What kind of oil promotes growth. We accelerate hair growth: effective activators from essential oils. The most effective oils for fast hair growth

Hair Growth Oils are becoming more and more popular. At the same time, there is a huge variety of oils that help both increase hair growth and fight hair growth. In our article, we will look at a large list of oils that make scalp hair grow faster, as well as learn about their advantages and disadvantages.

Types of oils for hair growth

We suggest that you take advantage of our table, in which you will find all the necessary information.

Oil name



Burdock oil is the most popular essential oil for activating hair growth. If you need thick and long curls, then using burdock oil regularly you can provide it for yourself. In order to increase hair growth, you need to mix a little burdock oil with hot pepper and rub the resulting essence into the skin. It is very greasy, so many have difficulty rinsing it off. Use a large amount of shampoo, rinse off the burdock oil to the end to give your hair a beautiful shine.
You can add honey, nettle oil or castor oil to the mask.


If you are using castor hair thickening oil undiluted, then it should be applied to all hair, wrap the head with a film and wrap with a towel for an hour, after which it is necessary to wash off the oil. You can mix castor oil with other oils in equal proportions for the best effect. This oil mask will significantly accelerate hair growth when you hold it for about an hour and then gently rinse it off. Some people advise not to heat the castor oil to avoid drying out your hair, but you can try both options to determine which one is right for you.

Mustard oil

Mustard oil should be applied to hair for thirty-five minutes.... This must be done with gloves, because this oil irritates the skin. Due to this property, mustard oil helps hair growth. Thus, a homemade mustard oil mask will help get rid of the oily scalp.
If you are worried that mustard oil may burn your scalp, you can mix it with your hair balm. This will slightly soften the effect of the oil, but will not diminish the effectiveness.

Sea buckthorn

Natural sea buckthorn oil will not only help accelerate hair growth, but also help to moisturize and strengthen them. Also, making masks from sea buckthorn oil can eliminate dandruff.
The method of using sea buckthorn oil is similar to the previous ones. Remember to slightly warm it up in a water bath.


Fortified coconut oil is considered one of the best for hair growth. It is very easy to use it at home, but you can buy it at a cosmetic store. If it is not in your city, you can always order oil in the online store.
Natural coconut oil, which contains many vitamins, has almost no smell. You can add it to your favorite shampoo and wash your hair in the usual way.

Smear hair with a mask from linseed oil needed for those who get in the way of split ends. Plus, flaxseed oil accelerates hair growth when mixed with other essential oils. Linseed oil works well with yolk and salt, and you can even create a mixture of oils. This will not only accelerate hair growth, but also improve their health. Linseed oil is especially helpful in restoring colored hair.

Oil "Golden Silk"

Such hair growth activatorlike the oil "Golden Silk" you can find in the pharmacy. There are many balms based on this essential oil. Its use will help speed up hair growth and give it volume. And if you use shampoo with this oil in conjunction with a mixture of other oils, then you will see the result after a couple of uses. You should not use Golden Silk oil more often than once a week, otherwise your hair may become too oily.

Cinnamon oil

Oil cinnamongetting on the scalp, irritates it and makes the blood circulate better in the capillaries, which allows you to enrich the hair follicles with oxygen. This stimulates their growth, and the complex of vitamins contained in this oil makes hair smooth and manageable. Cinnamon oil can be easily used in combination with other oils, however, use it carefully so as not to injure the scalp.

Rosemary oil

Oil rosemary helps not only to accelerate growth, but also allows you to significantly strengthen the hair. After using rosemary oil in combination with other oils, you may need a lot of shampoo, because it is not so easy to wash it off. Apply rosemary oil to hair and leave on for two hours.


Ylang Ylang essential oil mask is usually used in combination with coconut or palm oil.This allows you to accelerate hair growth, as well as degrease the scalp, make the hair less brittle and glue split ends. After using such oil, it is not recommended to use a hair dryer and other thermal devices.

Tea tree oil

Oil tea tree has a soothing effect on the scalp, relieves dandruff and itching, and strengthens and stimulates hair growth. You can use this oil even every other day, it does not harm the scalp if there are no wounds on it.


Application almond oil will stop hair loss in both women and men, as well as stimulate hair growth. It acts as a hair growth activator. Often men use it to accelerate the growth of beard hair.

Sulsena oil

Hair care oil " Sulsena»Has a fortified composition. This oil is very easy to buy at the pharmacy. It helps to make them obedient and light, facilitate the process of combing and stop them from falling out.


Peach oil is one of the most effective essential oils for hair care. If you want to speed up the growth of scalp hair, then you should apply peach oil to the hair roots. And if you need to restore damaged hair, then apply the product to the full length and leave for an hour and a half, then rinse with water and shampoo.


Camphor oil and masks based on it help to improve blood circulation in the scalp, thereby accelerating hair growth. However, you can use camphor oil no more than once every nine days, otherwise there is a chance to damage the scalp. The oil must be heated before application.


Another popular remedy for accelerating hair growth is argan oil. It is not cheap, as it is quite difficult to get it, however, if you need to take care of the condition of your hair and heal it, this product will help you with this. It is advisable not to mix argan oil with other essential oils, as its effect is slightly different from that of other oils. For severely split hair, it is recommended to leave the argan oil on the head overnight.

Jojoba oil

A mask with jojoba oil and egg yolk is a classic in cosmetology. This mask is very popular and can accelerate hair growth so that you will see the result within a month after application. It is recommended to use jojoba oil twice a week.

Peppermint oil

Oil mint rarely used as a single ingredient in a hair mask. Usually peppermint oil is mixed with honey or castor oil to allow

Sea buckthorn

Masks from sea \u200b\u200bbuckthorn oils, eggs and kefir should be done in order to accelerate hair growth, get rid of split ends. Try to keep the sea buckthorn oil out of your eyes. It is very difficult to rinse off, so you will have to wash your hair two or three times before rinsing off this product.


Apricot oil is also quite effective in boosting hair growth. Like any other essential oil, it should be heated, applied to the hair, and after half an hour washed off with water and shampoo.

Walnut oil

Oil walnut it is rare, however, if you have met it, buy soon, because it will help strengthen your hair, as well as add volume to your head of hair. In addition, a mask made from such oil does not harm the color of dyed hair in any way.

Cacao butter

A product like butter cocoa can be used up to 3 times a week in combination with other essential oils. It will help you restore hair after dyeing, solder split ends and get rid of dandruff, and stimulate hair growth.

Wheat germ oil

Oil wheat germ has a very viscous structure, which is why it is used only in combination with other more liquid essential oils. Its beauty is that when this oil is taken inside, not only the rate of growth of new hairs is accelerated, but also the rate of tissue repair, and blood circulation is also normalized. True, it is very difficult to wash it off, so do not overdo it.


The simplest and most accessible oil for everyone is sunflower... It is in the kitchen of every housewife, however, not everyone knows about its benefits. It is necessary to warm up sunflower oil and add a little lemon juice to it before applying it to the hair roots. Only at the same time, sunflower oil must be homemade and natural, since it contains the most vitamins!

Butter bay (bay)

Oil hit (bay) has spread relatively long ago. It should only be used in small amounts as it dries out the scalp a lot. For dry hair, it is recommended to use bay oil only in combination with other oils that moisturize the skin.

Lavender oil

Oil lavender is one of the few that has its own pleasant smell. It has a calming effect on the scalp, and among other things, it allows you to increase the rate of hair growth and stop hair loss. When applied at home, lavender oil will leave your hair soft and light.

When using any of the above essential oils to promote hair growth, make sure the oil is genuine and that you are not allergic to the drug. How to use oils for hair growth is described in the video.

Slow hair growth, increased fragility, cross section, dull color, lack of shine - every girl faced these problems. It is not surprising, because frequent staining, styling, poor ecology, hard water worsen the condition of our hair.

But how to cope with these problems, grow chic long curls? One of the best helpers will be a special oil.

Which of them accelerates hair growth, what to use in the composition of regenerating masks from natural ingredients? We'll tell you in our article!

Benefit, efficiency

Properties of funds:

  • restore the damaged structure;
  • eliminate fragility, prevent cross-section;
  • promote rapid growth;
  • make the strands soft, shiny;
  • give elasticity, firmness;
  • make combing and styling easier.

Oil products can be used alone or as one of the components. They are the ones that are suitable for accelerating growth. If you see that your curls grow very slowly, fall out, have lost their former shine, are very confused, you should try the oil.

Genetically, each person has a certain number of hairs. It is impossible to increase this figure. But some of the bulbs are dormant, that is, new ones do not grow yet.

You can wake them up with special natural cosmetics. With regular use, a person will have many new small hairs, and the density will increase. Oil is not able to add additional volume. On the contrary, people with straight hair often report that it smoothes them even more.

Still from - they affect growth and density, significantly improve the condition of the strand, if used along the entire length. This procedure is one of the best for hair care, and the visual effect appears after the first time.

But do not expect miracles: significant changes in the growth and condition of hair are noted only after several months of constant use.

Nuances of use

The correct use of hair growth oil depends on its properties and consistency.

Heavier nourishing oils (,) are advised to apply only to the hair roots, while lighter ones (,) can be applied to the entire length.

Oil masks are best done in courses of 2-3 months with a break of at least 1 month, so as not to make the roots more fat and not to oversaturate the strands themselves.

For damaged, colored hair, accelerating its growth, we recommend using the product 2 times a week. Healthy hair will be enough once.

The oil is applied with massage movements to the roots or the entire length of the hair (only for light oil textures!). It is better to put on a shower cap on top, and then a towel to warm up the head and improve the process of nutrient flow into the follicles.

It can be done in 2-3 hours, but it is better to leave it overnight. You can wash off with regular shampoo several times until you feel that your head is completely washed out. Apply shampoo to the roots, and wash the length with the resulting foam, so as not to dry out the tips.

Oils wash the dye out of the hair structure... Owners of dyed curls should use this tool very carefully.

With frequent use (several months in a row), the oil can clog the pores of the scalp: the hair will get dirty faster and lose volume.

Skin scrub will help to cope with the problem, which will remove dead cells with the remnants of the peeling agent. You can buy a scrub at a beauty store or make it at home using regular sea salt or table salt.

Rating of the best cosmetic products

Clean funds

To activate the work of the follicles, accelerate growth, it is useful to apply:

  • burdock - stops hair loss, provides the necessary nutrition for the roots and scalp, copes with dryness;
  • castor - is a mixture of oleic, linoleic and ricinoleic fatty acids. Effectively solves the problems of loss, brittleness, dryness and section;
  • - awakens dormant hair follicles, makes curls obedient and silky. Rich in vitamins A, E, B, F;
  • - enhances blood microcirculation in the scalp, fights hair loss and has a positive effect on the general condition of the hair;
  • - It is used to activate growth, strengthen hair follicles, and give a mirror shine.

Base can be mixed with for a more pronounced effect. Usually the mixture is prepared in the following proportions: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of the base take 2-3 drops of essential.

What oil extracts can be used to accelerate hair growth and strengthen:

  • - promotes the growth of new hairs, strengthens the bulbs, helps with hair loss. This remedy has one advantage - it helps to cope with increased oily scalp;
  • - strengthens follicles, restores weakened hair, intensively nourishes;
  • - has a warming effect, accelerates blood circulation;
  • - awakens dormant follicles, strengthens the roots;
  • citrus fruits (grapefruit) - accelerate blood flow, increase elasticity, firmness;
  • - has a positive effect on the activity of follicles, eliminates dandruff.

They can be used as a stand-alone product or as part of homemade masks.... To stimulate blood circulation, accelerate cellular metabolism, use red pepper tincture, fresh onion juice or mustard.

To prepare such a mask, 1 tablespoon of pepper tincture, onion juice or mustard powder is mixed with the same amount of base oil. The head is wrapped in polyethylene and a towel to warm up, and then the mask is washed off after 20-30 minutes.

Attention: there should be a slight thermal effect when applying the mask. If you experience a strong burning sensation, rinse off immediately to avoid scalding!


The names of the hair growth oils you can buy at your local drugstore or pharmacy are:

  • Homemade Recipes Firming Complex - a package with strengthening ampoules, which include grape seed and rosehip oils, panthenol, plant extracts.

    Ampoules activate the work of the follicle, strengthen and restore the structure of the hair, saturating it with useful amino acids, vitamins, and enzymes. The tool is affordable - only 150 rubles per pack of 8 ampoules.

  • Tony Moly Silk Argan Oil- the main oil component is argan, proteins are added to it. The manufacturer promises accelerated hair growth, hair restoration, nutrition, mirror shine, and ease of combing.

    The price of this cosmetic product cannot be called cheap; more than 1000 rubles will have to be paid for a volume of 125 ml.

  • Agafia's first aid kit Honey-plant complex for hair - box with 7 ampoules, price - about 190 rubles. Among the components of each ampoule are propolis oil extracts, bee bread, royal jelly.

    The complex helps to cope with hair loss, strengthen hair roots, and promotes their enhanced growth.

  • DNC Growth Activator - complex, which includes: burdock, soybean, castor, chamomile, bergamot, eucalyptus, vitamins A, B5. You can apply the product to the roots or to the entire length.

    The growth activator helps to stimulate blood circulation in the scalp, nourish the roots with useful substances, make the locks softer, and eliminate dryness. The average price of a product is 60 rubles.

  • Gemene Growth stimulator- cosmetic complex. Its oil ingredients are burdock and soybean, calendula and wheat germ extract, lecithin. Means for the care of damaged, brittle, dry hair.

    Helps to accelerate growth, improve structure, make silky, shiny. The price of the product is approximately 220 rubles.

When choosing a ready-made cosmetic product, study its composition. The components in it are arranged in descending order, that is, if the ingredient is written at the very end of the list, it means that there is very little of it in this tool.

Try to find a tool that has its beneficial components at the top or middle of the list.

It is ideal to choose a composition that will activate the growth of follicles and restore, nourish the locks. Usually, with this effect, complexes are produced from several basic or etheric ones.

Apply 1-2 drops of the product to the skin area (on the bend of the elbow from the inside), if no redness or irritation appears during the day, you can use it.

  • Oil masks with pepper, mustard, mint are contraindicated for people with high blood pressure and diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Pure esters should not be applied to the skin, as they can cause chemical burns. Be sure to mix them with the base in the right proportion!
  • The product should not be applied to damaged scalp.
  • To enhance blood microcirculation, the product is applied and washed off with light massage movements.
  • Pores can get clogged, therefore, use oil procedures only in courses, do not forget about the need to use a scrub.
  • Remember other aspects of hair care: try to exclude the use of a hair dryer and an iron, choose a gentle paint, a high-quality comb, protect curls from frost, UV rays, balance your diet.

    Then very soon you will see the first noticeable improvements.

    At least once a year, hair begins to fall out. Most often this happens when the cold period begins, but if a person is overcome by stress or illness, then the unpleasant effect is repeated much more often. You can stop the loss, but you have to forget about a beautiful hairstyle for a while. But there is another way out: to accelerate hair growth on your own. And this can be done with the help of ethers - natural, incredibly useful and extremely effective means.

    Boosting hair growth with essential oils

    Essential oils for hair growth have been used for centuries. One of the reasons for this was that they have complex effects and each oil is unique in its own way. In addition to accelerated growth, they can repair the hair cuticle, treat dandruff and cope with many other problems, which is confirmed by positive reviews about them. A feature of oils as activators is that they are completely natural. If, of course, they are used correctly.

    The principle of the ether

    When an essential oil hits the hair roots, hair growth can be accelerated in several ways, depending on the type of ether. Some of them activate the follicles that are at rest, and some - strengthen the hair follicles, slowing down their loss than visually and creates the effect of a thicker head of hair. At the same time, not only the density of the hair changes - they also begin to grow faster by 4-5 cm.

    But special attention should be paid to the fact that the density of the curls does not actually change. Any changes will be visual, because the number of hair follicles is genetically incorporated and no cosmetic product will change this. The visual effect is provided by the fact that the strands become healthier, stronger and thicker, due to which the impression is made that there are more of them. But the increased growth in length is quite real, the main thing is not to forget about the regularity of the procedures.

    Essential oils are the best hair growth activators

    No wonder some oils have the reputation of a hair growth activator. After all, as mentioned above, they have a special complex effect, and each of them is unique. You can enrich comb and balms with ethers, create masks and medicinal mixtures from them - you just have to choose the desired ether. And the properties of the best of them are as follows:

    Any activator of those listed above should be used with one important detail in mind: any essential oils increase the depth of penetration of substances into cells. That is, if you add ether to the shampoo and apply it on the head, then all the components, and not only oils, but also shampoo, will penetrate deeper into the skin cells. Moreover, not only useful, but also slightly harmful, which are certainly contained in purchased shampoos. The same applies to masks: the activator is useful and effective only if all other components are natural.

    The following components are best used for masks:

    But the activator in the form of an essential oil can be used not only in masks. For example, if you add a few tablespoons of apple, grape or raspberry vinegar and a few drops of ether to 1 liter of water, you get an excellent rinse mixture. As the reviews say, regular use will not only accelerate hair growth, but also have a positive effect on their appearance.

    Damaged and weak hair is a common problem. What is the effective way to restore them? What oils help accelerate hair growth, solve the issue with split ends, dandruff?

    Oil selection

    One of the options for hair problems is alopecia. It manifests itself most vividly in men, up to the complete loss of vegetation on the scalp. In a less pronounced form, it also affects women.

    Hair problems also manifest as a breakdown in hair structure, resulting in dryness, brittleness, tarnishing, and split ends. This can be caused by various factors:

    • General health.
    • Insufficient intake of vitamins from food.
    • Hormonal and age-related changes.

    Coloring, as well as aggressive cosmetics and hair drying have an important effect. Do not forget about the effects of direct sunlight, precipitation and environmental conditions.

    Alas, not all reasons can be dealt with. But there are ways to provide all possible help. To keep your hair long, thick and with a healthy shine, you need to pay enough attention to it and take care of it regularly.

    Among the many methods of strengthening hair follicles, the use of oils for hair growth occupies a special place. This option is one of the best. The cosmetic product allows you to provide growth stimulation and proper care, improve the condition of the scalp.

    There are many strand-positive oils that you can use at home. Women with long, shiny hair often use various botanicals and praise their properties. Is there a significant difference between the two? This can be seen by looking at the most commonly used oils.


    It has long been used to detoxify and cleanse the body. Castor oil is rich in vitamin E, proteins and minerals. Contains castor acid, which fights inflammatory scalp conditions to help maintain a healthy condition. It is very sticky and difficult to wash off, but this is the only drawback.

    Castrov oil is suitable for treating dry scalp. In the field of cosmetology, it is prized for its moisturizing properties, as well as for preventing excessive hair loss and stimulating natural growth. In addition, this remedy:

    • Has antibacterial properties.
    • Helps get rid of dandruff.
    • Strengthens blood circulation, thereby ensuring a better supply of nutrients to the roots and increasing local immunity.

    We can say castor oil works wonders for hair. It should be applied to the scalp and rubbed over the entire length of the hair. It is recommended not to wash it off for three hours. For the best effect, it should be kept overnight. Washed off with a gentle shampoo the next day.

    Regular application of castor oil will help you achieve healthy, thick, shiny and hydrated hair.


    It is characterized by a high content of unsaturated fatty acids, mainly oleic. The ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 in avocado is 13: 1. This oil is a source of vitamins A, E (mainly alpha-tocopherol acetate), which nourish and strengthen hair, while reducing hair loss. It stimulates growth perfectly.

    Avocado oil is a powerful remedy to stop hair loss. It can be used in mixture with others. It is one of the components of many cosmetic products for the care of the scalp.


    This is one of the best vegetable oils. In addition to being often recommended for general body care, it is also an excellent ally when hair regrowth is needed. Coconut oil for hair growth is a natural conditioner that is high in vitamin E and antioxidants.

    The tool has the following properties:

    • Penetrating into hair follicles, stimulates growth.
    • Provides moisture to too dry hair.
    • Leaves hair soft and silky.
    • Helps to solve the problem of split ends.

    If you add other ingredients to coconut oil, you have a wonderful mask that will help with hair problems and make it grow faster in no time.


    If you are looking to improve the condition of your scalp, then a bottle of flaxseed oil can be an effective and much cheaper option than specialized cosmetics or treatments. It contains omega-3 acids that promote hair growth, enhances the regeneration of follicles. It also gives the hair a healthy shine and leaves it properly hydrated. It also helps fight dandruff and other scalp problems.

    Flaxseed oil works best for hair with high porosity, but remains effective for most other types. It's worth trying and waiting for results.

    It is worth mentioning that flaxseed oil is effective not only as a mask. Eating food also has a positive effect on hair growth and appearance.


    It also contains monounsaturated fatty acids that strengthen strands, skin and nails. Olive oil contains a lot of vitamin E, which prevents hair loss and stimulates hair growth naturally. It has a high concentration of antioxidants that are beneficial for the scalp.

    Olive oil is a powerful moisturizer due to its consistency and its oleic acid content, which easily penetrates the hair, trapping moisture in it. Gives curls a soft and smooth feel.

    Olive oil is a natural conditioner available at almost any store.


    It is often used as a base in many Indian hair growth preparations. For example, this is the oil component Bhringraj.

    Sesame oil nourishes both hair and scalp and is effective against dandruff. Vitamin E in this product can work wonders for restoring curls. Due to its antiseptic properties, it is recommended for the treatment of many skin fungal infections. It works best when heated.


    Argan oil is an excellent hair treatment. It moisturizes the curls, penetrates and deeply nourishes them. The high content of vitamin E and vitamin F contributes to the shine.

    Argan oil for hair contains many antioxidants that repair damage and is therefore recommended for split ends. Also repairs strands after damage when styling with hot curlers and a hair dryer.

    In traditional Asian medicine it is known as “liquid gold”. Recently, it has gained significant popularity in the world of beauty. Cosmetic companies have appreciated the features of this product and are adding it to many hair care products. So we can say that today everyone has heard about the positive effects of argan oil.

    Jojoba oil

    It is very beneficial for hair and skin due to its moisturizing and soothing properties. Regular use of jojoba oil will leave your hair smooth and shiny.

    This remedy will help in removing excess sebum from the scalp, and will also make it easier to remove any impurities that are clogging the hair follicles. Effective against dandruff.

    Jojoba oil is widely used in cosmetics for hair skin care.


    The oil derived from rosemary is an ingredient often used in hair care cosmetics. It strengthens the hair follicles, stimulates their growth, and activates blood circulation in the head.

    To make the most of its benefits, simply add a few drops to your daily shampoo.


    Has pronounced warming properties, activates blood circulation. It has a very beneficial effect on the hair and scalp. Restores and nourishes the bulbs and provides an especially intensive microcirculation. It also has an antiseptic, antibacterial effect, contains many vitamins A, K, P and carotene, which enhances the effect.


    It has anti-inflammatory, warming effect, and also:

    • Strongly stimulates blood circulation, which has a positive effect on hair growth.
    • Prevents strands from falling out.
    • Moisturizes hair.
    • Strengthens the bulbs.

    Ginger, mustard, and laurel oils are best used in combination with others. They are so strong that they can be annoying. They can be combined with coconut oil or avocado and jojoba oils in a ratio of 10-15%.

    Oil extracts

    In addition to the oils themselves, oil extracts are widely used to stimulate hair growth. Their main difference is the use of oil as a basis for extracting active substances from herbs, and not as a primary acting agent. In this capacity, olive, flaxseed castor oil is used, the beneficial properties of which have already been mentioned.

    • Burdock root oil extract. Contains natural inulins, proteins, essential oils, fatty oils, tannins, mineral salts, vitamins. Due to its composition, it moisturizes and strengthens hair follicles, stops hair loss, accelerates hair growth, restores damaged structure, works well in the fight against dandruff, dryness, irritation, itching.
    • Oil extract from nettle. Contains a rich set of biologically active substances that stimulate carbohydrate and protein metabolism, increases the tension of the walls of blood vessels, eliminates itching of the scalp, prevents dandruff and hair loss, as well as premature gray hair.
    • Oil extract from clover. Includes mucous tannins, alkaloids, carotene, ascorbic acid. It is used for seborrhea. Promotes rapid regeneration of the skin epithelium.
    • Horsetail oil extract. Contains alkaloids, organic substances, silicic and ascorbic acids, carotene. It speeds up the metabolism, is useful for getting rid of dandruff, irritation and itching of the scalp.

    How to use?

    Hair oil is best applied to dry, unwashed hair. Using a gentle massage with your fingertips, a small amount is applied to the scalp and strands along the entire length. It is important that the application of the oil is combined with a few minutes of massage to stimulate blood circulation.

    After applying the mask, hair must be covered. It is recommended to tie long strands with an elastic band and only then put the film on top. For better soaking of the cosmetic, you should wrap your head with a towel. The mask will work as long as it remains on the hair for 1-3 hours (maximum - all night).

    The oil is washed off with a mild shampoo (preferably without silicones). You can use conditioner to help wash out the product from your hair. For best results, repeat several times a week.

    Oil masks for hair growth

    While each of the aforementioned oils promotes rapid growth, the best results are obtained when combined together.

    Homemade hair growth mask, ingredients:

    • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of organic coconut oil.
    • 1 tbsp. spoon of honey.
    • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of apple cider vinegar.

    Method of preparation and application:

    1. Heat the coconut oil until smooth.
    2. Mix it with honey. Then add apple cider vinegar.
    3. Mix all ingredients until smooth.
    4. Apply the mask with a comb. It is better to start from the roots, then go to the ends.
    5. Massage your head for a few minutes.
    6. Wrap the strands with a towel and leave for 15-20 minutes.
    7. Wash with shampoo.

    This procedure will eliminate the need for air conditioning. For dry hair, leave the mask on for a little longer than 20 minutes.

    Mask with several oils for hair growth:

    • Half a cup of castor oil.
    • 2 teaspoons of avocado oil.
    • 1 teaspoon of rosemary essential oil.
    • 1 teaspoon lavender oil.

    Method of preparation and use:

    • Mix all the ingredients together in a glass bowl, then apply to the strands.
    • In the process of applying, do a gentle massage.
    • Leave it on for one hour and then rinse your head thoroughly.

    Beautiful and healthy hair is not a pipe dream. Modern cosmetology offers various means for their restoration. Try, experiment and find the hair oil that works best for you. But remember that these funds will not help solve the main problem that provoked a deterioration in the condition of the hair.

    Since ancient times, people have become accustomed to assessing the genetics, status and masculinity of the stronger sex by the state of the beard. Today, despite the aesthetic shade of a man's beard, not every man manages to grow a thick and long beard, which could also become a source of pride and even male honor. Experts advise not to be upset, but to choose for yourself an effective means for growing a beard.

    Oil for beard growth may well become such a remedy, since in folk medicine, plant and essential oils are often used to improve the health of skin and hair. So why not use oils in case of insufficient beard growth to get a naturally voluminous beard as a result? To do this, you need to figure out which oil is best for the beard and its growth, as well as how it should be used.

    To understand whether the selected oil helps to improve the quality and appearance of the beard, you will need to use the tool for a long time and regularly. Experts advise the use of oils even for those men whose beard naturally grows quickly and densely, but in order to improve the quality of the hair structure, give the beard a bright saturated shade, healthy shine and a well-groomed look.

    The benefits of beard oils are as follows:

    • stimulate hair growth by feeding from the inside of their hair follicles;
    • protect hair from hair loss and breakage;
    • awaken "sleeping" bulbs, thereby increasing the density of the beard;
    • make the growth of the beard even;
    • contribute to the saturation of skin cells with useful substances;
    • saturates hair and skin with a pleasant aroma.

    For reference! To achieve maximum effect after using beard oils, it is best to use a combination of base oils and essential oils.

    Base oils such as apricot, olive or almond oil are used to create a multi-component mask. Useful esters are added to it, most often experts use pine needle oils, woody aromas, citrus oil, rosemary or tea tree oil. At the same time, it is important to correctly proportions so that the mask does not cause skin irritation and an allergic reaction.

    What oils are effective?

    Home cosmetics, consisting of natural ingredients, are many times more effective and safer for restoring normal hair growth, even when it comes to beards and mustaches. For home treatment to be effective, it is better to combine it with other conservative methods, for example, with the use of vitamin-mineral complexes for hair growth, as well as with lifestyle changes.


    The most popular and natural hair growth activator is this. It can be used as a base, but only in small amounts due to its high fat content. If you mix a few drops of burdock oil with tea tree elixir, you can relieve skin irritation and allergies, as well as provide a pleasant aroma and softness to the beard.

    But if you mix oil with pepper, but only again in minimal proportions, then the mask will stimulate hair growth and nutrition by accelerating blood circulation. The oil needs to be slightly warmed up, rubbing with palms, and then rubbed into the skin of the chin so that it is absorbed as much as possible. It will be necessary to wash off the oil only after 30-60 minutes with soap and warm water.


    Also ideal for accelerating the growth of a mustache and beard, if properly used in combination with other components. This oil is ideally combined with burdock, if mixed in the same ratio. The composition of the oil is rich in useful acids, as well as vitamins and microelements, which trigger the processes of regeneration and renewal of skin cells, eliminate itching, flaking, and skin allergies.

    Ricinoleic acid in castor oil has a powerful antibacterial effect, and most importantly, this acid stimulates the growth of bristles, mustaches and beards, strengthening the hair structure. The oil tastes bitter, so the mouth area is best avoided. Rubbing it in your palms, apply the oil to the desired area of \u200b\u200bthe face, rub in with massage movements until it is completely absorbed. You will need to wash your face with soap only after an hour, and carry out the procedures 3 times a week for six months.


    This oil should be used in combination with other cosmetic and essential oils. Argan oil is beneficial in that it moisturizes and softens the skin, eliminating any signs of age-related changes and aging. For beard dew, oil is useful in that it also makes the hair structure soft, manageable, nourishes the hair follicles with its valuable composition.


    Esters of this oil are indispensable for sensitive and prone to diseases and reactions of the skin of the face. High quality sweet almond oil effectively fights any inflammatory processes in the body. But the most important property of this oil is its ability to prevent the appearance of ingrown hairs on the beard. In this regard, masks made of almond oil with other components provide thick and long vegetation, but only if used systematically.


    The main difference between jojoba oil is its soft structure, which is almost identical to the oil produced by the body. Thanks to this, the oil is quickly and completely absorbed deep into the epidermis, giving all its valuable components. This natural product is a source of amino acids that stimulate blood circulation and oxygenation of the skin. The oil makes the beard soft, shiny and fragrant.


    Olive oil is irreplaceable in its composition and useful properties for mustache, beard and skin. You just need to choose a refined quality oil that maximally stimulates hair growth, regeneration of skin cells, eliminates any injuries and microcracks, relieves irritation and moisturizes the skin. The oil should be used as warm compresses, for massage and in combination with essential oils for masks.


    This oil contains a high concentration of acids, linolenic acid, mineral components, vitamins, thanks to which blood microcirculation and oxygen supply of tissues and cells are improved. All this leads to an acceleration of the process of hair growth, for bristles linseed oil is an indispensable tool. Cold-pressed oil will be the most beneficial for hair growth, since heat treatment destroys most of the beneficial components.

    Alternative medicine offers the following recipe - in a bowl, mix equal parts of butter and kefir, as well as chicken yolk. The composition of the mask needs to be slightly warmed up, and then rubbed into the desired part of the face with massage movements. As a result of regular procedures, the mask relieves inflammation, eliminates rashes and acne, and also soothes the skin.

    Essential oils

    A beard mask should be made up mostly of base oil, and just a few drops of esters are added. Essential oil is a highly concentrated extract that can burn the skin. For beard growth, experts advise using the following ester oils:

    • tea tree;
    • citrus oils;
    • rosemary;
    • peppermint;
    • cinnamon;
    • jasmine, etc.

    Ester oil is added more often for smell, and the valuable composition and therapeutic effect on the skin and vegetation on the face largely depend on the base oil. Eucalyptus oil is used against inflammation and irritation, cedar nut oil to treat acne, peppermint oil to nourish and refresh the skin, lemongrass oil to protect the skin after shaving, etc. In addition, esters accelerate blood flow, which is also beneficial for stimulating beard growth.

    Hi ho beard oil

    A ready-made cosmetic product for the care of the beard and stimulation of its growth is hi ho oil, which already contains the necessary oils in the correct ratio. The product is 100% natural, and the manufacturer uses the following components in its composition:

    • jojoba oil for epidermis regeneration and hair strengthening;
    • grape seed oil for shine hair;
    • castor oil stimulator of maturation of weak follicles to increase the volume of the beard;
    • bey oil for strengthening fragile hairs;
    • ginger oil to protect against hair loss;
    • black pepper to strengthen hair structure and prevent hair loss.

    Every morning and evening, oil should be applied in the amount of 5-7 drops to the skin of the face in the place where the bristles and mustaches grow. Before that, the oil must be rubbed with the palms of the palms to make it warm and easier to absorb.

    How to use?

    Before applying the oil to your face, wash your face in warm water with soap and dry your skin with a soft towel. Only in this case, the components of the mask will deeply penetrate the subcutaneous layers, and also be fully absorbed. Next, the finished oil composition must be dripped onto the palm of your hand, rubbed well and patted so that the oil becomes warm. Only in this state should it be applied to the skin.

    The oil is applied with massaging rubbing movements on the desired part of the face, where the beard and mustache, as well as sideburns grow. If there are any injuries, rashes, diseases on the skin, you should refuse to use oils. You need to rub the mask until it is completely absorbed. Depending on the composition, the oil mask is left on the face for 30-60 minutes, after which it is washed off under warm water with soap.

    Does oil help for beard growth?

    Any selected oil to stimulate beard growth can be either 100% effective or completely ineffective, it all depends on the correct preparation of the composition and its application. Whether a mask made of oil helps to grow a beard, a man will be able to find out no earlier than after 3 months of using it. You need to apply the oil at least 3 times a week, rubbing it into your face. The course of such therapy should be 3-6 months.

    Where to buy and price

    The cost of oils for beard growth may seem too high, but remember that one procedure takes only a few drops of such a product. For example, burdock oil with red pepper will cost only 34 rubles, but for snake oil extract you will have to pay 500-600 rubles, for linseed oil - about 1000 rubles.


    If a man has decided which oil is best for a beard, stubble and mustache, he can start home therapy for his facial hair. For this, experts advise mixing base oils and esters in order to achieve maximum results. Castor and burdock oil is considered the leader in terms of effectiveness, besides, such funds are cheap and are always on sale.