Amulet stone for Gemini women. Twins mascot

People born under the zodiac sign Gemini have an active and slightly explosive character. In addition, they are distinguished by their inconstancy and originality. Since the sign belongs to the air element, then the stones for it will have light colors with sparkling tints - light yellow and soft pink.

Universal stones

The main stone of Gemini is considered to be beryl, which belongs to the crystalline minerals. It has a transparent glass luster with a white and yellowish tint, and in rare cases it may have a greenish tint.

There are different types of beryl, namely:

  1. Aquamarine.
  2. Emerald.
  3. Light green garnet.
  4. Noble beryl– a transparent mineral of golden-yellow shades.

In addition to beryl, there are other gemstones that have a positive effect on Gemini, these are:

  1. – rock crystal of a yellowish tint.
  2. It has been known since ancient times; it has a golden-brown structure with glassy shimmers.
  3. Emerald or alexandrite is considered an ideal amulet for Geminis born in May.
  4. Pearl Oriental(cream or pink shade) suitable for June Gemini.

The following types of talismans are suitable for Gemini women:

  1. Agate. This is a powerful mineral that has a wide range of magical properties. The presence of this stone will bring success in personal and professional affairs, and will also improve health.
  2. Nephritis. This mineral has high attractive qualities. First of all, it is capable of healing many diseases; its action is aimed at improving health. This type of stone for Gemini women can not only strengthen the immune system, but also bring good luck and happiness.

For Gemini men, suitable stones include:

  1. Red coral.
  2. Amethyst.

Birth period and amulets

Which stone suits Gemini best? Many experts in the astrological field recommend selecting amulets according to the decade of birth. After all, the Gemini zodiac sign has an active, unpredictable character, so it is recommended to select stones that are ideal for the individual.

First ten days – May 21-31

May Geminis have the patronage of the planet Mercury. Those born at this time have amazing logic and intuition. In addition, they are simply inexhaustibly generous, kind, reliable and practical. The following stones should be ideal for these people:

This stone has a variety of tones and tints. Beryl talisman stones are simply intended for Geminis with an intellectual mindset. Beryl can be used by Gemini men. Travelers and sailors often take it with them on hikes.

This talisman is able to protect its owner from traumatic injuries and accidents. In addition, it is ideal for women. The stone can relieve many gynecological problems and diseases. It can also eliminate colds. It is recommended to wear this talisman on a chain under clothes.

Second ten days – June 1-10

People who were born at this time have qualities such as assertiveness, sometimes even aggressiveness. This is due to the fact that they are under the protection of Mars. The most suitable for Geminis born during this period will be:

Third ten days – June 11-21

People born during this period have a bright and positive character. They always radiate warmth, kindness, and attract the attention of others. True, sometimes they may exhibit manifestations of anger and rage. These unpleasant moments can be removed with the help of stones such as:

If your friend or girlfriend suddenly became interested in stones and astrology, then do not forget to advise her to consider which stones suit her or him best according to her zodiac sign. Many astrologers assure that the presence of such a stone will allow you to improve your personal affairs, help you in your work, protect you from various unpleasant problems and improve your health.

In this article:

Each zodiac sign has its own talisman stone, and sometimes more than one, including Gemini. These bright representatives of the air element should combine completely versatile qualities in their amulet.

This sign leads an active lifestyle, so the talisman stone should match. Geminis need amulets that will support their natural eloquence, and also give them strength and courage in any type of activity.

Alas, often the brightness of the personality of this Zodiac sign evokes not only admiration in others, but also a lot of negative emotions, thoughts, desires, as a result of which they really need powerful protection.

Many Geminis love to travel, so their talisman should protect them from troubles on the road. The amulet can have any shape, for example, a snake or a mask.


The most important talisman in the form of a stone for twins is agate. A semi-precious stone is as unique as the person who owns it. Agate gives the owner eloquence, protects from the evil eye and gives strength. People believe that agate prolongs life and protects against disease.



Beryls include a whole group of fairly popular stones, including the well-known ones: aquamarine, emerald, heliodor. Even in ancient times, people discovered the properties of this stone; it energetically cleanses the owner, relieving stress and fatigue, giving mental sobriety, fortitude, and physical vigor.

Like agates, beryls are also capable of revealing the gift of oratory, as well as protecting during travel.


Chrysoprase is a variety of chalcedony. He brings success in all endeavors! The best good luck charms made for twins are made from chrysoprase. Also, the stone can relieve the blues, improve mood and give eloquence to those who complain of tongue-tiedness.


Geminis are a fussy, restless people with changeable moods. Geminis are prone to suspicion, superficiality and envy. Increased activity depletes the nervous system, as a result of which Gemini really needs a lot of sleep.


Green, yellow, and golden shades of stones are considered preferable for this zodiac sign, which will help maintain self-discipline, focus and calmness in its owner. This is exactly what citrine is - a yellow-lemon stone with strong energy.

Citrine is on the owner’s side in any situation, bringing him good luck in all endeavors and activities, from teaching to business. He concentrates and works on concentration.

Citrine gives a positive charge and attitude to life, strengthens the physical condition of its owner and normalizes his emotional state.


Geminis who have connected their lives with literary activity can safely use the possibilities of carnelian. This stone can develop memory, eloquence and attract inspiration. Like amber, carnelian attracts prosperity and protects against misunderstandings and troubles. Carnelian also prolongs the love of spouses, helps to maintain calm and optimism.


Tiger's eye

What talisman can become universal for Gemini? Made from an orange-brown tiger eye that protects against gossip and intrigue, “dealing” with the enemy in such a way that he will no longer appear on the horizon of your life.

Tiger's eye pacifies jealousy and relieves the owner from various kinds of emotional turmoil, adding sanity and determination to him. A talisman with a tiger's eye eliminates frivolous extravagance, turning Gemini into a more practical and economical owner.

Geminis should absolutely and categorically not wear stones such as opal, aquamarine, and onyx.

According to astrologers, stones should be chosen and worn in accordance with the constellations of the Zodiac. What is the Gemini stone and what effect does it have on the mood and well-being of the owner? There are 2 types of stones in nature - crystals and minerals. The former affect the human body with a high frequency of vibrations and are able to restore its energy and heal. The radiation of minerals, in addition to strengthening health, promotes mental comfort and harmony. For a stone to have a positive impact, it must be chosen correctly.

According to astrologers, stones should be chosen and worn in accordance with the constellations of the Zodiac

Gemini is the most fickle and unpredictable of the zodiac signs. Element - Air. The Sun is in this sign from May 21 to June 21. For everyone born during this period, agate, alexandrite, beryl, citrine and carnelian will bring good luck as a Gemini talisman. They help prevent conflicts, develop patience, which Gemini lacks, and pacify their fuss. Agate provides assistance, especially to weak and sick people. It is considered a stone of longevity. Any jewelry made from agate is suitable for those who grow plants, since it has long been known as a talisman of fertility. Rings with it are recommended to be worn on the left hand, and a yellow stone should not be worn until the age of 40. Astrologers believe that all black talismans are contraindicated for this sign, and the best stone for Gemini is alexandrite. It helps to survive adversity, develops the qualities of a strong person, and makes people friendly. At night, jewelry with alexandrite should be removed.

Talismans for May Gemini

To determine more precisely which stones are suitable for Gemini, you need to take into account the consistent influence of Jupiter, Mars and the Sun, which affects the personality in different ways, and therefore the need for one or another energetic support. You should choose a stone based on your date of birth more specifically.

Those born from May 21 to May 31 have equally developed intuitive and analytical thinking. The mineral rock crystal for this zodiac sign is a stimulant of intellectual activity. They are generous and practical at the same time. They are in harmony with the moonstone (selenite), which allows you not to get scattered, not to throw from side to side, and directs you towards one goal. In family relationships, it helps to maintain fidelity. Most often, moonstone is framed in silver. The ring is worn on the ring finger of the left hand. Selenite jewelry is worn during the waxing moon; its influence is strongest during the new moon. On the waning moon, the stone takes energy from its owner.

Green talisman stones are suitable for May Geminis. The jade mineral improves the condition of the nervous system, but it cannot be worn constantly, as it attracts loneliness, which is intolerable to this sign. An amazonite talisman promotes sincerity and heals the body.

Under the influence of Mars

The Gemini zodiac sign characterizes people born from June 1 to June 10 as energetic and smart, but aggressive and too straightforward. Beryl, topaz and agate are suitable for them. Gemstones for Gemini, emerald, aquamarine, heliodor are the most famous varieties of beryl. Beautiful gems will help you finish what you have started and muffle violent emotions. Creative people need emerald for inspiration; it is the ruler of wisdom and philosophy. Heliodor is a stone of sun and holiday, relieves melancholy, lifts spirits, and is an amulet for happy love. It is very suitable for those whose work involves communication. With a beryl amulet, Gemini's colds, fatigue and stress will go away faster. Aquamarine protects against lies and symbolizes a peaceful attitude towards others. It is best to wear beryls as an amulet on a chain under clothing.

For good luck, talismans made of chrysoprase are best suited for the Gemini zodiac sign, since this stone helps especially mobile people. It should not be worn by those who often have attacks of anger and rage. The more transparent the stone, the more valuable it is. Chrysoprase can protect those who trade or run their own business from material losses or financial scams. Chrysoprase bracelets are good as amulets. Since ancient times, it was believed that this semi-precious stone protects against the evil eye, and in combination with silver it doubles these properties. If chrysoprase is left in a dark place for a long time, it may lose its potency. It must be worn constantly; these stones are suitable for any sign of the Zodiac.

If your birthday is in the third decade

Those born from June 11 to June 21 are better able to cope with their emotions than other Geminis, but they are also no strangers to bouts of anger. Emerald, topaz, tourmaline, and yellow sapphires help curb ardor. Tiger's Eye counters jealousy and suspicion. He can open Gemini's eyes to many incomprehensible situations. Tiger's eye loves silver frames. Pearls (except black) are very important for Gemini. He protects those who are too frank and talkative from ill-wishers. Magical astrology warns that only married people can wear pearls.

It preserves purity in the relationship between spouses, and brings peace and tranquility to couples who live together for a long time. Pearls have the greatest positive effect on self-confident people.

Amber helps Geminis develop intuition and correctly assess the state of affairs. Amber is indispensable for those who are building a career. Amber products are a must-have for business meetings. A tourmaline talisman protects Gemini from gossip and the evil eye, gives a feeling of peace and cleanses the mind. This magical stone is used to concentrate attention during meditation. It needs to be framed in gold. To make the life of the fickle Gemini more measured, give him a yellow sapphire amulet. It brings humility and helps you make friends for many years. When choosing a stone, carefully examine it, since the impact of a sapphire with defects on a person can be extremely negative.

Gems for Gemini (video)

For women and men

Geminis can be suspicious and envious. Women of this sign need more time to sleep and rest, as they are very active. Citrine gives a positive charge to their emotional state. Stones for Gemini women should be bright sunny shades: amber, cat's eye and tiger's eye. The blue amulet is excluded. For women involved in business, citrine is suitable, as it attracts profit and curbs excitement. It is better to wear it in a pendant. Women according to the Gemini horoscope should wear jewelry with malachite only to restore energy, infrequently. In magical astrology, tourmaline is considered a companion of love and hope, so a girl with the sign of Gemini needs a talisman stone made from it if she is looking for happiness in family relationships. Heliodor is indispensable for a woman and her health. It prevents the occurrence of gynecological problems, pregnancy is easier with it.

Which stone is suitable for Gemini men? Agate gives men confidence in their abilities and even makes them eloquent. A light-colored stone helps to find compromises and awakens good feelings. Yellow and red obsidians help sharpen the sharpness of thought and get together - this is sometimes difficult for impatient Geminis. It is useful for them to finger rosary beads made of yellow volcanic glass. The mineral malachite will share energy and protect from the evil eye. If a man wants to start a family, but cannot cope with frivolity and carelessness, it will be useful for him to wear rauchtopaz, which warns against temptations. Therefore, smoky quartz is often given to a man with the zodiac sign Gemini for a wedding as a family talisman.

For the stone to make an impact, it can be worn as jewelry, held in the hand, in a pocket or purse. It is believed that if you put rock crystal under your pillow, you will be able to get rid of insomnia or nightmares, since the mineral has a calming effect on the human psyche. The influence of any stone increases if you wear clothes that match it in color. Ancient jewelry that is passed down from generation to generation has the greatest power; they protect the family from harm.

Geminis are considered the most complex personality among the inhabitants of the zodiac horizon. They seem to wear poppies, changing them at intervals of just a few hours.

You were just talking to one person, and a little later he is completely different, and you simply don’t recognize him. You're wondering if this bastard is the same sweet darling I talked to a while ago.

Geminis are smart, although restless, and spend their lives constantly moving. They like to make decisions and they love to do it, although by nature their nervous system is rather weak.

Which stone is suitable for a Gemini woman?

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The Gemini woman is a bright individual and a great original. Consequently, she also needs unusual bright stones-talismans. Gemini ladies are very similar to Aquarius. They like sophistication and aristocracy. Girls of this air sign can use different gems, and all of them will be good for her. When choosing, only the taste of the hostess will play a decisive role. Suitable for girls: coral and jade, crystal, jasper, sapphire, topaz, pearls, amethyst, and agate.

It should be remembered, however, that it is better to choose stones of light shades so that they add energy to the already weak twins. Dark minerals, on the contrary, will take it away. White and blue are too cool colors for passionate Geminis, so beautiful Geminis should not pay much attention to them either. But green, orange and yellow minerals will be just right.

Gemini stone talisman for men

Gemini men will feel comfortable if they wear any amulet with alexandrite.

Gemini gemstones-talismans

In general, almost any stones are suitable for airy twins as a talisman: coral, jade, crystal, jasper, sapphire, topaz, pearls, amethyst, and agate.
Agate is more suitable for those Geminis who like romance. Especially for them, agate will attract a soul mate, with whom representatives of this sign will feel “warm” and comfortable.

If the twin is seriously ill, then the agate will direct him to the path where he can cope with the illness. These minerals are especially helpful in combating severe coughs. To be cured, it was necessary to turn the agate into powder, leave it in water for a day until completely dissolved, and then take this agate tincture. Agate water is a proven cough remedy for ancient shamans.

If you want to get rid of bad habits and character traits that interfere with your life, buy an agate ring or an agate bracelet and wear this jewelry on your right hand. Let you have some other decoration with chrysoprase, then you are guaranteed the peace of mind of the boa constrictor.

Talisman stones by date of birth for a twin

Geminis born in the first third of their zodiac month should use Beryl and Moonstone as a talisman. Such an amulet will help such twins, whom heaven has endowed with brilliant analytical abilities, to concentrate and quickly achieve their goals. These minerals will also help representatives of this sign calm down, become more emotionally stable, and also attract personal happiness into their lives.

If you like to wear a moonstone, do it during the waxing moon, otherwise you will soon notice that the gem steals your energy. This stone becomes a “vampire” as soon as the waning month begins. Set your moonstone in silver and wear it on your left hand. If you have a ring with this mineral, then the best place for it will be the ring finger of the same hand.

For Geminis born in the second third of their zodiac month, tiger's eye is very suitable, and in the third - alexandrite.

Amulet to protect the sign of Gemini

There are several stones that can protect the twin. For example, tiger's eye will relieve stress and prevent danger in the eventful life of a twin. And citrine will relieve depression and help you become more sociable, although Geminis do not suffer from shyness. Citrine will also drive poverty away from its owner’s doors.

Chrysoprase is the strongest protection for twins from various types of damage, evil eye, envy, slander and slander.

You just need to remember that for the amulets to work, they need to be charged so that they merge with your energy and work in unison.

If you have energetic dirt (evil eye, damage, or your aura is polluted by your own bad thoughts), no talisman will perform its function. Moreover, it can only get worse. Because if you pour clean water into a garbage can, the water will become contaminated. She will not be able to neutralize the dirt. So, in the case of a talisman. Before purchasing a talisman, you need to “clean” your subtle bodies, and then work with the energies of attracting benefits into your life.

Amulet for the sign of Gemini

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A mineral such as beryl can serve as a wonderful amulet that helps in love and romantic relationships. Your soulmate will be your faithful companion forever.

Beryllium is also a faithful friend on any journey, making it successful and interesting, and making the journey easy.

If you are confident that you are balanced, have a strong character and set goals that you decisively achieve, then pearls will help you with this. Be careful, think, are you really that kind of person? Otherwise, this mineral will only bring you trouble.

After all, the gem does not destroy passive and lazy people.
Geminis who like to buy unusual amulets for themselves can choose a mask. Such a thing would be suitable for them, since representatives of this sign seem to “have a thousand faces,” their nature is so changeable.

Talisman in the form of an animal

Of the animal amulets, it is better for Gemini to choose a snake, since this cold-blooded animal is cunning, just like the planet Mercury, which rules this zodiac sign.

By nature, many Geminis are friendly and sociable people. They adapt to change easily, using their natural ingenuity and imagination. In terms of choosing a profession, private entrepreneurship, journalism, trade, and brokerage are suitable for Gemini.

Sociable Geminis will not be harmed by a reliable protective amulet, since among their many acquaintances there may be a person with the “evil eye”.

Key and mask

Geminis who adore attention should carry a gold or silver key with them. This amulet will tell you the way to the heart of a loved one and will help you establish contacts with the right people. Wear this amulet on a chain as a pendant or in your purse or just in your pocket. In the latter case, it must be wrapped in fabric of any color, with the exception of black.

Many Geminis are characterized by frequent mood swings. Mobility and changeability can negatively affect a person and push friends and acquaintances away from him. To prevent others from considering you a frivolous person, a special talisman mask is used. It can be engraved or painted, although it is much better to use an actual mask.

Pupils and students will benefit from amulets that can arouse in their owner a desire for knowledge and provide. Such a talisman can be a figurine or keychain in the form of a snake, star or hand. The amulet must be carried with you - on a chain, in a clothing pocket, or as a keychain.

Flora and fauna

For Gemini, a raven or an elephant can be an excellent companion. Of course, you won’t have to get a live bird (and especially an elephant). It is enough to purchase a couple of figurines with symbolic images of these representatives of the fauna.

Flowers and plants can make your life more successful and even save you from some problems.

Violets. Use these flowers if you lack romance and love in your life. Rest assured - soon someone interesting will appear on the horizon!

Daisies. In some mystical way, daisies are capable of... For Fortune to be favorable, place a bouquet of these flowers on a new tablecloth.

Buttercups. Are you suffering from health problems or frequent seasonal colds? In this case, buttercups are exactly what you need!

Jasmine. These flowers increase efficiency, they help relieve stress and fatigue. Jasmine is recommended for a person who has had to endure disappointment - the flower will help quickly restore strength and regain self-confidence.

Daffodils. This is another talisman that attracts romance and love. But you need to be careful with daffodils - if there are too many of these flowers, then you will become fixated on yourself, and not on finding a “soul mate.”

Quinoa. The Slavs placed quinoa on the window to protect their home from the machinations of evil spirits. By the way, in some localities in Russia this tradition has been preserved to this day!

Honeysuckle. This talisman will attract the favorable disposition of higher powers to you. Honeysuckle protects against minor everyday troubles and everyday troubles, the abundance of which can infuriate even the most persistent person.

Tulips will give you good health and a great mood. Fresh flowers should be placed in a green or red vase. The green tint is used when it is necessary to attract health into the home, and the red color is used to attract material well-being. If you are interested in natural talismans, we recommend that you read the article "".

Among the color shades that are optimal for Gemini are yellow, coffee, gray and blue. Blue, blue and lilac shades have a very beneficial effect. It is recommended to use the listed tones in the interior. If your room is decorated in the right color, you will be able to work very productively and fully relax in it.

Stone amulets

In the diverse world of talismans, minerals belong separate niche. How can you kill two birds with one stone? It’s very simple, choose an accessory with a stone - and you will get a beautiful thing and a reliable amulet.

Jewelry with amethyst will bring harmony to your life. This stone is a symbol of peace and integrity. In addition, amethyst helps to establish contacts with the partner you are interested in, especially if it is framed in a silver frame. In combination with gold, the stone helps strengthen family ties.

Blue agate will protect Gemini from depression and bad habits, prevent kidney disease, and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, it improves vision and strengthens the immune system. Jewelry with agate helps lovers survive separation and remain faithful to each other.

For a financier twin, the best amulet will be chrysoprase enclosed in a ring. This mineral will improve health, strengthen sleep, and protect its owner from nightmares. It is also suitable for travelers and Geminis whose work involves the implementation of innovative ideas.