waste them on trifles, and not condone irresponsibility. You should first calculate everything on a calculator before rushing headlong into a financial adventure. You may be hindered by stinginess or hypocrisy, or a reluctance to expand your horizons for further business development.

The meaning of a reversed card

The King of Pentacles reversed means debauchery, lust, idleness. This is a man to be feared and guarded against. Immoral, ruthless, corrupt, ready to do any treacherous act to achieve his not very good goals. Cruel, incapable of forgiveness, stupid and self-righteous. You cannot trust him under any circumstances.

In general, the spirit of vice and greed, a symbol of dishonor and dirty money. Although the probability of receiving all kinds of benefits is extremely high, but at what cost?!

An inverted card promises empty chores, futility, emptiness, hopelessness. It carries fear, resentment, conflicts, despair. The individual has ceased to be the master of the situation. He has a bad reputation everywhere and in everything. Most likely, financial collapse is imminent. Playing corporate shenanigans and ties to the criminal underworld didn't do any good.

The King of Pentacles reversed is a greedy, ill-mannered, envious and bad person who cannot see beyond his own nose. Consequently, he is not capable of making decisions, helping others, and does not know how to think rationally. He is angry and stupid, unbalanced and inadequate, arrogant and arrogant, selfish and morally unstable.

In relationships between the two sexes, the inverted card says that envy, betrayal, jealousy, assault, are somewhere nearby. Feelings have not stood the test of time. Resentment and envy interfere with the formation of normal human relationships. The card represents a special form of perversion in sex. Even incest is quite possible.

Combined with other cards

How is the King of Pentacles interpreted in combination with other cards:

  • With the Jester is a fabulous undressed king;
  • With the Magician - solid financial investments;
  • With the High Priestess – patronage and sponsorship;
  • With the Empress - investments, as a result, profit;
  • With the Emperor - Director of Economics;
  • With the Hierophant - donations for the benefit of others;
  • With Lovers - a choice that should be approached with all seriousness;
  • With the Chariot - complete confusion with financing;
  • With Strength - temptation requiring reassurance;
  • With the Hermit - suffer financial ruin;
  • With the Wheel of Fortune - a game of Russian roulette;
  • With Justice - it is worth defending your reputation;
  • With the Hanged Man - poverty, loss of money;
  • With Death - improvement of the financial situation;
  • With Moderation – commensurability of income and expenses;
  • With the Devil - financial adventures, head of an illegal business;
  • With the Tower - collapse, poverty, loss of health, loss of position;
  • With the Star - hope to get a big jackpot and move up the career ladder;
  • With the Moon - not very good fraud, falsification of financial documents;
  • With the Sun - your merits are finally recognized, prosperity;
  • With the Court - financial projects bring unprecedented profits;
  • With Peace - expansion of the scope of activity, success;
  • With the Ace of Wands - an interesting promising project, a serious business proposal; investment;
  • With the Two of Wands - business forecast from the point of view of long-term viability;
  • With the Three of Wands - encouraging numbers from an economic point of view;
  • With the Four of Wands - acquisition of property, an expensive gift;
  • With the Five of Wands - whining, complaining;
  • With the Six of Wands - a genius in financing;
  • With the Seven of Wands - monetary claims, an attempt to reduce the sphere of influence;
  • With the Eight of Wands - investment of capital, a solid contract;
  • With the Nine of Wands - an experienced adventurer;
  • With the Ten of Wands - expenses far exceed income;
  • With the Page of Wands - bringing the project to perfection;
  • With the Knight of Wands - businessman, adventurer;
  • With the Queen of Wands - rational conduct of business;
  • With the King of Wands - financial forecast.

The 6 of Cups signifies the ruler of happiness. The lasso traditionally depicts a man dressed in colorful jester's clothes, who gives a beautiful bouquet of wild flowers in a bowl to a young girl. Next to the man on the ground there are five more cups with flowers, each cup represents a vice or addiction, and the white flowers in it are a sign that the man managed to overcome weakness and reverse his shortcomings.

In the astrological aspect of the chart there is the Moon in the zodiac of Pisces, symbolizing pleasant memories of days gone by, and the Moon in the sign of Cancer, signifying the romantic and dreamy mood of a person.



In the Tarot, the lasso is responsible for memories and events from the past that led to how your affairs are going in the present. This is a positive lasso, indicating in the scenario that a person is optimistic about his own life, can appreciate the attention of the people around him, and treats loved ones with love and kindness.

gives a favorable prognosis for almost all areas of life. She predicts happiness and harmony in relationships with a loved one, new acquaintances, and romantic encounters for those who have not yet decided on their personal life.

In addition, the lasso indicates that all events that are happening at the moment are directly related to your past. If you want to avoid something, remember what exactly was the root cause.


This is the only card that, even in the reverse position, practically does not lose its original interpretation. If an inverted card appears in the layout, serious changes in life will await you very soon. There is a high probability that everything you planned will happen much earlier than you thought. By the way, the result itself will be much more impressive than one might have expected.

Some tarot readers believe that in this position the Six is ​​interpreted as an unexpected receipt of an inheritance. The lasso can also mean self-development and significant events that you are on the verge of. If the upright position of the lasso indicates the present time, then the inverted position indicates what is yet to happen in the near future.

Value in layouts


This lasso indicates good things in a person. However, in some cases it may indicate illness in children, or “childhood” diseases that suddenly appeared in an adult. Sometimes the Six of Cups can indicate the consequences of serious injuries that a person suffered in childhood, but they will soon remind themselves again, causing a lot of trouble.

In an inverted position, the lasso indicates problems with energy balance. The person will feel constantly tired, the desire to show any activity will disappear, which in some cases can lead to reclusiveness and excessive suspicion.

Love and relationships

Traditionally, the Six of Cups in layouts for love and relationships with others can have two meanings. Firstly, this lasso indicates flirting or a barely begun romantic story and a person’s easy, even immature attitude towards his own life. But it may also be that the card speaks of a strong connection between people united by a common past. Everything will depend on the neighboring cards that came out during fortune telling.

In an inverted position, the lasso indicates a person’s tendency to idealize others, his mental anxieties and experiences associated with events from the past. For those who have been in a relationship or marriage for a long time, the Six of Cups promises a renewal of feelings.


In fortune telling on a situation or a specific question, the card gives a clearly positive answer and warns of impending changes in a person’s life. The Six of Cups is the lasso of results, so everything you plan will come true very soon.

However, many tarot readers are of the opinion that despite the favorable forecast of the card, it can also be insidious, since it is impossible to say exactly what will happen in the end.

The Six of Cups Reversed says that events will happen soon which can awaken in a person memories of days gone by and long forgotten. Meetings with old acquaintances are possible.


When divining a professional situation, the lasso speaks of cooperation and the pure intentions of others. Don’t be afraid to ask colleagues or management for help. It's a good time to get back to projects you've put on hold.

In material terms, this is a lasso that says that you have certain financial obligations to someone. For those who previously had an unstable situation with money, the lasso promises quick recovery and stability.

An inverted card will indicate a person’s propensity for various adventures that will not bring the desired result. However, in this form the lasso gives a favorable prognosis for situations related to the solution of any housing issues.

Combination with other Tarot

Major Arcana:

  • With map "Jester"- care and concern for loved ones.
  • With map "Magician"— resumption of old projects.
  • With map "High Priestess"- secret, secret desire.
  • With map "Empress"- cash receipts.
  • With map "Emperor"- experiences.
  • With map "Hierophant"- useful contacts.
  • With map "Lovers"- former girlfriend or boyfriend.
  • With map "Chariot"- the past will not give you peace.
  • With map "Force"- self-knowledge.
  • With map "Hermit"- alarming.
  • With map "Wheel of Fortune"— quick completion of projects.
  • With map "Justice"- dreaminess, detachment.
  • With map "Hanged"- grandiose events.
  • With map "Death"- separation from a loved one.
  • With map "Moderation"- your attitude towards someone will change.
  • With map "Devil"- events from the past will cast a shadow on your reputation.
  • With map "Tower"- feeling of danger, fears.
  • With map "Star"- detached thoughts, belief in miracles.
  • With map "Moon"- you can be misled by other people's actions and words.
  • With map "Sun"- fate favors you.
  • With map "Court"- help from others.
  • With map "World"- a person from your future.


  • WITH Ace of Wands- fulfillment of desires.
  • WITH Two of Wands– problems and disputes with others.
  • WITH Three of Wands- old friend or girlfriend.
  • WITH Four of Wands– completion of an important stage in life.
  • WITH Five of Wands– conflict.
  • WITH Six of Wands- wedding.
  • WITH Seven of Wands- good news, news from distant relatives.
  • WITH Eight of Wands- Meeting with friends.
  • WITH Nine of Wands- self-resentment.
  • WITH Ten of Wands- destruction of hopes.
  • WITH Page of Wands- love.
  • WITH Knight of Wands– moving, solving housing issues.
  • WITH Queen of Wands- relative.
  • WITH King of Wands- relative.


  • WITH Ace of Cups– renewal of past relationships.
  • WITH Two of Cups– contracts, transactions, agreements.
  • WITH Three of Cups- nostalgia for the past.
  • WITH Four of Cups- regret about your actions.
  • WITH Five of Cups- financial losses.
  • WITH Seven of Cups- deception.
  • WITH Eight of Cups- a white streak in life.
  • WITH Nine of Cups- love adventure.
  • WITH Ten of Cups- meeting with family.
  • WITH Page of Cups- Rash decisions will lead to problems.
  • WITH Knight of Cups- meeting with a former passion.
  • WITH Queen of Cups– trip, trip, business trip.
  • WITH King of Cups- in business.


  • WITH Ace of Swords– disagreements and disputes with colleagues.
  • WITH Two of Swords- delays in business.
  • WITH Three of Swords– troubles due to tactless behavior.
  • WITH Four of Swords- the appearance of an ill-wisher.
  • WITH Five of Swords- scandal.
  • WITH Six of Swords– misunderstanding in relations with relatives.
  • WITH Seven of Swords- envy of others.
  • WITH Eight of Swords- unreasonable fear.
  • WITH Nine of Swords- remorse.
  • WITH Ten of Swords– your memory and intuition can let you down.
  • WITH Page of Swords- rejection of other people's help.
  • WITH Knight of swords- your dreams will be destroyed.
  • WITH Queen of Swords- coldness in relationships with others.
  • WITH King of Swords- unpleasant situation.


  • WITH Ace of Pentacles– profit from past projects.
  • WITH Two of Pentacles- old debt.
  • WITH Three of Pentacles- small cash receipts.
  • WITH Four of Pentacles- unexpected profit.
  • WITH Five of Pentacles- problems with money.
  • WITH Six of Pentacles– meeting with the creditor, losses.
  • WITH Seven of Pentacles– profitable investments, capital.
  • WITH Eight of Pentacles- You may be asked to borrow money.
  • WITH Nine of Pentacles- a bad investment.
  • WITH Ten of Pentacles– inheritance, financial assistance from relatives.
  • WITH Page of Pentacles- promotion.
  • WITH Knight of Pentacles– major financial losses, ruin.
  • WITH Queen of Pentacles- financial dependence on some person.
  • WITH King of Pentacles- bonus, gift.

On this day, in order to better understand the events happening to you, you should turn to your own memories. It is possible that it is your past that will help you make an important decision today, listen to your memory and. There is a high probability of meeting an old acquaintance or implementing a long-forgotten project.

In an inverted position, the Six of Cups warns that nostalgia for a previous relationship may wash over you. Don’t give in, this feeling will soon pass, try not to be guided by it in your own actions.

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In the Tarot deck, the 6 of Cups has the meaning of the ruler of happiness. The lasso traditionally depicts a man dressed in colorful jester's clothes, who gives a beautiful bouquet of wild flowers in a bowl to a young girl. Next to the man on the ground there are five more cups with flowers, each cup represents a vice or addiction, and the white flowers in it are a sign that the man managed to overcome weakness and reverse his shortcomings.

In the astrological aspect of the chart there is the Moon in the zodiac of Pisces, symbolizing pleasant memories of days gone by, and the Moon in the sign of Cancer, signifying the romantic and dreamy mood of a person.


In the Tarot, the lasso is responsible for memories and events from the past that led to how your affairs are going in the present. This is a positive lasso, indicating in the scenario that a person is optimistic about his own life, can appreciate the attention of the people around him, and treats loved ones with love and kindness.

The card gives a favorable forecast for almost all areas of life. She predicts happiness and harmony in relationships with a loved one, new acquaintances, and romantic encounters for those who have not yet decided on their personal life.

In addition, the lasso indicates that all events that are happening at the moment are directly related to your past. If you want to avoid something, remember what exactly was the root cause.


This is the only card that, even in the reverse position, practically does not lose its original interpretation. If an inverted card appears in the layout, serious changes in life will await you very soon. There is a high probability that everything you planned will happen much earlier than you thought. By the way, the result itself will be much more impressive than one might have expected.

Some tarot readers believe that in this position the Six is ​​interpreted as an unexpected receipt of an inheritance. The lasso can also mean self-development and significant events that you are on the verge of. If the upright position of the lasso indicates the present time, then the inverted position indicates what is yet to happen in the near future.

Value in layouts

This lasso indicates good health in a person. However, in some cases it may indicate illness in children, or “childhood” diseases that suddenly appeared in an adult. Sometimes the Six of Cups can indicate the consequences of serious injuries that a person suffered in childhood, but they will soon remind themselves again, causing a lot of trouble.

In an inverted position, the lasso indicates problems with energy balance. The person will feel constantly tired, the desire to show any activity will disappear, which in some cases can lead to reclusiveness and excessive suspicion.

Love and relationships

Traditionally, the Six of Cups in layouts for love and relationships with others can have two meanings. Firstly, this lasso indicates flirting or a barely begun romantic story and a person’s easy, even immature attitude towards his own life. But it may also be that the card speaks of a strong connection between people united by a common past. Everything will depend on the neighboring cards that came out during fortune telling.

In an inverted position, the lasso indicates a person’s tendency to idealize others, his mental anxieties and experiences associated with events from the past. For those who have been in a relationship or marriage for a long time, the Six of Cups promises a renewal of feelings.

In fortune telling on a situation or a specific question, the card gives a clearly positive answer and warns of impending changes in a person’s life. The Six of Cups is the lasso of results, so everything you plan will come true very soon.

However, many tarot readers are of the opinion that despite the favorable forecast of the card, it can also be insidious, since it is impossible to say exactly what will happen in the end.

The Six of Cups Reversed says that events will happen soon which can awaken in a person memories of days gone by and long-forgotten desires. Meetings with old acquaintances are possible.

When divining a professional situation, the lasso speaks of cooperation and the pure intentions of others. Don’t be afraid to ask colleagues or management for help. It's a good time to get back to projects you've put on hold.

In material terms, this is a lasso that says that you have certain financial obligations to someone. For those who previously had an unstable situation with money, the lasso promises quick recovery and stability.

An inverted card will indicate a person’s propensity for various adventures that will not bring the desired result. However, in this form the lasso gives a favorable prognosis for situations related to the solution of any housing issues.

Combination with other Tarot

  • With map &Jester&- care and concern for loved ones.
  • With map &Mage&- renewal of old projects.
  • With map &High Priestess&- secret, secret desire.
  • With map &Empress&- cash receipts.
  • With map &Emperor&- experiences.
  • With map &Hierophant&- useful contacts.
  • With map &Lovers&- former girlfriend or boyfriend.
  • With map &Chariot&- the past will not give you peace.
  • With map &Force&- self-knowledge.
  • With map &Hermit&- anxious thoughts.
  • With map &Wheel of Fortune&- quick completion of projects.
  • With map &Justice&- dreaminess, detachment.
  • With map &Hanged&- grandiose events.
  • With map &Death&- separation from a loved one.
  • With map &Moderation&- your attitude towards someone will change.
  • With map &Devil&- events from the past will cast a shadow on your reputation.
  • With map &Tower&- feeling of danger, fears.
  • With map &Star&- detached thoughts, belief in miracles.
  • With map &Moon&- you can be misled by other people's actions and words.
  • With map &Sun&- fate favors you.
  • With map &Court&- help from others.
  • With map &World&- a person from your future.
  • WITH Ace of Wands- fulfillment of desires.
  • WITH Two of Wands– problems and disputes with others.
  • WITH Three of Wands- old friend or girlfriend.
  • WITH Four of Wands– completion of an important stage in life.
  • WITH Five of Wands– conflict.
  • WITH Six of Wands- wedding.
  • WITH Seven of Wands- good news, news from distant relatives.
  • WITH Eight of Wands- Meeting with friends.
  • WITH Nine of Wands- self-resentment.
  • WITH Ten of Wands- destruction of hopes.
  • WITH Page of Wands- love.
  • WITH Knight of Wands– moving, solving housing issues.
  • WITH Queen of Wands- relative.
  • WITH King of Wands- relative.
  • WITH Ace of Cups– renewal of past relationships.
  • WITH Two of Cups– contracts, transactions, agreements.
  • WITH Three of Cups- nostalgia for the past.
  • WITH Four of Cups- regret about your actions.
  • WITH Five of Cups- financial losses.
  • WITH Seven of Cups- deception.
  • WITH Eight of Cups- a white streak in life.
  • WITH Nine of Cups- love adventure.
  • WITH Ten of Cups- meeting with family.
  • WITH Page of Cups- Rash decisions will lead to problems.
  • WITH Knight of Cups- meeting with a former passion.
  • WITH Queen of Cups– trip, trip, business trip.
  • WITH King of Cups- good luck in business.
  • WITH Ace of Swords– disagreements and disputes with colleagues.
  • WITH Two of Swords- delays in business.
  • WITH Three of Swords– troubles due to tactless behavior.
  • WITH Four of Swords- the appearance of an ill-wisher.
  • WITH Five of Swords- scandal.
  • WITH Six of Swords– misunderstanding in relations with relatives.
  • WITH Seven of Swords- envy of others.
  • WITH Eight of Swords- unreasonable fear.
  • WITH Nine of Swords- remorse.
  • WITH Ten of Swords– your memory and intuition can let you down.
  • WITH Page of Swords- rejection of other people's help.
  • WITH Knight of swords- your dreams will be destroyed.
  • WITH Queen of Swords- coldness in relationships with others.
  • WITH King of Swords- unpleasant situation.
  • WITH Ace of Pentacles– profit from past projects.
  • WITH Two of Pentacles- old debt.
  • WITH Three of Pentacles- small cash receipts.
  • WITH Four of Pentacles- unexpected profit.
  • WITH Five of Pentacles- problems with money.
  • WITH Six of Pentacles– meeting with the creditor, losses.
  • WITH Seven of Pentacles– profitable investments, capital.
  • WITH Eight of Pentacles- You may be asked to borrow money.
  • WITH Nine of Pentacles- a bad investment.
  • WITH Ten of Pentacles– inheritance, financial assistance from relatives.
  • WITH Page of Pentacles- promotion.
  • WITH Knight of Pentacles– major financial losses, ruin.
  • WITH Queen of Pentacles- financial dependence on some person.
  • WITH King of Pentacles- bonus, gift.

On this day, in order to better understand the events happening to you, you should turn to your own memories. It is possible that it is your past that will help you make an important decision today; listen to your memory and intuition. There is a high probability of meeting an old acquaintance or implementing a long-forgotten project.

In an inverted position, the Six of Cups warns that nostalgia for a previous relationship may wash over you. Don’t give in, this feeling will soon pass, try not to be guided by it in your own actions.